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Midterm Review Burns/F&E/Urinary & Renal Burns 1.

You are caring for a burn victim and you have secured their airway what would be the next action/intervention? 2. A burn pt C/O difficulty swallowing what is the next intervention? 3. A pt has suffered a chemical burn what can be done to minimize further injury? 4. The nurse suspects a pt has carbon monoxide poisoning what assessment is indicative of this? 5. A pt has suffered burns to the anterior chest and abdomen what percentage is this? 6. A pt with burn injury to upper thorax and circumference of both arms and eschotomy is suspected what should nurse do next? 7. Pt has suffered burns to anterior and posterior legs what percentage is this? 8. What assessment is priority when a pt has suffered a electrical burn? 9. Painful red blisters on the skin are considered? Fluid & Electrolytes 1. Pitting edema, HTN, increased pulse, distended neck veins are all S/S of? 2. A pt is taking Lasix the nurse should monitor? 3. Fluid volume excess= HTN 4. What pt is at highest risk for dehydration? 5. What pt is at risk for fluid volume deficit? 6. A client with hyponatremia should restrict? 7. An older adult has electrolyte imbalance and needs further teaching when they state? 8. The etiology of Fluid volume deficit is RT? 9. 0.45% normal saline is what kind of solution? 10. A pt has a critical K+ level what medication should the nurse expect MD to order? 11. What is the major cation in the ICF? Renal/Urinary 1. Increased secretion of ADH causes? 2. A pt is taking Lasix and K+ and C/O dizziness what should be done? 3. A pt is taking Geramycin what lab values should be checked? 4. Who is more likely to get bacterial cystitis? 5. Prevention of obstruction includes what? 6. What is the major risk after a percutaneous renal biopsy? 7. Is drainage of nephrostomy tube measured together with foley output? 8. What is an ileal conduit? 9. Acute Renal Failure causes a buildup of nitrogenous waste and pt cant breakdown protein causing fatigue what is intervention is necessary? 10. What respiratory changes are seen in metabolic acidosis? 11. What should the nurse monitor for patient diagnosed with chronic renal disease to determine fluid and sodium retention and why? 12. Nursing interventions for patient with pulmonary edema include what?

13. As a nurse, what assessment should you make prior to hemodialysis and posthemodialysis? 14. What are the symptoms of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome? 15. What are some complications of peritoneal dialysis? 16. What are the advantages of peritoneal dialysis over hemodialysis? 17. Post-kidney transplant, a patient can have diuresis. Therefore the nurse should carry out what assessment? 18. Infection is another complication of a kidney transplant. What should the nurse assess for signs of infection? 19. With ESKD tall T waves on ecg =check K+ 20. Ham and cheese sandwich is an example of what diet?

Midterm Review Burns/F&E/Urinary & Renal Answer key Burns 10. Place a large bore needle 11. Assess breath sounds over the trachea 12. Irrigate the area immediately 13. Cherry red mucous membranes 14. 18% 15. Call MD 16. 36% 17. Cardiac function/HR and Rhythm 18. Partial thickness burns Fluid & Electrolytes 12. Fluid volume overload 13. I and O 14. Fluid volume excess= HTN 15. Infant with dehydration 16. Client with ileostomy 17. Restrict fluids 18. I dont drink anything after 5pm 19. Increased capillary permeability 20. Hypotonic 21. Kaexylate. 22. Sodium Renal/Urinary 21. Over hydration 22. Call MD 23. Creatinine 24. low estrogen in older women 25. High fluid intake (3-4 L DAILY), 26. Bleeding 27. No separately assess amount hourly for first 24 hr if output decreases and back pain may indicate dislodged or clogged notify MD 28. Collects urine in portion of the intestine, which is then opened up onto skin surface as a stoma the pt must where a pouch. Pt may want to talk with another pt who has undergone the procedure 29. pt needs rest monitor urine output 30. Increased respirations (rate and depth ) occur in attempts to normalize blood Ph by excreting carbon monoxide through the lungs this is called kussmaul resp, ckd and uremia are related 31. Daily weight and blood pressure increased wt indicates fluid retention and high BP indicates sodium restriction 32. Place in high fowlers position and give 02 to improve oxygen exchange 33. Evidence of fluid imbalance VS and Wt 34. HA, confusion, decreased BP, seizures

35. Poor dialysate flow is usually related to constipation pt should take daily stool softeners 36. PD- less strict diet, no machine required, freedom of scheduling 37. I&O and BP monitoring ***2000 ml of urine in one hour indicates diuresis 38. Assess for S/S of rejection/infection chills fever tachycardia and tachypnea 39. With ESKD tall T waves on ecg =check K+ 40. High sodium canned/ processed foods are also high in sodium

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