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1. Who served as Secretary of the Treasury while Washington was in office?

Alexander Hamiton

2. what are the first ten amendments to the constitution are known as? Bill of Rights

3. Before serving in Washington's Cabinet, which of the following men served as Ambassador to France? Thomas Jefferson

4. How many years is a Presidential term? 4 years

5. _________ was a major issue after the American Revolution and it placed a burden on the new nation. debt

6. those who supported a Constitution were known as what? Answer federalists

7. who was first to serve as President of the United States? Answer george washington

8. _________ was the opposition to the Virginia Plan. These two plans were put together during the Great Compromise to create a House and a Senate. New Jersey Plan

9. The _________ was created in response to trying to decide if slaves should be considered when determining population rates. three- fifths compromise

10. _________ served as Secretary of State while Washington was in office thomas jefferson

11. The __________ was issued in 1795 after the United States defeated Native Americans in the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Treaty of Greenville

12. Which of the following is a piece of legislation that was issued to keep a balance in the number of slave states that were admitted to the Union? the Missouri Compromise

13. On November 7, 1811, which of the following was an attack launched by Tenskwatawa against William Henry Harrison? Battle of Tippecanoe

14. Who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"? Francis Scott Key

15. _________ was considered a factor in the War of 1812.Answer Impressments

16. Many tribal leaders greatly opposed assimilation.

17. In 1808, he established Prophetstown.Answer Tenskwatawa

18. Which of the following was a political issue that surfaced shortly after the war?Answer reservations

19. The __________ officially recognized the ending of the War of 1812.Answer Treaty of Ghent

20. In an attempt to assist with financial issues after the war, CongressAnswer created the Second Bank of the United States.

21. ________ led an expedition that explored the newly purchased Louisiana territory.Answer Meriwether Lewis

22. What legislation argued the point that the states had the right to judge whether federal laws agreed with the Constitution? Answer Alien and Sedition Acts

23. Who stressed the concept of a stronger local government as opposed to a bigger federal government? Thomas Jefferson

24. ________ served first as Secretary of State, then he was appointed as Supreme Court Justice. Answer John Marshall

25. Who avoided war through economic embargoes? Answer: Thomas Jefferson

26. During his election, _________ did not receive enough votes from the Electoral College. Answer Thomas Jefferson

27. Which of the following allowed settlers to purchase land on credit in the western region of the United States? Answer Land Act of 1800

28. As President, he attempted to avoid war with France by sending representatives to Paris. Answer John Adams

29. The _________ added to the size of the United States, but it also added debt Louisiana Purchase

30. In 1803, who was sent to Paris to buy New Orleans?: Robert Livingston

31. __________ was a graduate from Yale University and worked diligently in educational reform. Noah Webster

32. Which country is credited with the origins of the Industrial Revolution Great Britain

33. Who utilized the concept of a steam engine in the textile industry to power a ship?Answer Robert Fulton

34. __________ stressed self-reliance, frugality, and industry.Answer Republican Virtues

35. What led to an increase in communication?Answer post office

36. Which of the following was run by waterpower and was highly utilized in the south? cotton gin

37. _______ were primarily constructed for profit. Turnpikes

38. Who defied British authorities while emigrating from Great Britain to the United States?Answer Samuel Slater

39. Which of the following was a significant factor in the rise of slavery within the United States?Answer cotton gin

40. Many settlers viewed which of the following groups as competition?Answer African Americans

41. To give up a territory or relinquish power of a country is toAnswer cede

42. In 1827, they declared themselves an independent nation.Answer Cherokee

43. The __________ established guidelines for states to be admitted to the Union.Answer Northwest Ordinance of 1787

44. What were issues initially faced by the pioneers settling the frontier?Answer stark conditions

45. Who was the war hero that essentially conquered Florida?Answer Andrew Jackson

46. The __________ tried to resolve issues related to the Native Americans and southern boundaries of the United States.Answer Pinckney Treaty

47. What led to the acquisition of Florida for the United States?Answer Adams-Onis Treaty

48. Who played a significant role in the construction of the Wilderness Road?Answer Daniel Boone

49. Who was President during the acquisition of Florida?Answer James Monroe

50. Which of the following was issued by Henry Clay to serve as resolution to the slavery issue?Answer Compromise of 1850

51. Which of the following was a political party that advocated the rights of nativeborn Americans?Answer Know-Nothings

52. _______ was a slave that attempted to sue his master._______ was a slave that attempted to sue his master. Answer Dred Scott

53. Which state was the first to succeed from the Union?Answer South Carolina

54. Where did Confederate forces surrender?Answer appomattox

55. Who led a raid at Harper's Ferry?Answer John Brown

56. Which of the following was the first battle of the Civil War as well as a victory for Confederate forces?Answer First Battle of Bull Run

57. Which of the following was issued in 1820 as a means of balancing the number of slave states with that of free states?Answer Missouri Compromise

58. Where was the location of Abraham Lincoln's assassination?Answer Ford's Theater

59. ________ was a Confederate warship used to halt the Union blockade.Answer Merrimack

60. Who did not support the Compromise of 1850?Answer John C. Calhoun

61. What was established in 1854 in an attempt to assist with the voting process in Kansas?Answer Emigrant Aid Societies

62. Who Issued a draft in 1863 to keep up the number of Union forces?Answer President Abraham Lincoln

63. Who wrote the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?Answer Harriet Beecher Stowe

64. ________ tried to seek foreign allies during the Civil War.Answer The Confederacy

65. ________ was issued in 1863 as a means of freeing slaves in the South.Answer Emancipation Proclamation

66. Who participated in debates with Abraham Lincoln that are now famous?Answer Stephen Douglas

67. Which of the following was considered strength for the Confederate forces?Answer several military institutions within the South

68. ________ joined the military in an effort to help slaves.Answer Freed African Americans

69. He was the first African American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.Answer Sergeant William Carney

70. ________ declared South Carolina's secession from the Union illegal.Answer President Buchanan

71. Which of the following was a tax imposed in 1862, which was geared towards specific goods?Answer Internal Revenue Act

72. ________ served as President of the Confederacy.Answer Jefferson Davis

73. The Civil War was considered helpful in the North regardingAnswer industry and manufactured goods.

74. Who invented the telegraph?Answer Samuel F.B. Morse

75. He was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War.Answer General William Tecumseh Sherman

76. Which of the following was considered a major strength for Union forces during the Civil War?Answer greater source of economic backing

77. What is the act of placing civilians under military authority known as?Answer martial law

78. Probably the biggest problem with hospitals during the Civil War wasAnswer poor sanitary conditions.

79. Allowing people in a particular area to decide if slavery should be permitted was known as what?Answer popular sovereignty

80. Who introduced the Kansa-Nebraska Act?Answer Stephen Douglas

81. Which of the following states was not part of the Confederacy?Answer Illinois

82. Who earned a reputation for his attack at Fort Sumter and also led Confederate forces in Virginia?Answer General P.G. T. Beauregard

83. Support from the abolitionist movement came fromAnswer churches.

84. The ________ officially ended slavery in the 1865.Answer Thirteenth Amendment

85. Which of the following states imposed martial law as a means of keeping order within the state?Answer Missouri

86. Who served during the Mexican War and as Commander of the Union forces?Answer General Winfield Scott

87. Who assassinated President Lincoln?Answer John Wilkes Booth

88. After the Civil War, the southern economy was primarily agrarian.

89. ________ established the Red Cross.Answer Clara Barton

90. Who was President Lincoln's Vice President and the seventeenth President of the U.S.?Answer Andrew Johnson

91. ________ was the Massachusetts Senator who fought for civil rights for blacks during the Johnson years?Answer Charles Sumner

92. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments guaranteed due process for all citizens?Answer Fourteenth

93. Which of the following was a term used to identify congress members who felt that Presidential reconstruction was to lenient?Answer Radical Republican

94. Which state had disputed votes during the election of 1876?Answer South Carolina

95. ___ was a term given to northern republicans who moved south after the Civil War.Answer Carpetbagger

96. Farmers who rented land to farm were calledAnswer tenant farmers.

97. Which of the following was a government agency that was charged with providing assistance to former enslaved people and poor whites after the Civil War?Answer Freedmen's Bureau

98. Which track of the Transcontinental Railroad began in Sacramento, CA?Answer Central Pacific Track

99. Where did the final two tracks of the Transcontinental Railroad meet?Answer Utah

100. What railroad tycoon was know for consolidating railroads?Answer Vanderbilt

101. What act required farmers to farm for at least five consecutive years?Answer Homestead Act

102. sod

What abundant resource was used to make homes on the prairie?Answer



104. Who founded the Grangers?Answer Oliver Kelley

105. ______ was a meat supplier who went into show business.Answer Buffalo Bill

106. What was the land set aside for Native American removal called?Answer Reservation

107. Which of the following pieces of legislation served to break off the communal nature of Native American land ownership?Answer Dawes Act


What is the process of turning raw materials into products?Answer

109. Power looms revolutionized the _______ industry.Answer textile

110. By 1900, about how many women and children worked in factories?Answer 7 million

111. He improved the carbon filament in the light bulb.Answer Lewis Latimer

112. Who devised plans to improve industrial efficiency?Answer Frederick Taylor

113. What is a document granting rights to an inventor called?Answer patent

114. When a person has ownership in a company, what do they have?Answer stock

115. Who sold the corporation that became United States Steel Corporation?Answer Andrew Carnegie

116. He organized the Standard Oil Trust.Answer John D. Rockefeller

117. Horizontal integration means toAnswer consolidate companies that produce the same thing.

118. What occurs under the theory of social Darwinism?Answer The fit will compete and succeed.

119. Which of the following acts ended spoils?Answer Pendleton Civil Service Act

120. _______ was assassinated by a disgruntled man wanting a jobAnswer James A. Garfield

121. In which industry is a paper mill employee classified?Answer manufacturing and mechanical

122. During economicsome employers lowered wages. What was the average wage per hour in 1900 $0.22

123. This more radical union included Socialist party members.This more radical union included Socialist party members. Industrial Workers of the World

124. Who lead the American Federation of Labor? Samuel Gompers

125. Which strike were the Pinkertons called to end? Homestead Strike

126. _______ refers to regional differences that existed within the nation during the 1800s.Answer Sectionalism

127. Who was known for hiring women workers in his factory? Francis Cabot Lowell

128. Which of the following were common in developing cities during the 1800s?Answer tenements

129. ________ occurred as a result of poor planning within cities during the 1800s.Answer Cholera epidemic

130. Who built a factory in Handem, Connecticut to manufacture munitions? Answer Eli Whitney

131. Which of the following states was known as the leader in the coal mining industry? Pennsylvania

132. This area was known as the leader in cotton production. the South

133. Which group of people were targeted to work in factories because they were considered a cheap source of labor? women

134. The slave revolts were considered to be the cause of the additional restrictions placed on slaves.

135. Which of the following terms refers to feeling of loyalty towards one's nation or homeland?: Which of the following terms refers to feeling of loyalty towards one's nation or homeland?: nationalism nationalism

136. Which of the following was a crop produced in the South that eventually led to greater divisions within the nation? cotton

137. Who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 until 1835?Answer John Marshall

138. _______ was a war hero that ran for President in 1824.Answer Andrew Jackson

139. Which of the following cases involved a New York to New Jersey steamboat line?Answer Gibbons vs. Ogden

140. What was issued as a means of establishing a solid foreign policy towards Europe?Answer Monroe Doctrine

141. Who served as the sixth President of the United States and stressed internal improvements?Answer John Quincy Adams

142. He focused his presidency on foreign policy.Answer James Monroe

143. Which of the following was a treaty that called for a reduction in the number of warships within the Great Lakes region?Answer Rush-Bagot Agreement

144. _______ greatly increased as a result of the War of 1812.Answer A sense of nationalism

145. Which of the following was a Supreme Court case involving the origins of the National Bank?Answer McCulloch vs. Maryland

146. In which year was Andrew Jackson first elected as President? 1828

147. What enabled Jackson to win the Presidency? States had passed laws allowing average men to vote, and Jackson appealed to those men.

148. What made Jackson's first election victory unique?Answer He was the first man born west of the Appalachian Mountains to become President.

149. When Jackson took the office of President, which of the following did he NOT do? He appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State.

150. Andrew Jackson's approach to the Native Americans wasAnswer harsh.

151. All of the following were problems during the Jackson administration EXCEPT:Answer The U.S. Civil War began.

152. ________ was Jackson's successor as President. Martin Van Buren

153. Jackson chose not to run for a third term becauseAnswer of his personal health and the economic situation of the U.S.

154. Congress passed the Indian Removal ActAnswer in 1830.

155. Which of the following accurately characterizes Jackson's Presidency?Answer He believed in limited federal government.

156. Leaders in the reform movements in the 1800s tended to beAnswer ministers.

157. All of the following problems were causes for reform EXCEPT:Answer westward expansion

158. In the early 1800s, temperance leaders used what method to ban alcohol?Answer endorsed political candidates who opposed alcohol

159. Who was the Massachusetts reformer who focused on education in the state legislature?Answer Mann

160. Which hurdle did educational reformers find difficult to overcome?Answer extending the movement into the South

161. What was Dorothea Dix's main area of reform?Answer prisons

162. What was the name of abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper?Answer the Liberator

163. Which of the following was NOT an effective means for the cause of abolition?Answer convincing southern legislatures to ban slavery

164. Which book brought attention to the anti-slavery cause?Answer Uncle Tom's Cabin

165. The 1848 Seneca Falls ConventionAnswer was organized to gain women's rights.

166. Which of the following called for the reduction of warships in the Great Lakes region?Answer Rush-Bagot Agreement

167. He was opposed to the spoils system.Answer Andrew Jackson

168. Who was known for assisting fugitive slaves?Answer Harriet Tubman

169. _______ was a leader in education reform during the 1800s.Answer Horace Mann

170. Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme court during Gibbons vs. Ogden?Answer John Marshall

171. Who wrote the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?Answer Harriet Beecher Stowe

172. Who served as President during the Adams-Onis Treaty?Answer James Monroe

173. In which location were tenements, lack of proper sanitation, hospitals, and schools present?Answer cities in the 1800s

174. Had a significant impact on the growth and development of Massachusetts.Answer Francis Cabot Lowell

175. The _______ declared that the United States would oppose any efforts by an outside power to control the nation in the western hemisphere.Answer Monroe Doctrine

176. Which of the following people were known for assisting fugitive slaves?Answer Harriet Tubman

177. _______ was considered a leader in the women's movement during the 1800s.Answer Elizabeth Cady Stanton

178. Who was elected as President during 1828 and was also responsible for suppressing the Seminole uprisings in Florida?Answer Andrew Jackson

179. The formation of the _______ led to deportation of African Americans to Liberia.Answer American Colony Society

180. Who ran for office of the Presidency in 1824 and seemed to relate to the common man?Answer Andrew Jackson

181. What was the first event held for women's rights called?Answer Seneca Falls Convention

182. _______ was considered a leader in prison reform.Answer Dorothea Dix

183. Who invented the cotton gin?Answer Eli Whitney

184. _______ was considered to have a negative impact on southern states.Answer Tariff of 1828

185. In 1822, _______ led a slave revolt in Charlestown, South Carolina.Answer Denmark Vesey

186. Which of the following terms means "to stop working"?Answer strike

187. South Carolina attempted toAnswer secede from the nation.

188. What did Andrew Jackson consider a top priority on his Presidential agenda?Answer doing away with patronage

189. The _______ was issued after the War of 1812 and considered part of America's foreign policy.Answer Monroe Doctrine

190. What is a sense of pride and loyalty towards one's country known as?Answer nationalism

191. Routes used by fugitive slaves to escape slavery were called theAnswer Underground Railroads.

192. Which of the following developed as a result of the War of 1812?Answer greater sense of nationalism

193. To what does the word suffrage refer?Answer the right to vote

194. He did not support the Bank of the United States.Answer Andrew Jackson

195. Who succeeded Andrew Jackson as President of the United States?Answer Martin Van Buren

196. What led to improvements in the southern economy during the 1800s?Answer cotton

197. Farms, slaughterhouses, supply stores, and banks were all considered characteristics of what area?Answer the Northwest

198. This President was known for his focus on domestic issues and internal improvements.Answer John Quincy Adams

199. Who was considered an advocate of force removal of Native Americans from their land?Answer Andrew Jackson

200. He advocated the use of taxes to support public schools.Answer Horace Mann

201. Which of the following gave President Jackson the right to do whatever was necessary to collect funds from South Carolina?Answer Force Bill

202. Who was a Senator from Kentucky who ran for the office of the Presidency in 1824 and was known for his wild ways?Answer Henry Clay

203. This President was considered the first to win the election due to his widespread popularity.Answer Andrew Jackson

204. _______ served to protect the rights of workers.Answer Labor Unions

205. _______ led a slave revolt in Virginia in 1831.Answer Nat Turner


1 out of 1 points

207. Which of the following was issued by Henry Clay to serve as resolution to the slavery issue?Answer Compromise of 1850

208. Which of the following was a political party that advocated the rights of native-born Americans?Answer Know-Nothings

209. _______ was a slave that attempted to sue his master. Dred Scott

210. Which state was the first to succeed from the Union?Answer South Carolina

211. Where did Confederate forces surrender?Answer appomattox

212. Who led a raid at Harper's Ferry?Answer John Brown

213. Which of the following was the first battle of the Civil War as well as a victory for Confederate forces?Answer First Battle of Bull Run

214. Which of the following was issued in 1820 as a means of balancing the number of slave states with that of free states?Answer Missouri Compromise

215. Where was the location of Abraham Lincoln's assassination?Answer Ford's Theater

216. ________ was a Confederate warship used to halt the Union blockade.Answer Merrimack

217. Who did not support the Compromise of 1850?Answer John C. Calhoun

218. What was established in 1854 in an attempt to assist with the voting process in Kansas?Answer Emigrant Aid Societies

219. Who Issued a draft in 1863 to keep up the number of Union forces?Answer President Abraham Lincoln

220. Who wrote the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?Answer Harriet Beecher Stowe

221. ________ tried to seek foreign allies during the Civil War.Answer The Confederacy

222. ________ was issued in 1863 as a means of freeing slaves in the South.Answer Emancipation Proclamation

223. Who participated in debates with Abraham Lincoln that are now famous?Answer Stephen Douglas

224. Which of the following was considered strength for the Confederate forces?Answer several military institutions within the South

225. ________ joined the military in an effort to help slaves.Answer Freed African Americans

226. He was the first African American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.Answer Sergeant William Carney

227. ________ declared South Carolina's secession from the Union illegal.Answer President Buchanan

228. Which of the following was a tax imposed in 1862, which was geared towards specific goods?Answer Internal Revenue Act

229. ________ served as President of the Confederacy.Answer Jefferson Davis

230. The Civil War was considered helpful in the North regardingAnswer industry and manufactured goods.

231. Who invented the telegraph?Answer Samuel F.B. Morse

232. He was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War.Answer General William Tecumseh Sherman

233. Which of the following was considered a major strength for Union forces during the Civil War?Answer greater source of economic backing

234. What is the act of placing civilians under military authority known as?Answer martial law

235. Probably the biggest problem with hospitals during the Civil War wasAnswer poor sanitary conditions.

236. Allowing people in a particular area to decide if slavery should be permitted was known as what?Answer popular sovereignty

237. Who introduced the Kansa-Nebraska Act?Answer Stephen Douglas

238. Which of the following states was not part of the Confederacy?Answer Illinois

239. Who earned a reputation for his attack at Fort Sumter and also led Confederate forces in Virginia?Answer General P.G. T. Beauregard

240. Support from the abolitionist movement came fromAnswer churches.

241. The ________ officially ended slavery in the 1865.Answer Thirteenth Amendment

242. Which of the following states imposed martial law as a means of keeping order within the state?Answer Missouri

243. Who served during the Mexican War and as Commander of the Union forces?Answer General Winfield Scott

244. Who assassinated President Lincoln?Answer John Wilkes Booth

245. ________ established the Red Cross.Answer Clara Barton

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