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Dot matrix LED running display




Dot matrix LED running display

Dot matrix LED running dis

author: Ivailo Vasilev - vasilev_ivailo




Dot matrix LED running display

- LED dot m a trix displa y 40x 7; - Displa y of clock, cale nda r, inside a nd outside te m pera ture, te xt m e ssage s; - Autom a tic Daylight Sa vings Tim e; - C apability of k ee ping the rea l tim e clock work ing corre ctly for m ore tha n one we ek without power supply; - Inside tem pe rature m ea sure m e nt (0 +75) C, 0.5 C accura cy; - O utside te m perature m e asure m e nt (-40 +75) C, 0.5 C a ccura cy; - Supports sta tic a nd running m e ssa ge s with diffe re nt effects; - Full C yrillic a nd spe cia l sym bols supports; - Me m ory for 10 m essa ges, e a ch including up to 250 sym bols; - Autom a tic brightne ss control; - IR re m ote control for se ttings m e ssa ge s se le ct; - P owe r supply: 12 24V DC; - Front pa ne l dim e nsions 305 x 69 m m .

Schematic description

The device com prise s two pa rts: LED control boa rd and LED displa y board. The two P CBs connections, while the othe r is only use d as a m echa nical conne cting ele m e nt.

be hind the othe r using two se ts of dua l row conne ctors a nd 4 spa cers. O ne of this conne c

The core of the de vice is m icrocontrolle r P IC18F252 (U9). It controls all the functions of t algorithm to control the LED m a trix . LEDs are connecte d in m atrix 40x 7. The colum ns tie and rows tie the LEDs a nodes. The LED m a trix is controlle d dynam ically in row by row. To com ponents, the LEDs a re drive n with spe cia lized LED driver STP 16CP 05 (U101-U103),



Dot matrix LED running display

Each of the se IC conta in 16-bit seria l-in, pa ralle l-out shift re giste r, la tch re gister and 16 O utputs a re ope n dra in type, allowing conne ction of a load supplie d with up to 20V suppl

outputs va rie s from 5 to 100 m A and is set from an ex te rna l re sistor (R115-R117). In th

are conne cte d in a cascade a nd controlle d from the m icrocontroller ove r SP I protocol. The MSB control the a nodes through the 7 drive r tra nsistors (VT101 - VT107). The 40th sends the 48-bit word e ve ry 1 m s.

controlling one row a t the tim e. The 40 LSB re pre se nt LED sta te s (1-O n, 0-O ff) in the row

The re a re 7 cycle s to displa y e a ch row plus an ex tra bla nk cycle , used to process tem pe ra

re fre sh rate of the displa y is 125Hz. To control the displa y brightne ss is used the "output de sired brightne ss, using the m icrocontrolle r's on-chip P W M m odule.

be gins with logica l 0 on the O E pin (outputs a re ena ble d). The dura tion of an e nable d sig

You should note that num be rs of colum ns and rows a re not se quential to the correspond This aim s to sim plify the de sign of PC B. The LEDs' corre sponding bits a re re a rranged by order.

Real-time clock / calendar



Dot matrix LED running display

The re al tim e clock is im ple m e nte d with U10 - PC F8583. This is a clock / ca lenda r / a la rm

chip 32768Hz oscilla tor. The PCF8583 contains all necessa ry counter re giste rs to provide inform ation. Its powe r consum ption is ve ry low (typical supply current is 10 A). It ope rate s battery or e ve n a back-up ca pa citor. The de signe d P CB provide s both options.

from 1 to 6V. These fe a tures will m a k e it possible to have a rea l tim e clock a vaila ble for

The footprint for lithium ba tte ry is suite d for 2032 type sock et. The ex perim e nts using 1

clock re m a ins a ctive m ore than a wee k a fte r turning-off the powe r supply. The diodes VD oscillator fre que ncy a t 32768Hz. For I2C com m unica tion is use d the Maste r Synchronous P IC18F252. This m odule is set in I2C m aste r m ode. O n the sa m e bus a n e xte rna l EEP R om itte d.

Shotke y type a s shown in the sche m e be cause of their low drop forwa rd volta ge . Trim m e

e xpand the ca pacity of the data stora ge. The pre se nt ve rsion of firm ware does not ne ed

Temperature measurement

For a m bie nt te m pera ture m e asurem ent a re use d LM35 se nsors (U5, U6). The y are fa cto m e asure m e nt, a ne gative volta ge m ust be a pplie d to the output through a resistor (R 4 re quirem ent, the ground pins of the se nsors a re conne cted to the a na log ground throug VD6,VD7), which pick the m up with a pprox im a tely 1,4V.

The output re sponse is 10m V/C . The supply volta ge should be be twe e n 4 a nd 30 Volts.

In tha t case the Vcc (+5V) power supply is not e nough for LM35, so a dditiona l volta ge re use d. The signal from the se nsor is tak en be twe e n the output and the negative pins of

the se two pins is bipolar with pola rity depending on the m e a sured the te m perature sign.

with e xte rna l thre e-wire cables. Softwa re is designed to show inside te m perature from U6

A/D converter

Both LM35's outputs are conne cte d to U4 - MC P3302. This is a Successive Approxim ation

converter. It provide s 13 bits re solution (12 bits plus one sign bit). The MC P3302 ha s 4 a bipola r volta ges from the LM35 tem pe rature se nsors. As a re fere nce volta ge is used U7

configure d e ithe r a s 4 single e nde d or a s 2 diffe rentia l inputs. The a pplica tion re quires 2

Its output va lue ne e ds to be adjuste d a t 2,55V using a trim m er-pote ntiom e te r RP 1. VD8 com pe nsa tion. The MCP 3302 ha s an SP I inte rfa ce , using four signal lines. These line s a m icrocontroller (U9). To e nsure a ccuracy the ana log ground is separa te d from the digital is a n SMD type Z600 ferrite be am in 0805 pa ck a ge . The sam e type is used to de couple a nd for te m perature sensors and re fe rence voltage (L4 and L5 re spe ctive ly).



Dot matrix LED running display

Brightness control

For an a utom a tic brightne ss control is used a light-to-volta ge conve rte r - U8 (TSL257). It

proportiona l to the light inte nsity on the built in photodiode. The volta ge from the light s unwante d blinks of the display, a slight software de lay of the P W M control is applie d.

m icrocontrolle r ADC. The ADC value a ffe cts the P W M m odule from whe re the LED pane l ch

Display functions

The displa y settings a re a djuste d from the use r with three local buttons S1-S3. The m e a n the se buttons is as follows: S1 - UP; S2 - DO W N; S3 - SET.

Clock settings

To e nter in se ttings m ode press once SET button. A "Se ttings" la be l appea red on display

UP or DO W N buttons to sele ct "Se t tim e ". P ress the SET button a ga in a nd display will sho digits a re blink ing. Use UP /DOW N buttons to a djust the corre ct hours. Then press SET to a re se t, the display will switch to date a djustm e nt. Adjust da te , m onth and ye ar and a utom atica lly ca lcula tes the da y of the wee k.

If an incorre ct da te is se le cted (for e x am ple 29.02.10), the displa y will show an "ERR O R"

a t the be ginning of the date a djustm e nt. W he n the da te is se t corre ctly the displa y will s va lue s a nd returns a t "Se ttings" m ode . If the DO W N button is pre ssed the displa y

"O K" and will wa it to confirm the ne w clock /date va lues. If the UP button is presse d a ga in

tim e " procedure . W he n the button SET is presse d a ne w clock and date va lue are a ccepte

run in norm a l m ode. The software a utom a tically switche s on Daylight Sa vings Tim e (+1 h in Ma rch, at 3:00 o'clock a.m . R eturn to winte r-tim e (-1 hour) is done on the last Sunda y

Brightness settings

The use r ca n se lect the brightne ss leve l in 8 steps or se le ct a n a uto m ode . To change th

se lect Bright and pre ss SET. The displa y will show the current bright le vel (from "Bright 1" se lecte d va lue will acce pt and store it in EEPR O M. To ex it from "Se ttings" m enu a nd re tu SET button, whe n a la bel "Se ttings" a ppe ars.

m ode. The desired value is sele cte d by pre ssing the buttons UP a nd DO W N. W he n the S

IR remote control

An additiona l fe ature of the device is the possibility to cha nge se ttings using a n Infrare d

to be installe d on a pla ce with difficult a cce ss. The de code r is im plem ented with m icrocon

de signe d to work with a standa rd TV rem ote control, m a tching RC 5 protocol. This protoco

The decode r rece ive d a de m odulate d digital signa l from IR re ce iver TSO P 1736. The soft

com m a nd and tra nsm its it to the m a in m icrocontroller U9 over an a synchronous se rial co ha rdware Unive rsa l Synchronous Asynchronous Re ce ive r Transm itte r (USAR T) m odule . Switch is im plem e nte d by the 4 NAND e lem ents in U53 (74HC00). Unfortunately, the pre re a dy to control a RS232 com m unication. So for tha t m om e nt U71, U53, J71 and The a vaila ble buttons from TV rem ote control a re a s follows:

at ea ch re cognized com m a nd. The m a in m icrocontrolle r (PIC18F252) receive s com m a nd

use d for a RS232 connection to the PC , the R X signa l is m ultiple xe d be twe en the U52 ou



Dot matrix LED running display

- PROGRA M UP - equivale nt to local button S1 - UP; - PROGRA M DOWN - e quivale nt to loca l button S2 - DO W N; - MUTE - e quivale nt to loca l button S3 - SET; - MENU - e quiva lent to loca l button S3 - SET (not working with all re m ote controls); - Dire ct buttons from 0 9 se lects pre de fine d m e ssa ge s. From m essa ge s 1 to 4 displa y wi effects.

da te, outside a nd inside te m pe rature , re spe ctively. From 5 to 9 a nd 0 the display shows

Power supply

The de vice ne e ds three different sta bilize d supply voltage s: Vcc (+5V) for m a in part of s re gulator. For a +5V is use d U2 (LM2575-5.0) and for Vle d is used U3(LM2576-ADJ).

a nodes a nd a +9V for te m pera ture se nsors. For high-efficia ncy Vcc (+5V) a nd Vle d (+2,5

is very low, it is im ple m e nte d with low powe r ve rsion of standard linea r re gulator 78L09. V

ove rvolta ge prote ction. If the volta ge of Vcc e x ce eds the ze ne r diode voltage plus thyrist

open a nd gives short circuit Vcc to ground. This protects all the integrate d circuits from a c The ex ternal power supply m ust ha ve a fuse or curre nt lim ite r. O f course , this protection LED drive rs' outputs ca n work with supply. It is ne ce ssary to pa y a tte ntion to the Vle d volta ge. Its va lue is ve ry im porta nt d is 1,85V at 20m A. It won't be a problem powe r dissipa tion in the drivers will incre ase and the the rm al shut-down protection will use d the ne xt form ula :

re com m e nde d, especially a t the sta ge of te sting. O the r two power supplie s are not so cri

up to 20V loa d a nd lim its the curre nt through the LEDs. The ICs LM35 a nd LM336 can als

LED drive rs. In this case are used supe r bright re d LEDs dot m a trix m odule s 5x 7 (TC20-1

to use othe r type of LEDs. For re lia ble work the Vle d should be 0,5-0,7 higher than the V

whe re R2 is betwee n 1 a nd 5 k O hm . It is a lso nee ded to choose a proper value for LEDs a pprox im a te ly 80m A pe r output. Because the duty cycle of e ach row is 1/8, the a ve ra ge R115 and R 116 a re duplica te d nex t to R 117, na m e d R115' a nd R116'.

R115, R 116 a nd R117 re sistors, conne cted to pin 23 (R EXT) of LED drive r. The showe d v

See the STP 16C P05 data she et for output curre nt re sistor se t. For conve nience of cha ngin

In conclusion

Any spe cia l adjustm e nts a re re quired to sta rt the device. If it is a ssem ble d properly and

progra m m e d it will im m e diately start running. U9 ca n be progra m m e d with one of the tw depending on the progra m m er type. It is possible to ne e d to disconnect the Vcc from U9 purpose JP1 is provided. The U52 m ust be progra m m e d e x te rna lly. 2,00m m , not 2,54!

P lea se note , tha t the two double row connectors conne cting the two boa rds a re SMD type

This is a de m onstration device . I a m ope n to a ny idea s a nd issues concerning the proje c Don't he sitate to conta ct m e a t: va sile v_iva ilo a




Dot matrix LED running display

Pa rts Bottom

PC B Bottom

P a rts Top



Dot matrix LED running display

P CB Top

Pa rts displa y Bottom

PC B displa y Bottom

Pa rts displa y Top



Dot matrix LED running display

PC B displa y Bottom


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