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Hebrew Transliteration There are transliterations of Hebrew words and phrases throughoutthis work.

In this regard I have employed the following method:The Hebrew vowels are pronounced:a like a in f a ther;e like the e in l e t or the way the English pronounce the word Air without enunciating the r;i like the ee in s ee k;o like the o in n o t or the longer au in n au ght;or again like the sound of the word Awe ;u like the oo in m oo d;uh like the u in h u rt or the ea in h ea rd;ai like the letter y in m y or igh in h igh or likethe sound of the word eye ; andei like the ay in h

ay .The remaining consonants are as written, except for:ch which is pronounced like the guttural ch in theScottish Lo ch or the equivalent in the German I ch , andtz which sounds like the tz in Ri tz or like the ts inhear ts .

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