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C - July 25, 2012

Lets Agree to Disagree

The "new" tenant engagement system We do not agree with the new Tenant Engagement Proposal, as an example Pelham Park Gardems currently has 4 Tenants Rep; 2 for 61 PPG, (the number of Units single home 354) , myself for (townhouse- family home unit 103) and 1 youth rep. The tenant population in my community is over 800 people. Under the new recommendations the proposed Tenant Rep Ratios are out of touch with reality and more over the issues, are unique for the buildings and the townhouses. The recommendations made by the Staff must have an understanding what is working in each community , why does it have to be "one size fits all?". Keep in mind about inclusiveness, more opportunities for community members to represent the community. It is sad to say that Staff are forgetting about people with disabilities and seniors whom they need to represent too. True democracy doesn't have special treatment for individuals, or groups. The democratic system has to be a fair and transparent process open to all community members without exception. There are staff who would prefer not to work with Tenant Reps and Tenant Leaders, who do not welcome our input. Is this why we are seeing this total demolition of the existing system to accommodate the needs of Staff? The Tenant Transition Process: It is of no surprise that Staff and their small workgroup have created a real paradigm, why do they believe 10 individuals (TERC Elections Subcommittee) represent 600 Elected Tenant Reps and Tenant Leaders as part of the 165,000 tenants who live in TCH when it comes to making important decisions that impact our communities?. This undermines those individuals that have served our communities and is totally undemocratic in our opinion. Tenant Engagement "Reflection Survey" results are clearly out of touch with reality. Originally slated for the 600 Tenant Reps, the majority of whom were deeply insulted and refused to participate so the committee decided to scratch half the questions that applied to Tenant Reps and have tenants respond, and of course staff as well, after all this brought their response level extremely high misleading people to believe this was the desire of the majority, when in fact it is not. Tenant Reps were not asked if they supported term limits, nor were Tenant Reps or Tenant Leaders asked to make suggestions or recommendations on how the engagement system could be improved. I guess this is because staff and the 10 member sub-committee have already made that decision for us. TERC is not a decision making body and they do not speak for all tenants living in TCH, any more than any other volunteer workgroup. Staff are quick to remind us as Tenants ... "We are NOT a decision making body". For the first time in TCH history - the tenant engagement system has pitted tenants against tenants.

Why is it that the funding available (after June 30, 2012) will be decided by volunteers selected by Staff? Why is it that every year staff can't seem to get the council funding to councils until July ... when Councils break from June to September? We need to better educate staff around
the Canadian democratic system. No where at any level of government is there term limits, not Federal, Provincial nor Municipal, and yet staff feel the need to impose term limits on unpaid volunteers who actually want to represent their communities.

TCH should target areas of more pressing concern such as "Safety, Town Hall Meetings, Maintenance and Pest Control". Staff should focus their efforts on being a better Landlord and not creating new ways to stifle and control the hundreds of tenants who volunteer their time to make TCH a better place to live. Why do we have to fight with staff to represent our communities?

. It is a fact Staff over the years had drove tenants bonkers for the sole reason of not agreeing with their point of view "Political speech [...] is the single most important and protected type of expression. It lies at the core of the guarantee of free expression [...]. The right of the people to discuss and debate ideas forms the very foundation of democracy [...]. For this reason, the Supreme Court of Canada has assiduously protected the right of each citizen to participate in political debate." - SUPREME COURT OF CANADA, 2004 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Fundamental freedoms 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association. In the Good Old U.S.A in their Constitution is engraved an important legal statue, is call the First amendment ( Since Mr Eugene is an American he is aware of it)

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Therefore as a "volunteer" member of the T.E.R.C ,the Communications Work Group and as Tenant I have guarantees that I am free to express my opinion.. I am not on Payroll with T.C.H.C if I was the case SURELY I will have to comply to whatever the head boss has put forward for I have a Mental and Physical Disability already what can they do next?.. Kick me out of housing because of my "free speech".. let them try. Miguel Avila T.C.H.Tenant

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