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Computer Capabilities

1.Ability to perform certain logic operation.

Computers are symbol manipulators. It can manipulate in logical ways letters, numbers, words, sentences, mathematical expressions and others symbols to which people have meaning. It is able to perform a simple comparison and then, depending on the result, follow one of two or more predetermined branches or courses of action. Thus, the computer makes a decision by choosing between alternative possible courses of action. Actually, however, it might be more appropriate to say that the computer has followed decisions made earlier by the programmer. This simple ability to compare is an important computer capability because more sophisticated questions can be answered by using combinations of comparison decision.

2.Ability to provide new time dimension.

The computer works one step at a time; it adds and subtracts numbers; it multiplies and divides; and it can be programmed to perform other mathematical operations such as extracting a square root. There is nothing profound in these operations. What is significant is the speed with which the computer can perform them. The computer is so fast that is saves tremendous amount of time. Thus, man is freed from calculating to use his time more creatively. His time dimension has been broadened. Man can now obtain information that could not have been produced at all a few years ago or that could have been produced in time to be of any value.

3.Ability to store and retrieve information.

The computer stores in internal storage both facts and instruction. The ease with which instruction can be changed gives the computer great flexibility. The access time required for information to be recalled from internal storage and be available for use is measured in microsecond or more precise units. Few machines that are used by man have this stored program ability.

4.Ability to control error.

It has been estimated that a person would make one error in every 500 to 1,000 operation with a desk calculator. A computer, on the other hand, can perform hundreds of thousands of arithmetic operations every second and can run errorless for hours and days at a time.

5.Ability to check itself.

Computers have the ability to check its own work. By a method known as parity checking, computers check on data when they enter storage, when they are moved internally, and when they leave in the form of output. The parity check performed by the computer involves the examination of each characters code to determine whether bits (binary digits or 0s and 1s) have been added or lost by mistake.

Computer Limitations 1.Dependence on prepared instructions.

The computer performs only what its is programmed to do and nothing else. It can do much more than just add, subtract, multiply and divide. By using instructions, it can sort data, straighten data out and store it away for you. Instruction allow the computer to compare two numbers, to find out if one is larger than, smaller than, or equal to the other . By comparing , it can sort. It can arrange a list of numbers in a given order into another list in any other order. All these can only be possible if the computer is given the correct instruction. It can never do things by itself.

2.Inability to derive meanings from objects.

A computer does not have feelings. Its is unable to recognize and respond to living objects. Accordingly, The meanings of object, such as data or programs, It deals with mean nothing to the computer. Whatever meanings the computer deals with are only fed to it by the programmer.

3.Inability to generate information.

The computer cannot generate information on its own. It is not able to think and perceive relevant aspects of a given situation and adopt means to fulfill a goal or course of action. A computer has the capacity to put information together from any sources, only if properly programmed, but never independently.

4.It cannot correct wrong instruction.

A human being is likely to do what you mean and not what you say when you dont give enough detail. The computer, on the other hand, will do exactly what you instruct it to do,

regardless of what you mean. It cannot decipher the correct instructions from the wrong instructions. It does not have the ability to select and perform only the right ones.

Why computers sometimes fail 1.Input Errors.

When data is entered into a computer its most be relatively error-free if its to be processed correctly. The overwhelming majority of so-called computer error result form erroneously entered input. Even though you have a flawless program and an excellent computer, you may get nonsense instead of the result you seek. Why? Because of the data. If the data used is wrong, the desired output results will also be wrong. In the computer world, programmers have a name for it : GIGO (Garbage In. Garbage out.)

2.Errors in Instructing a Computers.

Computers operate on data using a set of instruction prepared by a programmer which ate use to read data, process it, and produce output. At times, programs contain errors or bugs that do not become evident until a specific set of circumstances arises . Errors may be hard to detect, isolate, and correct. Nonetheless such programming errors can produce very serious problems. The greatest danger here is the program that appears to work but doesnt the output that is almost right.

3.The Communication Gap.

One main reason why computerized procedures frequently fail to meet their required objectives is because computer professionals and the people who will actually utilize the information, called users, do not understand each others needs or have not communicated successfully. The desires of one were not reflected in the designs of the other. Users do not adequately understand what computers can and cannot do, and computer professionals do not understand how best to computerize a particular application.

4.Improper Controls.
As the use of computers for wide-ranging applications continue to grow, the need for proper control and security measures increases dramatically. Moreover, as terminals at remote locations are being linked with increasing frequency to computers, the need for such control and security is even greater. But many organizations have neglected this area minimized its

importance. The result has been an increase in errors, some resulting from innocent mistakes, others caused by deliberate attempts to defraud by computer or to sabotage the company. In addition, depending upon the organization, improper controls can lead to an invasion of privacy.

5.Lack of Standards.
It has been observed that the computer field has been very slow to develop industry standards. The lack of standards results in problems when an organization obtains new equipment, hires new computer professionals, and attempts to provide some consistent set of procedures to be adopted by its computing staff.

6.Lack of Adequate Manufacturer Support.

Larger computer system are relatively expensive. Thus, when users acquire such system, they are likely to be able to receive support from the manufacturer. Problems encountered in implementing the system and maintaining it are handled by the manufacturers or their agents as necessary. But experience shows that manufacturers or distributors are not always able to maintain purchased equipment, usually due to lack of spare parts, trained technicians, or that the particular machine model is no longer in production.

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