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Handwriting Self-Test:

5 Hell Traits Found in Handwriting

(scroll down)
...Excerpts from Bart A. Baggett's Book
The Secrets to Making Love Happen!

You also might want to read a sample of a recent newsletter which

describes 10 traits of a Psycho Ex Girlfriend and how to avoid
a Jerk using handwriting.

Let Bart Teach You How to Spot...

Hell Traits the Easy Way

#1 · Lying
#2 · Low Self-Esteem
#3 · Dual Personality
#4 · Paranoia
#5 · Anger at Opposite Sex (Attracted to a challenge...loves the chase!)
Hell Traits Closing Thoughts

The easy way to avoid those terrible personality traits you never want to discover your
lover has! These easy-to-spot traits are found quickly in a short sample of
handwriting. So, grab a friend's handwriting, and compare to the writing below. If you
match more than 3 out of 5... you're in for HELL.

This section details those personality characteristics I highly recommend avoiding!

People with too many of these traits can make your life a living hell. Be forewarned,
if someone's handwriting reveals these traits, this person is trouble. Of course, the
degree of trouble depends on the intensity and frequency of the trait in the
handwriting. Please double check your analysis before you scream "Psycho!" and run
for the door. But, back up a few feet the first time you see any one of the traits in this
chapter. Unfortunately, you may find you have a few Hell Traits in your own
personality. A personality clash could arise because the Hell Traits in your own
personality don't mix well with the Hell Traits in someone else's. Once you begin
looking at people's handwriting on a regular basis, you will realize just how many
people in your own life have some Hell Traits. Hell Traits are like deadly chemicals,
in very small quantities we can deal with it, but taken in big doses, we can't survive.
The best way to avoid pesticides is to eat all-natural food prepared without chemicals.
Likewise, the best way to deal with someone's Hell Traits is to avoid people with Hell

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Five of Bart's nine handwriting Hell Traits...
Hell Trait #1 --- Lying (Prevarication)

Honesty is one of the most sought-after personality traits. Unfortunately, honesty or

dishonesty is a result of many variables, least of which are the person's integrity and
the specific situation. However, some people have so much internal confusion that
they lie when the truth is better. The worst case scenario is the letter o shown here.
This is the pathological liar. He will make up stories and is basically not trustworthy.
He probably does not know what the real truth is. Luckily, I do not see this trait very
often. I hope you don't either. However, if you ever see this trait consistently in
someone's handwriting take my advice, "Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit!"

This trait and other levels of communication are shown in the lower case letter o. The
letter o is a communication letter. You will notice that you can also see the other traits
in the letter o such as: secretiveness, self-deceit, talkativeness, and frankness. The
lying loops, as I call them, are a combination of a large secretive loop and a large self-
deceit loop. It is shown by two huge inner loops in both halves of the letter o that
cross. Together, this writer is deceiving others and himself! He simply forgets what
the truth is! If you see this occasionally, in one out of ten, don't assume he is a
pathological liar. He does lie, but not to the severity that the name implies. As you
know, many basically honest people tell white lies in different circumstances. Ethics,
integrity, and opportunity are also factors in honesty. You must take the entire writing
into consideration. If you find two small inner loops in the letter o, you have a person
that prevaricates (lies) occasionally about small details. A secretary often has these
small loops when she says "The boss is in a meeting, may I take a message?" All the
while, the boss is standing next to her saying, "I don't want to talk to him!"

If you recall the discussion about the three zones in handwriting, I mentioned that any
loop, wherever you find it, is imagination. Therefore, if a loop is in the upper zone,
one might imagine things associated with philosophy, religion, or ethics. If the loop is
in the lower zone, the imagination might be physical or sexual. If the loop is in the
middle zone, like the letter o, the writer imagines things pertaining to daily events.
Since the o is a communication letter, you get imagination as to what someone tells
you. The bigger the loops the more he lies or the more secrets are being kept.

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Hell Trait #2 --- Low Self-Esteem

This is the one trait that is perhaps the most common problem in the United States. In
relationships, it sticks up its ugly head and will cause you problems. In handwriting a
low self-image is shown by a low t-bar. The cross of the letter t is on or below the top
of the middle zone. A low self-image is also revealed by a very small personal
pronoun I. Since capital letters indicate the strength of one's ego, a small letter I
reveals the writer doesn't have a great amount of ego strength about himself. Look for
the personal pronoun capital I. To confirm any indication of self-esteem, look to the
height of the cross on the letter t.

The person with a low self-image fears failure and fears change that could bring
failure. Consequently, she doesn't set high goals or plan very far ahead in the future.

When I explain this trait to a woman who has it I usually say, "When you look in the
mirror, you see all the imperfections. You think so many other women are prettier than
you. You're constantly questioning your self-worth."

It is a self-critical evaluation that degrades one's sense of personal value. If you are
dating someone who doesn't hold himself in high value, how is he going to treat you?
Usually two scenarios reveal themselves. The first one is pleasant. He respects you
and idolizes you for having so many things that he doesn't possess. In the process of
valuing you, a person with low self-esteem will often go out of his way to do things to
make you like him. But don't be fooled by the niceness in the beginning. The person
with a low self-image always wants a payback.

Someone with a low self-image lacks personal power. If you don't love yourself, you
will look for confidence and esteem through other people, instead of from within
yourself. Therefore, in a relationship, you will not only have to possess enough
courage, self-esteem, and personal power for yourself, but you will have to have
enough to support that person's fragile ego, too.

If you are male, don't make the mistake of assuming that all women with low self-
esteem are bitches. That's not the case. Some of the sweetest girls in the world have
low self-esteem. What this amounts to is that they are so sweet because they want
others to approve of them. When someone's internal references state that she is not
approved of, she looks elsewhere to find approval. The approval will have to come
from you. But as soon as you forget to approve, that person has no foundation to stand
on. Thus she reacts like a rabid dog trapped in a corner, she must fight her way out.
This fight usually includes biting you.
Often, you will find their lovers treating them like dirt, and they think they deserve it!
Remember, if someone allows himself to be treated like dirt, he will have no problem
treating you like dirt. I like to describe self-esteem in handwriting with an analogy. At
the state fair, there is always a tall pole with a bell on top. People take turns swinging
a huge hammer that propels a metal cylinder up the pole toward the bell. Only a few
men can actually make the bell ring. The letter t is much like that game at the fair. The
stem is much like the pole. The cross of the t is where the metal cylinder stops after
the hammer is swung. If the t-bar is crossed on the very top of the stem, the bell rings
and "We have a winner!" Alternatively, if the t-bar is crossed on the lower side of the
t-stem, we have someone who isn't very powerful (low self-esteem). The height of the
t-bar also correlates exactly with the goals. A low t-bar signifies low goals. A high t-
bar signifies high goals.

There are advantages to dating a person with a low self-image. He or she will bend
over backwards, literally, to get your approval. People with a low image of themselves
will usually stay in a bad situation much too long. They lack the courage to leave.
Therefore, your lover won't leave you as quickly. Also, they tend to take more abuse
than people who respect themselves. If you are abusive and want a partner to be
totally dependent on you, perhaps you need a partner with a low self-image. In almost
all the cases where a woman has been abused, I find low self-esteem. (I don't know
whether the abuse caused the low esteem or the low esteem allowed the abuse.) It
reminds me of a 19-year-old girl who had terribly low self-esteem. She was living
with a man who beat her regularly. He was also addicted to drugs. She had a very low
self-image that caused her to feel that she deserved the violent treatment. Although
she said she didn't like it, she didn't leave him. Why would someone put up with that?
She was so insecure, she wasn't sure she could find someone better. She wasn't sure
she had the strength to make it on her own. She kept thinking thoughts like, "No one
else would want me, I am stupid and ugly, etc." (By the way, she wasn't ugly.)

A person with low self-esteem may be attractive in the beginning because the person
is extra sweet, humble, generous, etc. Remember, people are the sum of all their parts.
You should position your relationship in such a manner that your mate wants to be
with you out of her own best interest, her own personal power, her own thoughts of
love and affection, not from a fear (such as being alone). As with other traits, self-
esteem can be dramatically enhanced using various neuro-conditioning techniques
discussed in the appendix.

An unconditional love relationship can only exist between two partners with good
self-esteem. When a couple not only likes each other, but likes themselves, the entire
relationship is more fun, more stable, and more successful. Look for someone who
has a healthy self-image. Look for a high t-bar.

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Hell Trait #3 --- Dual Personality

Dual personality is shown in handwriting by an obvious slant variation, leftward to

rightward, in the same sentence. This person has trouble making emotional decisions
because of the varied emotional influences. When a stressful situation arises, she
withdraws into herself, into her introverted personality. There is a fundamental duality
within the psyche that creates unpredictable emotional responses. Some people call
this person just moody, but, it goes deeper than just mood swings. The actual
biological synaptic responses in the brain function in two different distinct patterns,
depending on the circumstance. As you can imagine, having two separate biological
responses to the same situation can create quite an unpredictable relationship. It does.

This is not quite the same as the famous Sybil character with more than eight separate
personalities. If you were to see an actual Sybil's handwriting, you would find more
than eight distinctly separate handwriting styles. In fact, you would probably think
they were all written by different people. My label of the "Dual Personality" is a more
practical way of describing someone with access to both ends of the spectrum of
emotional responsiveness (FA/AB to DE/E+). Since most people consistently use
primarily one emotional outlay, I consider the variable slant writer unusual and
unpredictable. Dating a dual personality has its advantages and its disadvantages.
Usually, the nice personality is especially extra sweet. She is kind, generous, fun
loving, and entertaining. That is the personality you see on the good days. That is the
personality you fall in love with. Then... whammo! The other personality comes out.
This personality is usually a real bitch/bastard. The ones I have known have had these
two dispositions: sweetheart vs. total bitch. I suppose a man's dispositions would be:
gentleman vs. asshole. Believe me, you don't want to be around when the bitch or
asshole comes out!

Remember the story of Marsha? One day she would be very affectionate and loving
toward me, then the next day she wouldn't speak to me and wouldn't tell me why. This
is typical of a dual personality. When in her other personality she displayed all the
characteristics of a pissed-off introvert (FA writer). She harbored her emotions and
dwelled on them within her own mind.

As stated earlier, these people are very hard to deal with. I have to admit that this
particular girl was extremely fun to be around, when she was in her sweetheart mode.
But, in her bitchy one, watch out.

Parts of this type of person are pleasant and enjoyable. But remember that you must
consider the entire package when getting into a relationship . I really enjoyed having
Marsha as a friend or buddy. In fact , we continued to be casual buddies over the next
two years. You can avoid friends when they are in their bitchy moods. However, in a
relationship, it is difficult just to leave town for two days when the unpleasant
personality comes out. If you are already involved, or get involved, with a person with
two personalities, it is imperative you talk about emotions. Look at his handwriting
for talkativeness. This person has internal struggles within himself about what he
wants. Therefore, the other partner gets mixed messages and might be hurt. If you talk
about all his emotions, dealing with the strange variations in emotions can be much
easier. People with this trait need to be with a mature, understanding partner who is
willing to try to understand their changing feelings.

It is now a fundamental rule of mine not to date women with the trait of dual
personality. In fact, even in my friendships with males, I am wary of this trait. That is
why it is a Hell Trait.

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Hell Trait #4 --- Paranoia (Okay... Extremely sensitive to criticism. Paranoid only
if you're dating.)

This is one of the most significant of the Hell Traits that it is worth reviewing. As you
recall, Sensitive to Criticism is an over-awareness of other's perceptions about
oneself. It is the fear of disapproval. It is the overbearing need for approval. It is a fear
that is shown by a loop in the lower case d and t stems. The amount of sensitivity as it
relates to the personal self is shown in the stem of the lower case d. The amount of
sensitivity as it relates to ideas and philosophies are shown in the stem of the lower
case t. The bigger the loop, the bigger the amount of sensitivity. The Hell Trait of
paranoia is present when the loop in the d is inflated like a balloon and/or flat on top.

Anyone that has a big looped d also has developed some powerful defense
mechanisms to guard such an open wound. Criticizing this person is like pouring salt
into it. When these people feel betrayed, watch out for their defenses. If these loops
are inflated to a disproportionate size, you know that the fear of criticism is
unreasonable and you will see vicious sarcasm, resentment, aggression, etc., to protect
the ego.

Huge flat-topped looped d's that do not return to the baseline signify this fear doesn't
return to reality (the baseline). Many allow their fears to hinder relationships,
considerably. Invariably, you will be the victim of their feelings of mistrust at one
time or another. A truly paranoid person often has built up so many defenses, they
might tell you, "I don't care what others think." Their defenses are so strong, they may
actually not feel the pain of that open wound anymore. If they have a huge looped d
and say they don't care what others think... you know they are really in a lot of pain.

If you choose to get into a relationship with a paranoid person, realize that he is
subject to unreasonable fears. It can be a real challenging situation. I have found when
having a close friendship or relationship with a borderline paranoid person, as shown
in handwriting, he will eventually feel you have turned against him and he will turn
on you. A person who feels trapped in a corner will react like a trapped animal. He
will fight. His exaggerated fear of persecution makes him feel trapped and you might
be his victim. If you must deal with this Hell Trait, let him know you approve. Give
frequent compliments, but don' t patronize. Since they are searching for approval, let
her know you like what she is wearing. If you give sincere compliments to these
oversensitive people, you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand because
you are supplying what they need the most: approval. When the sensitiveness turns to
paranoia, the niceness disappears very quickly.

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Hell Trait #5 --- Needs a Challenge

This trait is very common in both men and women. It has been described as the trait
of manipulation, anger at the opposite sex, or the need for a challenge. It probably fits
slightly into each of those categories. I should warn you that although it is one of my
hell traits, it is so common it is difficult to avoid.

It is shown in the letters c, a, and d. It is a hook-like shape that forms the top circle of
those letters. It has been called a Stinger because of its resemblance to a bee's hook-
like stinger which hurts very badly if you get stung. People who have stingers in their
handwriting usually get a thrill out of stinging others. It is usually directed at the
opposite sex. Depending on the other traits in the handwriting, it could just be a game
or malicious behavior.

The bottom line in a relationship is that the person who possesses the stinger trait
needs a challenge to remain interested. These people will often seek out very
tumultuous people, just to have a good fight. These are the game players. It is this
type of person who says, "I hate playing games," and then proceeds to act in an
inconsiderate way to give the impression that he doesn't like her too much.

In any case, these people are rarely satisfied with nice-guys or nice-girls. They are
attracted to the rebel, the wild beast, the untamable. It is the thrill of the chase, rather
than the prize, that keeps them interested. This is the trait that says about a woman
"Don't be too nice, I am only attracted to assholes." Therefore, if you first meet a
person who has a stinger in his handwriting, know that the most self-defeating move
you can make is to throw yourself at him. Because he needs a challenge, he will only
want you if he gets to chase you down. So, act as if you couldn't care less whether you
go out with him or not. Act indifferent.

This same attitude works with women who have stingers. This attitude is usually
accepted as an effective strategy to take under most circumstances, but it is the only
attitude that will attract people with stingers. The simple play hard to get strategy falls
under the category of the economics of love. The need for a challenge is a different
animal, but utilize that strategy as well. What the subconscious mind is saying in a
woman's stinger is that there is an underlying resentment at the male gender.
The man's stinger shows an anger at the female gender. It reveals itself in a predatory
attitude. The bigger the prey, the greater the feeling of conquering. Relationships
become a game. Love becomes tumultuous and unpredictable. The entire movie
Dangerous Liaisons was about a man with very big stingers. He manipulated the
women into bed in a most dangerous game. If you aren't sure how stingers are
revealed in relationships, go see that movie. How do you win? I don't think anyone
ever wins that game. But the way to keep a stalemate going is never give in
completely. If you date a person with this trait, never give up total control.

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Hell Traits Closing Thoughts

The previous listed 5 of the NINE personality characteristics that I consider

personality traits from HELL. (If you value your sanity, you should get a copy of my
book The Secrets to Making Love Happen! and discover for yourself the other
FOUR!) Your list may be completely different. You may not like men or women who
are sweet, kind, and generous. I have certain likes and dislikes that you may not share.
However, from my experience, you should carefully consider dealing with anyone
with a Hell Trait. People with these characteristics will be challenging at one time or
another. I suggest you take inventory of your past relationships and make a list of the
traits that bothered you. You should be able to compile quite a list of your own Hell
Traits. Then, ask yourself what personality characteristics contributed to the behavior
that you hated so much. You will probably find that the majority of those
characteristics can be found in the handwriting. Then, simply avoid those traits in
your next mate,lover, or friend. When you review the Trait Dictionary in Appendix A,
you might find traits that you feel should have been mentioned in this chapter. There
are a few traits you should be warned about.

However, they aren't serious enough in all people to constitute a Hell Trait
designation. Some of these Difficult Traits are: domineering, defiant, impulsive (E+
writers are often manic depressive and very moody), aggressive, temper, sarcasm, and
an FA slant.

It is easy to avoid many of the worst Hell Traits. However, it is not as easy to avoid all
the other traits that make a person human. After all, nobody is perfect.

You may be forced to deal with one Hell Trait. But, you don't have to live with five. In
return for putting up with one, you might also get a trustworthy, funny, and loyal
mate. I don't think you can pass on all the people you see who have small
idiosyncrasies, but you can afford to pass someone with a plethora of Hell Traits. My
experience shows most people can learn to live and adapt to someone with one of the
lesser Hell Traits. However, I suggest you search for someone without any of them.

You also might want to read a sample of a recent newsletter which

describes 10 traits of a Psycho Ex Girlfriend and how to avoid
a Jerk using handwriting.
Test Your Sex Drive.

Isn't it amazing to realize you can glance over someone's shoulder to

discover from just one letter the size and quality of someone's sex
life? (And it's true.)

Take a look a the lower case y. The longer and heavier the downstroke is... the more
vivacious the sex drive tends to be. The wider the loop - the bigger the imagination and trust
relating to sex, love, and intimacy. Looking for a gullible lover that can be talked into anything
and thank you for it? (Find a lover with a LONG and WIDE loop. There over 9 varieties of
lower zone shaps in the y, g, and j... so make sure you don't jump to conclusions. If the lower
loop is short and narrow - not much trust and his sex drive isn't much to brag about. Truth

Occasionally, not all big loops related to sex - it might just related to imagination and creativity
or physical excercise... so check how heavy the pen presses on the paper, too.
I just finished analyzing the handwriting sample you
submitted. And I
must say, the writer of this note is a most interesting
It's my goal to always be 100% accurate using this
200 year old science. But
because I wasn't actually there to see the sample
written, I may miss on a few
In spite of this unavoidable fact, most people are
shocked and surprised
.accuracy of my analysis at the
Handwriting is really brain-writing. It is an exact
projection of your sub-conscious thoughts onto paper.
That's why more and more people are
insisting on seeing someone's handwriting before they
date or marry them. Employers are
even using handwriting analysis as a basis for hiring or
.not hiring employees
The analysis you're about to read covers only the
BASICS. We chose about
of the over 130 different handwriting strokes available 40
to analyze. If you'd like to
learn more or dig deeper into the subject, just let me
know at
Regarding letter size... you clicked "Medium". Because
your writing is
tiny or really large, this aspect of neither really
writing is not a significant piece of your
personality puzzle. We know you
are not as intense as those tiny writers and you aren't
as "flighty" as some of those
large writers. So, you fall into the middle-of- really
the-road on this character
Concerning the letter slant of your sample (slant
reveals emotional
outlay)... you chose "Midway between vertical and hard
right-slant". Your emotional outlay
is exactly halfway between an introvert and an
extrovert. So, you have the best
of both worlds: the ability to think logically and make
hard decisions and at
the same time you can still be very emotional... which
means that you can spend time
.and get along with both types of people
Your emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart
rendering stories. In
fact,you can be kind, friendly, affectionate and
considerate of others. And even
put yourself in the other person's shoes. When convincing
you to buy a product or
an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal.
You are an expressive
person and aren't afraid to outwardly show your emotions.
You may even cry when you
.hear a sad story
Looking at the letter "i", you chose "The dot is close
to and directly above
."the stem
Dotting your "i" so close to the stem tells me you
have a great eye for detail
and a keen memory, too. I bet you never forget what
people say to you and can
.recall it years later, especially your lovers comments
Oh boy... the letter "o"... this is a very insightful
letter. When you
picked "No inner loops, letter is clean and crisp", that
,told me that you are very blunt
candid and brutally honest. You are also very
straightforward when asked your
opinion. You find secrets and deceit just
unnecessary. But, most people are
not as revealing as you tend to be. So, just a
suggestion... if your significant
asks, "Do you think I need to lose a little other
weight?", just pretend that you
have to go the bathroom and leave the room. And remember
the deadly question... "Do I
!look fat in this dress?" Hint: LIE
if this is checked..... skip this on the results
Excellent characteristic!!! When I asked about the shape
of the tops of the
humps in the letters "m" and "n", you chose "Vary between
."rounded and pointed
This is the best of both kind of thinkers. You can
process information both
in cumulative/procedural fashion and also in a
comprehensive/fast fashion. You
can adapt to the people around you. If you're with a
slow talker, you can slow
down and explain every detail. If you're talking to
someone who only wants the
bottom line big picture facts, you can speed up your
This is an important trait! When I asked you how
high the t-bar is crossed on
the stem of the letter "t", you chose "Midway up the
stem". This tells me that
you set goals that are realistic, practical, and
obtainable and that your
self-esteem is good, but not super high. I would suspect
you still have an
aversion to taking too much of a risk and you'll hedge on
.the side of security

The good news is your confidence is strong enough to

leave a really bad
situation and take those first key steps toward living
your dreams. People
that cross their "t's" in the upper middle are pragmatic
and secure with
themselves. But, there are still more dreams to
achieve... so stretch yourself
!even more
When asked how the t-bar ends, you chose "Blunt or
eraser end"... a blunt
ending t-bar signifies the ability to make a statement in
a pure positive and
confident manner... even if you have no idea what you're
talking about. It's a
handy trait as a leader or if you want to convince
someone of something they
.might not believe
You told me that your t-bar is predominately located
"Mostly right of the
stem". This stroke means indicates a short fuse when you
get upset. If all of
your t-bars are on the right, it means you do have a
.problem with your temper
However, there are many factors that could counteract)
this tendency such as
small writing, backwards writing or if you learned to
.write English in India
(.If so, you might not be such a hothead
Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Medium loop".
This tells me that you
have healthy physical drives... yes, that means both
sexually... and in your
ambition. So, you aren't a prude but you're not a slut
either... you just
.like" it"
You checked that your signature was underlined... this
shows that you are
both self-reliant and yearn to lead others. You aren't
afraid to draw
attention to yourself and take charge... you have
confidence in your own
.abilities and inner strength
You indicated your signature was hurried and a bit
.unreadable at times
signatures can mean different things for different Sloppy
people. After all, it's
the "strokes" we look at in the science of handwriting,
not just the
sloppiness or neatness. However, people that have
illegible signatures seem to always be
.in a hurry and rushed for time
The other possibility is that an illegible signature
indicates a tendency to
hide the inner most thoughts (you'll put up a few walls)
signature often indicates a slight degree of ego and
It's as if you're saying to the world "Hey, I'm so
important, you should
know who I am or someone else should just type my name
".for you to read
Now, I'm not saying you're at all arrogant... but at the
,very least
sometimes in too much of a hurry to be bothered by you're
.the little people
If you're like most people who ask me for a Handwriting
Analysis, you're a
bit shocked at how accurate it really is. Some people
think part of the analysis
doesn't apply to them, but after checking with their
friends... the traits are often
confirmed with brutal honesty and a dose of self-
I hope you've just learned a great deal about yourself.
Awareness and
.insight are the first steps to really changing your life
Many handwriting analysts give you the personality
profile and then you're
on your own. This might be depressing if you found a lot
of bad qualities. But
you really can change your life by remember, that
.changing the way you think
The key to getting the most benefit from this analysis
is to identify
your good traits... and build on them. And, at the same
time, work on minimizing or
.replacing the negative ones
Section 3 (Graphics - Loads slowly)
How You Can Earn $100 An Hour or More Analyzing Handwriting In
Your Spare Time (An Insider's Peek at Bart Baggett's Marketing

Section 3:

Analyze Your Own Handwriting

Right Now ...
If you happen to be one of those people reading this report who has had no previous
training in handwriting analysis, I want you to get a first hand taste of how to do it
and how easy it can be. If there is any doubt left in your mind of its accuracy, you can
use the following section to erase all doubt and get excited about learning more. If
you have had some previous experience, you will recognize the following traits as
merely scratching the surface of some of the deeper facets of personality that
handwriting reveals. If you fall into this category, you may just want to skim the next
few pages and jump into some of my "marketing secrets" in the next section!

Right here, I've included a sample of some of the most easy to use and most popular
traits. Since there are over 70 basic traits and hundreds when you combine and stack
them, this is by no means a comprehensive dictionary. In fact, because it is only a
sampling, you may find only a few matches with your own handwriting in this little
sample "trait dictionary." I am including this to illustrate how easy it can be to start
analyzing handwriting. You may even find yourself digging out old letters and
comparing the writing of all your friends to the examples shown in the description.

Get a pen or grab some handwriting samples of a few people you are curious about
and read on. Just compare the writing to the writing in your hand. If you have a match
... voila! This can be fun and easy!

Discover what is hidden in your handwriting, right now ...

Emotionally Withdrawn

Shown by a consistent leftward slant. The upstrokes and slant are a minimum of 90
degrees from the baseline. An introvert. This person keeps his own counsel, rarely
expresses feelings, and makes logical unemotional decisions. The smaller the
handwriting, the more reserved he is.

Emotionally Responsive

The hard rightward slant reveals the heart-ruled, moody, impulsive person. The farther
the writing slants to the right, the more this person is subject to emotional stimuli.
This writer naturally relates to people's emotions and has a constant need for
affection. He can be very expressive with his emotions and relates to others easily.

Dual Personality

Shown by an obvious slant variation from left to right in the same sentence. This
person has trouble making decisions because the head and heart are in conflict. He
withdraws into the introverted personality when he feels insecure. This type of person
often seems like he has two distinct personality styles. Unpredictable mood swings.

Desire for Attention

High ending strokes that go up in the air much like a child raising his hand in class for
attention. This person needs to be the center of attention and is always looking for
ways to get noticed. This person needs lots of recognition.


A large lower case letter, especially "k" anywhere in the writing. This high buckle "k"
is often referred to as the "go to hell K". The defiant person resists other's authority.
Seen as resentment at being told what to do and as rebellion in young people.
Low Self-Esteem

Shown by the t-bar crossed very low on the stem. This person fears failure and fears
change, thus sets goals with low risk. He remains in bad situations much too long and
finds imperfections with himself. He is rarely successful in his own eyes.

High Self-Esteem

High crossed t-bar and large personal pronoun I. This reveals confidence, ambition,
the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high personal expectations, and an overall good
self image. The higher the cross on the letter t, the higher the goals and ability to
handle risk and the possibility of failure. This is the key to personal success and


Circles within circle letters on the right hand side. The larger the inner loop is, the
more secrets this person will withhold from others. If the inner loop is huge, this
person will try to avoid giving you a complete answer.


Revealed by t and d-stems shaped like a teepee or upside down "V." The more this
letter is braced, the more this person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn people
rarely admit they are wrong, and don't want to be confused with the facts after they
have made up their minds.


Open circle letters such as a's and o's. The less connected the upper part of these
letters are, the more they must move their mouths. Sometimes they will talk just to
hear their own voice.
As promised ... following are 3 out of 10 of the dreaded "Hell Traits." The "Hell
Traits" are featured and discussed in depth in my first book "The Secrets To
Making Love Happen." (Available on-line).

Lying (Prevarication)

Shown by a combination of loops in the right and left side of lower case a's and o's.
Huge inner loops that cross signify a person that lies pathologically. These people are
not trustworthy.


Shown by a t-bar that is crossed predominantly on the right side of the stem. The
more it occurs, the easier irritation will cause them to lose control of their emotions. If
combined with a heavy rightward (DE, E+) slant, they will blow up quickly.

Excessively Sensitive To Criticism

Shown by the looped stem in the lower case d or t. The bigger the loop, the more
painful criticism is felt. If the loop is really inflated, this person will imagine
criticism. The d-loop relates to personal self and the t-loop relates to sensitivity to
ideas or philosophies. If the d-loop looks like a hot air balloon ... the person could be

How to Spot Hell Traits in Anyone's Writing

The last traits listed are three of my personal "Hell Traits," because if you see this
trait in someone's writing ... run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. I coined this phrase
after a few "Dates from Hell," and I've been proven right ever since from letters all
over the country. When you spot these ... keep your guard up.
"Every time I dated a woman with Trainwreck Handwriting, she ended up being a
Disaster Waiting to Happen. The handwriting doesn't lie. It took a few bruises to trust
it totally, but now I depend on it."

- Stan Hayes

What does Handwriting Analysis reveal about Bill Gates?

Bart's analysis was featured in the "Weekly Strokes" newsletter and part of it is

"He slants very much to the right (de or e+ for those of you enrolled into the Home
Study Course) and he has a vicious... I mean vicious... temper with sarcasm.

"For such a geeky guy, this writing sure seems to scream "in your face temper"...
Looks can be deceiving. What do you think is his motivation in life?If the quote by
John Bradshaw is accurate, Mr. Gates is full of fear, thus the only explanation for the
anger, aggressiveness, and hostility.Or was it greed, luck, opportunity, ambition, deep
emotions, competition, fear of losing, what?Success is a complicated process."

"I have never met an aggressive person who wasn't a fearful person" - John Bradshaw

Student analysis of Bill's writing:

Submitted by Carole Rule, Tucson, AZ

The writing of Mr. Gates shows a person who feels he is more important that you or I.
The high upper zone indicates he is most at home in the cerebral world. But the
disintigrating mid zone and open bottom s indicates he would be a fish out of water
with everyday tasks. For example, a surgeon who cannot do a simple home repair or a
professor who cannot program a VCR.

The fast writing with the check mark movements to the right indicate a desire to get
on with things or to the next order of business. At the same time the incomplete letters
and missing i dots show he hates to be bothered with details. He will come up with the
ideas or plans in great detail but the implimentation will be done by someone else so
he can get on to his next project.

He is a talker when it comes to his interests but is not a listener. After all, your
problems are unimportant to him. When upset, though, he would not just yell but
would thunder loudly and probably throw things around. That aggression has to go

From his signature he has not the greatest self esteem in the world but his drive and
ambition has taken him far anyway. Also, since Bill is legible but Gates could be
several things, it is an indication he is prouder of being Bill and his accomplishments
than of being Bill Gates. I bet if you called him Mr. Gates his first response would be
Mr. Gates is my father.

Catherine ..
What do you see in this signature...
Will she succeed? Is she easy to get along with? Is she a talented
actress? What kind of man will she choose?

Scroll down to see my notes...

On-Line Handwriting Trait Dictionary
(Section 1)

In the middle zone, it is a need to acquire material things. If shown in the
upper zone, it is a need to acquire knowledge, ideas, or education.
Shown by hard right upstrokes that replace a lower loop. The aggressive
person pushes forward into the future asserting himself physically. Often this
person needs physically aggressive outlets such as competitive sports or even
This person relates to both introverts and extroverts while keeping a level head
even amidst the existence of emotional feelings such as empathy, sympathy,
and even passion. Falls into the middle-of-the-road catogory on many issues.
Analytical Thinker
The analytical person analyzes everything. This person has a strong reasoning
ability to sift and weigh the facts.

Shown when the lower loops of y's , g's, and sometimes j's are retraced
completely. The anti-social person does not trust anyone and rarely lets people
get close enough to really know him. He fears getting hurt emotionally. This is
a roadblock to intimacy.

Shown by the break-away p with a high beginning stroke. This person likes to
argue. The trait will be increased if the writer is also analytical, irritated,
sarcastic, stubborn, and/or impulsive.
Attentive to Details
The writer pays attention to details. This trait contributes to a good memory.
Notices everything.
This writer is inclined to be careful in order to minimize risk. This cautious
tendency reduces any impulsive behavior and causes one to look before

Comprehensive Thinker...thru... Desire for More

Physical Activity
(Section 2)
Comprehensive Thinker

Revealed by needle point strokes on the top of the n and m, also in the h or i.
These people have lightning fast minds that are able to size up situations
instantly. They are curious, impatient, intelligent and usually in a hurry.
People with this trait have the ability to shut everything out of their mind and
fully concentrate on one thing at a time. Often, on a first impression, these
people seem reserved.
Cumulative Thinker
These people need all the facts before making a decision. They may take
longer to learn, but they will remember. They can be very creative and good
with their hands.
Curious and Investigative
A quick, investigative, and exploratory thinker sizes up people and situations
instantly. Gets irritated by slow talkers.

A large lower case letter, especially k anywhere in the writing. This high
buckle k is often referred to as the "go to hell K". The defiant person resists
other's authority. Seen as resentment at being told what to do and as rebellion
in young people.
Desire for Attention

High ending strokes that go up in the air much like a child raising his hand in
class for attention. This person needs to be the center of attention and is
always looking for ways to get noticed. This person needs lots of recognition.
Desire for Culture
These writers have a desire for cultural things such as travel, adventure, music,
and fine food.
Desire for More Physical Activity
The desire for more physical activity could include any physical activity such
as exercise, travel, or sex.

Desire for Responsibility...thru... Ego Strength

(Section 3)
Desire for Responsibility

Shown by a large round loop at the beginning of a word, usually in capital

letters like W or M, but also found in the S. This person has a desire to be
needed by a large number of people and will need to be in a leadership role.

Downslanted humps toward the right on m's and n's. This person has the
ability to say things in a way that other people want to hear. He can also
phrase touchy subjects in a nice, inoffensive way.
This person wants people to stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
Direct people don't like to be slowed down.
The dominant person tends to be in control and likes it. He takes charge
making people follow directions without angering them.

Down-slanted t-bar, to the right, with a sharp ending. The domineering person
tends to fight for control. He takes charge, insisting people follow him. The
sharp t-bar signifies sarcasm, whining, griping, and possible cruelness when
he doesn't get his way. An unpleasant trait.
Dual Personality
This person has trouble making decisions because the head and heart are in
conflict. He withdraws into the introverted personality when he feels insecure.
Unpredictable mood swings.
Ego Strength
Indicates the writer's ego strength, which can be anywhere from weak to an
inflated importance of himself, thus affecting self-esteem.

Emotionally Withdrawn...thru... Fluidity of Thought

(Section 4)

Emotionally Withdrawn
An introvert. This person keeps his own counsel, rarely expresses feelings, and
makes logical unemotional decisions.
Emotionally Responsive
The writing reveals the heart-ruled, moody, impulsive person. This person is
subject to emotional stimuli. This writer naturally relates to people's emotions
and has a constant need for affection. He can be very expressive with his
emotions and relates to others easily.

An unusually long stroke that makes the cross bar of the t. This writer bubbles
over with enthusiasm and excitement. Enthusiasm is a key ingredient to
success in leadership because it motivates others toward action.

Revealed by wide letter/word spaces and long final endings or ostentatious

strokes. This person tends to overdo things. One may first notice this trait in
the style of clothes she wears. It is a combination of desire for attention and
generosity to one's self.
Fear of Success
The person will come close to success, then turn away. Often a feeling of
dejection occurs near success, thus this person gets very close to success, then
Fluidity of Thought
Signifies the ability to follow and change thoughts smoothly. Often a good
conversationalist, speaker, or writer.

(Section 5)


Shown in the letter o that has no inner loops and is relatively wide. This
person will be honest and blunt when asked her opinion. If the o is open, then
she will volunteer her frank opinion without being asked.
This person will be eager to share. This writer derives attention and personal
reward from being generous to others.
Indicates what type of goals a person will set for himself. These goals vary
starting with a low level of self-worth, fear of failing, and low or no goals.
Next is the person who sets practical goals. Third is ambition and high goals.
The fourth reveals the dreamer and goals too high to be practical.
High Self-Esteem
This reveals confidence, ambition, the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high
personal expectations, and an overall good self image. This is the key to
personal success and happiness.
This person has a sense of humor which can become witty or sarcastic.
Reveals strong physical imagination, gullibility, and a tendency to exaggerate
the tangible aspects of life. Has great ability to visualize and see things clearly.
Can also reveal the philosophical imagination.
Independent Thinker

Shown by a short d or t-stem with a restricted or no loop. This person has his
own ideas about the way life is. He thinks independently of what others
believe. His dress and choices in life tend to be made without regard to the

Shown by a circle i-dot. Most common in adolescent writing when a youth is

trying to stand out from the crowd. In adulthood, she has a fear of being
ordinary and must call attention to herself by being different. Also, it can
indicate artistic creative expression.

(Section 6)

These people have developed a sixth sense or psychic ability to feel situations
very accurately, often before they occur.
The writer is irritated at the time of the writing. He is be irritated at the present
situation, at himself, or at other people. Anger is usually present.

A tight beginning loop that is small and almost square. It must make a
completely closed circle. This person fears the loss of someone he loves. Can
be very possessive.
Likes Variety
This person will get bored easily and needs variety in life. The physical drives
are strong and deep, providing lots of energy.
Lives for the Moment
Immature. These people get into trouble because they live for today and fail to
foresee the consequences of their actions. This person's philosophies and
ethics change frequently.
Low Self-Esteem
This person fears failure and fears change, thus sets goals with low risk. He
remains in bad situations much too long and finds imperfections with himself.
He is rarely successful in his own eyes.

Shown by a picture-perfect i-dot with no tail in any direction. Loyalty is a

commitment to stand by those people or ideas that they consider worthy.

Shown by a combination of loops in the right and left side of lower case a's
and o's. Huge inner loops that cross signify a person that lies pathologically.
These people are not trustworthy.

Manual Dexterity...thru...Perversion
(Section 7)

Manual Dexterity
Square formations on top of the "r's" and/or "h's". This person has the ability
to take things apart and put them back together. This writer has good manual
dexterity and often good coordination. They are very mechanically minded.
Needs A Challenge
This person has an anger at strong members of the opposite sex, while only
being attracted to those who are a challenge. Once this person feels totally in
control of the relationship, he/she will become bored.
The writer is sure tomorrow will be better and always looks on the bright side
of life.
Organizational Ability
This writer will have the ability to create order out of chaos. Even if her desk
appears messy, she will know what is in each pile. She is organized.
This handwriting is that of a person who spends time putting everything in its
place and reviews work trying to make it precise.

Strokes that double back over the letter and end toward the right. Usually
located in the t and f. This person has the quality of not giving up when
confronted with temporary setbacks. He will persist until he completes the

Lower zone loops that are not shaped normally. These bizarre lower zone
loops signify the sex/relationship aspect of the writer's life is unusual. If the
loops are large, as shown, the sexual appetite crosses the line into sexual
behavior outside the norm.

Physical Frustration...thru...Secretive
(Section 8)
Physical Frustration

Lower loops that are incomplete. This signifies the presence of frustration in
areas such as relationships, exercise, or sexual activity. Something is
incomplete in this person's life.
Physically Experimental
They will demand variety in their physical activities which must satisfy their
insatiable physical desires. Sexually, they can be very demanding and often
This writer makes statements with confidence and conviction. He will act like
he knows the right answer even if he is not sure.

A t-bar that is crossed predominately on the left side of the stem.

Procrastinators will put off until tomorrow what could have been done today.
This trait is one factor of laziness.
Pride and Dignity
These writers will demand respect and expect you to treat them with dignity.

Inflexible beginning strokes at the beginning of a word. The stroke must start
at the baseline or below and remain rigidly straight. This person is harboring
anger, resentment, or hate toward something or someone.
Sarcasm is like a verbal dagger defending the ego. Sarcasm is forming a dual
meaning to whatever is said and is often mixed with humor. Sarcastic people
have a sharp tongue that can hurt others' feelings. The sarcasm can be directed
toward self, instead of toward others, creating a tendency to be self-critical.
This person will withhold secrets from others. If highly secretive, this person
will try to avoid giving you a complete answer.

Selective Listener...thru...Socially Selective

(Section 9)
Selective Listener
This person can tune other people out. He has his own ideas and will only
agree with you if you agree with him. In other words, this person can be
This signifies the need to punish oneself. The writer may tend to be critical
and sarcastic of himself.

Shown by the increasing height of the humps on the m's and n's. When the
second hump is higher than the first, this person has a fear of being ridiculed
and tends to worry what others might think when around strangers.
The person is under stress and self-control is being implemented. Signifies the
person is obsessively controlling an action.

Inner loops on the left side of the circle letters. This person is deceiving
himself about something that is happening to him at the moment. This person
may not be consciously aware of the things in his life that he is refusing to
Self-Reliance and Leadership
This person possesses strong leadership qualities, relies on himself, and has a
great amount of inner strength.
Sensitive To Criticism

Shown by the looped stem in the lower case d or t. The bigger the loop, the
more painful criticism is felt. If the loop is really inflated, this person will
imagine criticism. The d-loop relates to personal self and the t-loop relates to
sensitiveness to ideas or philosophies.
Socially Selective
Indicates the amount of trust and imagination as it relates to people. The
writing reveals some trust, but they are very selective of whom they allow in
their inner circle of friends.

Stubborn...thru...Will Power
(Section 10)


Revealed by t and d- stems shaped like a tepee or upside down "V". The more
this letter is braced, the more this person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn
people rarely admit they are wrong, and don't want to be confused with the
facts after they have made up their minds.
Surface Thinker
This person is a quick thinker. He tends to depend on other people's views
rather than on personal investigation. He often makes decisions based on
others' opinions.
These people must move their mouth. Sometimes they will talk just to hear
their own voice.

Shown by a t-bar that is crossed predominantly on the right side of the stem.
The more it occurs, the easier irritation will cause them to lose control of their
emotions. If combined with a heavy rightward (DE,E+) slant, they will blow
up quickly.

Shown by ending hooks on the right side of letters. This person tends to hold
on to what is hers. If the hook is in the upper zone she will cling to her ideas
and beliefs. If in the middle zone, she will be tenacious about material items.
Too Many Irons In The Fire
This writer has too many projects going on at one time, thus having confusion
of interests.
Will Power
This person will be able to follow a set course and display strong powers of
the will. Will power tends to intensify all other personality traits.
Fear of Ridicule
Fear of Rejection (Self-consciousness)

Scroll Down for full analysis and explanation of personality trait:

More on The Fear of Ridicule.

As humans, the need for love and connections sits at core of our being. The fear
illustrated by this "emotional roadblock" is different than the our basic emptiness when
we are not loved. The fear of rejection or ridicule is a response to the social
conditioning that occurs when we are children. Our brains are great learning machines.
So effective that even just one strong emotional event can effect our behavoir the rest of
our lives. When a six year old stands up in class to answer a question, her brain makes a

If she gets the answer correct and the teacher praises her, her brain connects standing up
in class with good feeling of approval. If she misses the question and the whole class
laughs at her, her brain learns that standing up in class to answer a question equals
humiliation and embarassement. If this negative event is deeply emotional or occurs
repeatedly, a fear of ridicule is developed. If you happen to the one of the millions of
people that rank the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death, you might
have some self-conciousness.

In handwriting, a severe fear of ridicule is signified by the humps on the letters m or n.

This self-consciousness in their handwriting is show when the second hump is higher
than the first hump. . It's interesting, because in handwriting analysis, the opposite of a
stroke is not always the opposite meaning. In the letter t, the low t-bar and high t-bar
have reciprocal meanings. However, in the m and n, it isn't the case.

For instance, the opposite of the fear of ridicule does not mean you enjoy ridicule. You
also can't say, "Just because I don't have a loop in my d-stem, I'm never sensitive to
criticism." It doesn't work that way. This is why it may take a little bit of study with
more advanced material to bat 100% when analyzing handwriting. In this example, the
"m's" that go downhill indicate diplomacy. Diplomacy means you have the ability to say
things in a very kind way and be diplomatic.

Diplomacy is a very positive trait. Self-consciousess has no redeeming factors.

Therefore, the decision to exchange one for the other is a no-brainer. If your humps go
uphill, it doesn't mean you can't be diplomatic. But it does mean that you have a little
bit more self-consciousness than you have diplomacy. In handwriting, the stronger trait
will occur in any letter where two or more traits might occur. Often, the letters will
alternate one shape to the other shape. This indicates both traits are a significant portion
of the personality.

In a sales career, this trait is very detrimental to a success. If you can't make cold calls
because you're afraid they might say no. You have a big hurdle to overcome. If you give
me a stack of salesmen's handwriting. The one writing with self-consciousness is
invariably the sales manager. Why? Because he has chosen to train and administer
rather than deal with rejection on a daily basis.

If you are single, you might experience self-consciousness when you meet someone
new. If you feel nervous to speak or a bit uncomfortable about doing the wrong this, you
are feeling the fear of rejection. Here is a test. Pick someone across the room that you
do not know. Walk right up to them and strike up a conversation. In many people, the
level of anxiety in this scenerio is in direct proportion with the level of self-
consciousness you have.
Fear of Success creates failure by circumstance.

If you have this stroke in your y, g, or j... change it today. This is the ONE trait that I cannot
allow in my employees or personal relationships. You can just about guarantee they will NOT
finish - or somehow cause projects to fail. At least, they underachieve. The little downturned y
is a biggy... watch out!

*** Homosexual Indicators ****

Question: I've read that long tail into the lower zone as off of M in November and K
in like is a sign of homosexual tendencies. What do you think?
( This of course is in regards to sample 108 below)

Long tail into the lower zone as off of M in "November" is most likely creativity or
determination. (And, the longer to downstroke is.. the more energy one could have
toward sexual activities... thus strong sex drive.) I've never read homosexual
inferences in just the long tail. Only triangles, if present and large toward the left,
would have any relevance.

Homosexuality indicators as I've read them in many books are not 100% accurate.
There are many variations and theory to that lifestyle and behavior. There are as many
"personality" types among homosexuals as there are straight people. The "sexual"
aspect of that lifestyle does not define who they are... thus handwriting would not be
expected to predict it.

Thus, the only aspect of handwriting that I would image being present is ONLY if the
particular "homosexual" in question was into really "kinky homosexual sex". In that
case, we would most likely see exaggerated lower zone loops and often a triangle or
balloon shaped. I have witnessed this in a large percentage of very flamboyant gay
men and a few lesbians. But, it is not consistent. Those people engaging in a
homosexual lifestyle that are not very sexual... these traits would not show up. As
with any vast generalization, there are many exceptions.

****** Second question - same handwriting sample *******

Heavy use of capitals in the first letter of words other than the one beginning a
sentence is I've read means a person who over-reacts emotionally. Is this true.

Answer: It depends. It would make sense that frequent capital letters indicate the
person is making a strong statement on every word. (Such as defiance or bolding a
word). Or, seems to need to be heard or noticed more than normal people. A sign of
strength, yes. A sign of insecurity hidden, yes.

It does indicate a need to be noticed - or taken seriously. In this case, the all capitals
indicates a "control" over her emotions in a way that is quite dramatic. So the printing
would offset the tendency to overreact. Oh... and yes, there is someone sexually
different about this person as well and a general "red flag" comes to mind. But, as to
exactly what kind of "kink" she is into.. I don't know. (I wouldn't date her.)

I would interpret the unusual strokes in the sample to be "whips" - just an exaggerated
version of the sarcasm stroke. This person would "whip" you with her comments.
Cheers, Barbara Downer, CDE (certified document examiner)
Looking for Big Trouble?
Want to date an angry man-hating control freak?
(me neither)

Here are my top TROUBLE TRAITS.. listed one by one.


1. Stinger. Common in 40% of Americans. Signifies a need for a challenge and a deep
seeded resentment toward strong members of the opposite sex. It can manifest when
becoming bored with nice guys and only being attracted to disfunctional "rebel"
types. This usually, but not always, indicates an unresolved issue of "love/hate"
between the opposite gendered parent.

2. Sarcasm. Not a horrible trait alone. But this is the "hostile"defense mechanism that
can "cut you" if used for covering up for real anger or deep insecurities.

3. Domineering/ Dominant. This is the control freak part. T-bars slanting down are a
need for control Which, essentially, is a FEAR of not being in control. FEAR
motivates people in strong ways. Furthermore, if the t-bar has pointed tips... sarcasm.
This person will control people with sarcasm and caustic behavoir. This is the bully

4. Stubborn. A fear of being wrong. An inability change quickly or admit they are
wrong. Again, a defense mechanism for an insecure ego or damaged self-esteem.

5. Anti-Social indicates a big fear of trusting others and getting emotionally hurt.
Therefore, in a dating situation, this person will avoid intimacy as a long as possible.
So, if you are dating a "game player" with anti-social y's... you might get emotionally
involved and he will not. When I see this, I feel sorry for the person because he or she
is unable to give and receive love easily. Again, it is a fear of being hurt. (Common
after a divorce.)

6. Defiance. A rebellious streak. The "go to hell K". This trait is very common, but
only very bad if combined with all these other traits. This would also MIGHT indicate
a fear of comittment. Someone who values "freedom" very high on their "values" list.

7. Argumentative. This is the same stroke as aggressiveness in the lower zones. The
only difference is that it is located in the letter p, which indicates VERBAL
aggressiveness... or argumentativeness. Another fear of being wrong. A pain in the ass

8. Lying. These double loops in the o indicate a fear of telling the truth. Naturally, if
honesty or TRUST is a high emotional value of yours.. this is a RED FLAG you must

9. Low self-esteem (not pictured.) This compounds all the above traits and makes the
person "more defensive."
10. Overly sensitive to criticism. This also compounds all the above traits and makes
the person even "more defensive."

11. Sample of a "HINT of TROUBLE." (This sample was witten by a 27year old
female in German on a napkin, in a bar, after drinking.)

So, any questions? RUN AWAY. RUN AWAY. RUN AWAY.

Handwriting Sample below of someone you might want to keep your

guard up around.
(especially if you are a strong man ) [last one]
You are either:

Introverted (I) or Extroverted (E),

iNtuitive (N) or Sensing (S)

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

Extroversion vs Introversion

This first preference shows your basic attitude toward life. It has to do with where you get your
energy from. Is it mostly from the outside world (Extroversion)? Or is it mostly from within
yourself (Introversion)?


Extrovert Introvert

Uses space Conserves space

Narrow Margins Wide Margins
Close Line Spacing Wide Line Spacing
Close word spacing Wide word spacing
Wide letter spacing Close letter spacing
Full letters Narrow letters
Large writing Small writing
Right slant Vertical / Left slant

Sensation vs Intuition

This second preference has to do with how you gather information from the world around you.
This pair of preferences is called the perceiving functions because they simply gather
information in a non-critical way, without processing it. Intuition and sensation perceive
reality quite differently. The sensation function gathers information in a practical, literal and
sequential way. The intuitive function gathers information in a more theoretical, random and
figurative way.


Sensing Intuition
Lower zone emphasis Upper zone emphasis
Compact writing Open / aerated writing
Connected writing Disconnected writing
Pastose Stroke Sharp Stroke
Slow Writing Fast writing
Heavy Pressure Light Pressure
Thinking vs Feeling

This third preference describes the way you choose to make decisions. It processes information it
has received from either sensation or intuition and then makes certain judgements. Therefore,
these two functions are called the judging functions. These two judging functions process
information in different ways. The thinking or the feeling function determines the course of
action. Do you act mostly in a logical, impersonal, objective way (Thinking)? Or do you prefer
to act in a more emotional, personal and subjective way (Feeling)?


Thinking Feeling
Vertical Expansion Horizontal Expansion
Angle connections Garland connections
No initial strokes Initial strokes
Short finals Long finals

Judging vs Perceiving

The fourth and last preference relates to your day-to-day lifestyle. Do you usually plan and
schedule your day and make decisive decisions along the way (Judging)? Or do you live your
life in a more spontaneous and spur of the moment type style while trying to remain flexible
in your decision making (Perceiving)?


Judging Perceiving
Organized Disorganized
Consistent size Inconsistent size
Regularity Irregularity

Test Your Self-Esteem.

The letter t reveals your ambition, goals, and how much crap you are
willing to take before you get out.

Take a look a the lower case letter t in your own handwriting and the writing of those people
around you. The lower the cross of the t-bar, the lower their own "self-image" really is.
Research shows people with low t-bars stay in bad relationships and bad jobs way too long.
On the other hand, people with high crossed t-bars tend to set higher goals, make more
money, have better relationships, and are generally happier. So, where are you going to cross
your t-bar from now on?

More: if the t-stem is very tall and the cross bar is very low, this indicates someone with lots of
pride & dignity, but inside has many doubts of his ability. These people may suprise you with
their lack of self-worth because they may even be arrogant as a defense mechanism.
The size of you signature will add or detract from your feelings of self worth because the
bigger your signature the more powerful your ego is. A tiny first letter in a signature is a weak
sign. A over inflated first letter is often too attention seeking. But, in general, the bigger the
first letter in your name, the more powerful you think you are.

The Go to Hell K - defiance.

Look in just one letter of handwriting to find how
well or how poorly someone responds to "control, rules,
orders, commands, or threats."

This personality trait is VERY common among Americans.

Remember the entire "American Revolution" in 1776? (England does)
Remember the whole Pearl Harbor thing? (Japan does) And, based on the
overwhelming need to defy the odds, face the
threats, and stomp down those who would steal our freedom...
American will again be defiant. (Bin Laden will feel the defiance.)It
is in the genes. It is common among trouble making kids,
entrepreneurs, fighters, and many people both successful and non-
successful.Just by making a BIG K where a small "k" is suppose to be indicates a person dislike of following
rules - defiance.

What do you think of this unusual writing? (scroll down to see large
image. )

Read about the MYSTERY TRAIT at the bottom section of this page.

According to Dr. Ray Walker, about 70% of Americans have a slant that is
considered DE (or about 120-160 degrees to the right). The sample here is
actually the opposite. Some strokes are barely a 60 degree angle.... of course
straight up and down would be 90 degrees. When you see such left slanted
writing, it indicates a severe sense of emotional withdraw. This person tends
to stuff her feelings and keep her emotions hidden. It is often a result of
human beings self of self-preservation. As child often thinks... "I'll go into
my cave and there.. they can't hurt me." Of course "they" could be an
abusive parent, sibling, adult, or spouse.

The other significant traits... which all are affected by the predominantly FA slant are:

Sensitive to criticism.. big d loop.

Defiance - capital K

Big imagination / sex drive

Depression - downward slanted baseline

Big ego - Nice sized capital letters.

Domineering - t-bars slanting down to the right

Variable MOOD - a combination of FA and BC slants. Indicates her withdrawn logical

repressed persona is unpredictable and offset by a more friendly BC slant on occasion.
LARGE WRITING in general indicates someone who has good social skills and can
be friendly. ( A bit of a paradox here: friendly, but emotionally reserved. So, she will
talk about you... but keep her feelings to herself. )

Finally, a MYSTERY TRAIT. This strange concave downstroke... what does it mean?

Here are emails from a few people:

The general interpretation for concave lower zone

strokes is: "The writer is insecure and discouraged,
defensive and self-protective ... He may avoid sexual
behavior due to fear, uncertainty or inhibitions." *
There's also a more specific trait called "lower zone
sickle-like" -- that points out to negative
characteristics, such as aggressiveness and resentment.

My personal opinion is that the trait you,ve asked for

in the writing of S. Black corroborates the
introverted and defensive nature of the writer, and
also tells me that there's some anxiety regarding her
relationships, all of which is stressing her.

Here are my thoughts on Stephanie Black,s writing. The mystery stroke in "y" in
country, I believe is a variation of the teenage "y." The stroke comes down, swings to
the left or the past to gain some insight from what she was taught before, then the
stroke swings back to the future, with a little hook on the end. It's tenacity in the
physical zone. I see it in the middle zone also. So, whatever it is that she has, she does
not want to let go of it. As for the t, and l, strokes in her name, to me it looks
consistent with her style of writing, though unusual -- it is consistent. This strange
bending of downstrokes does not happen in every downstroke letter. So, why in some
t's, and the l's, in "all"? It has that same look of going into the past, then swoosh, into
the future until the next letter is made. Obviously, I could make the general statement
that there's something in her past that she's trying to deal with, but keeps going back
and forth on it. My source is Bart Baggett and the Deluxe Home Study Course.

The concave downstroke, does it mean Stephanie is

pregnant or wants to be? I am only guessing this, but
she does have the large lower 'g' loops, and is very
social. It seems to be a logical guess to me.
Stephanie is most assuredly an introvert, even if she does operate in extroverted
capacities. Why an introvert? Look at her usage of space: wide spaces between the
words, wide spaces between the lines, disconnections between the letters -- all in all, a
visually "airy" picture of space. Extroverted capacities? Overly large and wide
capitals, wide expansion between letters. Stephanie has a tremendous amount of
psychic energy, which flows inward rather than outward, backwards rather than
forward -- Back to the Future. The h/w is left trend (to the past) with backhand slant,
back strokes, some of which attempt to redirect to the right (future) but cannot go the
distance. Look at the f, in "for" (line1); the y, in "country" (line 4). The extreme
backhand slant would indicate Stephanie's preoccupation with the past;i.e., mother
influences and her rejection of authority; i.e. male/father influences (no right trend).
Her emotional development is stuck in early adolescent rebellion issues (don't know
her current age), which she is still fiercely protecting.

Now for the MYSTERY STROKE: What you see in Stephanie's l's, (look at "all" in
line 2 and "Black" in her signature), as well as the t, in "Stephanie," is referred to as
DIRECTIONAL PRESSURE. The letters bend in concave fashion; i.e., hollow from
the left (the past), bulging out to the right (the future). This is an AVOIDANCE
stance. Imagine yourself standing erect in front of someone who puts a knife or gun to
your back. You have an automatic reflex, which bends your body into an avoidance
posture. Stephanie has taken such a posture, because even in her zeal to cling to the
past -- she is extremely anxious and fearful about it. This is a major conflict, one
which prevents her from emotionally standing upright! There is really no comfort to
be derived from this. Yet, as Stephanie's self-esteem is really low (overly large,
grandiose capitals, small middle zone); and, because she's a pretty defensive gal
(lower loops and backstrokes) and inhibited (cover strokes in MZ and LZ ("p" in
signature), despite her showy presentation she is experiencing a kind of hysteria from
not being able to get her incredible energy moving outward. Looking at the downslant
of the text, as well as her signature, Stephanie could be experiencing some depression,
which comes with the anxiety territory described above.

Since I have absolutely no clue as to what this means, this is a total shot in the dark.
If it was a concave 'T' bar it would mean self-control, so couldn't it still have
something to do with self-control? She floats from FA to BC, maybe she is attempting
to curb her outwardness and maintain her FA writing. She may feel she has to stay as
emotionally inexpressive as possible and this shows the stress she is going through to
hold back.
Again, I could be way off here, but what the hell, I could be dead on.

You have taken a question about the meaning of the concave downstroke. My
suggestion is that it means the writer is nervous and has some spinal problem. She is
influenced by the past, mother, and he/she is egoist. Everyday mystery is on the left,
spiritual mystery is on the top side, so this stroke pulls down into the person,s
everyday life -- this feeling. It can be very difficult to get close to him/her. I hope you
like my answer. Sorry for my mistakes, but I am not English.

**** Bart's thoughts...

I think they are all very creative and well thought out answers. Because it is soooo
unusual, I don't claim to have the answer. I actually can't say any one is dead wrong.
But, if push comes to shove, I would tend to side with Anita Beckenstein on the
meaning of the concave mystery stroke. Her interpretation works well when you take
the rest of the writing into consideration.
The only part of her analysis I don't completely agree with is her statement that says
Steph has a low self-esteem because of the big capital in her name and small middle
zone. I will agree she has many insecurities and they will get bundled as self-esteem
issues, but in my experience a large capital boost the ego (not self-esteem, just ego)
and the size of the middle zone will relate to her social appetite, not her esteem. Her t-
bars are generally crosses above average, so I will weigh in on the "practical " to
average self-esteem with many, many issues relating to trust, intimacy, fear of
criticism, etc. It all get thrown in together, doesn't it?

Good job Anita.

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