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A friend met me with a grumpy face As I was beset with fever Smile when you see me, I said Am I not, like you a believer? Do you add stress to my sickness While I lay crippled on this bed? You come with disgruntled demeanour Betraying the Way of Muhammad? Forgive Me, My brother, he replied And I eased at his repentance, But I knew you not a believer And I raged with his insolence Get out! I cried You most detestable of guests! Let me speak my mind he replied And I shall leave before the rest The Prophet you claim I betray Did not find peace in fancy clothes, These dishes of fine foods Nor excessive houses of repose Never a slave to his desires Not chained to a gorging gut Not bound by needless sleep Or nudged by a cigarette butt Does a believer then, quench his thirst Of jubilation in Allahs way, Paradise even on Earths lowly paths, With temporal lusts of Satans sway? All the while the Quran lays Its only companion dust!

Perhaps you would read it if you knew how Perhaps youd read it only just In your gatherings, sheets are laid Plates served and Glases Raised Then all indulge in blood and flesh Such is backbiting; others abased Sincerity it exists no more When Men in front of men are angels blessed But all alone, in the presence of God With great audaciousness desires addressed Islam, youve reduced to petty show and tell Showing your piety, telling the same But even tweens can show and tell And even grown men indulge in games The Hearts of Islam are those That would sacrifice for their Lord Hiding their good just like their sins No praise from Men they adore But You! For every good deed Want to be talked about and seen If in Men you have put your trust Why not in sharing your sins, be as keen? I pity the empty Masjid Where Glorifed Allahs Name is When like dark alleys and garbage dumps Its presence avoided is A true believer, You see Can not rest nor be fed With gourmet foods of every kind When the Fire of Hell wheezes above his head So you must forgive me, I hope you can see how I mistook

Whether you were truly a believer Or the follower of some other book! With that he turned and left the room And I pondered what next for my fever The doctors tablets lay on the shelf A dusty Quran lay even nearer

-QALAM-UL-ISLAM For more Islamic Poetry go to

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