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February 23, 2012 - Episode Introduction

French programme (m) hebdomadaire prsenter mission (f) derniers vnements (m) mondiaux exemplaires (m) livre (m) saint musulmans (m) ont t brls mort (f) tragique occidentaux procs (m) l'encontre militants (m) divertissante faits (m) d'actualit Raconte-nous noms (m) composs ddie un poil (m) English Translation weekly program to host show last world events copies holy book Muslims were burnt tragic death western trial against activists entertaining news stories tell us compound nouns dedicated to a hair

dans la main (f) Que le spectacle (m) commence En scne (f)

in the hand let the show begin on stage

Les tats-Unis prsentent leurs excuses au peuple afghan pour avoir brl le Coran
French prsentent leurs excuses (f) pour avoir brl le Coran (m) Maison (f) Blanche livres (m) sacrs ont t jets par erreur (f) ordures (f) nord (m) Dans la matine (f) manifestants (m) se sont rassembls ont tir en l'air (m) pierres (f) portes (f) ont hurl Mort (f) mort (f) aux trangers (m) travaillent communiqu (m) officiel English Translation apologize for burning the Quran the White House holy books were thrown mistakenly trash/garbage north by the morning demonstrators gathered shot into the air rocks gates/doors yelled/screamed death death to foreigners work statement

chane (f) OTAN (f) ont t donns Dans le pass (m) manifestations (f) meurtrires foule (f) a pris d'assaut (m) complexe (m) Nations (f) Unies a tu qui venaient d'apprendre enquteur (m) Ce que je veux dire abim devenir inutilisable rgles (f) suivre se dbarrasser effacer le cours (m) d'une rivire (f) tel quel enterrer dtruire a ne me parat pas Combien de fois sourates (f)

channel NATO were given in the past deadly protests mob stormed compound UN killed who had just heard interrogator/investigator I mean damaged become unusable rules to follow to get rid to wipe away a flowing river as it is to bury to destroy it doesn't seem how many times sura

Des journalistes ont t tus en Syrie

French ont t tus occidentaux sont morts btiment (m) trangers bataille (f) journalistes (m) de guerre (f) rcompenses (f) manquait Elle avait perdu son oeil (m) gauche tirs (m) dvoues croyait devoirs (m) vrit (f) pouvoir (m) brouillon (m) dbut (m) travailler Printemps (m) arabe chute (f) soulvements (m) mise (f) en doute droits (m) de l'homme (m) English Translation were killed western died building foreign battle war reporters awards missed she had lost her left eye shots devoted believed duties truth power rough draft beginning to work Arab Spring fall uprisings questioned/put into question human rights

meurtrires sous ce rapport (m) endroit (m) En mme temps (m) avaient t blesss quartier (m) avaient t soigns disponible ampleur (f) Presque tre aim rduire attirer

deadly in this respect place/location in the same time had been wounded area had been treated available scale almost loved one to curtail/to reduce to draw/to attract

Le procs des organisations non-gouvernementales en gypte

French procs (m) militants (m) fonds (m) trangers travailleurs (m) dirige a rencontr marchal (m) Frres (m) musulmans hommes (m) d'affaire English Translation trial activists foreign funds workers led met marshal/sergeant Muslim Brotherhood businessmen

dirigeants (m) militaires rsoudre traversent dcennies (f) ont prvenu perdre a lieu ont ragi s'ingrer perturbant inquitant s'en prendre enqute (f) s'inscrit dans mene chute (f) Moyen-Orient (m) proche lutte (f) trait (m) de paix (f) s'est rendue

military leaders to solve go through decades warned to lose goes ahead/takes place have responded to interfere upsetting/disturbing disquieting to blame investigation is part of led fall Middle East close fight peace treaty went

Le carnaval de Rio 2012

French Environ English Translation about

fte (f) dure nuits (f) quartiers (m) attirent milliers (m) ont lieu L'vnement (m) principal se droule qui sert de donnent un spectacle (m) dfils (m) le long (m) du trajet (m) du dfil (m) prestation (f) roulements (m) de tambour (m) feux (m) d'artifice dbut (m) spectacle (m) se produisent chars (m) hauts en couleur chanson (f) faits main blouissants pratique (f) Plus tard se sont rajouts

party lasts nights neighborhoods attract/draw thousands are held/take place the main event takes place is used as a perform parades along the parade route performance drum rolls fireworks start/beginning show perform colourful floats song handmade dazzling practice later were added

indignes (m) la suite de l'esclavage (m) liesse (f) antiques racines (f) catholiques J'ai toujours cru autorise mercredi (m) des Cendres Selon Pques fte (f) dbride carme (m) nourriture (f)

native following slavery jubilation ancient catholic roots I always thought allowed Ash Wednesday according to Easter wild party Lent food

Grammar: Compound Nouns

French cher prt porte sur noms (m) composs English Translation dear ready is on compound words

cette fois-ci (f) long-courriers (m) allers-retours (m) voyages clair (m) wagons-restaurants (m) pour l'instant (m) arrte tourner autour du pot (m) pays (m) francophone Cte-d'Ivoire coupe-gorge (m) Tu n'as pas peur guets-apens (m) grands-tantes (f) elles se sont rgales Bien sr cacher portefeuille (m)

this time long hauls round trips flying trips diner cars for now stop Idiomatic Expression. See Expressions Catalog for more information French-speaking country Ivory Coast rough places don't you fear ambushes grandaunts they enjoyed it a lot of course to hide wallet

affaires (f) personnelles coffres-forts (m) lance-grenades (m) tous les coins (m) de rue (f) on-dit (m) ou-dire (m) rabat-joie (m) voyage (m) organis au moins je serais accueillie tu ne serais pas trop dpayse gratte-ciel (m) micro-ondes (m) lave-linge (m) lave-vaisselle (m) prt--porter (m) piscines (f) d'un autre ct (m)

personal things safes grenade launcher everywhere/at every street corner hearsay hearsay killjoy/spoilsport package tour at least I would be welcome you would feel at home sky-scrapers microwaves washing-machine dish-washer ready-to-wear clothes swimming-pools on the other hand

Ne t'inquite pas casse-cou (m) passe-temps (m) J'ai hte porcs-pics (m) a eu lieu je compte y aller Tu te rends compte ont t tues Je me souviens encore l'poque (f) sauter du coq (m) l'ne (m) m'accompagner garde (m) du corps (m)

don't worry daredevil hobby I can't wait porcupines took place I plan to go there can you imagine were killed I still remember at that time Idiomatic Expression. See Expressions Catalog for more information to come along with me/to accompany me bodyguard

Expressions: Avoir un poil dans la main

French Avoir English Translation to have

un poil (m) dans la main (f) a un poil dans la main rendre Cela mtonne lesprit (m) dquipe (f) mon truc (m) le pire (m) nots ensemble avec qui jaurais voulu travailler procrastinateurs (m) tournes pas autour du pot (m) sentir jai aussi beaucoup de mal propres penses (f) grer Jai cru

a hair in the hand is a lazybones to hand in it surprises me team spirit my thing the worst graded together I would have liked to work with procrastinators idiomatic expression, see Expressions Catalog for more info to feel I also have a really hard time to own thoughts to manage I thought

trop lent un facteur (m) Cela pourrait mal finir sinon savant (m) fou faire la une (f) des journaux (m) jai tu fusillade (f) javais en tte Ce que je sais son sujet (m) ragots (m) carrire (f) enseignante (f) il se peut que manquent tirent htives

too slow a factor it could end badly otherwise mad scientist make the headline I killed shooting spree I had in mind what I know about him gossip career teacher it is possible that lack draw hasty

Telle que Cela mest arriv fainants mieux je mtais compltement trompe paresseux le travail (m) exagre tronc (m) Nouvelle-Caldonie (f) Malheureusement XIXe sicle (m) frottements (m) divers les poils (m) mains (f) On pourrait lenvers

such as it happened to me lazy better I was completely mistaken lazy the work exaggerated trunk New Guinea unfortunately 19th century rubbing various hair hands we could in the opposite way


to undertake

Quiz - Part I
French un croque-monsieur (m) un coupe-ongle (m) un coupe-faim (m) un pied-de-poule (m) une belle-soeur (f) un bec -de-livre (m) un balai-brosse (m) un chef-lieu (m) une contre-attaque (f) un demi-frre (m) English Translation toasted ham and cheese sandwich a nail clipper an appetite suppressant hounds-stooth a sister-in-law a cleft-lip a scrub-brush a county-town a counter-attack a half-brother

Quiz - Part II
French English Translation

un cure-dent (m) une fausse-couche (f) un franc-parler (m) un garde-cte (m) un rabat-joie (m) une langue-de-boeuf (f)

a tooth pick a miscarriage outspokenness a coast-guard a killjoy a beef tongue

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