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28th June 2012 Flett Lecture Theatre Natural History Museum London Conference Programme Lawns, Biodiversity and People
9.30 10.15 Registration and coffee John Tweddle Angela Marmont Centre NHM. Welcome


Chair: Steve Head Ken Thompson Sheffield University. BUGS on lawns: not as dull as they look Stuart Hine NHM. Biodiversity at the edges of lawns

10.40 11.00 11.20

Lionel Smith. Reading University/RHS. If it's a lawn, why is there no grass? Patrick Roper Patrick Roper Associates. Biodiversity in a square metre of lawn 1 Tea and coffee Chair: Jan Miller, Saith Ffynnon Wildlife Plants Experimental mowing regimes on flowering lawns Nigel Dunnet Sheffield University Planting of open spaces in the Olympic park Lunch and networking Chair: Marc Carlton, Private Gardener. Wild bees and lawns Dr Agneta Burton, University of Hertfordshire Mossy lawns supporting hidden bryophyte diversity. Steve Alton, Sussex Nature . Parks and Pollinators Lessons from Germany Sue Gutteridge & Judi Legg. From Green Deserts to Play Landscapes Open Workshop: What should the Forums advice be about lawns and grass? Close and disperse





2.00 2.20

2.40 3.00 3.20 4.00

Patrick has set up a special extra survey for the meeting - see

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