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1. First put following files into NS-2 home's parent directory: * ns-allinone-2.33_ZRP.tar.gz (This contains my code) * PatchZRP.patch * patchmyZRP.

sh (THIS SHELL-SCRIPT FILE This script file should be run from NS-2 home' parent directory) 2. Run from shell."" ( Like 'sh' ). ..... But the script isn't working, easier to do manually : a) cd ns-allinone-2.33/ && patch -p1 < PatchZRP.patch b) touch ns-2.33/common/packet.h && touch ns-2.33/trace/cmu-trace.h c) cd ../ && tar xvf ns-allinone-2.33_ZRP.tar.gz d) cd ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33 && make -k ... Tested this morning on Ubuntu 10.10, 32bits : OK.

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