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1. Draw a flow chart to add n values using MS-WORD.

1. Prepare a flowchart using MS-WORD to find the roots of a quadratic equation. 2. Prepare a flow chart using MS-WORD to find the largest of n values. 3. Prepare a flow chart using MS-WORD to find the factorial of a value of a number. 4. Draw a flowchart using MS-WORD to find the sum of even numbers and odd numbers separately from a set of values. 5. Draw a flowchart to arrange n numbers in ascending order. 6. Draw a flow chart to find the reverse the digits in a 6 digit-number. 7. Draw a flowchart using MS-WORD to count the number of times a number is available from a set of numbers. 8. Draw a flowchart using MS-WORD to check whether the given number is Armstrong number or not. 9. Create a flowchart in WORD to find the greatest of three numbers.

10. Create a flowchart in WORD to check the given number is a prime or not. 11. Create a flow chart in WORD to generate a Fibonacci series. 12. Draw a flow chart to find the smallest digit of a number. 13. Draw the flow chart to add two numbers a & b and store the results in the c variable. 14. Draw the flowchart for the generation of Twin Primes. 15. Draw the flow chart to display the entered number in reverse order and also find the sum of digits.

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