Sie sind auf Seite 1von 32

This M i n i - D i c h o n a r v has three sections:

Picture section: iilustrations with labeis for a topic or theme that relates to Units in



Students' Book.

A - Z section: an alphabetical list for all the words that appear in not included. Grammar terms are expiained in the



Students' Book and Language Powerbook. Beginner words that produce few difficulties are


G r a m m a r Summary


M i n i - G r a m m a r (Language Powerbook).

(Students' Book) and

Wordbuilder section: a variety of exercises linked to particular pages in the Picture section. " = main stress

Picture section
Countries and nationaiities Sports and games Free time activities Work ' Clothes My family At home Places Food and shopping On holiday Studying What'sonTV?The Universe Health Living in the Arctic Days, months and seasons The weather Numbers Prepositions

2-3 4-5 6 7 8-9 10-11 12 13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Wordbuilder section
Exercises 1 and 2 Exercise 3

63 63

Pronunciation symbois
p/ b/ = pen = bad = top = do" = can = get = fish = van = three there = see zoo

after /'corta/

id M M l\l tmt

= let = act = sleep = bit = art = dog > = put = boot = cup = skirt = the = make = home = shy = now = boy = near ? care = cure
4 -. - Wtv " . ,* >J>-\ v' '.W.

= secondary stress afternoon /.aifra'nuin/

>\j m M IB
/v/ 9/ .'5/ s/


= look at this word in the /V-Z Section. / = look at the labeis on this page o f the \ Picture Section. = look at the mini-dialogue at the bottom of this page of the Picture Section.

Exercise 4A Exercise 4B-5 Exercise 6 Exercises 7-8 Exercise 9-10 Exercises 11-12 Exercise 13 Exercise 13

64 64 65 65- 66 66- 67 67 68 68

h : / . = brm . M
/uy /a/

mi te/ M
/eu/ /ai/ /au/ /o/


> _J ^

' = shop = treasure

= che ese = job nv = man = not = ring = hot - let = rain "

%*." " ! J f ^ v 3 ' - \ i i ' ' ' " j ' ;

.' y - - *^" -"-Cr^T A t ^



ti * V



/es/ /U3/

Iqt m

y /w/

= vet

= way

Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise

14 15 16 17-18

68 69 69 70

Pearson Education Limited, E d i n b u r g h Gate, H a r l o w , Essex. CM20 2JE, E n g l a n d a n d A s s o c i a t e d C o m p a n i e s t h r o u g h o u t the Pearson Education Limited 2001

First published 2001 Set in Frutiger and Tunes New Romn worid. Pnnted in Spain by Mateu Cromo, S.A. Pinto (Madrid) Illustrators Gary Andrews, Gerry Ball (Eikon Illustration), David Bamett (Eikon Illustration), Peter Campbell (Art Market), Gemini Design, Graham Humphnes (Art Market), Fran Jordn. Louise Morgan (Art Market), SaTa Nunan, Chris Pavely

A-Z section


Irregular Verbs inside back cover

A l l r i g h t s reserved; no p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n may be reproduced, s t o r e d i n a r e t h e v a l system. o r t r a n s m i t t e d in anv form o r bv anv means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, recordinq o r othenvise, without the p r i o r w n t t c n permission of t h e P u b l i s h e r s .

Countries and nationalities

America / American Argentina / Argentinian Austria / A u s t r i a n Belgium / Belgian Belarus / B e l a r u s s i a n Bosnia / Bosnian Bolivia / Bolivian Srazil / B r a z i a n Bulgaria / B u l g a r i a n Sritain / B r i t i s h Canad / Canadian Chile / Ch'ean China / C h n e s e Colombia / Colombian C o s t a Rica / C o s t a R i c a n Croatia / C r o a t i a n Cyprus / C y p r i c t the C z e c h R e p u b l i c / C z e c h Denmark / Danish Ecuador / Ecuadorian Egypt / Egyptian England / English Estonia / E s t o n i a n Finland / Finnish France / F r e n c h Georgia / Georgian Germany / G e r m n Greece / Greek Guatemala / Guatemalan Honduras / H o n d u r a n Hungary / Hungarian India / Indian r e l a n d / Irisn Italy / Italian Japan / J a p a n e s e Kazakhstan / Kazakh Kenya / Kenyan Latvia / L a t v i a n Lebanon / Lebanese Uthuania / Lithuanian Malaysia / M a l a y s i a n Mxico / Mexican Moldova / Moldovan Mongolia / Mongolian Montenegro / Montenegrh Morocco / Moroccan the N e t h e r ! * n d s ( K o l l a n d ) / Dutcfo Nicaragua / Nicaraguan Morway / N o r w e g i a n Pakistn / Pakistani Panam / Panamanian Per / Peruvian P o l a n d / Polish Portugal / P o r t u g u e s e Romana / Romanian P>ussid I R u s s i a n Saudi A r a b i a / S a u d i Scotland / Scottish Serbia / S e r b i a n Singapore / S i n g a p o r e a n Slovakia / S l o v a k i a n Slovenia / S l o v e n i a n South Africa / S o u t h Spain / S p a n i s h Sweden / Swedish Switzerland / Swiss Tanzania / T a n z a n i a n Thailand / Thai Turkey / T u r k i s h Ukraine / U k r a f n i a n United A r a b Emirate? / Emirati Uruguay / U r u g u a y a n Venezuela / V e n e z u e l a n Wales / W e l s h Y u g o s l a v i a /' Y u g o s l a v i a n African

Great Britain

Birmingham Cambrido Stratford-upon-Avon

and games
shuttlecock gymnastics basketbail

athletics karate rhotoi? racing



Free time activitles

do p h o t o g r a p h y if* a t h i e t e ' piay the piano



ke lissning to J n jazz. A r e y o u ?

^ voluntary work waitress Yes, I k n o w . i

m u s i c . I'm i n t e r e s t e d


My family



At home


grandad (grandfather) wife

granny (grandmother)





dad (father)

mum (mother) stairs



his wife

sitting room

M y dad's a model. M y m u m works at the university. She's a scientist.



1> f & S

Where's my school bag?



I think ifs under your bed.

////// n n


n the countryside

^ o o s t office



- Xhosptlfl|^^

^ s k ,

jy^:'i 81 lT(u
, 5 ~~T"


i g

- - ~ Ju



U takeaway

i l ******' I



i 3 -

*Mriv^ ' ^ *.
b l

motorbike^ ,



, village mosque fe-, ru_l!i



/^Vhltlar^e next weekend?


M y dad takes'the" [
b u s a

" d my


t i lid i

s j f t w ' s b y car.


-. i

^'"-"rir 15

r a love to i


* ' / " n i

Hr.nj i'ili


_ ;

i m u


s h o p p i n g

Al the supermarket


a packet of cnsps

a can of C o k
.1 l i l i ) n i li H i M ' . t l l l

a bag of potatoes

a cartn of yoghurt

tin o f tuna a b o x of chocolates

a bottle of water


l l \ ilni'c pounds ninnty ivi;

o n a cruise

> sailing

windsurfing '^ Jjr ~ ^ Bed a n d Breakfast <_ ,, yw** /V

c l i m b i n g is,

#, >?( Going traveiling



t e n t


camera y ^ a s s p o r t l [

^> /i

luggage ticket / V ' traveller ^



In the hotel

i VP




What do you on hoiiday?


Ye. WIMIIII y n i i ilku


Well, I usually g o s w i m m i n g and climbina.

i . . i ' ' i iv wilh .i . .,,,:. h.tlh/

i l u l l l i l i ' ' il .1 '.IMl|ln i

What's on TV?

The Universe



armour knight^vil

. a j . ' . . * - . . . - * w * ' f - ' ^ ' - - i ^ C w ' ' i *

-/ /// i l

dragn legend

natura programme
/ i

s h a r k ^ ^ u

game show


safras*" In Space

love story battle





* shooting stars


sateite horror story

<j . l l . l K



chat s h o w / W h a t happens \ next?


' Well, she sees an enormous monster. She kilis it - with just her hands!


Personaily, I think h e r e are UFOs. comedy

W o w ! Does she find the treasure? No, she doesn't. A n d in the end she dies.

I d o n t agro,

5D3C9 S 22


l'm afraci i
.Ion I l) .i

1 1



'1 2

5th =ffth one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

l 4

5 6


8 9

" v



ability /ahilan/ noun something vou can do because vou leamed how to do it or vou have the skill: We have the ability to fly to the M o o n . but do you want to? above .'a'b.w/ preposition in a position that is higher: The picture is above the televisin. ^29 'about /abaot/ adverb near to a number or a particular time, amount, etc: She's about fourteen years od. It look about an hour to get to Warsaw. Come at about six o 'dock. about .'abaut/ preposition What about...? you can use "What a b o u t . . t o give someone an idea of what to do: H l i a t about going to the cinema? > 15 abroad abro:d' adverb in or to a foreign country: / ahvays carry my passport i n my pocket when I am abroad. Let's go abroad next year. accident 'asksidant/ noun an event when someone is hurt or something is broken: l'm sorry butyour dad has had an accident. ache /etk. noun a pain you feel for a long time: / have a bad stomach ache. 24 achievement .a'tfirvmant/ noun a good result because you have worked or tried hard: Winning a gold medal at the Olympics is an incredible achievement. across hknos/ preposition from one side to the other: A dog r a n across the road. > 2 S act .'aekt/ verb to play a part in a film or play: / hope to act i n the school play. + 6 action film 'askfan film noun a kind of film with a lot of activity such as fighting. K22 active 'asktiv/ adjective describes someone who often plays games, does lots ofJobs, etc: Does televisin make people less active or more active? 11 activity /aektrvati/ noun (two activities) something you do when you play a game, have a hobby, etc: What activities o you do i n yourfree time? 6 actor /aekta/ noun someone who acts in a film/play. > 7 actress /'tektns/ noun a woman who acts in afilm/play.> 1 address /adres/ noun 1 the number of your house, ame of your street, etc. that explains where you Uve: Write your ame and address here, 2 the set of words you use on a Computer to send an e-mail, find a website, etc: Do you have an e-mail address? advance /ad'voms/ noun m advance before something else happens: We paid for the ticket months i n advance. advanced /atfvamst/ adjective describes something that uses very modera methods, machines, etc: What are the most advanced ways of shopping? adventure /ad'ventfa/ noun 1 an exciting or dangerous experience. 2 adventure holiday a holiday with lots of exciting or dangerous activities: Would you like to go on an adventure holiday next summer? 3 adventure story a story describing lots of exciting or dangerous events. *22 advert /*aedv3:t/ noun (also advertisement /ad'v3:nsmant/) a picture or statement on televisin, in a newspaper, etc. that encourages people to buy something. advertise /aedvataiz/ verb to provide a picture or statement that encourages people to buy something: Their newfilm was advertised on TV last night. advice /ad'vais/ noun (no plural) the things you say when you tell someone what you think they must do: Can I askyour advice about which dictionary to buy? Africa /aefnka/ noun (adjective African /aefnkan/) + 2

afraid /a'freid/ adjective 1 be afraid to feel fear of someone or something: Are you afraid of spiders? 2 l'm afraid... you can use ' l ' m afraid...' before you say something sad or to apologise because you cannot do something: l'm afraid we have no cakes left. > 23, 28 after /a:fta/ preposition 1 when something has finished: V i l come after school. 2 after that... when you have done that... I>20 again /a'gen, a'gem/ adverb one more time: Can you say that again. please? age ,'eid>' noun the amount of time someone has lived: Children of all ages carne to he play. Is it interestingfor someone of my age? He 's fifteen years of age. a g o /3'gso/ adverb you use "ago' after you mention a particular period of time to say how much earlier something happened: There was ice over this and thousands of years ago. agree h'gr-J verb to have the same opinin as someone: The film was boring - do you agree? l'm sorry but don V agree. > 23 ahead /a'hed/ adverb in the future: You have a very exciting year ahead. A i d s /eidz/ noun a kind of very serious discase. air /ea/ noun 1 the mixture of gases round the earth. 2 take the air (od fashioned) to go for a walk. airport eapa:t/ noun a place where people get on and off planes. 14 l b u m Aclbarn/ noun a book with pages for you to put stamps. photographs. etc. alien /eilian/ noun (in stories and films) a creature from another world. 22 all /o:U adjective 1 every one of: The f i l m w i i i interest a l l ages. 2 the whole of: They played tennis ol aftemoon. 3 Not at all. you can use 'Not at all.' when someone asks your permission. It means 'Please do.': 'Doyou mind if I s i t here?' 'Not at a l l . ' all right h : l tait/ you can use 'all right' to say you agree to do something: A l l right, TU wash up. a l l o w /a'lau/ verb to let someone do something: E a t i n g is not allowed in the library. a l o n e /a'laon/ adverb without another person: H e 's od enough to walk to school alone. a l o n g / a l n / p r e p o s i t i o n from one endtowards the other She was cycling along the street ^29 alphabet /aslfabet/ noun the alphabet the letters of a language in a particular order. already /odredi/ adverb before now: Tve seen that video already. always /odweiz/ adverb 1 all the time: Do you always do your homework? 2 for even / ' / / always loveyou. a m /aem/ BE a m a z i n g /a'meizm/ adjective very good, surprising, etc: It's amazing that you were there at the same time as Tom. a m b i t i o n /aem'bijan/ noun a strong wish to be successful: H e r ambition is to win an Olympic medal. ambulance AEmbjuIans/ noun a kind of laige car to take a sick person to hospital. >24 America /a'menka/ noun (adjective American /a'menkan/) >! angry /aengri/ adjective (angrier, angriesi) when you are angry you want to shout, break things or hit someone: M u m got angry with us because of the noise. 11 animal /aenimal/ noun any living thing that is not a plant. ankle /aenkal/ noun the part of your leg above your foot. 10

a n n o u n c e m e n t /a'naunsmant/ noun an official statement: Listen to the announcement about the times of the trains. another Za'tiAoa/ adjective 1 one more: Can I have another one? 2 a different one: He Uves in another country very f a r f r o m here. answer 'anisa/ noun a reply to a question: / don 'i know the answer. It 's the wrong answer. anti-smoking /asna 'smaukin/ adjective describes something that tries to stop people smoking cigarettes: The govemment has begun an anti-smoking campaign. any 'eni.' adjective you can use 'any' in questions and sentences with 'not': Don't make any noise. Have you got any pain? > 24 anyone /eniwAjn/ pronoun any person: / don't know anyone here. anything /eni6in/ pronoun any statement, news, thing, etc: Didyou say anything to her? apartment /a'pci:tmant/ noun a set of rooms on one floor of a Iarge building: We Uve in an apartment near the city centre. M 8 apologise /apDladjaiz/ verb to say you are sorry. You must apologise to her for the problems you caused a p p e a r /a'pia/ verb to take part in a televisin programme, play, film, etc: How many times has he appeared on T V ? appearance /apiarans/noun 1 the way someone feels at a particular time that you can see: She has a very sad appearance. 10 2 the way someone dresses: Your dad won 't like your appearance. apple /aepaf noun a kind of hard round fruit. 16 April /eipral/ noun the fourth month of the year. *26 archeology /.add'DUxtji/ noun the study of very od things people find in the ground. architect Aidatekt/ noun someone who designs budings. > 1 5 architecture Arkitektja/ noun the things you must know: to design and build a building. Arctic ttxkaSd noun the Arctic the very cold rea round the north of the earth. *25 - 'u - are o' * S E rea /earia/ noun a part of a country, city, etc: Is there a supermarket iitthis rea? ~ - - & arm I t a o l noun the part of your body between your hand and your shoulder. M 0 aMu ; (Sfenr-sd armchair /oantjea/ noun a kind of chair with parts to put yourarmson. If13 .- ....-.. _ armour /"aana/ noun a set of metal clothes for a soldier many years ago. around /a'raund/ preposition in or to many different places: T d ove to sail around the world. These are the lowest prices around. arrive /a'raiv/ verb to get to a place: We arrived i n hondn at about eight o 'dock. art l a a l noun 1 (no plural) painting or drawing: l'm studying art at college. 2 art gallery a place with many paintings and drawings for people to look at. article /"a.tikal/ noun a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine: It's an interesting article about women's football. artist /atist/ noun someone who paints or draws. > 7 as /az, aez/ preposition when I, he, etc. was: / was very thin as child. Asia feiyal noun (adjective Asan feiyan/) > 3 ask /a:sk/ verb 1 to say that you want to know something: H e asked me the lime. If you don 't know, please ask.

I asked her about her holiday. 2 to say that you want someone to do something: Please ask him to wait. > 28 astronomer /a'stronama/ noun someone who studies the stais. astronomy /a'stronami/ noun (no plural) the study of the stars. at /at, aet/ preposition 1 you use 'at' to say where: / saw him at the bus stop. *29 2 you use 'at' to say when: Come at five o 'dock Let 's meet at the weekend. athlete fx&faxl noun someone who does a sport such as running or jumping. *7 athletics xfletiks. noun (no plural): sports such as running and jumping: We do athletics twice a week a; our school. > 4 'attack /ataek' noun an action to try to hurt others: The film is about an attack by aliens. attack /a'taek/ verb to try to hurt others: They attacked the soldiers on the beach. attention /a'tenfan/ noun (no plural) attract attention to make someone notice you or watch you: We shouted to attract attention. attitude /aentju:d7 noun the way you behave or the opinions you have because of someone or something: What is your attitude to refugees? attract /a'traekt/ verb attract attention A T T E N T I O N attraction /a'trxkfan/ noun (usuaily tourist attraction) a place that many tourists visiL attractive /a'tneknv/ adjective describes a person. a building, etc. that is very pleasant to look at. August /*o:gast/ noun the eighth month of the year. *-2S aunt lamtJ noun the sister of someone's mother or father. 12 - , . T ; -Q ' Australia /D'streia/ noun' (adjective Austral a n /o'streian/) ^3 ..;! i-ir ;-:: . ; . r automatically /.aita'masnkli/ adverb by using a machine and not a person: The supermarket door opens automatically. . ". . > <w. . autumn /a:tam/ noun the season before winter. The leavesfaU i n autumn. t-26 . . i K . average /asvanaV adjective usual in stze, etc: The average family now has two children. . . avoid /a"v3id/ verb to try to stay awayfiom something or someone: My mum shops early to avoid crcneds. a w f u l /aal/ adjective not pleasant The weather is a w f u l today. X>2T / -yi-i ->ta .'. .^*,.:.- ;v i:./"> n ' = O . im 'vm baby /beibi/ noun (two babies) 1 a very young child 10 2 (od fashioned) a giriend: l'm happy because Anne 's my baby. back /bask/ noun the part of your body behind your chc^l between your neck and your legs. 10 backpack /bxkpaek/ noun a large bag you cany on your back when travelling. M 9 backpacker /ba:kpa;ka/ noun someone who carnes i backpack when travelling. 18 backpacking /ba;kpa;kii>' noun the activity of tnivcllnm with a backpack: / go backpacking r v \ mr > III bacon /bedcan/ noun (no plural) smokcd mnu Iniiii n pm cut into long thin pieces and cookctl. I h badminton 'baedmintan/ noun (no plmal) the game like tennis but with an object that has lealhers (n \huitlet < < k l and not a ball: Do you play badminton f 5 bad /bed/ adjective (worse /WT.S/, waryi not good: The weather was bad. l'm had a l / i x i i b a l l Smoking is very bad for you.
, ; , > : ::





badly /'bx-dli/ adverb not well: / did badly in the exam. Ottr team played badly last night. bag, bx'py noun 1 a paper. plstic, leatherorcloth container you use to carry things: a school bag. ^8 2 a container made of paper. plstic, etc. that holds a particular amount: Please buy a large bag o f potatoes. 17 b a g g y / b x g i / adjective (baggier. baggiest) baggy trousers/shorts describes trousers or shorts with wide leg parts. 8-9 baker ,'beika/ noun 1 someone who makes bread and cakes as ajob. 2 the baker's the shop where you can buy bread and cakes. 15 bakery /beikari/ noun (two bakeries) the place in a supermarket with bread and cakes. 16 balanced /baelanst/ adjective describes a set of things with the correct amounts: a balanced diet. ball /bo:l/ noun a round object you use in games, for example football and basketball. S banana /ba'na:na/ noun a kind of long yellow fruit. 16 bank /baenk/ noun a business where you can keep and get money. M 5 bar ftxrJ noun 1 a piece (of soap or chocolate). 17 2 a place in a hotel, etc. where people can buy and drink alcoholic drinks. 19 basket /ba:skit/ noun a high net with a hole at the bottom that you use to piay games such as basketball. basketball rba skitbo:l/ noun (no plural) the game when two teams try to throw a ball into a high net: Can you play basketball.' >-5 bat /baet/ noun a fat object you use to hit a ball in some games, for example table tennis. 5 bath /ba:9/ noun a container you can sit or lie in when you wash yourself. 13 b a t h r o o m /ba:6rum/ noun the room in your home with a bath. M 3 battle /bast/ noun a fight between soldiers, etc. 22 be /bi, b'vJ verb (I amil 'm, heJshei'it is. we/you/they are; being; was/were, was not/wasn't, were not/weren't) 1 you use 'be' to form tenses: They are living in Sweden. 2 you use 'be' to describe someone or something: You are beautiful. It is a very exciting documentary. 3 be

beach /bi:tj/ noun 1 a place with sand at the edge of the sea: Let's go to the beach. 18 2 beach apartment a tlat near a beach to use when you are on holiday. 18 bean /bi:n/ noun a kind of long green vegetable, or the red or green seed inside. 16 beat ih'vxl verb (beating, beat) to get more points, goals, ele. than the other person or team: We beat Liverpool lust week! bn.iutiful /bju:tifal/ adjective very pleasant to look at: Shr .i very beautiful. hp.iiity /bju:ti/ noun (no plural) the quality of being liruulilul: the beauty o f Pars. h a c o m /bi'kAm/ verb (becoming, became) to begin to Iw tu breme rich. Will Charles become king? liad U-d/ noun 1 a piece of fumiture to sleep on. M 3 ; hml .iml brF.ikfast (usually B & B) a small hotel or hOUM wlicre yon puy to stay. 18 liailiiMim lii-driim/ noun a room in your home with a l ,1 l I litmf IM 1 nntin (mi plural) meal from a cow or bull: / VIIIIIK llitltsh people r a l rou\l h r e f on Sundays. 16 Ind.ii.i lu i uilvrrh nuil pivpusitum ;il :in curlicr lime: / / . M . i.>ii h r . i i /,,-.. h r / i t r r ' l u i n <>lf the Itvjtt hrforr H U lrmt> O20

from... FROM(2)

Belarus /,belatu:s/ noun (adjective Belarussian /,bela'r,\Jan/) ^2-3 believe /"bi'Ii:v/ verb 1 to feel strongly that something is trae: / don V believe a wordyou said. > 23 2 believe in something to feel very strongly that something or someone exists: Do you believe in ghosts? below /briso/ adverb and preposition 1 in a lower place: The televisin is betow the picture. ^29 2 below zero less than 0C in temperature when water tums to ice. belt beli noun 1 a long piece of leather. etc. that you wear round the middle of your body. ^8 2 a long piece of cloth with a colour that shows your ability in the sport of judo: A black belt is the highest level. 'best best adjective (GOOO, 'BETTER) 1 the best... describes something of the highest quality: It was the best holiday ever. 2 best friend someone you like more than all the others. 3 best-looking more beautiful than other people: She 's the best-looking g i r l in the school. 'best /best/ adverb ( B E T T E R , WELL(U) more than all the others: / like watching football best. 'best /best/' noun All the best you can use ' A l l the best' at the end of a letter to a friend, or when you leave a friend, meaning'I hope you stay well and happy'. ' b e t t e r /'beta' adjective (* G O O D , ' B E S T ) describes something of a higher quality: We have a better team than yours. ' b e t t e r /beta/ adverb ( G O O D , W E L L ( D ) more than some but not all: / can swim better than you. between btwn/preposition 1 in the space that separates two people or things: Pie caf is between the post office and the bank >-29 2 in between in the middle: Ttere 's a post office and a bank with a caf in between. big /big/ adjective (bigger. biggest) large in size, amount. importance, etc: Charles has big ears. 10 bike /baik/ noun a vehicle with two wheels that you move by pushing pedis with your feet. ^4, 14 bil IbJ noun a list that shows how much you have to pay. l> 17 billion .'bilpii' noun a thousand million. biography /barografi/ noun (two biographies) the story of someone's life written by someone else. b i o l o g y /bart>lad3i/ noun (no plural) the study of the life of animis and plas. Birmingham /b3anupm/ ^3 birthday /b3:6dei/ noun the day someone was bom: Happy Birthday! birthplace /b3:0pleis/ noun the town or city where someone was born: Stratford-upon-Avon was the birthplace of Shakespeare. biscuit /biskit/ noun a thin and hard piece of cake. 17 bit /bit/ noun 1 a bit... not very much: l'm a bit hungry. 2 a short amount of time: After you have switched it on, waitabit >20 black /blaek/ adjective and noun the colour of the words on this page: a black dog. Have you got these jeans in black? C-9

blood /bi.\d/ noun (no plural) the red liquid in your body. blouse /blaoz/ noun a shirt for a woman. 8-9 blue \Au\l adjective and noun the colour of the sky: a blue sky. Have you got this shirt in blue? board .bo:d' noun a large fat piece of plstic, wood. etc. in a classroom for a teacher to write on. b o d y ,'bodi/ noun (two bodies) your head. chest, arms and legs. etc. l O book /bok' noun a set of pages in a cover. ^20 boot bu:t' noun 1 (also a pair of boots) a kind of tall shoe. ^ 8 2 car boot sale CAR<2) bored bo:d adjective tired and unhappy because you have nothing to do or nothing interests you: bored students. M1 boring boxin adjective describes someone or something that is not interesting or exciting: Tlie lesson was boring born bom verb be born to begin life: / was born in Budapest. bottle 'botL' noun a tall container for liquids: a bottle of mineral water. M 7 bottom /boom/ noun 1 the bottom the lowest place or position: the bottom of the sea. 2 the part of your body that you sit on. M O bounce bauns/ verb to push a ball with your hand so that it goes up and down on the ground. b o w l /bal/ noun a round container with a wide top for holding soup, etc: a bowl of soup. 17 box boks/ noun a container made of paper, plstic, etc. with straight sides: a box of chocolates. 17 boy bol/' noun a male child. 10 boyfriend /boifrend' noun a man who a woman has a romantic relationship with. Brazil /bra'zil/ noun (adjective Brazilian /bra'zilian/) ^2 bread /bred/ noun (no plural) a food made from flour that you use to make sandwiches, toast, etc. 16 'break /breik/ noun a short rest: After the breakyou can listen to the second part of the game. 'break /breik/ verb (breaking, broke /braok/) 1 to seprate into pieces: The cup f e l l on the floor and broke. Who broke this cup? 2 break a code to find the secret letters or numbers. breakfast /brekfast/ noun 1 the first meal of the day: What time do you have breakfast? 2 breakfast cereal breathe /bri:oV verb to take air into your body and then let it out bridge /bnd^/ noun something built over a road, river, etc. M 4 bright brait/ adjective (brighter. brightest) 1 describes a colour that is strong and easy to see: H e r dress is bright red. 2 a bright future a good chance of being very successful. Brlghton /'braitan/ ^3 briiliance /bnljans/ noun (no plural) the quality of being the best: the briiliance of her performance. brilliant /bnljant/ adjective describes the best possible: a brilliant performance. brilliantly /bnljantli/ adverb to the highest standard: Arsenal played brilliantly. >5 bring /brin/ verb (bringing, brought /bra:t/) 1 to have someone or something with you when you come to a place: Bring a coa! - it 'II be cold. 2 to cause: This stone w i l l bring vou good luck. Bristol / b ' n s i l / M
Britain biiiu noun dul/et lue Britifh i m i i | I / I

brochure /brauja/ noun a ser of pages that gives information. ^20 broken fbraokan/ adjective describes something that is in pieces or no longer works: Some people think a broken mirror is bad luck My camera is broken. broth /bro6/ noun (no plural) a kind of thick soup. brother .'brAa. noun a boy or man with the same parents as someone. M 2 b r o w n /braun/ adjective and noun the colour of the ground: She has brown hair. Have you got these shoes in brown? build bild verb [building. built) to make a vvall. house. etc: They built a wall round he garden. building bildm. noun a house. office, church. etc. burger /'b3:ga/ noun small pieces of meat pressed into a fat round shape and cooked. 16 bus ,'bAS/ noun (two buses) 1 a large vehicle that people pay to travel in: I go to school by bus. I always meet my best friend on the bus. 14 2 bus stop a place with a sign where buses stop for people. ^29 b u s i n e s s m a n /'biznisman/ noun a man with an important job in a company. businesswoman /bizrus.wuman/ noun a woman with an important job in a company. 7 busy /bizi/ adjective (busier, busiest) describes someone who is doing a lot of work: a busy mother. 11 buteher *butfa/ noun 1 (also the butehert) a shop where you can buy meat. I S 2 the part of a supermarket where you can buy meat. 16 butter bxtsi noun the solid yellow food that you put on bread. M 6 , 17 button /*b,\tn/ noun 1 a piece of plstic, etc. that you push through a hole to fasten clothes. 2 a small hard part that you push to start a machine, tum on a light, etc. buy verb (buying, bought lbo:l) to pay money and get something: What can I buy for Charlotte's birthday? I bought it for three pounds. Have you ever bought something on the Internet? by /bai/ adverb you use 'by' to show the vehicle you use: Let's go by t r a i n . [>14 bye /bai/ you can say 'Bye' meaning 'Goodbye' to a friend or someone you know well. . .. cab /kaeb/ noun (American English) a taxi: We took a yellow cab to the airport. : . cabbage /kaebidV noun a round vegetable with many green or dark red leaves. 16 caf /'kaefei/ noun a small restaurant where you can dnnk tea or coffee, or eat. 15 calcuiator /kaelkjteto/ noun a small machine you can use to find numbers by adding, etc. ^21 cali /k3:l/ verb 1 to telephone someone: Ask him tO culi me, please. >28 2 to give someone or soinelhiiiu n ame: My cal is called Henry 3 lo shoui nuil ask Im help, a taxi, etc: /'// cali you a taxi. 4 lo dencnl**
someone as being a particular kind n! |VIM>II ltt\


Black Country /blask JcAntri/ noun

the Black Country

(od fashioned) a regin in the north west part of England. bleed /bli:d/ noun > N O S E B L E E D 'blind /blatnd/ adjective not able to see: a blind man. 2 not able to make a good decisin: Love is blind. 'blind /bluind/ noun the blind people who cannot see.
block hlnk/ mnm block of fats a (all building with many tlals in It

teachers called him /ury. calm /ka:m/ adjective {ealmrr r a l m r \ l ) mil .IIIHIV \hr told as a l l lo leave wtih n calm n i v cake /keik' noun :\ IXHI MI.ule h Ilniu -1 1 , 1 un w . . 1 11 chocolate cakr Hi Cambridqn .'kciiuliini', 1
c a m e r j ,'k.rim.>, nimn phnliiKiiipli 1'*

ilu> <-i|iii|iinrnl yon uw 11 Inkc 1 1

b l o n d /lihind/ ttilrettvr (o!han) yellow


carnival /kaauvol/ noun a special occasion with music and dancing in the streets. carpet tk.a-.-paJ noun a thick soft cover for a floor. carrier bag /kasria ,baeg/ noun a bag you get in a shop to carry things you have bought. > 16 carrot /kaerat/ noun a long orange vegetable. 16 cartn /'ka:uv' oi/ a plstic or paper container that is like a box: Could you please buy me a cartn o f icecream? H7 cartoon /katum/ noun a film that uses drawings. *22 cassette /kaset/ noun 1 a fat plstic case with a tape inside for playing music or films. 2 cassette player a machine for playing a cassette, castle /ka:sal/ noun (in history) a large building with thick walls. M 4 , 22 casual /kae3U3l/ adjective describes clothes you wear on informal occasions: casual clothes. *8 Casualty /'kae3ualu7 noun the place in a hospital where you go when you have had an accident. 24 cat kast/ noun a small animal with fur that lives in some homes. 34

caribou /ksenbu:/ noun

campaign kaem pea' noun a set of activities to try to get support for something: an anti-smoking campaign. camping /kasmpiq/ noun (no plural) the activity of going into the counrryside to uve in a tent: Le s go camping next weekend. > 18 campsite /'kaempsaie noun a place for tents. 18 'can /kaen/ noun a metal container for a drink: a can of Coke. M 7 'can /kan. kaen/ veri {I/he/she/it/we/you/they can; could. could not/couldn 'i) 1 to be able to do something: / can swim well. 2 you use 'can' to ask for permission: Can I come with vou? Canad /"kaenada/ noun (adjective Canadian ka'neidian ) y 2 canal /ka'nael/ noun a very long rea of water for boats to travel across land. 14 cncer -'kaensa/ noun (usually no plural) a kind of very dangerous disease that often causes a lump in your body. 'canoe ks'nui' noun a kind of long pointed boat. 'canoe .kanu;' verb (canoeing, canoed) to travel in a canoe. cap kaep; noun 1 a kind of hat with a round top and a front part over your face. 8 2 a covenng for your hair: a swimming cap. capital /'kaapitl/ noun the most important city of a country: What 's the capital o f Italy? captain "kaeptin' noun 1 a player who is in charge of the others in a team. 2 someone who is in charge of a ship or plae. car /ka:/ noun 1 a vehicle with four wheels and an engine. 14 2 car boot saie a market where people bring things in their cars to sell to other people. 3 car park a place in a town where you can put your car. 19 caravan /kaeravaaa noun 1 a vehicle at the back of a car for sleeping in. 2 caravan park a place with many caravans. I S card /ka:d/ noun CREOIT C A R O Cardiff ,'ka:dif/-3 care /kea/ noun (no plural) the activity of looking after someone who is 11, od, etc: medical care. career Ikatns/ noun a kind of work you have trained to do: / want a career in computers. careful ,'keafal/ adjective be careful to make sure that you are not hurt.

catalogue 'kaetalog- noun a set of pages that gives information about things to buy. catch ka;tJ7 verb (catching, caught i"ko:v) to find someone and stop them from escaping: to catch criminis. cathedral kafJdral' noun a large and important church in a city. Catholic /kaeflhk/ adjective and noun (describes) a Christian who has the Pope as the head of their religin, cause ko:z' noun a particular aim that a group of people work for: She supports many good causes. cave keiv/ noun a large hole in the side of a hill or mountain. *22 CD si: di:/ noun 1 = COMPACT rase ^21 2 CD player a machine for playing CDs. celbrate i selabren verb to mark a special occasion by having a party or having fun. celebrity /sa'lebreti noun (two celebrities) a famous person on televisin, in films, etc: a televisin celebrity. 22 cent /sent/ noun a small coin in the United States: A hundred cents equals one dollar. centre .'sema/ noun 1 the centre the middle: Viere 's a rree in the centre o f the garden. 2 shcpping centre century 'sentjari, noun (two centuries) 1 a hundred years: Plstic was invetued in the last century. 2 for centuries for a very long time: People have known about it for centuries. cereal 'siarial/' noun (also breakfast cereal) food made from com that you can eat for breakfast with milk. 17 certainly 's3:tanlt you can say 'Certainly' when you agree to do something: 'Can 1 have another cofee?' 'Certainly. > 17 chains tjemz/ plural noun be n chains to have metal things like rapes round your hands or feet so that you cannot run away. chair/tfea/ noun a piece of fumiture that you sit on. M 3 champagne faempein/ noun (no plural) w'nite wine with bubbles in it: 77ie winner got a bottle of champagne. champion /tjaempian' noun the person or team that wins a competition: Sampras is a great tennis champion. 'change /'tjemdj/ noun a result when something becomes different: There was a change in the weather. 'change /tfeindj/ verb to make someone or something different: Can you change these pounds into dollars? changeable /treindjatel/ adjective describes something that is often different: changeable weather. changing /tfemd3in/ adjective describes something that is becoming different: changing lifestyles. character ,'kaenkta/ noun a person in a story. film, etc. charity /tfaeraV noun 1 (no plural) all the otganisations which collect money and do things for poor and sick people: Do you give money to charity? 2 (two charities) one of these organisarions: She works for a charity in London. 3 charity shop a shop that sells od clothes, toys, etc. and gives the money to a charity. chat s h o w /tjaet Jau/ noun a televisin programme in which someone talks to someone famous. 22 cheap /tfitp/ adjective (cheaper. cheapest) describes something that does not cost a lot of money: cheap clothes. check /tfek/ verb 1 to find out if something is correct or true: The guard is checking a l l the tickets. 2 check something out to find out if a hotel room, price, etc. is suitable.

checkout ,'tfekat/ noun the place in a supermarket " where you pay and take the things you bought: Please pay at the checkout. > 16 cheek .<tfi:k/ noun one of two parts of your face below each eye. 10 cheese /tji:z/ noun 1 (no plural) hard yellow food made from milk. 16 21 nvo cheeses) one kind of this food. Chemical factory , kemikal faektari/ noun (two chemical factories) a place where chemicals are made to use in making other things. chemist /kemist/ noun (also the chemisfs) a shop where you can buy medicines, soap. toothpaste. etc. U S cherry tferi noun i two cherries) a small round red fruit from a tree. M 6 chess tjes, noun (no plural) a game for two players who move special pieces on a fiat square board: Can you play chess' > chest tfest noun the top part of your body between your waist and your neck. 10, > 24 chest of drawers .tfest av d.-3:z. noun a piece of fumiture with many drawers for clothes. 13 c h e w tju:. verb to break food in your mouth with your teeth. c h e w i n g g u m Ajuar g\m noun (noplural) a sweet like rubber that you can chew for a long time, chicken /'tfikan/ noun 1 a farm animal that produces eggs. 2 (no plural) this animal cooked as food. 16 child tfaild/ noun (two children 'tfildran/) a young person. M 0 China 'tjama/ noun (adjective Chinese 'tfankz") *-3 chips tfips. plural noun long pieces of potato, cooked in hotfat. M 7 chocolate 'tjoklit/ noun 1 (no plural) brown sweet food: a bar of chocolate. 16 2 a piece of this: a box of chocolates. M7 choir .'kwaia/ noun a group of people who sing. choose tfu:z/ verb (choosing, chose /tjauz/) to decide which one you want: It was difficutt to choose a present from so many beautiful things. church \3-xnoun a building for Christian worship. 15 cigarette /sigaf et/ noun a paper rube filiad with tobceo: a packet of cigarettes. cinema /sinama/ noun a building where you can watch films: Can we go to the cinema tonight? city IsiJ noun (two cities) a large and important town: There are too many cars in the city. 14 classical music /klaesikal 'mjuzik/ noun (no plural) serious music of a high standard that people have enjoyed for a long time, classroom /klaisrum/ noun a room where you have lessons with a teacher. 'clean 'kli.Ti/ adjective without din: Keepyour room nice and clean. 'clean /kli:n/ verb 1 to wash or take dirt off something: Clean your teeth eveiy day. You must clean that dirt off the carpet. 2 clean up to take away. all the paper, etc. that people leave in a place: 77iey clean up the street. clear klia/ adjective (clearer. clearest) without clouds: a clear sky. clever /kleva/ adjective describes someone who can leam things quickly. ciick IkltkJ verb click on something to push a burton and make a computer work: Click on ihis icn and you can begin to play the game. > 20 climbing /klaimin/ noun (no plural) the activity of going upa mountain using ropes: Let 's go climbing. 18

d o c k klok, noun a machine that shows the time. 13 cise d o w n klaoz daonv verb when a shop 'closes down'. it does not open again for business., clothes /klauz/ plural noun 1 the things you wear. 8-9 2 dothes shop a shop that sells clothes. 15 cloudy /'klaudi/ adjective [cloudier. cloudiest) full of dark clouds: a cloudy sky. > 27 'club /TcUb/ noun a place where people go to dance. 18 'dub -kUb/ noun (also golf dub) GOLFO), 5 > clubbing .'klvbin noun (no plural) the activity of going dancing in a club, cm sent mi:ia. -taz abbreviaiion centimetre or cemimetres: lOOcm equals one nten-e. coach kautf noun 1 someone who trains people in a same or sport: a football coach. 2 a vehicle like a bus that people use for longjoumeys. M 4 coal mine kaol mam /io; a business where people get coal from the ground. coast '"kaust/ noun the coast the rea of land next to the sea: Brighton is on the coast. cockroach 'kokratj noun a brown insect found in od buildings. code kaud/ noun a set of insrructions that tell a computer what to do. coffee /kofi/ noun 1 (no plural) brown powder you mix with hot water to make a drink: / like strong coffee. 16, 17 2 (two coffees) a cup of coffee. 3 coffee bar a business where you can buy coffee and drink it. Coke kaofc' noun 1 (no plural) a brown sweet cold drink: Is Coke bad for your teeth? M 6 , 17 2 (two Cokes) a can. bottle or giass of Coke. cold kauld adjective (colder. coldest) 1 describes someone or something with a low temperature: cold weather. *27 2 cold meat cooked meat such as ham. salami, etc. you eat when it is cold. collect /ka'lekt' verb 1 to get things and keep them together: Do you collect stamps? > 6 2 collect money to get money from people to give to a charity, etc. collection /Tcaiekfan/ noim a set of things you have collected: a stamp collection. There 's a great collection o f paintings in the National Gallery. colony /'kDlani/ noun (two colonies) a group of people who have travelled to a place and live there. colour /'kvla/ noun red, yellow, blue, green, etc. colourful /kAlafaL' adjective describes clothes, etc. with manycolours. *9 column /lcolam.' noun a long set of short rows of wimU on a page. come /kAm/ verb (coming, carne /keim/) 1 lo movo lo ni into a place: Can you come to mypariv ' 11 nm l>i k i " retum to this place: Can you come back tonminm 3 come down to be destroyed: When dul the 11,-tlin Wall come down? 4 come from lo 1' buiu in ni llvc in i particular place: Where do vou com /rom ' 5 com on to begin to work: Suddenlv lite h\ht\ i am* un comedy /komadi; noun ( ( " eumuliet) u televisin programme, film or play that nuikcs you luugh. ^22 comfort /k,\mfai/ n>;i (no> ihe l'eeling of being happy. relaxed and willunit piim, etc: She dresses for comfort and not for Jashion. comfortable ,'k,\mltjl>al/ ad/eciive describes clothes. etc. that fit well and do not hurt: You must bring some comfortable \hoes. c o m m o n 'koiiun/ adjective describes something that many people have or do: Don 't worry - you made a common nusuike.




communicate /jES'mjuaukeit/ verb to talk about your feelings, deas, etc: It is very easy to communicate with my granny. community /kamjumati' noun (two communities) the people who Uve in a place and have the same language, religin, way of life, etc: There is a big Polish community in New York. compact disc /,kompa;kt disk/ noun (usually CD) a round piece of plstic with recorded music, computer games, etc. competition .'.kDmpanfaa noun an event in which people or teams try to be the best at a game or activity. complete kam'plit/ adjective full or tinished: This stamp wili make my collection complete. composition /.kompazifan noun a piece of writing about a subject: l'm writing a composition on travel in space. comprehensible /.kompn'hensibal/ adjective easy to understand: H e r explanation was comprehensible. computer /kam'pjutta/ noun 1 a machine that you can use to get or keep information, send e-mas, play games. etc. 20-21 2 computer game a game on a C D that you can play on a computer: / like to play computer games in the evenings. 6 computerised /kam'pju:taraizd' adjective describes a machine, vehicle, etc. that uses a computer when it works: a computerised car. concntrate /konsantreit/ verb to think carefully when you are doing something: You must concntrate onyour school work concert /'kDnsat/ noun 1 music or singing with people listening: Let 's go to a concert. > 15,^22 2concerthall a building where people play music for others to listen to. conditions /kan'dijanz/plural noun the general situation in a place because of things such as weather, air, money and food: Rain is making conditions for driving very difficult. conservative /kan's3:vanv/ adjective formal and not modem: conservative clothes. > 8 - 9 contact /kontaekt/ verb to phone, e-mail or write to someone: Who do I contact about a new passport? continu /kan'Unju:/ verb (continuing, continued) to do something again after a break: We continued our joumey the next morning. control /kan'traol/ verb (controlling, controlled) to make a machine, car, etc. do what you want: Use this pedal to control the brakes. convenient /kan'vimjant/ adjective easy to get to or use: The shop on the comer is very convenient. conversation /.kDnva'seiJan/ noun a talk between two or more people: We had a conversation about holidays. '(ook kok/ noun someone who prepares meis as a job. 'cook /kuk/ verb to prepare meis: How do you cook i miage pie'.' i nokar fcuka/ noun a piece of equipment for cooking looil in a kitchen. M 3 nuil ku:l/ adjective (informal) describes clothes, young limpie, music, etc. that are very fasbionable, attractive, ,i, n i | i y 'knpi/ noun (two copies) something that is made ,1111v dio same as something else: Theysold thousands *>l i > /< afluir new book. > un nai 'k,i:iu/ noun the place where two streets meet Innii ililli'inii directions: There is a post office on the

c o r r e d kareku you can say 'Correal' when you say someone gave the right answer to your question. correctly ka'rektli adverb in a way that is right: She answered a l l the questions correctly. corridor/kondo:' noun a long rea inside a building.with rooms on each side. cosmic /'kDzmik/ adjective describes something that is about space or the Universe. 'cost ;kDst/ noun the amount of money you must pay: What's the cost of a room for three nights? 'cost /kDsf verb (cosring. cost) to have a particular price: How much does this shirt cost? cottage pie kondj 'pan noun (no plural) a meal made by cooking very small pieces of meat in brown gravy with potato on the top. COtton /'kDtn, noun (no plural) 1 cloth made from a plant with white hair on its seeds we use to make clothes. sheets, etc: a cotton shirt. 2 cortn wool (no plural) soft white hair in one piece that vou can use to clean injuries. c o u g h Ikof noun an illness that makes you push air out of your mouth with a short sound. 24 count /kaont/ verb to say numbers in order: / counted to twenty and then tried to find them. country /"fcuitnV noun (two countries) a regin with its own govemment and army. 2-3 countryside 'kAntrisaid/ noun the countryside land outside cides and towns. 14 couple kApsl noun nvo people or things: We waited a couple qfhours for the bus. course /ko:s/ noun 1 a set of lessons in a particular subject: / am doing a course in computers. 2 of course you can say ' O f course' a) when you give permission: 'Can I come?' Of course you can.' b) when you show that you think someone should know the answer: 'Did you go to her party?' Of course I did.' coursebook /koisbuk/ noun a book you use when you study a particular subject. ^20 court /ko.t/ noun an rea for playing a particular game: a tennis court. cover /kAva/ noun something you put over something else to keep off dirt: Put the C D back in its cover. -21 cream /kri:rn/ noun (no plural) a thick light yellow liquid made from milk. creature /"kriiija/ noun (in stories) a strange living thing that can make you feel afraid: * A L I E N credit card /'kredit ka:d/ noun a small plstic card that you can use to buy things and pay for them later. 16 cricket /knknV noun (no plural) the game when two teams hit a hard ball and run between two sets of posts. criminal /'knminal/ noun someone who has done something wrong and not legal: The plice caught the criminis in the park 22 crisps /knsps/ plural noun very thin hard pieces of cooked potato: apacket of crisps. M 6 , 17 c r o w d /kraud/ noun a large group of people. c r o w d e d /"kraodid/ adjective full of many people: crowded shops. cruse/kru:z/no!rt a joumey in a ship for a holiday: Let's go on a cru'tse next year. 19 crutches /'krAtJrz/ plural noun (also a pair of crutches) long sticks you put under your arms to help you walk when your leg is injured. * 2 4 cry /krat/ verb (crying, cried) to produce water from your eyes. >24
c o u l d /kad. kud/ CAN


cue :\u-j noun a kind of long stick to use in the game of snooker. S culture 'kAltja/ noun (usually no plural) the actions. ideas, etc. that a group uses in a particular country or regin. cup 'k\p/ noun a small container with a handle for hot drinks: a cup o f coffee. 17 cupboard 'kAbad/ noun a tall piece of fumiture for clothes. M 3 cure /kjua/ noun a medicine or treatment to make someone who is ill get well again: Do you know a good cure for back ache? curly k3:li.' adjective (curlier. curliest) describes hair that grows in waves or circles. M u curtain ka:tn' noun (also a pair of curtains) a long piece of cloth in front of a window. 13 cursor ,'k3:sa/ noun a small arrow on a computer screen that you move when you are using it. *21 customer 'kAstama/ noun someone who buys something in a shop. cut , \ M J verb (cutting, cut) to use a knife, scissors. etc. to seprate something into parts: Cut the meat into very small pieces. cycle /saikal/ verb to travel on a bike. cycling /'saiklin/ noun (no plural) the activity of travelling on a bike: Let 's go cycling next week ^4 Czech /tjek/ adjective (noun the Czech Republc) *2 dad da:d' noun someone's father. M 2 dairy product ,'deari prodvkL noun any food made from milk, for example butter, cheese. 16 dance /da:ns/ verb to move to the sound of music: Who 's dancing with Paul? dancing /"daaisin/ noun (no plural) the activity of moving to the sound of music: Let 's go dancing tonight. dangerous 'deind3aras/ adjective describes an activity that may cause injury or harm: dangerous sports. dark /da:k/ adjective (darker. darkest) describes something that has a colour nearer to black than white: H e has dark hair. H e r new coat is dark green. date 'den' noun a particular day shown by the day, month and year: What 's today 's date? day /dei/ noun 1 a period of twenty-four hours: We went to London for seven days. 26 2 the period between early morning and evening: / was at school a l l day. Granny sleeps during the day. daughter/do:ta/ noun someone's female child. M 2 December /dtsemba/ noun the twelfth month of the year. ^26 decide /dsaid/ verb to make a choice: H e decided to study medicine at university. I can 't decide what to wear. 1 decided on this sweater. definitely /'defanatli/ adverb without any doubt: Ts he telling the truth?' Definitely.' Sky diving is definitely not for me. degree liq&J noun 1 a qualifcarion you get when you do a course and pass an exam at a university or college: She has a degree in computer studies. 2 a unit of temperarure: The weather is ten degrees colder today. delicious /drlifas/ adjective describes food that has a very good taste: Thefish was delicious. Denmark /"denma:k/ noun (adjective Danish /deinif/) dentist /dentist/ noun someone who treats your teeth as a job: / must go to the dentist tomorrow. 7 37

describe /dfskraib/ verb to say or write what someone or something is like: Describe your favourite holiday. description diskripjan' noun something that describes someone or something: Can you give a description of the man who tookyour bag? desert /dezat/ noun an rea of hot dry land: the Sahara Desert. deserted 'drz3:tid'' adjective describes a place where there are no people: Wiien we arrived the building was deserted. design di'zam verb to plan the shape. colours. etc. of something: My dad designs bridges. 'designer di zaina adjective describes clothes, etc. made by a famous designer or company: She wears designer clothes. 'designer 'dfzaina/ noun someone who designs clothes, etc. as a job: H e 's a famous fashion designer. desk /desk' noun a kind of table for work in an office, school, etc. 20 dessert /dz3:t' noun sweet food you eat at the end of a meal. develop /dvelap/ verb (developing, developed) to make something after srudying possible methods and results: She developed a cure for bone cncer. diagram /daiagrem/ noun a drawing that shows what something looks like: a diagram o f the parts of the body. dialogue /daialrxj/ noun a conversation in a book, film, etc. dictionary 'dikfnri/ noun (nvo dictionaries) a book that explains what words mean. ^20 die /dai; verb (dying, died) to stop living. > 22 diet /daiat/ noun a plan of different food to eat: You must eat a balanced diet. difference /dtffans/ noun the ways in which something is not the same as something else: What 's the difference between these dictionaries? different /dtfrant/ adjective not the same: There are many different activities to choose from. Badminton is very different from tennis. digital fdidsil adjective that shows the time using numbers: a digital watch. dinner /dina/ noun the main meal of the day: What's for dinner? directions /drekfanz/ plural noun instructions about how to get somewhere: Can you give me directions to the nearest post office, please? directory /dfrektari/ noun (two directories) a book with a list of ames, addresses, etc: a telephone directory. dirt /d3:t/ noun (no plural) anything that makes something dirty. dirty danv adjective (dirtier, dirriest) not clean: dirty shoes. disabled /dis'etbald/ adjective (also the disabled) describes someone who cannot use part of their body: disabled athletes. disadvantage /,disad'va:ntid3/ noun a condition or situation so that someone may not be as successful: / was at a disadvantage in London because I couldn 't speak English well. disagree /.disa'gri:/ verb to have a different opinin: She disagreed with me. disappear /.dtsa'pia/ verb to become impossible to see or find: 77e plae disappeared behind a cloud. d i s a p p o i n t i n g /.disa'pamtin/ adjective describes something that is not as good as you hoped or thought: 77iefilm was disappointing.




disappointment 'diss'psintmsnt/nonn sadness because something or someone is not as good as you hoped or thought: V i e f i l m was a disappointment. disaster -dizaista noun an event when something very bad or disappointing happens: My cooking is often a complete disaster. disco 'diskau/ noun (two discos) an event in a building when you can dance to popular music: Are you going to the school disco? discover dis'ICAva- verb to find information. a place, etc. that people did not know about betbre: We discovered a great club near the beach. We discovered that P a u l was very ill. discovery disk.wri. noun (two discoveries) a situation when you find information. a place, etc. that people did not know about before: The discovery of a cure for bone cncer was a great achievement. disease drzi:z noun an illness. disgust disgASt noun (no plural) a very strong feeling that you do not like something or someone because they are very unpleasant: He looked at the dirty kitchen with disgust. disgusting .dis'g.\stin/ adjective describes something or someone that is very unpleasant: The meal was disgusting. dislike dis'latk/ verb to not like someone or something: / dislike going to the dentist. disk disk noun 1 (also CD) a round fat piece of plstic for music or computer information. >-21 2 > F L O P P Y

drama 'drama-' noun a film or play about people. often in histoty or in a famous story. ^22 dramatically /dra'maetikli/ adjective by a large amount and suddenly or quickly: Prices have increased dramatically. drawing 'dro:irj/ noun a picture you make using a penci! or pen: a drawing of a jlower. 'dress dres/ noun a piece of clothing for a girl or woman that covers her body. 8 'dress 'dres/ verb to put clothes on: He dresses i n black jeans when he goes dancing. drink drink noun 1 any liquid you take into your mouth: hot drinks. M 6 , 17 2 drinks machine a machine where you can buy cold drinks in cans or hot coffee. tea or chocolate. drive draiv verb {driving. drove draov ) to control a car. bus. etc. when it moves. driver 'draiva' noun someone who drives a car, bus. train. etc. > 7 dry drai' adjective (drier. driest) wiihout rain: dry weather. > 2 7 each i:tj, determiner 1 every one of two or more: Viere is an exercise on each page. 2 each other you use 'each other' when you say that someone does something to someone who does the same thing to him or her: Tliey pul their arms round each other. ear // noun one of the two parts on the side of your head you use to hear. 10 early '3:li.' adjective and adverb (earlier. earliest) very near the beginning of the day: Let 's huve an early dinner this evening. We have to get up early every day. earring 'lanq, noun (also a pair of earrings) a piece of jewellery for your ear. 8 Earth ;3;8/ noun the Earth ^23 easily-/'czili/ adverb without any difficulty: We won the game easily. easy 'i:zi/ adjective (easler, easiest) describes an activity. etc. that does not need a lot of skill, knowledge or strength: The exam wasn 't easy. eat /i:t' verb (eating, ate let/) to put food in your mouth and swallow it: What do you want to eat for lunch? eclipse /fklips/ noun an occasion when the sun or moon seems to disappear: an eclipse of the moon. *23 education /.edjLrkeifan/ noun (no plural) the process of teaching or leaming things. e g g /eg/ noun a round object in which a bird, snake, etc. develops. M 6 eighty -'eiti/ noun 80: It cost eighty pounds. e l b o w /elbao/ noun the part of your body in the middle of your arm. M O electric /rlektnk/ adjective describes a machine, light, etc. that uses electricity to work: an electric car. electrician /tlektnjan/ noun someone who repairs lights, etc. that use electricity. > 7 element .-'elamant/ noun a chemical substance that joins with others to make something, for example water or a metal. 'e-mail / i : meil/ noun 1 (no plural) a computer system for sending messages anywhere in the world: He sent me the photograph by e-mail. 2 a message sent using this system: / had three e-mails yesterday. 'e-mail / i : meiL' verb to send a message by e-mail: / e-malled mypenfriend. >6
E d i n b u r g h /edanbAra/

diving 'daivny' noun (no plural) the activity of jumping into water with your head and arms first: Can I go diving this afternoon? M8 do /duV verb ( do, he/she/it does /itez. KZ', we/yow'they do, do not/don't /daunt/,- doing: did. did not/didn't /dtdnt/) 1 you use 'do' with another verb to form questions and negative forms: What do you want to do this e\>ening? I don't like h i m . 2 to take part in an activity: She does a lot of voluntary work What can we do this evening? > 15 doctor .'dokta/ noun someone who treats sick people as a job. V I , 24 documentary /.dokjcrmencri/ noun (two documentarles) a televisin programme that gives true information: a documentary on pollution. 22 dol /dol/ oi/i a toy that looks like a baby or person. dollar /dote/ noun a unit of money in the United States and some other countries. dolphin /dDlfm/ noun a large grey sea animal with a long mouth. domestic robot /da.mestik 'raobot/ noun a machine that can do work in your home such as tidying and sweeping. door dyJ noun a large fat piece you pul or push to go into or out of a room. M 3 double r o o m ,'jdAbal 'rum/ noun a room in a hotel for two people. > 19 d o u g h n u t /daonAt-' noun a kind of cake, usually with a hole in the middle. 16

d o w n /daun/ adverb into a state that is less noisy, bright, etc: Please turti the sound down. d o w n t o w n /.daon'taun/ adverb (American English) towards or in the centre of a city or large town: She works downtown. d r a g n /draegan/ noun (in stories) an animal like a very large lizard that can breathe fire. *22


e m o t i o n rmaojan' noun a strong feeling. for example love or hate. encyclopaedia /in,saikla'pi:dia/ noun a book that gives facts about many different subjects. end . end/ noun in the end after a lot of time, many events. etc: They don V meet again for a year but i n the end they gel married. > 22 engineer-,end3fnia/ noun 1 someone who designs roads. bridges, etc. as a job. 2 (also computer engineer): someone who designs computer programs for a job. > 7 engineering 'endjfniann/ noun (no plural) the work of planning roads. bridges. etc. England ingland' noun (adjective English irglifi^3 enjoy md^oi verb to get pleasure from something: / liope you enjoy your holiday. enormous itemas/ adjective very big: She saw an enormous monster. > 22 e n o u g h t r u f adjective and adverb as much as is necessary: Is there enough Jbod for exeryone? Viese trousers are not big enough. entrance entrans- noun a way into a room. building, etc: Let's meet at the entrance to the cinema. environment in'vaiaranmant/ noun the environment the air, land and water that we live in. e q u i p m e n t i'kwipmant/ noun (no plural) the things your need for a particular activity: sports equipment. escape i'skeip- verb to get out of a place when someone tries to stop you: He escapedfrom the prison. especially Tspefali' adverb much more than others: / like a l l sports, especially football. euro juara noun (two euros) a unit of currency in the European Union. Europe juarap/ noun (adjective European juaraphan) 2 event Itvent noun something that happens: Newspapers repon important events. every 'evri' determiner you use 'every' for all the people or things in a group: / have a shower every day. e v e r y o n e .'evriWAn/ pronoun all the people: Everyone thinks the C D is b r i l l i a n t . everything .'evriOin/pronoun all the things: Everything was broken. exact /ig'zaekt/ adjective describes something or someone that is the same as you need or want: The computer game was the exact one I wanted. exam /ig'zaem/ noun a test to find out how much you know. example ig'zrrmpal noun 1 something that is typical of something you are talking about: 77ie polar bear is an example of an Arctic animal. 2 follow someone's example to do what someone else does. 3 for example you use 'for example' when you give an example: 77iere are many Arctic animis, for example the polar bear. excellent 'eksalant' adjective of the highest standard or the most enjoyable of all: Venus Williams is an excellent tennis player. exciting iksaitm/ adjective describes something that makes you feel very happy, pleased, etc: It was a very exciting game. !> 5, 20 excuse <ikskju:z/ verb Excuse me... you can say 'Excuse me...' before you ask for information or to make a polite request: Excuse me, can I take this chair? e x e c u t e /eksikju:t/ verb to kill someone as a punishment: King Henry executed two wives. exercise /eksasaiz/ noun 1 (no plural) activity to get fit and healthy: You need 10 do more exercise. 2 a particular activity: Try these exercises to make your legs stronger. V)

3 a set of questions to test your knowledge: Do Exercise 3 on page 27. exhibition ,'eksi bijan- noun a show where you can go to see interesting things: / saw the painting at an exhibition of modern art in London. exist igzist verb to be real: Do aliens exist? expect ikspekt' verb to believe strongly that something will happen: / expect he '11 e-mail next week expense /tkspens/ noun the money you spend on something: Students have many expenses. expensive ikspensiv adjective describes something that costs a lot of money: Ilj the ticket expensive' experienced ikspiananst adjective describes someone with a lot of knowledge or ability because they have done something orcen: She s an experienced waitress. experiment ikspenmant noun a test to find out what happens: This experiment shows what happens when you try to mix oil and water. exploration eksplareijaa' noun (no plural) travel through a regin to find out what is there: space exploration. explore i k s p b : verb to travel in a regin to find out what is there: They are exploring the North Pole. expression /iksprejan noun a set of words with a particular meaning: 'Excuse me' is a polite expression you can use before you ask for information. ex-soldier ,eks sauldja/ oim someone who was a soldier. 'extra -'ekstra.' adjective 1 more than the amount you have or need: / have an extra ncket - woitld you like ir' 2 extra large (often XL) a size of clothing for very big people. *-9 'extra 'ekstra adverb more than the stated or usual amount: Breakfast is extra. extreme /ikstrim-' adjective describes an activity that is very dangerous: extreme sports. eye 'ai/ noun one of the two parts on your face that you use to see. 10 e y e b r o w ,'aibrao/ noun one of the lines of hair above your eyes. 10 face /feis/ noun the front part of your head. 10 fact sheet /faekt Ji:t/ noun a piece of paper with information about something. factory /faektri/ noun (evo faetones) a building where things are made: a shoe factory. 14 faint /feint/ verb to fall down as if you have suddenly fallen asleep. ^24 fair /fea' adjective describes hair that is yellow: She has f a i r hair. 10 false i fo:ls/ adjective not real, true or correct: Granny has false teeth. fame feim' noun (no plural) the situation when someone is known by many people and they talk about him or her She won intemational fame as an athlete. family /faemli/ noun (two families) 1 a group that includes parents. their children, etc. 2 family tree a diagram of all the people in a family. 12 famous .'feimas/ adjective known by many people London is famous for its theatres. The most famous one is the Royal N a t i o n a l Theatre. fantastic /faen'taestik' adjective extremely good. artractive. etc: V i e f i l m was fantastic. farm -fo:m/ noun a business for growing plas 01 keeping animis for food. 14


fascinating /faesineitin/ a d j e c t i v e very interesting: 7 < 7e p r o g r a m m e o n p o l a r b e a r s was f a s c i n a t i n g . fashion /faejan/ rtowrc 1 (no plural) the style of clothes, hair, fumiture, etc. at a particular time: S h o r t h a i r is i n f a s h i o n . L o n g h a i r i s o u t of f a s h i o n . 2 fashion designer someone who design clothes as a job. ^ 7 fashionable /faefnaba 1/ a d j e c t i v e very popular: D o y o u wear fashionable clothes? 8 fast /fa:st/ a d j e c t i v e (faster, f a s t e s t ) describes a car, etc. that can move very quickly. fat /faet/ adjective (fatter, f a t t e s t ) describes someone who is wide and large in shape: a f a t baby. 10 father /fa:da/ n o u n someone's male parent. 12 favourite /feivnt/ a d j e c t i v e describes someone or something you like best: Red is my f a v o u r i t e c o l o u r . *4 February /febjuri/ H O M / I the second month of the year. ^26 feeble r f b o l / a d j e c t i v e very vveak: a f e e b l e od m a n . feel i:l/ ver> {feeling, f e l t /felt/) 1 to have a particular feeling in your body: H o w d o y o u f e e l t o d a y ? A r e y o u f e e l i n g b e t t e r ? I f e l t s i c k > 24 2 feel like to want to do something: / f e e l l i k e h a v i n g a l o n g b a t h . ferry /feri/ n o u n ( t w o f e r r i e s ) a boat that takes people across a river, often with their cars: We t o o k a f e r r y t o Dover. festival /festival/ n o u n a time when people celbrate something or when there are many films, shows, etc: Have y o u visited the E d i n b u r g h Festival? field TvXI n o u n an rea of land for growing something.

ffteen/fiftirn/rtoim 15. fifth /fife/ p r o n o u n the next after 4. ^28 fight fait/ v e r b (fighting, f o u g h t /fo:t/) to try to hit someone: They a r e fighting a b o u t w h i c h of them b r o k e t h e CD. file ,'fail/ n o u n a thick piece of folded paper to keep pieces of paper inside. 2 1 film /film/ n o u n 1 a story that uses pictures and sound: Let's see a film next weekend. ^ 6 , 2 2 2 film director someone who tells actors what to do when making a film. 3 film star a famous actor in a film. 2 2 'final ,'faml/ adjective last in a series: That is my final offer. 'final /fainl/ n o u n the final the last game in a competition to find the winner. finally /fainali/ a d v e r b you can say 'finally' when you mencin the last action or part F i n a l l y , press t h i s key. > 2 1 find /famd/ v e r b ( f i n d i n g , f o u n d /faund/) 1 to look and discover where something or someone is: D i d she find t h e t r e a s u r e ? O 2 2 2 find out to get information: / f o u n d out about the meeting f r o m Jana. flnqer /tinga/ n o u n one of the four long parts on your hund. M O flnlsh /Ttnijy v e r b to get to the end of doing something: I inish your homework. IMnUnd /"fmbnd/ n o u n ( a d j e c t i v e Finnish /niJY) ^ 2 flio luu/ n o u n 1 (no plural) flames, heat, etc. when omethmg burns. 2 firefighter someone who puts out tlttniinioiiM tiros as a job. >7 ii/ a d w r b , a d j e c t i v e and p r o n o u n 1 you can say I liM, ' M o r e you cxplain a set of things to do: F i r s t , hi " u i \ l twh'h o n t h e m a c h i n e . D>20 2 the first H M M I I H M un.' in a uroup: You must pay o n t h e first day of th* Humih ; H J first aid simple medical treatment m im iiMUMiiin who has become ill, had an accident, I .- * fiti riiioi ili.- liisi levcl of a building above
W lita iMiMltl

H I t l t



Ufe th.u urows in cold reas.

^ 2 5

f ish /fijV n o u n ( t w o fish) 1 an animal without legs or arms that lives under water. 1 6 2 fish and chips a meal of white fish in flour and water that you cook in hot oil and eat with chips: Excuse me, is t h e r e a fish a n d c h i p shop n e a r here? fishing /fijin/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of trying to get fish from water Let's g o fishing. > 4 fit /ftt/ a d j e c t i v e (fitter, fittest) healthy and strong: H o w c a n I get fit? f itness /funis/ n o u n (no plural) the fact of being healthy and strong because you do exercises or play games. fat /flaet/ n o u n a set of rooms on one floor of a large building. M 5 flight flait'' n o u n a joumey in a plae: She a r r i v e d o n a fiight f r o m S p a i n . flippers rflipaz/ n o u n 1 (also a p a i r of j l i p p e r s ) a large wide shoe you can use to swim. 2 a long wide pan on the body of some sea animis to use for swimming. floor ioj n o u n 1 the part of a room you stand on. 2 a level with rooms in a building: We Uve o n t h e second floor. floppy disk /.flopi 'disk/ n o u n a fat square plstic object for computer information. C O M P A C T DISC f lower /fiaos/ n o u n a colourful part of a plant. flour /flaua/ n o u n (no plural) the white powder you use to make bread, cakes, etc. 1 6 flying saucer /.flai-irj 'so:sa/ n o u n (in stories) a round spaceship with creatures from space. ^ 2 2 FM /,ef 'em/ a b b r e v i a t i o n a system for radio programmes. fog /fog/ n o u n (no plural) dark wet air near the ground. foggy /fogi/ a d j e c t i v e describes weather with dark wet air near the ground. >27 follow /fblau/ v e r b 1 to go in the same direction as someone or something: / f o l l o w e d h i m t o t h e bus s t o p . 2 to do the same as someone else: F o l l o w my e x a m p l e a n d w o r k h a r d . 3 to do something in particular H e d e c i d e d to f o l l o w a s o l o s i n g i n g career. food /fu:d/ n o u n (no plural) anything you eat. 1 6 - 1 7 foot /fut/ n o u n the part of your body at the end of your leg. M O football /futboil/ n o u n (no plural) the game when two teams try to kick a ball into a wide net: / l o v e t o p l a y football. > 5 footballer /futboila/ n o u n someone who plays football, especially as a job. for /fa, fo-Jpreposition you use 'fof to show how long in time: We l i v e d t h e r e f o r t w o y e a r s . 1 9 foreign /fbran/ a d j e c t i v e from a different country: foreign food. forest /fonst/ n o u n a large rea of land covered with trees. M 4 forget /fa'get/ v e r b (forgetting, f o r g o t /fagot/) to not remember: F o r g e t a b o u t h e r a n d enjoy t h e p a r t y . fork /foik/ n o u n something you use to pick up food and eat 1 7 form /foim/ n o u n a piece of writing with spces for you to give information: P l e a s e fill in t h i s f o r m . formal /formal/ a d j e c t i v e describes clothes, a way of speaking, etc. that you use on official or serious occasions: f o r m a l c l o t h e s . fortunately /foitfanatii/ a d v e r b because of good luck: F o r t u n a t e l y , w e d i d n 't miss t h e t r a i n . fourteen /forum/ n o u n 1 4 . fourth /fo:0/ p r o n o u n the next after 3 . ^ 2 8 fox /foks/ n o u n a wild animal that looks like a dog. ^ 2 5 France /freuns/ n o u n (adjective Frenen /frentJT) ^ 2

golden age

free if&J a d j e c t i v e and a d v e r b 1 not costing anything: a f r e e t i c k e t . You c a n t r a v e l f r e e w i t h t h i s ticket. 2 free time time when you do not have to work or study: f r e e time a c t i v i t i e s . What d o y o u d o in y o u r f r e e t i m e ? ^ 6 freeze /fri:z/ v e r b (freezing, fite /frauz/) to become ice because it is very cold: The l a k e freezes in winter. f reezer /friera/ n o u n a machine in the kitchen for keeping food very cold. M 3 freezing /fri:zin/ adjective very cold: f r e e z i n g w e a t h e r . Friday /fraidi/ n o u n the fifth day of the week. 2 6 f ridge fnds/ n o u n a machine in the kitchen for keeping food and drink cold. 13 friend frend' n o u n someone you know and enjoy being with. friendly /frendli/ a d j e c t i v e ( f r i e n d l i e r . f r i e n d l i e s t ) describes someone who is pleasant and kind: // is easy to be f r i e n d l y t o p e o p l e . 11 friendship /frendjip/ n o u n a pleasant relationship between people: O u r f r i e n d s h i p b e g a n t w o y e a r s a g o . f rightening /fraitnirj/ adjective describes something that makes you feel afraid: a frightening n o i s e . from /fram, from/ p r e p o s i t i o n 1 starting at: // r a i n e d f r o m s i x o ' d o c k 2 be from... to be bom in, or live in ...: Where a r e y o u from? > 3 front IftKtkt n front of in a position next to the front of a building, space, etc: The b a n k is i n f r o n t of y o u . ^ 2 9 fruit /fru:t/ n o u n 1 ( t w o fruit) a kind of food you eat, for example an apple, banana, etc. 1 6 2 fruit juice juice from a fruit such as an orange. 16 fun f,\n/ n o u n (no plural) great pleasure so that you laugh: We 11 h a v e f u n o n o u r holiday. funny /TA ni/ adjective (funnier, f u n n i e s t ) describes someone or something that makes you laugh: a f u n n y story. M 1 fur I3-J n o u n (no plural) the thick hair on some animis. future /fju:tja/ n o u n 1 the future the time after now: We d o n 't k n o w w h a t w i l l h a p p e n i n t h e f u t u r e . 2 in future from now on: I n f u t u r e y o u must get h e r e early. galaxy /gaslaksi/ n o u n ( t w o g a l a x i e s ) a very large group of stars. ^ 2 3 game /getm/ ' n o u n 1 an activity that is a competition between people or teams: p l a y a game of f o o t b a l l . 5 2 game show a televisin programme in which people play a game to win money or prizes. ^ 2 2 garden /ga:dn/ n o u n a piece of land near your house with flowers, etc. gardening /gaidnin/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of keeping a garden clean and attractive: / l i k e t o d o gardening. general /d3enral/ adjective 1 describing only the large faets and not the details: H e g a v e us o n l y a g e n e r a l idea of w h a t L o n d o n i s l i k e . 2 in general as a whole and including most kinds: / l i k e w a t c h i n g s p o r t i n g e n e r a l . generation /,d3ena'reijan/ n o u n the people of about the same age: My grandfather 's g e n e r a t i o n doesn 't k n o w much about computers. generous /d3enras/ adjective describes someone or an action that is kind because someone gave their money, time, etc. genetics /d3a'netiks/ p l u r a l n o u n the study of how people and other living things develop. genius /djimias/ n o u n ( t w o geniuses) someone who is very intelligent. 41

geography /dji'ografi/ n o u n (no plural) the study of the different kinds of regions of the world. Germany /'d33:mani/ n o u n ( a d j e c t i v e Germn /d33:man/) ^2-3 get /get/ v e r b ( g e t t i n g , g o t /got/') 1 to receive something: D i d y o u get my e - m a i l ? What a r e y o u g e t t i n g f o r y o u r b i r t h d a y ? 2 to use a particular vehicle: / a l w a y s get t h e bus t o s c h o o l . 3 to achieve, obtain or win something: / g o t a j o b as a w a i t r e s s . 4 to become: I t ' s g e t t i n g d a r k . 5 to arrive: What time did y o u get home l a s t n i g h t ? 6 to move into or out of somewhere: H e g o t i n t o a t a x i a t t h e s t a t i o n . Get o u t of my house! 7 get on the Internet to use keys on a computer so that you can use the Internet: H o w d o I g e t o n t h e I n t e r n e t ? > 2 0 8 get up to get out of bed after sleeping: / 'm s o r r y -1 g o t u p l a t e . ghost /gaost/ n o u n 1 a shape of a dead person that some people think they can see. ^ 2 2 2 ghost story a frightening story about a ghost. ^ 2 2 gift /gift/ n o u n 1 something you give someone, for example on their birthday. 2 gift shop a shop where you can buy gifts. M 9 girl /g3:l/ n o u n t a female child. 2 a woman who a man has a romantic relationship with: She 's my g i r l . girlfriend /g3:lfrend/ n o u n a woman who a man has a romantic relationship with. give /giv/ v e r b ( g i v i n g . g a v e /gerv/) 1 to provide something that someone can hold or own: / g a v e t h e b o o k t o A n n a . 2 to give money, food, etc. to help someone: She often gives t o c h a r i t y . 3 give up something to stop doing something: H e g a v e u p s m o k i n g a y e a r ago. glacier /glaesia/ n o u n a very large piece of ice which moves very slowly across land. 2 5 glamorous /glaemaras/ adjective very expensive and attractive: g l a m o r o u s c l o t h e s . >8 glass /glais/ n o u n a container for (usually cold) drinks: a glass of o r a n g e j u i c e . M 7 global village /.glaubal 'vihrj n o u n the world described as one place with fast and easy methods of travel, intemational companies, the same shops, etc. glove /gLvv/ n o u n (also a p a i r of g l o v e s ) a piece of _ clothing for your hand. 8 . . . . : -v,;:: go /gau/ v e r b (I g o , he/shet goes /gauz/, we/they go; g o i n g ; w e n t /went/) 1 to move or travel to a place: L e t 's g o t o t h e c i n e m a . > 1 5 2 to be a member of a school, etc: H e goes t o L o n d o n University. 3 go to do an activity: We a r e g o i n g s w i m m i n g t o m o r r o w . ^ 4 4 go back to retum: She w e n t b a c k t o h e r house. 5 go down when the sun 'goes down', it disappears at the end of the day. 6 go off when lights 'go orT, they stop sriining. 7 go on something a) to appear on televisin, etc: The p r e s i d e n t w e n t o n TV t o explain t h e t a x r i s e . b) to take part in a walk, etc: They w e n t o n a w a l k t o c o l l e c t money f o r c h a r i t y . 8 go out with someone to have someone as your girlfriend or boyfriend. 9 go together when two words 'go together' they have a particular meaning when they are together. 10 go up to someone to move near someone: A n od w o m a n w e n t u p t o h i m i n t h e street. * goal /gaol/ n o u n 1 an rea between two posts where players kick or hit a ball to score in games like football. 2 goalkeeper the player in a team who tries to stop the ball going into the goal, golden age /.gaoldan 'Qidrj n o u n (no plural) a time of many great achievements: t h e g o l d e n age o f E n g l i s h drama.




g o l f /golf/ noun 1 (no plural) a game when players try to hit a small ball into a hole in the ground: Do you play golf? 2 golf club (also club) a kind of stick you use to play golf. *-5 g o o d /gud/ adjective (better, best) 1 of a high standard: Buy a good camera. H e s a very good actor. 2 pleasant and enjoyable: Have a good time in England! I hope you have good weather. (Vas it a good film? 0 15 3 friendly, helpful, generous, etc: Teresa 's a good j ' r i e n d . 4 suitable: This is a good place for leaming how-to swim. 5 good at something to be able to do or leam something well: H e 's good at maths. 6 good for you describes food, etc. that makes you healthy and strong: Carrots are good for you. 7 good luck! you can say 'Good Luck!' meaning 'I hope you are successful. ' in an exam, etc. > 26 g o o d b y e 'gudbai/ you say 'Goodbye' when you are leaving someone. > 28 good-looking /gud 'luan/ adjective very pleasant to look at: H e s very good-looking. g o o d morning /gud 'mo:nirj/ you say 'Good moming' when you meet someone during the moming. > 28 government/gAvanmant/ noun a group ofofficials who manage a country. g r a n d a d /'gnendaed/noun > G R A N D F A T H E R , M 2 g r a n d f a t h e r /gra:n,fa:oa/ noun the father of someone's mother or father. M 2 g r a n d m o t h e r /gra:n,mAa/ noun the mother of someone's mother or father. 12 g r a n n y /gneni/ noun (two grannies) >GRANDMOTHER 12 g r a p e /greip/ noun (usually plural) a small round fruit that grows in cise groups. 16 great ,'greit/ adjective (greater, greatest) 1 very big: a great big hole. 2 very good, important or successful: L i a m was a great player. It was a great achievement. 3 (informal) very pleasant: It's great to see you! Great Britain /,greit 'bntn/ noun ^3 Greece /gri:s/ noun (adjective Greek /gritk/) ^2-3 g r e e n /gri:n/ adjective and noun 1 the colour of most leaves. 2 describes someone or a political party that tries to encourage us to keep the air and land clean and healthy. greengrocer /griaigreusa/ noun (also greengrocer's) a shop that sells fruit and vegetables. ^29 g r e y /gret/ adjective and noun the colour between black and white: grey hair. g r o u p /gru:p/ noun 1 a number of people together: a group near the bus stop. 2 a set of people who do something together: a group o f musicians. g u a r d /ga:d/ noun someone who stays in a place to stop anyone causing trouble, stealing, etc: The club has two guaras on the door. g u e s s /ges/ noun an attempt to answer correctly: 77iar 's a wrong guess. g u e s t /gest/ noun someone who stays in a hotel, etc. 19 g u i d e d o g /gaid dog/ noun a dog trained to look after someone who is blind or disabled. guitar igita-J noun a musical instrument with strings and a Jong neck: Can you play the guitar? > 6 g y m Idvm/ noun the gym a place with equipment you can use to do exercises that make you fit and healthy: / go to the gym every day. > 6 gynnnastics /d3im'na5stiks/ noun (no plural) the sport of daing special exercises and movements: We do gjmnastics at school. ^4

habit /'haebit/ noun something you do often and without thinking about it; H e r habit is to leave a l l the lights on. had /had, hted' H A V E hair /hea/ noun (no plural) the set of thin parts that grow on your head and body. M O hairdresser /'hea.dresa/ noun someone who washes, cuts and arranges your hair as a job. 7 half /ha:f/ noun (two halves /ha:vz/) 1 one of two equal parts: half an apple. Tlie joumey took half an hour. 2 half past... thirty minutes after a particular hour: It's h a l f past three. 3 half-sister a sister who is the daughtsr of one of someone's parents h a m b u r g e r ,'hamb3:ga noun small pieces of meat pressed into a fat round shape. h a n d fiaend/ noun the part of your body at the end of your arm. MO, > 22 hand bag ,'haendbseg/ noun a bag used by a woman to carry money, etc. hang-gliding rhxt] glaiduj noun (no plural) the sport of flying using equipment without an engine that looks like a kite: Let 's go hang-gliding. VA h a p p e n /haspan/ verb (of an event) to start or exist suddenly and continu for a period: Wliat happened next? >22 happily /'haepili/ adverb in a way that shows you are happy: H e smiled happily. h a p p y /haepi' adjective (happier. happiest) feeling pleased and laughing or smiling: a happy child. 11 'hard hccd/ adjective (harder. hardest) 1 difficult: Maths was a hard exam but geography was the hardest. 2 firm to touch: a hard chair. 3 hard disk the part inside a computer that holds information to make it work. h a r d /ha:d/ adverb (harder, hardest) with a lot of effort: H e works very hard. h a r d - w o r k i n g /.hccd W3jcrn/ adjective describes someone who works hard. 11
has /haz, ha:z/ > HAVE

hat /haet/ noun a piece of clothing you wear on vour head 8 hate /hett/ verb to not like someone or something at all: 1 hate boxing. >4 h a v e /hav, haev/ verb (I have, he/she/it has, we/you/they have, has not/hasn % have not/haven 't; having; had) 1 you use 'have' to form some tenses: Have you been to England? 2 (also have got) to possess: She has (got) f a i r hair. Have you (got) any pain? I have (got) a stomach ache. > 24 3 to eat or drink something: What do you have for lunch? 4 to experience something: / hope you have a good time in Scotland. head /heV noun the part of your body on your neck. 10 headline /hedlam/ noun a title in large letters at the top of a report in a newspaper. h e a t h /hel8/ noun (no plural) 1 the general condition of your body or mind. ^24 2 health care the activity of looking after people so that they are well. healthy /helfJi/ adjective 1 fit and strong: a healthy boy. 2 describes food, etc. that makes you fit and strong: Always eat a healthy breakfast. hear lista/ verb (hearing, heard/h3:d/) to listen to sounds using your ears: / can hear a noise outside. heart ha-x noun 1 the part inside your chest that beats and sends blood round your body. 2 by heart when you know something 'by heart' you know all the words: / learned the song by heart.

heavy ,'heviy adjective (heavier, heaviest) 1 describes something or someone that weighs a lot: a heavy box. 2 large in amount: heavy trajjic. h e d g e /hedy' noun a line of bushes at the edge of a garden, field, etc. M 4 helicopter /'helikopta/ noun an aircraft with long parts that turn round on the top. M 4 helio /haiau/ you can say 'Helio' when you meet someone. helmet /helmit' noun a hard hat that protects vour head. 5 help helo/ verb to make it possible for someone to do something by doing part of it, giving information. etc: Can I help you? Dad helps me with mv homework. helpful /helpfal adjective describes someone who helps someone. M 1 here hia/ adverb in this place: Is there a post office near here hi hat/ you can say ' H i ' to a friend when you meet them. high hai/ adjective (higher, highest) 1 a long way above the ground: a high net. 2 the high street the main street in a town or rea of a city. hill /ful/ noun an rea of land that is higher than the land round it. M 4 hip /hip/ noun (usually plural) the part of your body above your legs. 10 history /hisrri/ noun (no plural) (the study of) things that happened in the past. 'hit hit.' noun a bis success: His song was a number one hit. hit hit' verb (hining, hit) 1 to move your hand, a stick, etc. quickly and touch someone so that they are hun: M u m , David hit me! 2 to move a bat and send a ball away quickly: Venus Williams hit the ball into the crowd. h o b b y /hobi/ noun (two hobbies) something you do in your free time, often making or collecting things. > 6 hockey /hoki/ noun 1 (no plural) the game when two teams try to hit a ball into a net with special sticks: Do you play hockey? V 5, > ICE(4) 2 hockey stick a long piece of wood you use to play hockey. 5 hold /hauld/ verb (holding, held /held/) 1 to have something in your hand or arms: Please hold my bag and T U open the door. 2 Hold it! you can say 'Hold it!' to ask people to be still when you take a photograph. hole /haol/ noun an empty space in the ground. vs holiday /holidi/ noun a period of time when you are not working or studying, especially when you travel somewhere: the school holidays. They are on holiday by the sea. 18-19 h o m e /haurn/ noun 1 the building or place where you live: Is Amy at home, please? M 3 2 a building where children without families, or od people, live: a children 's home. homeless .'haumlis/ adjective without a home: homeless children. h o m e w o r k /'haumw3:k/ noun (no plural) writing or reading for school that you do at home: When do you do your homework at weekends? honest /onist/ adjective describes someone who tells the truth: an honest person. h o n o u r A)na/ noun (no plural) 1 strong belief in behaving well and telling the truth: She has a strong sense o f honour and won V lie to you. 2 in toinmirw'i honour in order to show how much you admire someone: We are having a dinner in her honour

h o p e ,'haop/ verb

to want something to happen: / o f you


that Barcelona wins the competition. > 26 horoscope /hDraskaup/ noun a description things that wll happen to y o u because of the
horrible /hDnbal/ adjective
the stars.

position o f

very unpleasant: We heard

noise. horror /hura/ noun 1


s o m e t h i n g very unpleasant or c r u e l of

war. 2 h o r r o r f i l m or h o r r o r story a film or story that includes very cruel or unpleasant acts. ^22 h o r s e has/ noun 1 a large animal you can ride on. hospital 'hDspitl noun a building you go to for medical rreatment: My mum s in hospital. 15 hostel ,'hostl/ noun a cheap place like a hotel where you can stay. 18 hot /hot' adjective (hotter. hottest) describes s o m e t h i n g w i t h a h i g h temperarme: You look like you need some hot tea. It 's hot today. V 27 hotel t i a c t e l / noun a b u i l d i n g where you pay to stay f o r
a p e r i o d o f sixty minutes: TU be there twenty-four hours. h o w ;hau/ adverb you use ' h o w ' to ask questions: How are you? How do you spell your ame? How long w i l l the job take? How many CDs do you have? How much does it cost? How od are you? > 16, 20, 25 h o w e v e r .hai/eva-' adverb you can use 'however' when you add a new or different fact: / lost mypen. However. my sister gave me another one.

that makes y o u feel afraid and s h o c k e d : the horrors

2 horse riding the activity of riding a horse.


h o u r /aoa/ noun

a short time. 19


h u m a n /'hjuanan/ adjective
to people:

describes something related



such as


hungry rabbits

h u n d r e d /'h,\ndnd' noun 100: two hundredyears ago. Hungary /fiAngari/ noun (adjective Hungarian /hAn'gearian/) ^2
describes s o m e o n e w i t h a strong w i s h to eat.

/tiAngri/ adjective



to catch a n d k i l l a n i m i s : They hunt food. hurt T13X' verb (hurting, hurt) 1 to injure y o u r s e l f a n d feel pain: / hurt my foot when Ifell over. 2 to cause o r feel p a i n : 77ie dog won 't hurt you. My foot hurts. V2A h u s b a n d / h A Z b a n d / noun a m a n who a w o m a n is

h u n t ,fiAnt/ verb


husky /tiAski/ noun

m a r r i e d to. 12

(two huskies)

a big d o g regions. ^25

with l o n g

t h i c k hair that lives i n very c o l d

ce /ais/ noun

v e r y c o l d . ^25

(no plural) water that is solid b c c i i u M H I 2 ce-berg a large piece ni u e in the .e,i nuil

p l a y e d o n ice w h e n two tennis lu u lint oli|e> i (u with a stick:

chocolate, fruit j u i c e . etc. M i > 4 Uo ln>< koy Ihe uiinie pmk)

3 ice-cream a food made w n h l i n / r n milk

Can vou play ice



the activity o f m o v i n u M n e , i H e wruilntj i|iei tul I h x i l i

' .





Let's go ice \kminit

* !
i Jil

icn /aiknn/ noun n simill siun un IIIK w ieen llml you use
to make n c u m p i i i n ,1o l o i n e l h i n a

';||M/ ,l,/;e, m e veiv m l i l " i i uvrinl Wllll ice: icy


V i l

idas /.ii'ili.i' m u ,i iuuK iii'ii. Ihiiughi or plan: That's

a to

\jiunl idea kimillfy

ii'iir.e .i.meinie ni something in a group: Can

I. MIIIiH/ verb

(identijying, bike?


denti/y ihe bov ulm stole your 1


4 2

3J )loo 'igl:/ noun a hut made from ce that people use like a tent in very cold regions. ^25 I ttU adjective describes someone or an animal that does not feel well or has a disease: She was II for nearly a week. n a g i n a t i o n /tmaedsneijan/ noun (no plural) the ability to have nteresting thoughts and ideas in your mind: You need lo pul more imaginarion into your story. n a g i n e /i'maed3in/ verb to have a picture or idea of something in your mind: Can you imagine life on another planet? nportance Am'po.'tens/ noun (no plural) the quality of being important: the imponance of doing exercise. iportant /im'pstont/ adjective describes something or someone that affects things that happen. has a lot of power, etc: A good diet is very Important. She's an important politician. ta/ preposition 1 you use ' i n ' with a container, rea, tc. to say where something is: He's i n London. It's i n that box. > 2 9 2 you use ' i n ' to say when: I never tvatch TV i n the morning. We went to haly i n June, i popular or fashionable: Short hair is i n ai the moment. - FASHION! 1) 4 n f r o n t o f FRONT d u d e /in'klu:d/ verb to make someone or something jart of a set: Is the tax incuded in the price? comprehensible /in,kDmprfhensibsl/ adjective mpossible to understand: H i s English is ncomprehensible. crease /m'kri:s/ verb to get bigger in amount. size, etc: "rices are increasing. credible /in'kredtbol/ adjective very good. surprisins )r unusual: Wwning the gold medal was an incredible ichievement. d e p e n d e n t /.mdi'pendsnt/ adjective not needing, :onnected with or influenced by any other person: H e njoys his independen! life travelling round the world. H a /'indis/ noun (adjective Indian /indisn/) ^3
distinguishable /.indrstingwifabal/ adjective so


n t e r e s t i n g /mtnstin/ adjective International

interest /"mtnst/ noun something you enjoy doing or studying: What are your interests? interested /mtnstid' adjective be nterested n something to want to know more, learn something, etc: Are you interested i n classical music? >6
describes an object. desenbes

subject, etc. that makes you want to look, listen, know more, etc: an nteresting story.
/ints'naejnal/ adjective

something involving many countries: an international airport. Internet ' m t s n e t ' noun (no plural) the Internet falso the
Net) the s y s t e m that lets c o m p u t e r s a n y w h e r e in the information: How do l get on the world exchange

>20 ' i n t e r v i e w intsvju:' noun a formal discussion on televisin, radio o r in a n e w s p a p e r : Tie winner gave an interview on televisin. ' i n t e r v i e w /"mtovjtu/ verb to ask s o m e o n e questions in a formal discussion on televisin o r the radio, or in a newspaper. i n t e r v i e w e r /'intavju.-a/ noun someone who interviews people on televisin or radio as a job. *-22 into /int/ preposition towards the inside: .-I woman carne into the room. ^29 i n t r o d u c e /,mtra'dju:s/ verb when you 'introduce' someone, you tell their ame to another person when they meet: She Introduced me to her mother. introduction /.intra'dAkfan/ noun 1 an explanation at the
beginning o f a book. ame when people 2 the act o f telling s o m e o n e ' s


journalist /d33aralist/ noun someone who writes for newspapers, magazines. etc. as a job. journey ;'dj3:ni/ noun an example of going from one place to another: a joumey from Rome to London. judo /d3u:d3/' noun (no plural) the sport in which you try to throw someone to the ground: Do you do judo? > 4 juice /d3u:s/ noun (usually no plural) liquid from a fruit: orange juice. 17 July /a^ulai/ noun the seventh month of the year. *26 jump /d3Amp/ verb 1 to move yourself high above the ground: He jumped and caught the ball. She jumped into the river. 2 jump a queue to join a line of people in front of others who are there. jumper dsvmps/ noun a piece of clothing made of wool that covers your chest and arms. *9 June /djuai/ noun the sixth month of the year. *26 J p i t e r /'djurpi/ noun a planet. >-23 just /d33st. d3ASt/ adverb 1 only a short time ago: They have just arrived. 2 only: There were just two ofus. l'm just looking -1 don 't want to buy anything. karate /ko'roai/ noun (no plural) the sport in which you kick and hit with your hands: Can you do karate? > 4 keep /ki:p/ verb (keeping, kept /kept/) 1 to have something in a place so that it is there when you want it: Where do you keep the sugar? 2 to stay in the same posicin: Keep still! 3 to continu to have or own something: You can keep the video - Tve watched it. Kenya kenja noun (adjective Kenyan /kenjon/) *2-3 ketchup /ketfap/ noun (no plural) a sweet red sauce made from tomatoes. kettle /ketl/ noun a piece of equipment to boil water. M3 key l\i'J noun 1 a shaped piece of metal you use to lock or open a door. 2 one of many small parts that you press with your finger to work a computer. *21 k e y b o a r d /'ki:ba:d7 noun a seprate part of a computer with rows of keys. *21 kick PakI verb 1 to move a ball, etc. with your foot. 2 to move your foot against someone and hurt them: Dad, M a r y kicked me! kidney /kidni/ noun one of two parts in the sides of your body that take waste liquid from your blood. kill nal/ verb to make someone or an animal die. > 22 'kind /kaind/ adjective (kinder, kindest) describes someone who shows that they care by doing something to make you feel better /(was kind ofher to help. t> 11 'kind /kamd/ noun a particular example: Wliat kind ofear do you have? king /km/ noun a man from a roya! family who tules a country. kitchen /kitjm/ noun the room in your home where you cook. M 3 knee InvJ noun the part of your body in the middle of your leg. 10 knife /nan7 noun (two knives /narvz/) something you use to cut food, etc. M 7 k n i g h t /nait/ noun (in history) a soldier with a high place in society. + 2 2 k n o w /nao/ verb (knowing. knew layad) 1 to have information about something or someone: / don 't know how to do it. > 7 2 to have met someone before: I know you - you are A n n a 's brother. koala bear /kao.aila bes/ noun an Australian animal like a small bear that climbs trees. 45

imilar that you cannot see a difference: These cheap eans are Indistinguishable from those expensive ones. d i v i d u a l l y /.indfvidjusli/ adverb separately: They lesigned each carpet individual!}: d u s t r i a l r e a /indAStrisl 'eoris/ noun a place in a town ir city where there are many businesses and factories. 'orm /trifo:m/ verb to tell someone about something fficially: / informed my teacher that I would be late. o r m a t i o n /.infs'meijan/ noun (no plural) faets or etail: Where did you get this information? Ineed more tformation about what happened. M I /tnsekt/ noun a small animal with six legs, for xumple an ant. itructions /n'strAkJanz/ p l u r a l noun the information un iclls you what to do, how something works, etc: VMM read the instructions carefully. itrumtnt/instramant/nou/i (also musical instrument) n iiliiect such as a piano, guitar, etc. Illgent /in'telidjant/ adjective 1 able to learn, think, l> i|iiu kly: imelllgent children. 2 describes a machine i! im-. mlbrmation n it so that it can do things without mtiiino working it: an intelligent washing machine. t n l l o n in'tcnfan/ noun an idea, decisin or plan about hu yon will do: They have no intention of coming to

We had no time (or introductions. 3 the start of something b e i n g used: the introduction o f computers in schools. invade /m'veid/ verb to enter a country with an army and try to take control of it: When did C h i n a invade Ti'bet? invent/in'vent/ verb to make or design something for the first time: Who invented the computer? invention /inventen/ noun something that has been made or designed for the first time: The computer is a great invention. Ireland /aiatond/ noun (adjective Irish /'aranjT) *2 island /ailand/ noun a seprate piece of land in the sea: H e lived for years on a small island. i f S /its/ = rr IS: It's windy. Italy Ateli/ noun (adjective Italian /rtaalian/) > 2 its /its/ belonging to i t The dog ate its dinner. ivory /aivari/ noun (no plural) the hard white material from the long parts like homs (tusks) on the head of an elephant. jacket /dynkit noun a short coat. ^8 jam lsxtnl noun (usually no plural) a thick sweet substance made by cooking fruit with sugar: strawberry jam. M 7 January /dsaenjuri/ noun the first month of the year. 26 Japan /oVsa'paen/ noun (adjective Japanese /,d3a5po'ni:z/) 3 jazz /d3aez/ noun (no plural) music from AfricanAmerican musicians with many styles from strong rhythms to slow sad tunes. > 6 jeans / noun (also a pair of eans) a style of informal trousers, made of thick cortn cloth. *8 jewellery tyfs\tv noun (no plural) rings, earrings, etc. j o b /'d3ob/ noun the particular work you do for pay: What kind of job would you like? > 1


tai Uva /iniai'uektiv/ adjective describes a computer HminMi in which you can change what happens by i"iiiu ilu' ki-ys 44 i

lady .'leidi'' noun (two ladies) a woman. lake ,leik/ noun a large rea of water in the countryside: Lake Balaton. M4 lamb /laem/ noun (no plural when 'meat') (meat from) a young sheep. 16 lamp /laemp/ noun 1 an object in a building that produces light M 3 2 lampshade a cover fixed over a lamp. 13 land /laend/ verb to move onto the ground from the air: The plae landed safely. lae , lea' noun a small road between fields. 14 language 'loerjgwid> noun a system of words that a particular group of people use: How many languages do you speak? large /la:dj adjective (larger, largest) 1 big in size or number: a large family. 2 (also L) a size of clothing for big people: Have you got this shirt i n large? + 9 last /la:st/ adjective 1 after all others: We met on the last day of the holiday. 2 the one before this one: D i d you watch televisin last night? > 5 late /leit/ adjective and adverb (later, latest) happening, etc. after the usual or agreed time: / got up late this moming. We were too late and the bus was not there. later /leita/ adverb at a time after that: F i r s t she ved in Spain and later she moved to F r a n c e . Latin /laenn/ noun the language of the ancient Romans: It's written i n L a t i n . laugh aSI verb to make particular sounds and smile to show you are very happy or think something is very funny: Don 7 laugh at me. law IXod noun (no plural) the system of official rules you must obey: She 's studying law. lawyer /b:ja/ noun someone who advises people and speaks for them in court as a job. > 7 lazy /leizi/ adjective (lazier, laziest) describes someone who doesn't work or study: a lazy student. > 11 leader /li:da/ noun someone who controls a country, army, etc: Mndela was a great leader. .:,....... leaflet /lilit/ noun a piece of paper that gives information: a leaflet about the new cafe. learn /baV verb (leaming, leamed or learnt) to get knowledge or skill: We're learning about the Arctic i n geography. . ^rirv.: leather /leoa/ noun (no plural) skin from an animal, used to make clothes, shoes, etc: a leather jacket. ja leave /li:v/ verb (leaving, left /left/) 1 to go away from somewhere: What w i l l you do when you leave school? 2 to put something somewhere: You left your keys i n the door. Leeds/li:dz/*3 'left /left/ adjective and noun (belonging to) the side or direction opposite the right: / write with my left hand. The chemist's is on the left. ^29 'left /left/ (past of LEAVE) be left remaining when everyone or everything else has gone away: / looked for some food but there was nothing left. leg /leg/ noun one of two parts of your body below your hips. M O legend /ledjsndV noun a very od story about a brave person: the legend of KingArthur. +22 leisure centre /lejs ,sen/ noun a binlding where you can do many different sports and activities. lemon /lemn/ noun a yellow sour fruit M 6 lemonade /.lema'neid/ noun (no plural) a sweet drink made from lemons. 16

~ ~



less /les/ a d v e r b not so much: M u m says we must d r i n k less Coke. lefs /lets/ = L E T us you can say 'Let's' before you make a suggestion: Let's go t o the c i n e m a . > 15 letter f l e t a / n o u n 1 a written message that you put in an envelope. 2 any of the symbols in an alphabet: the letter A . lettuce /letss/ n o u n a vegetable with many leaves that you put in salads. 16 library /laibri/ n o u n ( t w o l i b r a r l e s ) a building or room with many books. 15 lte lar/ v e r b ( l y i n g . l a y /le/) to be in a particular place: The b o a t l a y at the b o t t o m of the sea. lie lai/ n o u n something you say or write that is not true: D o n V tell lies. life /laif/ n o u n ( t w o Uves /laivz/) 1 the time between birth and death: Tve l i v e d here a l l my life. 2 (no plural) living things as a group: !s t h e r e Ufe on o t h e r planets? 3 real life what really happens and not what happens in stories: ^ I n r e a l life the plice often never f i n d the criminis. lifestyle ,'laifstaiL' n o u n the way someone Uves, including the activities they enjoy, what they eat, etc: a healthy lifestyle. lift ,/lift/ n o u n a machine in a building that takes you up or down to a different level. light /lait/ a d j e c t i v e describes a colour that is nearer to white than black: l i g h t b l u e . light /lait/ n o u n 1 (no plural) the energy from the Sun that you can see during the day: The l i g h t c a r n e t h r o u g h the c u r t a i n s . 2 an object that produces light: Please t i t r n off the l i g h t s . 3 light switch a part of a light you use to rurn it on or off. 4 light year the distance light travels in one year. like /laik/ p r e p o s i t i o n 1 similar to: H a n g - g l i d i n g is l i k e f l y i n g . 2 you use 'like' to ask about someone's character, way of behaving, etc: What's A n n a tike?>\\ 3 look like you use 'look like' to ask about someone or something's shape, etc. or to describe a person or thing: What does J i m l o o k l i k e ? D 10 4 like this you can use 'like this' > when you show someone how to do something: Tum on the computer like this. lke /laik/ v e r b 1 to enjoy: / l i k e f o o t b a l l best. >4 2 would like you can use 'would like' to ask what someone wants or say what you want: W o u l d you l i k e an i c e - c r e a m ? V d l i k e a n o t h e r cup of coffee. D 8 > lion /laisn/ n o u n an Airican animal like a big yellowbrown cat. lip /lip/ n o u n (usually plural) one of the two edges of your mouth. 10 list /list/ n o u n an organised set of words: a s h o p p i n g l i s t . listen /lisan/ v e r b to pay attention and hear sounds: I l i k e l i s ten i n g t o music. > 6 live /liv/ v e r b to have your home in a particular place: They l i v e i n the A r c t i c . 2 5 lively /laivli/ a d j e c t i v e ( l i v e l i e r . l i v e l i e s t ) full of energy: a l i v e l y p e r s o n . 11 Liverpool/livapuil/ 3 local /lookal/ a d j e c t i v e describes something near to where you live: My f a t h e r teaches maths a t o u r l o c a l school. lcate /bo'keit/ v e r b be located to be in a particular rea: The s t a d i u m is l o c a t e d on the edge o f t o w n . London/lAndan/ 3 long /Ion/ a d j e c t i v e ( l o n g e r , l o n g e s t ) 1 descubes somcthinu; mensures i lot from one end to the other: l o n g h a i r . 10 2 describes something conmines for
1 1 2 2 <

what seems a lot of time: We w a i t e d t w o l o n g years. 3 the long jump the sport when you try to jump as far as you can. look /luk/ v e r b 1 to use your eyes to see: ' C a n I h e l p y o u ? ' Tm j u s t l o o k i n g . thanks.' I like l o o k i n g a r o u n d the shops. H e l o o k e d at me. 2 look after someone to take care of someone: C a n you l o o k after the baby f o r a few minutes? 3 look for someone or something to search for someone or something: We a r e l o o k i n g f o r v o l u n t e e r s t o h e l p us. Tm l o o k i n g f o r a new p a i r of boots. 4 look like 'LIKE(3) lorry /Ion/ n o u n ( t w o l o r r i e s ) a large vehicle that can carrv manv thinss. M 4 lose /lu:z/ v e r b ( l o s i n g , l o s t / I D S L ) to no longer have something you had: Tve l o s t my keys. lot /lot/ n o u n 1 a lot very much: I t r a i n s a l o t i n w i n t e r . 27 2 a lot of (also lots of) a large number or amount of: I t costs a l o t of money. I made l o t s of mistakes. >7 loud /lad/ a d j e c t i v e ( l o u d e r , l o u d e s t ) describes someone or something that makes a lot of noise: a veryl o u d noise. Move /1AV/ n o u n (no plural) be in love to love someone: Tm i n l o v e w i t h y o u . love /1Av/ v e r b 1 to have a strong romantic feeling for someone: / l o v e y o u . 2 to enjoy doing something very much: I l o v e s w i m m i n g i n the sea. 3 would love you can use 'would love' to say that you want something very much: V d l o v e t o hear her new C D . > 15 low s/ a d j e c t i v e ( l o w e r . l o w e s t ) small in amount: l o w prices. luck /L\k/ n o u n (no plural) something good or pleasant that happens by chance: Is a c a t a s i g n of b a d l u c k ? I hope i t w i l l b r i n g you g o o d l u c k . G o o d l u c k i n y o u r exam! O 26 lucky /L\ki/ a d j e c t i v e ( l u c k i e r , l u c k i e s t ) 1 describes something that brings success: a l u c k y number. 2 describes someone who is successful: Lucky you! luggage /L\gid3/ n o u n (no plural) the bags, cases, etc. you take when you are travelling. 19 lunch /lAntjV n o u n a meal you eat in the middle of the day: L e t 's have l u n c h together. 17 lunchtime /lAntJtaim/ n o u n the time in the middle of the day when most people have lunch: Let's meet a t lunchtime. luxury /lAkfori/ a d j e c t i v e expensive and offering the best food, etc: a l u x u r y h o t e l .

mad /maed/ a d j e c t i v e (madder, maddest) 1 very angry: D a d went m a d when I c a r n e home l a t e . 2 foolish: A r e people w h o go h a n g - g l i d i n g mad? Madam /'maedsm/ n o u n a polite way to speak to a woman: C a n I h e l p y o u , M a d a m ? magazine /.maego'zim/ n o u n a thin book with a paper cover and many pictures inside. ^21 magic /maed3ik/ n o u n (no plural) (also a magic trick) something clever that someone does that is dirficult to explain. magician /ms'dsijsn/ n o u n someone who can do magic tricks. ^7 magnificent /mceg'nifisant/ a d j e c t i v e extremely big, beautiful, etc: a m a g n i f i c e n t c a t h e d r a l . make /meik/ v e r b ( m a k i n g , made /merd/) 1 to produce something: H o w do you make b r e a d ? H e makes b r i l l i a n t f i l m s . 2 make money to get money by doing a job. >7 3 make sure * S U R E

man /maen/ n o u n ( t w o men /men/) a male person who is not a child. manager /'maenidsa/ n o u n someone who organises or controls a business, team, etc: Who is the manager of t h i s shop? Manchester /maentfssts/ ^3 map /maep/ n o u n a drawing of a place with the ames of places, roads, rivers, etc. on it: F i n d B i r m i n g h a m on a map of E u r o p e . m a r a t h n /mceroten/ n o u n the marathn a long race of about 42 kilometres. March ma:tJ7 n o u n the third month of the year. ^26 margarine . ma:d33ri:n/ n o u n (no plural) a solid yellow food like butter. 16 mark, ma:k/ n o u n a letter or number that shows how well you did in an exam: Your marks a r e very good. market /maiklt/ n o u n (also street market) a place outside where people sell things from tables. 15 marry 'maeri/ v e r b ( m a r r y i n g , m a r r i e d ) to take someone as vour husband or wife: John is m a r r i e d t o Sue. We're g e t t i n g m a r r i e d next year. Mars /ma:z/ n o u n a planet. ^23 mask /ma:sk/ n o u n something that covers all or part of your face to hide who you are. mat /maet/ n o u n a small piece of material to move a mouse on when you are using a computer. ^21 match /maetJV n o u n a game of football, tennis, etc: Who w o n the match? >5 match maetJV v e r b to be the same, or mean the same, as another: These shoes d o n ' t m a t c h . F i n d a w o r d t h a t matches the p i c r u r e . material' /ms'tisrbl/ n o u n 1 (usually no plural) cloth. 2 any substance such as plstic or wood that you use to make something. mathematics /.maeOo'maetiks/ n o u n (also maths) the use of numbers to find an answer. mximum /masksimsm/ a d j e c t i v e describes the biggest amount possible: a mximum speed o f 4 0 k m . May /mei/ n o u n the fifth month of the year. ^26 meal /mi:L' n o u n the food you eat on one occasion: Let's go o u t f o r a meal. 17 meaning /mi:nin/ n o u n what you understand when you read or hear something: What's the m e a n i n g of 'incomprehensible'? meat /mi:t/ n o u n (no plural) food from an animal. 16 mechanic /mkasnik/ n o u n someone who repairs machines, cars, etc. as a job. >7 medal / m e d ' n o u n a round piece of metal you get when you win a race, etc: an O l y m p i c medal. medical *medikol/ a d j e c t i v e describes the care, study, etc. of people who are ill: m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t . medicine /medssn/ n o u n a substance you eat or drink when you are ill to make you feel better. 24 mdium /miidism/' a d j e c t i v e 1 describes a size between large and small: She 's mdium h e i g h t . 2 (also M) a size of clothing for people who are average in size: H a v e you g o t t h i s s h i r t i n mdium? ^9 meet /mi:t/ v e r b ( m e e t i n g , met) 1 to see and talk to someone for the first time: / met J u l i a i n P a r i s . 2 to come to the same place as someone because you have agreed to: We meet every day after school. meeting /mi:tirj/ n o u n an occasion when people meet for a purpose: She 's i n a m e e t i n g a t the moment. meln /meln/ n o u n a large round sweet fruit with a hard skin. M 6

men /men/ p l u r a l n o u n M A N mention /'menjsn/ v e r b to say something about someone or something: H e m e n t i o n e d the j i l m i n h i s email. men /menju:/ n o u n ( t w o menus) a list of meis you can eat in a restaurant. 17 Mercury /m3:kjuri/ n o u n a planet. ^23 message /mesid^ n o u n a written or spoken piece of information you send or give to someone: an e - m a i l message. Please pass on my message. C a n I take a message? > 28 meteorite 'mktisrait. n o u n a piece of rock or metal in space. ^23 microchip /'maikrscujip n o u n a very small piece of a material ( s i l i c o n ) used inside a computer. microwave /maikrsweiv/ n o u n (also microwave oven) a machine that cooks food using electric waves and not heat. M 3 midnight /midnait/ n o u n (no plural) 12 o'clock at night: / c a n n o t stay o u t after m i d n i g h t . We a r r i v e d t h e r e a t midnight. military /militri/ adjective describes things or people related to the army, etc: m i l i t a r y u n i j b r m s . milk /milk/ n o u n (no plural) the white liquid from cows. 16 Milky Way /,milki 'wei/ n o u n the Milky Way the large group of stars you can see in the sky at night. 23 million/milJ3n//7ow 1.000.000. mini-computer /mini k?mpju:t? n o u n a very small computer. mind /maind/ v e r b do not mind ( to be willing to do something: / d o n 't m i n d wairng. mineral water /minsral ,wo:t3/ n o u n (no plural) water from a particular place under the ground. 16 minute /minit/ n o u n 1 a period lasting sixty seconds 2 (in) a minute a short period of time: Please w a i t i m i n u t e . H e '11 be here i n a m i n u t e . mirror /miro/ n o u n a piece of glass that you can look ii and see yourself: C a n you see y o u r h a i r i n the mu un miss /mis/ v e r b to feel sad because something yo' i" is not with you or not possible: What do you mu you l i v e i n a f o r e i g n c o u n t r y ? mistake /mi'steik/ n o u n something you wm< that is not correct: / often make s p e l l i n g o..A. mobile phone /.moobail 'foon/ n o u n ,i ' i that you can carry with you and use ai i 'model t m o d V a d j e c t i v e a small copy of model plae. ^6 model /modl/ n o u n (also fashion mot)ll shows clothes as ajob by w ' r . u i M " <i.. ... * modem /msdsm/ n o u n a pltCf that you use to send in!"i "' another. ^21 modemtmonlad/<-<tm . . I > M W styles, etc. that are po|nlni n < moment/moomant/mi"i" " r" time: He's busv *t i h e " Monday/mAndi//>""" >' ''" * money /niAin/ ." nm p I) I l'" * '" paper you use t hm "<IV| money for a i w k t t t M< ' <v"akr lili". business idea. rl. lli u mn lol ni money monologut /inontlOQ/ " i I"" ''V i '" in a convciNUtion monsttr mnita i " oriw) a large itmnije creurure. *22 month /niAiiH/ n o u n ni i-.\.-l\- p m <i
1 11 1 ll || h i 1,1 n l
1 1 L , l k , , 1 n 1





m o n u m e n t /monjumant/ noun a large structure built to remember an important person or event: They put up a monument in ihe town centre. M o o n /mu:n/ noun the Moon the large object that shines in the sky at night. 23 morning /mamin/ noun the first part of the day before the middle: See you i n the morning. I can sleep late on Sunday mornings. mosque /mosk/ noun a building for Muslim wotship. 15 motel /maotel/ noun a hotel near a road for people who are travelling. M 4 mother /niAda/ noun someone's female parent. 12 motorbike /maotabaik/ noun a vehicle with an engine and two wheels. M 4 motor racing ,'maota .reism/ noun (no plural) the sport of racing in cars. * 4 mountain /'maontan/ioi/n a very high bil: a walkin the mountains. mouse /maus/ noun 1 (two mouses) a piece of computer equipment that you move with your hand to work a computer. ^21 2 (two mice /mais/) a small brown animal. mouth /mat>6/ noun (two mouths /maoz/) the part of your face you use for eating, speaking and kissing. 10 m o v e /mu:v/ verb to change where you live: They moved to Budapest last year. m u g /mAg/ noun a tall cup: a mug of coffee. 17 murder /m3:da/ noun 1 the act of killing someone. 2 murder mystery a film or story about a murder. *22 museum /mju:zi:am/ noun a building where you can look at nteresting and important objects. M 5 mushroom .'mAjrum/ noun a white or brown plant with a wide top that you can eat. M 6 music ,'mju:zik/ noun (no plural) a set of sounds made by someone or an instrument such as a piano, musical /mju:zikal/ noun a play with a lot of music and songs. musical i n s t r u m e n t /,mju:zikal instramant/ noun musician /mju/zifan/ noun someone who plays music on a piano, guitar, etc. > 1 a m e /neim/ noun what someone or something is called: What'syour ame? My ames Andrew. They cali me Big Ears' but my real ame is Charles. What's the ame of your dog? n a r r o w /naerau/ adjective (narrower, narrowesi) describes a road, etc. that is not wide: a narrow street. nasty /"no:sti/ adjective (nastier, nastiest) very unkind or unpleasant: a nasty smell. fe 's a nasty boy. 11 nationality /naeja'naelati/ noun (two nationalities) the roup of people from the same country. *2-3 Nativa American /.neitiv amenkan/ noun someone Irom the same kind as the people who lived in the I Jniied States before white or black people arrived. natura /"nenia/ noun plas, animis, etc. in the world: a i i u t u r e programme on TV. > 2 2 naar /na/ adjective, adverb and preposition (nearer, M M M ) " short distance from something or someone: IUI vou live near D i a n a ? My school is near (to) my Ailll. ." tai a i t a r y /'nesasri/ adjective when something is IMUHMry', you must have it in order to get or do ' "iluiiu che: .1 passport is not necessary to travel to

neck /nek' noun the part of your body between your head and your shoulders. M O n e e d la'y.l verb to want something so that you can do something else: I need some money for my bus ticket. negative /negativ/ adjective describes an answer, verb, etc. that means 'no' or 'not'. n e i g h b o u r /'neiba/ noun someone who lives or works next to you. n e p h e w /nefju:/ noun the son of someone's sister or brother. M 2 N e p t u n e /neptjuai/ noun a planet. *23 nervous /n3:vas/ adjective worried or afraid: T m very nervous when I go to the dentist. 11 nervously /rratvasli/ adverb in a way that shows you are worried or afraid: She smiled nervously. net /net/ noun 1 a kind of string bag with very larae holes, used in games such as basketball. 5 2 the Net N e t h e r l a n d s /nealandz/ noun the Netherlands (adjective Dutch /duJT) > 2 never /neva/ adverb not at any time: I have never visited London. n e w ln\u-J adjective (newer, newest) describes something you bought or got a short time ago: a new bag. n e w s /nju:z/ noun (no plural) information abot something that happened: Do you have any news about M a r y ? Do you watch the news on TV? *22 n e w s a g e n t /nju:z,eid3ant/ noun (also the newsagenfs) a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, etc. 15 n e w s p a p e r /njuispeipa/ noun a set of folded pieces of paper with news about politics, sport, etc. n e w s r e a d e r /nju:z,ri:da/ noun someone who reads the news on televisin or radio. 7, 22 'next /nekst/ adjective describes the one after this one: What can we do next weekend? t> 15 n e x t /nekst/ adverb 1 Next,... immediately afterwards. Switch it on. Next, press this key. !> 21 2 next to very near someone or something with nothing in between: The bank is next to the post office. > 2 B nice /nais/ adjective (nicer, nicest) pleasant or enjoyable: H e 's a very nice person. Your room is nice and clean. niece /ni:s/ noun the daughter of someone's sister or brother. M 2 night /nait/ noun the period between evening and early moming. t>19 nil /mi/ noun (no plural) 0 in games such as football and hockey: We won the game two n i l (2-0). ninety /nainV noun 90. n o /nao/ adverb 1 you use ' N o ' to give a negative answer. 2 'no' in a sign means that something is not allowed: No Smoking. no o n e /nao w\n pronoun not any person: No one answered the phone. noise /naiz/ noun a sound that is loud, unpleasant, not expected, etc: / heard a terrible noise in the garden. noisy Aioizi/ adjective (noisier, noisiest) describes someone or something that makes a lot of noise: noisy children. none pronoun not any of something: / looked for some cake but there was none left. normal /normal/ adjective not unusual in any way: a normal lifestyle. north /no:9/ noun the north the direction towards the top of a map: / live i n the north o f London. North A m e r i c a /,no:6 a'menka/ noun (adjective North American /,no:6 amenkan/) *-2

N o r w a y /'no:wet/ noun (adjective Norwegian /norwhdjan/) ^2 nose /naoz/ noun 1 the part in the middle of your face that you use to smell. MIO 2 nose bleed a condition when blood comes out of your nose. ^24 note /naot/ noun something you write to remember something: We wrote notes about the exhibition. n o t e b o o k /nautbuk/ noun a thin book you can use to write notes. *20
n o t h i n g AIA0H]/ pronoun not anything: 77iere was



nothing inside the bag. N o v e m b e r /nadvemba/ noun the eleventh month of the year. *25 n o w hau adverb 1 at the present time: He was in London but lives in Leeds now 2 you can use 'now' before you say the result of actions: And now you can use the Internet. >21 number/'nAmba/ noun 1 a sign (1, 2, etc.) or word(one, two, etc.) that is an amount. 28 2 number one the one that sells more than others: Their C D is number one. nurse /n3:s/ noun someone who cares for sick people as ajob. ^7, 24 nut /nAt/ noun a hard brown fruit from a tree. M 6 nylon /nailon/ noun (no plural) a kind of cloth made by man, used to make clothes, sheets, etc: a nylon shirt. o'clock /aklnk/ adverb you use 'o'clock' after an hour when you say the time: It's six o'clock. observation /obza'veifan' noun (an act of) watching someone or something carefully: scientific observations. occasion /akeijan/ noun a time when something happens: He wears a tie on f o r m a l occasions. October /Dktauba/ noun the tenth month of the year. 26 off /of/ adverb and preposition 1 so that a machine, light, etc. is not working: How do I tum the computer off? 2 not at work, school, etc: H e took a year off after school and travelled round Europe. offer /Dfa/ verb to say you are willing to do or give something: She offered to pay. office /ofis/ noun a building with rooms where people work at desks: My dad"s at the office u n t i l 6. M 4 often /oan/ adverb many times: / often phone Sue at weekends. How often have you been there? O h dear /,au 'da/ you can say 'Oh dear,' to show you are sad or sorry that something bad has happened: Oh dear. Tve lost your key. O K /,au 'ket/ you can use ' O K ' to say you agree to do something: OK, TU come. od /auld/ adjective (older. oldest) 1 describes someone or something that has existed for a long time: an od woman. M 0 2 describes someone you have known for a long time: an od friend. Olympics /a'hmpiks/ noun the Olympics the international competition for sports and games. t> 4 o n /on/ adverb and preposition 1 so that a machine, light, etc. is woriang: How do I tum the computer on? 2 in a position touching the top of something: 77ie money 's on the table. *-29 3 at a particular place: There is a caf on the comer. It's on the right. 29 4 during the day or time mentioned: We have a test on Monday moming. 5 speaking or appearing: Who was on the phone? What's on TVtonght? 6 taking part in: Myparents are on a cruise. They are on safan in Africa. M 8, 19 49

once /WAns/ adverb on one occasion: / go to the gym once a week. one /WAn/ noun and pronoun 1 the number 1: It's one 0 'dock 2 you can use 'one' to mention the thing already known: TU have the black one. I haven 't got one. There 's one in that drawer. 3 one size a size for clothes that is for people of most sizes. ^9 onion A\njan/ noun a round vegetable that has a strong smell and taste. 16 Online /oniam/ adverb using the Internet: Have you ever shopped online? only aonli/ adjective and adverb nothing or no one else except: The only problem is the house is too cold. We have only large sizes. > 8 ' o p e n "aupan adjective 1 not closed: an open window. 2 open-air outside a building: an open-air market. 3 open-top (of a car) without a roof. o p e n /atipan/' verb 1 to move a door, etc. so that people, air, etc. can enter: Please open the window. 2 when you 'open' a book, e-mail, etc. it is in a position so that you can read or use it: Open your books at page 5. How do 1 open the e-mail?. opera /'Dpra/ noun 1 (no plural) a formal play in which all the actors sing all the words. 2 opera singer someone who sings in an opera. *7 o p r a t e /oparett/ verb to make a machine woric: 77s switch oprales the machine. o p i n i n /a'pmjan/ noun what you think about the quality of something: What 's your opinin of her cooking? 'opposite .'opazit' adjective and preposition on the other side of something: 77ie park is on the opposite side ofthe road. The caf is opposite the bank > 2 9 'opposite /opazit/ noun the opposite the person or thing that is as different as possible: The opposite o f 'tall' is 'short'. optimistic /.Dptfmistik/ adjective describes someone who believes that many good things will happen. orange Ajnndj/ noun 1 (no plural; also adjective) the colour between red and yellow: an orange jumper. 2a round orange fruit. 16 orchestra /oikistra/ noun a large group of people playing music together. organisation /,3:ganarzeijan/ noun a group, company, etc. that does business together. organise /arganaiz/ verb to plan or arrange something: / have organised the meeting for Friday. "" - other /"Ada/ adjective the rest when you have mentioned one or more already: 77ie other people can use this room. out /aut/ adverb and preposition 1 not at home or at work: She's out at the moment. E 28 2 from the inside of > something: Take your books out. She got out ofthe car. 3 not popular or fashionable: Long hair is out. outer space /auta speis/ noun (no plural) S P A C H I ) , 23 o u t g o i n g /.autgautn/ adjective friendly and willing to talk to people. M 1 over /auva/ adverb and preposition 1 from one side to the other 77ie cat jumped over the watt. ^29 2 fnished: The joumey was over. 3 more than: There were over thirty thousand people at the stadium. It cost over a hundred pounds. over-rated /.auva rettid/ adjective describes something that people think is better than it is: / think his new film is over-rated. Oxford /oksfad/^3
! :




packet /paskit/ noun a small container like a paper bag: a packet of crisps. 17 pain /pein/ noun (usually no plural) the feeling you have when part of your body hurts: Have you got any pain in your back? 24 paint /pemt/ verb to make pictures using paint: / often paint on holiday. painting /pemtirj/ noun (no plural) the activity of making pictures with paint: / like painting. >6 pair /pea/ noun something with two parts that are the same: a pair ofglasses. i've got a new pair o f shoes. palace /pcelis/ noun a large expensive house where a king or queen lives. *-22 paper /'peipa' noun 1 (no plural) the thin material used to make pages in books: a piece of paper. *21 parent /pearant' noun someone's father or mother. > 12 park /pa:k/ noun 1 an rea in a town with grass, trees, flowers, etc: They are playing in the park. M5 part /pa:t/ noun 1 a piece or section: Which part o f the States are you from? 2 a character played by someone in a play: Which part do you play in Hamlet? party /pa:ti/ noun (two parties) an occasion when people eat, drink, dance, etc: Are you going to go to Joanna 's party? pass /pa:s/ verb 1 to give someone something: Please pass me that book 2 to kick or throw a ball to someone: H e passed the ball to Henry. 3 pass something on to give a message, etc. to someone: T U pass on your message. >28 passport pa:spo:tI noun anofficial book that shows who you are and where you are from. 19 'past /pa:st/ adjective before now or earlier than now: during the past few weeks. 'past /pa:st/ adverb to and further than a point: A bus went past. past /pa:st/ preposition later than a particular time: It's halfpast eight. ' p a s t /pa:st/ noun the past the time long ago: I n the past, northem Europe was covered with ice. pasta /paesta/ noun (no plural) food in many shapes made from flour and water, for example spaghetti. 16 'patient /peifant/ adjective describes someone who is willing to wait without getting angry: They were patient waitingfor the bus. ' p a t i e n t Apeifant/ noun someone who is til and is being treated by a doctor. * 2 4 pause /po:z/ verb to stop doing something for a short time: H e paused to drink some water. p a y p h o n e /pe faon/ noun a telephone you can use after you have put in money. p e a 'pij noun a small round green vegetable. 16 peace /pi:s/ noun (no plural) a time when there is no war or fighting: 77te war was followed by a long period of peace. p e a c h /pi:t|Y noun a round fruit with a soft yellow skin. p e a r /pea/ noun a fruit like an apple but with a wide bottom part. M 6 p e n /pen/ noun something you use to write. K21 p e n a l t y /penalti/ noun (two penalties) something you must do or pay because you broke a nile or law: What is the penalty for driving too fast?
50 16 2 car park CAR(3)
2 N E W S P A P E R

pence /pens/ plural noun (one penny) 100 pence = one British pound: It costs seventy-five pence (75p). pencil /pensal/ noun something you use to draw or write. penfriend /penfrend/ noun someone you make your friend by sending letters or e-mails. p e n g u i n /pengwtn/ noun a black and white seabird. penny /peni/' noun (two pence) a small coin in Britain. people /pirpal/ plural noun (one person) men, women and children: Most people like chocolate. 10-11 pepper /'pepa/ noun 1 (no plural) a grey, black or red powder you use to make food hot: sal and pepper. 15 2 a kind of green or red vegetable. 16 period piariad/ noun 1 a length of time: a period of peace. 2 a lesson or part of a school day: Let 's meet after the second period. perpetual /pa'petfual/ adjective describes something that contines without stopping: perpetual rain. person ,'p3:san/ noun (two people) one man, woman or child: the next person in the queue. personal /p3:sanal/ adjective 1 about you: Can I ask you a personal question? 2 personal Ufe someone's privare life with their family and friends: Write about your personal life. 3 personal stereo a small tape recorder you can carry with you and use anywhere. p e r s o n a l i t y /,p3:sa'nElati/' noun (two personalities) 1 someone's way of behaving, opinions, etc: She has a pleasant personality. 11 2 someone famous who is often on televisin, personally "'p3:sanali/ adverb you can say 'Personally' before you give your opinin: Personally. I think there are ghosts. >23 P e r /pa'rui' noun (adjective Peruvian /pa'ru:vian/) + 2 pet /pet/ noun an animal someone keeps at home for pleasure. p h i l o s o p h y /frlosafi/ noun (twophilosophles) a rule you use in life: My philosophy is that being happy makes other people happy. ' p h o n e /faun/ noun 1 a telephone. ^20 2 phone cali an occasion of using a telephone: Can I make a phone cali? 3 phone number a number you use to reach a particular telephone. ' p h o n e /faon/ verb to make a telephone cali: T U phone you from the airport. p h o t o Afautao/ noun a picture you make using a camera: D i d you take a photo o f the new baby? p h o t o g r a p h y /fa'tografi/ noun the activity of taking photos: I enjoyphotography. physicist /ftzistst/ noun someone who studies the substances that exist in the world. p i a n o /pi'aenau/ noun (twopianos) a large instrument you play by pressing white and black keys: Can you play the piano? 6 pick /pjk/ verb 1 to take a flower, fruit, etc. from a plant: You can pick your own strawberries at the f a r m . 2 pick something up to take something from the floor, etc: Pick up your clothes from the bathroom floor. picture /piktfa/ noun a painting or drawing: a picture of a beach. 13 pie /pat/ noun a sweet food with fruit inside pastry: apple pie. piece /pi:s/ noun a seprate pan: a piece o f paper. ^21 pill Ipl noun a small solid piece of medicine. ^24 pilot /pailat/ noun someone who Controls a plae when it is flying. ^7


place /piis/ noun 1 a particular rea, etc. where something is or will be: Keep it in a safe place. It's a good place for swimming. 2 n place of instead of something else: I n place o f the lesson we w i l l watch a f i l m . 3 go places to be very successful: She'll go places as a doctor. 'plan /plasn/ noun something you decide to do: My plan is to go to university. 'plan /piten/ verb (planning, planned) to think about what to do and how to do it: We planned many things to do. p l a e /plein/ noun a large machine that can fly: We went to Pars by plae. 14 planet .'plcenif noun one of the very large objects in space that goes round the Sun. ^23 planetarium ploeniteariam/ noun a building where lights above you show the movement of the stars. 'plant /pla:nt/ noun a tree, bush. flower, etc. 'plant /pla:nt/ verb to put a tree, seed, etc. in the ground. plaster /pla:sta'' noun a piece of material you use cover a cut, etc. 24 pate /pieit/ noun a round fat object for food. 17 'play /piel/ noun a story performed by actors on televisin or in a theatre: We went to see a play by Shakespeare. 'play .plei/ verb to take part in a game: Do you play tennis? S player /pleia/ noun someone who plays sport or a game: a football player. please /pli:z/ you say 'please' to be polite when you ask for something: Can you help me. please? plum /pUm/ noun a round red, yellow or green fruit from arree. M 6 plump /pUmp/ adjective you can use 'plump' to be polite when you describe someone who is fat. 10 Pluto /plu:tao7 noun a planet. ^23 p o e m /pauam/ noun a piece of writing with words in a particular way to express a feeling or idea, poetry /paoarri/ noun (no plural) poems: He writes beautiful poetry. polar bear /paula 'bea/ noun a large white animal that lives in very cold regions. ^25 plice /pa'lks/ plural noun 1 the plice the officials who make sure people obey the law. 2 plice officer an official who makes sure people obey the law. 3 plice station the office of the plice in a town or rea. 15 policy /polasi/ noun (twopolicies) an official rule agreed by a group: What's their policy on smoking? Poland /pauland/ noun (adjective Pollsh /paoirJY) *-2 polite /pa'lait/ adjective describes someone, a way of speaking, etc. that is pleasant and does not upset people: You say 'please' to be polite. politeness /pa'Iaitnis/ noun (no plural) polite behaviour. politician /.polrtifan/ noun someone who takes part in a govemment. * 7 polluted /paiu.'tid/ adjective dirty and dangerous to animis: polluted rivers. pollution /pa'lutfan/ noun (no plural) damage to the world from dirty rivers, air, etc: the pollution of the environment. p o l o n i u m /paiaoniam/ noun (no plural) an element that is almost never found; it is now made by scientists and used as a kind of electricity: 77te ame polonium is because the v/oman, M a r i e Curie, who discovered it, was born in Poland. polyester /.poli'esta/ noun (no plural) a kind of cloth made by man that we use to make clothes, sheets, etc: a polyester shirt.

p o n d /'pDnd/ noun an rea of water in a field, etc. 14 pool /pu:l/ noun S W I M M I N G P O O L poor IpyJ adjective (poorer. poorest) describes someone with very little money. pop /pop/ adjective = P O P U L A R 1 pop group a group of musicians who play music that is popular with young people. 2 pop slnger someone who sings with a pop group. 7 3 pop star a famous pop singer. popular /popjula/ adjective describes someone, a sport, clothes, etc. that many people like: popular music. population /popju'leijan/' noun the number of people living in a place: What 's the population of London? pork' noun (no plural) meat from a pig. 16 Portugal po:tJgal, noun {adjective Portuguese /,p3:tfu'gi:z.'') ^2 positive ,'pDzativ/ adjective describes an answer, verb, etc. that means 'yes', possible /'posibaL' adjective you can use 'possible' to ask for petmission: Is it possible to use your phone? post /pause/ noun 1 (no plural) letters. etc. brought to your home: / got ihe packet by post. 2 postcard a small piece of card that you write a message on before you post it. 3 post office the place where you can buy stamps, etc. 15 postage /paosndj.' noun (no plural) the cost of sending a letter, etc. by post. poster /pausta/ noun a large picture on a wall to advertise something. ^29 potato /pa'teitau/ noun (two potatoes) a white vegetable with a brown skin. 16 p o u n d paund' noun a unit of money in Britain. > 16 powerful /paoafal/ adjective describes a machine that can do many things: a powerful computer. practical /praektikal/ adjective 1 describes someone who can make and repair things. 2 describes clothes that are suitable for wearing when you do, make or repair things. practice /praktis/ noun (no plural) things you do such as exercises to help you do something better. practise /praekns/ verb to do things to help you do something better You must practise speaking English. p r a w n /proal/ noun a small animal from the sea you can cook and eat. 16 . ..... prediction /prfdikjan/ noun an example of saying what will happen: H e made a prediction about the future of the world. . prefer IpryJ verb (preferring, preferred) to like onr thing more than another / prefer apples to pears. preference /prefrans/ noun something you like morr than any other: / have a preference for Chnese food. prepare /prfpea/ verb to do things to make somethmn ready: Shall prepare lunch? presentation /.prezan'teifan/ noun the way in wlm li something is explained, shown, etc: the presentation nf food in the supermarket. presenter /ptzenta/ noun someone who tells you wh.n programme you will see: a televisin presenter. // president/prezidant/ noun someone who is the lendn ni a govemment in some countries. press /pres/ verb to push a button or key with a fingcr. > 11 pretend /prftend/ verb to behave as if somethinn is itun when it is not: H e pretended to be a famowt pop HMI;I<I pretty /pnV adjective (prettier, prettiest) picalook at: a pretty dress on a pretty girl. price /prais/ noun an amount of money you need 10 pt) Prices are high at the moment.

priman/ school

rud questionnaire /.kwestja'nea/ noun a set of questions that people answer to provide information: It's a questionnaire about your favourite activities. q u e u e /kju:/ noun a line of people waiting for something: There was a long queue at the bus stop. quick /kwik/ adjective (quicker. quickest) describes something that takes a little amount of time: a quick phone cali. quickly /kwikli/ adverb in a way that takes only a little time: He went out of the shop very quickly. quiet /kwaiat/ adjective (quieter, quietest) not making a lot of noise: Please be quiet! 11 quite /kwait/ adverb more than a little: He's quite handsome. > 10 quiz kwiz/ noun (two quizzes) a competition in which you answer questions in order to win: / don i like doing quizzes. rabbit /rtebit/ noun an animal with tur and long ears that Uves in the ground. racket /raekit/ noun a large bat with strings in the middle that you use to hit a ball in games like tennis. 5 radio /reidiau/ noun 1 (sound from) a piece of equipment you use to listen to music, voices, etc. sent through the air: We heard the news on the radio. M 3 2 radio telescope a piece of equipment that collects sounds, etc. from space. radioactive //eidiau'askttv/ adjective describes something that contains a kind of chemical energy (radiation) that harms you if there is a lot of it. radium /reidiam/ noun (no plural) a radioactive metal that doctors use to treat cncer. rail /reil/ noun by rail on a train: / love travelling by rail. railway /reilwei/ noun 1 a set of metal tracks for trains. 14 2 railway station a place where you can get on or off trains. rain /rem/ verb when it 'rains', water falls from the sky: It's r a i n i n g . > 27 rainforest /rein,ft>nst/ noun a forest with very tall trees in a hot country where it often rains. rainy /remi/ adjective when it is raining: a rainy dav. 27 raise /reiz/ verb (raising, raised) to collect money: We're raising money for the new hospital. rash /raeJ7 noun a lot of spots on your skin because you are ill: H e has a rash. ^24 read /ri:7 verb (reading, read /red/) to look at words and know what they mean: / read the website. +6, O 21 reading /rdrn/ noun (no plural) the activity of reading books, magazines, etc. real /nal/ adjective 1 describes something that is what it seems to be: real leather. 2 cotrect: Is that her real ame? 3 describes something that exists and is not imagined: Do people do that i n real life? really /nali/ adverb 1 you can use 'really' to emphasise how strong your feeling is: / really like him. 2 you can say 'Really?' to show surprise: 'l'm leaving school next year.' Really? ' O 7 3 Not really you can say 'Not really' meaning 'Not much': ' D i d you like the film?' 'Not really.' reason /ri:zan/ noun the fact that explains why: 77iaf 's a silly reason for being late. receive /risirv/ verb to be given or get something: Do you receive many e-mails? receiver /rfskva; noun the part of a telephone that you hold near your ear. recently /ri:santli/ adverb a short time ago: / recently began o learn the piano. reception /risepfan/ noun the place in a hotel where you arrive and organise your room, etc. 19 receptionist /rsepjamst/ noun someone who works in a reception. M 9 recognise ,'rekanaiz/ verb to see, hear, etc. someone or something and know them because you have seen, heard, etc. them before: / recognise that music. 'record /reko:d/ noun the largest number. fastest time, etc: He has the world record for the marathn. 'record /rkoiaV verb to store words. music. etc. on a tape, in a computer, etc. red red/ adjective and noun the colour of your blood: She 's got red hair. referee /refa'rii' noun someone who is in charge of a game: a football referee. refugee /.refju'dji:/ noun someone who lives in another country because they have the wrong polines, etc. regin /ri:d3an/ noun a large rea of a country: They grow i n the cold regions of the world. regular /regjula/ adjective describes something that happens or that you do often: Take regular exercise. regularly /regjobli/ adverb often: You must exercise regularly. reindeer /reindia/ noun (also caribou) a large animal with long homs that lives in cold regions. *25 relax nlceks, verb to be calm. comfortable and quiet: She was relaxing on the beach. 18 relaxation /.ridaek'seijan/ noun (no plural) a pleasant way of relaxing: What do you do for relaxation? relaxed /rlaskst/ adjective feeling calm, comfortable, etc: H e was feeling very relaxed. remember /rfmemba/ verb to keep in your mind information, what someone looks like, a promise, etc: Please remember to bring a warm coat. Renaissance /ra'neisans/ noun the Renaissance the period in Europe between about 1300 and 1600 when classical painting and writing, scientific study, etc. were at a high standard, rent /rent/ verb to pay money to live in a house, etc: We rented a fat in the city centre. .. repair /ripea/ verb to mend something that is broken or damaged: He repaired the televisin. repeat /ipi:t/ verb to do or say something again: Please repeat that -1 didn 't understand. reply /riplai/ noun (two repites) something you say or write as an answer: Have you had a reply to your e-mail? representative /.repra'zentativ/ noun someone who speaks, etc. for someone else: H e 's the representative of the farmers. research /its3:tj/ noun (no plural) a careful and detailed study: He is doing research into cncer. rest /rest/ noun the rest those that are there when all the other parts have been used, people have gone, etc: 77ie rest of us stayed in the classroom. restaurant /restaront/ noun a place where you buy and eat meis: Let 's go to a restaurant this evening. 6 , 15 Yeturn lra:nl adjective 1 related to going back: the return joumey. 2 return ticket a ticket to go somewhere and then come back later. 'return /it3aV verb to go back: You must return to the station before six o 'dock 53

primary school /praimari ,sku:i/ noun a school in Britain for children between about 5 and 10 years od. printer /prima/ noun a seprate part of a computer that produces words, etc. on paper. *21 prvate /praivat/ adjective describes something for use by a particular group only: a prvate beach. probably /probabli/ adverb very likely but not certain: It w i l l probably rain. problem /problam/ noun a difficult situation: / had a problem with as! night 's homework. produce /prad3u:s/ verb to make something: I t a l i a n designen produce excellent shoes. product /prod,\kt/ noun something that people make: dairy producs. 16 professional /pra'fejanal/ a d j e c t i v e describes a sports person, actor, etc. who receives money for their work: a professional footballer. profile /praufail/ noun a short description: a profile of your family. 'program /praugraem/ noun a set of instructions for a computer. 'program /praograsm/ verb to put a set of instructions in a computer. programme /praugram/ noun 1 a particular show on televisin or the radio. 22 2 a small magazine about a play in a theatre, sports team, etc: a football programme. project /prodsekt/ noun a planned piece of work for school: l'm doing a project on local history. proof 'pru:f/ noun (no plural) facts. papers, etc. that show something is true: H a v e you any proof that he was at the party? protection /pra'tekjsn/' noun (no plural) the act of keeping someone or something safe from harm: the protection of the environment. '*'H* ~ Protestant /protastant/ noun a Christian whddoes not have the Pope as the head of their religin. proud /praud/ adjective (prouder, proudesi) describes someone who is pleased with the good things someone has done: H i s parents are very proud of h i m . psychology /sarkolad3i/ noun (no plural) the study of the mind. pub /pAO/ noun a place in Britain where you can buy beer, wine, etc. and drink it. 15 p u d d i n g /pudn/ noun a hot sweet dish you eat at the end of a meal. pupil /pjurpal/ noun a boy or girl at school. put /put/ verb (putting, put) 1 to move something into a particular place: Put that book here. 2 put something away to put something in its usual place: Please put your clothes away. 3 put something down to put something on a table, etc. where it belongs: H e put the phone down. 4 put something up a) to put a picture, etc. on a wall. b) to ulerease a price, etc: 77ie govemment has put taxes up again.

quarter /kwa:ta/ noun 1 a quarter past fifteen minutes after a particular hour It's a quarter past two. 2 a quarter tofifteenminutes before a particular hour: It 's a quarter to nine. queen /kwi.-n/ noun a woman from a royal family who rules a country: the Queen of England. question /kwestfan/ noun something you say or write to find out information: / couldn 't answer the question about (or on) Hamlet. 52

revolution /.reva'lutfan/ noun a sudden complete chang in govemment: the communist revolution. rice /rais/ noun (no plural) 1 food made of very smal white pieces that you cook in hot water. M 6 2 rio pudding a hot British dessert made with rice, milk am sugar. rich /ntj/ adjective (richer. richest) describes someone. country, etc. with a lot of money: H e became rici worlng in computers. 'right /rail/ adjective 1 correct: That's not the righ answer. 2 (also noun) belonging to the side or directioi with the hand that most people write with: / write wit. my right hand. The post office is on the right. > 2 9 'right /rait/ you can say 'Right.' when you say yo understand and will do something: 'Put the box in the room.' Right.' ring /nrj/ noun a piece of jewellery you wear on you finger. river /nva/ noun an rea of water in a long Une acros land: the River Thames. road /raud/ noun a route through a place for cars, etc 14 roast beef /raust bi:f/ noun (no plural) meat from a co\ or bull that is cooked in a hot oven, robot A-aubot/ noun a machine that can move and d > jobs: Robots can build cars. 'rock /rok/ noun 1 a large stone. 14 2 rock climbing th activity of climbing up rocks on the side of mountain; Let 's go rock climbing. ^4 'rock rok noun (no plural) 1 a kind of loud popula music. 2 rock group a group of musicians who play lou> popular music. rod /rod/ noun a long thin stick with a string used to cate fish. ^4 role /raul/ noun 1 a part played by an actor in a film o play. 2 what someone does every day, someone's way o living, etc: / wouldn V change roles with my parents. roleplay /raulplei/ noun an exercise in which you act certain part in order to practise something you ar leaming. roller-blading /raula .bleidm/ noun (no plural) th activity of moving by wearing special boots with a lin of wheels on the bottom: Let's go roller-blading. >-6 R o m a n a /ra'memia/ noun (adjective Romana /ra'memian/)^2 " romantic /raumaenk/ adjective describes someone o an action showig strong feelings of love. 11: . " roof /rurf/ noun (two roofs) the top part of a building, ca etc. room /rum/ noun a part of a building with walls, floor an ceiling: the sitting room. 13, 19 rope /raup/ noun a thick strong piece of string: a climbin rope. > A rose /raoz/ noun a kind of round flower often with pleasant smell. round /raund/ adjective describes something with th shape of a circle or ball: a round face. 10 rubber /rAba/ noun a piece of material you use to remov writing by pushing it across paper. ^20 rubbish /rAbif/ noun (no plural) paper, food, etc. tht someone has thrown in the street, a river, etc. rucksack /rAksaek/ noun a large bag for clothes that yo carry on your back when you are travelling. 19 rude m:l adjective (ruder, rudest) describes a way c speaking or behaving that is not polite: Don 't be rude t your parents.
; 7


sleeping b a g

rug /rAg7 noun a piece of thick cloth on the floor. M 3 rugby /'r,\gb/ noun the game between two teams who carry or kick a ball that is not round in shape: Do they play rugby in your country? rule /ru:\J noun something you must do or must not do: You must obey the rules when you play any game. ruler /'ruda/ noun a fat long piece of plstic or wood you use to measure lines. 2 0 run /TM\! verb (running. ran /ren/) 1 to move your legs faster than walking: H e ran to the bus stop. 2 to take part in a race: / have run the London Marathn. 3 run a way to run in order to escape: We ran away when we heard the noise. Russia /r,\Ja/ noun (adjective Russian 'r.\Jan;) h3 sad /sasdV adjective (sadder. saddest) feeling unhappy and wanting to cry: H e was sad when his girlfriend went on holiday without him. 11 safari /ss'fccri/ noun on safari on holiday in Africa looking at wild animis: on safari in Kenya. 18 sail /sed/ verb to travel in a boat or shtp: They sailed round the world. sailing /seilirj/ noun (no plural) the activity of travelling in a small boat using the wind to move and not an engine: Let's go sailing this weekend. *-4, 19 sailor /sella/ noun someone who works on a boat or ship. salad /'sajlad/ noun a mixture of uncooked vegetables or fruit. M 7 salami /sa'la:mi/ noun (often no plural) a large sausage that you cut in pieces and eat cold. 16 sales / s e i l z / p l u r a l noun the sales a period when shops sell their things at low prices: / bought this skin in ihe January sales. s a l m n /saeman/ noun (two salmn) a large fish with a pal red flesh. M 6 salt /sa:lt/ noun (no plural) white powder that gives food a stronger taste: salt and pepper. 16 sample /scL-moal/ noun a small amount of something that you can use to find out about all of it: 77ie doctor took a sample of my blood. sandwich /saenwidj/ noun two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, etc. between: an eggsandwich. M7 satellite /sastalait/ noun a piece of equipment put in space to send and receive televisin and radio signis. 23 Saturday /ssetadi/ noun the sixth day of the week: We went shopping on Saturday. 26 Saturn /'saetan/ noun a planet. ^23 saucer /so:sa/ noun 1 a fat object you put under a cup. sauna /sorna/ noun (an occasion when you sit in) a special room fled with hot air: I ' d like to have a sauna. sausage /sosidj/ noun a British sausage is a short tube filled with meat that you cook in hot oil. S A L A M I , 16 save /seiv/ verb 1 to keep money in order to use it later: We are saving for our holiday. 2 to use less time, energy, etc: We took a taxi to save time. say /sei/ verb (he/she/it says /sez/, saying, said /sed/) to speak words: Say that you 're sorry. scarf /sko:f/ noun (two scarves) 1 a long piece of clothing you wear round your neck: a football scarf. 2 a cloth square you wear on your head or shoulders. ^ 9 school /sku:l/ noun 1 a place where, or time when, children have lessons with a teacher: Let's meet after school. l'm leaming French at school. What time do


you go to school? 2 school boy or girl a boy or girl who goes to a school. science /'saians/ noun 1 a study of the structure or behaviour of the world. 2 science fiction a story or film about life in the future, often about travel in space and life on other planets. ^22 scientific /.saian'tifik/ adjective related to science: scientific discoveries. scientist /saianttst/ noun someone who studies science. 012 scissors /sisaz/ plural noun (also a pair of scissors) two sharp parts fixed together for curting paper. etc. 'score /sko:/' noun a number of points. etc. you win in a game or competition: Wliat was the score' >5 'score 'sko:.' verb to win points. etc. in a game: Liverpool scored three goals against Leeds. scorer /sko.'ra/ noun the player who wins a point. etc. in a game: Kanu was the scorer of a brilliant goal. Scotland 'skotland' noun (adjective Scottish /skotij/) 3 Scotch broth /skDtJ bro8/ noun (no plural) a kind of soup made with beef and vegetables, scream /skri:m/ verb to make a high loud sound with your voice because you are afraid. screen /'skri:n/ noun a part of a computer, etc. with the picture. ^21 sculpture /skvlptja/ noun a piece of stone or wood that someone has made into a shape of a person, animal, etc. sea /si:/ noun the sea the salty water round land. 18 seal isv.V noun a large animal with thick fur that swims in the sea and lives in cold regions. *-2S seaside /si:said/ noun the seaside the land next to the sea where people go for holiday: 77ey are at the seaside. season /si:zan/ noun sprins, summer, autumn or winter. 27 second /sekand/ adjective and pronoun 1 the next after the first: H e carne second in the race. >28 2 second floor the second level above the ground in a building. secondhand /.sekand'haend/ adjective describes something used by someone else before you have it: a secondhand car. secretly /siikratli/ adverb without anyone knowing: H e 's secretly in love with Juliet. see /si:/ verb (seeing, saw /so/) 1 to notice people or things using your eyes: / saw him on the t r a i n . 2 to watch a game, film, etc: Da" you see the Olympics on T V ? >5,22 3 See you... you can say'See you...'when you leave someone: Bye. See you on Friday. selection /si'lekjan/ noun something or someone chosen from a larger group: a selection of chocolates. self-defence Aself drfens/ noun (no plural) the use of forc to defend yourself against attack: / hit him in selfdefence. semi-final /semi fairuV noim a game to decide which person or team will be in the final. send /send/ verb (sending, sent) 1 to cause something to go from one place to another: Send her a postcard. Send it to her home address. 2 send someone away to order someone to leave a place: We sent the children away from the rea because it was dangerous. S e p t e m b e r /sep'temba/ noun the ninth month of the year. ^27 serious /starias/ adjective 1 describes someone who is sensible, thinks carefully, doesn't smile, etc: a serious person. 11 2 important: What you w i l l study at university is a very serious decisin.

serve /s3:v/ verb to start a game of tennis, etc. by throwing the ball and then hitting it. service /s3:vts/ noun (no plural) the act of giving someone food and drink in a restaurant: The service wasn 't verv good. session /seJan/ noun a period when an activity happens: a training session. set /set/' noun 1 a group of things that form a whole together: a complete setof piales. 2 a divisin of a tennis match: She won by two sets to one. seventh /sevanS/pronoun the next after 6. s e w sauz verb (sewing. sewed) to join pieces of cloth usmg a needle and thread. 6 shampoo fa;m pu:/ noun (usually not plural) liquid for washing your hair. M 6 shark /Ja:k/ noun a fish with sharp teeth and a pointed pan on its back. ^22 shelf . Jelf/ noun (ru shelves /jelvz/) a fat board on a wall or in a cupboard for pumng things on. 13 shirt J3:L' noun a piece of clothing with sleeves that you wear on your shoulders, back and chest: a football shirt. y9 shoe ,'JUL'' noun (also a pair of shoes) something you wear to cover your foot. ^8 shooting Star /,/u:nn 'sta:' noun a piece of rock or metal that burns in the sky as it moves towards the earth. 23 'shop Jop'' noun a place or business where you can buy things: a record shop. M 5 2 shop assistant someone who sells things to people in a shop as a job. shop Jop verb (shopping. shopped) to buy things in a shop, from a magazine, on the phone or using the Internet: Do you know how to shop on the Internet? shopaholic /jDpa'holik/ noun someone who enjoys going out and buying things in shops. shopper /'Jopa/ noun someone who buys something in a shop. s h o p p i n g /Jopirj/ noun (no plural) 1 the activity of going out and buying things in shops: My mum usually does the shopping on Saturdays. I love to go shopping. 6, 17-18 2 shopping bag a bag you take with you for things you buy in shops. 3 shopping centre a large rea with many shops. 4 shopping list a list of things you want to buy when you go out to the shops. 5 shopping mal a building with many shops inside. 15 short /J3:t/ adjective (shorter. shortest) 1 describes something that measures a small amount from one end to the other short hair. 2 not tall: She's short and thin. M O shorts /Jo:ts/ plural noun (also a pair of shorts) a piece of clothing like trousers that reaches your knees. *-9 shoulder /'Jaulda/ noun 1 one of two parts of your body between the tops of your arms and your neck. M O 2 shoulder bag a bag that you hang from your shoulder. ' s h o w /Jau/ noun a programme on televisin or radio with singing and dancing, or informal interviews. + CHAT
! 2

s e v e n t e e n fsevantial/ noun


' s h o w /Jau/ verb to prove something: H e r tears showed she told the truth. s h o w e r /Jaua/ noun 1 a way of washing yourself by standing under water She's having a shower at the moment. 2 the place in your bathroom where you stand to wash yourself under water that falls above you. 13 shy /Jai/ adjective (shyer, shyesi) describes someone who is embarrassed and not willing to talk to people. 11 sick 'sik' adjective not feeling well: She's sick and she can 't come swimming. 24 Vi


sightseeing /'sait,si:irj/ noun (no plural) the activity of looking at famous statues, building, etc. when you are on holiday: / want to go sightseeing i n Paris. 19 signal /signal/' noun a series of movements in air (waves) that can carry sound, televisin pictures, etc: radio signis. silly /sili/' adjective (sillier, silliest) 1 describes someone who is not sensible or serious. 2 Don't be silly you can say 'Don't be silly' when someone says they are worried or they do not believe you: Don 't be silly - you '11 pass the exam. similar "simila/ adjective almost the same: We l i v e in similar j l a t s . It's similar to i h e others. simple 'simpaL' adjective (simpler. simplest) not having many parts, colours. decorations, etc: simple forms o f life. sing /sin/ verb (singing. sang /san/) to make musical sounds with your voice: She sings i n a choir. & singer /sina/ noun someone who sings: She 's a singer in a choir. H e 's a pop singer. Norma is a popular opera singer. > 1 single /smgal/ adjective 1 for one person: a single room in a hotel. 2 describes a ticket you can use to go somewhere but not to retum: a single air ticket to Prague. sink /sirjk/ noun a container in your kitchen that you can fill with water for washing plates, cups, etc. 13 sir Is3\l noun a polite way to speak to a man: Can I help you, Sir? sister /'sista/ noun a girl or woman with the same parents as someone. 12 sit ,'sit/ verb (sitting, sat /saet/) to be in a chair or on the ground with your weight on your bottom and not on your feet: 77ey sai on the beach and looked at the sea. sitting room /sitin rum/ noun the room in your home where you watch televisin, meet friends, etc. 13 sixteen /siksthn/ noun 16. size /saiz/ noun 1 a measurement of how big clothes are: What size are your shirts? >9 2 one size * 0 N E ( 3 ) skate /skeit/ noun (also a pair of skates) a boot with a line of metal on the bottom for moving on ice. ^ 4 skate-boarding /skettbordin/ noun the activity o f standing on a short board with wheels (a skate-board) and pushing yourself along the ground: Let's go skateboarding. ^6 ;". ' skating /skettm/ noun (no plural) the activity or sport o f moving on the ground wearing special boots with a line of metal on the bottom: Td like to go skating. ^4 ski / s k i / noun (two skis; also a pair of skis) one of two long boards you stand on to move on snow. M skiing /ski:m/ noun (no plural) the activity or spoit ni" moving on snow wearing skis: Let 's go skiim; i ni skilful /skilfal/ adjective describes someone who n unml at doing or making something: a skilful joolballm skirt/sk3:t/ noun a piece of clothing that IIIIIIK* I > llti waist, wom by girls and women: a shan \ m i slave /slerv/ noun someone who is nwtinl l>y mnimum else and works for them without piiy sledge/sledj/ noun a vehicle Im ninvniH mi iiliiw with long thin parts and not whtvln sleep /sli:p/ verb (sleeping. slept -pi i '' I 'I usually at night. when ynui c\n ' 'I I I > mind and liiuly :ire nnl ulivi' I iwm #.i (. M i l nijilil. sllM'|)ll!i) ll.tij 'sil | 11 Ini'ij HIUIII .i mm i-lnlli hay Un 1 yon in ilrrp III -vi" II ymi lli III i ll III l ll



Slovakia /sta'varkis/ n o u n ( a d j e c t i v e Slovakian /slo'va:kion/) > 2 slow /sisu/ a d j e c t i v e ( s l o w e r , s l o w e s t ) describes something that does not move or happen quickly: a s l o w walk. small /smo:l/ a d j e c t i v e ( s m a l l e r , s m a l l e s t ) 1 not big in size or number a s m a l l f a m i l y . 2 (also S) a size of clothing for small people: H a v e v o u g o t t h i s s h i r t i n s m a l l ? ^8 smart /sma:t/ a d j e c t i v e ( s m a r t e r , s m a r t e s t ) attractive and formal for people at work, etc: C h r i s t i n a w e a r s s m a r t c l o t h e s to w o r k 8 smell /smel/ v e r b to produce a quality you get by using your nose: That soup smells g o o d . smile /smaiL v e r b to show you feel happy or pleased by having a wide mouth: H e s m i l e d a t her as she a r r i v e d . smoke /smsok'' v e r b to breathe in smoke from a cigarette or cigar: D o n 't smoke. smoke-free /smauk fri:/ a d j e c t i v e describes a place that does not allow people to smoke cigarettes: a smoke-free office. smoker /smouka/ n o u n someone who srnokes cigarettes or cigars. smoking /smsukin/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of using cigarettes or cigars: The n o t i c e says 'No S m o k i n g '.17 snail /sneil/ n o u n a small animal with a hard shell on its back. snake /sneik/ n o u n an animal with a long body and no legs. snooker /snu:ko/ n o u n (no plural) a game when two players hit balls across the table using a long stick: C a n y o u p l a y snooker? 5 snorkel /snoiksl/ n o u n a tube that allows you to breathe under water. snorkelling /snorkolin/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of swimming using a tube (a s n o r k e l ) to breathe: L e t 's go snorkelling. M8 snow /snsoV n o u n 1 (no plural) soft white pieces that fall from the sky when it is very cold ^25 2snowgoose a large white bird that lives in very cold regions. ^25 3 snowmobile a vehicle like a sledge but with an engine. 25 snowy /snsui/ a d j e c t i v e ( s n o w i e r , s n o w i e s t ) when snow is falling: a snowy day. 27 so /sooV a d v e r b 1 very: l ' m so tired. 2 you can say 'So,...' before you ask a question: So, d i d y o u p h o n e h i m l a s t n i g h t ? >2Q soap /soup/ n o u n (no plural) a substance you can use to wash your body: a b a r of soap. 16 2 (also soap opera) a set of televisin programmes telling stories about a group of people living in a place. ^22 sof /soofa/ n o u n a long seat in your sitting room. 13 software /softwea/ n o u n (no plural) a set of instructions you use to do something using a computer: s o f t w a r e t o use e - m a i l . solar system /soolo .sistom/ noun the solar system the Sun and the planets. ^23 soldier fssol^/ n o u n a member of an army. solo /ssobu/ a d j e c t i v e describes something you do without anyone else: a s o l o c a r e e r as a s i n g e r . someone /sAmwAn/ p r o n o u n a person but you do not know who or mention who: Someone has t a k e n my bike. something /sAmGirj/ p r o n o u n a thing but you do not know what or mention which: S o m e t h i n g is w r o n g w i t h this r a d i o .


sometimes /sAmtaimz/ a d v e r b on a few occasions onlv: / sometimes go t o t h e c i n e m a . somewhere /sAinweo/ a d v e r b in a place or position but you do not know which: / left it somewhere in this r o o m . son /sAn/ n o u n someone's male child. songwriter /sorjraito/ n o u n someone who writes popular songs. soon /sum/ a d v e r b in the near future: H e 'll be h e r e s o o n . sorry /suri/ you can say 'Sorry' when you apologise: S o r r y - we have no b l a c k jeans left. 9 > sound /saund/ v e r b 1 to make a particular noise: Wliat does y o u r new stereo s o u n d l i k e ? 2 (of an idea, etc.) to seem: A h o l i d a v by t h e beach sounds n i c e . soup /surp/ n o u n (no plural) liquid food: t o m a t o soup. South America /sau9 a'menka/ n o u n (adjective South American /,sau9 amenkan/) ^2 souvenir /.suivs'nio/ n o u n 1 an object you buy to remember a place, occasion, etc. 2 souvenir shop a shop that sells souvenirs. 19 space /speis/ n o u n 1 (often Space or outer space) (no plural) all the rea outside the earth's air: Who was t h e f i r s t p e r s o n i n space? ^23 2 spaceship a vehicle to travel in space. 3 space travel travel in space. 4 space station a large piece of equipment above the earth that people travelling in space can stay in. ^23 spaghetti /spo'geti/ n o u n (no plural) pasta in long pieces like string. speak /spi:k/ v e r b ( s p e a k i n g , spoke /spouk/) 1 to talk to someone: C a n L speak t o Molly, please? > 28 2 to talk in a particular language: D o y o u speak E n g l i s h ? special /spejsl/ a d j e c t i v e different from, better than. etc. the usual kind: L e t 's do s o m e t h i n g s p e c i a l t o n i g h t . specific /spo'srfik/ a d j e c t i v e you use 'specifc' to refer to a particular kind of person or thing: You need a specific c o m p u t e r f o r this w o r k speed /spi:d/ n o u n how fast someone or something rhoves: t h e speed of l i g h t . spell /spel/ v e r b ( s p e l l i n g , s p e l l e d or spelt) to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order: H o w do y o u s p e l l 'seprate'? spelling /spelm/ a d j e c t i v e related to how you spell a word: Your w o r k has many s p e l l i n g mistakes. spice /spais/ n o u n one of many powders or seeds used to give food a particular taste. spll /spil/ v e r b ( s p i l l i n g , s p i l t /spilt/) when you 'spilT a liquid or powder, it falls over the edge of a container. Some p e o p l e t h i n k t h a t s p i l l i n g s a l t is u n l u c k y . sponsor /sponso/ n o u n someone who pays for an activity that gets money for a charity. sponsor /sponso/ v e r b to give money to someone, a team, etc. doing something to get money for charity: Will y o u sponsor me f o r a c h i l d r e n 's c h a r i t y ? sponsored /sponssd/ a d j e c t i v e describes an activity that people do to get money for a charity: a s p o n s o r e d w a l k spoon /spum/ n o u n something you use to pick up soup, ice-cream, etc. and eat. 17 sport /spo:t/ n o u n 1 (no plural) physical activity including games and competitions: D o y o u e n j o y w a t c h i n g s p o r t o n T V ? 2 a particular kind of physical activity in which people compete to win: My f a v o u r i t e s p o r t s a r e t e n n i s a n d b a s k e t b a l l . ^4-5 3 sports bag a bag you use to carry equipment you need to play a sport. 4 sports car a car designed to go fast. M 4 5 sports centre a building where you can play many different sports. 15 6 sports club an organisation or place for playing a sport.

spring /spnrj/ n o u n the season after winter: M a n y plas b e g i n to g r o w i n s p r i n g . 27 square /skweo/ adjective describes something with a shape that has four straight sides with the same length: a s q u a r e r o o m . 10 squash /skwDJV n o u n (no plural) the game when two players hit a small black ball against the walls: Can y o u p l a y squash? >S stadium /steidiom/ n o u n a building where you can watch athletics. football, etc. 15 stairs /stesz/ p l u r a l n o u n a set of steps inside a building. 13 stand /staend/ v e r b ( s t a n d i n g , s t o o d /stud/) to be on your feet with your legs straight: Many p e o p l e w e r e s t a n d i n g a t t h e bus s t o p . 'star fstd n o u n 1 a large object in space that we see as a light in the sky at night. ^23 2 a famous actor, singer, etc: Wlio is y o u r f a v o u r i t e film s t a r ? star stad v e r b ( s t a r r i n g , s t a r r e d ) to act the main character in a film or play: Sean C o n n e r y s t a r r e d i n many successful films. Start /sta:t/ v e r b to begin: What t i m e does t h e m a t c h start? starter /starto/ n o u n the first part of a meal: We h a d a s a l a d as a s t a r t e r . station /steijon/ n o u n a place where you can get off or on a train or bus. 15 statue /staetju:/ n o u n a stone or metal object that looks like a person, animal, etc. stay /stei/ v e r b 1 to continu to be in the same place: Stay h e r e a n d TU get t h e car. 2 to stop travelling and live in a particular place: We're s t a y i n g i n L o n d o n f o r a few days. H e 's s t a y i n g i n a luxury h o t e l . steak and kidney pie /,steik on ,kidni pai/ n o u n (no plural) food that is pieces of beef and kidneys in a brown liquid (gravy) cooked inside pastry. step /step/ n o u n one stage in a process: Step one i n c l u d e s p r a c t i s i n g t h e new words. stereo /sterisu/ n o u n ( t w o stereos) a machine for playing music with the sound through two parts (speakers). stick /stik/ n o u n -* HOCKEY(2), 5 stomach /stAmok/ n o u n 1 the part inside your body for the food you eat. 2 stomach ache a pain in your stomach. ^24 Stone Age /stoun erd3/ n o u n the Stone Age (in history) the period a very long time ago when people made tools out of stone. stop /stop/ v e r b ( s t o p p i n g , stopped) to no longer move or do something: Does t h e bus stop here? You must stop smoking. Story /stoai/ n o u n ( t w o s t o r i e s ) 1 a written description of what happens to someone, an event, etc: / l i k e t o r e a d s t o r i e s t o c h i l d r e n . 2 tell stories to say something that is not true. straight /streit/ adjective without a bend or curve: s t r a i g h t h a i r . 10 straight /streit/ a d v e r b 1 immediately: G o s t r a i g h t t o s c h o o l ! 2 in a direction without tuming: The b a n k i s s t r a i g h t d o w n this r o a d on the right. strange /stremds/ a d j e c t i v e ( s t r a n g e r , s t r a n g e s t ) unusual: / h e a r d a s t r a n g e n o i s e . Stratford-upon-Avon /.straetfsd apon 'eivon/ ^3 Strawberry /stro:bri/ n o u n ( t w o s t r a w b e r r i e s ) a small soft red fruit. 16 street /strirt/ n o u n 1 a route through a town or city for cars, etc. 14 2 street market a market in a street.
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strict /stnkt/ a d j e c t i v e ( s t r i c t e r . s t r i c t e s t ) describes someone who always wants others to obey their rules, strong /strorj/ adjective ( s t r o n g e r , s t r o n g e s t ) 1 describes someone with great physical ability: a s t r o n g m a n . 2 describes food or drink with a lot of taste: s t r o n g coffee. student /stju:dsnt/ n o u n someone who is studying at a college or university. study /sL\di/ v e r b ( s t u d y i n g , s t u d i e d ) to spend time learning about something: My s i s t e r i s s t u d y i n g m e d i c i n e a t university. She s t u d i e d h a r d f o r her exam,. 20-21 stupid /stju:pid adjective 1 describes a decisin, idea, etc. that is not the result of careful thought. 2 describes someone who is not sensible: D o n 't be s t u p i d ! style /stail/ n o u n a particular shape, colour, movement, etc. of something: D o y o u l i k e t h e modem s t y l e of dancing? subject /sAbd3ikt/ n o u n an rea of knowledge that you study: / d o n 't l i k e every s c h o o l s u b j e c t . submarine /sAbmo'rim/ n o u n a ship that can travel under the sea. ' subway /sAbwei/ n o u n a system of trains that travel under the ground in American cities. successful /soksesfsl/ adjective describes something that has a good result: a successful holiday. successfully /soksesfoli/ a d v e r b in a successful way: She w r o t e successfully f o r t h e j o b a t t h e caf. suddenly /sAdsnli/ a d v e r b very quickly and without expecting it: Suddenly l saw h i m r u n across t h e r o a d . sugar /Jugo/ n o u n (no plural) a sweet powder we use in food and drinks. 16 sugar-free /Jugo fri:/ adjective without sugar in it: a sugar~free drink. suitcase /su:tkeis/ n o u n a bag like a box for your clothes that you carry when you travel. 19 summer /SAIUS/ n o u n the warm season after spring: I t ' s w a r m e r i n summer: >-2S Sun /SAH/ n o u n 1 the Sun the large ball of light in the sky during the day. ^23 2 the sun the light and heat that comes from the Sun: s i t i n t h e sun. sunbathe /sAnbeiV v e r b ( s u n b a t h i n g , s u n b a t h e d ) to sit or lie in the sun to make your skin brown. sunbathing /sAn,beiairj/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of sitting or lying in the sun to make your skin brown. 18 Sunday /sAndi/ n o u n the last day of the week. ^26 * sunglasses /sAnglarsiz/ p l u r a l n o u n (also a p a i r of sunglasses) glasses with dark glass that people wear in the sun. ^8 sunny /sAni/ adjective ( s u n n i e r , s u n n i e s t ) when there is a lot of heat and light from the sun: a sunny day. > 2 7 supermarket /surpo.mcukit/ n o u n 1 a large shop that sells different kinds of food and drink, cleaning things, etc. 16-17 2 supermarket chain a business with many supermarkets. superstition /su-posn/on/ n o u n a belief that a particular action or object is lucky or unlucky. suppose /ss'pooz/ v e r b to think that something may be true: / suppose y o u a r e r i g h t . sure I\OJ adjective make sure to find out i f something is correct or true: M a k e s u r e t h e d o o r i s l o c k e d . surf /S3:f/ v e r b surf the Net to look at different pages of information on the Internet. O 20 surfing /s3:fm/ n o u n (no plural) the activity of standing on a long wide board and riding across the top of waves in the sea: T d l i k e t o go s u r f i n g . 18

smame surname /s3merm/ n o u n the ame of your family. survey /S3:vei/ n o u n a set of questions to ask people in order to find out their opinin: a survey of o p i n i o n s a b o u t televisin p r o g r a m m e s . sushi /sur/i' n o u n (no plural) Japanese food using uncooked meat and fish and cooked rice. sweatshirt/swet-Jr.t/ n o u n a piece of clothing made of cotton cloth that covers your chest and arms. ^8 Sweden /swi:cbn/ n o u n ( a d j e c t i v e Swedish /swiidiJV) 2 sweets /swirts/ p l u r a l n o u n small pieces of sweet food made from sugar, chocolate, etc: a b a g of sweets. 16 swim /swim/ v e r b ( s w i m m i n g , swam /swaem/) to move through water using your arms and legs: She swam t o the b o a t . swimming /swimirj/ n o u n 1 the activity of moving through water using your arms and legs: Let's go s w i m m i n g t o m o r r o w . > A , 19 2 swimming cap CAP(2) 3 swimming pool a very large place in the ground or floor that is full of water where you can swim. swimsuit /swimsu:t/ n o u n a piece of clothing you wear when you go swimming. 9 switch /switf/ v e r b to push or tum a small part of a machine to make it work or stop it: Please s w i t c h off a l l the l i g h t s when you go t o bed. I s w i t c h e d on the computer. i> 20 Switzerland /switsolond/ n o u n (adjective Swiss /swis/) 2 sword /so:aV' n o u n a weapon with a long metal part and a handle. ^22 system /sistom/ n o u n an organised set of parts or stages that makes something work: a computer system.


table /teibol/ n o u n 1 a piece of furniture with a fat top and four legs. 13 2 written information organised in lists. table tennis /teibol .tenis/ n o u n (no plural) the game when two players hit a small ball with bats across a table: C a n you p l a y t a b l e tennis? 5 take /teik/ v e r b ( t a / d n g , t o o k /tuk/) 1 to carry something to another place: Take t h i s b o o k to the l i b r a r y . 2 to go with someone to another place: M u m t o o k me to the h o s p i t a l . 3 you can use 'take' with nouns to say you produce something: She t o o k a p h o t o of us on the beach. 4 to use a vehicle to go somewhere: My d a d takes a bus to w o r k every m o r n i n g . O 14 5 take off (of a plae) to leave the ground and begin a joumey: The plae took off a t six o 'dock. 6 take something out to hold something and take it from a bag, drawer, etc: Take out y o u r books. 7 take a message MESSAGE 8 take time TIME(4) . takeaway /teikawei/ n o u n a meal you buy in a shop and eat at home, or the shop where you buy it. 15 talented /tasbnnd/ a d j e c t i v e describes someone who can do something well, such as singing, dancing, playing football, etc. talk /to:k/ v e r b to say something to someone: H e never t a l k s a b o u t h i s j o b . P t a l k to y o u r mother a n d ask if you can come. tall /to:l/ a d j e c t i v e ( t a l l e r , t a l l e s t ) : describes someone or a building, tree, etc. with a large height: a t a l l g i r l . 10 tank /tasrjk/ n o u n an army vehicle with a large gun that moves on wide metal belts. tape-recorder /teip i\ko:cb/ n o u n a piece of equipment for playing and recording music and singing.
> >


taste /tetst/ n o u n a particular quality, such as sweet, that food makes in your mouth: Lemons have a sour taste. taxi /tasksi/ n o u n 1 a car with a driver you pay to take you somewhere. 2 cali someone a taxi to phone and ask a taxi to come and collect someone: T U c a l i you a t a x i . tea l'J n o u n (no plural) 1 a hot brown drink: C a n I have a n o t h e r cup of t e a , please? 16 2 ( t w o teas) a cup of tea. 3 a small meal of tea with cakes or biscuits that you eat in the aftemoon: What 's f o r tea? teach /ti:t|7 v e r b to give lessons in a school, college, etc: H e teaches E n g l i s h . teacher /ti:tJV n o u n someone who teaches in a school. etc. > 1 team /ti:m/ n o u n a group of players in a sport such as football: Tm i n the s c h o o l b a s k e t b a l l team. tears /traz/ p l u r a l n o u n drops of water from your eyes because you are very sad: Tears f e l l as he l o o k e d a t her. technology /teknol3d3/ n o u n (no plural) knowledge, equipment, methods, etc. you use in machines such as computers, scientific equipment, etc: D i g i t a l televisin uses advanced technology. teen shop /tim Jop/ noun a shop that sells clothes for young people. teenager /tiaieid3o/ n o u n someone who is between 13 and 19 years od. teeth /ti:9/ p l u r a l n o u n (one t o o t h ) TOOTH telephone /tebfeun/ n o u n a piece of equipment you use to talk to someone who is in another place: You can c o n t a c t me by telephone. H e is on the telephone a t the moment. telescope /tefesksup/ noun a piece of equipment like a long tube; you can use it to look at something that is far away. televisin /tetevrjan/ n o u n 1 a piece of equipment with sound and pictures for you to watch programmes. 13 2 on televisin (also on TV) being shown on a televisin: What's on televisin t o n i g h t ? tell /tel/ v e r b ( t e l l i n g , t o l d /toold/) to speak to someone and give information: C a n you t e l l me the time? H e t o l d us a s t o r y a b o u t a s o l d i e r a n d a dragn. telly Aeli/ n o u n (informal) = TELEVISION: What's on t e l l y ? temperatura /temprotJV noun have a temperatura to be hot because you are ill. 24 tennis /tenis/ n o u n 1 (no plural) the game when players hit a ball over a net with a wide bat ( r a c k e t ) : Let's p l a y tennis l a t e r . S 2 tennis court the rea with white Unes where you play tennis. 3 tennis player someone who plays tennis, especially as a job. >1 .- > tent /tent/ n o u n a cloth structure you use to live in when you are camping. M 8 terrible /tenbol/ a d j e c t i v e not pleasant at all: What 's t h a t t e r r i b l e noise? The weather was t e r r i b l e . test /test/ n o u n 1 a set of questions or exercises to find out how much you know: a maths test. 2 a set of checks a doctor does to find out if you are ill: a m e d i c a l test. text /tekst/ n o u n (no plural) written information: You can keep any a m o u n t of text on y o u r computer. than /5on, Sasn/ p r e p o s i t i o n / l i n k i n g w o r d you can use 'than' with comparatives: I t ' s better t h a n t h a t one. I t costs m o r e t h a n t h i s one. ~\ thank you /Oasqk ju/ you say 'thank you' to say you are pleased or grate ful that someone did something: T h a n k you f o r the present. D 2 >8 trian ks /Oaerjks/ THANK YOU, D 21 \ > theatre /Oioto/ n o u n a building where you can watch a play: L e t 's go t o the t h e a t r e t h i s weekend. ^6, 15

then /den/ a d v e r b 1 next: We h a d a meal a n d then we went home. 2 at that particular time: We w e r e e a t i n g o u r meal t h e n . 'there /Seo/ a d v e r b in or to a place: Be t h e r e by five o'clock there /des/ p r o n o u n you can use 'there' with 'be' when you say something is happening or happened, something existed, etc: T h e r e 's a t e r r i b l e s m e l l i n h e r e . T h e r e was a knock a t the d o o r . 'Who's t h e r e ? ' she asked. therefore fesh'J a d v e r b for that reason: You d i d n ' t w o r k a n d t h e r e f o r e you d i d n 7 pass the test. thermometer .Oamomits/ noun a piece of equipment that shows how hot you are. 24 thin /9nV a d j e c t i v e ( t h i n n e r , t h i n n e s t ) describes someone who is narrow in shape: a t h i n m a n . M O thing 9in/ n o u n 1 something, especially an object: H e c o l l e c t s t h i n g s . 2 an activity: What t h i n g s do you l i k e t o do? 3 a. fact or event: A s t r a n g e t h i n g happened. think Birjk/ v e r b ( t h i n k i n g , t h o u g h t /9o:t/) 1 to use your mind to decide, imagine, etc: Tm t h i n k i n g of s t u d y i n g m e d i c i n e . 21 think... you say 'I think...' before you give your opinin: / t h i n k it s under the t a b l e . > 13, 23 third /93:d/ a d j e c t i v e and p r o n o u n 1 the next after the second: H e c a r n e t h i r d i n the r a c e . >2B> 2 third floor the level above the second floor in a building. thirteen /93ti:n/ n o u n 13. this IQisJ like this you use 'like this' when you are showins someone what to do: You t u r n on the m a c h i n e like this. thistle ."0IS3I/ n o u n a plant with leaves that have points round a blue-red flower. three ;Qj n o u n 3. through IBrod p r e p o s i t i o n from one side to the other. 77iey w a l k e d t h r o u g h the m a r k e t . 29 Thursday /93:zdi/ n o u n the fourth day of the week. ^26 tick /nk/ v e r b to put the mark / next to a correct answer. ticket /tikit/ n o u n 1 a piece of paper that shows you have paid to travel on a bus, train, plae, etc. 19 2 return ticket RETURN(2) te /tai/ n o u n a long piece of cloth you wear round the collar of a shirt. 8 tiII /til/ UNTIl " time /tarm/ n o u n 1 a particular period you measure in hours, minutes, etc: What 's the time? What t i m e w i l l he a r r i v e ? 2 (no plural) a period of the past, present or future: H a v e a g r e a t t i m e i n Scotland. What do you do i n y o u r f r e e time? ^6 3 take time to need a long amount of time: I t takes t i m e t o l e a r n E n g l i s h w e l l . times /taimz/ p l u r a l n o u n occasions: H e phones three times a week. tin /tm/ n o u n a metal container for food: a t i n of tomatoes. 17 ti red /taiod/ a d j e c t i v e describes someone who needs to rest or go to sleep: a t i r e d c h i l d . title /taiV n o u n the ame of a book, film, etc: What 's the tule o f h e r latest C D ? to /ta, t u / p r e p o s i t i o n 1 in the direction of: H e 's d r i v i n g t o the s u p e r m a r k e t l a t e r . 2 unril: H e w o r k s f r o m e i g h t t o six every day. 3 you can use 'to' to say how or why: You need t h r e e eggs t o make t h i s cake. Use t h i s ticket t o travel to Bristol. toast /teost/ n o u n (no plural) bread that is heated so that it is brown. M 7 tobceo /ta'baekou/ n o u n (no plural) the brown leaves in cigarettes, cigars, etc.

today /todei/ a d v e r b the day that is happening now: I t ' s sunny today. toe /tou/ n o u n one of the five parts on your foot. 10 together /tageoo/ a d v e r b with each other or other people: They a r e l i v i n g together. toilet /toilit/ n o u n 1 a large bowl you sit on to get rid of waste from your body. M 3 2 toilet paper soft thin paper you use to clean yourself after you have been on the toilet. M 6 tomato /to'ma:t3u/ n o u n ( t w o tomatoes) a round red fruit you eat as a vegetable. 16 tonight . ts'nait/ a d v e r b the evening or night of today: WTiat's on TV t o n i g h t ? too tu'J a d v e r b 1 more than is necessary: I t ' s t o o b i g . 2 also: C a n I come, too? tooth /ru:9/ n o u n ( t w o teeth /ti:9/) one of the hard white things in your mouth. toothpaste /tu:9peist/ n o u n (no plural) a soft substance you use to clean your teeth: a tube o j ' t o o t h p a s t e . 16 'top /top/ adjective 1 at the highest position: the t o p f l o o r of a b u i l d i n g . 2 describes someone who is very successful: a t o p f a s h i o n model. *top /top/ n o u n the top the highest point: Write the address a t the t o p . >21 topic /topik/ n o u n a subject you write or talk about: I t ' s an nteresting t o p i c of c o n v e r s a t i o n . 'total /touV a d j e c t i v e complete: a t o t a l disaster. m total /toutl/ n o u n the number or amount when you add all the people or things together: We w e r e t h e r e f o r a t o t a l of e i g h t days. touch /tAtJV v e r b 1 to put your hand, a stick, etc. on someone or something: D o n ' t t o u c h t h a t h o t pate. 2 touch wood W00D(2) tourist /toaist/ n o u n 1 someone who travels somewhere for a holiday. 19 2 tourist attraction ATTRACTION 3 tourist information an office in a town, etc. where tourists can get information about where to stay, what to see, etc. ... - h.-.vr*>. h:<w tournament /toaismont/ n o u n a sports competition in which players try to win games until there is only one winner left: a tennis t o u r n a m e n t . _ j ir-;r :-.-,v town /taun/ n o u n a place with many houses, shops, etc: T h e r e a r e t w o supermarkets i n the t o w n . 15 ;r& MNE toy /toi/ n o u n an object for a child to play with.' -Hrn ^ tradition /tre'difon/ n o u n a usual way of doing something that people have done for a long time: I t 's a t r a d i t i o n t h a t the b r i d e wears w h i t e . . h'*r'^- traditional /tro'dijsnol/ a d j e c t i v e describes clothes that are formal and not modern: a t r a d i t i o n a l j a c k e t . M traffic /traeftk/ n o u n (no plural) all the cars, buses, etc. travelling through a place: There is t o o much traffic in the city. Be careful of the traffic. 'train /trein/ n o u n 1 a line of things like boxes ( c a r r i a g e s ) pulled by an engine on two long metal bars ( t r a c k s ) , used to carry people or goods from one place to another. D a d goes t o w o r k by t r a i n . 14 2 train driver someone who controls a train when it is moving. O 7 " ^ain /trein/ v e r b to learn how to do something: She t r a i n e d as a n u r s e . trained /treind/ a d j e c t i v e describes someone who has learned how to doing something: a t r a i n e d n u r s e . traner /tremo/ n o u n (also a p a i r o f t r a i n e r s ) a shoe for sports and games that is often worn informally. ^8 tram /troem/ n o u n an electric vehicle on metal lines in the road that people pay to travel in: We went i n t o ( h i c i t y by t r a m . 14
2 :; 1




transate, tramsieit' verb change writing or speech from one language to another They have translated the book from Germn into English. translation /traensieijan/ noun 1 (no plural) the activity of translating something: l'm bad at translation into English. 2 something translated: / can V do this English translation. transport /troenspox' noun (no plural) the different vehicies you can use to travel: Which kind of transport can we use to get there? travel '"tneval/ verb (travelling. travelled) to make a joumey: They are travelling i n Spain. > 25 travel agent traval eid^ant noun someone who makes travel arrangernems for people as a job. + 7 traveller 'trasvala/ noun 1 someone who is travelling: a hostel for student travellers. 2 traveller's cheque a cheque you can change into foreign money when you are travelling. 19 travelling Aravalm/ noun (no plural) the activity of going from one place, country. etc. to another: When w i l l you go travelling in Europe? treasure /tresa/ noun (no plural) a store of money, gold, etc. *22 tree lat noun a tall plant with a thick stem (a trunk) and branches. M 4 trekking Arelan/ noun (no plural) the activity of walking a long way across a regin: Let's go trekking i n Nepal next year. M 8 trendy Arendi/ adjective (trendier, trendiest) very modem and popular: trendy clothes. ^9 trip tnp/ noun 1 a journey to a place for a short time: a weekend trip o London. 2 a short joumey in a particular kind of transport: a boat trip. trolley Aroli/ noun a large metal basket on wheels you use in a supermarket. 16 trousers /trazaz/ plural noun (also a pair of trousers) a piece of clothing that covers your legs. *-9 trout /traut/ noun a fish from rivers and ponds that you can eat. M 6 true /truV adjective (truer. truesi) describes something you believe did happen, did exist, etc: s it true that you hit him? N o . it 's not true. try /trat/ verb (trying, tried) 1 to make an effort to do something successfully: Try to guess the answer. 2 to eat something to find out i f you like it: Have you tried the chocolate cake? 3 try something on to put on clothes to find out if they look nice, are the right size, etc: I ' d like to try on these jeans. please. T-shirt /ti: J3:t/ noun a piece of informal clothing with short sleeves and no collar. 8 Tuesday Aju:zdi/ noun the second day of the week. 26 tuna Ajuara/ noun (no plural) the flesh from a large grey sea fish you eat as food: a rin of tuna. 16 Turkey /'t3:ki/ noun (adjective Turkish A3:kiJ7) >-3 turn verb to move part of a machine, etc. to make it work or stop working: Please turn the sound down. T u r n the lights off. How do 1 turn this computer on? TV /,ti: 'v'vJ noun = T E L E V I S I O N : What's on T V ? twenty /'twenti/ noun 20. twice /twais/ adverb two times: H e phones me twice a week. type /taip/ noun a particular kind: What type o f person steals money? typical /trpikal/ adjective describes someone or something with the usual qualities: Rain is typical i n winter

(also the States) (adjective American /a'menkan/) >2 U n i v e r s e /ju:ntv3:s/ noun the Universe (also the universe) the planets and stars we know about. >-23 university /ju:nv3:sati/ noun (two universities) a place you can go to after you have left school to study. > 12 u n l u c k y /.vnlvlci/ adjective not lucky: an unlucky number. untidy /Aritaidi/ adjective (untidier. untidiest) not in a careful orden untidy clothes. until /An'nl. an-/ preposition when something happens 'until' a particular time or date, it happens and then stops at a time, date, etc: / played the piano u n t i l six o 'dock. We 'll be in Pars u n t i l Friday. up / A p / adverb and preposition 1 towards a higher position: H e climbed up the tree. She stood up. *29 2 into a state that is more noisy, bright, etc: Don 't turn the volume up. Uranus /juaranas/ noun a planet. *23 use /ju:z/ verb when you 'use' something you do something with it: You can use this book to check spelling. \>2S useful /ju:sfal/ adjective describes something that helps you to do or get something: a useful machine. useless /'ju:slis/ adjective describes something that does not help you to do or get something: a useless dictionarv.

U n i t e d States /ju;namd steits/ noun the United States

U F O ju: ,ef 'sal noun (two V F O s ) (= Unidentified Flying Object) (in stories and films) a strange shape in the sky (some people believe it is a spaceship from another planet). >-23 Ukraine /jt/krein/ noun (adjective Ukrainian /ju'kreiniaa) >2-3 umbrella embreto/ noun a piece of equipment that is cloth over a metal trame that you hold over your head when it is raining. unattractive .vira'troeknv adjective describes a person. some clothes. a building. etc. that :s not pleasant to look at. nele Arjksl noun the brother of someone's mother or father. M 2 under .'Anda preposition in a position below something: It 's under the table. > 13 U n d e r g r o u n d .'\ndagraund noun the Underground the system of trains that travel under the ground in London. underline ',\ndalain/ verb to write a line under a word or words: Underline the correct spelling. u n d e r s t a n d />nda'sta;nd/ verb (understanding. understood /.Anda'stud/) to know why something happens, what someone says, etc: / don 't understand Italian. u n d e r w a t e r /^vnds'wot/ adjective below the top of water: underwater stvimming. u n e m p l o y e d /.Anim'pbid adjective not having a paid job: My nele has been unemployed for nearlv three years. unfriendly .vnfrendli/ adjective (unfriendlier. unfriendliest) desenbes someone who is not pleasant or kind: an unfriendly neighbour. u n h a p p y /.\rihaep/ adjective (unhappier. unhappiest) not happy: an unhappy smile. u n i f o r m /juniifo:m/ noun a particular style and colour of clothes for a school, army, etc: Do you wear school uniform?


usual /jurjal/ adjective as usual in the same way as on most occasions: H e was late as usual. usually ,'ju:>ali, adverb most times: He's usually late. >19 van /vaen/ noun a vehicle for carrying things that is smaller than a lotry. 14 vase /vo:z/ noun a container for putting flowers in. 13 vegetable /vedjtaba!/ noun a plant such as a carrot or onion that we grow to eat. 16 Venus / v h n a s / n o u n a planet. *23 very /'veri/ adverb you can use 'very' to say how big, important, bad, etc: I t was very exciting. I t ' s not very good. vet /vet/ noun someone who treats sick animis as a job: We took our dog to the vet. v i b r a t i o n /vaibreijan/ noun a very small shaking movement: We f e l t a vibration under our feet. video /vidiau/ noun ( t w o videos) 1 a black case with tape inside for watching or recording a film or televisin programme. 2 videophone a telephone that can show a picture of the person calling you when you listen to them. village /vihd3/ noun a place in the countryside with a few houses. M 4 violin /.vaialin/ noun an instrument you play on your shoulder by pulling a special stick across the strings: Can you play the violin? violinist /vaialimst/ noun someone who plays the violin. virtual /'v3:tjual/ adjective almost real: You can use a computer to watch pictures that produce a virtual experience of travelling. visible /vizibal/ adjective describes something that you can see: A nod is a visible sign of agreement. visit /vizit/ verb to spend a period of time in a place: Have you vis ite d London? vocabulary /va'kaebjulari/ noun (no plural) words that you use when you speak or write: / know the grammar but I need more vocabulary. volleyball Avolibod/ noun (no plural) the game when players push a ball over a high net: Can you play volleyball? S voluntan/ /volantri/ adjective describes something you do without being paid and because you want to: She likes to do voluntary work with refitgees. 'volunteer /.volan'tia/ noun someone who agrees to do something because they want to and not for money: We need volunteers to cook meis for the homeless. v o l u n t e e r /.volan'tia/ verf> to agree to do something because you want to and not for money: / volunteered to cook meis for the homeless. waist /weist/ noun the part of your body between your chest and your hips. > 9, 10 wait /weit/ verb 1 to stay in a place: We 'll wa for you in the caf. 2 to stop until something happens: Wait u n t i l the traffic lights change. > 20 waiter /weita/ noun a man who serves meis in a restaurant. >7, 17 waitress /weitns/ noun a woman who serves meis in a restaurant. >7, 17 w a k e /weik/ verb (waking. woke /waok/) wake up to stop sleeping: / woke up early this moming. Wales /weilz/ noun (adjective Welsh /welJT) *3

'walk /wo:k/ noun a joumey by foot: Let's go for a walk in the park w a l k /wo:k/ verb to move by putting one foot in front of the other He was walking along the street. walking /w3:km/ noun (no plural) the activity of going for a long walk in the countryside: Let's go walking in the mountains. 18 wall /wo:l/ noun a fat side of a room: There are many pictures on the wall. walrus /wo:lras/ noun a large sea animal with long parts like homs (tusks) on its head. >2S want Avont/ verb to have a wish to do. own. know something: / want a dog. I want to work outside. >7 war/wo:/oi/i a period of fighting between armies: wars in Africa. wardrobe /wo:drab/ noun a tall piece of fumiture for clothes. M 3 w a r m /W3:m/ adjective (warmer. warmest) pleasantly hot: warm weather. was /was, woz/ * BE wash /wof/ verb wash up to wash cups, plates, etc. after eating: / ' / / wash up this evening. washing machine /"wojin maji:n/ noun an electric machine that washes clothes, etc. M 3 washing p o w d e r /wojin .pauda/ noun (no plural) powder you can use in a washing machine. 16 'watch /wotj/ noun a small clock you wear on your arm. 'watch /wDtf/ verb to look at something as it happens: Let's watch televisin. No, let's watch the sun go down. water skiing /wo:ta ,ski:irj/ noun (no plural) the sport when you wear skis and a boat puls you on water Let 's go water skiing. > 4 w a v e /weiv/ noun a line of high water in the sea: Big white waves carne towards the shore. w a y /wei/ noun 1 a particular direction or route: Tm on my way to the post office. 2 a method of doing something: 77is is the way to send an e-mail. You can do it this way. w e a k /wide/ adjective (weaker, weakest) 1 not strong: a weak pain. 2 not very good: 77ie story in the play was weak. wear/wea/ verb (wearing, wore/woj) to have particular clothes on: H e was wearing a brown coat. weather /wea/ noun the weather the temperarure, rain, wind, etc. in a place: What 's the weather like in summer? > 2 7 website /websait/ noun a particular place with its address on the Internet that gives you information: / read about it on their website. > 21 W e d n e s d a y /wenzdi/ noun the third day of the week. 26 w e e k /wi/ noun a period of seven days that begins on Monday: / play tennis once a week. w e e k e n d /wiicend, 'widcend/ noun the period over Saturday and Sunday: What do you do at weekends? Next weekend we are going shopping. > 15 welcome /welkam/ you can say 'Welcome' to be polite when someone arrives: Welcome to Warsaw. well /wel/ adverb (better. best) 1 in a good or successful way: H e can 't sing very well. She did well in her exams but her sister did better. t> 26 2 Well,... you can say Well,...' before you explain, give a repon, etc: Well, l ojien go swimming. >21 3 Well done you can say'Well done' when you congratlate someone who is successful.
were/w3:/ BE



/westan/ adjective (also W e s t e r n ) typical ofthe vvest part of Europe or North America: western clothes. w e t /wet/ adjective (wetter. wettest) with rain: wet weather. >21 w h a l e /weil/ noun a large sea animal that breathes through a hole in the top of its head. *25
wht /wDt/ pronoun you use 'what' to ask for

information: What's the time? >15 /whltea/ noun a chair with wheels for someone who cannot walk. 24 w h e n /wen/ adverb and linking word 1 you use 'when' about time: When did he arrive? 2 at a particular time: // tutus brown when it 's ready lo eat. w h e r e /we?/ adverb and linking word you use 'where' about a particular place or position: Where is my pen? Where are the cakes? Do you know where I can find ihem? > 13 w h i t e /wait/ adjective and noun the colour of the paper in this book: white sugar. She was dressed in whiie. w h o ,'hu:/ pronoun 1 you use 'who' to ask which person or people: Who took my pen? 2 you use 'who' to mention a particular person: H e 's the boy who did it. w h o l e /haul/ adjective all of something: My whole family carne. w h y /wat/ adverb and linking word 1 you use 'why' to ask for a reason: Why didn 't he come? 2 Why not? you use 'Why not?' to ask for a reason for a negative action, instruction, etc: Don't go.' 'Why not?' > 27 w i d e /watd/ adjective (wider, widest) describes something that measures a lot from one side to the other: a wide river. w i f e /wait'/ noun (two wives /waivz/) a woman who a :nan is married to. M 2 in /win/ verb (winning. won /wAn/) to be successful: io w i l l win the game? She won an Oscar for hakespeare in Love'. ".d /wind/ noun the wind air you feel moving: H e r hat tmt ojfin the wind. : n d o w /windau/ noun 1 an rea of a wall with glass in

A/vork /w3:k/ verb to do a job: He works as a dentist. She works in the university as a teacher. H e works for a charity. I want to work with computers. >7 workbook /w3:kbok/ noun a school book with exercises. ^20 w o r l d Av3:ld/ noun the w o r l d the planet we live on: They sailed round the world. It 's the best team in the world. w o r r y / W A I / verb (worrying. worried) to think about something bad that could happen and be nervous and unhappy: Don 't worry - everything w i l l be a l l right. w o r s e /w3:s/ adjective ( B A D ) : The weather is getting worse. Tm worse at tennis than squash. w o r s t /w3:st/ adjective the worst (* S A D ) : The weather is the worst I have known. w o w /wau/ you can say 'Wow!' when something is very good, surpnsing. etc: Wow! How d i d he do that? > 22 w r i s t /nst/ noun the part of your arm next to your hand. 10 w r i t e /rait/ verb (writing, wrote/raut/) to produce words to make a letter, e-mail, story, etc: l'm writing a poslcard to my parems. Write down the answers. writer /raita/ noun someone who writes a story, play, novel, etc. w r o n g /torj/ adjective not correct: That's the wrong answer. y e a h /jea/ (very informal) = YES. y e l l o w /jelau/ adjective and noun the colour of the centre of an egg: a yellow lemon. She was dressed in yellow. yes /jes/ you say 'yes' to give a positive answer: Yes. I w i l l come. yesterday /jestadi/ adverb the day before today: It was raining yesterday. y o g h u r t /jogat/ noun (no plural) a thick white liquid made from milk: a tub of yoghurt. 16, 17 York/jo:k/>-3 Yorkshire p u d d i n g /jo:kja 'pudn/ noun (no plural) a food made from flour, eggs and water that is cooked in the oven: 77te British eat Yorkshire pudding with roast beef y o u n g /JAI]/ adjective (younger, youngest) describes someone or something that is not od: Our teacher is young. She has a young child. 10 y u k /JAIC/ you can say 'Yukl' when you do not like the taste.

n a t i o n a l i t i e s o n p a g e s 2-3.

W r i t e d o w n t h e a d j e c t i v e f o r e a c h n u m b e r e d c o u n t r y , like t h e e x a m p l e .

Greece -


1 2 3 4

France Germany Denmark Italy

5 6 7 8

Britain Finland Turkey the Netherlands

9 Spain 10 Slovakia 11 Ireland

12 Hunaarv

"* f i r s t , s t u d y Countres

a n d n a t i o n a l i t i e s o n p a g e s 2-3

Cross o u t t h e w r o n g w o r d or w o r d s .

1 2 3 4

'Hi, l ' m Peten l ' m fromlby Scotland.' 'Is Dover in/at England?' 'Yes, it is.' Things made in Finland are F i n i s h / F i n n i s h . 'Is Brazil in North America?' 'Yes, it i s . ' / ' N o , it i s n ' / . ' 5 Ireland is a n E u r o p e a n country/a European country.

6 London is the capital/captol of England. 7 l'm Kenyan. Where are you in/from? 8 Can you speak Czech/the Czech? 9 Bob's from the States. He's A m e r i c a n / S o u t h American. 10 We arrived to/in London at 6 o'clock.

3 Put

~T?, First,, s t u d y S p o r t s a n d g a m e s o n p a g e s 4^5.

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t h e w o r d s b e l o w w i t h t h e c o r r e c t v e r b in t h e t a b l e . T h e n w r i t e a s e n t e n c e in t h e last and t e n n i s .

c o i u m n u s i n g t h e v e r b a n d t h e activity. L o o k at t h e e x a m p l e s f o r f i s h i n g

it. M 3

2 w i n d o w s h o p p i n g the activity of looking at




things in shops but without wanting to buy anything in particular. w i n d s u r f i n g /wind,s3:fm/ noun (no plural) the sport of moving on water using a board with a sail on it: Let's go windsurfing. 4 , 19 w i n d y /'windi/ adjective (windier, windles) when there is a lot of wind: windy weather. >-21 w i n t e r /wmta/ noun the season after autumn when it is often cold: Some trees have no leaves in winter. > 2 6 w o l f /wulf/ noun (two wolves /woivz/) a wild animal like a dog. w o m a n /woman/ noun (two women /wimm/) a female person: a woman president. w o n d e r f u l /wAndafal/ adjective very pleasant and very good: wonderful weather. w o o d Avod/ noun (no plural) 1 material from trees: The table is made of wood. 2 t o u c h w o o d you can say 'Touch wood' when you say you hope something bad didn't happen or that something good will happen. w o r d /wa:d/ noun a set of letters or sounds that have a particular meaning: / do not believe a word o f what she saul. w o r k /w>:k/ noun (no plural) a job or activity you do: Do vou have any work lo do ' She does work for charity


/ziarau/ noun 0: The temperature



was below

zero. tems

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fislrvrq. play tems .


zip /zip/ noun two long metal parts that can cise together to fasten clothes. * 8 Z O O /zuj noun (two zoos) a place with fences and cages where you can watch wild animis: Let's go to the zoo at the weekend. 14

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