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Application of an external load on a soil mass results in an additional vertical stress at any point in the soil. The magnitude of this increase in stress decrease as the depth increases & the radial distance from the load increases from the line of action of the load. The additional vertical stress is actually the vertical stress from the external load excluding the effect of overburden pressure generated at the point of interest. The stress conditions in a soil mass due to external loads can be analyzed by the theory of elasticity, assuming the soil to be perfectly elastic material which would obey the Hookes law of proportionality between stress & strain. The vertical stress increase in soil due to various types of loading. At any point in soil the stress applied from own weight of soil which called effective stress, and from external load which called net stress, the net stress which applied must be determined. The stress on element:

FIG (1) As shown in fig. (1) the stress on element are as follow:

On plan

XY the stress are YZ ZX the stress are the stress are

z, zx , zy x, xy, xz y, yz, yx

From this z, x, y its stresses called normal stresses, but the other is called shear stresses which is xy, yx, zy, yz, xz, zx. DIFFERENT TYPES OF EXTERNAL LOADS CONSIDERED: Point load or concentrated load applied from column, wheel of machine, load is called point load, because it effects in a point.

When the effect of the external load is on a line it is known as line load. It is expressed as TON/m

When the external load is in form of a strip i.e. the load varies per unit length & per unit width it is known as strip load. It has the dimension of ton/m

Uniform load which effect on a particular area is known as an area load. Its dimension is ton/m2

An external load may be in a form of a uniformly loaded circular area having dimension in form of ton/m2.

A triangular external load may result on the soil specifically in case of dams & embankments.

Irrespective of the above types an uniform external load may also be arranged in a irregular area as shown below.

In order to calculate the stresses produced by these external loads we generally use the following coordinate systems. THE POLAR CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM:



The relationship between the two system may be understood as below.

STRESS ISTRIBUTION UNDER VERTICAL CONCENTRATED LOAD BOUSSINESQ EQUATIONS (1885) When a point load Q acting on the surface of a semi infinite solid, a vertical stress z produces at any point in addition to lateral and shear stress. Assumptions of Boussinesq theory: A. The soil mass is an elastic medium, for which the modulus of Elasticity E is constant.

B. The soil mass is considered to be as homogenous, that is , it has identical elastic properties in all directions through any point. C. The soil mass is isotropic i.e. it has identical elastic properties in all directions through any point of it. D. the soil mass is semi infinite that it extends infinitely at all directions below a level surface.

b R Y sR Z r P(x, y, z) sr sz CONCENTRATED LOAD BOUSSINESQ ANALYSIS Using logarithmic stress function Boussinesq showed that the polar radial stress may be expressed as: p sR =(3/2)* (Q/p)*(cos b/ R2) where:R= radial polar co-ordinate P= z


= (x2+ y2 + z2)(1/2)

Cos b= z/R sz= sR Cos2 b = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(cos3 b/ R2) p = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(z3/ R5) p = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(z3/ (r2+z2)5/2) p = (3/2)* (Q/pz2)*(1/ (1+(r/z)2)) 5/2 p

sz =(Q/z2)*(3/2p)* (1/ (1+(r/z)2)) 5/2 p)* In cylindrical co-ordinate sR can be divided into sz &trz t trz = (1/2)*sR*Sin 2b s b = sR sin b cos b = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(cos2 b sin b/ R3) p = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(z2 r/ R5) p = (3/2)* (Q/p)*(z2 r/ (r2+z2)5/2) p = (3Qr/2pz3)* (1/ (1+(r/z)2)) 5/2 p The above formulations are Independent of E & but dependent on linear elasticity, so we express the above equations as:sz= Kb (Q/z2) Where Kb is known as Boussinesq influence factor:p)* Kb= (3/2p) (1/ (1+(r/z)2)) 5/2 p) The factor Kb is also expressed as Ip in some literatures:The variation of Ip or Kb for various value of r/z is given in the figure below:-

The values of Influence factors given above was given by Gilboy (1953) , but the influence factor for

shear stress can be found out by multiplying the influence factors by the ratio of r/z.
For r=0, Influence factor = .4775 PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM: Following pressure distribution diagram can be drawn by using the Boussinesqs stress distribution theory: Stress isobar or isobar diagram Vertical pressure distribution on a horizontal plane Vertical pressure distribution on a vertical plane STRESS ISOBAR OR ISOBAR DIAGRAM:

An isobar is a line that connects all points of equal stress increment below the ground surface. In other words, an isobar is a stress increment contour. Each isobar represents a fraction of the stress applied at the surface and delineates the zone of influence of the footing such that the area contained within two adjacent isobars experiences stresses greater than the lower isobar and less than the upper isobar. Since these isobars form closed figures that resemble the form of a bulb,

they are also termed bulbs of pressure or simply the pressure bulbs. The pressure bulb concept gives the user a feel for the spread of the stresses through a soil mass. According to linear elastic theory, the size of the pressure bulb is proportional to the size of the loaded area. This is a key concept in geotechnical engineering that is used to evaluate the depth of significant influence, DOSI, denoted by DS of an applied surface load. The depth DS is a finite depth below which there are no significant strains in the soil mass due to the loads imposed at the surface. Typically, strains are not significant once the stresses have attenuated to a value of 10 to 15% of those at the surface. For example, in the Figure (a) below shows that for infinitely long strip footings, DS = 4 to 6B, while for square footings, Figure (b) shows that DS = 1.5 to 2B. The depths corresponding to this 10 to 15% criterion can be used to determine the minimum depth of field exploration for proposed strip or square footings to ensure that the anticipated significant depth is explored.

It may be seen that the effect of the vertical stresses extends laterally beyond the width of the loaded area, B. This observation is very useful in assessing the influence of one loaded area on the other. Alternatively, this observation can be used to determine an adequate spacing between adjacent loaded areas. It also indicates that the effect of construction activities may be felt beyond a specific site. Such effects should be evaluated before construction so that mitigation measures can be taken to avoid legal implications.
Pressure bulb formed due to an embankment can be shown below:

Schematic of vertical stress distribution under embankment loading. Graphic generated by FoSSA (2003) program



Now, In the figure below shows a vertical stress distribution diagram due to a concentrated load atb a depth z, if such a diagram is plotted for unit load (Q=1) , it is called the influence diagram for point A below the axis. Such a diagram is helpful in computing the vertical stress at A due to number of concentrated load as shown below, situated at suitable radial distance as shown in the figure. The stress at A due to loads Q, Q1, Q2 Qn is given as:Sz= SQ. O = Q1O1+Q2O2+Q3O3+ +QnOn

Q1 r1



Qn rn

o O1 A




Q r= const

z b= 39o15 (sz) max

Figure above shows sz distribution on a vertical line taking r= constant.

In the above case we can see that the vertical stress first increases, attains a maximum value & then decreases. It can be shown that the maximum value of sz on the vertical line is obtained at the point of intersection of the vertical plane with a radial line at b=39o15 through the point as shown in the above figure. The corresponding value of r/z=0.817 Or z=r/0.817 =1.225 r

For which Kb= 0.1332 Hence, (sz)max= 0.1332 Q/(1.225)2= 0.0888 Q VERTICAL STRESS UNDER CIRCULAR UNIFORM LOAD: Circular uniform load shown below:

O a



P Proof: to be seen from any standard book. Note: the following formulas given below should be used in numerical. sz= KBq Where KB depends on a/z ratio where a=radius & z= depth.




If Q is the angle which the line joining the point P makes with the outer edge of the loading the above equation reduces to: sz=q(1-cos3Q) OR THE CIRCULAR STRESS AT A POINT CAN BE ALSO CALCULATED BY THE FOLLOWING METHOD:

NOW , to calculate stress at a point I which is z depth below & r distance apart from the point A as shown in the above figure. We must use the following formulation: z = q (A + B)

Where the influence factor A represents the stress intensity below the CG of the circular loaded area represented by point A. whereas influence factor B represents the change of stress due the stress calculation at the point I. In the chart below influence factors A & B is selected by the ratio of r/a & z/a. The above line represents the influence factors A & the line below represents the influence factor B. this new method is illustrated below by using an example: Example: Circular foundation diameter 10 m with uniform load q = 150 KN/m2. Determine z at point I, II at depth 10 m. Solution:

At point I


Above chart gives the values of A & B depending upon the ratio of z/a &r/a where A is the above line & B is the line below.

VERTICAL STRESS UNDER UNIFORM RECTANGULAR LOAD: It is given by an expression sz =KSq (Steinbrenner 1936). A chart is followed to find the value of the stress which is dependent upon n=z/b where b is the breadth.



y z

90 90

P( x,y,z)

SHOWN ABOVE IS A RECTANGULAR LOADED AREA 2a X 2b Now the above expression is used to find the stress at corner of the rectangle a,b or the centre of rectangle 2aX2b this is done using the expression below: (sz)c= Kq (Newmark) Where K= influence factor given by Newmark (1965) and it depends upon m & n. The above expression gives stress at corner of rectangle of size a X b where m=a/z & n=b/z. Using this technique we can find stress at any point inside the given rectangle as shown in the cases below: 2a

1 O

2b 4

Given above is a rectangle of side 2aX 2b we can find out stress at point o at depth z by dividing the rectangle Into four sections, 1,2,3 & 4, we then calculate the influence factor of every rectangle formed

using standard charts . now if K1, K2, K3 & K4 is the influence factors of rectangle 1,2,3 & 4 then the stress at point o is: sz= q(K1+K2+K3+K4) STRESS DUO TO A UNIFORM LINE LOAD: Stress developed at a point A as shown the figure above at a depth Z and a distance r from the centerline is given by the expression: sz= (2Q/PZ )X(1/(1+(r/z)2)2 if z=0 then the expression reduces to: sz= 2Q/PZ , this reduced expression is very important for numerical purpose but we should remember that if z=0 then this expression actually gives the stress at a depth under its C.G.


b Q/2 Q/2

Now stress at point p at a depth z is given by: sz=(q/P)*(Q+sin Q) The above expression is very useful in numerical purpose as many loads types of loads in which we are concerned in foundation engineering like are comparable to strip load. For example a footing where the length is very large in compared to the breadth , we may define such a load as strip load & then do the necessary calculation using the expression above. It should also be noted that the above expression gives the intensity of stress at the C.G. of the load at a depth z. We may also find out the stress intensity by using the following expression: Uniform contact pressure effected on Strip area with dimension 2b to study The stress at point A which lies at Z dimension. For determining the stress distribution under uniform strip load we must calculate the angle , and the distances b, x, z at cross section as shown in the figure below:

So, the stress at point A can be given as:

z z q IS x

= q IS : stress at point A : intensity of strip uniform load : Influence factor for strip load which depends on x/b & z/b : Measured from centre line of load.


Let us consider a uniform circular loaded area as shown below:

A2 A1 O R2 R1 1 B1 2



Let us now focus primarily on the circle 1 with radius R1. Let the stress intensity of circle 1 at center O at a depth z is equal to sz now if we divide this circle into 20 parts then the stress intensity of the 1/20

part of the circle 1 would be sz /20 at o at a depth of z m. 3/2 1- 1/(1+(R1/z)2)

So, sz/20=q/20

= Ifq Where If= Influence Value= 1/20((1-(1/(1+(R1/z)2)3/2) If we fix this influence value to be equal to= 0.005= If Then, 1/20((1-(1/(1+(R1/z)2)3/2)= 0.005 (1-(1/(1+(R1/z)2)3/2)= 0.005*20=0.10 1-a3/2 = 0.1 1-0.1 = a3/2 = .9 a3/2 1/2 a =.965 let: (1+(R1/z)2=a

a =.932 2 (1+(R1/z) =.932 R1/z =.26975 Now, suppose we have to find out the stress intensity at a depth 5m. we must at 1st select a suitable scale , for example say: 5m=5cm. Then R1= .26975 * 5cm =1.349cm Like wise to find out the radius of the 2nd circle we take the influence factor If= 2*0.005 Using same method as described above we can find out the value of R2=2.00 So, RADIUS OF THE CIRCLE VALUE OBTAINED R1 1.35 cm R2 2.00 cm R3 2.59 cm R4 3.18 cm R5 3.83 cm R6 4.59 cm R7 5.54 cm R8 6.94 cm R9 9.54 cm R10 We should note that: AS sz= Ifq So, For circle 1= > stress intensity of area (A1OB1)= (0.005*q)/20 For circle 2= > stress intensity of area (OA2B2)=(0.005*2*q)/20 Therefore: stress due to area (A1OB1) =stress due to area (A1 A2 B1 B2). That is the area units have equal stress intensity as chart similar to the chart given below can be prepared by the above described process.


STEPS TO FIND THE STRESS INTENSITY AT A POINT USING NEWMARKS CHART: 1. Choose a scale based upon the depth to wich the stress intensity is needed. 2. Fix a value of If , take the value in range of 0.002- 0.005 3. Assume the number of sectors in which the circle to be drawn is to be divide. Take the division in range of 20. 4. Find out the value of the radius of the circles. 5. Draw the concentric circles & divide them into the number of assumed sectors. 6. The figure whose stress is to be calculated is drawn in the scale selected in the 1st step on a tracing paper. 7. The point on the figure below which the stress is to be calculated is selected & it is kept coinciding the center point of the newmarks chart. 8. Number of area elements is counted. The stress at the selected point will be equal to= 0.005qNA Where NA= number of area units under the loaded area.

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