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COLEGIO SUPERIOR AMERICANO Formacin de Personas de Excelente Calidad Humana TALLER DE INGLS

Docente: Claudia Varela

Asignatura: Ingls

Periodo: Segundo

Estudiante: Ambar Alicia Mayo Curso: 5 B Cdigo: 19 Fecha: 17 de Mayo 2011

1. Click on the following link to go to our reading and click on start. 2.Complete the story with the past tense of the verbs in brakets.

1. Once upon a time there was (be) three bears: huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear and tiny little Baby Bear. 2. They lived (live) in a great big wood. 3. One day, ordinary Mama Bear cooked (cook) a delicious porridge 4. for her family and put (put) it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary bowl for ordinary Mama Bear and a tiny little bowl for tiny little Baby Bear. 5. To give the porridge some time to cool down,6. the three bears went (go) for a walk.
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COLEGIO SUPERIOR AMERICANO Formacin de Personas de Excelente Calidad Humana TALLER DE INGLS

7. Near the great big wood, there lived (live) a little girl called Goldilocks. 8. She was (be) not allowed to go into the wood. But one day, wood. 9. After a while, she came (come) to the house of the three bears. She knocked at the door. 10. She looked (look) through the windows. But nobody was there. run into the great big

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