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Questions: The Hobbyist by Fredric Brown

You may answer them in point form. Use evidence to support your answers and sort out your points. ready to share your answers in class. Be

1. What point of view is this written in? How do you know?

2. Does this short story follow the basic plot format, or does it exclude or shorten anything? Explain.

3. Do you believe that Browns idea to have the druggist poison Sangstrom is effective, or do you think it was too predictable? When did you realize Sangstrom was being poisoned?

4. What does the word hobbyist imply? Who do you think is The Hobbyist in this short story? Explain why you believe this to be so.

5. In your opinion, is the druggist doing the right thing by tricking those who would commit murder in order to save innocent lives, or do you believe that his actions are immoral? Explain your answer.

6. Do you believe society would be better or worse off if more people behaved like the druggist in The Hobbyist? Why do you believe this?

7. Explain the significance of the following line in the story: Please help spread the word about my undetectable poison, will you? One never knows, Mr. Sangstrom. The life you save, if you have any enemies, just might be your own.

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