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MORE USEFUL TIPS TO SCORE A IN SECTION A -If you do not know the word given or unsure of its meaning,

do not use it. -You are not required to write a story. -Sentences do not have to be in sequence. -The tense used must be consistent. -For Section A, pupils may use the Present Continuous Tense to describe the actions that are happening at present. -You may name the people in the picture but you must be specific. Eg. Puan Kamariah, who is wearing a scarf, is carrying her baby. -If there are two boys , you may say , The elder boy is walking away while his younger brother is still buying the bread. - Do not put yourself in the picture. Avoid writing , My family and I .. or I am very happy. -If you wish to use the Past Tense, state the time. Remember, the sentences must be in the Past Tense . Look for the words that can guide you. Eg. went , bought , Sample Answer 1. Last Sunday,Encik Ahmad,the bread vendor went to a housing area to sell bread to his customers. 2. Women and children bought their favourite bread, buns and cakes from him. 3. There was a big container on his motorcycle and some bread hanging around it. 4. Encik Ahmad got his fresh and delicious bread from a bakery. 5. His business was good that day and he was happy. Table 1 Subject + Verb + Predicate The bread vendor is selling fresh bread, buns and cakes to his customers. The children are buying their favourite bread. The two women are carrying their babies and walking towards the bread vendor. The women and children bought a lot of bread, buns and cakes from Encik Ahmad, the bread vendor. CONSTRUCTING COMPOUND SENTENCES Construct 2 simple sentences first. Join them together with conjunctions eg. and , so, while,but, because, as , when , so that . 1. The children are buying their favourite bread while their mothers are watching them. 2. The players are rushing to take shelter because it is raining. CONSTRUCTING COMPLEX SENTENCES. 1. NAME + WHO + ACTION + ACTION Latipah, who is wearing a scarf , is sweeping the compound. 2. NAME + ADJECTIVE + ACTION Siti Khatijah, a helpful pupil, is helping her teacher to carry her heavy bag. 3. NAME + OCCUPATION + ACTION + ACTION Encik Ahmad, the bread vendor, who is wearing a helmet, is selling bread and cakes to his customers. 4. NAME + OCCUPATION + ACTION + WHILE + ACTION Pn Ashah, the teacher, is showing her pupils how to make paper flowers while sitting on the floor.

5. NAME + DESIGNATION + ACTION + WHILE + ACTION Farah and Rani , two active children, are in their tracksuits while waiting for their coach to train them .

PRACTICE FOR PAPER 2 QUESTION 3 Section C Question 3 ( Pictures with short notes are given . Write sentences to describe the pictures given. Use the notes given to help you write the sentences ) You are advised to spend 35 minutes on this section. TIPS 1. Read the instructions carefully. 2. Look at the pictures carefully. 3. Read and understand the notes given for each picture. Understand the story. 4. Pay attention to the words given to give you a clue to what tense to use. 5. Try to use the same tense throughout. The introduction maybe in Present Tense if you are describing the main character of the story. 6. Using the notes given , write 3 or 4 paragraphs to describe the pictures or story. Write neatly. 7. Have an opening and a closure. 8. Write a variety of sentences. Use simple, compound and complex sentences. 9. Write creatively. Use proper vocabulary to express your ideas. 10. Use adjectives and adverbs to make them interesting. 11. If you are confident, use idioms, similies or proverbs. 12. Your sentences should link well so that your story has a smooth flow in your story. ( Meanwhile, Within a few minutes, As he was walking home, Immediately, Firstly,Then, After that , Suddenly , etc ) 13. Check for mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Check that you have used the full-stop, comma and capital letters. 14. Use the correct sentence structures. 15. You may change the order of the words as long as the meaning is clear. 16. Plan your ideas well. Do not repeat your ideas. -------------------------

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