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Step by step oracle database upgrade from to 10.2.0.

4 (also for SAP patch as well )

December 5, 2011 by samadhan Note: One of our visitors Lokesh Suryawanshi asked this question by posting a comment. Thanks Lokesh for your contribution. As promised i did patch upgrade on yesterday and here is the details of it. Keep visiting/commenting! Required Software and Installable are available in */*/Patch directory $HOME = /oracle/SAM $ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/SAM/102_64 1. Patchset (patchset file is already extracted) 2. OPatch version 3. MOPatch version2.1.7 Note:- All Required Software are kept in $HOME/Patch Directory and extract files in following order 1) in $ORACLE_HOME directory Note:- Unzip After patchset installation. 2) file in $ORACLE_HOME directory Note:- Unzip After patchset installation. 3) file in current directory i.e. in Patch Path Step 1.-> Check upgradation prerequisites: 1.1 Stop SAP. (No need while applying on BCV) 1.2:- check oratab and orainventory location at /var/opt/oracle and entry of SAM:/oracle/SAM/102_64: N in oratab file, If not make an entry in oratab file. 1.3 :- To check invalid objects and Tablepsace prerequisites Sql> @?/rdbms/admin/utlu102i.sql (? Sign indicates ORACLE_HOME path) Sql> @?/rdbms/admin/utlu102i.sql (? Sign indicates ORACLE_HOME path)

Important Note:- After running prerequisites script you seen some public objects are invalid in SYS schema and other schemas(SAPSR3). Here we are only concern about SYS objects. Which is known and need to be compiled. Next step to run utlrp script to get compiled invalid objects. 1.2:- Run utlrp.sql to validate invalid objects. Purpose:- To ensure there is no object invalid found in SYS schema otherwise probabilities patch up gradation failed. Run below scripts Sql>@?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql Result:- In most cases result should report 0 in SYS schemas.( invalid objects). IF NOT ABORT OR STOP INSTALLATION PROCESS Again Run Prerequistes script Sql>@?/rdbms/admin/utlu102i.sql (? Sign indicates ORACLE_HOME path) Note:- No Objects are invalid in SYS and SAPSR3 Schemas and DB is Ready for Upgradation. Next step to Shutdown Database and related Components. Step 2:- Shutdown database listener,OEM and all component related to Oracle 2.1 Gracefully stop Database instance and Listener process (Dont use abort or kill Oracle process) 2.2 OEM is not valid when you test in BCV server as this is not configured for same but in Production you have to gracefully stop. Sql>shutdown immediate; Log off from sql prompt Orap22>lsnrctl stop Check the oracle processes by executing command ps ef |grep -i ora_ Check the listener process by executing command ps ef |grep -i LIS Step: 3 Run OPatch 3.1 Run OPatch lsinventory to ensure ora inventory location Orap22>/oracle/SAM/102_64/OPatch/opatch lsinventory

Step:-4 start Patch Binary upgradation process. Go to Patch directory in Disk1 directory 1.1 Start XBrowser 1.2 Set Display Env type command export DISPLAY=your Desktop/Laptop IP:0.0 1.3 ./oracle/SAM/Patch/Disk1/runInstaller 4.4 Verified ORACLE_HOME Purpose:- To Validate correct ORACLE_HOME where binary is going to update. Workaround:- If not seen correct ORACLE_HOME abort and verify oraInventory location 4.5 Installaler summary 4.6 sh /oracle/SAM/102_64/ from another session as root user a) Go to ORACLE_HOME run command from $ Prompt sh

Step-5:- Run MOPatch for CPU patches(SBP) 5.1) Unzip in $ORACLE_HOME directory from Patch location Orap22>unzip /oracle/SAM/Patch/ /oracle/SAM/102_64/. 5.2) Unzip OPatch file in $ORACLE_HOME directory Patch location Orap22>unzip /oracle/SAM/Patch/ /oracle/SAM/102_64/. Note:- Run OPatch version to confirm OPatch version which is required to run SAP Supplied Bundle Patch CAUTION:- Before running mopatch ensure OPatch version: Otherwise MOpatch run but some patch failed which required OUI version Verified OPatch lsinventory Purpose:- To Ensure Inventory of Patches which we applied recently. Next Step to Upgrade Database. Orap22>Sh /oracle/SAM/102_64/MOPatch/ v s

Step6:- Upgrade Database 6.1 startup database in upgrade mode Sql>startup upgrade check oracle version after loggin into sql prompt. 6.2 Run catupgrd.sql Execute SQL from sql command prompt Sql>spool catupgrd.log Sql> @?/rdbms/admin/catupgrd.sql Step 7:- Shutdown Database and restart in normal mode. Sql>shutdown immediate; Sql>startup Step 8:- Run utlrp to validate any invalid object while upgrading Sql> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql Step:-9 Shutdown and restart database to take new parameter in effects. Step:-10 Start listener and OEM Test and release to user. Coming post will be on Oracle most popular wait events and there solutions, till that enjoy the Oracle jou5rney.. I Hope this article helped to you. I am expecting your suggestions/feedback. It will help to motivate me to write more articles.!!!! Thanks & Regards, Samadhan Key for suceess, always fight even knowing your defeat is certain.!!!!

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