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To be Present

Negative Affirmative Singular: - I am - You are - He is - She is - It is Plural: - we are - you are - they are Singular: - I am not not - You am not not - He is not not - She is not - It is not Plural: - We are - You are - they are

Interrogative Singular: - Am I ? - Are you? - Is he? - Is she? - Is it? Affirmative Plural: - Are we? - Are you? - Are they?

Exemplos: Negative

I am Rodrigo He is not tall She is Cassandra She is not from Minas Gerais He is Pedro I am not good singer They are very happy We are not the champion We are a good soccer player They are not riches Interrogative How are you? Who is he? Who is she? Who is a good man? Who is the tall boy ?

Simple present tense

Usa-se o presente simples para indicar: Um fato. My Classes start at seven oclock.

Uma ao habitual, um acontecimento , geralmente usado com advrbios de tempo. Always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, never, every day, on Monday, etc. I always listen to the radio.

Forma Afirmativa Para as primeiras e segundas pessoas( I,you, we, they), o verbo fica igual forma infinitiva (mas sem a partcula to), nas terceiras pessoas do singular (he,she,it) , h a necessidade de adicionar S ao fim do verbo . Verbos terminados em o, ch, s, ss, sh, x ou z Acrescenta "ES" Exemplos: GO (ir) = GOES CATCH (pegar) = CATCHES PASS (passar) = PASSES BRUSH (escovar) = BRUSHES, FIX (consertar) = FIXES BUZZ (zumbir) = BUZZES

Macete: Se esquecer as terminaes lembre-se:

O Seu SHampoo CHeiroso da Xuxa EStragou! Verbos terminados em Y precedidos de consoante, troca o Y por I e acrescenta "ES" Exemplos: TRY (tentar) = TRIES STUDY (estudar) = STUDIES Forma Interrogativa Para fazer frases interrogativas, vamos usar o auxiliar DO (ou DOES, para as terceiras pessoas) antes do verbo. Exemplos: - Do you go to school ? (Voc vai para a escola ?) - Does she work ? (Ela trabalha? ) Formas negativa
Para tornar uma frase negativa, s adicionar o NOT depois do DO ou DOES:


- I Do not (dont) work (eu no trabalho) - She does not (doesnt) work (ela no trabalha) Affirmative Negative Interrogative I dont walk Do I walk ? I walk You dont walk Do you walk? You walk She doesnt walk Does she walks? She walks He doesnt walk Does he walks? He walks It doesnt walk Does it walks? It walks We dont walk Do we walk? We walk You dont walk Do you walk? You walk They dont walk Do they walk? They walk Dont = Do not Doesnt = Does not

Present Continuous tense

Affirmative - I am + verb+ing - You are + verb+ ing - He is + verb+ ing - She is + verb+ ing - It is + verb+ ing - we are + verb+ ing - you are + verb+ ing - they are + verb+ ing Affirmative I am sleeping You are cooking They are visiting We are walking You is playing baseball Negative - I am not + verb+ ing - You am not + verb+ ing - He is not + verb+ ing - She is not + verb+ ing - It is not + verb+ ing - We are not + verb+ ing - You are not + verb+ ing - they are not + verb+ ing Exemplos: Negative I am not helping He is not cooking She is not visiting They are not studying We are not fining Interrogative - Am + verb+ ing I ? - Are + verb+ ing you? - Is + verb+ ing he? - Is + verb+ ing she? - Is + verb+ ing it? - Are + verb+ ing you? - Are + verb+ ing they?

Interrogative Are you reading letter? Is he a good cooking? Is she good singer? Are we tall? Are they beautiful woman?

Indica que uma ao est acontecendo no momento em que se fala, ou na atualidade: We are writing a letter now. Jeniffer is reading a book. O Present Continuous pode ser empregado tambm em frases que denotam um futuro provvel, aes que pretendemos realizar ou que temos certeza de que iro acontecer. Estrutura do Present Continuous:

VERBO TO BE + VERBO PRINCIPAL + TERM. ING Forma afirmativa We are speaking English now. I am looking for a teacher. ATENO! to study studying mantm-se o y antes do -ing to try trying to carry carrying, etc. Mas, to play playing Nos verbos abaixo , substitui-se o ie pelo y" e acrescenta-se o -ing. to die dying to lie lying to tie - tying Dobra-se a ltima consoante quando houver a seqncia: CVC (consoante vogal- consoante) to put putting to sit sitting to swim swimming, etc. Forma interrogative Are you felling bad at this moment? Is she studing French? Forma negative It is not raining anymore.

Quando a slaba tnica for a ltima, dobra-se a ltima consoante tambm. begin beginning prefer preferring Em verbos terminados em e, substitui-o pelo -ing. to take taking to have having EXCEES: to be being to see - seeing occur - ocurring, etc.

Os demais verbos que no participam das excees acima citadas mantm sua forma acrescida do ing.

Certos verbos no so flexionados no Present Continuous. So verbos que geralmente indicam um estado ou condio. Alguns deles so: agree (concordar) believe (acreditar) belong (pertencer) disagree (discordar) forget (esquecer) hate (odiar) have (possuir) hear (ouvir) hope (esperar) know (saber) love (amar)

O present do verbo TO BE (is/am/are) + going to uma estrutura muito usada antes do infinitivo de um verbo que expressa uma ao futura planejada, quando falamos sobre aes que j esto planejadas: ... I am finally going to retire. (Finalmente vou me aposentar

To be - Simple past
Affirmative - I was - You were - He was - She was Negative - I was not - You were not - He was not - She was not Interrogative - Was I? - Were you? - Was she? - Was he?

- It were - We were - You were - They were

- It were not - We were not - You were not - They were not Exemplos:

- Was it? - Were we? - Were you? - Were they? Interrogative

Affirmative I was one She was marking reports She was busy the police station It was awful School was out earlier today

Negative I was not a gardener My brothers where not a plumber Those boys were not painters She was not a nurse She was not a bus driver

When was the girl at the park Where were the two friends l Sunday? Who was at home last night? When were the girls in Paris? Who was at school yesterday

Past Continues tense

Indica aes que estavam ocorrendo no momento em que outra ao ocorreu. Affirmative Negative Interrogative - Was + verb + ing I? - Were + verb + ing you? - Was + verb + ing she? - Was + verb + ing he? - Was + verb + ing it? - Were + verb + ing we? - Were + verb + ing you? - Were + verb + ing they? Interrogative

- I was + verb + ing - I was not + verb + ing - You were + verb + ing - You were not + verb + ing - He was + verb + ing - He was not + verb + ing - She was + verb + ing - She was not verb + ing - It were + verb + ing - It were not + verb + ing - We were + verb + ing - We were not + verb + ing - You were + verb + ing - You were not + verb + ing - They were + verb + ing - They were not + verb + ing Exemplos: Affirmative I was playing soccer He was reading a book They were swimming He was sleeping They were helping mom Negative

Was the girl writing yesterday? I was not cooking Was the boy sleeping? He was not dancing Were the girls studying? She was not eating Was Simon singing at 10 We were not playing basketball oclock? They were not talking on Was Sandra teaching telephone Portuguese?

Simple future
Affirmative - I Will - You Will - He will Negative - I will not - You will not - He will not Interrogative - Will I? - Will you? - Will he?

- She will - It will - We will - You will - They will Affirmative I will buy a bike She will go to beach He will go tomorrow He will go to garage We will ho next week

- She will not - It will not - We will not - You will not - They will not Negative

- Will she? - Will it? - Will we? - Will you? - Will they? Exemplos: Interrogative Where will they try? Where will she go? When will he go? Where will Sonia go? Where will Ruan go?

I will not a operator She will not a cashier He will not a librarian We will not an electrician They will not watch TV

Expressa fatos e acontecimentos que provavelmente ocorrero:

They will arrive tomorrow.

Indica decises tomadas no momento em que se fala:

The cell phone is ringing. Ill answer it.

Oferecer ou pedir ajuda:

Who will help me? I will help you. 1. Formao: SUJEITO + WILL + VERBO PRINCIPAL (no infinitivo sem o TO) 2. Formas abreviadas: ll (will) wont (will not) 3. Forma negativa: I will not drink it. I wont drink it. 4. Forma interrogative: Will they drink it? 5. Going to

Essa forma expressa a inteno do sujeito de realizar uma ao no futuro. Esta inteno sempre premeditada e planejada; expressa tambm a idia de que alguma preparao para esta ao j foi feita; Aes expressadas pelo going to so mais provveis de acontecer:

He is going to be a dentist when he gets the graduation. (Ele ser um dentista quando se formar) Im going to to meet Tom at the station at six oclock. (Encontrarei Tom na estao na esto s seis horas) Observaes:

O will pode ser substitudo por shall na primeira pessoa do singular e do plural (I/ We) em sentenas mais formais:

I shall do everything and we shall live in peace.

O auxiliar will expressa fomente uma inteno que no est certo que vai acontecer, enquanto que o going to denota uma probabilidade maior de que a ao acontea.

Simple Past
Forma afirmativa Na construo de frases afirmativas no passado simples, os verbos podem ser divididos em duas categorias: Regulares e Irregulares. Verbos regulares Formam o passado acrescentando "ED" ao final I You He She It We You They worked worked worked worked worked worked worked worked Eu trabalhei Voc trabalhou Ele trabalhou Ela trabalhou (Ele/ela) trabalhou (coisas ou animais) Ns trabalhamos Vocs trabalharam Eles trabalharam Verbos irregulares No possuem nenhuma regra para serem conjugados no passado. Cada verbo tem sua prpria forma. Forma interrogativas Para a construo de frases interrogativas no passado precisamos utilizar o verbo auxiliar "DID". Observe que o "DID" estando presente na frase, a mesma j se encontra no passado, e o verbo no precisa ser conjugado, ficando no presente.

Interrogative - Did I +verb? - Did you + verb? - Did he + verb? - Did she + verb? - Did it + verb? - Did we + verb? - Did you + verb? - Did they + verb?

Negative - I did not + verb - You did not + verb - He did not + verb - She did not + verb - It did not + verb - We did not + verb - You did not + verb - They did not+ verb

Present perfect tense

Affirmative - I have - You have - He has - She has - It has - We have - You have - They have Negative - I have not - You have not - He has not - She has not - It has not - We have not - You have not - They have not Interrogative - Have I? - Have you? - Has he? - Has she? - Has it? - Have we? - Have you? - Have they?

O Present Perfect, embora contenha no nome a palavra "present", refere-se sempre ao passado e geralmente utilizado nas seguintes situaes Aes que acabaram de ocorrer Se no for mencionado, na frase, quando a ao ocorreu

Ex: I have cut myself! (Eu me cortei!)

They have arrived (Eles chegaram)

Exemplos: Frases no passado contendo as seguintes palavras: She's just arrived from work (Ela acabou de chegar do trabalho) Have you already washed the car? JUST ALREADY YET ALWAYS EVER NEVER (Voc j lavou o carro?)

I haven't gone there yet (Eu no fui l ainda) I've always lived in London (Eu sempre morei em Londres) Have you ever gone to New York? (Voc j foi a New York?) ATENO: "EVER" aqui tem o sentido de "alguma vez" I've never gone to New York (Eu nunca fui a New York) Exemplos:

Frases contendo palavras que I haven't seen Ana recently (Eu no tenho visto Ana indicam perodo de tempo recentemente) passado: RECENTLY FOR A LONG TIME SINCE SO FAR

I haven't seen him for a long time (Eu no o vejo h muito tempo) I haven't gone there since 1999 (Eu no vou l desde 1999) We haven't had problems so far (No temos tido problemas at agora)

Frases que se referem a um perodo de tempo que ainda no terminou no momento da fala: TODAY THIS MORNING THIS AFTERNOON THIS YEAR Frases que indicam a ordem de ocorrncia de uma ao no passado: THE FIRST TIME THE SECOND TIME Etc


I haven't seen John today (Eu no v John hoje) Have you seen Jane this morning? (Voc viu Jane esta manh

It was the first time I've gone there (foi a primeira vez que eu fui l)

Quando NO utilizar o Present Perfect

Se, na frase, for mencionado o tempo da ocorrncia, Em frases onde, mesmo no sendo mencionado o tempo da ocorrncia, evidente que a ao ocorreu h muito tempo

Ex: They arrived yesterday (Eles chegaram ontem)

Ex: Shakespeare wrote many plays (Shakespeare escreveu muitas peas)

Fonte: AMOS, Eduardo, Simplified grammar book,2 ed, So Paulo, Moderna,2001

Disponvel em : <>. Acesso em 02 de outubro de 2010 Disponvel em <>. Acesso em 02 de outubro de 2010

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