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ILD Meeting Summary for May 16, 2012 1.

Job action and our staff - how should we address this in light of our previous discussion and the direction we received from the STA Heres' the STA advice: 1) Try to schedule meetings during instructional time if possible. 2) Meetings should be teacher led and teacher directed. 3) Teachers will not attend these meetings after school if an AO is present. 4) Let your staff reps know and consult with them about the optics of the meetings if they cannot be in the school day. It would be best to have your reps and your colleagues in agreement. 5) Meetings outside the school day cannot have students in attendance. We agreed to communicate our plan to continue meeting to staff via e-mail and at the next pro-d day. Our communication will include the STAs advice and our intent to follow it. 2. May 31st ILD district meeting: Two of us are invited to the following meeting: It is a pleasure to offer the eighteen school teams engaged in Innovative Learning Designs projects a daylong opportunity to meet together on Thursday, May 31st. During this professional development day, educators will engage in conversations about best practice, showcase the great work going on in their schools, and plan for next year. Schools are invited to send two team members, plus a school administrator, to participate in the days events. An agenda will be forwarded to your schools in the next few days. Each participant is asked to bring an iPad, laptop, or other PDD, and samples of project work to share with the group. WHAT: Innovative Learning Design Project (Phase 1) Professional Development Day WHO: 2 Project Team Members + Administrator WHEN: Thursday, May 31, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm WHERE: District Education Centre, 14033 - 92 Ave, Room 2020 June, Nicole and Stefan will be attending this meeting on our behalf along with Andrew. 3. PLC - Now what? My plan is to wait until after the May 31st meeting. Stefan will chat with people about this topic at the ILD Pro-d (see #2 above) and then write his proposal 4. Michelle J. Mind-up info. Michelle shared information about the Mind-up program which works on kids social and emotional skills. There was enthusiastic support for pursuing this as part of the kids group with possible implementation next year. 5. Kids group - status report (review) and thoughts about next steps. The kids group will be working on their food plan, mind-up and fleshing out their long term plans in their upcoming meeting. 6. Curriculum group - status report (review) and thoughts about next steps. The curriculum group will be working on refining its long term and short term plans in their upcoming meeting. 7. Next Meetings. Kids: Wednesday, May 23 at 3 in the conference room Curriclum: Thursday, May 24 at 3 in Stipps room

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