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1) A storage group has capability to (choose 2) a) store different databases b) combine volumes from different devices c) assign frequently

y accessed objects to fast devices d) store db2 catalog 2) The default database name is a) DSNDB02 b) DSNDB03 c) DSNDB04 d) DSNDB01 3) A index space is created using CREATE INDEXSPACE command before creating the index T/F 4) A temporary table is created with the following command a) DECLARE GLOBAL TABLE b) DECLARE TEMPORARY TABLE c) DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE d) None 5) In the RATE table, if the following data is found RATE-CAT RATE-PER-HOUR A 150 B -100 D NULL E 20 And if the command SELECT MIN(RATE-PER-HOUR) from RATE-CAT, then the value selected would be a) NULL b) 20 c) None d) 100 (ans: -100) 6) The use of VALUE function in select would be to a) Substitiue a value for any nulls and not nulls returned by a column b) substitue a value for any nulls returned by a column c) Substitue a value for any not nulls returned by a column based on the condition set d) None

7) Buffer pools are the areas of Main storage to improve performance of the database by a) avoiding the wait associated with disk I/O b) increasing the virtual storage c) decreasing the virtual storage d) avoiding the temporary store pages for tablespace and index 8) The following are reatled to logical database design (choose 2) a) Creating databases, table space,tables etc. b) Normalization c) Data modeling d) None 9) The below defintion of COBOL variables for VARCHAR is correct TRUE / FALSE 10 REMARKS. 49 REMARKS-LEN PIC S9(4) USAGE COMP-3. 49 REMARKS-TEXT PIC X(1920). (ans: FALSE) 10) Every attribute in the entity should depend only on the key columns and not on other non-key attributes. This explains about
a) b) c) d) 1 NF 2 NF 3 NF 4 NF

11) Entity integrity requires specification of a) Primary key and Foreign key b) Only Primary key c) Primary key and Unquie constraints d) Foreign key and Unquie constraints

12) The parameter to indicate the percentage of each page to be left as free space when the table space is loaded or reorganized. a) FREEPAGE b) PCTFREE c) PAGEPCT d) PAGEFREE

13) When the DB2 field returns value to the host variable and if truncation happens due to insufficient length definition of the host variable, the null indicator will hold a, a) 0 b) Negative value c) Positive value d) None 14) The size of the null indicator variable is a) Full word comp b) Full word comp-3 c) Half word comp d) Half word comp-3 15) If null value returned by the select statement and no indicator variables are mentioned in the select, then, a) the program will abnormally end b) The SQL stmt will fail with RC= -305 c) The SQL stmt will go through successfully d) None 16) Consider the following scenario with Table field: EMP-LAST-NAME VarChar(10), Host variables: 01 HV-LAST-NAME. 05 HV-LAST-NAME-TXT X(10). 05 HV-LEN S9(4) COMP. EMP-LAST-NAME = CHRISTINA After moving to the host variable, HV-LAST NAME = CHRISTINA EMP-LAST-NAME = BOB After moving to the host variable, HV-LAST NAME = BOBISTINA The above improper data move can be rectified by a) b) c) d) By moving length to HV-LEN variable By initializing the HV-LAST-NAME-TXT variable By using reference modifiers with EMP-LAST-NAME None

17) Partioned table space contains a) More than one table data in a partition b) More than one table data across segment

c) Only one table data across partition d) Only one table data in a segment

18) LOCK size can be specified at (choose 3) a) Database level b) Tablespace level c) Table level d) Page level 19) If the number of locks in one level exceeds the installation default, then DB2 locks a larger unit. This is called, a) Lock duration b) Lock escalation c) Lock suspension d) Lock Release 20) To acquire lock during Plan allocation the bind option will be a) ACQUIRE(ALLOCATE) b) ACQUIRE(USE) c) ACQUIRE(PLAN) d) ACQUIRE(ALLOC) 21) The isolation level that do not allow read access to other transactions when the page is locked for update (choose 2) a) RR b) RS c) CS d) UR 22) The DCLGEN member created through DB2I will contain information on, a) Table index b) Storage variables for host language c) Location identifier d) Index structure 23) The SQLWARN3 of SQLCA will contain W when a) If a string was truncated when moving to host variable b) If number of columns and host variables do not match c) If null values were excluded d) If the problem with date value inserted to the table 24) The expansion of DCLGEN and replacment of SQL statements wi th host language equivalent calls is done by a) Compilation

b) Precompilation c) Bind d) Linkdit

25) The Bind task to come up with run time instructions for the SQL in DBRM is done by a) Runtime supervisor b) Optimizer c) Customizer d) None 26) Multiple DBRMs can be bound to a Package and the poitners to the package will be included in the Plan True / False 27) When the DBRMs are bound to a PLAN (choose 2), a) Multiple Isolation levels are possible b) Only one Isolation level is possible c) Multiple release options are possbile d) Only one release option is possbile 28) When binding the package to a plan with the following command, identify the collection id

a) b) c) d)

F6418 F6418ACR F6418PBP none

29) The Package is stored in a) DB2 Catalog b) DB2 Directory c) DB2 DBRM library d) PLAN_TABLE 30) When the consistency token doesnt match between the COBOL and the PLAN, the following SQLCODE will be given a) -181 b) -803 c) -805 d) -811 31) The message text for DSNTIAR can be declared with the maximum length of a) 230 b) 250 c) 240 d) 220

32) WHENEVER SQLWARNING will transfer the control to the paragraph coded when the a) SQLCODE is Ve b) SQLCODE is +Ve inlcuding +100 c) SQLCODE is +Ve but not +100 d) SQLCODE is Ve inlcuding +100 33) When RollBack is executed the unit of work will be rolled back, a) to the begining of the transaction which has a commit statement b) to the previous commit c) both a & b d) none 34) With following cursor definition,

a) The updates can be done on columns C1, C3, C5 b) The updates can be done on columns C2, C4 c) The updates can be done for all the columns d) None 35) The cusor can be kept open after the commit by specifying ont of the following option a) WITH clause b) WITH COMMIT clause c) WITH UPDATE clause d) None 36) The following clause allows to update the latest record fetched in the DB2 cursor a) WHERE CURRENT OF b) WHERE CURRENT OF UPDATE c) WHERE CURRENT OF <cursor name> d) None 37) The value saved in the null indicator variable when the data returned from the table is not null, a) -1 b) -2 c) 0 d) +1 38) In which of the following Table space type , only one tables data can be stored in the table space, a) Paged b) Segmented c) Partitioned d) Splitted 39) In a Partitioned table space, when the number of page level locks exceeds, the lock is escalated to a) Table lock

b) Tablespace lock c) Partition lock d) Segment lock

40) The greatest level of data concurrency is provided by which isolation level, a) Repeatable Read b) Read stability c) Cursor Stability d) UR 41) Which of the table lock acquired on the modify type processing with Isolation level(CS) and Locksize(TABLE) a) X b) IX c) S d) IS 42) The option that will make DB2 to execute queries in parallel engines is a) DEGREE(multiple) b) DEGREE(any) c) DEGREE(>1) d) DEGREE(+1) 43) To monitor the access path for SQL statment and save the same to the PLAN_TABLE, the bind option is, a) EXPLAIN(NO) b) EXPLAIN(YES) c) EXPLAIN(ACCESS) d) EXPLAIN(PLAN) 44) The utility that will give a report on all table spaces with tables tied together by referential integrity, a) REPAIR b) CHECK c) REPORT d) REPORT RECOVERY 45) The purpose of Quiesce utility is to a) To take image copy of the tables b) To rebuild index c) To record a point of consistency for recovery d) To recover data from the image copy 46) When migrating from one version of DB2 to another, the structure of DB2 catalog will be altered using the utility a) CATMAINT b) MODIFY c) RUNSTATS



EMPLOYE_PROJ D001 -----D002 ------

SELECT EMPLOYE_ID FROM TB_EMPLOYEE A WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT PROJEMP_EMP_ID FROM TB_PROJEMP WHERE PROJEMP_EMP_ID = A.EMPLOYE_ID ) The number of records that will be retrieved by the above qurey are, a) 0 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 48) Consider Employee & Project tables of the previous question, SELECT EMPLOYE_ID FROM TB_EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPLOYE_ID > ALL (SELECT PROJEMP_EMP_ID FROM TB_PROJEMP); The EMPLOYE_ID that will be retrieved for the above qurey is a) E005 b) E003 c) E004, E005 d) None 49) Which type of index organization will store pointers to the physical location of the index data, a) CLUSTER b) NON-CLUSTER c) MEMBER CLUSTER d) MEMBER NON-CLUSTER 50) The access path can be determined by the DB2 optimizer based on certain indexes, if the index used is dropped, (choose 2) a) PLAN will be rebound implicitly b) The Optimizer will find another access path c) PLAN will not be rebound

d) The Optimizer will not find another access path

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