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A Brief Sketch


Settiement and Early History


GHes County


I '1
•• By
James McCallum
ncar Ki r k·~. These were Ihen Ihe only hvuses and im prOI'CntCIllS in \\" hal is now Ihe Tow n
of 1'1I 1:I ~ki thai he re lllembered:' A numb,:r of pcrson ~ wcre the n livi ng ill the imllled iate
IlciShborltood a nd vicinity of wh o m he rc me mbe rs . Pattcr~o n . W i lkcr~o lt . BlOId.. Ihe
Bufords • .\looreo5 and Ulhers. Mf. i\bern,u h)' furt her ~latCs th:1I afler 'Ol11e o r Ihe lOIS were
sold in ,\ugusl 1311. and thl' l',lIIe CUI tll.wn ull Ihe public stlll:,re . (l cu u nh tlu ~e wa.~ hu ill
011 the pu blic s' l u ~fe out of roulld lugs ,Ill!! covcred wit h bo:trtls ill whic h COU I·I.'; were held
for sc vcl",l l years . It StouU abUIII where the SO ll tl! galc o f Ihe jlr e~l' lll cOll nho llSe YHrd now
~ t an ti s. A bUll I Ihe .\:t llle t ime a log house w:t. btl i It fur :t j a iI. wh ;'::11 ~ I" od ncar Ihe ~O \l t heas l
corncr of th e pub li c squa re an d ncar th ~ s[) ulh (;a~ t ,'orner o f Ih(; d rug qo re lale ly ,,,"clip ied
hy ['ope lind Gord on. ,\ few ye,t r ~ nlh:r Ih e ~ ak ()r the lOIS Ihe cu mtlli ssi{J llers. l !"Olll the
proceeds u f th e s:tI ..: had ereGteti :t ,g00(1 brick t;O url lHHlse and j ail. ;uul ' 11 ~u put up Sluc ks
~rc re(l11 irCll by th..: AC I of Ih... Le,gisl:llUr..:. T he ~I<)t;ks were PUI up Il" n lt o f tlte I) resent
e oufl holl ~C, Ileal' wh..:re th e no rth g:\ tc of lite prl'.~c' m yafl.l fe nce is ~i w a l e tl . T h..: .~ :t le o r Ihe
lOIS W:IS we ll :'Itcmlcd ~nd Ihey s(.1d for b ir pr ie c ~. ,\ numocr of house \ we,'c Suou e rected,
!lnd Ihe town sen le.1 up by eilierprisin~ men. I\ mou!; the firs l mcn:lwnls we re Rkh:,rl.l
SCOIl , Ihvil.l .\1:oIl in. l no. Q. T~ l bol. I n\. I)oren, 1110 . McC racke n :11,,1 lI enry !-Iug:tI!.
AlnulI !; the first l a ve rn ~ were Lewis Ki rk, Oil J~ ic h l '"H I Creck at Ihe fOOl o f Ihe ~ ho;\ ! s .
Ca p l~ i ll Thmll as (Tuh!» Smi l It 011 th e 1I0 ri h ea.~ t corner o f the Stillare. 1\ lex ander, who ke pI
()Jl th e southeasl eorn..:r of lhe I'libli e "'pl are at wh :1l \\',I S knowll as K e nl\ iI!I' ~ lave rn .

"III UII:; Ih e !"irsl ph ys icia ns we re 1) 1'. G ilhcrl I). Taylo r. Slwdrack Nyc. 1):l vid Woods.
Alfretl FllJ ul" uo)". Uijah Eltlrid:;e ;\lId C h;t r les Pe rkins . e lc .
The fi rs l l:tll yards w c n~ e~ t :llJ li s lt e ll hy l as. 11:lmby and by I...:w is :Iud 1,ullcs Conllo r: the
Connors sell led the pl ace where G .W. :-'·lcO r..:w·s tan y:m l is al prcse n1. :l1ul es t:thli shcd a
yard. l1 :uuhy setli..:(1 the Ilbee now o wned hy Jue B. Childers :ul(l es t;l blishcII a yanl south
o f his honse, ncar Ihe .~ Jlrillg in W.G . L cw i~ ' l tl1. GCfm:lIl Lc.qcr was amo ng the firsl tu bu il t!
~ comfortable f:~m i l }' res ilkm:c; he i!IIllr(II'ed !h-: I IS now owned b)' ~ iJjur.U.E C;.' fl£[, and
lil'e(1 olllhcl1l unlil about 1847. T he 1"ir.~ 1 resi(le nll:l ll'yers lI'en~ Ifred r-..1. lI arris . Geo rg..:
CUli nillgh:II11. Lunsford ,\ 1. iJ r:tl11icll e . Tryoll M. Yancy. \V. H. Fh! I,1 :111(1 A:lrOIl V. Brown.
Among lh e earl y se ll krs in th e neighh\ll"ho l)\1 of Pul ask i II UI mcmimlcti were iJ;\vis ,lIId
Wm. "'·I". .
lI'cl l. Jos iah I'. /\I ex:tn(]er. Will . W. W,'ods, Gideon Pilloll'. th e falllc r ofGc llcral
G. J . Pillo w. :1IIt! Cn ptaill Jo hn Phillips , 1l".: fa lhe r u f 0111' prcsent C I]J!aili Jo hn Phi ll ips.
Thcse all se lli ed 011 Pigc(] 11 j~uu s t Creek I'll Ihe MJilth wes l !Int! suut h. Th uill as ,\ lc Ki ss:t..:k.
Ihc !;randf:ll he r of J.T. Mc Ki ssac k, sCll le. l lhe pl aGe lale ly uwn ed by Jamcs P. Smi th. T hus.
Wa lt ha ll 011 Ihe p l :, ~c on wh ic h Will i:1I1I D. Ahem:lIhy livell. now own..:d hy:t Short (fi rsl
name nOI knowlI).lohli \\,;,1111:1 11. Ihe pl;lCC I;ucly ow ncd by JIIO. t-1arks. T hom:ls Wil1 i'lIns.
Ihe ]JI:lec {)n which he lung livcd 0 11 Ihe L;lIl1 bs fe rry I~ o:,d . Jo hn Williamson. the f:lllter of
Thus. S. WilI i;lIllsvn, in Ihe s:lIne neig hbo rhood Hugh C:,mpbeJl on the 1. I;,ec ;,fterw:lrfls
ow ned I.y C:' jlt:, in Gco rge Everly ;md UII wlte h he liwd uillil h is dc:u h.

13 . li e we)]t (lilt Imrl er Gell eral J;I<; bOIl, and Il'as appoint ed ~ lIrgeo ll of liis regiment.
lien til e talll of s..:rvice of hi.~ re gime nt ex pir~d , be wa~ appo int ed Oil Ge ll . J:t ckso n's
.. Iedi cal ~ t,dT. and reilwined th rough th e C ree k e;llIIp;lig n. 1" th e b:lltl es of El1lm:kfaw, ;lIId
En 0 lOe hop ie, at hi s ow II rt;q ll CS t. he act cd II' it h t he art ill er)' CO IIl pall y und er t IIt; cOlilm a nd
of Li eut enant Arlll~trolig. No t ~;l1 i s fi e d with Ili s OW II fav orit e rifl e whi ch li e took frolll
ho ITI e, he p II r~ h:1 ,cd from ~'I r Tho m a ~ Wi Ikill ,on a sm 0 <'1 h bo re gil II 0 f II nils It:l I si 7.e ;ll1d
t;,tliber. th e barrcluf which was fiv c fee t long. It cal'ri cd from Ihirty -fivc to forty buckshut
at a load. Thecl'ening lh.: fore ti ll: cxpedi tion left Fl. S tr() th er. he aud C h'Irks C. Abcrn;tth y
ran ,1 quantit y o f bulkts in hi ~ rif(! mould s whi ch he uscd as sho t ill IU;lding. shoo till g
twcllly-fivt; rifle b:tlls M:t time. At E11lIlCkf;IW, when til e Indians uwd e an atta c k before day.
Dr. T'lyior )(10k good pos ition. He took position by ,\ Iree in th e dark and wa td l<: tI for Ihe
fI:l~h of indian gUll s and fired at lhe nas h. When ever he fircd. his co mr'ld es ret: ugnizin g
th e report ofthc gUll , wu uld cry () ut, · ·The re · .~ T'l y lor's nrtillery," '\11 cX :lI11in:llioll of th~
dead "ncr lhe b:lllle s howed tlwt hi s bi g gun h:td been nsed to terrib le erfee!.
At the balti c o r Enotot:hopie, when Co l. Stulnjl and his e'1\' ,III'Y b~ca m e de moralized by
th e ~ h:trg~ of lhe Ind i'l1I s in th e I'ear. Dr. Ta y lor was <lll ~ of th e illlrep id III'elll y- ri ve who r
dc.femkd ill e rord ulltil the Ilifalitry with th e artill ery cOlild c ross. Of Ihat nubl c ba nd
eig ht ec n wcre shot d(lwil. Hi s coo l[[css nnd brave ry Oil tJli s (lec:ls ion call ed forth th e Warlll
CO nl[ll endalio n of hi s Gener~tI. li e ma de a profcs ,~i\ln of re lig ion in ISI ,I. ,"\(I in 18 19
W'lS (lrd:lin ed a mini ste r of th e i\'1. E. Ch urc h. l Ie wa .~ :t faithful ;!lId mos t efficicnlmini ster
of that C hurc h. l ie II' a~ ,I mall wholll all deli ght ed to hOllor as wdl lhosc of other creeds,
as the lllt;llI bers of hi s own chu rch.
lIi s .~y lTlp:lthy with tli e :Ifflit: led. lli s pastoral VI SIIS to lh <: sick, :tnd hi s :I ffcctiollate
interes t in th e ir spiritllal welfare. knell' no bound s, ,md gre,ltl y cnde:ll"!:d him to .111. l ie died
the six th of 1\ll g \l~t. 1.'\70. ill th e 79th yea I' of hi s age . "Th e ,\- Iemory of lit e Ri gh teo lls is

Martin, Bal/entiTle Ami Carter

1\ record of Gile, COI I11t y would be incomplete wit li oul :1 me l11 ori:t 1 of three of her
c iti zc ns who e:ll11e so me y..:ars aft e r th e first sC lll er~ bu t who fur ne'lrly fo rt )' ycars fill ed
a large place in It er hi , tory: who. hy thcir e llcrgy perscvcr;IIICC, integ rity, Jib cr:tlit y ~ll1d
Clll:lrgcd views of public policy, left th e ir impressio n for good on th e present gener'llion.
I refer lo Tholll:I S "·Ianin. A. M. Ballelltin c :llld Dr. Be n C:lrl er. No Illell ever enjoy ed more
fully th e confide nce or the eomm u1Iit y in wl li dilI!Cf"h\"ed. :tmlIlOtI<: e l'e r IIlOI''': dese rvcd
it. They were leaders i[1 th e ir day in :lli thc public e11t erpri ses ill th e CO UlltY. I\ S promin ent
and SlIct:css fuIIll Crc han\s , th ey cx ere ised a 1:lrge :tnd contro lling influence 0 11 the IIlcrc:lIl· ~'
n ::
tile interests of the Co ullIy. So much su. th .. t fo r twent y yca r.~ bdo!".: the W:H. there "'OI~
~ on l}' OIlC o r two mercantil e f"i hm:s tn l' u rll~k i. :md bUI \'cry few in the Couill y.
, 'I'll () l1l as /1'1:\ rt i n 11' ;1 s hurn i 1\ A I be III a ric . Co II Ill )'. Vi rg i n i :1. Decem In:r I 61 II . 1799 . 11l l}\'cII
frolll SUIllII C!" COlillt y Iu Gih:s Co umy in l SI S. W;IS In:IITicd 10 J\ Iiss N:lll cy Topp. O{;t . 121Ii.
182'1. :lIld died in Pulask i. J:llIlI:lr)' 13th. I S70,
Andrew 1\-1. Ihllclllillc wa:. born i n Tyn >lIc COUtU)'. I rdHiul . i n 179\. :tnt! lllid er :1
prlJY ision of lh.: laws o f lh.: c(,untry al th all imc. he se r ... :.:d stye n ),C;U'S in the Uril ish a rm)'.
,\1 the c~ pi r;u i o l1 of his te rm he m ig r;lIed 10 Ihe Un ile.1 S r<lh.:s. :lI1d lan ded al P hibdclphia.
, whe n: he rClll;. iucd fll r sc\'c r:li yean. in a \\' h {)lc~;l h: d ry g()o d ~ hOllse ~I I'e ry Slllallll';l£e~,
UI[\ iI an n fre r lI'a~ til ade II) It i til by Ge o rge C.-Ile ke lt, 0 rNa sh v i Ilc. I-I a \' i II g IHl 111 0 nc)' to pay
trave lin g c ,~ p cnses , til e)' were p;lid b}' C ro det!. :Iud he Ji ved willi C l'OCkCIi as ,I cle rk for
~O I1I ~ tim e , l!!Itil II ~ paid the dcb t ;111(1 (;;\ I\\ C Il) G il c~ Co un ty il\ 1 ~ 1 5. and ~e \l l e d Oil

, l( obefl sulI' s Fork :11 the JOlles ' p\;I(;e. IlI l'" known ;IS the Fily.patr'id pl;\ce. wh ere he
c~[;Ibli.,hcll a sllwll Stu re. an d 1Il;lrrie(1 the \I:ul ghter of 101m Goff. 11c llLoI'cll 10 l'u l;lsJ..i in
1~2 1 . whe re he re .• idcIl lllllil his dc,uh . J un e 27 th. IS63. al lhc age ofsc\,c nLy -lwo.

Dr. Benjami n C:lrtcr w:.s bo rn in S ump ter Co utlly. S. C, J un c thc rilllt, 1792. li e l1Iu\'e\1
with his f:lth cr al an e,l rl y d;lte !O Mau ry Coull ty. Te nn essee. Ilal· iu l> rCrl ll me dici ne an d
al1~ nde(l l ee l llre s inl'hil adelph ia. he se ttl ell at E lkton abO lll 18 17, :tnd pr;\cli c(:d Ill cdi cine
t1l cn: form an )" ye ars . lI e W;IS l\\;\rried Jilil e 13 th. 11i22. 10 1.: 1i:I.:II>(:1h 1<. L imh:lY. A bout 1829
he III o"ed I0 I'll Iask i: Jl ra e t iccd a )'ca r o r I \\'0. ;\ II d ! Il c n cnga gcil i 1\ IIle iIIc rC:\l1t i Ic bll si IH::~ s.
H ~ llicil tlt c 16th ,1;1), of Jll ly. 18 65 . T hcsc me n h:11I 11 11 d isti ng ui shed linc!l!;e to ho:t st of. nor
the ~ rm()[" i :l l s of nob le !lIIccstry: bl\l Ihcy hall w hal w:!s mo re va tu:! h le. till:}' were e ndowc.1
h)' n:,lIl re w ith;, l:trgc slt:lrc " r cnmm o n SC II ~C: Ihcy wefe 1IICII of unt iring ind uslfY, c ucrg),
alul jlerscl"cr:mce. al1ll co n ~isl c lII l )" ju sl in alt thcir deali ng .•. I\ ud bc~i dc s thc)' were
C h ri~t i ;lI\ gc ntl e mc n. whosc iu Cl llellc,; ;lI ld li h.:r:. lil ), in Ihei r rc'peclive chu rc hc." . lVel"\'
~xercise for g rc:1l good . T he)' h!lVe left :,11 cxa mp le wonh y of imi tati on by III e yo uth o f 0111'
W IlIl!r )'. w hich, if fu Hnw cd w ill lead tn SIU':CCSS.

MAS O NIC L OI)(; rs

T he fi rst Mason ic Lod ge es tab li shc,l ill Gil c~ COllnty was L:tlll'Cnee Lodgc . No. 16. at
I'ulaski. inst itu lcd II)" ,IiSlle ll "lIion issllcd Augu .~ 1 Ihe 'h ll. t8t6. hy Rtl herl Se!lrc),. Gr. jI.'!..
hut il is not kuow n who wcrc the c h:lrtCr m e m tJc r~. But fro m;[ ro tl (lrl he m e mbe rs (cftificd
10 hy Amos () :t"i~ . Sec' y., Ihe n:Il11CS or Ih(l"C who we re m em be rs in J nu u,lf)' IS I S. we re
1;1\"0.:11. ,\S it may be i nl e rc ~ ti ll g 10 some or Ihe ir nt! aJ\ ls I wil l givc (hei r nnm c, hcrc
[(.-wi t: S ha(]I'ak Nyc. W,I\1..Ja lllcs l'''tt~r ,on, S. W.. T hol\l!!.< B. JUIICS . .I . W. . lknr)' l !:tg;l!\.
Tle ;\~ lI r<!l".A lI\ o~ Dnl'i~ . Sccre tary. T. B.l ln ),nie. S. D. J. S. CO IIII IlI·, .I . I) .. William I !:1mb),.

St.. Willi<llll R. D:l\'b. Ty ler. J);Jvitl l~ cc( 1. SanHlcl Cool'er. ,\. Roge rs. J. ~ L Ph illips. S. Y. r.
Amlcrsoll . Wil liam Kell y. K. l'alh:f;;oll, N. Davi s . G. I!. I ~dw ard s . Lewis CU1I110r. /\. M. 1.:
Il arri~.J . B. Co nnol', ~ 1. C. McCunn;!c).:. B. ,\ 1.I':H1..:rsUII , Tryoll ,\ 1. V:lllcey.G . KC:l rncy. t
Jas. frazier. Enoch Davis. T. Willi<lms. J. D. G r:II'cs. r. Hick s, I!:IT.-iso n lIids. T holll:IS Ii
Smith, Jall1 c~ Pcrr)' :mel Ju hn S:II11I1 <': 1. J:
In 1821 rhe lod ge r;l i h~ cl lu e k e l officl:n•. :11 th.: li m..: required aml l;c ascd!O work for
more 111an IWI, },C:lfS. hy which Ihe e h:lrler \Va ... rurf,,;lcd. In OCIO !lCI" I fl2,r a diarl cr W;tS
g ran tc!1 for n lIew Locl ge by Ihe [Ja fll C of LaF:lycllc L.)(lgc Nn. j J. luTh m. B . JI) II C.~. W. ;"1. ,
, If M . ." ar~i~'5S , W .. /\I<:", S. J U lles,~. W .. "C"e! ulh cr~ . Al lhc alill ua lllll!el ilig orlhc Grallli
A ~
~o d ge III I ,, ~ . . I\ :lroll V. 111"01"11, Wlll i:1I11 . Fh'"l"1loy and V. Lllrin g we re (I..:Iel.::llc., . al I:
wh ic h eo mmun ieal inll A. V. Urow li W:IS elee lcd .I ull iu r W:lnleJl. "I"he Lodge wa~ ill·usp..:wns
For lU:my years. Am ong Ihe I'romi !lcm In e mhe r~ nOI named were Dr. A lf Fi ourIlo)" Dr. ,
Gilberl D. "I";I),lo r. Dr. Ch:I .~. !'crk ill ~ . Dr. l.. Coope r. Dr. E li ~ h : 1 I ~l tlrid ge. Dr. E. IL Fi eld.
Sierli ng U. Lesler. John K. Ye r~cr. Collin S. T:1fll]CY. S]lencer C l:i tl.:. L. II . Brown :md
olhers. Du r ing th e sli spensio n of 1·..r: I ~Ollr)' fro m aboul l 83'1 10 ahuul 1S4 1. Ihe I.udge
ceased 10 11'01").: ;Ind Ihe rec ords :11111 jewels werc losi. In IR42 Oil peli lioll of Wi lliam II .
r ich!. James ,,·kCll ln m. S;lIl1l1cl J. H\ 'gers ;II\(I 0 1hers . " d i~ pen S:II ion was iSSlIc,1 hy G r;\l1I1
Master "l"annehill for a new Lodge ca lle d I'lllas).:i Ludge. No. 101. wh ich wa~ eh:lflen.:U in
dll e li llie :nul is slill in e.\ i,lent·c. ~ ,

Th(: ~eco lld Lodgc in IIl e CO llllt )' 11" l.' 1 ~ lkll)TI Ludge No. 2'1. ;It Elkt oll. inst illiled ulld er ~
di s jle n ~a lioll isslied NOl'clllhcr 28111 . 181 R. hy Gr. 1\'1. Wilkins "I":lIIlIch il l. T he c:lrl), n,:eords r
have heen 10SI :Ind il is no! known who wcre Ihe ciwrlcr l11~mb~rs: but :1 1 !I\lO Inedi ngs of
lhe Gr:md L odg~ in i s 19. I?!. Ben Cart er w a ~ de lega le 10 II nc, JIIII Dr. John II. Call1l) 10 Ihe
ol her. Am ong Ihe ":11'1), 1l1embers were: Or. J IIO. I
K ~Jrney. I{o ben B. lIarney. Wil!i;!1tl I'h illips. Tl lOs.
Wm . I I. Moore, Will. S. 1\'e;. I. ~'I :ll! hcw IIbek and Abel WilSa ll .
.1 "1
ill ips . J"hll ,I
I . GlI~lin
S illis . .
The Lod £(: hJ\' ing m :Hic 110 relllrn s fro l11 IS 22 10 IX27. and h:II' in g ce ased to work. in i;
IS27;1 IIIlmbc l' of members app lic,! for :lu lhori lY 10 form l h e m scl\"~s inl o a L o(lg~. The
Grmul \\l as ter ,uh' i .~~ d IhCII\ to do s.) under Ihe (J ill Ch<lrll:r. whic h wa s (leclare(1 irr<:j; ul:1r ~,':
J I n meeling or IIle Grall(1 L\Jdge . and a Ilew Charie r g r,lIlt ed w illi th c n:<1I1C :," d nllmber of t
lhe old Lodge Wi lh Arc he r Phillips. W. M .. 1\. 1\'1. Ups haw. S. W.. :1Il.! Thn m:ls I' hill il)s. J.
W. AIllOlIg Ihe prom i,)e!!! lIl e mbe r~ :1 fel\' years 1:Iler. in add itio n til so me of IlllI.<c :<lre:"I)' t,
n :1II1~d were I)r. Dahllc), II . Ph illips. Dr. Z..: no T.l larris. Ilr. Will i;un E. l larohl. Dr. W. II.
BlI1ler. Pi nck ncy B. W i l~on. Ilnrdy [je nso n, C I;libo rn e Kyle. Ile nr)' :11,,1 \\Iilli:11Il JO II ~S. 1'. ~

I :~;I:'~~IJ~I.e~.i ~~~~::~~:ln : ~r;;~:::o~I:::l~ : ,~~~c~~.II I I III. George I). SCrll ggs . C lwrlc~ Lc;\ti lc l"Illall, t.
Duril1£ Ihe ge!lcr:tI suspension fru lll I ~34 10 18/11. Elklo n Lodge did II0t surrender her
Clwrlcr. or ;lb:lIujOIi her Ol"g;lIlization. bil l mel (JceOlsion:l ll y witholl t (Io illg ;my reSul:l r
work, excel" IO bury Ille de:ul. CII:. III the h ll of IS-l2 !he Lodge wilh Ihe I' cr m is~iu n lOf Ihe
Grnnd /o.·!asl..:r reslIl1 led wor).: <1m! is ~ lill in cxis lenee.


). ":.J':.:"~" a'
Alilulnsk i, "~cnncsscc's Business Community 0":
Its Bcginnillg Until The Enu or
'(he Nin~lccl1th CClllUry

Compiled PWnl
The PIlI!CS or

milC :j!lniasi;i

Hollcrt. ]),
_ 2001 -


I KIO · I K59

r'n l:,~k i . Tenm:sS(.'t:. i~:, pWS[K"fuUS sm"n ci ly aud has br;~n sim..... its bq:in nin g. We Ic"d 10
Ihink of mOSI small eomm"'li l i~'S in Ihe early IliOO's as COlL~isl ing o rOOlhing more Ih~ n just :l f~'",
lug cabins. " g~~'cl':l l SlUre :IIlIll1I:.ybe :l tan'flt. II !II;!Y hal'e 1"~'11 like Ihat rur 1'lI l:1Ski ill ihe wry
beg in!) irl g. bnt our tllwn quk k I)' pros perc,l :ttld mercant il e ilr\d serv i,e busil1c,ses o r e'""I")' 11;1.(lre
Ilwe S'1I111lhriving. wcr I bcliJre Ihe mid[liJ iJII or Ihe 191 10 cenlury, I'ulask i w;o , ;0 b", .1ill l,; center o r
busi,,~ ss wl,,:re one cuul,! purch;osc or b.l n er r(l r Pr.lC Ii,,;o lly :lnylhi llg imag in"blc. Th e peopic ofoll r
lown :m<l our ~'Ou nl y II...... e 1101 ~ I; sfi ctl 10 Iltlrc has.· onl y Ihe bare ,",'ws,;lk ;:. Ih.'y W:lnll,'1l luxm;c.
:lIId onr 1ll.'fchanIS prol'itlcd Ih~~ n.
AI unc poinl in li n.., I'ul:t;;ki w~s on i l~ w"y lu b,:c Oluing Ihe IhinJ b fl!esl cil>' in T.~Il1C;;scc.
On ly Mem phis an d Nas h" ille II'cre more pro,I[K'roos. Wc II CI'er reild ,eoJ what ~eeme" 10 be um
pote nti al in gro wth , hUI lI'e ha ve m:wr ee:lsed 10 be a pro spero us small cily. Tho l1l ~s ;" I:min ,
lk nj:n\1i n C orleI' :mil" ndr~\\' lIal ktn i n ~ ar~ Ih.· Ih r~c lIlen cr~di ted wilh doin g th, 1lI,)SI to 111:lke our
lown grow alul pro~jl<.' r. bill there II'cre m~u y Ilml"\.' Ille n ~Ild 1\' 011l~1l who COllt ribllli.,.l l,;r";lll y 10 lh~
llwsp;;ril)' of our 1011'11. 11 k n li).:e J~mcs A, Sll"l pr~r. G~'Ofl!e Ri,ldle, Solon r~OSC, BOllkc"f Sh"p~ ...1.
I k11ry Hr~n n:II), Field ,\m)\l·smilh. C~ lcb O;;OOnt. J" .....,. 0 3).:e!>. Jk l1 ;.. kGrcll', ami hUIl''' ...1$ rnUfC
" II cOlll ri bU I~oJ IlIlh ~ growi ll oh llIr 1011'11. Tu bl'c sullie ull der;;louding of hull' our 1011'11 grew fmm
:1srn ~lI vilbgeon Rkh l:moJ Cree k illto Ihe fin~ eil y il was nt th e end uf lhc 191h e<'llt my. one must
w ll si,k r Ihe elln iribu liOIiS o r a II thcse lin.· peo pic of I' ub ski .
James II1cCallulll nmk Ihe ft rs l ~ (( e IllJl I 10 I"\,'cord Ih., hislory of our tOl\'n in 1 ~76. Iii,
m:lI1llscripl. " Bricf SkcJdl of !he Scll lcmenl nod Ear'" I [ i~JjIo' !If Gilc. Ci'!11lly T~1Hk'~<CC lI'as
jltlblish... l by TI lE l'U l.i\ SKI CITIZEN and 1lI)1\' ~ ...<e~ :)s Ihe [lrimJry hislOlY of Gik s County, l ie
wrole Ih:ll Gi1c. Cou my was cslablish..... in Ili09 :md ~·on nnissiull.,n; Ile l\!' "Ilpoi nl~tl lu sc k c I a
I' l:te~' I)n I{ ic hkt nd Creek. i~~ rt~;or t h~ CCilier " I' Ih e ellllllty as prilel iea l. :md ca li se a 10ll'n It" be !:tid
oIl'; :11111 10 scillol;;. rcs~'rvi ll l,; " publ ic sq ua r,,· or IWOacres. on whic h shou l,! be c r~et ed " c(J unh ollse
and st(JI: k ~ : Ih at Ihc Tow il shouhl b1.' ca llet! "1'1I1:o. ki ," in ho nor " fCollnl I'u laski. who fdl in Ih ,'
:m:lck upon S:l\'ann:lh in 1779. These comlll i,sioners sckcI(,tl thc ,il ~ of PU I'1Sk i. Ihen known :IS
Ihe "Skoals un Richland Creek." The cane ~ II" nndefl!lowlh were rcmol'~"" from a snmll llOn ion of
the IUlI'n in Iii 10. In Alis usi. Il'il l, the IITSIlolS were sold. " ml in due lime " 001111 hOIl>-C ~nd Slocks
w~re cl\!'clcd.
Ncli e Rollcr Ctlhcll cont inued !lk Calllllll' s wo rk ill her I' ll I. " S K I ! IISTO B)" consisti ng
prilll ari I)' of infonn:t liml g k:Hl ~d rrom olt! i,s ucs or T11 E I'U1.,\ SK I CITI ZEN. Shc wId o r Ihe l;r nd
grimt ~igll~d by Presiden l hl1l~s III:t dison ,,1111 ini ll g the bollnd ~rks of l'u);ls).:i:
1I' ·/;.',lIIi ll,<: III III'" 1,, ~~·Ir,',.· Millu'i,,!; fJll llw Ctmg'l'.~,'i"'lIIl ,\'.w n ·miou li"., /11,.",1 )0 IJO/;.,,·
",ml, "I" /;.rimllO G" "'l:" Dm'gl!<'r(" llIr ji",'llwltwmd (Icn'~. tlml ,ir<' !fUIII,' di,'M"<x' fivill Col. f'''I1..,~,m; 5,11111111','.</ ,''''''.'r.
mul ,lIImillg " " '." 1<1 , I,,' In", III,·,/illlr Qr (I, riljfl/ wlgl,'s fl u'"
"'11M Ii",' I i f) po!t". /{I Riddmrli C... ·d-. cl>,.",,1I1g ,I,.. ,'{JIll,'. '" ,,1/ 3211 pok ' /{I" 1<11).:" hillel; Iw l",,,
mul gil'" a m ",,.; "urll, III rig/II ,"'gk~ /(. fUr",,,,,,I. Cro:rs;IIJ; II,,· (,1l1'k, ill 1111 JlfJ I',,/(os/{) II
large £'1m can"...: ,iI"IIce ('''.~/1l1 ril<III mlg"'~ J1Q I'''/('.f 10 II blllck ",,,{mil (lIId ,~'h 1m 'he COIIWt's,f;om"
filiI', IIm/willl,ht, .!IIlIIe '0 lilt, /)('gillllillg. mll/a;,,;II!; .fix IJlllldn'd 11111//orl), Iwn'.",
The fir.ol SCnlcl11Cnlll'aS 011 Shoal Street nc~ r l(ichI,mi..l Crce k. Lewis Kirk kCllt 1I 1,l\"Cm ami
Rich an.l SCOll ope ncd a sltwll storc. Ancr the sale of town 1015 in 1811. Ihe cemer or bu sin ess
moved to its present site. ,11ll00,g III<! first IIIt'lt.-iUIIII.' II""'" [JIIl'iII Mllrlill. JIII/I,',f /)onm. Jolm
,1/cCr(J(:/;'·" 1II1I/lft'''I)' floglill. The first 1lI ...."u hllill "', /IU' .f(I'I<I'" "','n' by 71wmas Smith 011 Iii"
//Or/h·t'/ISI comcr of 'he s",mn! /11111 )"'"(,S , 1I".w",/.'r "" ,II" smllh·t 'lI.ft (,<In,,' t:
J'ulaski srcw r.lpidly and by 1820 bJd S12 inh:,bi,:mts. "mong tbe UlercbJms doing bllliiocss
;n our IO"Tl dining its earliest years wcn: Tbolllll.' '\/II,'ill. JIIIII<'S I'cn)·. 1\'111111/1/;..1 G. N,"<,. ..1",/.-.:.''<"
.II. llill/emill'" Amlrcll' "-")'. Sillllm'l Kerclrel"lli. Tr'gg/'r/ lllul ClrriSly. E,lIrlllTl Ro."'. Jlillkt'r lII,d
Gil)". J(III/t'S ,\fc:Cvlllwll. II. 1:-. I.I".<I/'r. JO!I.'ph C. RII)'.\; e" .. IJIV""II lIIul E:d/. IIIO/."k IIfl1~· .. IJdlllllll
,\faxoll . .IIeNairy. JOI!<'''' 111111 Arlll.,·lmll);. J. W Cllrp,."llIer, IUddle. Smith IImlllohit,.WlIJ. !lm!!'r '(-
Slor)" Ilulll'lIIil'e tII,,1 G,ifJ, J. Q. Tttfbol, M. NI•.m ",. ,\fllr lill (III/I TOPI'. /fol)ker 11>111 SlwI'lml. MII.,OI,
(/11111:':'"'/, BeJlj,mdJl e(lrl~·r. J. Co: ell"er, May ",,,I N"(I/, Dt" 'itJ.fQlI l"''' , 111..11. 1/1'",ml111 11>/11 Olr501l.
","I ,\lIIrlill ",,,/ Slrle,:,I\
Jam~'S McCollum w!Ore:

I"",h'd I)'" "" ,,"IIl;rJIIs fi~I'" IJ"/Ii mon'.

SOIllC ).:00<15 II"" !\! '>l·cII.!i!ltwl/y broughl
n,c jirsllll, 'n '/"/IIls lor 1111111)' F 'lIrs ,,'l '/1/ to IIl1flilllon,/or tll";r 1;O<Hls. 1I1II1,1,";r 1;000ls u"t·,..,
"1' II,c rh'cr ill kcd I)O(I/"' /ro lll NC II'
Or/mils. "-rom Ill<' <'<Ir/y .,",·III~'I/Jt,/U vf
lire COII",Y IIl1/il ufxml /840. ",IIIl('mll.1
JI(I/,lIoIlOlIl<~1 110m.. "''''''/mi/t ill PII/II,d:I.

lIIul III "llfioilS IXlillls II /Ollg Riellfllllli

Crl'ck 111111 I:-Ik Ri'·cr. II)' ...ltich t lt c
wl}//cco . eUIIOII. IICillp. '111.1 otlr"r
Emly trJll slX)ftmio li
pr/lf/ll c l.,· wcrc .,bil'lI"d I/J lIIurki'l:
gel/allll)' slripp,''/ 10 Ncw Or/,'wls.
One prim al)' rt.'(ju ir.:mcllt for the eiri 7.C I\s of ou r !OWI1 was on :lmpk sUp(11y of wotcr. Wltl'/!
tllc 10"'/1 WIJ.!" fir.!1Init! mIt II)' I"e ClHlIlIIi.uim,,·rs ,,1/ of tl,,' /'/,,;e " I" ings "1.""" /'Kn,..J . d ,'mlt',1 mIl
111111,1111 ill/I) IISC. 11.c Oil<' ill tltc IIlH"tlt IlI1rt of I/,e cll)' ...a.f cl.l/e'/ llte o ,,·c SI";1I1; bIX ""SC 0/ tllc
1111');(' ('{It·" Ilwl <".rl"",/(",1 II 111111; 1\"11.1' bock 100I"Imi f -"1'1 lIill. A lIOIII", OllC Ihlll "'Us 115M/or I.
mllllbe, o/Y"ur$ CllIIlC/rom II CIII'C jlJ.!"liJllck ofIIII! H ;ml.<or /'illllgc 011 Solllll l'"ir.<1 SIfl'('/. rll"fI! \\"nS
"'WI/',", ml,' Illlhc /ool ofllrc !rill lIellr SIIIII D,,..i.f 1'lIrk flllllllri~' OIlC "'tiS ...{/II'~/ I/It, AClld"IIIY Sprilll;
"..-e.mS/! of ,he IICI'flU'S.' of 1111.' Hjlr/("IIIIIII'I-: ,Jcmf<,mJ: ,lnO/lter /1I'l-:C <11/,' " '115 loel/l<"'/ ",I E".•I
m,,~ltillgll'" SI"."e l 1/ hlO('1; off "-ir.'1 SIn'CI. As Ilrc /(J\\"JI ,,,'gml 10 grow fllIIl IIW/\! 1r0Illl'.~ 1\,,'fI! 1",1/1
IIJ.~!I "f Ih e.!e "Olll" " w,',..'
/Illfl ci~'lerm ill 1/"·,,,lor lite .'·IIJr"gl." 0/mill ,,'II/t·r. 5mllc ....-I/s dllg IIIIiI <If
/JII,' lilll c Ilrc cit), 11Ilt! (I '''1'1111111111,·C"""" 0/11", Cllllrt IImue )"lInl . Pleasant Run Creek. wh ich
nOln'tl along the eJ$lem bortkr o f our lown. pl:l)"~'tl :on importanr role as il ,,":IS uS\.'tf for ' he walerillg
of li\·L'S,ock.

lIi' /md " 1".;.-1.: {"<IltrI Illm~e, II"i,,, snwll, he;IIKlifrJ'fi'e' 100'g by jimy ",M." All ,h., ojJic,'s
If" ro'"Ix,,'" ml,} tV"rI 11K"," hd,,,,~ E. 1>. Jmlt's occ"pi•.,1 " ."'1<11/ ojJk., /III Iii.' 1101'1" lid.' "f lilt,
"'1"''''-' aI <"011111.1' clllm cI<'f1o:. Cin'lIil Corm Clt'rl.:. Clm.'. Abt'r'l<Iliry. O("C'lIf,kd [//WII,('r sIIwll 'ifJic.·
011 l/r,' .'Oil lil.!iI/,' of IIii' ,<rIIl<In'. AI lilt' /Jurllr "m/ 'if III<' e(}llr/irUIIS" Ih,·,.<" ,"1,11,,1 lilt' It'lIiflflill!!,"I!.~I.
<I rII, 'IIII.\" ofPUlli."III/I,'1I! 11.\', ~I ill Ilw,'c dIlY.~. ,if It'ilid, III,'" ,I/UU(/ in fimr (llll/lIl'lIIh/illg, TI", ,,1m, "r
;1..- wl"/Iil, 'CIiIn' ,,"', <.•ddmll d'·!lin.n~'·I)' <'Xllmi,,,,,,, lm' I,ll 11m!,., (11 lih"rry II"'.'" rt'rwillly I're.,,·rwr!
Illt'ir "hlllllet·. Tilt' /i•.•/, ",~" d 11"(',,' I//Ildc "/" s,id' 'ltVI/I"" I",,!!. "'illr ,'Iri,u 'if "·,,t/'I'f Illwe/letl. ","I
II,.. ....><1 ".".. '<1>1"""/ " " ' . 111<' "'1IIt/X'f 0/1",·/, ..,. i,rjUewlf " YO' ,h;r,y ";''''. The I''''';s/''''''''' ji".
""III..I,,"gh,,·,..iffm".«· ,..,~~ //101\' ,""WI.' ,1,,,,, ji". ml",,..ifj"II,<t's. R,.,llw, inJl~< ''''ro' ,(.,.,1 '" 1"."",1
,1,..1.'m'rs ,\ I S ill 11"'I"llm rifll... Itji 1t"",1 .if Ih" uimi",,1 ,,_. 0 Iifl-'I""g .'rit/,·",·,· 'if./i"gm,x of lit.·
d""p" ,f/ '~H', II",,,,, "",...f ',-i/I"'• ,..·" 1",1 ""(·plllli... I""",,, 'if,ili., dll".,Il'I"I:
A ."Ii"lIl11al'k~, h,III.5,· .."",,1 Oil lilt· ,Wflll \\'.';,1<'or".·,. ,,/11,,· .W/IllIfI'. H,.·,\· «'a.' a 1"·,,....1101;
j ail 01111 11'111. II. /JIIl'i.,' \\'(I"jllil",: '!11t'Yt' "'. '!)' ,,/t'''' 1,,-;"1.: 1/011.«'." IIIUIIII'/ 11r,· .«I'IW,·, 1\\'0 011 11r,' "/1.1'1
.lid,', <JII,' ocrlll'i<,,1 by G il. 1/11.1' <IS 1/ dry gU<II/J ,,'101\'. III/' .lIh.., 11,"''/ by Sht'li & Up." I/II": A .W/III!
/".i..I.: /rOilS" Oil Ih,' IlIIrlh .,Iok "'"S Ils"II lor rlry' gao,I.• ,,-'" Mill FII)~ Tlmll"'.' .11","1111 '1<1'/ " ,</(In' Oil
III<' " ',',<1.,·M,·. A /rril·I.: bllilllll/l; ,<1'1011 \\./It'", till' I>'~'I'I, ~~ ·//mll.: SlImll.' III dllY I('W/ b.l· /I ,1Ii11ll1 Fi,·/d..
IIJ II I"'illlilig frfJi... •. ,I. ,II. 1I"1It-",i,,,' ,,,,,I JI"', ClljJ';'II'" gOOf/... ill II ." ,,,,1/ /n""" I/O/ls,' "" III,·
,'''''II<'r, "'/i,'n' I,. /;,", ,11,," '//111",1' 110'" is, 0" 11r,' , ',11'11, '" ...It,·n' til" c.II"m,·rri"llh",k ,,'m,,/,<,m""
III,}:" 1,.·"....
1 IIIg /(In'ru b,mnr 11,< Ih" '" Bdl 7<II't'rIl. '" "",/ b.'IIn',·" tI,,,,..,
",,,III,,, " (HII,'r tlrug .•Wre
,'/<)(/1111111111.: - Ollr 1<',1I,'r ..."rk<. II~' il ""'re - tilt." ' <'IrI,., Iwillg f OIll'C)""I/»"" Ih.: /" ..." "flrillg, Tim .•
),011 1111'"" II binI:. <')'~ I"',· .., ofm" nl.,·I(,· iml"m'",1 b",~ilU "'''' I/rOIVUglrfilll: b,.jim· IId'· l'mgll·.,·.,'i,.,·
a!!.,·. ,vOl a ymll of Ilrrll/,/l.:,· '!'I,., lIt'lII,'f Ihml Frllllkli" .
1'"llIski elllilll,'t! 0111.1' "fi'\\" \\"hilt' lIIee/'llllk .. III 111111 lillll·. 7111)11(11.,' I/idtl,... Illylor, .l/mli.<oll
Ri"""'- /m<'I.: IIII/Sm" A. I.. Cm ' ...·• ,<Will' <'1I1I1'r, HiIliomllllll·lInl. c"billl'l II·",.k""III. G •.". Till,,/):
ntf".·",.' /', Lt·,,·;s "",I Willill'" Cm",.·/', 1111111<'1"5. IIric(·',,)~.,..<, /1/'1.</(''''1"5 1II1I11,llIcbmil/'S " " 'Il' ,,/I

/'''/'I.!"ki ,ras .•"mlllm"'tI 'rilll Ill,' IIItI.'/"III!;'lijic't'lll 1;"''''//1 Q/jim·.~lln"'J I.'r"f gl/:(·.IIIIIOII.
I !"x" I,-,'<'S ofloml ill I;"''gi'"".' '!'It'IU/or " 'll<'n' .Ifrs. SlIm!'I.,,. S{llIllllillllwlI/,', Mr. SIr"fl S<IIu/ Mllrlill
G ,/I" g,' I/OII' "'III"! ill I''''~''' '." ,'il'(~ illll'ro"('''I<'III, /:"<1," ","I 11" 51 tlif/" "".,... do.,·,,!.\· '1"00t/.·t!. .1i'.,·1
11<.:\"011" l/r,' 1011'11 .Il'rillg ,,'a." II ""'Ie Im'"I.: l i" /H"'" " 1IIi/,'.
011/',' ,,/t'1I' st;/"XJI//tJ""'",, "',·re ill /O\\'Il I"<I,~,· tI"y" . 0111''' ,W/",I/brick IWIIS<: ",/rl'n' Gilt's
C"I/"g" ..,,,,,,Is. allil'l Itrg hm•.,·.' wllt,,-,, Mrs. f)tII 'id .I/«rtill S ro·.~i"'·lIc" 1/"", SII"lils, C"fll, SI""" t
um!;lrl ...·11iJ01 till''''. Mr. S.." fS Im.glll ill II,,' <lid 111I1'1i;'1 CI"",-,".
T/It'n ' till' bill 11",,<, 111.'11 II<.. ",li,·illg II"h ... " 'i'''' lit,,,, ,..11"1/ I firs, .."m,· /t) 1'r./rI.<I.:i. Cui. J ullII
H"Ift-,llillt'. Cui, Sulml /:". Hm,'. ,If'if. I:WIII.: CllrI.'r.
lit· "'/iiI a 1'<l/"'f I .... /.rli.. /,,~I br Hillimll II. Fit-l<l~ lor .I"<,,·,'wl )'<'IIf'<: 11"," ,li/is,,,, l;'" ,. '1'.f "".r
Iw.rl nlilor: till'" ,'(/Ille /I. f: I/Ilrillll liS ,'dilOr. Tllf.' CITIZEN ' I'll.! .wld 10 ,1Iw 'Jirlki,1S IIIIIlir"
alknmrols sold 10 III)' g""" /ri,',,,I, I.. W M<,Cofd. Tilt' IIt'XI 10 ""'I<III,ir~ )!ilrl..d Iril''''' 'm.' J,IO.
1/,,1<'111"" Si"ilir. HI.: 1II1111,""".~ "'ililas lII" d!'rlrl)'jiWlilhlr wilb '"Tiff.' ClT/ZEN'"/rr.m, Ihe u/"",-mid
lilllt'. ,,111111111)" il ('olllillll!' 10 r"rry Ih" bllllll,'r (if ~'IIC1't',"'/Of /ifty ilion' )WIf.!.
T/,I'n.' (/fI' mil)' fimr Imlm'S SIIIII/fill!,; III "flY 111111 I\"{''''' h.,n.:! ...h'·11 I ,·IIIIIt· 10 I' "",. is
111'''''1«1'1,,',.,1by "''''''111''''''''11. il " ..s the ro~<il"'''f'' 'ifA . •~ Ilro"'11 '.-/'1'11G,,'·,·n llJf. Tht'(III<' 0("('111,;•••1
by C (boo",,, ,/lid 111101 ",TIII..ial by F. .11. 8,,,,,",,. ,,·!tid, "'liS Ih,' 11011/" (ifJuI", G,,,,,,,,- "Itt,,~·/,r.
,11111(111 briel.: 1,00lS" ,mllre 10/ IIUI to I/. CI"J' Cm ... ;- "'lIS Iltt· hum/' 'if A. '- Cn",,·, A /1117;" COI/IIII
'004fU IS J O IV 6061 II! p-' P,JUI03 SI:.\\ ';'ISn Ol.I Ullo.l
,\1\1 11 0:) Nnc,,, Jill IIml' ~ !I S~ fU 1U ;UOUl pUC 1:>311:1 :>q 01 pJU:l!SJp ":lsnmllJIl03 1Il;l~ ;U i.l 11'0 "£06 1
II! P.~lunq I! 1!IUIl 'SJU,l.{ llISp'AUOJ JIlJ .\\11110 ) !!.' I! D p UC PI5CIl\l :JUPIOOPJ.IO .{U ~3!Is;>rl~IU pUI~15
0 1 ~'I:." pl"~ S.' IUIS "'I I 11::1:1.\\1.'1:1 J I!,\ \ ;)1,1 JOS;)SI:M!J ;)11 1 pooIS'II!_
" i'lU!I'I!uq IU:I;I!J !U:iCUl S!II.L "'I ,nos
J ill U! 9S I'OljIJI1Q;> ISJ ll!) ~ 111 JO :IUD JO 1I 0 !I J IUISIIOJ JIll pJP ld moJ :>.\\ 'OOO' Li:S JO ISO.' U III '. 1 .'1111
5)C3.( .';U1I l '9~8 1 II ! j); I",!II,\\ ;lUO J,'II !.! 11 M.' IIIl.\q P:>llld;u SU.I\ ;lsnDllun O:l lj:l! J(jlSJ!J 5! II.L
-:lII!I)I!I"I :P!Jq ..uOls·n." , " 111!.I' I"'Ju,.bJ ;lJ.}.\ \ 11m, P;>\UI1(I'P!II.'\ S.'Isnml l.l oo.' :'101 pell ,\IIUU!;l!IO
3,\\ "jSJq "111 [lIW w,:iil!q Jill I).1UI{;,\\ S'\": '\' IE :>.'1111 lu g' ;t<J nol luno,' U I~nf 'II!," !'-'US!IUS u~,'q J:I",'U
:I,'I~! :lA\ " ~'!1~:I[)1 Ll,\\OI ,no PI ~'1 S'\"'''lll SI1IJ 1':1\1 ,'SI1011).l11[)., JIlO ~ ! I! ·U.\\[)1 J ll0)O J~ IU_'J ~ 1\1 Ul
;iU!PUUIS -l'.~~uotj ).lnoo Jno )o UO!IU;')'" ;,)HlOS lnoll l!," ;JJ;')ldmoJ "'I U1l;'l U,"OI Jno )o ,\JOIS UN
' l1o!~sJJ;lOJt! p 1l1: II1,\\OJ:'I
SI! :l 11! Sllll;'l '11.\'01 mo U\ .'; ~UOll1 J!~Ij1IU,'WJ S A~II.l. 'UOIlOJ U! R U ! l u~ 1' pue :'IU! ~ !l'J .(q SJ IU IIlOJ lIelllS
1l.1ICI"Um."l;'\11SJ:llllo ,{IICI·',! '.( lunO;) S31! ~ II! s:>!I!u n " 1s:l!I IIIUJ,\\ Jttl :'IIIOlIl U;>J:>,,, u.\\w {J ptW 'SPIOII,"J~
' s ,'I>OlI 'U!W: l" -J;>).lr.,:) '_'II !III,'I II:([ 'SJC,',{ .{pt:J ;>Sot!1 illI!JIlp P lUlIJO) Jfuq p;,sSC lIlIl s.~!I!lIn" ,{lu n D;)
SJ I'D 111.I:l.\:>S 'S IIl:,' IlO ,\\;>N 0 1 P:>I"OIJ p ile P,' S!llJ :>.1;),11 sllOJJ ilOil O;) snO UUOll,1 p1l1: ,' I!ll ,') SU,,,
I!OS . no ',\\01 ,( p ,'!llUtdIUO;)
sr. .11 11 0 11 0;) )0 ";'I u d ;).')SS:>I.lll,'.L ',\111110;) 91 ! ~ II ! !)NDI sr.,\\ UOU0:J
:i 1l ! I P~ ;)1(1 \i:lnOlIlI V ', 0 '11'1
;).,ul s III !,\\ !,"""!I!J ~C ,II 110110;)
~JJ II-" ,{ IIInO,' J no II ! Situ,",,!
J" lp'lll S .\111'111 pll" S\l fl!IU IU\: ld
:>:'IJ 1' 1 J'1.1,'.I:lS :>.1,'.11 ,' ) :1111 SJ " ,' ,\
'\IJ~" ,'1(1 III -.\ llIno,:) S"I!D
11! :l U!)1 SIl,,, ilOilO':) 'J;>,IISIHl
:1 '\1 S! 1l0 UO,:) ':I,I!ss :lJ :lOJd

"' 1I ,\\Cl I J IIO

01 ,\.It''S~''''1I ~1: ," u:III .\;,\UUUI

J lj l II" ) (' JJJIlOS J ill ll\o'l"

J "IIII O,\\ .(" 111 "110 ~ -

',}lII"'1 m /JIlln,l!, 11,1 I. ',\I.>I"! ,IIII) /-,,'/ "'/.11 II" Jr' ' IO/II!.I!"If'"
1''''' 1/(J!IlII_MIIM" '''11 fl' .~;JI/.'I'!''''~ ·'I'I" ·ym.I'!ltI"" .",.'.1,7" .1 ••;"" ,(." /1 ,1{I"'1 .' ." I '"'' ·"-,!111""11111.7 '''IU''
·'~""l1t '''I' /II ...",);),m,< )·" ,u ,' s,.p 'flip '"11 '''''(;(.'1-''' 1)',I}i""'" ,('/," HIM )' .1P'(' fI/ p.".M!" III. "(' /'/'>'1 I"'''
"" '"11,'.1/",,1,,,'\1111 P" "m.1I1/! ,1,\1"1,I'III:i/1l ,1I"~ll.,'"d '''11 .10/'01/,,, ·.\'I/a"~/. ,'/'''",'',1(/ " /II,lIl"".v ,\I!III""/'''Il
1'111' 1/...... 1.'/ .Lt,"'I' 1"111 " N,' .I){ ,I, III'~ U II'!'" 11/,>111,';'(11;111,' /III .'1'''''' ,I•• "'/ 'I,Y ""}!I" "! :i1l"1 a,I' " ,1/1;-1.,,11
>"111111"(1 """lUI/mil I"'" 1iS,llIlI"l' '''I' .IIINI!.-,:!!, VI ,II!,; 'I' ,>1"""1111 " '11."" '/JIII:> '1:)f'IW II \' '''I,L
';>J I:nbs ~ I( I 11I1l)) s ~ "o l 'l 0 ." I • "',1) IS II! C«,I IS I '1111\,S j " J1' !S
I~"" ~ 1 11 1I0 1,,11CJl'lI '11"11 S,IIOll",1 PPO ,1 1\1l1: SJJ Il"I IU[)jJJ,! 1""!JlU,' I(I PUl l SJIlI!).11110S J,\\

'~S l1Ol( 1I0!,1I1:1I1 S!I{I 1I! 1' (0'11 ~) ,',,, Sfi U!IJ"lll jlll:l)l( p:d!J!I1t1l11 J'I! JO JI1I(IS ' S, OO ; ( ;),(1 fi ll !Jr\(J 'p"J
~')I JO 1(lIb p I: 1\1! ." PJ) V I i:~ fi ll!l U[)JJ 101 !11I0 l'J II:l1l!S SI!,,, 11 '~sno l ! I I l)S ~ JI1r J llllJI1:II'\I !l J ~1I0J I
;),>SS:>IIU:>.I. "III st: u."QU ~ 'iill !pJ!lKJ ,'IIII!J) .voIS-":>.I111 11 ';>O;IlOl( IIO!SIII:UI " ~1;l," :»unOs :>IIU l. J P !S I~"."
,1 1(1)0 1I0! uod IU"l( UOIl ~ I\I 110 ' JStlO Il ! ~ ~r(ll,( ,'1\1 .10 IlI00J JUI Jill II! ~ Il,\\ J;)lUO ,,;lIl IS JIlO ';1\:110 1 I
!~S I'1 Ild ,' 1\l 1I1:J .\JI S0 1',! '::> ' I"!II !SSJ I 'I 'SJ I~ ' 1"'!(1 1,' I1llIllS plI ~'lS IIII J,'II )Jlj V 'P,'l IS U!U I ~ 1'1l i: 01 ~.1I"1
,"" .11 "'I' II" 1"' Ilt':>IP 101 SI I ':)JI:noo ;)111 .1 0 1\lIl(lS ' 1:),1J IS U!"I 'I IS 1 J O " I'!~ IS,',II "'1 ' 110 1'~I Il'')()1 SC.II
Ollr IIiWIl hau j\l~ 1 "bolll ~\' ~r)' l h ill g 'h,,' "'I yon~ ~'JlIld wan1. We we re on m,r w;' y lu ue~u lll"'g "ne
of Ihc fi ne;;1 .<.uall eilies in Ihe Sout h. The r.lillO;ul ":IS com ing! Th:mks.o Ihe Ic:.u,'r.,;hip of
Thol1l;IS (lufmu nntl Th"III:I.~ II lanin. IllI: Cenlr.ll Soulh~'1n Itailru.;1I1. which would 1111. rrum Columbia
10 Ihe ,\ j" barna Sial e lille and ~omplcle Ihe link From Nas l,,·ille. Te nn essee. tu l)eca' "T. Abbililla.
lI"I1 ulll om .hmu!;h l'ul;lski. Ahhu ugh Thomas Mal1i 'l coukl 1101 ,ee ililo the (lI!.m:. he h:lll lhe
("T,·,igJrI and abiJil )" 10 make future e\"CulS h" I'P<" I, lie ~:I W Ille necllli.•• a r;,ilroad 10 COllley I'U'
~'unun anti olh.;r prOOtIClS Itlll ~"kc[ ;IIIti Sl:1"bolll 10 make il h;1Pf1<'n. Ilc etlu~'''[~"tll l ", p;:o plc "ronr
cUl "ml. in IS56. Ihe dlilcn~ "I' ou r cuullty .ub;;crib.:d h) S275.000 ill .HlCk. p;ryahlc in Ih-c
allllll ;11 im l"Il Ill,·nIS. 10 build .he ra ilroad . Thill"" ;; ), la rlin ,,";IS Illle uf Ihe larges. , ,"ck hol,krs in Ihe
CC lll rJI Solll hcm Itailroall. II"hkh was ilH:urporJ lc<l in 1859,
Hy Oo:lober. IS59, ollr rJ ilru3d W;LS ,'Omplcu:t1 as ;,oullL as t yrlrLvi llc ~lId l rai,,~ w,on;
11I"~ ing IW" .."ill' n ons frorn Columbi" 11> t }'IlIl\·ille. lIy Ime Dc;;ember of lh:1I y~~r OtIT r.l ilro.1d h;rd
bee n c"lItr lcl~,1 10 He),nold,' Smlio lt. ,\ II Imngh Ihe 11.lIl1d IIn de! ), l:1dry' s Hid!!e in sO lllhcrn Ci i Ie.
CUlmt)' w a~ nOI 1[\ b.: CO.III,lelell IInlil laiC. in 1860. frd ght anti jl:ls_~"ngcr train s irom l'\,lsh\'ili e
w" uld S(l(l1I 1ILa~e r,,:quem lrips [0 ru la .• ki, We wou ld h ~'<e lr;uI' Il(ln:ll ion lil:<: 1I00t" e,'cr k,,,,wlI
bdon:, We woold rn.....;'"" I:ood~ from l'\~$hl' i lle :md 110inb nOl1 h\\"~nl i n j ll~t d~)'~ We 1\I)IIJ.l no
IUllger b~ dCllCndenl un ,; luII" d,'er lratlk or ol'erland 1' ~I .lin!; hy wagons alii! le'ITt.s. We wOll ld
sOli n be ab le IU ship om prou"c.s 10 mar kel wit h ..... marbble speed. ,\ s the dccade W:1S C(JIll;'lg 10 III'
c,"1I1I1l1Ley ,,":I~ nowin g and Oil. IOwn WII~ groll"ing. Ph,s!,,'ril}, was Jr ,'''''',

E:tst )l. ladi "<I" Streel ilfll ll11l1 1900

The' \ aU",y j uSI "':~'I o f otl r lown Il.. o ug h which !'k:' '''111 Run Creek flows \\':. ~ " c'Ollllllml S
:,r..,3. " urs.:s. e:,u k :m,' IMJgs Oll"lIc'" by th.., cili !.~ n~ of uuf lown wC're J l1owc",' lo fu:nn freely in Ihis
:Ire" III gr;,ze :'nd dri nk . O,'C:,si()llaU y hog. \\""I\d ~rcd onto th~ [1ublie s<!u:lrc :11111. as I\"<" \\'~rc
bc"("t)IlI'"g 3 !II'I.hi.' I'C:,lcd ~l1Ia ll d ly. Ihc)' \\"~ri.' Iwl'Om ing "lluiS:Uln'. Our d ty Icad",. s look :,el ion
to bring th is under contwl :
/lOG {.,'W
lIE IT I,"NACTI,/J III" ,I,,· M I/yor <11111 AId.·....I(·/I 0f ,h(" 11" ,." o/I'I//I/ski, n"" I h»,;.· n ",,,,,v,: (II
1111).:<" "lffm IliI ' I'lIhlie S'/II(II' ·. SI,.."<'I.,·. , I/IC.l"." tlllIl C,mIllWII.' " 'I,hill Ih" " "rl",,.m,· limll.< of. ,,;'1
1m,." i.< h""'hy ",.dat,·rllI N•• I.'"",II"('. (IIul Ihlll fm", 1IIlI/IIjI, ... II", 1",.'·S(1I,;'· "f 11Ii.1· , ](-•. 1101'''''.1"011 "'.
1'1.''-';''''< . Im/l f" ~''''il M.<, Iwr "" ' ht"ir h,,).!.,· If' ,.,'" II' f(ll1;;' " " If.,' I '" bli e S"Ullt\·, Sill ...,.". AJI,:.~,· tIl·
Co", ,,,,,,,.,'. " 'iII,;n .I!" IOWII of 1'"la.•ki. A lid ""Y ,,,,,,<Oil ",. /"
·".WIl.< .'" " ,.,.",IlIillg "I' .,·,if}~·rl"g hi...
''''1' ,,,. 11"'ir II/Jg.~ 10 ,'W' III ''''X'' .<111111 1"'.1' "jill" of 5 I I"''' ,,,.,,,/ jill' c"eh flllIl ",-",:,. ,!/}i:IIIj" 1(1 h~
I\'CIII', "\'" 11.< I>/Iwr jil,...,· Imd fi".{t:;III ...·.f ill finn.. 'if.,,1,1 ('''1'1',,,,1111111. AmI if'IIlY Iw).! ti l' 1,,»,;< "'''
/ 01111,/ liw .• ' ·"" IIIII).! III /111).!'·. ,,·Iw .<c 01,'11,',. Is .",kll""·" 1>.1' III(' 7i 1l1"ll G )II.' ·luht.-. il .,h,,1/ In.. hi.,' '/111.1' iii
w k,' 1111'.1'11111,· i lllo Ili.'·IN'.'·.""\'.<;'",. mul l;ji'·' ·IIi1n"I"/J·s ill!{. III<" .1"11/11<' "Y 1'(I.I·/i,,1,; 1111\'<' ' ''' III''Il: lIIui....... ill
,,.rillll).!..!"'· j .1".1:<. i" 11.< " ""(I·IIIII/Ii.. 1,1",·,·.f i ll .,·" itl 1m,.". '/"."1';1>""1; ,I,,'
1""1"''''.1" ,~< ,n'lf 11.< III" CtlII.
mill ({1I0 "'I.' ..llIIlIid c/llilll .w id II" .!!.<. h.· .,h"I1 .<<'iI Ii,,· '<11111,' 10 lit,' IIi"I,,·.<1 hl"da fiJI' ClI.,h. mill 'Jjl 1'r
I",rill!; Ill(' C" .' I.' tlllIl Ut~.~·S.'III)· ",11" '11."".,', Imy lilt" IIII{IIIII",' I" III<" It.-COllier. IIUI if 1111.1" "'''" .,·Iwll
"pp(l"fi" 11111/.'., ItIhli..l, H ,·. h,'" 01" ,h",r d ,,;m I.. .<lIid h"g or Iw!;.• /J'fim;' IIt,·y WI' .,.,,"'. mlll llll.'· 1111"
{"(J.<I.' 111111 ' ·...".·11.<1·... 1>1:1"1""\"11. ,h.·y .,-/w lll", """I"O"II'd W .II'l·h ""·'h·". hll/ hI' shllll 'III/I,,· ,1""1'''.1'
" ·/,·II." vl fmm I myill!; Ih,·j llll·. 1'/1.".1',·,1JII(\" 8, 1860,
C. J. Cluck. Ik"'''1I, ·J: G. II~ 1" '/"'11.1: '\/(~nll:

'111e rrosr,'Ss o f our 1O,,'n ".as soon in,,,m 'pled by war. III No ,'cmber of I K60. " br.lh~lIl
Lin,'oJ n was c kCl~J I' resiJ cnl of lhe Un ilcd SWles. ,\ month 1:l1cr $011111 C:lroliu:, sel.·cded fmm Ihe
Uniu". 'n !C fo l\"wi ng January si.x 11101\.' so nl hern ~ t"te's s~eede d.r The c i ti ~cns and ci l'ic k illers of
" lI b ski wcrc o,",~r,,"hel mi ngly :lS:linsl Sl.,,·c~.• ion, Their Sr.ondf:nhe-rs I ~td fouSht in d,e Ite\'ohll ionary
War 10 lIlakc Oli n< a free :md imlepenti ent m ti on. We we re prond of uu r il" S alld we did n't ",:un 10
losc i1. i\ lan y pol itica l specc h,'s ag~ in~ t di ssol utiOlI Of lhc Un iwd S! ~! CS were gi"c lI by Jolm C .
Brown. Nci ll Brow n. 'nlOlIIas ~ I . Jone'S. Nat hJnA,b1ll5, :ond rn hc~. ·11.olllJS in:ond Dr. lknj mnin
Ci!!!g we re ~ saill <t s~~c~sion an d thei r intl ucm:e 011 ,h e citizcns o r our town "'", widel y ~ nown.
i\ la ny o r our Illcrc h;llll, tl idn', make thei r usual t ri l' ];;h ! to buy g(It",h; lhat spri ng. Ikc:lllSC of !he
u'lCl'n;,inty o f Ihe (ulllri." mOSI only orde ,cd "'h:!! stod s a~ Ihe li mes wou ld j uslif)".
An cti i!nri al in T n E l' UL,\ S K I CITI ZEN, da led )T. b rc h l. I S6 I . pre ll }" mud . summed 11[1
II .... fcel ius._ o r our c;li!.cns:
,\"'.\"1 .1/""'/(1.1'. .>/ricl{l· "·III""killg . will be 1/1f' ("ri.,·i.,· ill (1( ". "," i,m"l lIj)i,Ir... A I 12 " ·d, ,..~· M.,
,m ,llIIt lilt." A /,mllll ll1 !.iIlCO" ' . " ./", h" s ,·I"' .....,I .,U(·I, 11I1 lII'I"l'C" '{" II/(~1 di.,·mr/"''''."I' i ll II". (>JllIlIi) ·.
"'ill b,· '-"llIIg lII"lll,·tI I'" ·.~idcm ,if",,: V"il,',1Sml."1i. 0" ",m tll'Y II<' lI"ill.« ·'fi,rl" ,/,,· /I<,li(I·".1' " '/rid,
hi... {IIllIIill i"·" ·"Ii(m i.,' II} / " . !{.IJI·(·rll"'/lI"llh r" g" ,,1 10 Ihc IIY"''''..... of III,' SIIII ,h. - "{1" '1I tI",/"."....
("(1111;'''''11("<'. 1\"/. ld, i .•' 1",(/".1' " "1111 ( ' .' ,hI.' grr,,·,·, ...iII ,.m" I.' 10 S" lI1e "):" ', '''',"IlI. /ll1I1.'p,'"k 1'(,,,,.. , I" ,hc
'/i."'·III"I,·" e"I11"'~·. or mljolll"ll lllilid Ille tlm'IlI' ·IIII1).!< ,if"'''J: rr;, {"'pc In bc (1M.' to .f'·(· /I/IIllw(lI" I" ,'
I", blie /1,,1)"' 1,..11/ \\'ItI, i l.' · \\·olll ,.d C(lJ", ",".,'.~ liji,.,.I",· .Jlh - {/ day 1" \'!;l!Im' \\"ilh \\"1'111 or ... ,,0 III Ihis
gil'''' IUlli"" - yel ,,~. l",hI " " ,.,·d,·, ~.' ill t'l'lI<NII.·~·~ /<I 1I,'w' II,,· dwillll); "f sl.·.·1 <III,} ,. .(. lit .. lUll,}
,,,".·,,d,ed ill III.' 11/",,<1 ,1" "IIt'" I",I'I'Y mid Im.'I"·IUII.~ 11I.~'f'"'' U;',}" "<1' ,,,,/i.,,,,.,I", Itlllt'/' 1\'•.,,/'
\\'ill Jill/ow Iii,,' ,,,,·,·!'/,,lillll." " " 11<·...1 ,1/II/1</<lY. bill - II'ho " 11/1 I<,I/!
.1111." ,,·h·dum. fI/lI,}ellc".jll",li ... •II/1I/mod" l'IIlio" fll\· O'Ilil. lllUlliti." p' '''p/'' I", <111 (:,' IIlfm' Imil,·d
illfi·dill!!. illl" ' '''51I1I1,1 .(.·.•'Iill.':
II h;.s bc~n ~id 111:11 TC'l1\c~)I.:~ Go, clIlo r I ~h:lln G. Ibrris s~c,.. k d frolll lhl: Unio n ~n.1 \o "'~
Te nn~ :;,;ee willi him. 11, ,\ pri I. 18(, I. Prcs idcnl Li nco ln " lllkJ Illr 7~ .()OIl \'01l1ll1I:e r, IU i/\\'ade !he
S"ulh. Go.'emur I !:o rris r•.' pli~,j. " Sir: Yuur disjl:l!ch of Ihc 151h inst. inlh nn ing l1Ie !hal T"' l lII e,~ ~e
is ..·:.Ikd upon lor 1\\0 r... gim... ms of mi li!i:, ror imm ..-tlialc· s~'n·k... i$ " ,~(.·i\·... d. ·1i,·,1I1,·s...·<· wi ll ,WI
furn ish a si ngk nWI for purpos.:s of eu.:rcioll . bu! 50.000. if I, ....·css:uy. fur dcr<:n~ "f uur riglll~ :II1oJ
tllOs!.' of 0111 Suuth em brulhers."
With Lincoln 'S ~l1!lOul1c<:,1 pl:lI1s Il,r :111 i" ,':',;on of (h ~ Soulh. nWlly ", inds .....·Ie qu kk ly
ch~nJ!cd. Tel1/>Csscc scc<.. k d f[<l lU (he Union in Junl:. I M I . ~ Il" m~ll)' of o ur cilil.~ns ..-ho h~t1 b"'C1i
m lts]lOk~ " "ga in st "ec~ss io ll b~c: "' \e hi gh ran ~i T\g tJnicer~ ill the COll t<:!ler~\~ :mll)'.
Our tuwn w ~s 10 SI' Ili.>r g r~a ' ly o'·... r Ill e Il~x t few y~a rs, O llr mi lro:,d. which was hringi ng
p' ())fI\'r;I}" br,," gh' II,,· w~r [0 o ur d!J'Or~[,l'. 111<: Uni!m (;CII'T.' l.~ 1~1<1 I'b ns (0 i 'l\'~t1e Ihc ,k ..,.
!it)lI lh anJ n,·c.\cd ollr r:.jl,,):,d 10 I r.II)~[1'I)n Iroops :111,1 sIIpl'lies. N:"h"il1c fell in early IS(.2. ~nd
\' ery soon ll"'leatkr UII iO ll 'r"ops wc r~ in I'II l:o sk i. I" Apri l. 1862, I h ~ U Ilio n "nll)' loo k c" " lm l " f
lh..• T~l m~~sc ..• n i, cr:" il l1 o\\'~.1 "C l tJS~ 1I 0rlhcn1 ,\bhalll:\
:m,1 en'I)'!hinl: nnnh of lhe ri .cr, iud " J; ,,!; I'u l:.,.~ i 3n.1
( iiles Col t/'ll)'. "'~s in Union lerr it<llY. Excep l for a ri:w
r !

hricf i ll1 we " WI.' 10 /CllIa ili hchim! Union Ii IlC> fo r
lI.e fCS' " fl he W:If.
D"rill!:ll h~sc y ..':,r;( o r Waf numerous "k in nishc5 and
';'11:,11 b:'I1Ic ~ trx<k I'l ,,,;~ ill o ur C'" 11 It ~·. 1lI0., [ly l1et .....'c ll
CO II !<:de rate c:",,,l ry try ill J! to ,1e, lm), til e lail rnad bl id g.·,;
311d Ife,.(ks (0 p.c, ... ,,1 Ihe Un ion :,nny f"'lII usi ng Ih..'m
311.l lhe Un ion ~old ic Is simiolled here I,' repair :",J gu:,,,t
the I"ilru"d . Our 1<JW " was ,-":clI l' ie(\ by tholls,"ub "f Unio"
sold ier;(, ...m llm anded by sc<"C'r..1 Uui!)l) G l'II~r:tI,;. nDl"bly
Glcnville M. \)00;;.... Joh n C. Sla l ~"'e:ll h~r. 1):1\';,1 S.
Stallicy. :'II(! Ric hard \V. Johnson.
Du r ill g thc W:lI B ... t wee ll th ... S lat ..·.'. l'>'I:lI1 h:o
Ah...m:l1hy ""pt ~ db/)' ",hid ) "':I~ puhl ;shed in 1 9'J~.
TI !!' CI V I L WAR D IARY 0 1' ~ 1 t\ KTl I"
AIIE RN,\T! I), WI EF OF !lR C (' ABE RN/\1' IlY OF
I'IJI ,\ SKI TEN NESS!'!'. "'tanh:) r~ ro r ...." wh al , I..,
,·:.lIcd ~ ",.d 'IOfy:
0 11 lit.· lIi.:1I1 ,11111' 2011, (c\ II£ USl. IS('2). J "'''. Un i()nSoI.l i~.,.~oc.: "p icd Our ·lll\\"
,/IlJII.<l'd jfTIlli .•'11111111<'1: 1>.1' Iile' 1'1)' ,yjill', & 111"'"Il/Sltillg
illll> III,' .•11\ ','1 / ••.,,'" lit,' Jlwm'" .,ll<>millgji,,·lit jmlll lit,· IOfl ,1 ,111.,.'. ,11",!t:,· .•' I f"",I. I ",Mil"'''''' lit,'
.'i, ·lIIi"I.'! ;1/ fi"lII '1my ,I,,,,,' ,t· m'l"i,..~1 iff,.· b,,'''' lit.· "'';1,;;11 "f II,.. .Ii,,·. " '1",,, h,' " ·I,I,,·,}. .'".,.
"I<"'/In" Iii,' "'111[.: <1"" ,/0'" 1,,,.',·,Ii" ,If il '" ma~'. · " Ii;d'i It) jigfl/ 11.< I~.. " . I "-IIhI. .«·,·illg III,' .<1"/11,".,
",ltidl 1"'I1'w(,,'} /11<, ,./1\''''., .\': lit,' 1<1/<11 d".,·,·"';'", ,if lit" .<11\" '/.". .. ...ity ;" ;1 tllllI tlI('''' i.,' "" 1111" 1111'1
",·jll!! "'ml" I.. /11.,.. •.</ I"" jI,IIII,·"? " Sui'! 1,<,. ",,\, III"'" " rd, Y.•· /tl ,"1<11{'/ ,,,,,. ",",." n 'm{,' fill' III<'
"1'1'1'O" cll vf lile e'1I<'IIIY, cOIlS<"III<'ilIly II',' Cllllll'III/cr 1m II.\',<i.l'l,"'c" . ·· TI,,· dli~'·I!.I' 1I"''''' fi'"rf,,1 of
<1/'1\ WII ()I" ,I'U"'" lim, ' i/III( I'lw"ml'l"d 10 , ' n 'II g o W //". }il\', IImr"""I: ill (/ .1"1101'1 lilll<' 11I<,}ill' 1"'ellIIl<'
,m /" J'I'ijk Ifml IIIdi,·.Ijlock,·" 10 s<,,· il. Ih<'11 Ih<' 1"'1111,,111<'11 IJl'<"<1/i/(' d" Sflemf<' & def<'l'mill("{1 w d" ,,1/
ill tll ,·i,. pOll',·/" Il> .1'''1"<' IhL' Imsim'ss IIOIIS<'S. .IIr. Mllrlirl IIIIlIIe ,"''''y ,:Di>rl /0.1' ,<"Oding IIi.I· !ill'"
""gill" & by "'-gillg 100kt"l".1 v/l 10 '<'fJrk dili,'i<'III(\: hili IIi",r Ijjurt.,· 11','1'<' "" UJ1JiL Til,' Mock ,m,I'
..1111.\111/, ..11 .....C'<'pl .I{,: f.1II11<,r McGml .'· limls,'. 11.1' cUIISIWII ,:Dim.I· /1<' ,\ '(11 ",,1 hi,I' 11011.1',·, \I'IIi..II } ilrllllill/t'
... ;,, '111/1,\'11111<"<" 1111,1);il"<'11 ,,/I ilis Ideml.,' ,'in 'III pl"I/,I·ut\'. II,' i.l· iI \I'(I/'Ihy)"m",); mllil ,(- 1/ /illXlrjf,. ... li ... ·Jl/y
"" '" '"",.1"'.\' II'" ,.., CO".II"'''·' ' & f.J We'll Ilrrrm'll ulII oi i'lIIpIOYIII <'III. all" /(I"'" i,I' IIUIl' II ,,"I'<'C'k.
W,' will prob<lbl y 1I,,'cr know how lhis firc Slarl(d. bl" Ihere i~ a , lrollg r O!'s ibilil), lhal il
w~s , tailed by Ihe Union soldiep.; who were occupring Plliaski al lhal Iililc. Tht' hOI11" or Llilher W.
,\ kCo n! lI"'l~ Im'atcd 011 thc e:1SI sid,' of SOllih 2nd Slr,'~t. ju,l b.:hind Ihe bllsines, hou ses Ihat
fWlned On I>!adisnll Sireet. Thll , we kuo w lhal lh,' w uth
____side of ollr squarc lI"a , burned iu ,\ug
,-____________________ --__ uSI.
,\ lartt,a Abemalhy \(lId 1II0re aboul Ihc con.!i l ion s of ollr \(lll"n :
Sillc<." III," 1."1 ofM"y ( 1862) UlU" I()" 'II has 10", 'f! a mi/illll)' ellIIl/'. h(l\'ill); 1" "'11 w/;,·" l';o/"/IIly
h .. illt, {·..·rI..I'IlI.I· Ihe 2ml of .I{"y. all aCC(}{WI of Morgllil :.- (ConfcdcllIle 101m 1h'nl ,\ lorg;i1l)
,·/IIIIIISi<l.I'l io' IlX'"I'lioli by Ihe" i,,/il/lJilwlls IIIe" ""<'111.1' ('1/111 " ill /0\1'" Uk,' d, '''WII.'' iJdd tillg jiwlh O(l/!t.,·
100 h"d 10 1\·/It·"I, ,J I'eigll of lerm l' IlI', TlliI,'" fi)I" 11m',' ,111.1'.1. Ollr cmli'/·y""t I<'hic ll 1<'11," I,..IImi);,1
Irillt gms.l & f 0f',·.<1 /11','.1 \\'11.1" j il',I'1 d" ,\"Imy"t!. til, ' 11\ ',',1' I)"illg ."killll, ·iI by Ih ... ell\'/lh ) ' I",,..,,·.,, & ill('
grass Im mfll"d d() "'11 liy Ih<'JII. III<' .1"1111"',< \1','1\· Iomki'll oP<"11111111111d lit" .1"/"""' •. & ,~I"'p.I' "f ,"-"')'
d".Il'rjplirm \I', 'I'e nj h'li ,!(IIt";r "1111111111,",\', .111: .1/IIImil,!; who OI\'IIed 1/ .1'1111/1/ j """'lry slwp & hy his
lI"ork "I" '" \I'lilel,,·.I' ",o;lIlIIill<"<1 IIi"jilllli(,' pf';II";pal/,1" Ius/ aI/iris m/llllhl,' iIl5/17111"'I/I'< , ..1/1: St'Og>:iI"
(l g ood ""'" & fi"·,,rilt· ;11 Imm. ,,.1,,, 0" '11 .1' a dlll.~·.I'lof't'. hilt! ilis SlOtt· ndllet! by bl"llllli soldi"I) '. 111/
,1'IIj )" I"<'' / <I",""d /hL' .1'1/"""" ill f)1I ~ way o/" "'lOlh,'~ III diOi'lt'lII I'"rl.l of III,' /011"11, lit,' ..."Mit'0'
,'/11, ·f',·d huli,·.\" 1'1'i 1"111... "(It//' IIIIt '/11.\', & d, 'IIUI /Ill"Ii 1<'1,,11,"','" lit,:,. \I 'j.l"I".d.
The impaCI of lI"ar u(IOn Ihe bu si ne ss of ollr IOlI"n 'I':lS de"" slal ing. I> lost of our b"SillcSl'cS
were forc ed 10 c los~,
, 0111,· due to economic
w ndilioll , ;lIld othc rs dll~
/() Ihe t:ICI Iha l Iheir
o wners were away
fil! llIin l! I'M lh e
Cilllfcder:lIe calise. The
Planlc rs ' lJank on Ih~
we, 1 ;; idc ,)1" lh~ "1I"are.
o pclled in Ih e \ 830-s ,
sl'''pcllded opcrali""s in
I R62, 1lI~ 1'lIb, ki Board
of IIlayor ;\lI(! Ahknnen
IIdd lhdr h" IIIc~ling in
G iles Collegc \\'~ s used ~s a h ospil~1 dllring lhc w~r
Jallnary. I ~62. l o IIIcel no
more nlllil ntler Ihe end of Ihc war. Union Pro"ost ,\ larshals st ric ll ), conlrolkd lhe bll ,; illc s"c.~ ,"nl
Ihc cil ilcn s of our \(l\\'n. SOIllC tr.ule wenl on bClweenl h ~ citizen ;; of Oll r IOWI! '"1<1 (lur eOlllllY ,,,,d
..... , , _, ___ .. _ ' , l: ._. __ .,._ . . ..... _. r,, ~, ..' •. .,, " ,'" .:, r.. .. ,' __ .. " .... , . , .. " .. . , r.. : .. .. n _ ... . ".,..... , ., •..•••
I L.. 1 · 1 !\ I ·LI~ I {


TilE lin D' S

As th e new JCC<l tlc dawned, our 10wn "'<IS in " Slale of cha ng.:. The !1iol1~crs who hnd
oriJ:lin:lIly built our lown were fast [,ass ill!; away. 11\cir sons. the c.~·Coll ti;,!cralc soldiers. were
in crcilsill gly becoming the civic ami business k:l<krs of Ullr co mmunity. The b\lsi n cs ~cs were
d mngi ng. a, we re the buildings 111m honsellthem. Ollr 10\\'11 now h"d :I Iill 11' OIW 2 ,noo ;nhab ita'l!s.
The three men crc<.li tcd wi th doi ng the most to Ilwkc our town grow were .'10011 to be go ne.
,\ mIre'" /1.1ilehel l llnllcmi nc .tied in I1\63 :'mI Or. Ik,Ijam;n C:1I1cr, a ,Ioctor IIm"..!1 mCrdl Jilt. tlieo.!
in 1865. '1111: \"cncIOIblc Thom:l, fo,-1:I.11;1I Wi'S 10 plOSS a way in 1870. {jone :11.'10 wer..: mnny of the
S\OfC h()\ls~'S ollihe south 3,Id cast sitles ofthl: ~qu"rc tl~,t these men had buill. ThomM I\bnin·s
S\OI'I: house on th" south end of Ih" wesl side of the squ:m: was still smlllli n£. alons with only a few
OI her of the oldt"!" buildi ngs on Ihe \\"cst :."d north ~itles of Ihe squ:,re.
William 1'. Ballentin". a SOIl of ,\n.lrew M. Ballenline. was Presidl·m of Ihe itich b nd Sa" in£s
I!Jn~. which early in 1870 was inlhe old I' bnler.; Ban ~ Bui lding. In " Ilfil. 1870. the bank mo.-cd
to its new bui ldi n!; ill the ··b'lI1~ block·' 01\ Ih" wcst side ofSou lh 1st :\lain Slr,·c1. the fi r~t door from
I~u.~cnan ·s comer. Before the y""r w"s ol"er the lticl\l:md Sal"in!;s llank rec,:i.-ed i t~ charter and
Il\:e:ll nc the Nation:,1 [bIlk of ['ulask i. Ikllj:ullill Fra nk lin Caner. son of Dr. Ik nj:Ullin Ca ner. was
Vkc· I'l\:s idclll.
AIl1()!\S th~ bnsi nesses :Iml serv ices in onr town weI\::
• A. J. Wh in hom & Co .. medi cines :md dmllS. pa ints. oils. etc.. I\IcGrcw's bloc k.
of. Winsll'a,1. ['melkal Watch·Maker. [5t Main 51. South. fonnerly occupied by (jIJt1cfroy.
°Thc New ConstiHltion Restaurant . lIilli:mll la ll allll Drin king Saloon. in McK iss:ock·s new blod.
eaSI side orthe publ ic square.
°l.:unbc.h & B"mo.'S.•lealcr in fanC)' family sroct"!";"'s. wi nes. bmndies nllll "·his~cys. somh·cas.
public SlI' '''I\' .
• J. 1'. ~ "'y. dl'"k r in staple Jnd fa llcy dr)" j,'OOds. clot hin£. boots. and shoes. old SI!.nt!. south·west
eomcr publ ic slillar~.
°11. I'. Jones & Co .. wholesale ;mt! relai l .!calers in [;uni ly groeeri ~. am[ lo re isn ""I! dorne::l; ...
liqllOrs. we.t side public squ ~re . Cox·s new huil ding.
"II. C. Il nte. fire ills uran ce. next door 1(> I'u l"sk i Sa\"illSs B:mk.
'W. A. ~'I nnni II g. jeweler :md w:l1c111I1:tker. up·sta irs. U"lkntines sou th west corne r.
'lloyd M. Young & Co .. wrought iron ,tu\'C~ . tin roo l;;. south , ide pl,bl ie ' ,!"are.
'I!osc nnu & Lo"emall. fordgn and .Iomes tIe dry goods. so uth side ]ll1blic !>qllare. -tlh dour from th e
eornl'r. III.'X' to Boyd 1\1. Young·s.
oJ. l. I'~:tr.:y. dmgsist and "[KlIlleC:") ·. 0111coon I:onler. s. w. comcr pub lic s41113r.".
°S. C. Mit chell. e"rpl:mer :llId builder. Ihree doors "oo"e li.·... ry stable. 1.1 M:,in StT\\."l.
We e,·<'11 h;,d ;o brOOIll (;" ."10 1)'. J. J. M:,rsh:tll ;lIInoo ' IO;~-d ,0 the ,rode s ene ... lly ,hat he had in
sucecs...~f,,1 op.:r:llioll :' broolll t:'IC'OI). on Firs, 1I.l:o in S'r.:c' :tnd Wi' S rc:,d)· , 0 slIpply the flUblie wi, h
fi rst class broom s. Mati.: m Ilom c.
We we n: wcll 0 11 the ro:,d 10 r<"t:o\".:ry frolll thc ycars o f w"r ~ nd recons.rue.ion. 11,c Union
lroo"," were atl bonc. ,he 1:,sl ha,·iIlS dcp;,ned ill 18(.9. ltccolls!mct ioll for liS was o\".:r. bUI its
effecls \\"oll l1.1 lingcr on for decades :l1\d lhc all imos ity between Ihe North :11\01 the SlIn!h crc:,tcd
b.:fur.: . dllring m,d aftcr Ihe war was des tined 10 Inst for ma ny. many ye:,rs to come. T hc pricc of
colton had falk .. 10 ten to lwei \".: cen ts :o Jlo l1ml. but we wcre no longer so oIe]Jcmlellt 011 COltO Il . We
\\"en: :, I'e rsmi Ie lown o f ma ny bus ill esscs. servi ces m,d nmlll1 l:,c lnn: rs. a,lll we wel"l: 11 11 our way 10
Ihe tol'.
0 11 J:OI1I1:,r), I J . 1870. "" Ir. Thom:.s ~ I:'n in passed :' W:I)'. I laving Ii,·c,] i" I'u l" ski sin cc IS 18.
n ,om:,s Martin w;o s ,he man w ho uscd lti chlallll Creek alll.l the Elk Riw r to SCCIl r.: a 1lI:'rkcl for
G ik s C()tlll' y l'OUon in New Orlcan.~ . 11wlln :lS Mart in W:l~ d'e m 3n who It:,d don e so (lII,ch 10 bring
Ihc r:,ilroad 10 " ulaski aut! se ....·ct!as I'residen t o f lhe Centr.. 1 Sou lhem It a ilro:td . T hoillas Man in
W:I$ Ihe lIlall who endowed ~ 13r1 ill College. A tll...,p])' religious IIlJ II of tlte r.. lcthud is, fll i,h. Tholll:l.~
Marl in wrote ill his will: f (Iin.'!." my ,'.f' 'C.·'''''r 10 d" IHI.<i l ill SQllle b,,,,/; ,,,· S''(~If\' 1"lIc,: IlIirl.\" .''''1.:
IH''''{' 'if'I'''' (Iwllstllul ,fulfll'''' t'IIcil. ,·jJ;II/' ~·1l ,ifIht, IIId s" r ;' .... 111/1/ '" ...·/0·.: 'iflh" Ill' '': 1II111/HI)' on·r
10 tl,,: 1)11;... ·,:. ,if Ibt, .1/.:,hQllisl Clllm:h. SI)(I/". ,·.,·w fllish.:,1i ll II", /(> \\." 0/ " " lash. tlIC ill /.·/W/ ...hieh
Ihe sallie 10 10.: hy (IWIII /lf/pnJprial ...d frJl·Ilw flllf"(.·lwsillg lif)!.n.lIIl1d.•
IIIlIy /1(.1 ."1"11<" till/I ht, tl ,fft"c,,·d Oil
tIIlll ,·n.·ctillg .<lli(a"'" Imildill)!..'· fr,r 1I fr·" ,,",: -,,",/Oul. /111,1 uji.-r .Wlid Imi ldill/; .• htlff Ioc ' ·'l·d('d. .m id
i llh." II'S' -,It/l/ll" , IIIIIII'"l/y "PI""prilll,·" i ll p/l/·/I'II)'III,",'llif l ire t<·,u:h ...r.< will! IIIII.\' I", ' ·"'pl"y,·" ill
sllid ..-elw ol. Tll oma s Man in is gUile. bUI hi s le gacy li ve s on. /l.l~n in Met hod ist Coll ege . utlce a
schoo l fo r >·o ullg ladics. is now a cn·cdncmimml. four-)" .."r inSli tlll ion of higher lea rn ing w ilh :111
amm:!I enrll l II nenl o;'x co;'cd ing fi ve Inulllrcd siude nts fm lll all across Ihe nm ion and mound Ihe world.

i\ lan in College - carly 20lh century

( ,\nothe r imron ant el'L'nt of 1870 W;IS the
dection or our tow n's fal'orite son. John Cn lvi!!
Brown. as go\'emor or lh e S late ofTcnncssee. ' \11
able Iml)·cr. Brown had sel"\'ed admiT;lb l), during
rhe war and had atlained t h ~ nml: o f t- I;tior Gelleral
in Ih~ Confcderme ;lnny. I Ie se l"\'ed two lellllS :IS
go\'enmr ami is well remembered fOT his cfli.n1S
in e5l abli~h i ng Tellnes.~e·s public school »·,Ielil.
Em ly in Ihis .k'COKlc G!)\'enlOl' Brown pu rch3S1.'tI
I\.I r. A. Co., 's mamnlolh bu ildi nG<)II Ihe IWSI sid",
of the s'luar~ :md m,wed his ',,11' ome e 10 Ih",
second noo r. On lh e fi rs t noor of Governor
Brown's build iug \l' as lI ose &. Jone s, fam il y
Gmeas and liquor dealers.
;\Ir. ,\ngy Cox was in the wine, m:lki ng
bnsi ness JIW milCh o f Ihe wine eonsun«:d ill our GOWOKH' Br\Jwu's builJillg in 19%
lown Juring th;1I Cr.1 "'as prodllecd rigllt he!\: i'l
Gi ks County, An ,'n ick ill 'I'l l E I'U LASKI CITI ZEN 1:'1.\'e Ihe dera ils: 0",· ,·I11"'l,,;.<illg }!t'IIII<'IlIIm
IW"'('O'<"r ill .mr mi,I.<I. "'hil r/wrtlel('r;_"k "" n", m"I.·".·,~,,; h,1S ,,,k"1l ,h., ;";Iillli,·c ill gm!,,! glVIt'illg
"II <III eXI,·',," "': .(" ,,1.: mu/,:. 11("" ul"mllu tI ...M.· ... · .<"e/' ,>",'e.'S." 111<11 W,'IIn.' (','rllli/l I!Ih,'rs ,n'il ",,,k.'
I"we 10 fo llow /ii", a"IIII"e. 11(, n:fi·,· to .If. : , I. Co.\' of Ihis pillC<'. wilo,',' ,·illt'.mll( "bolll IIIii' mil,'
fm lll 1'IIll/ski II'(' lw" III,' fllm.l 'llr.: ,if ";si/;'I); " fl'1\' dll),," U);O,.. Ml: Cox lUIS .WIII!' .W " ,'''-'S plllll/"d ill
g""pcs, 111111 H'i' 1\','1\' illjrmlH'd II)' .-Ifr. J",,', f)II/II1/p. hi.,' 1I('(:"",,,/i.l/l<'01 "igliarl!!, t/Ull Ib(I' It'mllol
flftH"'cc lilis )'i'ur .~"'III' 1"'<'1...• 111/I1I.<llIId go /hm ,,· "f wille, .. ,\fr, Cox IlIIs "(ml",,.,,,;...1Iile ('OllSlniClilm
"f" .mlis/(lIIlh,1 II';""/·"/lur. SOfi'!!1 ".I' ]0fi'l-'I ill dim,·/I,,,,·,,,,,., Iwd will ,,1,,1, filii ,11/ ".1'(''''/''1/1 "'/ow
1IIl"'s ;11 lim" fill" ,I,.. ' ·jmug'·... " ',' n.·III1·",~/lw"'e dn'I'(" ;"'/IIl's.••"/ wjlll .Ur. C.,.l .~ "111" /111'''' ' 111111
firmly l'(II,..j ,,('( ·d 11m, );m(... e,,(wre ;" lhis emm,)' ' rill pm".' (I gR'1II ,""n'.....
Two imporlant :"nlOllll<;c rnCIII~ 3p pcarcd in rhe October 5. 1871. issuc of T i l E !'UI.,\S"'I
Till, ,V/:'W f)U'OT
/(/'\'/ ~oillg 10 I,,"'e /. d"pOl 111111 ",.WWIlS 10 .\·OIllI'I"itll;. HI!' forllldlll;'111
{'Itf/,."ki i,,' (/I II,,: .y
;.• 11UI!' being 111M (11/(1 11'/.' (11'<' (I•••\'IIn.'d by III<' e<llJlraelor Ibm
'IC'I' om' I".,
/1<'1\' Imild;,,!; " 'iII b/'I",);"
"",10"'11"",/1(111.\' "",I ' W)' II/llld",,,,,,' ill ,,!,(,,'m·,w e,'. Tilt' ,' lnI('lltn' ",ill I,,' '1/1'l·.•.<!!,1 briel.:.
"",.",o",lI/vl by ( I ji .., pn"1,.,,.;: T/u.. (U.,lwri(;''.I' '1'{''' N"x/n·iII., & I),"'tlmr IItli/1V1II1 ',,",«"H'
(,1l~lil fi" ,I" .. n.,t'<l!;III:I"g II,,· i"'I""-lllll"e of I 'rdfl.<ki <1.< " shiPI';IIg 1I<li""
TI", work WI III.' "el\' brid!;<' t/CIlIJ,' IIit-Mllild CIl,..k I",." II,·,·., ..",,,,,,,'11<:<'" "",I is belllg
Im.,'I,,'" ""I'idly [<!I'\I'",'d IIIIIlel' 11r.' \'i~o",,,,,,' .'I'fler;/II,·'ld,·III:,· "f ,t/c-,"Jr,,'. /luill (\' ,~ iJfO .. III<'
(:UIII,.uC'/Or.I'. HII' bl'idg" " 'illlllll'c /11'0 .mUd XIIIII<' IIlmllll"II/." oll(llWO (,;'-,-".. TI,,· .,'Io",·s will all be
j";'''''' "mllrwul.w llIl-ly d,.",·"·" ,,.HI('j/ool' will I", 'ifl/ll- b,'SI ." ',,.,,",,,,/ III",b .... ",,,/II'ilI he slmlwlllllt'd
wilit 1.1,,111"-,·,,"''-''.'' I'"illll'li mllf'lf III<' .WIIII.' 111111."';,,1. nl< '/'f)/IIrt1t'lf>r," ,',\'1",<::1 If) OJ",,,I"I£' Ihe work
ily ,Iwji"" .1 JillIIUlry: 7'/,,: " Id "I'Mg., 1111,' 1"','11 IW'" ""'11.1' (//ul mor fri" Iui,' U"j /lg .mll,,· 011,,_'1' sill/'
of II", ell..d ·. tl'hu 1111 ,'" "" ,,'I. ..·" or ""'li('I.-, IIOH'Ji"'( ;1 1It't'<'~·."'''''' '0 ;",illl/,' II,,· I"'ro;e ",TllIIII"/: of
,10UII.< CII""'''' ",Jr.,,, I,,· ~'ro_" .""/III<' Rubi{'ol/ - "'''/ ''''''/'',
tll<~ SIOn·. <'il/li'r f rom II,,·frolll 'If ' "<'lIt; mll/ 1I0Ihi"K Wtl,( ,'lnwl of cith",. .,,/tlCk ' If booh (·.\"C' ·P/ wll<ll
1lIl/l/l" II" d 10 /", ill /1", ,' IY,:. Tire ,'.rl'lo," irm•• also dcl' 'fIwll'n 'pi''fivlIl , '/1/",,11,1; 11lL! III/joilllllg ImlMIlIg.j
ji" II Imlg li ll"'. 1I1tt11lUIj/ i l I \"lIS i mp " ","ihl" 10 (' /11,.,. ,\1... Ooh ',\" 'jimlililri' ." on· alllll. Iii" door 1\"(/.,
110/ 01"""''/ ""rillg I" . , "iglll, IIIII/H. II,!II.!" oml e IW)·lhill);. II ('OlIlIIillcd 11"11." rIIl'i"I)' c Ollsllm" d . Ti, ..
!in'!,! 5/"'1' t.f G. A. !'ope .(': Cu. III/jI.IIIIII);. /lUI & Co, 011II,,' "','SI " '115 jilll/II)' " II/eml h,,' 1/01ill Iii,,..
IO.w;:',· II" , ('ml", .flock. M lld, of 1/ 'm _• .n ".('" fw ,,'(" l 'r ill a ,lm'III!](',1 elllltlililm. 50011 "ft.·,·If"~,,,'
1II)It,<I'.• w.',l' ('III'cl0 fX '" II, .. ji,l' 1\"lI.' (·vmtlIllItIC<lI.·" f mlll Illdr n 'lIr /Q II,., n ·tlr of ,1ft; R. C. IIIIII ,~
,!,'lll(:,·ry'ji,(lIIli"j.! "', Fi rSI Mllitl Sl ft',·/. tlllIl fu llr /m l!di lt8-.< Ih t'ft·. I"c/llt/ill!; 11,,11 ,' .!,'roc<'l'j ' ,'ton'.
1I11111;II .i gfO<·,'r,l' 1111" lIIelll stori'. A.\'II I:".!t,'r.~ .I"II/mm IIml titc "::'I 'ft',\"s o.Die.·, k l/OWI/ 11,< tfl<' Rh:h!1lI111
!ill dl/gs IJllllk IlIIildlll!;, " ·cft· I",,,u·" tltl /H' .<tlll /l' t illl(' w;lit ,I/(·s..". , RO."· /I{/I{ & ' '''''''lIIllll. III) ' goolls.
J. C );'WI,!,' .~ I;" mill 51"" " /""'." ', ",,,/ G. II: '\/eLII" ri"e <~ Co.. bo,,/ " m/ .r/IO" ••'orc (HI II,,, SI("'''''.
Ik ,-.: "WI ' I, '" of'l,~' m'sl lmi1ifi,,!;.v ill P"h lSk! l"' II11Y ",I,,'r s malf It)II'II illj lllm,"s (1/ OIICt'. All
tift",'", ",. '11-' "" " I"", brick. b" ifl "fl"r I"" flll...,/ sl)'l <,s IIf lll"hil('Clllrc /11111 ' ...·n· ~'''''1fmrllllr,.,)' II .....
1II((/ II /l rll<'lil'l·. T/U' Nllliw",1 (lwlk Ililiidill.!,' <1111,,' "" '~'I ,'ml 'if Ih.: bl ock Will Ihe ,'/U'" ofI.. No" ,'mlll
UII ,I,,· ,',\'/I"CII/,: <.'a,\', ,·,,01 II,"'r.- s<l\·...1 by Ih e allll O,'1 .1"11(" '''/111111<111 ,:!Jorts 0/" ft'\\' 111('/1. lIidl'd by IIIL!
cll<'lIIirlll }in·' " '\" ;//8-I,;,\·II/.'r.< IIml by ,,,,,/,"r n lrr i<'f.•·. HI(' /","k ..." S 111I\ 'c "'m'",.• lIi!;h. ",'ilt I't'I~r /I

'''''''''' '11
iii,!,''' j in" ,...,/1 it lIlIIl 1ft" oI(,,'r /m IMillgs.
The I()I:II loss of Ihese len bu ildings anti Ihei r eOn1 ~lJIS amo ullK-d 10 more Ihan S8O.000.
Itetllle~-d by illsur:mee. Ihe Ill1 loss was slill more Ih~ 1l S5O.000. The sOUlh sitle of ou r SQuare "11S
~ blac kened mess. Onl y Ih e bll ildi u); .• on e~ch enJ we n: Iell swndiug. On lhe WC5t side of SOUl h
Fir,l Slreet. j u51 oIT Ihe >qll; ,re. four more blliltlings were gone.
Newr to he delerrcl!!on!: b)' ~ fi re. " ',' bl:gan IIg;, in nnd si.x new I\\,[) s!Ory brick build ings
were 5()()n "'I(k r constn,e-tion on the suu th side of nu r S(I II"/"\.'. Th e four burned bu ildi ngs on SOUl h
I'irsl 511\.'<:t wete alSQ ",pbeed. btLi \\';,h one Slot')' bu ildings.
GiI'illl: Ihe :'fI!l.,'ar.l nce Iha\ Ihe brid s were "n
laid by Ihe sallie h""ll. allhou1:h c:m:ful
ub,er\'mion will show some difl'cre nces. lite si:l: new huildinJ;s 011 lite SOIllh side of lite S{I\I;\le were
al I basically ~o'njlk ted by Ih e eml of 111711, with some of the fi nishing IU \l c h ~s do ne in ca ll y 11179.
NU1I1cllJ", f,r~~ h''''e sin ce dallla1:~"(1 pt)l1io ns orth ese bll ilding "m! lIIost of lhcm ha w been \cngth,'lleJ
owr the ~' cars. Ik gi ll ning on Ihe we>! em! n C.~ 1 to Ihe ba/ lk bu ildi nl:. Ihese builJ ings are:
I - 'l1,e Vilt:lse I'ropcrl ies btlild ins. Before the 11I7S lin: thi ~ building was owocd by J. L. I'earcy
mm houscd G. ,\ _ I'opc & Co.. a drug store_
2 - The nUUen:ulIs huil ding. Befu rc the 11178 li re th is bui lding was owned by J. P. II1:ty :lIul ho us~-d
J. l. I Ii11 & C.,., hardware am! groceries. Th is bui Idillg bec;ulle th ~ ~ it c nf the Best TIl"Jlre aro un d
19 101. " m:ljor li re in OC lober I929 gUl1ed th is bu ilding and des troyed th e back wall. It i ~ bl:li e"ed
Ih:11 1II0st of the siJ e \I-ail s ;'1111 the front walt were left i1l1aCI ami inco rpor:l1ed in th e new Best
·11.eal re bu ild in);. which was eomplc' ,-d in 1930. It was prob.,bl)' :l1lhis lime th:1111>c front ofl hi~
building IInderwen\ m;tjor ch3ngo;os Ihm ~'" still quile e\-ide')\ loda)'.
3 · The law ollkc of Joc Fowlkes. Before the IS7!! fire this bu ildi ll g was ()wned by D. S .•'bni n
'''1(1 hOllsed Jallles T, Oak es' flirnillile store. Th ~ b~~ k \\'~ It of lh is building \\'a, deslroyed by th e
1929 Best TI .... alr" fire .
Rosl Je \\'~'lcrs building. Befon: Ihe IS78 fire th i~ building lI'asown~-d by J. 11. Chiltlc-rs anti
.j _ Th ~
housed Rosenau & 1.0\·CIII:III, 3 tiT)' !;ood~ store. 11,is building was batJ l)' J anmg<.-d b), fi rc in 19 13.
but the walls J ill n()1 fall :IIIJ Ih~ buiMi ng wn~ 101811), reno\'n IL-d.
~. I II" " ' '' "' ''~ 1- " " IJII IIUIII !;. " "WI ~ III ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' I .. ~ .... .. u'" ' ' ' ' ' 'b • •• • ~ u .. .. __ . U J ••••• •••• ••• _ . _ . - • _ _._

hOllsed J. C. Youn g's lin and slOl'Cbusi ll~~s . Th is buihlins wa s ba\lI y da mas ed by w~ter and s mo~~
dmiliS \h~ 19 1) fire ,md undcrw~nl ma ~si l'c inlcrna 1 renol'alion,
6· 111c In'st half o f Spons World. llc'fore Ih,' 11'71' fi re lh is buihliJlS "':IS owncJ by II. K. B r.1l\n~J\
:md llOUs<:d G. W. McLau riuc & Co .• hoots mId shoes. 'n lis bui ld ing w"s on ly sli!;hll y .blllagcd
durin!; 11,<' ti re o f 19 13.

The ~dll1h ~i,!c ofl'u laski ·s square

" ..ol her I'kw o rlh.: M1ll1h sidc of our squ;m:

We cou ld n't ",,,k,, it thruugh this dec~d.; without 3t leaS! 011<: more ti re, nnd il eamc in
D~cmbcr, 1879;
TIm 1./",' OjJict\( I/Iul/l ,l/illim'l), SlOIl' II/ml('d, " "'III'I/II("152,SIlIl,
Oil SmUll/II.\' lIiglll Itw <lholl/ 7: 30 /) 'dock I',.t<l.\'ki "'t,S ,'i.11.'d br Iter old .'".'my, Fill', lilt'
;'/SlIIilll.'jitoml,Jrat /111,5 ~'V '>fi"11 /<,<lSI"/1 ils / m)' lIIul jim.,,,.',1 il.• j1111"illgjill!g,~ IIJlml Iwt; W/",,, j;,:~/
pbs(ln','d I/( e jIIlIlWJ' 1m" Imr.'/"" om til IllI' from \rim/oil' ,,/Mr.•', I.. Gralwm;' millill,'ry Slim! ",,,I
lire imide o/Ihe 11011,'" " '11,<ill jllllllt'S, Nv ""'/illS "','/\' 11/ lumd IU ,~III)' 1III'fire IIlIIi/ il Iwnw" il,~"/f
mil tII,d il 5{)"" slm'ut/,,, Ih,' lu", l1}ke of,l, & II: II. McCullum IIIII/II"'IIC" IV J<III('5, SOl' .1<
f"lllg $, IIIl ",,,/;:r 'he ,<lillie ""'f. (11,,1 ill 1m hour (III \\'(,/1' i ll millS, nit,Ji/1' i.' ,nlPllOn'l1 /0 Ifill','
origiIUl/':d ill Ihe ,:rl'/o.<i"" "/11 C;flll /oi/ hllll/' \\'hid, luul h('clI I'fi Imming 1I/lOlIlhe slm'" CIIJ',' illlh,'
mil/il/Ct), ,<lore "1li/c lise (J('t;ul'mm 1111'/ gtllw /I. ""I'I11.'r. A /11/1(' millim'lJ' goods \1"'11' '~"'J'III"<''', A
...(' ...b'g "'(l~'hil/<', 111';111/0 (lml OI/,,'r (lrlick,f i ll II/(: hlld; mom '\'('re ,\'11\'('d, Mr.• , Grailllm ,f ,"tN't 1111,<
illslll1"1l f vr SS50, 111,,1 s(,.. Iltillb Iter (oss /lImn: IllIIl \I'iII be /111(1111 S.(OO,
71w /m\' lifmll'i('5 ill Iii, ' ujJict'" IOgellter \rill 11/1 tlw /Jl1fu'rs wul fumilllll! '''I'Il' gUilt'" OJII
sufi'. M r. McCu1l1l1ll ,.. lil'l"I/I)' ,,~u iIISIIIl' " fill' S 1.100,
71w firM ajJicc \l'1Il' ,,\1'11<'" by .ludg,' Thos, M, .Iflli<'" III/(/ !\'IIS ilmm,,1 ill th,' f/olli" vf N.,,,"
liNk for 51,OfH), Th,' ,~'"lwl<l viJkc " '11,< v"'/I.'(I hy J, & W II. MeO,lIlIIlI, 111111 "'liS ill.<II1l'I1 ill Ihe
I'hlU'llix, I lurl/orrl, fo/' S I ,1/1/0, HI!' lIIiIIillt',)' ,flO/'e "'II,,' m"II,',1 by JII/It'I & .!feCl/flmll Will ""IS "<>1
111\' good (lIIdlh,' " 'I/I'k 0/ r,'/milt/illg will SOOI/ lit' etllllll" 'llet"lI,
The " ',,fl.1 uf 1/", Imifdill1::-"
J, .~ W II, .lIeCulium ".iII II("CIIf/Y Ihl! o.oio' ill Il~,r of 11z(' N/Ili/J/IIII Ilrm(', JO/w.,·, So" ,Ii
£!\'blg ",ill OCW!')' lit" old SII/Id, '," blli/ding ",:XI 10 Mr,,', CllrI,'r ~', (w h~r~ our libr.11)' is 10<.1ny)
The fire ' /"llIlfllll{'1I/ "'liS 1>111 inri Ih(' jI(IIII"'~ "w"t' {II.')'OIII/ iu roll/ml,
I'"II/Ib s hollid 110 IOllgt,,. h<",'il<lll' 10 I,,,,'(:II<IJC II fc", "'{lIa IlI/d"'I.,' <11 1,'<1,'1.
These buildings wcre loc~K..1un \\',ost Mndison Street,just w~st of the J. I', " b y btl ilding.
The lawoflke o r Jut!ge Tho mas M, Jones, th ough l by m ~n>' /() Ix: th.; original building in which the
Ku Klu,~ Klnn was o rgani1.ed, lmd Ix.... n built aflerl. fi re in May, 1867, m:llly monlhs aller Ihe Ku
Klu,~ K!:tn \\'~s org:m il cd , Judge Jones ' pr.;"ious law office hnd been oil ihis sitc, so this ptlJbnbly
was the s ilC wherc lhc KII Kl u,~ Klan was OIl::lll1izcd, bill dclinit dy flOl in thc e,; istinl:: bui lding. The
1879 fire g,l11c,J lhe se bu ildings, bUI
lhe walls did nOl f:III , Thq ' were
soon reno\'~ tcd and have continued
10 se rve as law offices :111" other
businesses for well over one
hUlldn:d ) 'C:lI11, In 200 I Ihis bui lding
scr\'cs 35 lhe office of anomey
Robert D, t.!nsscy,

Judge Jones' law office, buill 1867

o..., n l \ l - J 1:1\ ' " VU I \

T il E 11\1\0 '5

Co nt inuin g progress and COIISI:l II I change is Ihe bCS I description of OUT tOll'l1 tl mil,!: the
carl)' 1880's. Busi ness W<lS good ,!lId 111'11\)' lI ew f:lc~s wcn.: comin g 011 Ihe scene. Dr. J: Il11;:S A.
SumplCr :111.1 W. E. L :lc~y di sso lved their long,t:lmlin g pa rt ners hip in Ihe dill!;; 5tore lJUsillcs'; 'I[ld
out oflhis carne 111'0 new businesses. Dr. J:lIncs A. Sum pter limned a part ners hip Wilh his son.
E(lward R. SumplCr. and Ihe>' \::111",<1 thci r n.:w dnl!; store SUlllplcr &. Son. Thdr store hou,e was
'lear the ccnler or lhe caS I side or lh e ~(]ll;'rc. W. E. lacey
formed :I partners hip 1I';lh Gu)' Sumrncr. oough l ou l the
Comer DllIg SlOrc. ;unl n:n: llu cd it SUlllptcr &. La(·c)'. ~
Caplai n Ficld Arrowsmith '"UlOunccd his ~lir"ll1cm
from Ihe rela il clothing b"sin.:ss and TuUl Jon~s 1(1Ok hi s
pbce.. r.:rwning Ihe flnll ,\bemalhy & Jones. rtetirem~ rlt
from a busi nc" in Ihos.: d:r>'s had a dini:rc>nt me,rning lh:m
;t ha s 10tl:I}'. II si mply 11Ieant th ai one oflhl.' parlners ""IS
kavirlg tire p,lrtrlCl1'hi p for persona l or business re,r"o ns.
Capwin ,\rroll'~milh soo n rejo ined L. E. Ahcmath y ami T.
/II . hmes to ronn Arrowsmith. Alx:rnalhy & Company.
Ware &. Bone's 11Iol'ed their Dying. Ckan; ng '"
RcnO\"rting shop to Ihe bric k hou se 0p jlo,ile Jackson's
Lil'ery Stabl.:. ~ I. Gross' Ekgant Cur lf"'ctionel}, '" Il,'kery
on the east sid.: of Ihe sq uar.: onere!! fresh oysler;;. r"llcy
groce ries :l.lId icc ,,'[Cam in seaso n. ~Ii ss ~ 1. A. Smilh &
COlllpany offered In; 11; ncry gOo<l, on the north"''''s1 corner
of the' squ:r re. John B, Kenned y 1I'0rked for CapUlin A. C.
Irvinc in his new grocery and eh ill:l SlOre umkr ,\ mionclle
I bll. );r'lles 1'. O:lkes bought tile brg.: building on Ihe
wcst side of the 5qll'tr~ knowll as the John C. Bro"'n
build ing ,l1ld mOl'ed his stock of fumiturc there. n . S,
Check conlinucd to oper:tle his Ci t>· [J.lkcry.
Till.' il~'" ('arrill!.'!! 1\ 'l'o.5ilOl1' of .11.''',''1'.', Gmh"",
<~ Son,', Oil Fi,;<1SlIt'I'I, willi", 'I"il<' 1/ IIiI/II/som(' mldilioll
10 lital flon!o" "f 101m, II is 1/ largO! 11m/ ("}II/modious Sumplcr Dnlg COfl\]l;rIlY
.1'11'1/,'1/1/\', /JI1i1 "'1111,,, ,W' arrallgl'd 1/_" /0 gil'" lhis pOfllllll!'
firll/ illc/\'lIsedfil('ilili<w ill Ih, ';" hll_,ill",U, Tilt'ir SIIn'<',"" is
<IIwlit,'1' j,'I11/{!'1' !II II", rI'l' '!( /"}III<' i",III.,'/':", allll il i.".
he",!,,,",,,, " ''''I''''<'I';I,,d.
- ,
the C ITIZEN (Inke. ! lis :lSsct~ Inl;!led $2. 11 2, while hi s Ij"b ilitics werc $4.597. C. G. Ed l1lllnd,on
.f!:. Co. made ,'" ;,).• i~nlllcni ill 1885. all,lllIciT house "'n.' clo$'''!. Th.: finn o!'lIuron.! ,,,,II eml.:r
assigned 10 Nohle Slllil hs()lI. "SlI'r. in I/;SC,. as th,,>' were u" :lbl" 10 lIleet 111;I1t1rilt~ debt" l 11is
"s.igllll\cll! was pmb:!bly made dnc !(l Ih e dl::llh uf l\ 1r. Ilu ford.
The s liccess.:.' ,,,,d t:tillln.;.' "ftlle busi 'I" 'scs "f flur town were d;r~c l l y related ,0 cult on.
During the two dcc;ulcs bcfurc the War Il clwccn Ihe Siales the price ofcouon Iml r.mscd frum 7 10
21 cems I"'r lloum1. 011r .oil was lell ile ;nul <,non)lOUS cmp. h:1I1 been rot ised 011 GilL"S CUlIlIl)'
1'1"",,,1;0115 111 ili~ing sl:!\'c I:.bor. Qur COl"" y a"ll oll r I('WII h:,d IJrospercd. /I-Iall), of our I1 I:nll"rs
:11 1,1 t1 \Ne hanI S hnd mnass~d fUr1!<1H!S.
O ur eUlIlIl)" nnd 'HlT 1""'11 again I)r"s,l-Cr~d .luL"inti Ihe ye:u~ 1,)U"wilig Ihe War Between Ihe
St"les due 10 Ihe :,bnon u'llly hitih I)lice of l"tJIIUIl. DllrillSlhe wnr ..... e ':, ..... the Ilfke rise dr:III1;'lic.,lIy
1050 celliS in I ~(,2. il)92 C~III~ ill 18(>3. n"lI 10 the :,!llime hi!;h. SI.891'cr 1)()1"1I1 ill IS64 . The h i~ h
price held ''ll thro ugh I N65.l'caking al S l .~7. IS66 saw the I'rke (.. 1110 60 celllS :lml b>' I Sf> 7 il was
dow" 10 .12cems. The price helll ;,ro\\\1d 35 eems Ihrough IlaO. !llel\ rdllo 20 Ce nlS by INN. By
I N80. Ihc "Tire of 0011011 II"'I~ dOll"n 10 13 ~"<:II IS I",r pOllud .
!JlITilll! Ihe y,,~rs \\"h~n Ihe price or cullon "':IS )00 almull n.,l1y hi!;h m:my Gile.. COU Il'Y
pi;lI\tl'TS i'wdLleed enunn(llLS crops :md protilcd great Iy. As they pro iited. s" did the tncrch:"\l s and
the 1.'011011 brokers uf our tm'-n. During Ihose years QI" Hecon,trllCI i"n. when 111(Isi of the South was ,,
SII'U!;tliIlI!IO o,'el"eOllle lite (lesITUeti"e crr~CIS uf Ihe W"r lJcl WeCIt the SI"1C~. the abilily of our
!)Ianlel~ ~nd Oll r len ile soil had Il uick ly broul:hl us b.1el inl<>:111 cr;, of prosperily.
Ily Ihe e'11'ly I SSO·~ . Ihl)se ptOSllervlls (by~ were o\er f01" (Iur pbmers. The price of C"l1on
":,, down to 13 ~c ms )leI' jlOI1I1I1 :lml wa~ beill g 1I1:lIIip"lal~d by Wan :;Irt:el .' pec ulatQrs on the
1'11([11\'5 m'lI ket. Ollr soil wns wom d01l'1I '11Id o:ully in lle~.. 1or rt:SI mtd r"jll\·ell~li01t. L~,h()r CI 'SI~
wen: rising. Gil"".. COllnty 1'lmt1c~ were l!eUiug poorer c:lch ye.... as Ihey Irkd 10 mise bil! COllon
C!"dps. Noll'. instead " f:III1'>ssi ng fi""I11~ s. Ihey did "'cli lu car!) a living for Iheir f;lmi lics.
C(lI\<1I1 is \1" IUll ger king. (li les CO llill y pl:II ' I~r~ raise d wheat. com and other er(II'S. hill
wo"ld IIc,'er as ";,, IIii....: .. crOl' Ihal wUllld du .".l III"eh for Ihe pro.' I"'I·ity of uur e/l11m)' ,,,,<I Ollr !I'WII
as I·"tton had dOlle. 'l1,e mcrch:mlS of 0111" lown. wh" .lcpc"IIIlcd so he~\'il>' on the ilth"bil~nls of Ullr
CdulIl)' fur thd,. business.
inllll ediat e ly fe ll Ihe
1l1i11:'CI uf (he decline in
illCIlIlle. FonullmC"iy. mOSI
or Ih~ mercha11lS "f ollr
1"11'11 were so we ll
~~Iabl b hl'd and <I;\'er~iflGd
Ihal Ihey oo"ld 511 ....,i,·e Ihis
pcriod or l""eu11011l1C

SI) I11~ ",11o hall

, --

been 'I'ecublinl! in CUllon

did nOI f~1\:: so \\"cll. lo~i l1S
111IIeh or (he 1I1(Jlley Ihey
had mndc ; 11 pr cv ll'II S
y";lU. ;\ prim..:: eXi111l11ic I nl~dor of:, ~tore in l'ul:Iski. T ~J IlI cssee

\\'''S B. F. Carl~r. Jr. A~ a t:ll'lll~I':1I1(1 ~O!lO II bmkci' he Ii:,d l;trcd we ll tor 1I1:IIIY )'~;,r:; . bILl during l h~
ISNU's his losses till',.:d him 10 sdl I11U" Uf1l1l'1~I!:!c (Own 101 on which his home "'''S Iuc;\led. The
home o fl'rank ;111<1 Cyn1 h i~ C;mcr ~li1l sllllld~ i11200J oil \\'..,1 r..bdi 'otl $nycl and is own~"([ by \Ir.
ali<I Mrs. ]('11)' Miks. The 101 on which Ihi s magllilic"ul hom ... ~ I'"I<I, 01"'"
'1""111".1 (ron, :"1:I<li).<.l11
10 Jefferson Slrccl. ,\:achiug from FOLlnh [I) Fi ith Street
OLII' city gOl'crmn~tll ~"f1 l'l"t,d i ,,,d r pd tU;,ri Iy I hroll gh t :I.W';, The Mardi. I ~.~ I. nolk ... "r
';LX alld I;,em..: I1lks gil cs IIllich insij,'hl (" Ihe \':Ofi"u.~ '>'I"'S url)ll,inc,.c, th,,( wen: ]),:;n.: cUllduClcd
ill Ollf IOwn:

l' EnSONS r~idillg ontuin); bus; I1C'S ill lile town "f 1'111:,,1:; arc rcq llim] 10 P"Y the 1i,1]"lI'ing la.~,~
and liccns~:
i\ Icrc hanls' m.~.
50 ccnlS un oS I ()O.OO Liquor De;,lcrs (relail) $.'i0.00
l'rOIMly I:LX. 50 cenls on 100.00 Li\Ct), :md Sale Slable. each sl:111 .30
!'1X'd;I I I:'~ . 25 ""111<')11 I on,no I';\lenl Right s ("endor of) 5.410
I'lt IVI LE(i E rfl X!OS I'E I{ 111\'1\' lJM, l'c(ldl ers. <'II 1"11'1 IO.on
J\r~hilccIS $ 10.00 I',,<ldle,..•. I'l l Iw,"'e 20.00
IIrt islS nnll l'ho1otlr.lphers )0.00 I'eddl"rs. ,'''eh :"ldilioll:II h"rse 10,00
,\lIl'liHlleers or criers 5.00 1'0011:lble$ 10.00
Ihg:uelle T:lb1e ~.OO Sample 0".11,;,' 10.00
Ililli,,,'" Table I O.HO Shaving Noles 25.0()
Lloard ill l: Iluli ses 10.00 Shootillg G,dkl"ic, 10.00
I3fukcr~ 50.00 SlUck Yard ,,,,<I Fecd 51;,ul" 10.00
1l1lldiCrs .'i.00 Tell 1'1" Alley 10.00
Civil Engineers Th,..;ners Ithe hOIl>-C) JO.OO
Claim A<\cm, I ().on Theall ic~1 c.~hih;1 i"",. each 5.Ull
D,'alers ill CO LllIl )' W!ll"r:lllh 25.011 Vehicle,. (II'" Ii(u·,,· (lilr I' l1'fil) 5,orJ
(in:u.'. cadi ~,~hihiliul1 25.00 V~hidc,. e:,eh a<illitiol1al hor~~ 1.00
i\ lenagel j.:,,; 25.00 Il:tch and C"n'i,,:;..:, (for I'" ,fil) 4.00
Cirel" 111111 ;"1c1l:tgerie comuilleJ 50.01l Ol1ul i hll~~ 5.110
Side Show.~ ~.OO W"g<ln y,,,'d ;lIltl Feed Stable 10,00
) lolel.• :lIld Tav~ lm. ~"cb rOOI11 .75 Il inel":< ni Tl mkl";o, Tr.,,'ding Doctnrs
lIu ckslcrs 5JlI) :Iud Str~"l "u~tionccr~. [lCr Ilay 2.50
Insur;me.: IIgenl' 5.00

Nu l'crsull <"II! C(lI1HIlCIICC h<l,il1c~< wi Ihoot lirst h:t\'ing l'<,<x:ureil the 1H,,:c~ ':tr>' lieclls" ami
!III pClwm. whose lic~n,c It ,,,,c c,~pil"l.. d arc r':II"ircti I<l r~ n ~w Ihe 'a ltl~ OIl Ol1ec. Vil,la li() I '~ 0"
neglect oflhe revellue law, oflh.: cUI'j'or.,tiol1 " ill b<: p1'<lm]ltl}' pro.cellic.!. the recorder """in!! no
ulhcr'llIcrn;ui'·e. F. WI'ISII II'. Rccl)l'Ilel'

Ik[lOm (If Ihe con,.lant clwnge! in our 1()II'n I\crc C!tn ied in T! IE I'Ul i\SI{ 1CITIZE\l'
1\'11'. [), S. I\lartill i~ 0p~ lIillg:1 urick Y:I[(\ llil hi s place 1l~'I"lll~ co lton faclory.
I\k;;~r,. V, Tru.!eau and W. II, I{o~c hal'" "l~c.·~,kd Mr. J. A, 1'. Ski ll~lII il1lhc pn)pritIO\~hil'
"rllte SI. Gilc~.
/\11; ) "h" Ba".l"~ .<nuIY r,.elU1'Y '" ",'l1h p"!;,,I.1 h"n',,<1 jn "1',,1. 1:0;:0; I.

- -
------- 'u . .
lillilding o/lIw I',·ol'it-.< IJI/llk is 10 b.' II IiI'IIII/iji" .<'rllelllll!. TII""illII 0/.11,: S. C. .IIildH'1/ ...",'
11/' '''
"""/lII'd, It ...ill II('II .,'/1)11,' flvlII. 1"'0 slOril.'.<. """1<'1"111.-1)" Ofllllllll.'lIl1·lI. IIml lb., side jilcill;': 2ml
S"r." ,..illiliso fH' "f'x'llII/ijill ","CIliI.'£·l!Imllll.'.~iJ!lI. Tire ",IOI"ioll oJlhe "IIII! i.'·11 CIJ"'I 'Ii"u'lI/ 10 .If,:
.Ifildu'll sskill.
The comer slOne of lhe ncw P~"Oplc's B:mk W:lS bid in Apri l. 1883. by Ihe 1>l:1S0ns. Qu ile :t
crowd was asscmb led 10 wilrWss Ihis c,·clll. IJdur.., Ihe end o f lite y~ar, Ullr h'WII would ha,·c 3n
dcC:mt IICII" tll'O stol)' b:lll k bui Iding . This IllIi lding slill sland s in 200 I on th ~ WCSt eml oflhc sou lh
sidl' of th~ sq uall!. OWlIl'd by Bell Jarcd.

Peop le's Sluck Y"rd

I> lessrs. Jas .A Whi' e and It 11.I'oner, Jr .. III1,kr the (,nn name ofWhitc.'l.:. ['orler. will open
ue~t w,,,,k the [',"Op .... ·s Stuck Yard at lhe Ila llentiue wareho us<: . back o f Coon Comcr.
M t'ssrs. "'!ri,,· ,t· I 'III"/o'/" (/1\' mllkillg ,:,'I, '''S;'',' III\'IlillllliQl'-~ Jm' Iii.' 1"~JfJI., ... Stock liml.
,\'<'1" mltl CO" I"I."I.·II/ .</,,/1.< "/II~'l"'£'1I IIIllde il/ II,., "III 111I1,,"lIIill(' Wll/"i"/UNI.,..·. I/Iulll '''';I'!lI,,!:' ' 'n'lI
Ix lidlll-! d,jg IU tlw 'l'/lr j'j'III.· Iiuildillg. ,,"hid, 'riff ,IOU/)I/t'.\.' Il}]iml 1m (j/mmlrm( ."IIflJlly "/1I'1I1,'r ji"
T he strccl.' of "ur lown were sti ll unp aved ,hi ri ng the c,lI ly 1880' s. NUlllerous complaints
wcre ;lirc,1 in T i lE j'ULASK! CITIZEN ,Ioout the ,lu st ill th e 5U11II1ler. the lIIud ill the w inter. mill
putholcs year round . Evidently. thesc c011lpl" inl S Iinally pa id ofr
Th,' .<In"l'l 'wrk 111(11 1111.< b''gllll It'iII ("ttl/llmw /III/ill/II! '</flll"" 111111 ,-" Wid 2ml SII<'I.'I.< 111/1"('
,,,.(.,, j,wC//llllm;:,·d. 711,' .~lici IlIIs gWI,·ji""" . Tid.• ,wfiwl oj III/' d~l·fillll/'r.....iIIl,,' .'",fors",1 I>y
<'n',)' d l i:(" : 'if PulilSM.
~ l'lcadJm il mioll was :1 process of rolling b ye 'l< of cm;;hed SlOne un J ,II)' ro.adl~d, OftclI
wi th lar or asphalt. The progress was reported iu TilE PUL,\SK I CITIZEN: S' "L"Imd SIIW{ /"'.,.
Ii ...· t) tIII/em/llllli:"d IIflto IIr" -'"'llIIII"C IIIU/ work is lUl\\" goillg 011 011 I-"ir,,'1 S'n·,'I, Thinl S, ... ·.·( i."
rlf,\'W(I ' ill KoOti comlilio" ".1"""/11 ill olle plucl·. (,,·rlm/,-,'. ",,,1 .../,,·,, lire .<1(11111\' ..-1",111111 ,.... I~·('dn·d il."
uf.<I()J1I' 111.'1\' "'ill hc Iml lillie 11/01\' " 'fll'k " ..n·s.,m)· Iv 1I!11~" OUI' .,'1,\'1"1.< 11_" good a.' ,I,.....
11<"\1" , '",/I
",...,llu'. Tilt' ".ork 111m /"" . {It '.'11 ,Iurlc i.<<').""'1/,'111.
Numcro us tidbils o f infonn:l1ion :'l'l'l'••ring in Ti l E I'UL ASK I CITll EI\" leU us wit;" was
goi ng on in and :!round our 10"'n:
Til .. skatlllg rillk ".iIIl", fight.·,/ 'fil" glIJ .
.IIr. Jl m,,/rillg "".' I"id" .'W/I" /"" '1.'11/,'111 ,." /n",' 'if Ille 11('1,' 1', ·ol,I.·:~ IJllllk.
Th" lU/l"'/"li'lII ,!J",I/t: U~ R. C,.,,(<: ." bl'il"k /10/1"" /"'.. ii, ','11 /"id "lilli/I(' \\'IJI"k i,' PIT!~ I\·.,.,i"g
mpirlZ" " /lolIgll ""'},'I' ,I /,: II. C. Cm .,. :,. '/il\·,'li"" .,· 11I· I",ild...: The/",ildi"g is m/jllillillg '\/,: !l"III:II ,'
.I 'III/l·.
Til." brick work ' if JI ~ R. C:m ig .i· 11<'11' /""'.... I,' ",,,,,. 11m/ DII/lII."· '~ H:i"iI/1I11 Oil III ..· ""ifllli_,'

71", II" ,," emllll.'/" ",,,/ ,I""ks III 11"' 1/('''' I"'oplt· ;, ll,,"k n :11.'£'1 imm.'.jw e'l',lillll")II ,II<' .d:ill oj
,lfr. .'I,,,,, C. .\lifehe/I.
,Iii: I IIIIIIIIe/X""J.: /1<1-' /J""g/II .1Ir. Gros.• '<~>IIji·'·li'''''·'T. I h· will <·",lIim,.. " " .,·ill,·...~ III til.· old
",""d "",/,,-ill I>,.",u'll ,ml illll/"c'/' lill .... '!l"'''Il·/"""fiJ<".
II I\'iflrl."qllill· II ):ll"Ill ,h·IIIII/...ork If) IIlIIk,' II ):IIml .,m ·,·' ol"'" OIW Il '/'<'III~\" "1"'11"");"'''
J.:J}" ".,.""
10 .Ilm/iIlm /,1'111·.·.'11 . Iii: ./"". 1: AIi"1I :,' "lid MI/I IJ. I'; Cm'''''' :".
,1/,: /. II. Raim'''' i." 'milt/ill); IIII'~\· ,,·.,id,·I1,..· 0" 2",I ,I/lIi" SI/"",'I /I,."rly "1'1'",111,'111" ,I /"Ih",/i."

· ~ .. "., .- -_ ...• _ ... . _-- ..• . - ._ • . "'- -- r - - .. _ .. ..... - .. .
rUlIflli IICW clllploymcm at Mr. 1. C. Dickson's spoke anll handl e f<l elOry. Located ullthe bmnch just
belou' Will iams and Watsoll's mill. il was aln.·3d)" umler conslnlelion. /"'Iachine'ry \\':,~ on It
was nOl to bc !I largc ofll:ralion :It fi l");l. bUI au )' new ell h.. rpri sc ,,":os welcomed in olLr tOWII . Soon in
OpeTJlion. Ihis I:IClory prodLlc~-d 111')1 d lss wagon spoh'S. :I.W hal1dk s. pick h:md k s. cle.
We' had barely l"l.'COWI\"l.1 frolll Ill<: fire al lhe " l.IlasJ,: i Col1ol1 & Wook l1 Mi lls when. ill
NOI·emb,·T. 1S8·1, T he I' ul!ls ki F10tIring " 1ill "nll Ek\,:l wr bum~·d. I.oc!l leu jll~1 hehi'nl lh~ nun h
end nflh" " aSI si.l ~ nf lhe squ ar~· . Ih is flf\: put Ihe enli re ea;;1 side inj"opardy. T he ek,'alol' W!lS nUl
mure Ihall forty f~e l from th e rear uf th e C IT IZE N o n1cc. T he III ill "'", :Ibout ~ew 'I IY feet fr ol1\ th e
de \' at or. Fortul la td y. the fire d id nOI n::leh the square . bl,t " "lIe damage W!lS done to ~c\"C r:,1
bllsine'sscs on th e Iio nh end o f t h~' c·:,s t si.le due to snmke. he:n. Winer. ,m.l the re mOl'al ',fgood~.
5110i;rill g most Wi-'re the CITIZ EN "Oke. J. 5. C hilders & Co .. 11. G . Brown. dl)' good s. Wood :o nl.
gllX"i:ries. :111d G. A Pop" . dnlsi!isl.
'\11 allllOllnc.:mcm was ma,k: ill Ikcembcr. 1884. of II..., p,lni:.1 sale of the .lmS 1'lIsim."ss I)r.
J:nn.:s ,\. 511111,-.lcr h:ld foumlcd a <lu~ner ("l11my b.'\Ck.
,\ I,: Ed. fl. Cmig IlIIs bmlgill (/II illl"'l'S' ill lit., Ilru!; Slim' 'If ,If,: E,I. N. SUIII,'/<": fJ,: CtH'lh-'r
I,' IIIdr 1"1>"'·l'ipliolli..-,. rll.. ,,'1.1'/" '..,-liI!.! 1I,'wjiYIII i.1 SlIlIIpla /)1"11);, ('0.
Thi s panll ~ rs hi p W;IS to Im'l Il1lt il Janu ~ ry, 18!ifJ. when r- II'. Cra il:l bought the ~ ut ire hus; I1 CSS
ami rell'lI1 le<l ;t Cr.' ;g &. CO IIIP,U1Y.
J:lnUal)·. I!iS5, S:l\\' Ihe beginning of the le k phonc cOll1inl:l to our tOWI\ Oil :0 brs e scale.
Varions :IIHlOtlIlCCn\C'llt;; :'p,-...:ared ill 'I'l l E l' ULt\5K I C ITI ZEN 0\'':1' the n•."XI few mom hs:
,1/1: E. T. 1I11~W; S('("I\'/I/r)' '1th'> Cumlx'dumf 1<'1'1'/I<JII,· //lui 'h ''''I:!mp/I Co.. ,,',u ill I'II/,,-,ki
hl'll I....·k. ''', 11/ ,)111.',' IIwd,' lI/'rtIllC"III{·IU.< 10 1'''' ill II SII.,-,d, iJ<Hml ,,' I' ,,/uski IIm/'" ,m' "I' 1"''''.5
lII"l II 'in·.<"", '1' titc cily/or ,ll(! 11'<, ' O[dli:c,,_" '1'1." WI/II/ i,,-,Irl/ll/(''''''' lIe "I.w "ffi"'S ,"'",.<I" {''''''III)'
/(nr>J.' lit<llll'i."it 10 {'vml,'L'1 .,.ilil {'lllIlSki.
rile n·h·plumc Co. is II/uml Iwu(r '0 pili ill Ihe .!!l"llellll,,,,,,/ "," I "1"'11 Ihe "'(" /""';;" '. A1)(111/
11 '11 ,'lIh...(",.;I",,.., 111\' a/twIlly ill. 11"'/i,h',,' 10 !Jllllli<'/" Iliff. 1,'1/;',111. I.yllllrill<-. 1111<1 "'/"'/" I,oim.,' Ihat
I"'.<in' 11"'111. lI'iII/H.' Imill /1.< .wllm /1.< I/rIC I"vll/t" ill 1110.1,· .« ·eli,m.\' "I'."il'" /0 ('(I/IIpl.•• wilit II,,· I"lI.\y
1("1"111'< ''.IJ;',wl lIy II,,' COIII/JIIII.I'.
Tf",,,,' "IIIg ""I<'s /II~mll<l 1/',·
'<1111<111' ...iII/1<! f,/m"<'11 "001/ /IJ It,· II." ~I ".1'
tire 1<'I"/IIt",/,' " .rdumg" .
TI... """'plulII{' jll,""""'h ''''_~ 11"<'11'
111<1 il/ 111/,1 II"." ,:.-dulIIg(· "Ill"!.!
.1"'.111"11/11.': {A pri l I. I S!iS) ,\I,: I ~ C"'III(1"
i.~ 10 1II111111gl" I b ... " Xc/IIlIl);,'" If" 1m."
lI'urh',1 11>' 1i"" I1,,'" l"" ,b .. Ii"lt"gl'IIP"
(·""III/III.'·jill" "1,,,1</ lhir l.'" .1""llr.< 1111<1[1<1(1'
I<II<!.-,..-II/'Id.' "i_~ dll/;.·... II.· ;.51" INJI'lnl '"
b,' /I d ,'n'" g,·mh·'llm,.
711t" Ji,.xl 1,·i.'I'/WIII' e!llIll" cli"'l
/ll1II/(' ;11 " II II1."/;i II'IIS b" I ,<,,,,'1I II,..
CI Tl1.I;'N 'ifft ...· m,d IIl1 i"'·'·:5 /i"{'I:r
l'I:1II t; "S:1 lekp honc pnlc in I'u l :ls~ i


j'OI',J, S,-'wn./ ~'m(llf dlldUIIS I",,,_,-.',v \L\"" ~-if"'I/, ·,1 d""S" I111(V(I' ",'"" ""'/m;Mi,,s ,," "II .,·;,/"y ,md
...,.," ("'(I' ,v"w'd I,, · ,le.v/,,'mle IIYII'k, TI,,· .vwble IIu" '1I.~"rt"'ec ji,.. 51'15Q m,d II", ''''.1: ,·w..
"",,,tlllli,,1,; '" 111'''"1 S5{)(J. 1\"fI.' ""i".I·II1",I. 7/",'",lId,,,1,; \\'/1.,' II da"I,;,'mu,. jin,·II'III' II",I'lIId i'/111""o'"
""" "'iiU~r lIighl \I'mdd 111""',"1 ill""iwb!,' frlln' /J//l"lwd lirc 1,;115 \I'vrks lI"'I .,·,· ,·'·I"<I' .....
mllll ·.I·iI"'!!n·~·
(11111 "11;:111 ('II~'i1y 11II1'e /l'II("II"1I Ih" IlIIsim·.• s /1111"1 of IIii' dlY.
The Pulask i G:IS Work s !.lid bum later tlial ycar, liS was reponcd i1l1h~ A"l:!llSl 19. I:S S('
~diliun ufT tlE PULASKI C ITIZEN:
A/xlltl 10 " "''',d.: .1" """1'1/"-,, II/."."i,,!! I"" ji,,' "II"", "1U 50/111<"''' "",I i, II'''.' .• 001/ di~u" w\~1
Ihl/l fh.· glls 'fvr k!- un. Immills ... Som .. 1I', 'fl' '1"il.· 1'111''' 'h.'I,si."<' of1111 .·.\·" I",,;'m ",,,/,,fl'''' S" "II,, ~I
1(1 fi'ur Ih,1/ II,.· gil-< ,'il"~. \I'm"ll .:rl'fOlI,' Silllllllllll<·lIIl.,-(,' "II " ...·r Ill,' ril.I: ",0o·r " .,·/ton lill/,' Ifl<'
I'llsim' IIrr;"/'d 111111 ",illt il.l" 11.l".<i.<IIIIII·' · Iht! J/fJ"~' ",,,f I",ldi'r brigad.. .,.,,<"<'c.'d,·" ill ," lol'l,i!!g Ih, j i,\' III
1/H'III!rIilivlI Il"IIfI ,,.hicl, dirid/'s II,,' IIIl1i!! IJ//;/dillsfrfllll Iii., t 'vke /l}O/I! lIml .,II,·" lIIllill! lIor/1I sid...
Wi thill a f.:,,· da}'s the damage was r~pail\'d and til e gas works was baek in fil II opcmtiOll.
Nt!cdlc ss to ~a>', the gas pipl:s all over town di~i 11 01 ~.' plodc.
Othcr IKllahk cvcllls of I SS6 inclllIlcd:
G. A. Pop" i.v """ .;,,).: M,' -'lock ' if dmgs imo Ih" '''~''I 1","_ ,·". II.' ",iflIIIII'" ""N" IIH"II "",I
;III"''''/.f '" ;II ..n' iIi.f "·/'H·k 111,,1 M.• b".,;",·.,.~.
111" Silll,;.'r S.·",;,,!! '\/"d,i,,,, IIj)it"... Im J 11<-'t·" lllO'~ '" IIJ Om,e" .;. ~""".ry' SIUll!.
JI"". 1'111l1rtillY Ril'i.'r.• IIII.,· n',,",,\~/II;.,' uj)ie., II' IIII! fOi,,1I ""IT O"h·.< -, 1\'('/'111(,· Ul'(',,{,ied I~, '
II,,,,,,· R. SI<'..!'" E'·q .. 11'/""\'11.. is JlIt'f""1'1/ '" 1\.".... ,.•' dil',lls lIiglll ",,,I dlly.
l.a.,1 ,,.,·,·k 1<'/'·p"III/..S \\" " "1:: 1'111 i" III,' "Jjity 'if Noh'<, S",illm",. 1:\1/ '/: wu/II,,! "·.I·id,.,,,·,· '!(
,1ft: II. If KlIigl!!. 1',,/,·.•' (II, ' 1I<1\"/"'illg "I\·~·I ... / /() I,.fe .lfiff.lll"'/Ih" Ii",· will pml","{1' h .. <'rI"'{'"'I,'''
I" IIml l",im,IIi.' "'Co·t
,11o'.<.• r .•. ,1/1111 IJIIII).:" 111/11 .1/"rk , l rm'''.<lII ilil J"",,, "w'·"" 11l";r I/u/I..-,·/ft/!d ~"<J,I.<. ",m.<i.<lill).:
" /" I;" 11"((<111"111. " Ijlllwk "",m,·.' " IIII{I,I{II" (ifml ,11tI ... ,d",· (/;:..k III ,m,' ' iflh,· ",,,,,,_,' m\'r 0<.('".'
.</tII·. ·. 1/.,"(", "';.1'/, /tI j i llil 1",'11/ ...·k 11:" j ill/;,,'" III .,/'''''' .1'''' ,/", "CUi II"f,· . ..
em;1,; <~. eo.. .•"0 .... ,Ii ,I,.. Sump"'r Om): Co, ill II,,· ,In,1,; bll.'·i".....s. ,l it: "t!. II. Crlli~ is O/I!'
'iflll<·ji"<,.,·'I,,,.,·i,,<,,~.\· 1/1,'''. I J.. i lll ..",/.< W ;nI,.",II/(·.· ,, /I'i"I,'r b".I·i"c,I· ~ 1II(·II""I.f ","I ... ,lfji,r ciI.,·II 11/ ,I",
r" " ',·.<II"'ifil. I h:,-,'III"XI' (IIIt/I'II.,·II ".illldl (m III(' 1",.,·ill".I~" ,II!: "''' ' .I' (iy,;): I,' "II),:II);C" \I'i,II IIilll ...
11,,· ,d"I,lwlI<': ,'.f}in· i.~ /will)!. 1I11"·,,t/ '(I ,11/' 1",".,'" j ll.1"I ill Ii''''' (,/1/0.1'''''"'' .;. L,.,m",· ~ II",
('.r/ll)'.~.•· .,j/i<,,·. TI", 1I-i1,'J will '101 he ill "1'/'I"(/lj{l1l IIl1lif IIhOffi 11(/011 lo ·tI".I:
I I/II IIl\wlllg uf ,he 11"11'< /;'/'.1' 0/ ,\fllrtill (.'1I11/·s o· /11.1'1 Tt,,,'s/lu.I' il \I'Il.~ IIo.·dtlcti '" 1i):11/ III/'
l",ifdi" l,; " 'illi t:1I~·. 11"-.f ,,"ifI "'''' I,;/lYI/(\' If) Iii .. SIlfi'~l' 'ifll", ,,,,;It/illt: "'11/,1", " IJ"IjiWI 1II"1" ",,,·.·lIi,·II<"I'
'ifil.~ illll/l/Il 'S,
.\lr. G. ,I. 1'11/«' bll.~ '''~'II (IPll{)im,'(1 <"IUlf ill.V " '/ ',"rfl".I'II/II.,·ki.
; , ~llt1cioll.,· .<1",\· i., b.:illS bl/ill 1I<'lI r ,I,,' illl,·r.'(~'lirlll (if Hr.·1",,,I S/·"o" d S/I\·I'I....
,11r. II. f'~ M e(;,\'\\' i,,' "J~'('lil/g II gill 1/0/1." , " " ,II<! /01 /,,'/\\'<,/'1/ Ih .. .'1'1<"(' .\"Iliff ""t/II,,· CUl"ritl;;,·
.,lwl" /I,. \I'ill IIu\"I' lh,' gil, ill "I,,'nll;oll i ll (I/llmll/ '" "".1"" .
. 1/1: W If. 1/",,'(' i.,' hllifdill); (I lin")' Mil"',· 11,,",'1 I" III/' oM \1''''1'11"".' '(' 011 /1" 11111.1' "", '1111<'.
11'0' 1",1"" .5 of "u/u.,ki ,..ill f" 'rhuf'~' 1\·),:,,'1 1" //'ill"ll ,11111 /11<:1' (It; · 1/J~)"'IIi" '" Ihe 11_'·... of ,10"
n""',.'"''''/ fl,r clllm:/t S/lI'I'("·.~. elL by ,I,,· " 01111 0' ("1)(11"1.
TIlt' " "'/(1/1 ('ml' ill Gif.·.• i.~ /"I}!(' mill i.<bd"J; Im"'sll/ IV IIIIIrk" 1 ill /-!"",I (·",,,Ii,ill,,. Ro·......"'.'
,,, dl/l,' i",lialll' ,hm .,(,k,· ill I'lIf",-ki u·ifIl1l!J.:}\·/-!"'" I O.()(/{/ hllk~ ,1Ii<.... ~II: 71ti' ",""I"'r 'if ''Ilf,·.•
",td h<'n' tv ,JIII<' i.l' !IJJ.J.



'I'll E 1KIJO'S

T I", "Gay Nin~li~s" wcr~ nOI ,;0 g:ly in o nr IOwn as w~ \\'~r~ in J Il ~c{)I\(jl\1k r~ccssi(j n .
!'> lonq was ~~:Ircc, Busincss W;IS n01 gooJ allli was ,kslincd 10 r~ll1 a ill Ie:,u IhnHl ghml11h~ ,k.-:..,k.
Th~ ~OIlOIl cro[1 of 1889 \\'3S " Imosl a 100al f:1illlr~ and Ih~ ero[1 of 1890 would rnw~ 10 b~ li u k
bell~r. COIIOII broughl 10 n!:lrkcl in carl )' I Jot9 1 sold for only 7 10 8 ecnts =1 pou nd ,
G iks Cou nl y fan ncrs wcr~ divcrsifying ill Ih~ir cfiol!s 10 prOiluec ("C,'CIIUC. T hc)' Iried
COOl, wh~:II. Irish [lOlntO<.'S, 10nl:l10l,·S. :lIId Ol hcr CIO[1S. bUI wou ld ncnT a~ain li nd ;1CIOlP Ihm 11'0111.1
[1rodnc~ lh~ pfOS[1Cri ly lilJI ~01!U1I had prodne ....1 durin b Ihc I 86()"s and lhc 11I70"s. In J UIIC. 189 1.
Mr. G~orgc C lrtc r .<hi[1JK'd ;, c:lr load o f 1.... l:IlOX:~ 10 I.ou iwilk. recei"iug S2 per !mTd for Ihcm. J Ie
h:",1 b' o\\''' fi neclI barrels 10 Ih c :lcre. 1..1r. T. O. '\ bc m al hy :lls.o sh il'rcd a car 10:,,1of [1\)I;lII)CS ;""\
rcceiwd S2 per b:orrd. bill had r.l iscd o nl y len barrel s 10 the ac rc. In January. 1H1l2. J. S, C hil ders &
ClOll1P:lI1)' ~ hil1pcd Ihe firsl car load of do" er sccd cw r shi[1[)cd from Ci i ks Cn uilly.
T he merchaill s of ollr lOW" were immcd ialely itll[1:n:tcol :o s 111:111)' of their ~ \I.<lol11ers w~r~
1I11abk 10 s~ l1 lc their aceOU Ill S. So mchuw we m,lIk il Ihro"gh 1 8~0 w ithoul a .<i "gk b ~, .i ll ~S~
fa ilil re. b "II1\lIn~'ro u s busi ness failures Iti lt occnr du ri ng the ne~t fcw ye,lrs. Snl1l~ nfthcs~ fa ile!1
blls i n~s\.l:s wen: ublc 10 n:mg:m izc mill r~SIlU1~ bllsin~ss. Somc WCT\! IHlt >0 limuna l..· :" 111 oIj ~ 'I)[1c:lferi
rl)I\:\'~T from Ollr 10WI1. New businl.·'scs quickl)' I\:placl.xt Ihose .11:1\ lI'ere gon~ and {ltiT10WII corllll1U,oI
10 ~rt)w, In Iheir enOl! 10 SIIf\:i,'c Ihe l.'CollOllI ie I\:c<:ssion. IlI:UJY of nur nlCfeh:lrlls di,l " w;t~· wilh the
..·T..... lil ,~·~ICIl1 II~II had pre'·~ i ll.~1 fo r >0 10l1g in our 10WIl . Thcy o nered Iheir goo.l~ fur sail' :,1 low
profilS fo r cash. M ~II}' o f I I~ n...,,' bu,j n..'Sscs Ih:ol o[1cncd duri ng Ihis .k!::,de were ,Irklly ea~h
'\ecor,tlllg 10 Ihc 1890 ce n,us. IllI.' fIOpu!:o lio u of I'nbsk i was 2,J75. llu\\c' cr." bT£e
I'orlion of the lown was nUl included in this CCIlSU'. E;lSI Ili li. olle of ollr mo,11 hicl.: ty se llkd pans.
was nOI includcd as it ",;,s 1101 ",i lh i 1\ Ih e corpomtc Iimil s. A]so a [1art o f no rt hcrn 1'" 1",ki "':IS nU l
includ ed. Our populalion was really bct"',e ll 3.·100 :",11 ·1.000. The 1890 ,'C II , \lS SIIOW,([ G ik s
CO llnt>' to hal'e 3 ~.957 inh :ob il:on l>. dnwn f"'lIl 36.0 1·1 in I x~o.
Our wors l enc my. F IR E. took it s tu ll in 1890. In J:"'l1ar),. 1890. lile ,(()r~ h ou.~ e o~c ul'i ~d b)'
!\Ir. Wm . :'1:llo ne on Nonll Fi r, 1 S1ree l \\':0$ ,, 1l1l0~1 eOnl[1 ldd y tleslr o}'~d . Tile huilding was 111,
1,rOI"ny 1' 1' M r. Ed Martin , Th~ warc h"'I ~I.· .. r Nel son. !'> i:o nin & Oakes \\'a .. :t l ~u bumcd :ulli \\'il h
it ;I large number o f wagons and w:l gon Ihlu,,~s. M r. U:oU ' s bl:!cksrn idl , hoI' \\"". " Iso bunll.·d. bUI
Iii.' C(mt1.111S WVI'\' s:...e<.l. " nolhcr small fi l'\' ()(.'Ctln'.:d Ih, ne.\ l <.lay in Cn",·', "Ue),. ".<tll:oIl .<",bk
1)Clongi " g IU J im Vann·. colon....1. WJS dr:)lroy~...J :,,"\ wi lh il lWO hogs ~nd som c com ,
In Oecclllbcr. 1890. Cowa" & DilI's furnilul\: Sio re nc:\r Ihe n1uer \)f Ihc c:,,' side of Ihc
"'I"are II';OS dnuuyell by lire. T he buildi ug "'''s OWIk'd by Dr. It. G. I'. While. I'orllln:ndy. mueh of
Ihc furn iturc lI':os r~ n\o",d Jml sa\'C,1 ill nll)r,' or 1r:~, d:ulIag.:d condilion . (This huildiug Wa5 won
rebuill. bo.lI " ';'S de~li nl.. ll\) llI ,m ~ga i n ill 1912.) The Ilearb)' busi nesses which r~,;ei \'L"d ,blllage by
n:IlID"~r of good., were I'. M. l:7.d l. J . S. Reynolds &. Co .. Abe !'inky. B. S. Check. Bennell Bros.•
J. S. Childer:; & Cn .. ,\ Ioorc. D;Lly & King. mill !' ope &. Reel'es.
Looking 011 Ih" bright s ide. we hnd four II C\I' bUildings completed in I X\lO. Ihree on the wc.~ 1
si dc of the squ .. rc ;111(1 U1IC on Ih e southeast co m,·r. The CO I1\11\erci:ll Bank al1ll Trust COI11P:lI\y.
whic h had org;lI1 1Iuly;\ I;"w IIlonths b.:f1l1"i.'. mOI'cd into their lIew bui lding in !'ebrunl)". 1890.
Their IWO'SIOry brick buihlillg w~s located on the ~lIheasl comcr o r the imerseetiOll o f Ma dison
and Fi r~1 Slr,...,I" . 11lis bu ildin!; sl il1 sl;lnds in 2001. Nell e Ro ller Cohen wTOIe: I" 1889/11('
Omt",,·n.:;al lumhwd Tn'sl COI"I""'.'· "1/'< org"'I;:j~1 ,,.;111 II c,lpi",f siock ' if5M/.0l1l), II "1>.</"('(1/("/
1m II,.. .m,"!. <~Ist ~~)/'" ••,' 'iftil<' ~" Jlmn' vIII'(U;te 111.·/111·.••·/11 VI/;on Ihlllk. G.·tII);.· T. Nil/die .../'" /,,1<1
n.·...·m(r 1,.,<", cvIIII, ....·/(·,1 ,rilh Ibe /'<~IJlle5 81111k "'"~. IIU' w.<hier (It,,1 IE C. Nds(JII lrom Ihe GiI.·.1
,\',,1;011111 IJall1.: \\'/1.1 1/1(' " ' ·"· ;SI{III/ ~'('.,-IIi<'r. 711i.f III/IJ~' do.l<·" ;/1 1910.
Three build ings 0 11 Ihe west siue of our
Sllua te r~p1:1 ced the fOllr that hau bunrei.l in Ih ~
fi r~ o f Oct ober, 1889. 011 the sou th comer.
kllowlI as old CoolI <-om.:r, Mrs. W. F. Ballenti ne
,·T<,.'CM.I 3 beauti rul IWO·story brick bui ld illl;
which was iirst occupied by Cr.l i!; &. Choote's
dnl£ store. 'n lis buildi ul; IlImlcd in Dcc..:urhcr.
2000. alld was complelely m~cd in t\ lan: h, 200 I.
IIml1ml &. Wal ker. a ehuhinl; and dry good s
linn. Illol'ed from Ih e S(l l1lh side o r the sq uare
inlo th ~ new Iloub le store 1muse di r..:c ll y nonh
o f Coo n comer. bui ll by Mr. Osborn. Th is
hc;ltuifu l build ing burned in l\.'Celll years :" td O ld Coon Comer in 1996
was repbeed by a olle,slory bu ilo.ling whid t in
200 1 houses Gene]";,1SUMtly. a h;mlware SIOI\:.
til J'lIlIlary. 189 1.1I1 rs. R. Kl ill c antlOulleed Ih"
IIp<.:nillg o r her l1litl i n~ry mId dry good s hu si lless
ill the O:lkes building. next door to Br:rnnan &.
Walke r. 1lI:lke &. Esl ick. 1\:;11 esta lCagen ts. ~OOIi
~ 'l1lo u'lecd th ei r opelling upsl;lirs in th e Oakes
bttild ing. TIlis omale Im ildill!;, built by J:l1n.'S
T. Oah'S. sti ll Siands ill 200 1. OWIl ...... by Max
and Kim Whilc. It houses Ihd r photogr:rphy
and framing busi ness downs(:l irs an d their
ailanmcill up , tairs. Puss ibl y il was du ring Ihe
bui ldi'l!; of th e Oakes buil ding in 1890 whell
t he stnirway leading uJl stnir s in GOl'ernor
Ill0wu's bui ldin g, th en owned hy Ja1l1es T.
O" kes. joining the lIew O:lkes bui lding on th e
uol"1h. was rcrno\"oo. "sillgle staim'a)' on Ihe
1I0l"1h side o f the ne\\' Oakes building has si nce 1890 buildin!;s on the ,,'CSt side as they
So.T I·ed :os Ih.. only ace,'Ss 10 Ihe sC~'OI\U floors appeared ;ITOlInU 1950
oft)(l lh bu ildings.
v,,'" ' " 'I'v, """ ''''' .. ,~ "'" "'!; 'u 'v,, , ,... 'u, ' '''_''''" ....
Iflllll~ Cllrrlm'r /111." 11'0/"'11(,,1 his Clllldy 7i'lII 011 1/1(' lIunlt ('11;"1 {"UI"I,,'r lif lit,' SIJIIIII'·. Fll'slt
("1Ii1l1;,,"~ IIIl1d~ ~n."I)' dll.l~ A/.w fruil., of1111 killd.'· /1111"(1)".,' 1111 /l(IlId.
•1/1: J . F. MIIII/IlI/II(". fUI"II«'rz\' of II r'Y'''' cUIllUY. /IIIS ('111/"1,,1 iluo 1/1(' I'fllaicc of Itl\\' ill
1'1I/lIski... I'" nil! h"folllll/III Iti~' uj}ic;' lliwillg Iltc 1111.1' ()lW lite COI"II,'r IImg .'WIl!.
Craig & C/Uil/W hll\"(' jlls/I"t'C(';'W/Il /lI"wlI(fid IIC'" sodll fU/l1II ."IIc1, (/5 \\"I/S ,'l',','r hl'fOll'
.«','11 ill P,,/m·ki. Tla:r ",,' 1/O\\·!I" 'jllln.',11O .,·I"n·,' Ihi~' nji".\·hillg SlIlIIlIIl"r drillk IICCOlilillg W IloylI',
Gi,·,· N,','(r Craig yOl/r IWllldl)' ifYOlI \\'111/1 il dOllc 1Ii<"('(\" IlIIiI '1'll/!"/II'iI pmmpl!.I·, I h· hils 1/'"
IIg,,"c)"for I.illck :,' SII"/IIII/.III/I"'ry. 1111,' ufthl" 1"'51ilillil" SOlllh. {'I'II'"(' /1I1/1,,/t~' III Cmig & Clrolil" ,.
r1l11g Slon·.
11"'1" \\'ill he II /ll1I/C Imy!'r (1/ GI1lY Hopkills ,\,(/1.- .l"IlIb!.- WI til<' ""'.II sidi'. ''''.\'1 ,l/llJufiIY.
I'm'I;,'s 11I1I';lIg /111';" 11111/" ., II",), wi,,1. /(I di;'/w,'('IIj.'/'u(lid hrillg Ih"lII ill OIl thlll dllY.
,III', U: S, f;;..-!II",.I· 1I/00'cd 10 Dr. C. A, Aball(l/liy:" (ifji<",' 1<'/1('''' h(' will com/"<"Ilti" i/l;'l/rwln'
b",I·i'I''.\";" illlhefil/lU\'.
Dr. Will, !Jail" IlIIs 11101'" "his oj)icl."fmlllllw rorll<'r Dl"lig ," 10'" W Ih,' Child"!'.I· blork. .Il"colld
SIlJ')', }I"'I "'"111. 11m! i,l' IUl'" 011 Iltl" .W"I/' floor /III/III lleigh"or (if Ih .. CITll!;,N.
II i,,' 110/ (/~. yt'l \\'/,1/ "/1011gb ~'/lOII'/I Iltlll C. I>' IJllllglt, lit" Jllvprit'lor <iflll(' I'UI,ASK I ART
CA U .ERJ: 1",.1' b, "'II ""'l' .• illC<' Jail, 3D. 189D, 1II111'",s gin'II Imi,·" ,.,w/ ,1·lIIi.Yr,("/iOIl.
nil' work Of'\'pairillg "IIII,,'lIIo"ding lit ... I.. ,~ N. "<'IHJI "<,,,."
is ,,{mo.,'1 ~'oml'{,'I"d 11111/ h \\'ill
b,' (/ IIIO""{ of b"lm1.l"fiJI" COlllfiJl'1 (/lIilllc'l."olllmmlmiIJII.
Mrs. 1."1,, Smil/""JII 11lI.' /I"" ",l llIe 1'0.,/ lifjh-,." fro m 1. ... lI'i.,,· hook ."lim' ""XI door 10 lilt' 01"
pl!o/ molll II<'XI II! Ille !.il/(I<'II, ami iJ j illillg il lip /"II!d.,·om('(I~
1'01'1." & B,. .. "",· {ral',! ",m'I."" I"dr siock o.l,{l'((g.~ illlo 1111." IlIm."'jimll/'I'(1' oI'Cllpi..,/ by Cruig
& Ch,';;/I... 1II1I11I1I1Ie{, & l/olllII"llulI·(." I/IOI'",{ illlo tI,.. II()II."/' 1'''("(I1"d by 11"'//1.
I.. E. AIII."I"II" III." & ClI. tlC'<" IIP)" 11,.,,"',,111 & U"lk<'/" .i' old .1'lIiml Oil II", Sow" .I'id,': ,II"",.,'.
/Jaly lIlIIl Killg hlll'l." llim',," 111<'1,' /",,,,I'!"m,,,,,..1 /(J I.. E, AIII'I"IIIII"y.' · ,'I/I 'III"d I"m".<, Oil fll.l"I "fr/,'
7(III'!'/ Oil 111<1 1"11 ilmll" /111 S /",,'11 \'''I~' /1<."11\ J' Il."L'1."1II (, ~ 71", Ii"" ,1.1' I"'; 11('1/1' (\" ,,1/ cIT!" 'd ..d 1111
I/lt' tilll< '.
711,' CUIIIII/ill<'e wbo ' '1\"<' ill ('hili);" Ih" dl'clric Iighlll/l1l/el" 1111' 1/1 'ro/'~' . •Ifr. Ui'iJIJ illforlll<,d
II CITllEN II'fI"'S"ll/llli"" .n'.'Nn/lI)" Iltl/l lit,: IIIlIcltim'/)' II! bl' liS, 'd bad 1101 .1" 'I bl'("1/ " ..cide" "110/1.
I/t' sliid II Curliss ('lIgill': \\'o,,1d /)(' !LIed. bOlr.:l'I'r. /11111 Iltlllilt .. poll'Sfur lIlt' \\'ill'.~ lI'u"id b" d,<'SIIllIl.
TI,,' A Wt'riCIIII "'in', /11'.1"110 III<! 'wY /"'sl Willie, lUIS b",'// "<'I<'rlllill<'d lIflOII . Tit" CITIlEN H'il/ k,',,1'
il.< 1\ '(lIf"I'.II'VSI<'IIII,'· IV Iw,,' lhillgs plVgl"t's.,·. 01/<' lilil/gjiu' .' /(/\' - 'r.. ... il/""'.I'I C" "I(I;II/Y It(l\"t' III"
Til,' CIT/lEN'S "lIilOI" i., /ll/d,'r ohligllliol/ 10 ,Ifr. !Juclilldl, /llUpr;/,/vr "flh" /J/ld,II .. il /Jullii/lg
,,·()/,k....jilr II ("II,'"" of hi~"ji/l" ,"Odll/WI' 1/1111 gillg,'m!.-. n",("(/,<1' II/,"V cOIlllli//('iI S"I"'/"{// 1001/1".,' ,,}jill<'
dlll/JI{lllg Jl(' cii/"I;
Mi'," ''''''' I~ M , f;d/ & Co. 1111/111. S, CI,,', 'k lull'<' {I111 ill /m );" I'/llIi' g /us," 'I'illl/o\\·.< i/l 11"'1;",1/
(if tI"'il" ,'IIJ/l'.' ...ilieh ",Id,' ,.,,/), /JIllc'h /() lill." /INlh',
,Iii: 11111'111"';1 /111.1' 1IIO\',·d H,' h",!li,,!,; \\"ork... FOIll Iii,' old 11111 ."lmllO liI<' 1111/1.... "I'I/O"il('
/I"ill" .. ;; .,whl".
Th~ l'iow mbcr I 2. I 89 I ~dition ofTI IE I' UL I\SK I CIT IZEK c"rrkd the :!1"'OIIl1C~II\ent "I'
lhe oJ",ni 'lg or om '\e\\'c~t bank:
homes 3nd busi n ~sses were soo n linked to th e wme r syslem, A second n.'scroo!t \\'3S built at Town
Spring, giving u ~ :111 ad~-qume suppl y of clear spring I\';,t.:r, Fi re h}'drmn s weI"\: instalkd 1.11 Ill'.:r
town ,lI1d we ~oo n had [I fi re deparlmCult hat for th e fmH tim e in our83 year hi story had the cap:Kily
to flOt OUI a fire. Ca l'C Spring anti Town Spring ~'Onti n ucd to be our primary sources ofwil icr for
:.boot tL'11y~':IfS, !h,m II'': besall pumping our \\,;.t.:r {rtlilt Rich land CfL'Cl: . W.::;IiII pump our wIII.:r
from Richbnd crL"<:1: in :?OOI ,
'T he itllr'Jr1an~c of ou r wmcr lI'orks and fi ru dcr,'rll11cnt in th e history uf OUf lown em\ nOI be
Ol'':f crnrh :,s i ~ed . During the prel'iuus thirty years pr:, ctically ':I"cry buildi ng on or ncar our squnre
had bumed al le:lst unee. Of the fUft y- fil'c hnildinlls around onf sq nan; lUI!;'}', only 3OO\lt a '!o ~cn
da tc ~s f;lf back as the 1860's [lmillolle are oldef than 18MI. Since the building of the wa tcr works
we h,1"C had man)' del'lIstatinll fi res, and will conti noc to 1t;lI'e fi res, btJI we no looger 11:I1'e the fcar
of losing comrlete sections of onr town.
AnlKll.mcentcl\1s of nell' busi l' csscs o[lCning :lIld bnsiIlC s.'I ch~ng~'lI in our town ~P IlC"I\,'{\ in
TI lE I'U LASKI CITI ZEN Juring the Inlier part or 1892 ('lid CO lltinued throu ghout 1893:
A.m M(}III'c'. ,III I.Id F;e"d of Ihe CITIZEN, 1t'l/l1l.1· (}lIr n:mh.:r,,· III limn\" tlull Iw hllm) gotH'
1I;'SI, hilt is sliII ll ci/;;<'/I of1'1I111Ski. I.,., elll/l Mill C"I"wr, Jr.. \O"i11I/t~rl " 'cd: "/"" 111 "li'1'" ('(1~'h ,.h",·
",u//"'t stun', 011 Childer s CUI'II"r.
1'lIitJ.<ki i.~ to IIIII'e (, "",,' .rt Ol\', II ",ill he II " r" Ckel .Wm:. " mil/ ,,·iII ht, om hy ,\/r. G<'O. N.
Sun " ". 1/11 {'tU",,""i.~il'/{ IIII//IIIIS/filll: ),OWI/{ IIIlIII from CO/III"hill. ,lfr. S.m'"" ",if! occ"py Ihe h'ms"
'lOW I/sl'd ".I' ,\
I,: ,\ flly liS (j 1Il1'(1/ slwp lIIld will/,,' ()1'C'l1 lIhlmllhe lIliddl., Or /lIlIer l}(Irt "f "" .I'1"'Utull.
(TIle Racket wns nrillina l1y on the wcs t ~iJ c of th e square.)
"Chl'lIl' Joh ll " will 0<.'('111')' III,· .~IWI" 11010' I'.i(·" by Dr. PlIpe aper IIII' fir,'"
Dr. /'0l'e ",ill "101',, ilis drllg," "''' "IKIIl' J'lII. I 1m Ille \\','S/ sid" of ',,,~ ,,'f/lmre, ill 'he 11011.1"
,"'... (x'l'IIIN,·t/ bJ' ,\ li,.s Smith <ll' " milllm'l)" .• 11"..',
TIl<' " b<' FI"lt-y -'101'( ' hOll.iI'. "" o '""y 1"'/TIl'ISI'1i I~,' ,1Ir. Cll,d ', .."ilI ,' '''111f,,' n'"ol" 'IIt'f/, it I.•
.!<Iid. by f),: I" 'I'III'T. lIf"nA.,,,. .'t. "'/u. wiIIl/nl';1I "'/"'/('.111101 I/Iul rclllif Willl',f 11m/liquors.
Gas,.-I IIms, II(""! lah·" (.'/Jllry:e of ,h" bll.•i",',.,<fO rllwrly coml!w,,·" by ~i Ro.,·,'/IIw ,\I e".
aJld lI"il/ ,'O/Ui lllll' il
'If 1/'" SlIlIIt' ,,"I
.w"',,/. It,,.iII /""
kllo"'11 /1<'Il'fJjier "s
Tile I'd/rl"'" nl" "
m\' '\'''1<,,'.-I;II/: ,wd
.,.. l arg;II];. tI."
b"ildi"g '1"'/ ",il/
/rIm: "·h.,,,Ji ..;.\"/J{"('.
Oil,' ..f II", m o .,·/
("""'I H"/<' '/f)' g",..I.•
/",,,."{'.' ;11 !',,/askl.
(O ld Rosenau' s
co mer wa s loc:ttcd
I'll lh~ C;lst c'1\1 of
lire south side oftltc
'"I";'fe. C 'ref,,1 oosef\'mion re" ell ls :IIl 3dd it ion to tho.: fI,':Ir o{ this buildi ng whic h today hO\1s~'5
Srons Wor!d.)

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