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= GU PHAR TIENG A ect =D LOI NOI DAU uén "Ngit phap tiéng Anh" nay dugc bién soan nhim muc dich phuc vu viée hoc tiéng Anh trong cdc trudng Dai hoe va Trung hoc chuyén nghiép déng théi cing nhim déng gop vao viéc hoc tiéng Anh ca hoc sinh cdc trudng phé théng, cae lép tai chtte va cdc ban tu hoc. Né6 cé tinh chat cha mét cuén Ngit phap tiéng Anh ca ban va thue hanh, noi dung cha yéu nham gidi thiéu nhiing quy tac co ban va thong dung, kém theo nhiéu bai tap dé gidp ngudi hoc van dung dude cdc quy tac trong viéc rén luyén ky nang néi, nghe, doc, viét tiéng Anh. Do dé sach nay chua dé cap dén nhiing van dé phic tap, ft gap va it ding, cing khéng di s4u vao ng phap ly thuyét. Mat khac, dé dam bdo “Tinh chat Viét Nam va hién dai", ching téi cing cha y dua vao kinh nghiém thyc té day tiéng Anh cho ngudi Viét két hgp véi nhitng thanh tuu cia ngén ngi hoc va phuong phap gidng day ngoai ngit hién dai dé trinh bay cAc van dé ngit phap mét cach don gian, ngin gon nhung ro rang, dé hiéu, dé nhd, thich hop véi déi tugng ngudi Viét. Vé mat thuat ngi, chting t6i cha truong ding nhiing thuat ngit tiéng Viét va tiéng Anh cia ngit phap truyén théng, cé chon lee va tinh gian trong sO nhiing thuat ngi da quen ding, dé ngudi hoc khdi bd nga. ‘ Vé6i nhitng .dac diém nhu trén, chting téi hy vong cuén sach ~ sé dap ting duige yéu cdu cua déng dao cac ban hoc tiéng Anh. N6 6 thé ding lam gido trinh day ngit ph4p d trong lép, lam tai liéu 6n tap va tham khdo ngu phap cho hoe sinh va giao vién. Sau day chung téi gidi thiéu bé cuc cuén sach va mét sé goi y huéng d4n cach st dung. 1) Cuén sach gém 8 phan lén: Phan I gém 11 chugng, 31 bai, gidi thiéu cha yéu cach phan loai, hinh thai cdu tao, chtte nang va cach diing cac ti loai trong tiéng Anh, c6 két hop giai quyét mot sé van dé ct php (cach dat cAu) lién quan dén viéc st dung tix loai d6. Phan II gém 5 chuong, 14 bai, gidi thiéu cha yéu c&c van dé cu phap co ban, cé tinh ch&t nang cao va khai quat héa cach dat cau tiéng Anh theo nhiing cau tric, céng thtic, mAu co ban. Phan III 1a dap an cdc bai tap khé, nhdm gitp cdc ban tu hoc c6 thé tu kiém tra, danh gia két qua hoc tap cha minh. 2) Méi bai gdm ph4n trinh bay nhiing quy tac va phan bai tap ting dung, nham gidi thiéu gon va tap trung mét hay nhiéu v&én dé ngit phap co lién quan, theo tiing buée tir d& dén kho. Tuy nhién, cé nhiéu van dé khéng thé gidi quyét gon mét lan la xong duge, vi cé nhiéu diém lién quan dén cae van dé kh4e, thi chung t6i gidi thiéu tig phan, phan sau cé nhac lai, ciing cd, bd sung va nang cao phan truéc. Cac ban hoc nén chi y diém nay: hoc phan sau nén 6n lai va déi chiéu véi phan truéc, nhu vay mdi hiéu duge van dé mot céch ddy di, su va chdc. 3) Phan trinh bay quy tde trong méi bai duce viét theo tinh than tinh gidn, ngan gon, kém theo nhiéu thi dy minh hoa. Chiing t6i st dung réng rai cach trinh bay tom tat duéi dang cc bang téng hop, biéu dé, so dé va céng thie kém theo nhiing 131 ghi, nhiing cht thich can thiét. Cae ban hoe cén cha ¥ doc ky, hiéu chdc va hoc thude cdc thi du trong bai vi chting khéng nhiing cé tac dung minh hoa, gitip ngudi hoc ndém viing duge quy tac thay cho ldi gidi thfch tritu tugng, ma con 1a nhiing cau tiéu biéu cho cach dién dat cha ngudi Anh cé thé duoc sit dung trong nhiéu tinh huéng khac nhau. 4) Cac bai tap trong méi bai khéng tap trung 6 cudi ma dude bé tri rai ra trong titng muc nhé, theo phusng cham “hoc dén dau luyén dén dé", nhim gitip ngudi hoc vita ndm duge quy tc ngi phap via rén luyén dude ky nang stt dung ngén ngi. Cac bai tap duge danh s6 tha ty lién tuc trong tiing bai dé dé déi chiéu véi phan dap an. C&c ban hoe cfn dic biét cht ¥ lam céc bai tap mét cach ddy da, nghiém tic va luyén cho dén mite thudn thuc. Muén vay khéng nén chi nhin bing mat va viét ra gidy ngay, ma cén thong qua khau luyén miéng. Can doc to va nhac lai nhiéu lan nhiing cau tap da lam ding. . 5) Nhtng cau thi du va cau cho trong bai tap duge chon theo tiéu chudn tiéng Anh hién dai, pho thong, c6 néi dung thuc tién va tu tuéng tét, déng théi chi ding mét sé von tit ngit don gian (trudng hgp cé tit ngit khé thi chia nghia tiéng Viét). Cac ban gido vién huéng din cé thé tay theo trinh dé va von tit cha ngudi hgc ma cho thém thi dy hode bai tap thich hgp. Cuén "Ngit phap tiéng Anh" nay duge bién soan ldn dau, chdc chén khéng thé tranh khdi thiéu st. Mong cdc ban gép ¥ kién nhan xét dé ching téi hoan chinh cuén sach nhim pkac vu t6t hon cho viée hoc tiéng Anh cia déng dao ban doc. Cac tac gid PHAN MOT CHUONG MOT TU VA CAU (Words and Sentences) TU LoAI VA CAU TRUC CAU (Word Classes and Sentence Structures) L GIGI THIEU Cac khai niém vé tif loai va cau tric cdu trong tiéng Anh c6 nhiing diém gidng tiéng Viét, nhung do dic diém riéng cua ting ngon ngit, nén tat nhién cing cé nhiéu diém khac. Thi dy nhiing khai niém chung vé danh tit, déng ti, tinh ti, chi ngi, vi ngi... thi giéng, nhung di vao chi tiét cdu tao, chic nang, vi tri v.v... thi hae nhau nhiéu. Co nhiing khai niém chi tiéng Anh co ma tiéng Viét khong cé nhu c4ch sé hitu cia danh ti, thi ca déng tir, dong tinh tw, déng danh tw v.v... Bai dau nay nham gidi thiéu tong quat vé tw loai va céu tric cau tigng Anh dé ngudi hoe cé khai niém chung truéc khi di vao cc chi tiét cy thé. IL TU LOAI (Word Classes, hay cén ggi la Parts of Speech) C6 nhiéu cach phan loai, nhung theo ngit phap truyén thong Anh, ta cé thé chia 1am tam loai nhu sau: 11 Tén tit logi Céng dung | Thi du 1. Danh tw (Noun) Chi ngudi, vat, sw iéc hay khai niém Jooy, table, cat, freedom, lhappiness. 2. Dai tw (Pronoun) [Dung thay cho danh ter II, he, them, who, which, Imine, this... 3. Tinh tu (Adjective) ps nghia (néi r6 jthém) cho danh tit. |Gém nhiéu loai, ké cdi lmao tix (article) va sé ttt (numeral) ja good worker, the heroic Vietnamese people, my first lesson, some new books, those two houses are large. 4. Dong tix (Verb) ‘Chi hanh déng hoac 'e are learning tinh ti hode pho tit khac trang thai English. {The enemy was defeated, ‘5. Phé tix (Adverb) |Bé nghia cho déng tit, They work very hard. |He came here esterday. II was too tired. 6. Gidi tir bi trudc danh tw hodell spoke to him. \Preposition) {dai tir dé chi quan hé The desk of the pa chting véi céc tit teacher is near the Ikhae indow. (7. Lién tix INGi cc tit, cum tit. You and I. He is poor (Conjunction) hhoac cau véi nhau, put honest; he will _ me if you ask him. “8. Than ty Dién ta cam xtc ih! Ah! Hello! Alas! (Interjection) 12 Ghi cha: Can luw ¥ mét diém quan trong 1a viée phan chia tit loai trong tiéng Anh chi yéu dua vao chic nang cac tir dé trong cau. Do d6, mét tY cd thé khi 1A danh ti, khi 1a déng tw, hoac khi 1a tinh ti, khi la dai tw v.v... Nhiing tit nhu vay tuong déi nhiéu, can chu y hoc cach ding cu thé cua ching. Thi du: T have two hands - (Téi cé hai tay - hands 1a danh tit). He hands me the paper (Anh 4y dua cho t6i ta gidy - hand la dong ti). Around table (Cai ban tron - round la tinh ti). A round of beer. (Mét chau bia - round 1a danh tit). The earth moves round the sun (Trai dat quay xung quanh mat trdi - round 1a gidi tt). The police rounded them up (Canh sat quay ho lai - round 1a dong tw). This is his hat (Day 1a cai mit cua anh y - This la dai tu, his la tinh tiv sd hitu). This hat is his (CAi mi nay 1A cha anh 4y - This 1a tinh tu, his 1a dai tit sé hitu). Bai tap 1. Doc to nhiing cdu sau, tim hiéu ¥ nghia va ni ré tit logi cua nhitng tit in nghiéng. . 1. It is hard work, but I know you can work hard. 2. He éame by a very fast train. He can run very fast, but he is running slowly. 13 3. I like to drink tea. Let us have another drink. 4. These oranges are bigger than those. 5. This is my book. It is not yours. 6. The room is quite dark. He is not sitting in the dark, 7. This lamp gives a poor light. Light the other lamp, please. 8. Cotton is not heavy, it is light. 9. Nam is sitting at the back of the class. He has come back through the back door. 10. Let's go for a walk. We shall walk down the street. 11. CAU TRUC CAU (Sentence Structures) Mét cau tiéng Anh don gidn c6 thé chia lam hai phan chinh 1a cha ngit (Subject) va vi ngit (Predicate). Phan vi ngit trong cau tiéng Anh luén gém mét dong tit da chia vA néu cdn thi co thém tan ngit (Odject) hodc bé ngit (Complement). Ngoai ra, cau con cé nhiing thanh phan thit yéu 1a trang ngit (Adverbial Modifier) va tinh ngit (Adjective Modifier). Nhiing van dé nay sé hoc ky trong phan II ca sach nay, 6 day chi gidi thiéu so b6 dé cé khai niém chung khi hoe cc tit loai. C6 thé tom tat cau tric cu co ban nhat trong tigng Anh bing hai biéu dé nhu sau: A - Truéng hop cau chi cé nhiing thanh phan cha yéu (goi la cau hat nhan hay cau téi thiéu) 14 . Predicate Subject Verb Object or Complement 1. The door is opened. 2. He is running. 3. The boy opened the door. 4, We speak English. 5. That man is my brother. 6. They will become __| workers. Ja cdu mé réng) B - Trudng hgp cau c6 thém nhiing thanh phan thi yéu (goi Subject Predicate Subject + Adjective Verb Object or Adverbial Modifiers | Complement Modifier 1. The green door is opened lat once. Chiéc ctta xanh mo Ingay lap tric. 2. A little boy jis running lin the street. Mét cau bé \dang chay Itrén dudng pho. 3. The boy in the blue jopened the back dour |this morning. hat ICau bé déi mai xanh = |md Ictia sau hic sang nay 4. We all in this class |speak English irather well. IPat c& chting ta trong |ndi tiéng Anh kha tot. lép nay 5. That man there lis Imy big brother. INgudi dan éng d6 ila lanh trai tdi. . _ |6. These young men _|willbecome factory workers |next vear. INhiing thanh nién nay |sé tré thanh|céng nhan lvao sang nam. nha may 15 Ghi cha: Cau luu ¥ nhiing diém sau cé phan nao khac véi ng phap tiéng Viét hoac khac véi cach ding thuat nga 6 mét vai tai liéu ngit phap khac. a) Tan ngif chi déi tugng cha hanh dong (cé tai liéu goi la bd ngit déi tugng) tra 1éi cau héi: Gi? Cai gi? Ai? Tan ngit bé ng cho ngoai dong ti. Trudng hop ndi déng ti thi khéng cé tan ngit. Thi du 1 trong bang trén "The door opened", opened 14 ndi dong tix kh6ng cé tan ngit, nhung trong thi du 3, néu cau diing lai sau opened thi chua du nghia, vi opened day 1a ngoai dng tit ddi hdi phai cé tan ngi. b) Bo ngw (complement, cdn goi 1a predicative) 1A mét bd phan khéng thé thiéu duge cha vi nga, nhung khong chi déi tong nhv tan ngi. Bé ngit thudng 1a danh tw (nhu thf du 5 va 6 trong cc bang trén), nhung cing cé thé 1a tinh tit hay phé tu, nhu: Lam hungry. - Toi déi. They are here. - Ho 6 day. He looks different. ~ Anh ta tréng khac. G day ta thay ché khdc nhau gitia tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét. Téi déi (d6i 14 vi ngit) lam hungry (hungry khéng ding m6t minh 1Am vi ngit dugc) Vi ngii la: am (dong tw) + hungry (bé ngii). Chung téi dang thuat ngit bd ng vdi nghia hep nhu vay, khéng phai theo nghia rong 1a bat ctf tiv nao bé nghia cho déng tix nhu m6t vai tai liéu khac. . c) Trang ngw (adverbial modifier) thudng 1a phé tu hay cum ti tuong duong véi pho ti lam nhiém vy bé nghia cho déng tif hay cho ca cau dé néi 16 thém vé cach thiéc, thdi gian, noi chon vv... cia hanh déng hay su viéc. Nhiing thi du trong bang B cho ta 16 thay trang ngi la thanh phan phy, thém vao thi ré y hon, nhung khdng c6 né céu van di nghia. d) Tinh ti (adjective modifier) cin goi la dink ngit (attributive) 1A mét ty hay cum tit bé nghia cho danh ti. N6 1a thanh phan phu di kém véi danh ti, dd danh tir dé la cha ngi, tan ngii, bé ngit hay nim trong trang ngit cla cau cing thé. Bai tap 2. Ding nhitng tit trong cét 2 dién vao nhitng cdu trong cét 1 lam tan ngit cho dé nghia. Méi tit cé thé dién vao nhiéu céu néu nghia thich hop. 1 2 1. They are looking at... him, the house 2.1 don't know... >| your name, English 3. The student is doing... his work, that 4. She can see... the new factory, that river 5. My friend likes... this exercise, those books 3. Ding nhitng tit trong cot 2 dién vao nhitng céu trong cét 1 lam trang ngit. Céch lam nhu trén. 1 2 1, My brother is... an engineer, happy 2. The boys were... students, there 3. He seems to be... a good teacher, quite well 4. These girls will become... factory workers 5. They look... strong, tired 17 4. Ding nhitng tit trong cét 2 dién vao nhitng cau trong cét 1 lam trang ngi?. Céch lam nhut trén. 1 2 1. He is running... fast, now 2. They walked... to the station, yesterday 3. My father is working... today, in the garden 4, 1 saw many children... in the street, last week 5. You cannot play football... here, everyday 18 Cha ¥: Co thé thém mét hay nhiéu trang ngit vao cau. Thi du: He is running fast. He is running to the station. N6 dang chay nhanh. N6é dang chay tdi ga. He is running fast to the station. Nb dang chay nhanh tdi ga. CHUONG HAIL DANH TU (Nouns) DANH TU: DANG VA CHUC NANG (Nouns: Forms and Functions) 1. CAC LOAI DANH TU A- C6 nam loai danh tix 1. Danh tw chung (common noun): dog, table, man... 2. Danh tw riéng (proper noun): London, England, Fred... 8. Danh ti chi chat liéu (material noun): water, rice, ink... 4. Danh tt triu tugng (abstract noun): beauty, happiness, courage... 5. Danh tw tap hgp (collective noun): team, crowd, flock... Ghi nhé: Trong thuc tién, vé mat ng phap cdn phan biét trong tiéng Anh: 1. Nhing danh ti dém duge (countable noun): boy, chair, hou 1. Nhing danh tit khéng dém duoe (uncountable noun): - water, milk, ink, beauty, happiness, courage... B- Quy tc cau tao danh tw Nhiing quy tac chinh 19 20 1) Danh tu dém duge Verb + er: to teach — teacher Verb + or: to direct + director to govern -> governor Verb + ing: to build -> building to write > writing 2) Danh tw tritu tugng a) adjective + ness kind — kindness happy — happiness lazy — laziness (Chu ¥: Khi chuyén sang danh tw: y > i) b) noun + ship friend — friendship workman -> workmanship c) noun adj + dom king > kingdom wise > wisdom free — freedom @) adjective + th wide > width true > truth (Cha y: Khi chuyén thanh danh tit: bd e thém th). 3) Danh ti ghép a) adjective + noun black + board — blackboard grand + parent > grandparent 6) noun + noun bed + room — bedroom shop + keeper — shopkeeper c) gerund + noun looking + glass -» looking-glass writing + paper — writing-paper Chu y: Trong nhiing danh tw ghép trén, tit diing trudc cé gia tri mét dinh ngit lam ré nghia tit ding sau. d) Dang khdac Mother-in-law, passer-by, commander-in-chief Bai tap 1. Phan loai nhiing danh tit dui day: dog, cat, man, woman, country, crowd, team, happiness, beauty, health, patience, army, flock, desk, door. Paris, window, kindness, courage, house, building, poverty. France, pleasure, wood, paper, air, steam, family, sand, bread, ink, truth. Henry, chair, table, rice, salt. George, tree, flower, water, honey, grass, fame. 2. Tim trong sé danh tit d bai tap trén nhitng danh tit dém duge va nhitng danh tit khéng dém duoc. 3. Cau tao danh tit tudng ing cho nhitng tit dudi day: scholar, friend, boy, man, woman, long, wide, strong, warm, deep, true, to wash, to manage, to sing, neat, good, tender, dark, soft, sweet, neighbour, young. 4. Tao nhitng danh tit ghép dé dién ta: A knife for cutting paper. A glass for holding wine. A box for holding matches. A desk for writing at. 21 A needle used to darn socks with. A driver of taxi. A floor made of stone. A machine for washing clothes. A wall made of brick. A room where you have meals. A room in which you sleep. A brush with which we brush our teeth. Il. GIONG : Danh ti tiéng Anh rat dé xac dinh gidng cin cu theo y nghia cha ti. Gidng duc Nhiing danh ti chi| boy, man, father, (masculine gender) | vat giéng duc ram Gidng cai (feminine.| Nhiing danh tit chi| girl, woman, gender) vat ging cdi mother, ewe... Gidng trung Nhiing danh_ ti| child, person, (common gender) | chung cho ca duc, | parent, sheep... cai Trung tinh (neutral | Nhiing danh tir vé| table, chair, house... gender) tinh Ghi nhée: 1. Cé.rat nhiéu danh ti chung thudc trung tinh desk, lamp, stool, door, window... 2. Nhiing danh tw tritu tudng, chi chat liéu, tap hop bao gid cing thuéc loai trung tinh patience, kindness, water, rice, crowd, team... 3. C6 3 cach chinh dé phan biét mot danh ti thude gidng dye hay gidéng cai. a) Khéec han vé hinh thie: boy, girl, man, woman... b) Céng thém mét danh tix hay dai tiv (thude gidng duc hay giéng cai) vao mét danh ti gidng trung: boy-cousin, girl-cousin, he-wolf, she-wolf c) Thém vao mét danh tiv gidng duc (dé chuyén thanh danh tix gidéng cAi): poet - poetess host - hostess actor - actress Bai tap 5. Phan biét giéng ctia cdc danh tit dudi day: husband, wife, artist, cook, lady, gentleman, neighbour, doctor, writer, visitor, musician, school-boy, school-girl, school, uncle, aunt, cousin, bird, father, mother, parent, friend, enemy, pen, pencil, book, son, daughter, courage, poverty, health, friendship, kindness, love, truth. 6. Tim nhitng danh tit ging cdi cua nhiéng danh tit dudi day: boy, husband, brother, bull, father, gentleman, uncle-son, nephew, king, cock-sparrow, he-goat, man, school, master, prince, lion, tiger, cock, waiter. UL. SO NHIEU CUA DANH TU Quy tac chung 1. Muén chuyén mét danh tiv sé it sang sé nhiéu thi thém s va ding sau: book - books dog - dogs 2. Chi nhiing danh tiv dém duc (countable noun) mdi cé dang sé nhiéu "thém s". Nhiing danh tiv khéng dém duge (non- 23 countable) khéng cé dang sé nhiéu, (trit nhitng trudng hep ghi cha 6 cudi bai 4). Ghi nhé: a) - Nhiing danh ti tan ctng bang s, x, ch, sh, thém es (va doc 1a fiz]). glass - glasses; box - boxes; branch - branches; brush - brushes. . - Nhiing danh ti tan clung bang o thém es: hero - heroes, potato - potatoes, tomato - tomatoes Mét sé danh tif nguén géec nude ngoai khéng theo quy tic nay: piano - pianos; dynamo - dynamos; photo - photos. - Nhiing danh tw tan cing bang y ding sau mét phu 4m, truéc khi thém s, déi y thanh ie: lady - ladies, fly - flies, country - countries; (néu y ding sau m6t nguyén dm, chi cén thém s: boy-boys; toy-toys; day-days). - Nhiing danh tix tan cling bang f hoi fe, bé f hoac fe, thém ves: wife - wives; life - lives; wolf - wolves; self - selves; leaf - leaves; thief - thieves. Tuy nhién, c6 mét sé danh ti tan cing f hoac fe vin theo quy tac chung: cliff - cliffs; handkerchief - handkerchiefs; roof - roofs. C6 mét sé viét duge ca hai cAch: scarf - scarfs hoae scarves wharf - wharfs hodc wharves b) Cé mét sé danh tix khong theo quy tac chung man - men; woman - women; child- children; tooth - teeth; 24 foot - feet; mouse - mice; louse - lice; goose - geese; basis - bases; crisis - crises; sheep - sheep (khéng thay déi), memorandum - memorandums va memoranda (hai dang) v.v... c) Déi véi danh ti ghép - Thudng 1a chi thém s vao tit dting sau. armchair - armchairs; school-boy — school-boys. - Nhung néu dung truéc 1A man hay woman, thi ca hai tw déu chuyén sang sé nhiéu. manservant - menservants. - C6 mét sé danh tit ghép véi gidi tu hoac pho tw thi chi thém s vao tit ding trudc. sister-in-law — sisters-in-law. looker-on - lookers-on. d) Cach doc Am cuéi 6 danh ti sé nhiéu (Cha ¥ cach phat 4m theo phién 4m quéc té, khéng theo chinh ta). Danh ti tan cing bang! Doc la Thi du cac Am: Phu 4m v6 thanh, [f], [s] | roofs, books, lakes, shops, (kl, (pl, [4] hopes, hats. Nguyén 4m va phu 4m [z] days, birds, dogs, pens, hitu thanh walls, years, rows Phu 4m [iz] | horses, boxes, roses, (sl, [2], Ul, (tl, [dz] brushes, watches, villages. Bai tap 7. Viét sang sé nhiéu nhitng ti trong ngode dun. 1. Study the next three (chapter). 25 26 2. Can you recommend some good (book)? 3. Lhad two (tooth) pulled out the other day. 4, You can always hear (echo) in these mountains. 5. They are proud of their (son-in-law). 6. Did you raise these (tomato) in your garden? 7. I think we need two (radio). 8. My (foot) really hurt. 9. The (roof) of these houses are tiled. 10. How many (day) are there in this month? 11. Get me two (loaf) of bread. , 12. The (mouse) were running all over the empty house. 8. Chita nhitng ché sai (néu cd) 6 nhitng cdu dudi day: 1. He had a bag of rices. 2. There are many dirts on the wall. 3. We want more fuels than that. 4. He drank two milks. 5. Ten inks are needed for our class. 6. He gave me a great deal of troubles. 7. He learnt three poetries by heart. 8. He sent me many foods. 9. Many golds were found there. 10. Cows eat grasses, 11. The rain has left many waters. cACH SO HUU (Possessive Case) 1. GIGI THIEU - Cau "edi vudn cia cha toi" cé thé dién dat bang hai cach: Ding gidi tit "of" Ding cach sd hitu The garden of my father. My father's garden. Quy tie: - Dat “my father" (danh t& chi ngudi cé quyén sé hitu) lén trén. - Thém "s" vao ngay dang sau danh tir do. - Danh tit chi vat thude quyén sé hitu ditng sau "s" va bd mao tt "the". - Chi ¥: Déi véi danh tit sé nhiéu da cé s réi,-chi thé. dau’, nhung déi véi danh tit riéng tan cing bang s, thudng cing van thém 's (triy mét vai truéng hgp dac biét). The desk of the pupils ~- The pupils' desks. The clothes of the boys ~ The boys' clothes. The poems of Keats — Keats's poems. (Chit y khi doc: Keats's [ki:tsiz]). Léi ghi: Theo quy tae cd ban, cach sé hitu chi 4p dung cho nhiing danh tit chi déng vat, chtt khéng 4p dung cho nhiing danh tu chi vat dung. Thi du: Ngudi ta khéng viét The room's window. Ma viét: The window of the room. 27 (Tuy nhién trong thuc té, tiéng Anh, My hién dai ngudi ta dan dan cé khuynh huéng 4p dung cach sd hitu mét cach rong rai cho ca danh ttt chi vat dung). Bai tap 1. Ding cach sd hitu viét lai nhiing cau dudi day (theo quy tac co ban). 1. This is the book of Nam. 2. The tool of the mason was heavy. 3. She prepared the outfit of her children. 4. The coat of the boy was torn. 5. Mr. Van is the friend of Mr. Dong. 6. The windows of the house are green. 7. The caps of the boys are on the shelves. 8. The desks of the pupils are always clean. 9. He likes to read the poems of John Keats. 10. The house of my mother-in-law is in the country. Léi ghi: Cach sd hitu cé thé ap dung cho nhitng danh tit vé khéng gian va thdi gian. 28 Thidu: an hour's walk a year's absence today's lesson a mile's distance 2, Ding cach sé hitu viét lai nhiing cau dudi day khi c6 thé dude. 1. Tell me if the work of yesterday was well done. 2. It is a distance of two miles from the village to the town. 3. A drive of 500 miles in a small car is very tiring. 4. This is the lesson of today. 5. The exercises of yesterday were very difficult for him. 6. We have a splendid morning after the heavy rain of last night. 7. Will you attend the meeting of tonight? 8. He returned home after a holiday of two weeks at the sea side. 9. She has done the work of a whole day. 10. He had a talk of fifteen minutes. Léi ghi: Co nhiéu danh tw (house, home, office, shop, church, cathedral) cé thé hiéu ngdm sau 's duge néu trong cau c6 ngu y 3 nhiing nai dé hode dén nhitng noi do. Thi du: I live at the house of my uncle, - live at my uncle's. I go to the shop of the baker. - I go to the baker's. So sénh véi nhiing cau dudi day: My uncle's house is in the country. My baker's shop is at the end of the street. (house va shop khéng hiéu ngim duge vi trong cdu khéng ngu y ta 6 hode dén ndi dé). 3. Ding cach sé hitu viét lai nhiing cdu dudi day khi co thé dugc. 1. [have my hair cut at the shop of the barber. 2. We had dinner at the house of Comrade Nam. 3. Van is going to the office of his father. 4,1 stayed at the house of my aunt. 5. He bought his clothes at the shop of the outfitter. 6. The office of his father is in the center of the city. 29 7. T saw him at the house of my friend. 8. I got these cakes at the shop of the pastry-cook. Loi ghi: Ding cach sé hitu dé tranh su nhac di nhac lai mét ti (dat trude hay sau). - I have read some of Shakespeare's plays but none of Shaw's (plays). - Nam's is the only homework that is never badly done. 4,Ap dung quy tac trén viét lai cau didi day: 1. This is not my book, it is the book of Van. 2. The voice of my sister is the sweetest voice I have ever heard. 3. Whose book is this? It is the book of Nam. 4. He has no bicycle of his own and must. use the bicycle of his brother. 5. She put her arm through the arm of her mother. 6. His task is always better than the task of his friend. 7. The house of Doctor Ban is the sort of house I should like. 8. This is the room of my father, the room of my uncle is on the second floor. Il. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN NHG THEM VE CACH SO HUU 1. Nam and Van's books (sch chung cua Nam va Van) ho&c Nam's and Van's books . hoac Nam's books and Van's (sch cua Nam va sach cia Van, cua riéng ting ngudi) 2. He is a friend of Nam's = he is one of Nam's friends. (Anh ay lA mét trong nhiing ngudi ban cua Nam). 30 3. We saw a play of Shakespeare's = We saw one of the plays of Shakespeare. (Chung t6i xem mét trong nhiing vd kich cia Shakespeare). 3. Trong mét vai thanh ngw Out of harm's way. At his wit's end. For mercy's sake. To his heart's content. In my mind's cye. At his fingers's ends. For pity's sake. 31 CHUONG BA MAO TU (Articles) BAI4 MAO TU BAT DINH (Indefinit e Articles) VA MAO TU XAC DINH (Definite Articles) 1. GIGI THIEU 1. Mao tit bat dinh va mao tw xac dinh Mao ti bat] a |[@] trwéc Am phy 4m dinh (Indefinite Articles) an |[@y] trudéc 4m nguyén am la boy, a girl, al university lan egg, an apple, an| hour IMao ti xe| the |[3é] trudc Am phy am| dinh (Definite Articles) {oi} trude am nguyén am the boy, the girl, the; university the egg, the apple,| the hour Loi ghi: a) Mao tii bat dinh khéng thay ddi chung): a boy, a girl, a table. b) Mao tit x4c dinh khéng thay déi theo the boy the boys the girl the girls the table the tables 32 theo gidng (duc, cdi, gidng va sé 2. Danh tit dém duge (countable noun) va danh tit khéng dém duge (none-countable noun). Mudén dang mao ti cho dting phai ph4n biét hai loai danh tu nay. a) "Countable noun" chi nhiing ci dém dude nhu: boy, girl, book, chair... Nhing danh tv nay cé thé c6 sé nhiéu: boys, girls, books, chairs... b) "non-countable noun" chi nhiing cai khéng dém dugc (danh ti chi chat liéu, triu tugng...): water, milk, air, oil, tea... liberty, freedom, science... Nhiing danh ti nay thuéng khong ding sé nhiéu (xem ghi chit cudi bai). I. QUY TAC CHUNG VE CACH DUNG A. Mao ti ding voi danh ti chi cai dém dugc Sé it Sé nhiéu 1. Néu noi chung, ding Néu noi chung, khong c6 mao tit a,an la dog is an animal. Dogs are animals. la chair is a thing. Chairs are things. ia child must obey his parents.|Children must obey their parents. 2. Néu chi mot edi, mét don vi\Thudng ding vdi tinh tit chi sd ding a, an lwong: some, many, a few, three... (Xem bai 8) | havea pen I have three (many, some...) pens There isan English book in |There are many (some... my bookcase. books in my bookcase. English 33 |3. Néw da xdc dinh dung the I want the book on your desk. The picture on the wall is| beautiful. \Néu da xde dinh ding the i want the books on your desk. wall The pictures on the are| beautiful. B. Mao tit ding véi dan! h ti’ chi céi khong dém duge Sé it S6 nhiéu 1. Néu noi chung: - Khéng c6 mao ti. I like coffee. (Téi thich uéng ca phé) Water is composed of hydrogen| and oxygen. (Nude gém hidré va éxy) Honesty is the best policy. (Trung thyc 1a chinh sch tét| nhat) Néu néi chung - Khong ding sé nhiéu - Muon chi mét 6 lung nao dé cé thé ding tink ti chi sé luong: Isome, much, a little... (xem bai tinh tix chi sé lugng). ‘There is some milk in that bottle. (C6 mét it sta trong chai dé) I drink a little coffee. (Téi udng mét it cd phé) 2. Néu da xdc dinh: ding the I can't drink the coffee in this| icup. (Tdi khong thé udng thit ca phé trong tach nay) The water in this basin is very dirty. [Khong ding sé nhiéu (xem ghi chi Io cudi bai) 34 (Nuée 6 chau nay rat ban) The honesty of these people is} admirable. Su chan that cia nhiing ngudi nay that dang than! phuc) Bai tap 1. Déi sang sé’ nhiéu 1. A chair is made of wood. 2. A cow gives milk. 3. A buffalo eats grass. 4. A fly is an insect. 5. A writer writes a book. 6. We fill our pen with ink. 7. We drink tea out of a cup. 8. We can make a cake with flour, milk and sugar. 9. A boy likes to play football. 10. A pen is necessary for a pupil. 2. Déi sang sé it 1. Horses are animals. 2. Balls are toys. 3. Tables are pieces of furniture. 4, Roses are beautiful flowers. 5. Cities are big towns. 6. Oranges are good to eat. 7. Children must go to school. 35 8. Grammar exercises are not always easy for beginners. 9, Knives are made of metal. 10. Houses have roofs. 3. Dién vao ché tréng bang a, an, the, hotic some khi can thiét. milk come from... cow. 2. ... window is made of... glass. 3. ... table is made of ... wood. 4. We can write... letter on... paper. 5. We eat... soup with ... spoon. 6. I can write ... letter in... ink or with... pencil. 7. There is... dirts on this plate and... dirty mark on the tablecloth. 8. I want... glass of lemonade with... sugar in it. 9. like... music very much. 10. . il 12. I received ... letter this morning, ... letter was from my brother. doors of our room are broken. man standing at the door is my brother. 13. ... meat that we bought yesterday has spoiled. 14. ... birds can fly very high in... sky. Ghi nhé: a) Nhiéu khi mét "danh tit khong dém duge" cé thé duge dung nhu mét "danh tix dém duge" (thudng 1a véi nghia dac biét). Trong nhting truéng hop Ay c6 thé ding mao tiv a, vA khi 6 sO nhiéu 06 thé thém s. Nghién citu so s4nh nhiing c4u sau day: 1. I like to drink tea. 36 The teas of India arc of several varieties. (ngu ¥ néi cde loai tra cha An Dé) 2. What is democracy? What is the difference between a republic and a democracy? (Ngu y mét nude theo ché dé dan chi) 3. Science has contributed much to human progress. (khoa hoc néi chung) Would you call psychology a science? (mét b6 mén khoa hoc) 4. There isn't much water in this basin. ‘The territorial waters of Vietnam are defended by our navy. (ving bién cada Viét Nam) b) Ngoai céch dang chung, mao ti bat dinh @ cén duge ding trong nhiéu thanh ngi, dic ngi va cu trie dic biét cua tiéng Anh, c4n hoc cu thé qua bai khéa, khong néu hét trong bai nay duge. Thi du: as a rule, in a hurry, all of a sudden. with a view to, have a drink, go for a walk. what a pity, such a busy day, many a ship. quite a lot of people, a Mr. Brown (mét dng Brown nao dé)... 37 CACH DUNG MAO TU XAC DINH "THE" (Uses of Definite Article "THE" I. DUNG "the" Quy tde Thi dy 1. Véi danh tu di dude xdc dinh ré rang; bat cit trong truéng hdp nao The clock on the wall is keeping very good time. The man that came here yesterday is a doctor. Nam is the most diligent of all the boys in my class. I can't bear the heat of summer. This is the book that I promised to lend you. He was born on the 10 th of January. Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in a cottage. The cottage was on the border of a river and the old man had lived there all his life. 2. Véi nhiing danh ti chi vat 6 tinh chat "duy nhat" The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The Earth moves round the sun. 3.V6i nhéing danh ti sé nhiéu chi tén nude (va mt vai trudng hop sé it) The US.S.R; The United Kingdom; The United States; The Congo; The Netherlands. 38 4, Véi tan séng, day nti,| The Mekong; the Alps; the Black Sea; dai duong, vinh, eo bién,|the Atlantic; the West Indies, the quan dao. Hebrides, the Straits of Gibraltar 5, Véi danh ti chi nhac|She learnt to play the flute. cu. She can play the piano well. 6. Véi mét tinh tit hodc| Braille is a system of printing and dong tinh ti dung lam| writing for the blind. danh tit (chi mét tap thé,| We should help the sick and the poor. mét loai ngudi). The wounded were carried away. Il. KHONG DUNG MAO TU the Nhiing van dé dung the (néu da xac dinh) 1. Véi mét danh ti/Mr. Nam went toll don't want the Mr. riéng (proper noun)|Haiphong yesterday. |Nam who works at tén ngudi, tén nude,|Hanoi is the capitallyour office. I want the! tén thanh pho. lof Vietnam lother one (the other (Vietnam is a rich and|Mr. Nam) beautiful country 2. Véi nhiing danh|Brave men never|The independence and Quy tac Thi du tx tritu tugng|fear death. freedom of every country (abstract noun) cé|Nothing is more must be respected. nghia chung. precious than independence, freedom! 3. Véi danh tix chi|Rice is grown every[You may drink the chat liéu (material}where in our country. |milk in this cup. noun) co nghialMilk is necessary for| chung. children. 39 4. Véi nhiing danh tty chi tude hiéu, theo sau 1a tén ngudi. President Ho Chi Minh Professor John Bernal The President of the} Democratic lof Vietnam. Republic} 5. Vdi nhiing danh tit chi hé, ngon nui, nui, khi dat lién) truée tén riéng. Lake Leman \Mount Everest Cape Cod The lake of Lucern. The Hope. Cape of Good’ 6. Véi nhiing danh| tt? chi thang val ngay trong tuan She was born onl [March 14th, 1963; ‘Sunday is my day-off. [Do you remember the' ‘Sunday I spent with lyou? ‘7. Véi nhitng danh ttt chi cAc mén hoe, ngon ngi, mau sdc. We learn history. She can speak English! well. 1 I like green. We learn the history ol Greece. dress. like the green of your 8. Vdi nhiing danh tit cu thé sé nhiéul ngu y chung ‘Books are my best| friends, The books on the table are mine. 9. Trong mét sé) thanh ngit To go to church, to go to school, to go to bed, to go to market, to stay at home, to be in| debt, to be in trouble, at dawn, at daybreak, at sunset, by land, by sea, by air, on foot... Bai tap 1. Dién vao ché trong bing a, an, the khi cdn thiét. 1. ... Mekong is the longest river in Indo-china. 2. Tomorrow, there will be... lecture on ... history of China. 3. ... Washington is ... capital of... United States of America. 40 4. Tcan't bear... heat of summer. 5. His daughter was born on... 20th of January. 6. That ship is bound for... Philippine Islands. 7. This is... finest diamond that I have ever seen. 8. Do you know where... Caroline Islands are? 9. ... Tunisia is located in ... North Africa. 10. ... Professor Nam was elected Chairman of... Chemical Society of Vietnam. 11. Never before has... Red River been so swollen with flood. 12. ... Lake Hoan Kiem is smaller than... Lake Ba Be. 13. She wants to learn.... Russian before she goes to... Soviet Union. 2. Chita nhiing cdu dudi déy khi cdn thiét. 1. The brave men are never afraid of the death. 2. The Italy has many ancient buildings. 3. Wool of this carpet is soft and thick. 4. The cotton does not grow well in North. 5. World war which began in 1914 lasted four years. 6. Peoples of Asia and Africa are fighting for freedom and independence of their countries. 7. [have strongest objection to your plan. 8. Wise and good are always admired. 9. Paris is capital of the France. 10. Pacific Ocean separates Asia trom America. 11. Earth moves round sun. 12. He goes to the school every morning. 41 13. He got up at the dawn to learn his lesson. MOT VAI DIEM CAN GHI NHG THEM VE CACH DUNG MAO TU the a) The duge ding truée danh tit riéng chi: - Gia dinh, ho, dong ho: The Smiths, the Stuarts. - T6 chtic chfnh dang: The United Nations, the Communist Party. - Van kién, su kién lich su: The Paris Agreement, the Second World War. Bao chi: The Times, the Guardian. - Tau bé: The Queen Mary (tau Queen Mary) The M.L.G 21 (may bay Michs 21) - Khach san, cau lac b6, rap hat, rap chiéu bong: The Ritz Hotel, the Royal Theatre. The Odeon Cinema. b) the con duge ding truédc tinh ti 6 dang so sanh cao nhat: The best student in this class. va truée tinh tit é dang so sanh hon trong mét sé dac ngi: The more the merrier, the sooner the better v.v... (xem thém bai 7) 42 CHUONG BON TINH TU (Adjectives) BAIL6 TINH TU MIEU TA (Descriptive Adjectives) I. CAC LOAI TINH TU Hiéu theo nghia rong, tinh ti gém nhiéu loai nhu sau: 1. Miéu ta (descriptive adjectives): square, good, golden, fat, heavy, dry, clever, English. 2. Chi dinh (demonstrative adjectives): this, that, these, those. 3. Bat dinh (indefinite adjectives): each, every, either, neither, some, any, no, few, many. 4. $6 tit (numeral adjectives): one, two, twenty... 5. Nghi van (interrogative adjectives): which, that, whose... 6. Sé hiiu (possessive adjectives): my, your, his, her, its, our, their. 7. Mao tui (articles): a, an, the. Cha y: Newdi ta thudng dang chit tinh tiv theo nghia hep 1a tinh ti miéu ta. Dé 1a ndi dung cla chung nay. Mao tit da gidi thiéu d ba 43 bai trude, con cdc loai tinh tu khac hoc chung vdi dai tir trong chugng sau vi ching thudng vita 14 dai tt viva 14 tinh ti. I. QUY TAC CAU TAO TINH TU Duéi day la mot sé quy tac chinh vé edu tao. 44 a) Tinh tw don: Noun+y Noun + ly Noun + ful : Noun + less: Noun+en : Noun or rain+y = rainy cloud + y = cloudy daytly = daily man + ly = manly care+ful = careful beauty + ful = beautiful care+less = careless home + less = homeless gold +en = golden wooll+en = woollen Adjective + ish: girl+ish = girlish Noun + some: book + ish = bookish white + ish = whitish quarrel + some = quarrelsome trouble + some = troublesome b) Tinh tif ghép (compound adjectives) Adjective + adjective: a dark - blue coat a red - hot iron bar Noun + adjective: snow - white cotton the oil - rich Middle East Noun + participle (present or past): a horse - drawn cart a heart - breaking story Adjective + participle (present or past): ready - made clothes a good - looking boy Adverb + participle (present or past): a newly - built house an ill - smelling odour Noun + noun-ed: a tile - roofed house Adjective + noun-ed a dark - haired girl A group of words: a twenty - year - old girl an eight - day trip an air - to - air missile a never - to - be - forgotten story Bai tap 1. Tim nhitng tinh tit tuong ung vdi nhitng tit dudi day: rain, sun, mud, wind, fog, gold, wonder, cheer, wool, wood, pain care, beauty, child, cloud, storm, woman, boy, mother, father, day, month, week. 2. Thay thé’ bang tinh tit ghép 1. A house with yellow walls. Mét ngéi nha cé tuéng mau vang. 2. A dress of the same blue as the sky. 45 M6ét chiéc 4o xanh nhu mau tréi. 38. A man ina black coat. Mot ngudi dan éng mac ao khoae den. 4. Flowers which smell sweet. Hoa c6 huong diu ngot. 5. A plough drawn by oxen. Cay do bé kéo. 6. A country which produces tea.. Mét nude san xuat ché. 7. A face as white as the moon. Mét khuén mat trang nhu trang. 8. A girl whose hair is long. Mat cé gai téc dai. 9. A man with one leg. Mot nguéi dan 6ng cut chan. 10. A drawing made by hand. Mot bite vé bang tay. III, VI TRI VA CHUC NANG CUA TINH TU Lai ghi: Tinh tit tiéng Anh khéng thay déi. No chi co mét dang déi véi danh tii 6 it, sé nhiéu, gidng cai, gidng duc, gidng trung.... a good boy: good boys a good girl: good girls a good knife: good kives Tinh tit c6 thé dang lam tinh ngt (attributive use) hoac bo ngit (predicative use) 46 A. Lam tinh ngit Quy tdée co ban: Khac vdi tiéng Viét khi ding lam tinh ngit tinh tie tiéng Anh thudng bao gid cing ditng true danh tit. This is a new car. It is a hot day. Nam will become a good worker. Nhitng truong hap dac biét a) Ding sau mot nhém t¥ ngu y do luéng + A river two hundred kilometers long. Mét con song dai hai tram cay sé. +A road fifty feet wide. Mét con dung réng nam mudi fut. +A man eighty-five years old. Mot ngudi dan 6ng tam mudi lam tudi. b) Ditng sau: something, anything, nothing, everything + T'll tell you something new. Ti sé néi cho anh biét diéu mdi. + That is nothing new. Khéng cé gi méi. + He'll provide everything necessary. Anh ay sé cung cap moi thit can thiét. c) Ding sau danh tu khi cén phai cé mét nhém tit bé nghia cho no +I wanta glass full of milk. Tdi mudn mét coc sita day. + He is a man greedy of money. Anh ta 1A mét ngudi dan éng ham tién. + All these are attention. matters worthy of Tat ca nhiing diéu nay 1a nhiing van dé dang chu y. 47 d) Trong trudng hop ding nhiéu tinh ti hop véi mot danh tit c6 thé dat 6 dang sau + He is a man both witty and wise. Anh ay 1a mét ngudi vita df dém vita kh6n ngoan. + He had a face thin and worn, but eager and resolute. Anh Ay cé khuén mat gay gd va mét mdi nhung hang hai va quyét liét. B. Lam bé ng Tinh tiv lam bé ngit khi né két hgp voi mét d6ng tif lam thanh vi ngi (predicate) cla cau. Né thudng di sau cac déng ti to be, to become, to turn, to remain, to fall, to keep... (vdi nghia: 1a, tré nén, lam cho, v.v...). It is cold, wet and windy. Troi lanh, Nam has asleep. Nam da nga. uét va cé gid. That horse went lame. Con ngua ay qué. N6 cing cé thé di sau cA dong tit va tan ngit dé lAm bé ngit cho tan ngii nhu: The sun keeps us warm. Mat trdi lam chung ta am. This doesn't make me happy. Diéu dé khong lam cho téi sung suéng. (@iém nay sé hoc thém 6 phan ID 48 Bai tap Ldi ghi: Hau hét cac tinh ti c6 thé dung duge 6 ca hai chute nang, tinh ngif va bé nga, trix mot sé it chi dang 1am bé ngii, nhu: asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, afloat, ashamed. (Hau hét nhing tinh tix nay déu bat dau bang tién t6: a) 3. Dat tinh tit dé trong ngodc dun 6 nhiing cau dudi day cho ding cho. 1. Bring me something to drink (cool). no . The leaves turn in Autumn (yellow). ~ . Woullen clothes keep our bodies (warm). a . Shelley is poet (famous all over the world). . [thought him very (intelligent). on . Ping-pong is sport for boys and girls (good). . Lhave nothing to give you (interesting). ors . The corn waved in the wind (ripe, golden). 9, Vietnam is a country (rich and beautiful). 10. I found him still in his bed (asleep). 11. Constant rain kept the river (full). 12. Wealth doesn't make man (happy). 13. She has a basket of flowers (full). 14. Isn't she a girl (pretty)? 15. Aren't these oranges (delicious)? 16. Isn't the boy (clever)? Iv. TINH TU DUNG LAM DANH TU ‘Tinh tit cé thé dang lam danh ti trong mét sé trudng hgp. 49 Thi du: We should do everything to help the poor. Ching ta nén lam moi thit dé gitip dé ngudi nghéo. The old and the sick should be looked after. Nhiing ngudi gia va ngudi 6m nén duge cham s6c. Tinh chat ctia nhiing ti nay 1a: a) Thuéng cé gia tri sé nhiéu (chi mét loai ngudi), nhung khéng bao gié c6 s. Bao gid cing 6 mao tl the dting truéc. Thi du A blind man is unhappy (mét ngudi ma...) The blind are unhappy (nhitng ngudi mi...) b) Khéng dung duge vdi cach sé hitu. Thi du The wisdom of the old (khéng thé viét: The old's wisdom) BAI? Quy TAC SO SANH CUA TINH TU (Comparison of Adjectives) I-SO SANH BANG (Comparison of Equality) Cau khang as+adj+as [Nam isas tallas Ba. dinh va cau . Nam cao bing Ba. di. Js Nam as tall as Ba? Nam cé cao bang Ba khong? Cau phu dinh | not so + adjective + |Nam is not so tall as Van, as Nam khéng cao bang Van. 50 Bai tap 1. Ap dung quy tée so sinh bang ivong nhitng cau sau day. 1. The moon is not... the sun (bright). 2. Is the moon... the sun (bright)? 3. There are... days in July as in August (many)? 4. Are there . days in July as in August (many)? 5. Autumn is... Summer (pleasant). 6. Is Summer... Autumn (pleasant)? 7. Our teacher is... he looks (severe). 8. It is ... today as it was yesterday (hot). 9. Are you... your friend (strong)? 10. Is she... her sister (careful)? 2, Déi nhiing cau sau déy sang dang phit dinh: 1. Winter is a pleasant. as Spring. 2. Butterflies are as useful as bees. 3. There are as many insects in Spring as in Summer. 4. It is as cold today as it was yesterday. 5. He made as many mistakes as Nam. 6. She is as careful as her brother. 7. She gave me as much milk as I wanted. 8. Hanoi is as large as Moscow. Cha y: Nhan xét cach viét nhiing cau dudi day: 1. Viét nhu trén la dung quy tac nga phap, nhung déi khi trong thuc té ngudi ta vin viét: He did not make as many mistakes as Nam. 51 2. Trong cau nghi van pha dinh van thudng ding as... as. Aren't you as strong as your brother? I, SO SANH KEM (Comparison of Inferiority) les: adjective + than. English is less difficult than Russian. Tiéng Anh khéng kho bang tiéng Nga. Tuy nhién dang “not so... as" thuéng dude ding hon dang trén: English is not as difficult as Vietnamese. Y trong cau: "he is less stupid than I thought he was "cé thé din bang hai cach khac hay hon: - He is not so stupid as [ thought he was. Anh ta khéng ngu nhv tdi nghi. - He is cleverer than I thought he was. (Xem muc So sanh hon) Bai tap 3. Viét lai nhitng cau dudi day cho hay hon (nhitng cau dudi khong hay): 1. Your house is less near than I thought it was. 2. A train is less quick than a bus. 3. This street is less wide than the next one. 4. Nam is much less intelligent than his sister. 5. February is less hot than July. 6. Ready-made clothes are less expensive than tailor-made clothes. 52 7. The hill is less low than I thought it was. 8. My aunt is less old than you think she is. 9. The river was less shallow than he expected. 10. The sea was less smooth than I had hoped. II. SO SANH HON (Comparison of Superiority) Tinh tit ngdn (mot! hoac hai Am tiét) adj+er+than |Van is taller than Ba. \Van cao hon Ba. ‘Tinh tu dai more + adj + than|English is more difficult] than Vietnamese. ITigng Anh khé hon tiéng Viet. Ghi nhé: 1. Chi ¥ cach vidt mét sé tinh tiv 6 dang so sanh hon: a) heavy — heavier, happy — happier. y sau phy 4m chuyén thanh ier: b) hot — hotter, big - bigger. ‘Tinh tit tan cung bing mét nguyén 4m + mét phu am khi chuyén sang so sanh hon thi thém mét phu Gm + er: 2. C6 mét sé tinh tit cé dang so sanh hon dc biét Dang thudng Dang so sanh hon dac biét Good (well) better Bad (ill) lworse Little less (lesser) Many Much more 53 F farther ar further older Old elder late . Late oer latter Bai tap 4,Ap dung quy tac so sinh hon, dat céu vdi nhitng tu dudi day: 1. Leaf, wood (heavy) 2. Boys, girls (strong) 3. Highway, country road (narrow) 4. A train, a bus (slow) 5. A story-book, a school-book (interesting) 6. Nam, his brother (industrious) 7. Nam's work, Van's work (good) 8. Lan, Huong (old) 9. This exercise, the last one (difficult) 10. Summer, spring (hot) NHUNG CHI TIET DANG GHI NHO THEM VE TINH TU G DANG SO SANH HON 1. Véi nghia: Cang ngdy.... cing (double comparative) Tinh titngén | adj + er and adj +er [Days are getting shorter] and shorter. Ngay cang| ngay cang ngan di. Tinh tit dai more and more + adj |Our lessons become more! and more difficult. Bai hoc cha ching tdi cang! + ___|ngay cang khé hon. 54 - The weather is getting colder and colder. Thdi tiét ngay mét lanh hon. - In the Autumn the days grow shorter and shorter and the nights longer and longer. Vao mia thu ngay cang ngay cang ngdn hon va dém cang ngay cang dai hon. - The story seems more and more interesting. Cau chuyén hinh nhu ngay mét thd vi hon. 2. Chu ¥ cach dang tinh ti dang so sénh hon trong nhiing cau dudi day: a) The higher the sun (is), the shorter the shadow. Mat trai cang cao, bong cang ngan. b) The lower the sun (is), the longer the shadow. Mat trdi cang xuéng thap, bong cang dai ra. The more the merrier. Cang dong cang vui. b) The other day I went to the theatre. The play seemed the finer ta me as I had never seen it before. Hom no téi di téi nha hat. Déi vi t6i, vo kich dudng nhu Jai cang hay hon, nhu truée day téi chua xem bao gid. I am reading a curious book, it seems the more interesting to me as it is the first time I read it. Toi dang doc mot cuén sach day ta mo. Déi véi téi lai cang ly tha han vi la lan dau tién tdi duge doe. 3. Tinh tt 6 dang so sénh cé thé déing mét minh (khong di vdi than). — Véi mét danh tt hoac "onc": I want a better job. 55 Tdi muén mét cong viéc tét hon. This box is too small, give me a bigger one. Cai hép nay nhé qua, cho téi mt cai 1én han. — Lam bé ngit He is better now. Bay gid anh ay da kha hon. It is warmer this morning. Sang nay trdi dm hon. ~ Sau mét danh ti hode dai ti (dé lam bé ngii cho tan ngit) They have made the house bigger. Ho da lam cho ngéi nha én hon. You must keep your room cleaner. Anh phai git cho phéng cia anh sach hon. Trong tat ca nhiing trudng hdp trén déu c6 ngu ¥ so sanh tuy kh6ng ndi ra. 4. M6t sé tinh tu nhu: senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ban than ching di ngu y so s4nh hgn, nén khéng thém "more", va theo sau 18 "to" cht khong phai "than". Tam junior to him. Toi nhé tudi han anh ay. His strength is superior to me. Stic cha anh Ay lén hon stic téi. IV. SO SANH CAO NHAT (Superlative of Superiority) Léi ghi: Quy tac so sanh bing, hon, kém chi dude 4p dung khi muén so snh mét ngudi (hoac mét vat) vdi mét ngudi (hodc mot vat) khac, gitta hai ngudi (vat) vdi nhau. 56 Khi muén so sanh mét ngudi (hoac mot vat) véi tat ca trong nhém thi ding quy tae "so sanh cao nhat". 1. So sanh cao nhat ‘Tinh ti ngan| the + adj + est |February is the shortest month of the year. Thang hai la thang ngdn nhat! trong nam. [Tinh tit dai | the most + adj |He is the most diligent of all the boys in my class. N6 1a hoc sinh] siéng nang nhat ldp téi. Thi du: This is the largest room of the house. Autumn is the finest season of the year. He is the tallest boy in my class. This is the most difficult of our lessons. 2, So sanh kém nhat (Superlative of Inferiority). Tat ca | the least |+ Ba is the least tall of the family. Ba thap| cac tinh + hat (kém cao) nhat trong nha. ti | adjective|+ She is the least diligent girl in my class. Co ay 1a hoe sinh kém siéng nang nhat trong lép téi. Cha y: Trong thuc té dang so sanh kém nhat it dung. Bang trén cé tinh chat gidi thiéu dé biét. Ghi cha: 1. Cé mét sé tinh tw d dang so sanh cao nhat khéng theo quy tac trén (xem muc So sanh hon) 57 Dang thuéng _|Dang so sAnh hon Dang so sanh cao nhat | Good (well) better best Bad (ill) worse worst Little less (lesser) least Many ‘ more mos Much farther farthest. Far further furthest, ola older loldest elder eldest lat latest Late er ates’ latter last 2. Trong cau dang tinh tw 6 dang so sanh cao nhat thudng dung in va of - in truée nhiing danh tw chi ndi chén hay thdi gian. - of trong tat ca cdc trudng hgp. Thi du: February is the shortest month of the year (in a year). Thang hai la thang ngan nhat trong nam. Steel is the most useful of all metals. Bai tap 5. Ap dung quy tdc so sinh cao nhét viét nhitng cau dudi day 1, Summer is (hot) month in a year. 2. Autumn is (pleasant) season of the year. 3. Nam is (intelligent) of Mr. Minh's sons. 4. Ba is (bad) boy at English in my class. 5. Lomonosov is one of (great) Russian scientists. 6. He is (good) boy at mathematics in his class. 7. Van took (ripe) of all the oranges. 8. Lan is (pretty) of them all. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN GHI NHG THEM 1. Trong trudng hop so sanh mét ngudi (hoadc mét vat) vdi ca nhém ma chi gém c6 hai, ta van dig dang so sénh han, c6 thé ding trudc. She is the older and the more beautiful of the two sisters. Trong hai chi em, cé ay 1a chi va dep hon. My right hand is the stronger one, Tay phai cha téi 1A cAi tay khoé hon. 2. Older va oldest: Cé nghia 14 "gia hon", "gia nhat", cd thé dang cho ca ngudi lin vat. Nam is older than Van. Nam nhiéu tudi hdn Van. Nam is the oldest boy in my class. Nam 1a hoc sinh nhiéu tuéi nhat ldp téi. That is the oldest house in the city. Dé 1a ngéi nha cé nhat trong thanh phd. Elder va eldest: Chi dang véi ngudi va dé so sanh vé tudi cha anh chi em trong mét gia dinh cé nghia 1A: anh (chi) lén, anh (chi) ca. My elder brother is three years older than I. Anb téi hon téi ba tuéi. Nam is Linh's elder brother. Nam 14 anh cua Linh. 59 Lan is my eldest sister. Lan 1a chi ea. 3. Farther va farthest: Thuéng duge ding dé néi vé khoang cach, khéng gian. Haiphong is farther from Hanoi than Haiduong is. Hai Phong xa Ha Noi hon Hai Duong. Further va furthest: C6 thé ding dé néi vé khong gian, thdi gian, va further con cé nghia 14 "thém vao", "hon nia", It's not further than a mile from here. N6 cach day khéng qua mét dam. I will give you further details later. Téi sé cung c&p cho anh thém chi tiét. I shall need further help with this. Téi sé cAn sy gitip dé tiép tuc déi véi van dé nay. 4. Most + tinh tie. C6 thé dang dé dién ta "hét stic", "rat", "lam lm"... Trong nhitng truéng hgp nay ding mao tit a hodc khéng dung mao ti (néu danh tix sé nhiéu). 60 He is a most diligent boy. N6 1a mét em bé hét stic cn cu cham chi. He wrote me a most interesting letter. Anh ta da viét cho téi mét bic thu rat hay. There are most delicious cakes. C6 nhiing chiéc banh ngot rat ngon Janh. CHUGNG NAM DAI TU VA TINH TU (Pronouns and Adjectives) BAIS TINH TU VA DAI TU CHi DINH, BAT DINH, SO TU (Demonstrative and Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns, Numerals) I. GIGI THIEU Dai tw trong tiéng Anh cé nhiéu loai, trong dé co nhiing tir vita 1a dai ti viva 1a tinh tii. Cé thé chia ra nhu sau: 1. Dai tix chi ngéi (personal pronouns): I, we, you, he... 2. Dai tt chi dinh (demonstrative pronouns): This, that, these, those. 3. Dai tit bat dinh (indefinite pronouns): Some, any, each, one, somebody, everything... 4, S6 tu (numerals): Two, a hundred, the first... 5. Dai tit nghi van (interrogative pronouns): Who, what, which... 6. Dai tix sd hitu (possessive pronouns): Mine, yours... 7. Dai ty phan than (reflexive pronouns): Myself, yourself... 61 8. Dai tt quan hé (relative pronouns): _ Who, which, that... Chudng nay sé lan lugt gidi thiéu cdc loai dai tw va tinh ti, tri tinh tir miéu ta d& hoc d bai trude. IL. TINH TU VA DAI TU CHi DINH This, that, these, those 1. Tinh tw chi dinh So it + This book is mine. (Cuén sdch nay 1A cua tdi. + That book is yours. S4ch kia 1a cha anh. Sé nhiéu + These books are mince. Those books are yours. Nhan xét: Tinh tit chi dinh khong thay di theo gidng (cai, duc, trung). This boy, these boys; That man, those men. This girl, these girl; That woman, those women. This book, these books; That house, those houses. 2. Dai tw’ chi dinh So it + This is my brother. + That is my friend. Day 14 anh téi. ‘Kia la ban tdi. - What is this? |- What is that? - Itis a book. |- It is a pen. Sénhiéu These are my brothers. |Those are my friends. - What are these? - What are those? - They are books. - They are pens. 62 3. Ding véi dai tiv one/ones C6 thé dung "this, that, those" véi "one /ones" (néu trong cau 6 ngu y so sanh hodc chon lua). Tuy nhién cing khéng bat buéc tri trvdng hgp cé mét tinh tir di theo. Thi du: That chair is too big. I'll sit in this (one) Cai ghé kia 1én qua. T6i sé ngdi 6 (chiéc) nay. Don't buy those oranges, buy these (ones). Ding mua nhiing qua cam dé, hay mua nhiing qua nay. T want a dress. I'll buy this green one Téi can mét chiée vay. Toi sé mua c4i mau xanh nay. You carry the heavy cases. I'll bring these light ones. Anh mang nhiing chiéc vali nang. Tdi sé mang nhiing chiée nhe nay. HL. TINH TU VA DAI TU BAT DINH 1. Each, every - Each: Méi (trong hai hoac nhiéu nguii, vat...) Each vita 1a tinh tu via 1a dai ti. - Every: Moi, tat cA (ngudi, v: tinh tir. Sau "Each" va "Every", dong ti 6 ngéi thit ba sé it. Thi du: The teacher gave two books to each boy. Thay gido cho méi cau hai quyén sach. Two boys entered. Each (boy) was carrying a suitcase (every khéng ding dude trong trudng hgp nay). . Every chi duge dang lam Hai dita bé trai di vao. Méi dwa mang mét chiée vali. 63 This was a very long procession, every (each) man carrying a torch. Day la m6t dam ruéc rat dai, méi ngudi mang mét ngon dude. 2, Everybody, everyone, everything Everybody, everyone (moi ngudi, ai ai), everything (moi vat, moi tht, moi diéu) 1A dai tu. Tuy ham y sé nhiéu nhung dong tix luén luén 6 ngéi thi ba sé it. Thi du: Everyone (everybody) likes him. Moi ngudi déu thich anh ay. Everybody (everyone) who comes here admires the scenery. Tat ca nhitng ngudi dén day déu mé phong canh nay. I was late, everybody else was early. Téi dén mudn, tat ca nhiing ngudi khéc déu dén sém. He told the news to everybody. Anh 4y noi cho moi ngudi biét tin dé. Everything is in good order. Moi thit déu dau vao day, Everything that he said was true. Moi diéu anh ay néi déu ding. He thinks he knows everything. Anh dy nghi anh ay biét tat ca. 3. Either, neither Either, neither vita la tinh tw vita la dai tw a) Either: mot trong hai (ngudi, vat) Thi du: You may go by either road. Ban cé thé di theo mét trong hai con dutng. (Bang mét trong hai con dudng, hoac con dwang nay, hoac con dung kia, cA hai déu dugc) 64 There are shops on either side. (Cé ctta hiéu 6 ca hai bén dudng) (ca bén nay lan bén kia, 6 ca hai bén dudng déu c6 ctta hiéu) You can take either of these roads to the village. Ban cé thé di mét trong hai con dudng nay téi lang do. (M6ét trong hai con dudng) Do you like either of these? - No, I don't like either, (Ban cé thich ca c4i nay 14n cai kia khéng?) - khong thich c4 hai. no. either cé nghia "cing khéng" (either 1a pho ti, twing dudng vdi too trong cau khang dinh). Thi du: He is not an artist. I am not an artist, either. Anh ay khéng phai la nghé si. Tdi cing khéng. If you don't go, I shall not either. Néu anh khéng di, téi cing khong di. : b) Neither + dong tit 6 dang khang dinh = either + déng ti phi dinh. I like neither = I don't like either. Tai khéng thich cai nao ca. I can’t agree in either case = Téi khéng thé déng ¥ véi ca hai truéng hop. I can not agree in either case. Toi khéng thé déng ¥ vdi truéng hp nao hét. Neither hay duge diing 6 ddu edu va cé thé ding mét minh trong cau tra di cho mét cau hdi. Neither of them was any good. Which did you buy? - Neither. Ca hai déu khéng tét. Anh mua cai ndo? Chang cai nao-ca. Neither of the books is of use to me. Which will you have? - Neither. 65 4. Some, any, no a) Some, any, no: dung lam ti ‘inh ti Co thé ding cA véi danh ti chi vat dém duge (countable noun) va danh tit chi vat khéng dém duge (non - countable noun). quy TAC CO BAN 1. Some ding trong c4u khang! dinh I have some books. There is some milk in the glass. [Any ding trong cau phu dinh,| Inghi van. No = not any. I have not any books. I have no book. Have you any books? There is not any milk in the’ glass. There is no milk in the glass. Is! there any milk in the glass? 2. Some c6 thé dang trong cAu Ihoi: ja) Khi ngu y mdi moc, yéu cau, dé nghi. {Will you have some tea? Will you have some wine? Will you carry some of these cases for me, please? b) Khi ngudi ta dén truéc, doan chac ho&e mong dgi cau tra 1di "06" Did you put some matches in lyour pocket? (ngu ¥ chae 1a anh cO mang mot it diém trong tui) roi chi?) 66 [Any duoc ding sau “hardly", “barely scarely" va "it" ys Ihave hardly any money. There are scarcely any flowers jin the garden. If I find any of your books, I'll send them to you. If you have any difficulty, ask; me for help. iAny trong cau khang dinh thwdng cé nghia 1a bat ctt (ngudi| nao, cai gi?...) You can take any book you like from my bookcase. (Anh ¢6 thé lay bat ct cuén sAch nao anh Unich trén gid sdch cua téi). b) Some, any, one ding lam dai tit Léi ghi: No khéng ding lam dai ttt duge, phai dang none. None cé thé ding cho ca ngudi ln vat. Thi du: I like these roses, please, give me some. Toi thich nhiing béng héng nay, lam on cho tdi vai bong I want to buy some flowers, [ haven't any in my garden. Téi muén mua vai béng hoa, trong vudn tdi khéng ed bing nao. I want some tea, have you any? Téi muén udng tra, anh cé khéng? : He wants some more coffee but there was none left. Anh Ay muén uéng thém ca phé nia nhung khdng con. None of his pupils failed their examination. Khéng cé hoe sinh nao cua 6ng thi truat. c) Any dung lam phé tu. Thi du: Iam sorry to say, he isn't any better. I couldn't come any sooner. 5. Nhitng tiv tao bdi some, any, not Someone; somebody: something | Anyone; anybody; anything | _No one; nobody; nothing j cing theo quy tac cd ban trén. 1. Someone, somebody, something: ding trong cau khang dinh There is someone (somebody) in the room. There is something I want to lask you. 2. Someone, somebody; something c6 thé dang trong cau héi: a) khi ngu ¥ mdi moe, yéu cau, dé nghi: [Would you like to drink something? Will you ask someone to carry this bag for me, please! b) Khi ngudi ta don trudc, doan ichdc ho&c mong dgi cAu tra 1éi "co": Is someone coming this afternoon? (ngu ¥ chac 1a cé ai dén) Have you lost something? (ngul ly chdc 1a cé mat cai gi...) Anyone, anybody, anything ding trong cau pha dinh va: Inot anyone = no one not anybody = nobody not anything = nothing There isn't anyone in the room. (anybody) There is no one in the room. (nobody) Is there anyone in the room? (anybody) (There is not anything I want to! lask you. [There is nothing I want to ask| you. Is there anything you want to| ask me? Anyone, anybody, anything’ dude ding sau "hardly", "barely", "scarcely", "if". [There is hardly anything left Ihis bag. If you have anything difficul in| your work, ask me for help. Dude ding trong cau khang! dinh. Anyone, anybody: bat citi jai. Anything: bat cif cai gi. [Anybody can show you the way. /You can take anything you like. 68 Cha y: Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere 1a nhiing phé tit chi nai chon cing duge dung theo quy tac nhu trén. Thi du: They went somewhere after supper. They didn't go anywhere after supper. They went nowhere after supper. Didn't they go anywhere after supper? Have you seen him before somewhere? (ngu ¥ chdc chan 1 anh da gap han ta 6 dau). Bai tap 1. Dién vao ché tréng bang "some", "any", “one /ones". 1. Go and ask him for... more paper, I haven't... in my desk. 2. can't eat... more potatoes, but I should like... more beans. 3. There is... tea in the kitchen, but there isn't... milk. 4. You must tell us... more of your adventures. 5. L asked him for... soap, but he hadn't... 6. I've lost my pencil. Have you... to lend me? 7. Don't make... noise. He wants to get...sleep. 8. Are there... more books? I've read all those old... 9. I doubt if there is... tea left. You'd better give me... hot water. 10. If I find... of your books, I'll send them to you. 11. Will you have... more vegetables? 12. Did you go.. where last night? 13. You're expecting... one to call, aren't you? 69 14. Can you give me... more information? 15. These aren't my books. Did | take... of yours by mistake? 16. Have you read... good books lately? 17. We have... new shirts in today. Do you want to buy This blue... is very nice. 18. There are scarcely... flowers in the garden. 19. ... student can answer the question. 20. Come... day you like. 21. You must give an excuse for not going... excuse will do. 2. Viet Iai nhiing cau dudi déy, thay thé dang "No..." bang dang “not... any". 1. [have no time to help you. 2. T can see ny hat nowhere. 3. There was nobody in the garden. 4. He can see nothing to drink. 5. He gave me nothing to drink. 6. They found nobody at home. 7. I've been nowhere this summer. 8. We met nobody on the way back. 9. He gave me no ink, so I could write no more. 10. I'll give it to nobody else. 3. Ding "nothing", "nobody", hode “no one", "nowhere", “neither”, "none" dé tra loi phi: dinh nhiing cau hoi sau day: Chi ¥: Dung "neither" trong truéng hop co hai ngudi, vat. Dung "none" trong truéng hgp cé nhiéu ngudi, vat. Thi du: How many books are there on the table? - None. Which of these two books have you read? - Neither. 1. What is on the table? 2. Where are you going? 3. What are you doing? 4, What do you want? 5. How many exercises have you done today? 6. Who is in the dining room? 7. How many of these are mine? 8. Where did you go last night? 9. Which foot have you hurt? 10. Which of the two girls is your sister? 11. Which of these two hats is mine? 12. What are you thinking about? 13. Who told you to do that? 14. How many fish did you catch? 6. Many, much, few, little a) Many, much - Many ding véi danh tit chi cai dém duge (countable noun) - Much ding voi danh ti chi cai khéng dém duge (non - countable noun). Thi du: I haven't much time. Tdi khéng cé nhiéu thi gid. 71 There is not much sugar in the sugar bowl. Khéng cé nhiéu duéng trong lo. How many English books are there in your bookcase? Trong ta cia anh cé bao nhiéu sach tiéng Anh? Many va much c6 thé ding lam dai ti Thi du: You have plenty of petrol but I haven't much. Anh c6 nhiéu xang nhung t6i khong c6 nhiéu. Nam got lots of letters but An didn't get many. Nam nhn dugc nhiéu thu nhung An khéng nhan dude nhiéy. Trong 16i néi thong thudng nhiing cau khang dinh ngudi ta thudng thay: much va many bang a lot of, lots of, a large quantity, plenty of, a good deal of: dae biét much rat tt duge ding trong cdu khang dinh. Thi du: There is plenty of sugar in the sugar bowl. Cé nhiéu dudng trong lo dudng. He has done a good deal of research on that subject. Anh ay nghién ctu nhiéu vé van dé do. He will have a lot of time to spare when he has finished his work, Khi xong viée anh dy sé cé nhiéu thi gid ranh. She has a lot of hens. Ba ay cé nhiéu ga mai. There are plenty of chairs for everyone. C6 nhiéu ghé di cho moi ngudi. “72 Cha : Mét sd chi tiét can nhé thém + Ngudi ta khéng néi: He has much time; tuy vé ngd phap khong cé gi sai; nhung théng thudng ngudi ta ndi: He has a lot of time. He has a lot of hens thudng hay duge néi hon 1a: he has many hens. - Tuy nhién sau "so, too, as, how" ngudi ta van phai dang much va many trong nhiing cau khang dinh. Thi du: He has so much money. Anh ay cé rat nhiéu tién. (Anh dy cé nhiéu tién dén thé) There are too many mistakes in your exercises. CAc bai tap cia anh cé qua nhiéu 1éi. He has drunk too much beer. Anh ay da udng qua nhiéu bia. You can have as much sugar as you want. Anh cé thé ding nhiéu dudng nhu anh muén. - Much cé thé ding lam phé ti (adverb). Thi du: + He doesn't swim much. +I don’t think much of it. + You must work much more carefully. - Many a (hon mot, nhiéu) Many a ship has (many ships have) been wrecked on those rocks. 73, + I've been there many a time. b) Few, little - Few ding véi danh ti dém duge (countable noun) - Little dang véi danh ti khéng dém dude (no - countable noun). Few = not many; Little = not much; Ca hai déu co nghia 1a it, hau nhu khéng cé (ngy y phi dinh). Thi du: : Few people would agree with you. ft ngudi sé déng ¥ véi anh. He has very little knowledge of the matter. Anh ay biét rat it vé vain dé nay. - Few va Little 06 thé dang lam dai tit. Many people read Einstein's book but few understood it. Nhiéu ngudi doe sAch cia Einstein nhung it ngudi hiéu diige Few of my friends were there. ft ban t6id do. We must keep what little we have. Chung ta phai giit cdi it 6i ching ta c6. The little of his work that I have seen is excellent. Mot chut bai cua cau ta tdi da xem 1a rat tot. -A few va a little cé nghia 1a mét chut, mét it (ngu ¥ khang dinh) A few dang vdi countable noun. A little dang véi non- countable noun. Thi du: We are going away for a few days. Chung ta sé di vai ngay. Only a few people could understand the book. Chi mét ft ngudi cé thé hiéu dude cudn sach do. I would like a few more of these. Téi muén thém mot it nay nia. He had only a little food and water. Anh ay chi cén it thite an va nuéc. He knows a little of everything. Anh ta biét mdi tht mot chit. Chi y: Little. a little c6 thé ding lam pho tit (adverb). Thi du: He slept very little last night. (Dém truée anh ay ngu rat it). 1 little thought that I could solve that problem (Ii khéng nghi 1a téi c6 thé giai quyét dude vain dé dé). He is little better this morning (N6 da kha hdn m6t chut sang nay). This room is a little too large (Can phéng nay hoi qua rong) Bai tap 4, Ding a lot of (lots of), plenty of, a large quantity of, a great deal of dé viet nhitng cau sau day d dang khang dinh: 1. They haven't many friends. 2. He has not invited many people to his wedding-party. 75 3. My brother doesn't read many books. 4. You haven't got much time. 5. They didn't smoke many cigarettes. 6. There was not much dirt in the hall. 7. There are not many trees in the garden. 8. He hasn't got much work to do, 9. The children don't make much noise. 10. I haven't seen many people there. 5. Dién vao cde ché trong bang few, a few, little, a little. 1. "Is there any tea left in the pot?" - "Yes...", 2. "Do you smoke at all?” - "Yes, but very..." 3. "Do you smoke at all?” - "Yes..." 4. He is a lonely man, he has... friends. 5. He has... friends who came to see him quite frequently. 6. He is a man of... words. 7. Very... people live to the age of one hundred. 8. We have very... time left. 9. He made... tea. 10. Give me... more, please. 7. Mét s6 dai tii va tinh tix bat dinh khac a) All (tat ca), Both (ca hai), Other (khac), Another (mét cdi khac) cing ding vita 14 dai tt vita la tinh ti Hay nghién cttu nhiing thi du sau: 76 Tinh ti Dai tu All the money is spent. All is not lost. All the boys have come. All are welcome. They all agreed to this. All of them were happy. Both men were strong. I have two brothers: both are engineers. I want the other books. Some people like tea, others like coffee. Please give me another pencil |This pencil is broken, can you lend me another? b) Each other va One another thudng duce goi la dai tw tudng hé (reciprocal pronoun) vi né dién dat y "lan nhau". They looked at each other. Ho nhin nhau. We should help one another. Chung ta nén gitp dé lan nhau. Iv.s6 TU (numerals) 1, S6 tw c6 hai loai S6 dém (cardinal numerals) one, two, twenty, fifty-six, a dozen, a hundred, a thousand and six. Sé tha tu (ordinal numerals) _ | the first, the eighth, the forty- second, the hundredth. Chay: - $6 thit tu cau tao bang cach thém th vao sau so dém, trit cae sé 1 (first), 2 (second), 3 (third) eting nhu sé ghép vdi-ching nhu 21 (twenty-first...). 77 - C6 nhing truéng hop chinh ta bién d6i nhu: nine-ninth, twenty-twenticth (y = ie). 2. Cach ding sé tiv a) Nhu tinh tv Five men, two hundred books, two dozen eggs, the third lesson. b) Nhu dai tw them. He is the first to come. I want twenty of c) Nhu danh ti army. There are hundreds of people in the station. Thousands of young men have joined the BAIg TINH TU, DAI TU VA PHO TU NGHI VAN (Interrogative Adjectives, Pronouns and Adverbs) I. WHO, WHO(M), WHOSE Ti nghi van Cau héi Cau tra loi Nhan xét Who (ai)? Dai tu chu ngit Who is at the door? Who are those boys? Who broke the Nam is. They are Dr. Ban's sons. Lan did. Vi tri: 6 dau cau hdi. Dong tw trong céu chia 6 dang thuéng pencil? (shiing — dinh Who can't] Van can't. hoac phu dinh) answer my question? _ r _ Tw nghi van ai) 1. Tinh wir 2. Dai ti on the table? Whose _ bicycle is this? Whose pen are you using? Whose are these books? Whose is this bag? It is mine. Nam's. They are yours. It's Lan's. Cauhdi —_ |Cautrdlei_|Nhan xét Who(m)? Dai} Who.(m) did you} I saw Nam. - C6 thé ding ta tan ngtt see at the door? "who" hoac "whom". Who (m)_ is|(e is speaking)|- Vi tri: ¢ d@u speaking to? | to the teacher. | cAu hdi. Who (m) are|They are Dong tit 6 your children|playing with — | trong c4u chia 6 playing with? |their friends. _| dang nghi van. Whose? —_ (cita| Whose books are)They are Tan's, |- Vi tri: dat 4 dau cau h - Dong tit cau chia 6 dang thuéng (khang dinh hoae phu dinh) hay ¢@ dang nghi tay theo trudng "Who: lam tan ny Bai tap " di vai danh tit lam cha ngw hay danh tit oi. trong: i van tung hop 1. Dung "who", who(m), whose" dat céu hdi cho phan in nghiéng cua nhitng cau sau day: 1. My brother helps me in my work 2. We are speaking English to our teacher. 3. The children are playing in the school-yard. 4. He took his sons to the movies yesterday evening. 5. The pupils hats are on the shelves. 6. This is Lan’s pen. 7. She must take Mrs. Minh’s son to the kindergarden every morning. 8. He went with his father to Haiphong yesterday morning. 9. Nam is writing on the blackboard. 10. Lan and Huong are Mrs. Minh's daughters. Tl. WHAT Tw nghi van Cau héi Nhan xét What (cai gi, | What is on the table? | - Vi tri: dat d dau cfu héi. gi)? What has happened? | - Déng tit trong cfu chia theo 1. Dai titchd |What makes men|dang thuing (khang dinh ngwt happy? hoe phui dink). What delayed you? 80 2. Dai tittan | What are you doing? |- Vi tri: dat 6 dau cu héi. ngit What did they eat? |- Dong tit trong cau chia 6 What did they eat|dangnghi van, with? What are they speaking about? 3. Tinh tu What people live in}- Vi tri: dat 6 dau cau hdi. this country? What city the capital of Vietnam? is - Dong ti trong cdu chia theo dang thudng (khang dinh hoac phu dinh). a) Di vdi What books are these? danh ti lam | What foreign language chu ngi. can help you most in your study? What foreign language must you learn at. school? b) Di vai What papers do you|- Vi tri: dat d dau cau hdi. danh titlam | read? : Déng ti trong cu chia 6 tan ngit. dang nghi van. Bai tap 2. Dién vao ché tréng bing "Who, Who (m), Whose, What". Ll... eo reo eee Pe Serna r wp . went with you to Haiphong last week? .. gave you those flowers? ... is yours friend's name? .. is wrong with the clock? ... bus goes to Hadong? ... river flows through Hanoi? ... did you want to see? .. can I do to help you? «. pencil is this, Nam's or Lan's? is the matter with him? .. are they talking about? . hat is on the table? . ... school did she attend? would you like to drink? 81 3. Dat eu héi cho phan in nghiéng cia nhitng chu sau day. 1. The boy learned many subjects at school. 2. Mr. Minh taught me English. 3. The doctor told her to stay in bed. 4. That house is mine. 5. She has broken a glass. 6. I usually prepare my English lesson in the evening. 7. That tooth is hurting me. 8. I bought hirh a present. 9. The prize for the competition was a handbag. 10. L like to read English novels. 11. Van has broken the window. ‘12. He met his old friend at the theatre yesterday. 4. Viét lai nhiing cau sau déy cho hop vdi léi noi thong thutng (bang céch d6i vi tri cita gidi ti). Ghi nhé: Trong truéng hgp dai ti nghi van (whom, what...) di theo vdi gidi tw, thong thudng khéng nén dé gidi ti 6 ddu cau héi truée tix nghi van. 82 Thi du: Khéng nén néi: To whom is he speaking? About what are they speaking? Nén néi: Whom is he speaking to? What are they speaking about? 1, About what are you thinking? 2. At what are they looking? 3. With what are you cutting your pencil? 4, For whom are you waiting? 5, With whom is he playing? 6. In what room shall I sleep? 7. From what library did you get this book? 8. To whom does she want to speak? 9. Of what is butter made? MOT VAI DANG CAU HOI VOI "What" CAN GHI NHG THEM. 1. What ... for? a) Dé lam gi (for what purpose). What must you learn foreign languages for? Anh phai hoe ngoai ngit dé 1am gi? What's this money for? Tién nay dé lam gi? b) Tai sao (why) What did you do that for? (c6 thé hiéu 1a: Anh lam cdi dé dé 1am gi? Tai sao anh lam cai d6?) 2. What + (to be) + like? Ding dé héi vé tinh chat hoac hinh dang bé ngodi. Co thé ding dé hdi vé cA ngudi, vat, su viée: Thi du: What was the weather like? ‘Thdi tiét ra sao? 83 - It was very wet and cold. Rat wét va lanh. What was he like? Anh ay 18 ngudi thé nao? - He is a friendly sort of man. Anh ay 14 ngudi cdi md. - He is a tall man with a black beard. Anh 4y 18 ngudi cao cé b6 rau quai nén den. So sénh cfu hdi trén véi cau: What does he / it look like? Cau nay ngy y hdi vé hinh dang bé ngoai. Thi du: What does he look like? Anh ay ngudi nhu thé nao? - He is tall and thin. Anh Ay cao va gay. What does it look like? N6 ra lam sao? - It is white and puffy. N6 trang va sung hip lén. TI. WHICH Léi ghi: Which bao ham mét su chon Ifa (cé thé ding dé héi ca ngudi lan vat). So sanh cach dang giita: who, what va which trong nhiing cu sau day: 1.- Who do you want to speak to? (co tinh chat hdi chung chung) 84 - | want to speak to Mr. Minh. - We have two Smiths here: which do you want? (ngu ¥ trong hai ngudéi thi anh muén hdi ai?) 2 - What will you have to drink? (héi chung chung) - Beer. - There're beer, lemonade and milk, which will you have? (ngu ¥ lua chon trong ba thit, anh muén dang thi gi?) - Beer. Tw nghi van Cau héi. Nhan xét Which Which is the way to] - Vi tri: 6 ddu céu héi. 1, Dai tit chai | the station? - Dong tit chia 6 dang thudng ngit Which is the longest | (khang dinh hodc phi dinh). river in Vietnam? Which of these books is your favourite? Which of ' my questions can't you answer? 2. Dai titan | Which will you have, |- Vi tri: dat 6 dau cdu héi. ngit tea or coffe? - Dong t¥ cau chia 6 dang Which of these pens] nghi vin. may I use? Which of them do you like to talk to? 3.Tinh tx | Which way leads to}- Vi tri: 6 dau cau hdi. a) Di véi the station? - Dong tit trong c4u chia theo danh tit]am |Which book belongs} dang thudng. chi nga. to you, this or that? 85 b) Di voi Which language do|- Vi tri: é dau c4u hdi. danh tilam |you like .to learn,}. Dong tit trong cau chia 6 tan nga. English or Russian? | dang nghi van. Which doctor will you visit, Dr. N or Dr. B? Bai tap 5. Dién vao ché tréng bang nhitng tit nghi vén"Who, Who(m), What, Which": . 1. ... boy won the first prize? «did he go with? .. asked you to write this? is the healthier place the country or the sea-side? ... is the largest town in the world? .. is the way to the factory? of you can do this exercise? .. picture do you prefer, this or that? .. European language is the easiest to learn? 10. ... hat is yours, this or that? has taken my pencil? PS ernaap wn a ic 12. ... of these girls is the youngest? 86 IV. WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW Léi ghi: Where, when, why, how déu ding lam pho tié nghi van. Tw nghi van Cau héi Nhan xét 1. Where (6 dau) [Where is your house? Vi tri: 6 dau cau héi. Phé tix nghi vdn |Where are his books? Péng tix chia 6 dang! Where do you live? inghi van. Where must he go? 2. When (khi | When are you at home? Vi tri: dat 6 dau cau) nao) Ph6 tit —_| When do you usually get up? [hdi. nghi van When will you go to Moscow? |Dong tit cau chia 4 dang nghi van. 3. Why (tai sao) |Why are you so late? Vi tri: 6 dau cau hoi. Phé tit nghi van. |Why do you like this book? [Déng tw chia 6 dang Why must you work hard at} English? inghi vain. 4, How (thé nao, ra sao, bang cach nao?) Phé tix nghi van. [How are you? - Quite well. How did you come? I came by plane How can you start the| engine? (by pressing this| button) (How can he speak English?) Vi tri: 6 dau cau hdi. Déng tit chia 6 dang| (very well) 87 Ghi nhé: Mét sé cau héi véi "How" Cau héi Cau tra 13i (c6 thé dutge) 1. How + Many |How much water do you - a little much? (bao want? nhiéu) How much does it cost? - ten pounds How many students are - fifty, there in the room? 12. How + ‘How tall are you - Lam six feet tall. Adjective How old is he? - He is forty five. How high is Mount Everest? |- It is over five miles| high. How wide is that river? - It is fifty yards wide. L How long is this room? - It is ten feet long. 3. How + Adverb/How fast does he drive? - He drives at fifty; kilometers an hour. How often do you go|-I go every year. abroad? How long does it take you to| - Twenty minutes. go to your office? Bai tap 6. Disng where, when, why, how... dé dat cau hdi cho phdn in nghiéng & nhiing cau sau day: 1. His sister works at a factory. 2. T usually get up at five in the morning. 88 3. We must learn foreign languages because they are necessary for our work. 4. He didn't go to school yesterday because he was ill. 5. We usually have dinner at eleven. 6. They live in the center of the city. 7. It takes him halfan hour to do these grammar exercises. 8. His working day lasts eight hours. 9. He begins his work at 6 o'clock.” 10. This bicycle costs 300,000 VND. 11. Every Sunday, my father takes me to the movies. 12. There are forty students in our class. 13. She is fifteen years old. 14. The playground is forty yards long. 15. He can come here by bus. 16 She can speak English very fluently. 17. I go to the library twice a week. 18. He always gets bad marks because he is very lazy. 19. He can swim two miles in an hour. 89 DAI TU CHI NGOI (Personal Pronouns) TINH TU VA DAI TU SO HOU (Posessive Adjectives and Pronouns) DAI TU PHAN THAN VA DAI TU NHAN MANH (Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronouns) I. DAI TU CHI NGOI (Personal Pronouns) 1. Gidi thigu 7 SO it Sénhiéu Neoi Changi | Tanngz | Changi | Tanngd 1 I I we us 2 you (1) you (1) you lyou 3 (giéng duc) /he him: (gidng cai) {she her | they them (trung tinh) it it. (bat dinh) [one lone (1) Ng@i thit hai s6 it trong tho va trong van cé ngudi ta dang Thou (chi ngii) va Thee (tan ngit) 2. Chive nang a) Dai tix chi ngit lam chi: ngit cho m6t dong tiy chia rdi trong cau. Chu ngi (subject) Vi ngi (Predicate) We were there. Ching téi bdo. I came here with Nam. TSi }dén day véi Nam. She usually gets up at 5. Cé ay thudng day hic 5 gid. 90 b) Dai tw tan ngi: + Lam tan ngit cho mét déng tt trong céu Tan ngit truc tiép (direct object) Tan ngit gidi ti 'The teacher punished him. IThay giao phat no. I'll ask her to help me. Téi sé yéu cau c6 Ay gitip tdi. ‘They warned us not to be late. Ho bao truéc cho ching téi khong dén cham. They are laughing at him. (prepositional object)|Ho cdi né. We are talking about it. Chiing téi néi chuyén vé viée dé. She had to look after them. Cé ay phai cham séc ching. Tan ngit gian tiép (Indirect object) I told a story to her. I told her a story. IT6i ké cho cd ay nghe mot c4u chiuyen. I bought a ball for them. 'T bought them a ball. 'T6i mua mot qua bong cho ching 'Téi mua cho ching mét qua béng. She gave a new pen to him. She gave him a new pen. [Ba ay cho né mét cai but mdi. + Ding sau giéi tit: Thi du: They stood behind him. The question before us is a very difficult one. Thad a letter from her. 91 3. Sau déng tiz"to be" + Thudng dung dai ti cht ngit, tuy nhién trong 1éi ndi thong thudng cé thé ding dai tit tan nga. Thi du: Was it they? (hoac Was it them?) + Nhung néu vé ¥ 14 chi ngi cho mét déng tix 6 mét ménh dé tiép theo sau thi phai ding dai tt cha ngit: Thi du: It was he who told me about it. It was I who did it. Bai tap 1. Chon dai tit chi ngéi (trong ngodc don) viét nhitng cau sau day) 1. (We, us) all went with (them, they) 2. They knew all about my friend and (I, me) 3. Mr. Nam and (he, him) came last night. 4. He told Ba and (me, I) to go with (he, him) to the stadium. 5. There are some letters for you and (I, me). 6. Go with Van and (she, her) to visit (they, them). 7, What is the name of (him, he) who came first? 8. Who is there? - It is only (me, I) and my friend Ban. 9. What would you do if you were (he, him)? 10. I thought it was (they, them) who went with (she, her). 11. It was (he, him) I was talking about. 12. Just between you and (me, J), it's (him, he) I'm afraid of not (she, her). 92 IT A. LAM CHU NGU 1. Dai tw chi ng6i: (ngéi tht ba aé it, trung tinh) ding dé thay cho mét danh tit trung tinh, danh ti chi mdt dé vat va cac sinh vat nho. Thi du: "Where is my book?" - "It is here". Sach cta téi dau? — No day. Look at that bird. It is a sparrow. It always comes to this window. Hay nhin con chim nay. Né 1a mét con chim sé. Né luén luén téi cia s6 nay. Theard his name mentioned. J¢ struck me as familiar. Toi nghe nhac tén anh ay. No quen quen. 2. Dai tit v6 nhan xung (impersonal pronoun) Dang trong nhiing trudng hop néi vé: a) Nhiing hién tugng thién nhién (thdi tiét, maa...) Jt is raining. Trdi dang mua. It is getting dark. Trdi t6i dan. It is early spring. Trdi vao dau xuan. Jt was a bright sunny day. Dé 1a mot ngay nang sang. It dewed heavily last night. Dém qua sudng roi nang hat. 93 94 It was very cold (hot, warm) Trdi rat lanh (néng, 4m). b) Thdi gian (gid, ngay, thang...) What time is it? May gid réi? It is 6 o'clock. 6 gid. It is rather late. Kha mué6n. It is still early. Con sém. What day is it? Hom nay thi may. It is Monday. Tha hai. What is the date? Hém nay ngay may? It is the third of March. Méng ba thang Ba. c) Khoang cach: It is only three miles to the railway-station. Téi nha ga chi cé ba dam. It is a long way to the sea. Ra bién con xa. How far is it to the station? Ra ga bao xa? It is three miles. Ba dam. 3. Dai tiv cha ngit gidi thiéu trudc (anticipatory subject) a) Maul Tt + (to be) Bé ngit (tinh tix hodc}Cha ng thuc (éng ti danh tit) Inguyén. thé) It is leasy to do that. It will be wiser to drive slowly. It's a pity to waste it. It would be la mistake to ignore his advice. Nhan xét: Trong nhitng cau thf du trén if 1A cht ngit gidi thiéu trudec; cha ngi thuc 1a: "To do that, to drive slowly, to waste it, to ignore his advice". Cé thé viét nhu sau: To do that is easy. To drive slowly will be wiser. b) Mau 2 It + (to be) Bé ngit (tinh ti hoac|Cha ngit thus (déng danh ti! \danh tix) - gerund) Tt is foolish behaving like that. It is difficult getting everything ready in| time. Itis Ino use crying over spoilt milk. Itis Ino good hoping for their help. 95 Nhan xét: Cang nhu 6 mau 1, 6 day i# 1a cht ngi gidi thiéu truéc. Cha ngi thuc la: behaving like that, getting everything ready in time, crying over spoilt milk, hoping for their help. C6 thé viét nhu sau: Behaving like that is foolish. Hoping for their help is no good. c) Mau3 It+(tobe) | Bé nga (tinh tir | Chui ngit thue (ménh dé danh ti, hoac danh tw) noun-clause) It is strange that he is always late. It is doubtful whether he will be able to come. It was a pity that you couldn't come. It was a strange thing |that he couldn't solve this ‘problem. Nhan xét: Cang nhu hai mau trén, 6 day it 1A cha nga gidi thiéu truée. Chu ngii thuc 1A nhiing ménh dé: That he is always late, whether he will be able to come, that you couldn't come, that he couldn't solve this problem. 96 Co thé viét nhu sau (tuy khéng thong thudng): Whether he will be able to come is doubtful. That you couldn't solve this problem was a strange thing. Chia y: Déi khi ngudi ta ding "to seem", "to appear" thay cho "to be". Ji seemed useless to go on. It seemes a pity not to use it. It appears unlikely that we shall arrive in time. Dai tit chi dinh gidi thiéu trudc Nhan dinh: cach ding nay cha it duge thé hién trong nhiing thi du duéi day: - Who came to see you yesterday? Hém qua ai dén tham anh? It was an old friend of mine. D6 1A mét ngudi ban ci cha téi. - It was she (her) whom I saw yesterday. Chinh cé ta 14 ngudi téi da gap hém qua. - It was he who showed me the way. Chinh anh 1a nguéi da chi duéng cho téi. - It is oranges that I like best. Cam 1a thit qua ma tdi thich nhat. B, LAM TAN NGU 1. Dai ti chi ngéi: (ngoi thit ba sé it, trung tinh) + Thay cho mét danh tu trung tinh, danh ttf chi do vat va cée sinh vat nhé lam tan ngii cho mét d6ng tw. Thi du: She has got a new pen. She puts i¢ in her bag. Cé Ay c6 mot cdi bit mdi. Cé dy dé n6 trong tui. Look at that bird. J¢ always comes to this window. Hay nhin con chim d6. Né luén luén téi cia sé nay. Did you give it anything to eat? Anh cé cho né an cai gi khong? - Yes, I always feed it. - C6. Téi luén cho né an. 97 This is your new lesson, you learn it by heart. Day 1a bai hoc mdi ctia cc em, cdc em hay hoc thudc long. + Thay cho ca mét su viée (dude dién dat bing cA mét cau hoe ménh dé). Thi du: You have saved my life, I shall never forget it. Anh da cttu mang tdi, téi sé khong bao gid quén diéu dé. He is trying to win a scholarship to the University, he won't find it easy. . Anh dy dang cé gianh hoc béng vao Dai hoc, anh ay thay diéu dé khong dé. If he gets home by 8 o'clock, I call i¢ good luck. Néu anh ay vé nha hic 8 gid, thi téi cho la may man. 2. Dai ti tan ngif gidi thiéu trudc (anticipatory object). Cha ng +) Tan nga | Bé ngit (tinh | Tan ngit thuc (dong tir Dong tit | gidi thiéu | ti, danh tu) | nguyén thé, dong danh ti, trude it ménh dé) We all consider it lwrong to cheat in examination. Tfound fit difficult ito refuse his invitation. T think it la pity ito waste them. We think it most to your climbing the dangerous mountain alone. 1 think it. a pity that you didn't try harder. I took it for granted {that you would stay with | jus. 98 Nhan xét: Trong nhiing cau thf dy trén i 1a tan ngi gidi thiéu truéc, thay cho nhiing tan ngit thuc 6 cot 4. Bai tap 2. Dién vao ché trong bang dang It is va gidi thich nhitng cau dudi day. a pity that he is so stupid. .. a long time ago. .. early when we left home. |. a wonder that you didn't hurt yourself. .. not very far to walk. .. wonderful to see you again next week. . wrong to think that those people are greedy for money. . cruel to beat a boy like that. .. possible that he doesn't understand English? .. lime to go to bed. .. most delightful to sit by the fire with a book. ... he who helped me in my work. onmnrnarnr ene Hoe a) m s w w@ . they who showed us the way through the forest. ... his mother, not his father, who said that. S 15. ... the training that he had as a young man that made him such a good engineer. 3. Ding it la dai tw tan ngit gidi thiéu trude viét lai nhiing cdu dudi day. Thi du: - We all consider that it is wrong to cheat in examination. 99 We all consider it wrong to cheat in examination. - I think that it is a pity to waste them. I think it a pity to waste them. 1. We all consider that it is wrong to cheat in examination. 2. Don't you think that it is unwise to climb the mountain without a guide? 3. We think that it is most dangerous for you to climb the mountain alone. 4. I found that it was very difficult to refuse him his request. 5. Do you think it is strange that he hasn't eaten any meat since he was a boy? 6. I believe that it is very hard to undertake this work. 7. [suppose you think it is very odd that I have to change my room. 8. We consider that it is a sacred duty to serve our country. 9. He imagines that it is very interesting to fly to the moon in a spaceship. 10. He found that it was hard to solve this problem. One Léi ghi: "One 1a dai tit bat dinh c6 nghia la "ngudi ta". One cé thé ding lam cha ngi va tan ngi. Cha ngit One uses milk for making butter and cheese. One must be careful when driving a car. Tan ngi This book gives one a good idea of the National Liberation movement throughout the world. 100 Tuy nhién ngudi ta khéng hay ding né. Dé dién ta cing mat ¥ trén théng thudng ngudi ta a) Dang dang bi déng: Milk is used for making butter and cheese. b) Thay one bang we, you, they (chi ngii), us, you, them (tan ngit) You (we) must be careful when driving a car. This book gives you (us) a good idea of the National Liberation movement throughout the world. They say we shall have a hot summer. Nhung ngudi ta hay ding dang sé hitu One's khi ngu y chung: It is easy to lose one’s way in a big town. It is a pity to waste away one’s time. I. TINH TU VA DAI TU SG HUU (Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns) 1. Gidi thigu Tinh tit sé hitu Dai tiv sd hitu my mine your yours his his her hers its its our ours your yours their theirs 101 Thi du: That is my book. That book is mine. That is his book. That book is his. That is your book. That book is yours That is her book. That book is hers. That is our book. That book is ours. That is their book. That book is theirs. (Cha y: 6 ngoi thé hai sé it, trong van cd va thd ngudi ta dang Thy (Possessive adjective) va Thine (Possessive Pronoun). 2. Cach dung a) Tinh tt sé hitu hop véi "ngudi" hodc "vat" cé quyén sé hitu. N6 khéng thay déi theo gidng va sd (gidng due, gidng cdi... sd it, so nhiéu...) cia dang tit chi vat thudc quyén sd hitu. Thi du: Thave a pencil. It is my pencil. She has a pencil. It is her pencil. He has many pencils. They are his pencils. A tree drops its leaves in autumn. A dog wags its tail when it is happy. * * * My mother, my father, my brother (s), my sister (s) My book (s), Ais father, his brother (s), his sister (s), his book (s) b) Dai tit sd hitu duge ding dé thay thé cho tinh ti sd hitu + danh tit. Thi du: T have my pen; have you got yours (= your pen?). 102 Is thts my English book? No, it isn't yours (= your English book). It is mine © my English book). Are these their books? No, they aren't theirs (= their books). They are ours (= our books). Cha y: Dai tit sd hitu ts rat hiém khi duge dang. c) Ghi nhé: .. of mine = one of my... ... of yours = one of your... .. of his = one of his... etc... Thi du: He is a friend of mine = He is one of my friends. A sister of hers = One of her sisters. Bai tap 4. Dién vao ché tréng bang tinh tit hodc dai tit sd hitu. 1. [see that he has lost... pencil; perhaps you can lend him. 2. Tell him not to forget... ticket; she mustn't forget... either. 3. We have taken our share, has she taken...? 4. I gave him some plants of... in exchange for some of... 5. Nam has come to see me, ... father and... were school friends. 6. He wants you to return a book of... you borrowed last week. 7. You said you would introduce me to a friend of ... who had a very good dictionary. 103 8. This is not our class-room, ... is on the first floor. 9. She wants to know if you have seen a book of ... lying about somewhere. 10. She had no pen, so I gave her... * TL. DgI TU PHAN THAN VA DAITU NHAN MANH (Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronouns) 1. Gidi thiéu Séit Sénhiéu Ngéi 1 myself ourselves Ngéi 2 yourself (thyself) yourselves Ngdi 3: Gidng duc himself Gidng cai herself themselves Trung tinh itself Bat dinh oneself. Cha y: Trong van cé va tho 6 ng6i thit hai sé it thudng dang "thyself" 2. Cach ding: a) Dai tit phan than dung trong truéng hop minh tu lam cho chinh ban thén minh. N6 lam tan ngi, bd gi trong cau, trong truéng hgp nay chi ngit vdi tan ngi hoc bd ngit chi 1A mot. Thi du: I shave myself every morning. ‘Ti tu cao rau cho téi méi budi sang They blamed themselves for the accident. Ho tu trach ban than ho vé tai nan dé. 104 He spoke to himself. Anh 4y tu ndi véi minh... He was quite himself again. Anh ta lai nhu ci... b) Dai ty nhan manh dang dé nhdn manh thém mot danh tit hay dai tw trong cu. N6é khéng cé chtic nang riéng biét ma tring véi chtic nang cua ti nd nhan manh. ay. Lan herself opened the door. Chinh cé Lan da mé cia. Co thé viet: Lan opened the door herself. I should like to see Mr. Ban himself and not his wife. Téi muén duge gap chinh éng Ban chu khéng phai ba vg 6ng The play itself was good, but the actors were bad. Ban than v6 kich thi hay, nhung dién vién thi dd. Cha y: Dai tt nhdn manh thudng duge dat ngay ding sau danh ti hoac dai tt ma no nhaén manh. Trong truéng hep ding dé nhan manh vao chinh chi ngii cia cau thi cé thé dat 6 cudi cau. Thi du: I myself do it, hoac: I do it myself. Nam himself went to Haiphong, hoac: Nam went to Haiphong by himself. 105 Bai tap 5. Dién vdo ché tréng bing dai tit phan than hode dai ti nhdn manh (tim hiéu nghia ding cia tig céu). 1. It is pleasant to warm... before a good fire. 2. There was no much noise that he could not hear... speak. 3. She was angry with... for breaking her doll. 4. They looked at... in the looking-glass. 5. Ba, go and hide... behind the curtain. 6. Never leave to others what you ought to do... 7. I want to see Mrs. Linh..., not her husband. 8. You... told me the story. 9. I hope you will enjoy... at the party. 10, You must learn your lesson... nobody can do it for you. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN GHI NHO THEM 1. by + myself (yourself, himself...) : mot minh Thi du: He sat by himself. Han ta ngéi mét minh. I did it by myself. TOi lam viée d6 cé mét minh (khéng c6 su giup dé cia ai) 2. Dimg nhdm Dai tu phan than véi Dai te tuong hd (reciprocal pronouns): each other, one another. Thi du: They looked at themselves in the looking-glass. Chung né tu soi guong. 106 They looked at each other. Ho nhin nhau. They are very selfish, they only think of themselves (... chi nghi dén ban than). Good friends thinks of one another when they are away. (... nghi dén nhau). . DAI TU QUAN HE VA MENH DE TINH NGU (Relative Pronouns and Adjective Clauses) 1. GIGI THIEU 1. Vai tré cha dai tt quan hé: Thi du: a) The man/who is standing at the door/ is my teacher. b) My son is the boy/ whom you see at the desk. + Cu (a) c6 hai ménh dé: - The man is my teacher. ~.who is standing at the door. Theo nguyén tac chung, méi tw trong cau chi co thé git mot chiic nang. "The man" da lam chu ngit cho déng ti "is" 6 ménh dé chinh thi khong thé lam cha ngit cho dong ti "is standing" 6 ménh dé phu nita. Phdi ding dai tt quan hé "who" dé thay thé cho "the man" lam chi: ngit cho “is standing". 107 + C4u (b) c6é hai ménh dé: - My son is the boy. - Whom you see at the desk. V&n theo nguyén tac trén. "The boy" da 1am bé ngif cho “is" 6 ménh dé chinh thi khéng thé lam tan ngit cho "see" & ménh dé phy nia. Phdi ding dai tit quan hé "whom" dé thay thé cho "the boy" lam tan ngit cho "see". 2, Ménh dé tinh ngit (Adjective Clause) Xét tit hai thi du trén, ta thay nhiing ménh dé phu bat dau bang dai ti quan hé c6 tinh chat nhu nhiing tinh ngiz bé nghia (xac dinh, 14m ro...) cho danh tw (hode dai ti) ding truéc né. Dé 1a loai ménh dé tinh ngit. I. DAI TU QUAN HE XAC DINH (Defining Relative Pronouns) Léi ghi: Dai tw quan hé x4e dinh gidi thigu mét ménh dé tinh ngit cé nhiém vu xac dinh rd danh tit (hodc dai ti) ma né hgp véi. Ménh dé dé can thiét vi néu khéng cé né, ngudi ta sé khong x4c dinh ré danh ti dé chi ai (néu thay cho ngudi) hodc cAi nao, vat nao (néu thay cho vat), nén goi la ménh dé tinh ngit xac dinh. Thi du: The man who told me this refused to give me his name (ménh dé tinh ngit "who told me this" xAc dinh ré "the man" 1A "Cai ngudi ndi véi téi diéu dé" chit khong phai ngudi nado khac...) The street which leads to the station is very wide, (ménh dé tinh ngw "which leads to the station" x4c dinh ré "The street" 1A "Cai phd dan dén nha ga" chit khong phai cdi phé nao khac...) 108 1. Nhitng dai tiv quan hé x4c dinh Chu ngit Tan ngit Sd hitu (subject) (object) (possessive) Thay cho nguéi | Who Whom Whose That That Thay cho vat | Which Which of which, whose Thi du: a) Thay cho ngudi. + Lam chi ngii: (who, that) The boy who sits next to me is very clever. (that) I don't like the men who don't speak the truth. (that) Cha y: Ngudi ta thuéng ding "who" hon "that", xem thém 6 dudi, muc 3 trong nhiing trudng hop ding "that". + Lam tan ngit: (whom, that) Thi du: The doctor whom she visited is my brother. (that) The man who you are speaking to is my teacher. (that) Cha y: Ngudi ta co thé dung Whom hay that. Nhung trong van néi, ngudi ta cing ding Who. The man who you are speaking to is my teacher. Ngudi ta cing cé thé an dai tiv quan hé. The doctor she visited is my brother. 109 The man you are speaking to is my teacher. (xem muc "Khi nao cé thé an duge dai tiv quan hé xc dinh") + Chi sé hitu: (whose) , Mr. X is the barber whose shop is opposite my house. b) Thay cho vat: + Lam chi ngit (which, that) The pencil which is lying on the desk is mine. (that) You can see the plane which is flying over our head. (that) Cha y: Ngudi ta thudng ding which hon that. (xem thém muc "Nhiing truéng hop chi ding that") + Lam tan ngit (which, that) The flowers which I cut this morning are still fresh. (that) The picture which you are talking about is very beautiful. (that) Cha y: Neudi ta thudng dung which hon that (xem thém muc "Nhiing trudng hgp chi ding that") hoa nguii ta c6 thé An duge: The flowers I cut this morning are still fresh. The picture you are talking about is very beautiful. (Xem muc : "Khi nao c6 thé an duge dai ti’ quan hé") + Chi sé hitu (of which) Ihave a chair the leg of which is broken. The book the cover of which is torn is mine. Cha y: Hai cu trén viét nhu vay chi ding vé mat ngit phap nhung thuc ra rat vung. 110 Tét hon nén viét: Thave a chair with broken leg. TOi c6 cai ghé gay chan The book with the torn cover is mine. Cuén sach rach bia 1a cha tdi. Hién nay, ngudi ta cé khuynh huéng ding whose cho ca vat. Thave a chair whose leg is broken. She was gazing into the pool whose calm surface reflected her features like a mirror. 2. Khi nao c6 thé an duge dai ti quan hé xc dinh? Dai tit quan hé xdc dinh chit ngit khong thé dn duge. Chi cd thé dn & truéng hop né lam tan ngit. a) Truéng hap tan ngit truc tiép (direct object) The man (whom) you see at the door is my friend. (that) The flowers (which) I cut this morning are still fresh. (that) b) Truéng hop tan ngit cach tré bang gidi tir (prepositional hodac indirect object) Chi dn dugc khi gidi tix 3 sau d6ng tiy trong ménh dé tinh ngi. The man (whom) you are speaking to is my teacher. (that) The picture (which) you are talking about is very beautiful. (that) Khéng 4n duge khi gidi tix duge dat 4 trude dai tit quan hé xac dinh. Trong trudng hgp nay chi ding duge whom, which va khong thay duge bang that. 111 The man ¢o whom you are speaking is my teacher. The picture about which you are talking is very beautiful. 8. Nhiing trwong hop thudng chi ding that. Nhu trén da chu thich nguéi ta thuéng ding who, whom, which hon that, tuy nhién trong mét sé truéng hop ngudi ta thudng ding that nhiéu hon nhu: - Sau mét tinh tw d dang so sanh tuyét déi (superlative). - Sau all, any, only, it is - Khi tit dting trwéc bao gém ca ngudi lin vat. Thi du: He is the most courageous man that ever lived. Anh 4y 1a ngudi diing cam nhat ti xua dén nay. All the people (that) I have met disliked him. Tat cA nhiing ngudi téi gap déu khong thich anh ay. Any paper (that) you read will give you the same story. Bao nao anh doc cing dang chuyén dé. It is the teacher that decides what you read. Thay giao 1a ngudi quyét dinh anh doc gi. He is the only boy that can answer all the questions in the test. N6 la cau bé duy nhat cé thé tra 1di tat cA cdc cu héi trong bai kiém tra. Bai ap 1. Dién vao ché tréng bang dai tit quan hé xde dinh thich hop. 1. A child... lives at school is a boarder. 2. The magazine... you lent me yesterday is very interesting. 112 3. The letter... I received yesterday had no stamp on it. 4. What's the name of the boy... came here yesterday? 5. The butcher... shop is opposite my house... always sells good meat. 6. Do you know the man... lives opposite my house? 7. I gave him all the stamps... I had. 8. Show me the picture of... you are talking about. 9. Is the street... leads to your school very wide? 10. The boy.. is sitting next to me is not very clever. 11. Any man... listens to you is a fool. 12. He is the most intelligent boy... I have ever met. 13. He is a man... word you can rely on. 14. He is the boy.. father came to see you yesterday. 2. An dai tit quan hé xde dinh trong tring hop 6 thé duge (néu can c6 thé chuyén vi tri cia gidi tit) 1. The concert to which we listened came from England. 2. The old man who lives next door is a famous doctor. 3. He is the only man that can solve this problem. 4, The people whom you lived with in Haiphong are coming to see you. 5. I know the boy whom you are talking about. 6. The pen which I lost was a good one. 7. The boy who threw that stone will be punished. 8. Where is the shop which sells picture-postcards? 9. Did you give him all the books that you had? 10. The knife which we use to cut the bread is very sharp. 11. The glass out of which you are drinking hasn't been washed. 113 12. The paint on the seat on which you are siting is still wet. Ill. DAI TU QUAN HE KHONG XAC DINH (No-defining Relative Pronouns) Loi ghi: Dai tt’ quan hé khong xac dinh gidi thiéu mét ménh dé tinh nga khéng c6 nhiém vy xéc dinh ro danh ti (hoac dai tty) ma né hgp véi. Danh tit d6 tu no da xc dinh réi. Ménh dé tinh ngif nay chi cé gia tri thém ¥, va duge goi 1A ménh dé tinh ngi khéng xac dinh. 1. Nhiing dai ti¢ quan hé khéng xc dinh Chui ngit Tan nga 86 hitu Thay cho ngudi_|Who Whom Whose Thay cho vat Which Which of which, whose Ghi nha: 1. Khéng dang that. 2. Trong bat cit trudng hgp nao cing khong an duge. 3. Ménh dé tinh ngi khong xac dinh bao gid cing dat gitta {u phy () Thi du: a) Thay cho ngudi. + Lam chi nga: Who Marie Curie, who discovered radium, is one of the greatest women of our age. + Lam tan ngit: Whom My brother Nam, wiiom you saw yesterday, wants to speak to you. hai 114 Beethoven, whom you are speaking about, was one of the world's finest composer. (or: Beethoven about whom you are speaking was one of the world's finest composer). Cha ¥: Vi tri cia gidi tu about 6 céu thi du tha 2. + Chi sd hitu: Whose Chopin, whose works are world-famous, was born in Poland. b) Thay cho vat: + Lam chu ngit: Which Budapest, which is on the Danube, is a beautiful city. Swimming, which is a good sport, make us strong. + Lam tan ngtt: Which Air, which we breathe is made up of many gases. Geometry, which he knows nothing about, seems a very dull subject for him. hoac: Geometry, about which he knows nothing, seems a very dull subject for him. Cha y: Vi tri cia gidi tit about 6 cdu thi du 2. + Chi sé hitu : of which His thesis, of which the last hundred pages are absolute nonsense, will be probably criticized. Cha y: Trong ng phap méi ngudi ta cé khuynh hudng thay which bang whose: His thesis, whose last hundred pages... 115 tap 3. Dién vao ché trong bang dai tit quan hé (xc dinh hode khong xe dinh thich hop: them déu phéy (,) khi cén thiét. An dai tit quan hé khi co thé duge. 1, Oxford University... is one of the oldest in the world has many different colleges. 2. Smoking... is a bad habit is nevertheless popular. 3. "Hamlet"... you are going to see tomorrow was written by Shakespeare. 4. The man... you spoke to in the street is my eldest brother. 5. His book is the best... has ever been written on that subject. 6. He is one of the men... I feel I can trust. 7. Can you remember the man... you took it from? 8. The knife... we use to cut the pencil is very dull. 9. Fear... is an evil may lead to sin. 10. The science of medicine in... progress has been very rapid lately is perhaps the most important of all science. 11. Mozart.... music you have just been listening to was one of the world's finest composers. 12. My uncle Nam in... I have great confidence says I will pass my examination if I work hard. 116 13. What is the name of the girl... came here last night? 14. His stepmother... he is living with is not very kind to him. Cha y: Tam quan trong cia d&u phay trudée ménh dé tinh ngit. Thi du: He has a brother, who is an artist. Anh ta cé mét ngudi anh, anh dy 1a mét nghé si. Ménh dé who is an artist trong edu 1a ménh dé tinh ngit khong xdc dinh. He has a brother who is an artist. Anh ta cé mét ngudi anh 1a nghé si. (con nhiing nguéi anh kh4e c6 thé lam nghé khéc...) Ménh dé who is an artist trong cau 1a ménh dé tinh ngit xdc dinh. IV- DAI TU QUAN HE TIEP NOI (Connective Relative Pronouns) Léi ghi: Dai yu quan hé tiép néi thudng duge ding dé néi hai y cha mét cau. Ngudi,ta thudng ding who va which. 1. Dai tw quan'hé tip ndi ding dé néi hai ménh dé, hai cau... Thi du: + CAu: I met Lan. She gave me this. C6 thé duge viét nhu sau: I met Lan and she gave me this. hoae: I met Lan who gave me this. +Cau: I bought this map. It helped me a lot, c6 thé viét: I bought this map, which helped me a lot. 2. Which con dude ding dé thay cho ca mat ménh dé (mét ¥) 4 trén. + He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true. Han ta bao truéc day han ta chua gap chi dy bao gid, 1a diéu khong ding su that. + We had to sleep in our wet clothes, which was most uncomfortable. 117 Chung t6i phai mae quén 4o uét ma nga, diéu dé that kh6 chiu. Cha y: Nhiing ménh dé bat dau bang dai tt quan hé tiép néi bao gid cing c6 d&u phay (,) 6 trudée va thudc loai ménh dé tinh ngit khong xée dinh. V. MOT SO DIEM KHAC CAN GHI NHO THEM. 1, Ménh dé tinh ngi cé thé bat ddu bang: Where, when, why (goi 1a pho tix quan hé) + When: in/on which. Dung thay cho danh ti chi thi gian. Iremember the day when we first met (ménh dé xc dinh). We will put off the picnic until the next week, when the weather may be better (ménh dé khéng xéc dinh). + Where: in/at which. Dang thay cho danh ti chi nai chén. This is the house where he lived with his parents in his childhood (ménh dé xac dinh). They went to Badinh square, where they would attend a big meeting (ménh dé kh6ng xdc dinh). + Why: for which. Dang thay cho danh ti chi nguyén nhan, ly do. I know the reason why he was so angry. The reason why he came is not very convincing. 2. Sau same va such mot ménh dé tinh nga thudng duge bit dau bang as. 118 Thi du : She wears the same kind of clothes as her sister usually does. I never heard such stories as he tells. Cha ¥: Tuy nhién sau same ngudi ta van cé thé ding that duge. She wore the same dress that she wore at her friend's wedding. 3. What cing cé trudng hgp dang lam dai tit quan hé. No c6 dac diém 1a khong thay cho mét danh ti hay dai tit nao diing trude nd, va do dé tudng dudng vdi: - the thing that (ci ma... diéu ma...) - the things that (nhiing cai ma... nhiing diéu ma...) Thi du: Tell me what you want to know. N6i cho téi hay nhitng diéu ma anh muén bi When she sees what you have done, she will be furious... Khi cé ta thay nhiing vide anh da gay ra, cd dy sé dién tiét. 119 CHUGNG SAU PHO TU VA GIGI TU (Adverbs and Prepositions) BAI 12 PHO TU (Adverbs) ~ I. GIGI THIEU C6 7 loai pho ta: 1. Thé céch (of manner): quickly, bravely, happily, hard, well. 2. Noi chén (of place): here, there, everywhere... 38. Thdi gian (of time): now, soon, then, today... 4. Tan suat (of frequency) : often, never, always, usually... 5. Mite dé (of degree): very, rather, quite, too... 6. Nghi van (interrogative): when? why? how? (xem bai 9) 7. Quan hé (relative): when, where, why (xem bai 11) IL Quy TAC CAU TAO PHO TU, TINH TU Hau hét nhiing phé ti thé cach {adverb of manner) va mét sé ph6 tit mite dé (adverb of degree) duge edu tao theo quy tae: adjective + ly slow +ly =slowly grave +ly =gravely immediate + ly = immediately 120 Cha y: Cach viet Cach viét iy déi y ra i truée khilgay — gaily thém ly e van giit nguyén e,|extreme - extremely thém ly sincere — sincerely trit: true - truly due - duly whole — wholly able/ible bd e cuéi cing trudc] sensible — sensibly khi thém ly capable — capably nguyén 4m +/ van gid J, them Ly final - finally beautiful - beautifully IIL. QUY TAC SO SANH PHO TU (xem lai bai 7) 1. So sanh bang Khang dinh (+) Nghi van (?) as+adv+as He can swim as far as Nam. Can he swim as far as Nam? Phi dinh () so/as +advt as He can't swim so/as far as Ba. 2. So sanh hon Pho ti ngin advter + than He works harder than Van. Phé tix dai moretadv+than She can speak English more fluently than her friend. 121 3. So sanh tuyét déi Pho ti ngan | (the) advtest He rans (the) fastest of all. Phé tidai | (the) mosttadv {She can speak English (the) most fluently of all. Cha ¥: Ngudi ta thutng bé the 6 trudng hgp so sanh tuyét déi vdi phé ti. 4. So sanh diép khic (cang ngay...cang) Phé tit ngdn jadvter and advter |She works harder and harder every year. Pho tu dai more and more+adv |She speaks English more and more fluently every day. Cha y: Nhiing trudng hgp bat thuéng Co mét sé phé tit khéng theo quy tée chung. Pho ta So sanh hon So sénh tuyét d6i well better best badly worse worst late later last little less least much more most | farther { farthest further furthest 122 Bai tap 1. Tixy truéng hop, dién vao ché trong bang phé tit 6 dang so sdnh hon hode so sanh tuyét doi. 1. He arrived... than his friend (early). 2. He can swim. .. of all (far). 3. He pronounces the word... than Nam (distinctly). 4. Nam came promptly, Ba came...than Nam, Déng came.. of all (promptly). 5. Llike swimming ... of all (well). 6. He can speak Russian... than his friend (well). 7. You are playing much.. than you did last week (badly). 8. He went ... than the other travellers (far). 9. He went... of all the travellers (far). 10. The wind blew... and the waves rose... than ever (hard, high). IV. CHUC NANG CUA PHO TU Phé tix c6 thé ding dé bé nghia cho Pong ty He ran quickly. Come here. He went to Moscow yesterday. Tinh ti (hoadc déng tinh ti) It is very hot today. Are you quite comfortable? She is seriously wounded. Pho tit He plays extremely well. He drives too fast. She can speak English very fluently. 123 Mét nhém tit (b4t}I am almost through my work. dau bang gidi tit) | His remarks were not quite to the point, Put it right in the middle of the room. Ca mét cau Fortunately, I remembered in time who he was. Indeed, 1 won't do it. Bai tap 2. Gach dudi nhitng pho tit trong nhiing cau dudi day. Phan loai nhitng pho tit dé. Tim ra nhitng tit duge bé nghia. 1, They worked fast to cover the distance before the breakfast hour. 2. He wanted to go there at once. 3. He is extremely careful in his work. 4. He walked farther than I did. 5. They got up very early. 6. Are you quite sure of this? 7. I didn't know it so well as he. 8. Today I feel somewhat better. 9. He does his work quite differently his brother. 10. I wish he could write more plainly, so that I could read his letters easily. 11. They usually begin to work at 6 o'clock in the morning. 12. He is well spoken of. 13. The children of our school were all neatly dressed. 14. He works hard all day. 124 V. VI TRi CUA PHO TU (VA TRANG NGU) 1. Pho tit (hoae trang ngi) thé cach (manner) Doi véi ndi 6 dang sau déng tir He spoke slowly. She worked hard. He spoke loudly. ngoai déng tir (transitive verb) dong . ta He spoke in a low voice. (intransitiv He went by bus. e verb) zt - 6 dau céu khi muén| Suddenly the door opened. nhan manh At full speed he run away. Khéng duge dat xen vao gitta déng ti va tAn ng cia nd: a) sau tan ng He answered the letter promptly. Dé véi He lifted the heavy box with b) tride dong tu a great effort. He promptly answered the letter. Trit truéng hop tan ngit qua dai, c6 thé dé xen vdo giita. He answered correctly all the given by the teacher in the test. questions 6 dau cu khi muén nhan manh Slowly, he opened the door. With a great effort he lifted the heavy box. 125 2. Pho ti (hoac trang ngi) noi chén (place) Doi voi dong tx néi|Sau dong ti He is here. She is upstairs. He is in the park. He walked across the street. Déi vdi ngoai| Sau tan ng dong tir Put your hat up there. Hang your coat on the hook. Dé nhan manh co thé viét duéi hai dang (Chu y: néu chi ngit 1a dai tay thi chi ding duge 6 dang 1) 1 2 |Adv + (pro)noun + verb | [Adv + verb + noun There |Nam stood. There stood |Nam. Away the went. \Away went |Lan and Nga. Up we climbed. | |Over the door |was_-|a sign. 3. Pho tix (hode trang ti) théi gian (time) Cuéi ménh dé (hod cau) — He is coming tomorrow. He left a week ago. Sau d6ng tit (néu 1a ndi dong ti) He prepares his homework in the evening. Sau tan ngii (néu 1a ngoai dong tw) I write to her every week. Hoae 6 dau cau Yesterday I went downtown to meet Mr. Nam. Every morning he drinks coffee at home. 4. Phé tit chi tan suat (fre quency) (sometimes, usually, generally, often, always, never, ever, seldom, rarely....) 126 a) Véi "To be" Subject (to be) _| Freq.adv Complement He is never later for his classes. She is always in time for meals. b) Véi dong tiv thudng Subject. Freq.adv__| Verb Complement I often take my son to the movies. He usually gets up {at 5 in the morning. Nam always gets good marks. Cha y: Néu co tro dong tii thi dat phé tiv vao gitta tro dong tir va dong tw chinh: He has never asked me about you. Thave seldom met him. 5. Pho tiv chi mic dé (degree): very, almost, nearly, quite, too, all, enough... a) Pho ti chi muc a6 thudng chi dang dé bé nghia cho mét tinh tig hoac mot phé ti khac. Bao gid cing ding truée tinh tz hode phé ti (triv enough). She is very tired. Cé ay rat mét. It is raining very hard. Troi dang mua rat to. Are you quite sure we are on the right road? Anh cé hoan toan chae la ching ta di ding duéng khong? I know him quite well. ‘Téi biét anh ta rat rd, 127 The box is heavy enough. H6p nay kha nang. He didn't work quickly enough: Anh 4y lam viéc chua du nhanh. b) Nhiing pho tit chi mite dé: very much, very little, a little, a lot, too much, va enough cé thé bé nghia cho dong tit va thudng duge dit sau déng tit (néu 1a néi déng td) hoac sau tan ngit (néu 14 ngoai déng ti). Thi du: She talks too much. Tlike that hat very much. She laughs very little. You don't relax enough. c) Almost, nearly, quite, hardly, scarcely, barely, just, ciing cé thé bé nghia cho déng tt, thudng due dat truéc dong tit chinh. Thi du: I can hardly understand him. lam just going. 6. Pho tiv nghi van (interrogative) - Xem bai 9, muc IV. 7. Pho tit quan hé (relative) - Xem bai 11, muc V. 8. Trudng hgp cé nhiéu phé tix khac loai nhu: thé cach, noi chén, thdi gian trong mét cau, a) Trat tu thuéng 1a manner place time He spoke well at the debate | this morning. He prepared his |carefully |at home yesterday. lesson 128 b) Néu déng ti chi sy di chuyén tdi mot chd nao hoac 6 mét ché nao thi trat tu sé la place manner ___|time He went to the station | by taxi early this morning. They came _ {here secretly twice a week. She stayed | there quietly all day. c) Pho tit thdi gian c6 thé dé 4 ddu cau. Every Sunday he takes his sons to the movies. Yesterday morning J met him at the station. Bai tap 3. Dat nhiing pho tit hodc trang ngit (trong ngode don) vao ding ché ciia né trong cau. . He has read that book... (already). . This book is interesting... (extremely). . [haven't been there... (before). . He is on time... (seldom). . The elevator operates... (automatically). . He arrives... (on time, never, at the meeting). . I saw Dan... (at the lecture, last night). 1 2. 3. 4. 5. He has a bad in his chest ... (today, very). 6. 7. 8. 9. . I will We there... (certainly, by 2 o'clock). 10. He left the office... (this afternoon, early). 11. She will return the book... (next week, to, the library). 12. She weht... (at 6 o'clock, to school). 13. He was born ... (in 1392, at 10 am, on June 14th). 14. They stayed... (all day, quietly, there). 129 15. I shall meet you... (outside your office, tomorrow, at 2 o'clock). cla 16. Let's go... (tonight, to the movies). 4. Dat nhitng pho tit tan sudt (trong ngodc don) vao dung ché n6 trong céu. 1. I go to the pictures (often). 2. She is a good student (always). 3. I have heard of it (never). 4. He forget his homework (sometimes). 5. I drink my coffee with milk (generally). 6. We have met a more ill-mannered man (seldom). 7. You ought to get off a tram when it is moving, (never). 8. She does her homework in the evening (usually). 9. None of them had been there before (ever) and they wanted to go again (never), 10. The children quarrel with each other (often). VI. MOT SO CHI TIET CAN GHI NHO THEM. 130 1. Ghi nhé cach ding cia mét vai pho tw. a) too, enough. + Too: Qua. It was so cold that we couldn't go out. It was too cold for us to go out. Tréi lanh qua nén ching tdi khéng ra ngoai duce. Ghi nhé dang cau: +... too + adjective + (for (pro) noun) + infinitive T've got too |fat to wear this dress now. The fields are still |too | wet to be ploughed. This problem is too |difficult |for him |to solve. + Enough: Di He is very tall and can touch the ceiling. He is tall enough to touch the ceiling. Anh ay kha cao (dii dé) c6 thé véi téi tran. Ghi nhé dang cau: ... adjective + enough + infinitive It was cold enough | to freeze our fingers. He was clever jenough ;to solve any mathematical problems. This battery is|strong |enough | to last forty-eight hours. b) Too, also, as well: Nhiing pho tif trén déu c6 nghia 1a "cing". Chi ¥ vi tri cha nhiing phé tit d6 trong edu: You must also buy yourself a new hat. You must buy yourself a new hat too. You must buy yourself a new hat as well. The fruit crops are also good this year. The fruit crops are good this year too. The fruit crops are good this year as well. c) Ever (Bao gid, tit truéc tdi nay, hang, ting) Thi du: This is the most interesting book I've ever read. Dé 1a cuén sach hay nhat ma tdi da ting doc. 131 132 Have you ever been to Moscow? Anh da ting dén Matxcova bao gid chua? Did you ever meet Nam while you were in Haiphong? Co bao gid anh gap Nam héi anh cén 6 Hai Phong khéng? If you ever see Nam, give him my kind regards. d) Hardly, barely, scarcely Nhiing pho tix trén déu cé nghia twong tu va bao ham y phi dinh. + Hardly: hay dude dung véi any, ever, can. Hardly any: rat it, hdu nhu khéng 6. Thi du: Lhave hardly any money. ‘TOi cé rat it tién (hdu nhu khong c6). Hardly ever: r&t hiém khi, hau nhu khéng cé khi nao I hardly ever go out. ‘Téi rat ft di ra ngoai (hau nhu khéng khi nao di ra ngoai) Hardly ding véi can: khé ma, hau nhu khéng. Ican hardly see the plane far away. Toi hau nhu khong nhin thdy ro cai may bay 6 phfa xa. + Barely: hau nhu, chi vita di, khéng hon hau nhu khéng. Thi du: He had barely enough time to catch the train. Han ta hau nhv chi con vita da théi gian dé bat kip chuyén tau. We had barely enough to eat. Chung téi hdu nhu chi cé vita di dé an. He was barely sixteen. N6 vita dit 16 tuéi. Ican barely see it. Toi hau nhu khong tréng ré cai dd. + Scarcely: (c6 nghia tuong tu nhu hardly, barely). Thi du: You are scarcely ever at home. Anh hau nhu it khi c6 6 nha. I scarcely heard what he said. Toi hau nhu khéng nghe.ré anh ta néi gi. 2. Ghi nhé vi tri nhan manh cua mét sé pho tz Cé mét so phé tix (hoac trang ngi) thudng dude dat 6 dau cau khi muén nh4n manh. Dong tit trong cau phai chuyén sang dang dao. Nhting pho tw dé la: Never, seldom, scarcely, ever, hardly... when, scarcely... when, no sooner... than, nowhere, in no circumstances, on no account, only by, only then, only when, only in this way, not only, so, neither, nor. (Nhiing pho tix nay bao ham y pha dinh hodc gidi han thu hep). Thi du : Hardly had | reached the station when the train started. Téi vita méi dén ga thi tau chay. No sooner had he arrived than he was ordered to start back again. Anh vita mdi dén xong thi lai dugc lénh phai tré vé ngay. Seldom have I seen such wonderful flowers. Hiém khi t6i dude trong thay nhiing béng hoa dep tuyét vii nhu thé. Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard. 133 Chi cé hét that to anh ay mdi lam cho moi ngudi nghe thay duge. Only then did he realize the truth. Chi mai dén hic d6 anh ta mdi nhan ra su that. BAI 13 GIGI TU (Preposition) 1. GIOI TU 1. Gidi thiéu + Gidi tix 1 tit néi dang dé néi danh tw hay dai tit véi ti dting trudée. + Gidi ti cé thé 1a mée tit riéng Lé: at, after, by, from, to, with, for, in, on. Thi du: He works at the cotton factory. Anh ay lam viée 6 nha may béng. She put the book on the table. C6 ay dé cudn sch lén ban. Gidi tit c6 thé 1A mét cum tir: instead of, in front of, for the sake of, with regard to, at the back of, in spite of, on account of... Thi du: He will come instead of me. Anh ay sé dén thay cho téi. 134 The teacher stood in front of the class. Thay giao dting truéc lép. What did he say with regard to my proposals? Ong ay néi sao vé nhiing dé nghi cua tdi? 2. Chite nang cua gidi tiv Gidi tit ding truée mét danh tix (hoac dai ti) dé tao thanh mét cum tit, Cum tif d6 6 thé 1a a) Trang ngit (bé nghia cho mét dong tt) Thi du: I looked through the window. Téi nhin qua cia sd. I shall go there on Friday. Tdi sé tdi dé vao ngay tht Sau. He spoke in a loud voice. Ong ay néi to. b) Tinh ngi (bé nghia cho mét danh tt) Thi du: The house with the big garden is Mr.Nam's. Ng@i nha cé vuGn 1én 1a nha 6ng Nam. I don't like the sound of a jet engine. ‘Téi khong thich tiéng dong co may bay phan luc. Cha y: Can phan biét hai chtte nang nay. Cang mét cum ti cd thé 8 trudng hgp nay 1a trang ngi, 6 truéng hgp khac lai la tinh ngt. Thi du: He usually does his morning exercises in the open air. (trang ngit, bé nghia cho does) 135 Exercise in the open air is healthy. (trang ngi, bé nghia cho exercise) He lives at the end of the village. (trang ngit, bé nghia cho lives) The house at the end of the village is a shop. (trang ngit, bé nghia cho house) 3. Vi tri cha gidi tw a) Thudng bao gid cing diing ngay trudc tix ma né chi phi. He spoke to me. Anh ay néi vdi tdi. He prevented me from speaking. Anh ay ngan khong cho téi néi. We travel on horseback. Ching téi di ngua. b) C6 thé ding 6 cudi. + Cau nghi van: (xem bai 9: Ty nghi van) Whom are you looking at? Anh nhin ai? Where do you come from? Anh 6 dau tdi? What is it made of? Cai d6 lam bang gi? Whom did you ask for? Anh héi ai? + Ménh dé tinh ngu: (xem bai 11: Dai tiv quan hé) The engineer (whom) you are speaking about is a good specialist. 136 Neguéi ki su (ma) anh ni tdi 1a mot chuyén gia gidi. This is the book that I came for. Day 1a quyén sach téi tim. It was the song (which) she always delighted in. Dé 1a bai ca cd dy luén luén thich. c) Ditng 6 cudi cau trong dé déng ti chia d dang thu déng Everything he said was laughed at. Tat c& nhiing diéu anh dy noi déu bi cudi nhao. He is a man whose word can be relied on. Anh ay 1A ngudi ma Idi néi 6 thé tin. He is well spoken of. Negudi ta ndi tét vé anh dy. UL. GIGI TU, PHO TU 1. Mot sé tit 6 thé vita ding lam gidi tif vita ding lam pho tw. Nhiing tix thudc loai nay 1a: in, on, up, down, of, near, through, along, across, over, under, round... Can phan biét chic nang cha nhiing tit dé trong ting cau. Thi du: a) He put the book on the table. (gidi tt) b) Put your coat on. (phé tit) ¢) Lan is in the garden (gidi ti) a) L opened the door and he came in.(phé ti) e) She ran along the passage. (gidi ttt) g) Come along, we are late already. (pho ti) 2. Nhiing ti loai gidi ti/ pho tit nay thwdng con duge gan lién véi mét dong tix. Két c&u nay 1am cho déng tit c6 mot sc thai y nghia khac véi 137 dong t géc. C6 thé noi 1a két céu nay da tao nén mét dong tiv riéng biét. 138 Thi du: He put on his shirt. Anh ta mac sd mi vao. I will put out the light. Ti sé tat dén. Turn on the radio. Hay bat radio lén. Turn off the radio. Hay tat radio di. I should give up smoking. Téi phai bé cai théi hut thudc nay. He came in. Anh ta di vao. She read on. Chi ay doc tiép (tiép tuc doc). His plans fell through. Ké hoach ctia anh ay that bai hon toan. Chi Vi tri cha tan ng. 1. Néu la danh tu, n6 diing sau dong tit. He put out the light. He put the light out. 2. Néu 1a dai tit, phai dé vio gitta. He put it out. ILL. MOT SO GIGI TU/PHO TU THUONG GAP Léi ghi: Méi giéi tx Anh bao ham nhiéu sac thai nghia. Cach van dung cing rat phite tap. Trong pham vi mgt bai khéng thé nao trinh bay hét. Chi cé thé hiéu théfu va van dung duge qua viée doc nhiéu cac bai van hay va cac tac phém cua nhiéu tac gia. Duéi day chi gidi thiéu mot sé gidi ti/phé tir thudng gap véi she thai y nghia hay dung (sap xép theo trinh tif a, b, c...) About + Khoang dé, vao khoang... His father died about ten years. Bo anh ta mat khoang mudi nam truéc day. T'll see you at about 6 o'clock. Téi sé gap anh vao khoang 6 gid. + Quanh quan, day do... All about the house, there are mosquitoes. Quanh nha ché nao ciing co mudi. Igo about the country a good eal and have seen many interesting things. Toi da di nhiéu mién quanh ving nay va da duge thay nhiéu diéu hay. + (ndi, ban...) vé. I want you to tell me about our work. Toi muén anh ban vdi téi vé céng viée cua ching ta. 1 am thinking about you all the time. Toi luén luén nghi vé anh. Can you recommend me a book about the history of Greece? Anh c6 thé gidi thiéu cho tdi mét cuén séch ndi vé lich st Hy Lap khéng? 139 140 + 6 (ai, cai gi...) There is an air of innocence about her. (6) Cé ta c6 mat vé v6 tan. Above +6 trén We flew above the clouds. + Trén, cao han, qua... This job is above my capabilities. Cong viéc nay qué kha nang cia toi: There were above 100 people at the meeting. He is above meaness. Anh ay khéng thé nao ma ti tién duge. Across + Qua, ngang, ngang qua... The tree had fallen down across the railway line. Cay dé nam ngang qua dung xe hita. He swam across the river. Anh ta da boi qua séng. +O (phia) bén kia... There is a sand hill across the river. Cé mét déi cat bén kia séng. + Bat chéo, thanh hinh ché thap. He drew two lines across a cheque. Anh ta gach hai dudng chéo trén td séc, He stood with his arms across. Anh ta ding khoanh tay. After + Sau, sau khi, theo sau. He usually takes a nap after dinner. Anh 4y thuéng chgp mat mot lat sau bia an. IL ran after the boy but couldn't catch him. They came to Moscow after us. + Theo, phéng theo... Saigon is named after President Ho Chi Minh. Sai Gén duge dat theo tén Chi tich Hé Chi Minh. This is a painting after Rubens. DAy 1a mét bic hoa kiéu Ruy-bin. + Ngu ¥: theo dudi, tim kiém, mong muén, trong nom, tham Who is he after? Anh ay dang tim ai? She often inquires after your health. Ba ay thudng hoi tham stic khoé cua chi. She has to look after her children at home. Ba ay phai tréng nom con cai 6 nha. + Neu y: dt sao After all, he was a kind man. Da sao anh ta ciing 1A ngwdi tot. Against + Chong lai, ngugc lai, trai véi, twong phan vii... The Vietnamese people rise up to fight against aggression. Nh4n dan Viét Nam ding lén chéng x4m luge. Are you for or against the plan? 141 142 Anh ung hé hay chéng lai ké hoach d6? He acted against my advice. Anh ta hanh déng trai véi ldi khuyén cua téi. + Twa vao, ty vao, ap vao... He stood against the wall. Anh ta ditng dua vao tudng. The rain beat against the window. Mua dap vao ctta sé. + Ngu ¥ phong ngwa He was armed against any unexpected danger. Anh ay duce vii trang phong ngifa su bat trac. Along + Doc theo, theo chiéu dai... We were walking along the river. + Sudt theo, tiép, di theo, di cing... The dog was running along behind the boy. Con ché ct chay theo sau difa bé trai. Don't stop, move along! Ditng dting lai, di tiép di! Among (amongst) + Gitta, 6 gitta, trong dam, trong sé... He did himself among the trees. He is sitting among (st) his friends. Shelley is among the world’s greatest poets. Se-li la mét trong nhiing nha tho lén cua thé gidi. Share these sweets among the children. Hay dem chia nhiing chiéc keo nay cho bon tré. Around + Quanh, xung quanh, vong quanh... He looked around. Han nhin quanh. The children run around the garden. + Do day, khap... We travelled around the country. Chiing téi di dé day khap ving... At +6, tai (chi vj tri) Will he be at the meeting tonight? Anh ta sé cd mat d cudc hop téi nay cht? Is Mr.Nam at home? Ong Nam cé nha hay khong? + Vao hic, vao héi (chi thdi gian) T'll see you at school at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Téi sé gdp anh 6 trudng vao 9 gid sang mai. + Dang, dang hic, d vao tinh trang nao dé... What are you at ? Anh dang lam gi d6? He is aé work in his garden. Anh ay dang lam viéc 6 ngoai van. His mind is never at rest. Dau 6c anh ay khéng bao gid dude yén. + Vao, nh&m vao, vé phfa... The soldiers rushed at the enemy. Bé di lao vao ké tha. 143 He threw a stone at the dog. N6 ném hon da vao con cho. + V6i (chi vé gia ca) He bought these oranges at 2 VND per kilogram. Anh 4y mua s6 cam nay (vdi gia) hai déng mdt can. + Vé (mét mén nao) He is very good at mathematics. Anh ta rat gidi toan. She is very good at cooking. Cé ay nau nuéng rat gidi. + Theo We did it at his request. Chiing téi lam viée d6 theo yéu cau ctia anh ta. Cha y: 1. Dung at truée mét danh tu chi dia diém nhé, in truée mot danh tit chi dia diém lén. We arrived at a village. Ching téi vé lang. We arrived in Moscow. Ching téi dén Matxcova. 2. Dung at trude mét danh tu chi "diém thi gian", in truéc danh tit chi "khoang thdi gian". 144 I'll come to see you at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Toi sé dén tham anh hic 3 gid chiéu nay. 3. So sanh I threw a stone at the dog. Téi ném hon da vdo con ché. I threw the ball to Nam. Téi ném qua bong cho Nam. Before + Trude (khéng gian, thdi gian) He stood before the fire. Anh ta ding trudéc 16 suéi. Come and see me tomorrow before ten o'clock! Hay dén gap tdi ngay mai truéc 10 gid! Thave never been here before. T6i chua bao gid 6 day tit truéc tdi nay/trude day. Please! go in before me. Xin mdi anh vao trude (téi). Behind + Sau, 6 dang sau... Look behind! Nhin lai ding sau! The garage is behind the house. Ga-ra 6 ding sau ngéi nha nay. Never say anything behind a person's back. Khéng bao gid nén ni bat ct diéu gi sau lung ai. + Ngu y: cham tré The train is behind time. Tau dén cham. Lan is a long way behind with his work. Lan cham tré céng viéc nhiéu lam. 145 146 Below + Thap hon, duéi, 6 dudi... Today the temperature is below 30°. Hém nay nhiét dé duéi 30 dé. A captain is below a lieutenant colonel in rank. Vé c&p bac thi mét dai uy th&p hon mét trung ta. It is below your dignity to do such a thing. Lam mét viée nhu vay 1a khéng xting véi pham cach cia anh. Beneath +6 duéi, bén duéi... The wild flowers were growing beneath the trees. Hoa dai moc 6 dudi nhiing lum cdy. We climbed the hill, the valley lay beneath. Chiing téi tréo 1én déi, thung lang nim rai ra 6 bén duéi. + Khong dang, khong xting... He is beneath contempt. Han khéng dang dé cho ngudi ta khinh. That is beneath you. Viéc dé that khéng xing dang véi anh. Beside + Bén, bén canh. His house is beside the river. Ngoi nha cua anh ta é bén bé song. Come and sit beside me! Hay lai ngéi canh toi! Besides + Ngoai ra, hon nita, va Iai... Did he give you any other books besides this one? Ngoai cuén sach nay ra anh dy cé dua cho anh cuén nao khac nita khéng? Who else was there besides you? Ngoai anh ra con ¢6 ai khac 6 day nita khéng? Between + Gitta, 6 gitia (hai ngudi hoac hai vat gi) A river flows between its banks. How many stations are there between Hanoi and Haiphong? It weighs between 50 kilogram and 60 kilogram. Cai dé can nang khoang gitta 50 va 60 can. A dispute arose between the two brothers. Gitta hai anh em xay ra su tranh cai. Beyond +6 bén kia, qua xa... The sea is beyond that big hill. Bén kia ngon déi ln 1a bién. Don't go beyond the last house. Diing di qua can nha cuéi cing. + Qua, ngoai (stic...) vudt xa... This book is beyond me. Quyén sach nay déi véi t6i kh6 qua. That is beyond my imagination. Diéu dé that ngoai site tudng tugng cha téi. By + Gan, canh, ké, bén... Come and sit by me. Hay lai ngéi canh tdi. 147 He was standing by the window. Anh ta ditng canh cila so. + Vao hic, vao khoang... By this time next year you ought to have a very good knowledge of English. 148 Bang gid (vao thdi gian nay) sang nam anh phai thao tiéng Anh. Can you finish the work by tomorrow? Anh cé thé lam xong viée vao ngay mai chit? + Bang, bdi, do... The streets are lighted by mistake. Dudng pho duge thap dén do so suat. This novel was written by Nguyen Hong. Cuén tiéu thuyét nay do Nguyén Héng viét. + Theo cach, bang cach... We can learn English by listening to the radio. Chiing tdi c6 thé hoc tiéng Anh bing cdch nghe dai. + Ting... Coal is sold by the ton. Than dude ban titng t&n mot. + Qua... I go by his office everyday. Negay nao tdi cing di qua co quan eta anh ay. He passed by without a word. Anh ta di ngang khdng ndi nia 1éi. But + Trw ra, ngoai ra.... T could answer all the questions but one. Toi cé thé tra Idi cde cu hdi trix mdt cau. There was no one in the room but me. Trong phéng khong cé ai ngoai téi. Down + Xudng, xudi... Let us walk down the hill together. Ta hay cung di xudng déi. Sit down, please. Mdi ngéi xudng. During + Trong (thdi gian)... He was in the army during the war. Anh ta 6 trong quan déi trong suét thdi chién tranh. You will have to do a lot of work during the holidays. Anh sé phai lam nhiéu céng viée trong nhiing ngay nghi. For + Cho... What can I do for you? Téi cé thé gitip gi cho anh? Smoking is bad for our health. Hut thuéc 14 cé hai cho stic khoé cia ching ta. + Thay cho, thé cho... He signed it for me. Anh ta ky céi dé thay cho téi. A pronoun is used to stand for a noun. Mot dai tit dude ding dé thay cho mét danh ti. 149 déc. 150 + Dé, dé duge, vi, vi muc dich 1a... He reached out his hand for the book. Anh ta vdi tay dé lay cudn sach. ~ What do you want the paper for? Anh can té gidy dé dé lam gi? We are not alone in our struggle for independence and freedom. Trong cudc chién du vi déc lap va tu do, ching ta khéng don + Ung hd, vé phe, vé phia... Who is not for us is against us. Ai khéng dng hé ching ta la chéng lai chung ta. The whole country is for peace. Ca nuée déu ung hé hoa binh. + Dén, hudng vé, di dén.... He left for Moscow yesterday. The train for Haiphong will leave at 5. + Vi, bdi vi, vé... Thank you very much for your help. Rat cam dn vi su gitp dé cha anh. What was he punished for? No bi phat vi (vé) viéc gi? Please, do it for my sake. Mong anh hay vi toi ma lam viée do. + Déi vdi, vé phan... The lesson is too easy for him. Bai hoc qua dé déi véi anh ta. For my part I have no objection to the plan. Vé phan t6i, téi khéng phan déi ké hoach dé. + Trong (khoang thdi gian)... He has been ill for a fortnight. Anh ta bi 6m trong khoang ntia thang nay réi. + Mac du... For all his riches, he was not happy. Mac da han rat gidu cé, han cing chang sung suéng gi. + So véi, adi vi He is very tall for his age. Anh 4y rat cao lén so véi tuéi. From + Tit (chi xuat phat diém)... He read that book from beginning to end in an hour. Anh ta doc cuén sach dé ti dau dén cuéi trong mét gid. This train starts from Hanoi and goes to Haiphong. Chuyén tau xuat phat tu Ha Noi va di dén Hai Phong. He works from morning till night without resting. Anh ta lam viée khong nghi ti sang dén tdi. + Cach, khdi, dig, khong dugc (chi su ngan cach, ngan trd...) Our house is a long way from the station. Nha ching t6i 6 cach xa nha ga. The rain prevented us from going. Mua lam chung t6i khéng di duge. + Vi, do, do bdi, do t& (chi nguyén nhan) He did it from ignorance. Do ngu dét ma han ta lam viéc dé. He trembled from fear. 151 Anh ta run lén vi so hai. + Véi (chi su so sanh, khac biét) You can't tell him from his brother. Anh khong thé phan biét né vi anh n6. + Bang tu (chi nguén géc).... Wine is made from grapes. Rugu vang lam bang nho. + Cia ti (ai cho, gui tang... chi xudt xi) I received a letter from my friend this morning. Sang nay téi nhan dude mét bic thu cia anh ban. In + G, tai, trong (nai chén, khong gian) They live in Hanoi. Ho song 6 Ha Noi. He had a bag in his hand. Anh ta cd tui trong tay. We saw a man in the distance. Ching t6i trong thay mét ngudi 6 dang xa. + Vao lic, trong hic (thdi gian). He is always at his office in the morning. Anh ta thuéng cé mat 6 cd quan vao budi sang. It was done in a day. Diéu dé dude lam xong trong mot ngay. + 6 vio, trong (pham vi, hoan canh, diéu kién, trang thai, tam trang) trong khi, trong lic, dang... Why are you in such a hurry? If | were in your place I should wait for a time. 152 aa anh, Tai sao anh phai voi vang thé? Néu tdi 6 vao dia vi téi sé dgi mét thoi gian. He is in a very favourable position. Anh ay dang 6 vao mét thé rat thuan Igi. He is always in good health. Anh ta luén trong tinh trang site khoé tot. + Vao, vao trong... He threw the stick in the fire. Han ta ném cai que vao ngon lita. I've put tea in the tea-pot. Ti d& cho tra vao aim réi. Go in, don't wait outside. Vao di, dig doi 6 ngoai nia. + Thanh... They went in twos and threes along the river. Ho di thanh timg nhém hai va nhém ba ngudi doc theo con séng. + Bang... A statue in marble. Mét pho tugng bing cdm thach. This document is written in English. Tai nay dude viét bing tiéng Anh. + Mac, deo.. A lady in red. Mét ba mac do dd. + Vi, dé... He cried in pain. N6 kéu khéc v* dau dén. 153 Is there any man unwilling to fight in defence of his country? C6 ai la ngudi khéng sn sang chién dau dé bdo vé dat nude minh? 154 + . He is very weak in English. Anh ta rat yéu vé tigéng Anh. We firmly believe in the leadership of our Party. Chting ta tin twong viing chdc 6 su ldnh dao cla Dang ta. Into + Vao, vao trong... She poured milk into the jug. Cé ay 46 sita vao binh. + Thanh, thanh ra, héa ra (thay déi trang thai), sang... He has translated many English novels into Vietnamese. Anh ta da dich nhiéu tiéu thuyét tiéng Anh sang tiéng Viét. Nobody can change water into milk. Khéng ai c6 thé chuyén nvéc thanh sia. The children collected broken bricks into heaps. Bon tré con nhat gach vun dé thanh déng. Of + Cua (ngu y sd hitu) He is the son of my friend. N6 1a con trai ban tdi. The wall of the garden is covered with moss. Tudng vao caa khu vudn bi phu réu. + V6, vi... We often speak of him. Ching t6i thudng ndi vé no. He died of tuberculosis many years ago. Anh ta chét vi bénh lao c4ch day nhiéu nam. + Lam bang, bang... This box is made of wood. Cai hép nay lam bang gé. + Gém, co... A family of eight. Mét gia dinh gém cé tam ngudi. A man of ability. Mét ngudi c6 nang hc. This is a question of great importance. Day la mot van dé c6 tam quan trong to Ién. + Tu, He caine of a good family. Anh ay xuat than (ti) mét gia dinh tét. + Trong, trong dam... He is one of my friends. Anh Ay la m6t trong nhiing ngudi ban cia tdi. He is the most hard-working of all the pupils in my class. Cau ta 1A ngudi cham nhat trong tat ca hoc sinh lép téi. + Trong, vao (trudc danh ti chi thdi gian). Of recent years. Vao nhiing nam gan day, trong nhiing ndm gan day. He came of a Saturday. Anh ay dén vao mot ngay tha bay. + Cach... , The village is within 50 km of Hanoi. 155 Lang do 6 cach Ha Noi 50 km. + Khdi, mat The doctor cured me of my illness. Bac si da chia cho téi khdi bénh. He was robbed of his money. Anh ta bi lay cap tién. + Vé phan... It's very kind of you to come. (Vé phan) anh dén duge 1a tét qua. + Dung ding truéc mét danh ti cé tinh chat dinh nga The city of Hanoi. Thanh phé Ha Ndi. The rays of the sun. Tia mat trdi. A glass of beer. Mét céc bia. + Dang ding sau mét danh hiéu vé hoc vi Doctor of law. Tién si luat. + Ding ding sau mét dong tiv ngu y ném, ngiti... mui vi gi. The room smelt of flowers. Can phong toan mii hoa. He reeks of tobacco. HAn sac mii thuéc 1a. + Ding ding sau tinh tit chi tinh chat. He is blind of one eye. Anh ta bi ma mot mat. Off + Réi, khdi, cach, xa... One of the wheels of the cart flew off. Mét trong nhiing banh xe cua chiée xe bd long han ra. 156 The cover has come off the book. Cai bia da long ra khdi quyén sach. We drove the enemy off the Fatherland. Ching ta duéi quan thi ra khéi dat nude. + Tat, hét Is the lamp off? Dén da tat chua? He turned off the radio. Anh ay da tat dai. He tried to pay off his debts in a week. Anh ay cé gang thanh toan hét ng nan trong mét tuan 1é. + Di, di han, di réi... They are off. Ho da di rdi. Off with you! Cut di! On + Trén, 6 trén... He put the book on the table. Anh ta dat cuén sach trén ban. There were many pictures on the walls. Cé nhiéu bite tranh treo trén tudng. + Vao, ltic, khi. He will come back on Saturday. Anh ta sé vé vao thit bay. On getting his telegram, I set off immediately for Haiphong. (Khi) nhan du¢e dién cia anh ta, toi di Hai Phong ngay. 157 + Vao, vé pha, bén... He was hit on the head. N6 bi danh vao dau. We live on the North side of the city. Chiing tdi sdng 4 phia bac thanh pho. + Noi, ndi vé, ban vé... What are your ideas on the subject? Y kién cia anh vé van dé d6 thé nao? There is a lecture on Shakespeare at the institute this morning. Sang nay 6 vién cé mét budi néi chuyén vé Séch-xpia. + Dua vao, dua trén, nhd vao... He relied on his parents to live. Han séng dua vao bé me. His statement was founded on facts. Lai tuyén bé cha ong ta duge dua trén su that. + Dang, tiép tuc, tiép dié The house is on fire. Can nha dang chay. The light is on. Dén dang sang. What is on at the theatre tonight? Téi nay nha hat dién vé gi? Let's go on. Chung ta hay tiép tue. Cha y: + Dung on truéc danh tix chi ngay (nhiing ngay trong tudn), va danh tit chi rd ngay thang. 158 Thi du: I shall come back on Monday. Toi sé vé vao thit hai. He was born on May 17 th, 1960. N6 sinh ngay 17 thang 5, 1960. + Dung in truéc danh ti chi thang, nam. Thi du : He was born in 1960. N6 sinh nam 1960. He was born in May. N6 sinh vao thang 5. Out, out of Ldi ghi: Out 1 pho ti thudng duige ding gn véi mét dong tw. Out of la gidi tit. Out + Ngoai, 6 ngoai, ra ngoai... He has just gone out. No vita di ra ngoai. He is out in the rain. Anh ta ding 6 ngoai mua. +Ra The war broke out. Chién tranh né ra. The secret is out. Diéu bi mat da 16 ra. + Hn, hoan toan, hét, tat... The stains will wash out. 159 Nhiing vét ban sé sach hét. Have you read it out? Anh da doc hét chua? The light is out. Den da tat. + Thang ra, ro ra... Speak out, please. Xin anh hay néi thang ra. He cried out with pain. Anh ta dau dén kéu lén. Out of + (ra) ngoai, (ra) khdi, ngoai.... He threw the stone out of the window. Han ném hon dé ra ngoai cita sé. He has been seriously ill but the doctors says he is out of danger now. Anh ay 6m nang, nhung bae si bao hién nay anh ay thoat khdi tinh trang nguy kich réi. + Do, vi... He did it out of curiosity. Vi t6 m6 ma né lam viée dé. He adopted the orphan out of pity. Vi long thuong ma anh ta nhan em bé mé céi dé lam con nudi. + Cach xa, cach... Out of sight, out of mind. Xa mat cach long. The island is three kilometers out of Doson. 160 Hon dao dé cach Dé San ba cay sé. + Sai, lac, hét, mat... She sang out of tune. Cé ta hat sai diéu. I was out of patience with him. Téi khéng thé nao kién nhan véi han duge nita. He has been out of work six months. Anh ta khong cé6 viée lam da 6 thang nay réi. This style of dress is out of fashion. Kiéu vay nay 16i mét réi. Over + Trén, 6 trén, trén khap... The sky is over our heads. Bau tréi trén dau ching ta. The planes flew over our heads. Cac may bay lugn trén dau ching ta. Rice is grown all over Vietnam. Trén khAp dat nude Viet Nam noi nao cing tréng hia. He spread a cloth over the table. N6 trai khan lén ban. + Hon (trén), nhiéu hon... There were over thirty people at the meeting. C6 hon ba mudi ngudi trong cude hop. + Qua, sang, dén tan... The horse jumped over the fence. Con ngua nhay qua hang rao. Come over and sce me next week. 161 Qua tham téi tudn sau nhé, Mr Nam's house is over the way. Nha 6ng Nam 6 bén kia dudng, She helped the old woman over the road. Cé ta gitip ba cu di sang bén kia dutng. + Nhao... . He fell over. Anh ta nga lén nhao. He was so strong he could push a car over. Anh ta khoé dén miic c6 thé day 14t nhao mét cdi xe 6té. + Khap, khap noi, khap ché... The board is covered over with paint. T&m van duge son khap ca. + Qua, xong, hét, két thtic, ... You come too late, the football match is all over. Anh dén qué muén, tran bong da két thie. Our summer holidays are over. Ky nghi hé cua chung ta da hét. + Ky ludng, cn than, lap di lap lai... You have to think this matter over. Anh ta phai suy nghi cho ky vé van dé nay. I don't want to make a decision at one, I'll talk it over with my wife. Toi khong muén quyét dinh ngay, tdi sé ban ky van dé do véi nha téi. He repeated the same thing over and over in his speech. Han ctf nhac di nhac lai mai mét ¥ trong bai ndi chuyén cia h4n. 162 Past + Qua, qua.... He walked past the door. Anh ta bude qua ctta. It is past three o'clock. Da hon 3 gid réi. The situation is past hope. Tinh hinh khéng con hy vong gi nita. Round (around) + Quanh, xung quanh... The earth moves round the sun. Trai dat chuyén déng quanh mat trai. All the year round. Quanh nam. Since + Ti, t® khi... They have lived in this house since 1960. Ho da sng trong ngéi nha nay tit nam 1960. Things have changed very much since | last met you. Moi vat thay di nhiéu qua tit khi t6i gap anh ln cuéi cing. Cha y: Dang since truéc mét danh tw (hode mot cum ti) chi diém thai gian. Dang for truée mét danh tit chi khoang thdi gian. Thidu: He has been ill since last Sunday. Anh ta 6m tit chi nhat tudn truée. He has been ill for a week. Anh ta 6m d& mot tuan nay. 163 Through + Qua, xuyén qua, suét... We walked through the forest. Ching téi di xuyén qua ring. The river flows through the town. Con séng chay qua thanh phé. He worked all through the night. Anh ta lam viée suét dém. His clothes are wet through the rain. Quan 4o cia anh ta bi mua ust hét. + Do, nh, bdi, vi, tai... We lost ourselves through not knowing the way. Vi khéng biét dudng nén ching téi bj lac. It was through his carelessness that the machine was broken down, Chinh do sy céu tha ctia né ma cai may bi héng. Cha y: Dung through dé dién ta: qua, xuyén qua. Dang across dé dién ta: di qua, ngang qua, tit bén nay sang bén kia. Thi du: + We walked through the village. Ching tdi di xuyén qua lang. + We walked across the road. Ching téi di ngang qua con dudng. 164 To + Dén, tdi, vé. - He will go to Namha next week. Anh ta sé di Nam Ha tudn sau. Ihave already sent my luggage to the station. Téi da gui hanh ly cha téi tdi ga. + Cho, véi, déi véi. He is very kind to me. Anh ay rat tot déi véi téi. I spoke ¢o him about it. Toi ni cho anh ta biét vé nd. Give the book fo me. Hay dua cuén sach cho téi. + Theo... Is that tea quite ¢o your taste? Loai tra dé c6 hop khau vi cha anh khéng? She sang fo the violin. Cé ta hat theo dan vi cém. + So vdi, hon... I prefer this book to that one. Toi thich quyén sach nay hon quyén kia. What he has done is nothing to what he meant to do. Viée anh ta d& lam khong nghia ly gi so vdi nhting diéu anh ta cé y dinh lam. + Trude, déi choi. They met face to face. Ho gap nhau mat déi mat. 165 + Cia, 6... - The secretary to the manager. Thu ky cua giam déc. Vietnam's Ambassdor to Thailand. Dai sit Vidt Nam 6 Thai Lan. + Dé, duge.... He came to help me. Anh ay dén dé gittp dé tdi. Thope to see you soon. Téi hy vong sém dude gap anh. Towards + Vé phia, huéng vé, huéng tdi... Our country is rapidly moving towards prosperity. Dt nude chting ta dang tién nhanh téi su phén vinh. + Vao khoang... It was somewhere towards five o'clock when he came. Liic anh ta dén 1a vao khoang 5 gid. + Déi vii... He is friendly towards al} his schoolmates. Anh ta déi xt than mt vdi tat ca cac ban hoe. Under + Dudi, 6 dudi... Don't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm. Ding dung dudi cay khi cé giéng. Under the leadership of the Vietnam Worker Party, the Vietnamese people have scored great achievements in the building of socialism. 166 Duéi su Janh dao cia Dang lao dong Viét Nam, nhén dan Viét Nam da dat dude nhiing thanh tyu to lén trong cong cude xay dung xa hdi chu nghia. + Duéi, chua day, chua dén... You can't sign that yeu are under age. CAu khéng thé ky vao cai dé duge, cau chua dén tudi (hank nién). (Cau cén duéi tuéi thanh nién) + Dang, trong... Those roads are under repair. Nhiing con dudng nay dang dude sta chia. Under these circumstances, I can't give you any help. Trong nhiing hoan canh nay, t6i khéng thé nao gitp gi anh duge. Until, till + Cho dén, cho dén khi... The holidays last until September. Nhiing ngay nghi kéo dai dén tan thang chin. He waited till all the pupils were quiet before he began his lesson. Ong ta doi cho én khi tat c& cée hoe sinh yén Ming réi mai bat dau gidng bai. Up + Lén, nguge lén, 6 trén... They walked up the hill. Ho di lén déi. The ship sailed up the river. Con tau di ngude déng song. 167 + Day (ding lén, ding day) Lusually get up early. Téi thuéng day sém. The whole nation was up in arms against the invaders. Ca nudc da ding lén vit trang chéng quan xém hige. + (Dén) gan, tdi... He came up to me. Anh ay dén ché téi. + Hét, hoan to&n, xong, han... Time is up. Hét gid. He filled up the glass with water. Anh 4y rét day ede nude. He broke up the stick. Anh ay bé gay (han) cai que. With + VGi, cing, cting véi... Come and stay with us for some days. Hay dén 6 véi ching tdi vai ngay. He has quarrelled with Nam. Anh ta cai nhau véi Nam. + Bang, vdi... She cut the bread with a sharp knife. Cé ay c&t banh my bang/ vi con dao sac. + Co... Do you see the man with a long beard in that far corner of the room? 168 Anh cé nhin thay ngudi dan ong co bé rau dai ngdi 6 géc can phong kia khéng? + Vé, vé phan, 6 phia The decision rests with you. Su quyét dinh 1a vé phan / 6 phfa anh. +Vi She was trembling with fear. Cé6 ta run lén vi sg hai. + Dé&i véi. With him, money is not important. P6i véi/ Vdi anh ta tién khéng quan trong. + Mae ddu With all his weaknesses, I like him. Mac da anh ta cé nhiéu nhuge diém, téi vin thich anh ta. Within +0 trong, phfa trong, bén trong... They played within door because it was raining hard. Ching choi trong nha vi mua rat to. + Trong vong, trong khoang, trong pham vi... I shall be back again within a year. Mét nam sau téi sé tré lai. You must try to live within your income. Anh phai cé gang séng trong pham vi sé tién thu nhap cua anh. Without + Khong cé... He can do his homework without any help. Anh ta cé thé lam bai tap 6 nha ma khéng cn ai gitip ca. Of course, [ know you will work hard that goes without saying. Tat nhién réi, ti biét la anh sé lam viée tich cuc, diéu dé khdi phai néi. Thave to buy a bicycle, it is something I can't do without. Tdi phai mua mét cdi xe dap, d6 1a cdi ma tdi khong thé khéng c6 duge. Bai tap 1. Dién vao ché trong bing nhiing gidi tit thich hop. . I go... school everyday. . My sister stays... home. 1 2 3. [haven't seen him... a week. 4. He has been away... Saturday. 5 5. He threw himself... the river. o . I was born... Hanoi, but now I live... Dong Du, a small village near the Red River. 170 7. Hamlet was written... Shakespeare. 8. The bottle is full 9. I bought this hat... 10 thousand VND. 10. This train will leave here... Haiphong... midnight. beer. 11. This is a secret... you and me. 12. There are many bridges... this river. 138. I like to smoke a cigarette and listen... the radio... dinner. 14. Look... Lan! She's got a new dress. 15. What are you talking...? 16, Count... one... ten... your fingers. 17. E looked...the window... the busy street. 18. It is best to draw lines... a ruler. 19.You will catch cold if you go.. the rain... a hat. 21. . The house is ... fire! Call... help! What are you laughing...? . They went home... foot. . They went home... bus. . She fell...the ladder when she was trying lo pin... a map. He lives... his parents not far... here. . Don't be angry... me, listen... what I have to say. . Who does that watch belong...? . [can't cut... this knife. . Children... four years... age do not often go... school. . Is that blouse made... silk or cotton? . What were you talking... him....? 32. It’s very kind... you to help work. 33. She is not much good... ping-pong because... her weak wrist. 34. The streets are lit... electricity. 35. lt is dangerous to drive... 60 miles per hour.... busy streets. 36. Why don't you put... the light, or do you prefer to sit... the dark? 37. ... my surprise, ] found him sitting alone... the dark. 38. If you always make fun... me, I shan't be friends ... you any more. 39. I must send him... the doctor, he will soon find... what is wrong... him. 40. She has broken... her engagement... Tam. 41. You seem to know all... it. 42, Let's walk... the square. 43. I don't get... very well... kim. 171 44. 45. 416, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57, 58. 59. get ...? 60. 6 a wank... them... 65. 66. . You don't look very well. What's the matter... you? 68. 172 Come and sit... me, there's plenty of room. .. next Friday I ought to have finished the job. The pupils came into the classroom one... one. This medicine is very good... you. Tan is big... his age. He was sent to prison... stealing. She is always.. good health and is never... need of a doctor. When I advise you to do this I am speaking... experience. They suffered terribly... cold and hunger. You must try to look at the matter... my point of view. What do you think... this Sonata? The doctor cured me... my illness. Help me... with my coat. Could you give us a little speech... this subject? Is there anything good... at the cinema tonight? The strect is crowded with people, do you think we can Does this road go... Haiduong? . That coat is quite well, hold it... the fire....a few minutes. 62. 63. . waiting to be asked. 64, Don't be... such a hurry, there's still plenty of time. Make yourself... home; help yourself... anything you There are a lot of weeds in my garden; I'm going to pull That stream never dries... even in the middle of Summer. ‘You must accustom yourself... hot Summer. He never agrees... me... anything. CHUGONG BAY LIEN TU (Conjunctions) BAI 14 LIEN TU KET HOP (Coordinating Conjunction) I. GIO] THIEU Lién tiy 1A ti ding dé néi lién hai tit, hai cum tit hoac hai ménh dé véi nhau. C6 hai loai lién tu. 1. Lién tiv két hop (co-ordinating conjunction) néi hai cau don trong cau ghép (compound sentence) He had a pen and a pencil. (he had a pen, he had a pencil) He went to the door and opened it. (he went to the door, he opened it) 2. Lién tw phu thude (subordinating conjunction) néi ménh dé phu véi ménh dé chinh trong c4u phite (complex sentence): Ménh dé chinh Lién tii Ménh dé phu He said that he would help. Anh ay noi rang anh ay sé gitip dd. You will recognize him when you see him. Anh sé nhan ra anh ay khi anh gap anh ay. 173 IL. LIEN TU KET HOP (co-ordinating conjunction) C6 bon nhém chinh: 1. Nhom AND: (Va, ngu y thém vao) 2. Nhom BUT: (Nhung ma, ngu y phan nguge) 3. Nhém OR: (Hoac, ngu y chon lua) 4. Nhém SO: (Vi thé, ngu y hau qua) va FOR: (Vi, chi ly do) Trong tiing nhém cé nhiéu tit déng nghia, tuy nhién mdi tix c6 mét sac thai nghia riéng. 1. Nhom AND And: Va. He was tired and hungry. Anh ay mét va doi. Both... and: Vita... vita He was both tired and hungry. Anh ay vita mét vita doi As well as: cing, vita... nia He was tired as well as hungry. . Anh 4y vita mét lai vita déi. And also, and... too: Va cing. He was tired and also hungry. Anh ay mét va cing doi nita. He was tired and hungry too. Anh ay mét va cing doi nita. Not only... but also: Khong nhiing... ma con; khéng chi... ma con He was not only tired but also hungry. 174 Anh ay khong nhitng mét ma cén doi ntia. Cha y: c6 thé dat not only 6 dau cau dé nhadn manh. Dong tu sau dé phai chia 6 dang dao. Not only was he tired but he was also hungry. Anh ay khéng chi mét ma con doi nita. Furthermore, besides, moreover, what is more (what's more): thém niia, hon nia. The car was almost: new, furthermore (besides, moreover, what's more) it was in excellent condition. Cai xe 6-té gin nhu mdi hon niia n6 con 6 trong didu kién/tinh trang tuyét voi. Bai tap 1. Ding nhiing lién tit thude nhém and viét lai nhi¢ng cdu sau day (dudi dang cau ghép) 1. We know him. We know his friends. 2. The coat was soft. The coat was warm. 3. You must tell him where you are going.You must tell him when you will be back. 4. He was the best in our class at maths. He was the best in our class at English. 5. He is very fond of music. He is very fond of reading. 6. It is very stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary. 7. | told him to come at three. I told him to bring his friend with him. 8. These books are too long. They are too difficult. 9. I wanted to visit Cuba. I wanted to visit Japan. 10. He is very good at football. He is very good at basketball. He always does his work well. 175 2. Nhom BUT But: nhung The coat was thin but warm. Chiée 4o khoac mong nhung 4m. The car was quite old bué in excellent condition. Chiée 6 t6 cit réi nhung cén ¢ trong tinh trang tuyét voi. Yet, still, however, nevertheless: Tuy thé, tuy nhién, thé nhung. The car was quite old, yet (still, however, nevertheless) it was in excellent condition. Chiée 6 té da ci réi, tuy thé né van con 6 trong tinh trang tuyét vi. whereas, while: Trong khi ma, con... thi... lai... Nam is in the 6th form, whereas (while) Wong, who is a year older, is only in the 5th form. Nam hoe lép 6, trong khi thang Déng hon no mét tudi lai mdi chi hoc lép 5. He is very clever and wins all the prizes, while his brother never seems to know anything. Né6 (thi) thong minh va doat tat ca cae giai thudng, cén ngwdi anh (trong khi dé nguoi anh) thi hinh nhu khong biét gi ca. Bai tap 2, Dung nhitng lién tit thuéc nhom but viét lai nhitng céu sau day (dudi dang cau ghép). 1. I want to go. He wanted to stay. 2. I was very tired. I determined to walk on to the next village. 3. Geography is a very important and interesting subject. Very few people study it thoughly. 176 4. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds. I am sure it is going to rain. 5. Your arguments are strong. They do not convince me. 6. I remember her clearly. I can't remember her name. 7. This shirt costs 10 thousand VND. That one over there cost only 7 thousand VND. 8. You can cross the river on that fallen tree. Be careful not to slip. , 9. I tried to persuade her. She would insist on leaving home at once. 10. The pain was bad. He did not complain. 11. Some reported that work was making great progress, others said that it was worse than ever. 12. It looks as if it were going to rain. He does not bring a waterproof with him. 3. Nhém OR Or: hay, hoac.... Will you tuke tea or coffee? Anh muén uéng tra hay ca phé? He will be here at 5 or 6? Anh ta sé dén day htc 5 hay 6 gid? Either... or: hoac... hoac. You can come to see me either on Monday or on Tuesday. Anh cé thé dén gap tdi hoac vao ngay thit hai hodc vao ngay thit ba. Please, either come in or go out, don't stand there in the doorway. Hoac 1a di vao hoac la di ra, xin ding dimg ¢ truéc cua nhu vay (Vao thi vao, ra thi ra...) 177 sai. Neither... nor: (pha dinh cua either.... or) khong... ma cing khéng He neither eats nor drinks because he is seriously ill. Anh ta chang an cing ching uéng gi béi vi anh ay 6m nang. Either my answer or yours is wrong. Hoac la cAu tra 16i cha téi hoac 1a cau tra Idi cha anh sai. Neither my answer nor yours is wrong. Khong phai ca cau tra di cha téi 1dn cau tra ldi cla anh déu Or: hode, néu khéng.... We must hurry or we shall miss the train. Ching ta phai khan truong lén, néu khéng thi nhd tau mat. Either.... or else, or else, otherwise: néu khéng.... Either we must hurry or we shall miss the train. We must hurry, or else (else, otherwise) we shall miss the train. (cing nghia nhu thf du trén) 178 Cha y: Khi ding either ... or, neither.... nor. * Ton trong quy tac déi xting: You must come either on Monday or on Tuesday. Anh phai dén hodc 14 vao thtt hai hoae tht ba. 1 am too busy to see you any other day. Téi qua ban dé tiép anh vao ngay khde. He has had neither food nor drink for three days. Anh ta da chang n cing chang uéng gi ba ngay qua. Ding viét la: Either he is a rogue or a fool. Nén viét la: He is either a rogue or a fool. Anh ta hoa 1a mét thang déu hoac 1A mét thang ngu. *Luu y quy tac: a) Déng tit hgp vi cha ngit nao ding gan no nhat. Either Nam or J am to blame. Hoac 14 Nam hoac Ja ti dang trach. Neither you nor he is to blame. C4 cau lin anh ta déu khéng phai 1a dang dé trach. C6 thé viét: Either Nam is to blame or I am. Hoac 1a Nam bi trach hoac la t6i. He is not to blame. neither are you. Anh ta khéng bi trach ctt ma cfu cing khong. ) Véi either ... or, neither... nor dong tii 6 sé it. Come and have lunch with me, either Wednesday or Saturday is convenient for me. Hay dén an trua vdi t6i, thé tw hay thi bay déu tién ca. I'm sorry, neither Wednesday nor Saturday is convenient for Xin 14i, ca thi tu Mn thi bay déu khéng tién cho t6i. Bai tap 3. Ding nhitng lién tit thude nhém or viét lai nhéng cau sau day (dudi dang cau ghép) 1. It is about 7 miles from here. It is about 8 miles from here. 2. He will be here at 5. He will be here at 6. 179 3. You are not to blame. He is not-to blame. 4, You will have to go now. You will miss the train if you don't. 5. You must fasten the boat to that pole. The current will carry it away if you don't . 6. You can go there by bus. You can go there by train. 7. The climate of this region is not too hot in Summer. It is not too cold in Winter. 8. He has had nothing to eat for several days. He has had nothing to drink for several days. 9. The office is shut from 11 to 2. You must come before 11. You must come after 2. 10. My answer is wrong. Yours is not wrong. 4. Nhom SO So: vi thé, do dé... The rain began to fall, so we went home. Mua bat dau roi, vi thé ching tdi vé nha. lam very busy, so I am afraid I can't come, ‘T6i rat ban, vi thé e rang tdi khéng thé dén dugc. Therefore, consequently, accordingly: vi thé, do d6 He broke the rules of the school, so (therefore, consequently, accordingly ) he had to be punished. Han pham néi quy cua trudng, do dé hn bi phat. Bai tap 4. Ding nhiing lién tit thuée nhém so viét lai nhitng cau sau day (dudi dang cau ghép). 1. The examnination was very stiff. Very few were able to pass. 180 2. I was feeling very tired. I went to bed when I got home. 3. There was no one there. I went away. 4. He was very young and had no experience of that type of work. He was not given the post. 5. It was raining hard. It stayed home. 6. It was very late. I decided to stay there for the night. 7. He has done very good work for the country. He deserves great praise. 8. He was born in London. He speaks English like a native. 9. Every time I went to see him, he seemed to be busy. I decided to send him a letter to explain what I wanted. 10. Singapore lies very near to the equator. The weather is very hot all the year round. 5. FOR : Vi (chi ly do) We had better close the window, for it is very cold. Ching ta nén dong ciza sé lai thi hon, vi tréi lanh lam. Cha y: + Ta cig thudng ding lién tiv phu thudc "because" dé gidi thich "ly do", "nguyén nhan". + Luu § cach viét cha nhiing thi du dudi day. Khéng bao gid duge dé lién tix két hop for 6 dau céu. For it was very hot, he felt tired and thirsty (sai) Because it was very hot, he felt tired and thirsty (dung) Vi r&t néng nén anh ta thay mét va khat. He felt tired and thirsty, for it was very hot (dung) He felt tired and thirsty, because it was very hot (dung) 181 + Chi ding lién tit két hdp for khi mudn néu thém mét ly do ma ngudi ndi cho 1a ngudi déi thoai da biét (hoa da hiéu ngdm). Con tra Idi cau héi “Why...2" thi luén luén phai dang “Because”. LIEN TU PHU THUOC VA MENH DE PHU (Subordinating Conjunction and Subordinate Clauses) Loi ghi: Lién ti phu thuée néi ménh dé phu véi ménh dé chinh trong cau phiic. Cé hai loai lién tu phu thudc. 1. Lién ti phy thudc gidi thiéu ménh dé phu danh ngit (subordinate noun-clause). 2, Lién ti phu thudc gidi thiéu ménh dé phy trang ngit (subordinate adverb-clause). Dé ndm vitng céch ding nhiing lién tix nay, chi yéu ta phai nghién citu nhiing dang céu phtic cé ménh dé phu ké trén. Ngoai ra, con cé ménh dé phu tinh ngit (adjective-clause) duge gidi thiéu bang dai tit quan hé (relative pronoun), (em bai 11). I. MENH DE DANH NGU (Noun-clause) Ménh dé danh ngit ¢6 gia tri va chitc nang nhu mét danh tw (noun). © Thi du: He dreamed a nice dream. Anh ta mo mét gide mo dep. (danh ti tan ngi) 182 kho. He dreamed that he was flying to the moon. (ménh dé danh tw tan ngi) Anh ta md thay minh bay lén cung trang. Your work seems very difficult. Cong viée cla anh cé vé rat (danh ti chi ngii) What you are doing seems very difficult. (ménh dé danh tiv chu ngit) Viée anh dang lam cé vé rat khé. Nghién citu va phn tich nhitng dang cu phate vdi ménh dé phu danh ti dudi day: tit, 1. Ménh dé danh tiz lam tan ngif (object) cho m6t dong a) Tan ngit truc tiép: TL know that must be tired after a long journey. Tan ngit ‘Toi biét rang phai mét sau mét chuyén di dai. Can ci tell me |why this book is so heavy. Tan nga Anh c6 thé cho tdi biét tai sao cuén sch nay nang thé. b) Tan ngt gidi tu Do you object to lwhat I have said. Tan nga Anh cé phan déi diéu tdi vita ndi khong. 183 Co nhiéu tix cé thé ding dé gidi thigu ménh dé phu danh tu: that, who, who(m), what, which, where, when, how, whether, if. 184 Ménh dé chinh Ménh dé phy danh tw (tan ngit) T did not know who he was. Téi khéng biét anh dy 1a ai. Do you know who(m) she invited to dinner? Anh cé biét cé &y da mdi ai dén an téi khéng? Did you hear what he said? Anh cé nghe thay anh ay ndi gi khéng? Can you tell me which is the shortest way to the station? Anh lam on chi hé téi dwéng nao 14 dung ng&n nhat téi ga? He did not see where Thad gone. Anh ay khong thay toi da di dau. Will you please, tell me whether he has come or not? Lam on cho t6i biét anh Ay e6 dén hay khéng? Do you understand why I do that? Anh cé hiéu tai sao téi Jam diéu d6 khong? I don't know if he has done it yet. T6i khéng biét anh Ay da lam diéu d6 chua. They don't realize how we do it. Ho khong nhén ra chting ti lam diéu do nhw thé nao. He said that he was sorry. Anh ay néi anh Ay xin léi. 2. Ménh dé danh tit lam tan ngit cho mét gidi tit. He has no clear idea 4 how it should be done. Tan ngu Anh ay khéng ré né duge ché tao nhu thé nao. We have received no news as yet f! when the boat leaves. Tan ngit Chung téi khéng nh4n diige tin khi nao thi con tau xudt phat. 3. Ménh dé danh tis lam chat ngi cho mét dong tix. a) Ménh dé danh tiv chu ngit Dong tix chia rdi’ What you have just said « is quite true. Diéu anh vita néi la kha ding. Where he goes is no business of yours. No di dau khéng phai viéc cla anh. Where he will come or not depends on circumstances. Anh ta cé dén hay khéng cén tuy thudc vao hoan canh. That he will refuse the offer seems unlikely. Khéng cé vé anh ta sé ti chéi Idi mdi. How the prisoner escaped is a complete mystery. Tén tu da thoat nhu thé nao hoan toan 1a diéu bi hiém. “Why are you so late?” was his remark. Tai sao anh dén mu6n 1a 1éi httu y ca anh ta. 185 b) Nguéi ta thudng ding Zt lam chu ngit gidi thiéu trudée (anticipatory subject) d dau ciu dé thay thé cho mét "ménh dé danh tu chi ngit" dat 6 dudi: It to be (seem) Ménh dé danh tit chi ng It is a strange thing that he always comes late. Diéu la la anh ta luén dén muén. It is obvious why he hasn't come back. Tai sao anh ta khong trd lai la diéu ré rang. Tt is unknown whether it is caused by rain or wind. Khéng biét dude liéu cai dé do mua hay gié gay ra. It seems strange that he can't understand this lesson. That la la anh ta khong thé hiéu dude bai hoc nay. Trong nhiing cau trén It di trudc dé thay thé cho cac ménh dé chi ngit di sau. Nhéing ménh dé do 1a chi ngit chinh cia déng tit. TO BE (is) va SEEMS (xem bai 10, mue "I¢"). 4. Ménh dé danh tit lam bé ngit (Predicative noun clause) Chi ngtt Déng tw Ménh dé danh tir bé ngit This is why he is so happy. Dé 1a diéu tai sao anh ta sung sudng thé. The question is whether he is able to do it alone. Van dé 1a liéu anh ta cé thé lai lam viéc dé hay khong. The fact is that he doesn’t really try. Thue té 1a anh ta khong thuc su c6 ging. What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. Diéu lam tdi ngac nhién 1a anh ta ndi tiéng Anh tét thé. 186 5. Ménh dé danh tw lam dong vi ngw (Appositive noun- clause) Ménh dé danh tit déng vi ngit The fact that he was guilty was plain to everyone. Thue té 1a anh ta cé 16i va duge gidi thich cho moi ngudi. The news that we are having a holiday is not true tomorrow Thong tin néi rang ching ta duge nghi ngay mai la khéng dung. Theidea that you can do this work is quite wrong. without thinking Y kién cho ring anh ta cé thé lam cng viée nay khéng can suy nghi gi la sai. Trong nhiing cau trén ménh dé danh tit lam déng vi ngit néi r6 thém ndi dung cha nhiing danh tii "the fact" the news", "the idea". Nhiing ménh dé loai nay thudng duge gidi thiéu bang "that". Cha y: “that” la lién tit dung ni ménh dé phu danh tit vdi ménh dé chinh bao gid cing cé nghia la: "réng", "la" khde vdi "that" la dai tit quan hé néi ménh dé phu tinh ngit vdi ménh dé chinh va e6 nghia la "ma". C4n phan biét ménh dé danh tit déng vi ngit véi ménh dé tinh ngit. The news that he told me yesterday is not true. (that = la) ménh dé danh ti déng vi ngi). Thong tin ma anh ta cho téi biét hém qua 1a khéng dung. 187 6. Ménh dé danh ti thuéng duge ding véi mét sé tinh tig vi ngit: to be sorry, to be certain, to be glad... Tam certain that I have posted the letter. Téi ch&c chan 1a téi da bé thu réi. She is very glad that you are able to come. Co ay r&t vui vi anh d& dén duge. Tam sorry that your brother is ill. ‘Toi lay lam tiéc 14 anh trai cau bi dm. He is quite confident that he will pass the examination. Anh ta kha ty tin 1a anh ta sé d6 ky thi nay. Jam quite confident that he will pass the examination. Téi kha chdc chdn rang anh ta sé dé ky thi nay. Tam sure that he will pass the examination. Téi chac chan rang anh ta sé dé ky thi nay. (Nhiing ménh dé loai nay thudng duge gidi thiéu bang that). Bai tap 1. Dién vao ché trong bang nhitng tit néi thich hop. 1. You haven't told me... you did yesterday. 2. Can you tell us... road leads to the station? 3. L can't understand... he means. 4. Can you tell me... this box is so heavy? We don't know... he has gone. Show me... this machine works. Tam not sure... the train arrives. It seemed ... he didn't know what to do. PHA ow It is doubtful... he came on Friday or on Saturday. 188 10. I have no interest in ... he says. 11. It is strange... he didn't come at all. 12. Tell me... you will be back. 13. [can't imagine... you are so cross with me. 14.... you have just said is quite wrong. 15. I don't know... he has done it yet. 2, Tim nhitng ménh dé danh tit va phan tich chite néng cia nhiing ménh dé do trong nhitng cau didi day. 1. That he will come is certain. 2. How he managed to do it is more than I can tell. 3. It is necessary that all should be present. 4. The question is whether he is able to do it without your help. 5. We have received no news as yet of when he will leave. 6. Can you tell me what the time is? 7. He only laughed at what he said. 8. What surprised me was that he could finish his work in so short a time. 9. The news that he was killed in the front is not true. 10. It is impossible that he should make a mistake like that. 11. How he managed to do it is more than I can tell. 12. When I go depends on when the train leaves. 13. What's done is done. 14. We are convinced that peace will triumph. 5 15. I should like to know whether it can be done today. 16. They were delighted with that they saw at the picture gallery. 17. She is very glad that you have passed your examination. 189 18. What you are attempting is really to difficult for you. 19. We were greatly amused by what you told us. 20. The notion that people can work less and earn more is contrary to reason. I. MENH DE TRANG NGU (Adverb - clause) Ménh dé trang ngif c6 gia tri va chtte nang nhu mét trang ngii. Ching ta hay nh4n xét nhiing céu dudi day: He came yesterday. He came on the tenth of March. Adverb phrase Adverb (of time) 1 (of time) He came when I asked him Adverb clause (of time) Take it there Adverb (of place) Take it to Mr. Nam's house. Adverb phrase 2 (of place) Take it wherever you like Adverb clause (of place) Nhiing ménh dé trang ngit dude gidi thiéu bang mot lién ti. Can nhé cach dang nhiing lién ti dé qua nhiing loai ménh dé trang ngtt dudi day. trang ngit thot igian (adverb - clause of time) Nhiing loai ménh dé trang Lién tit Thi du ngw 1. Ménh dé As (khi, trong [As [ went out he came in. khi ma, dting hic ma) @s soon as Khi téi di ra thi anh ta vao. ‘As I went down the street I met your friend Nam. 190 (ngay khi) after (sau khi) before (trude khi) till, until (cho dén khi) Khi téi di xudng phé thi gap Iban Nam cla cau |As soon as you are ready we shall go. Ngay khi cau xong chting téi sé di. I hurried to see him after | had heard the news. Ti voi dén gap anh ay sau khi Inghe tin. I hope to pay him a visit before I went away. 'Téi hy vong thim duge anh ay trude khi anh ay di. I sat waiting till everything was ready. Tdi ngoi ddi tdi khi moi viée xong xuoi. T can't express my opinion until | know the truth. Tdi khéng thé bay té ¥ kién cha minh truée khi biét su that. 2. Ménh dé trang ngit not Ichén (adverb clause of place)| when (khi, khi nao) whenever (bat ca khi nado) I shall do that when I have time. ‘Tdi sé lam cai dé khi téi cé thi gid. ‘You may come whenever you like. 191 while where (6 ché, noi ma) -\wherever (bat cti 6 dau, bat cit 6 ché nao) |Anh 6 thé dén khi nao anh muén. He jumped off the train while lit was moving. The house stood where the roads met. Can nha 6 ché nhiing con dudng gap nhau. Do your duty wherever you may be. Hay lam tron nhiém vu cia lanh bat ctt anh 6 ché nao. (Sau wherever ngudi ta hay dung may, might) 3, Ménh dé trang ngit thé’ cach (adverb las (nhu) las if, as though You ought to write as I do. Anh phai viét nhu t6i viét. He talks as if he knew inguyén nhén (y do) (adverb clause of cause) because, clause of (y nhu 1a, y nhu jeverything. manner) thé) Han néi y nhw la han biét dit moi diéu. 4. Ménh dé las, I needn't tell you as he has told trang ngit you already. Toi khong cn ké cho anh vi cau ay da ké cho anh ri. I did it because there was no one else to do it. Téi lam diéu do vi khéng con ai dé lam nia. 192 since (Vi, bdi vi) seeing that (vi, thay rang) \Since you insist | shall go with you. Vi anh cté nan ni, ti sé di véi anh. , \Seeing that you won't help me I must do the job myself. Vi thay rang anh sé khéng gitip ti, t6i phai tu minh lo lay céng viéc (seeing that thudng dat 6 dau cau). 5. Ménh dé trang ngii muc dich (adverb that, in order that, so that (a6 ma, dang dé ma) I shall explain it once more that (so that, in order that) you may understand it well). clause of 'T6i sé gidi thich diéu dé mot purpose) lan nita dé anh c6 thé hiéu ri hon (sau nhiing lién ti nay thudng ding may, might) lest, for fear that \I have to hurry lest (for fear (e rang, sg ring) |thaé) I should miss the train. so... that Téi phai di véi, e rang bi nha tau (sau lest va for fear that thuong ding should). 6.Ménh dé so... that He ran so fast that I could not trang nga két catch him. qua (adverb Han ta chay nhanh dén néi tdi clause of duéi khéng kip. result) such... that (,.. |He showed such stupidity that qua... dén néi ma, dang dé ma) the examiner refused to pass him. N6é ngé ngén dén ndi ban igidm khdo phai dénh trugt no. 193 so that (dén néi ma, dén Imtie ma) It was such a warm day that I icould take off my woollen coat. D6 1a mét ngay 4m dén néi tdi c6 thé bé cd 40 khode len, Chi y: so + adjective (adverb)... that such + noun... that. He was speaking very quietly 'so that it was difficult to hear what he said. Anh ta néi rat khé dén ndi khé Ico thé nghe duge anh ta néi cai gi. 7. Ménh dé las (nhu), than _|He could swim as far as Nam. trang ngit so ‘Anh ta cé thé boi xa nhu Nam. sank (adverb It is not so easy as you think. clause of Didu dé khéng don gin nhu lcomparison) edu nghi. He does it better than I do. Cau ta lam diéu dé tét hon ti. (xem lai cae c&p so sanh). 8. Ménh dé though, Though it is getting late, I trang ngit although (da, _|think we have to finish our nhuong b6 mac du, di cho, |lesson. (adverb clause |tuy la) Mac di da muén téi van nghi ‘of concession) ran chting ta phai lam xong bai. |Although it rained he went out all the same. 194 las (tuy rang, di rang) leven if, even though (di cho, ngay cho rang) |However (du... dén dau, di nhu thé nao) Mac di tri mua anh ta van di ra ngoai. ‘Tired as he was, he finished his task. Tuy rang anh ta mét thé nhung anh van hoan thanh cong viéc. Late as it was, we still continued our way. Da 1a d& muén réi, chung toi van cui tiép tuc di (chat ¥: vi tri cua as trong nhiing thi dy trén. N6 dugc dat sau tired va late). I'll get there even if (even though) I have to walk all the day. ITOi sé tdi dé, du cho t6i c6 phai lcude bd sudt ca ngay. \However hard he tries, he can't do it. Da né 6 ef gang dén dau, né cing khong thé lam dugc viéc d6. It must be done however difficult it may be. Da kho dén dau ngudi ta cing lphai lam xong viée dé. 195 9, Ménh dé trang ng didu kién (adverb clause of condition) Whatever (du... gi di nita, du... thé nao) lin spite of the fact that (mac du, la...) if (néu) Unless (néu khong, trix gia, trit phi) Whatever you say I shall not change my opinion, ‘Du anh néi thé nao di nita téi van sé khong thay ddi y kién. He is coming today in spite of the fact that | distinctly told him I didn’t want him. Han ta sé dén hém nay mae di tdi da n6i rd rang 1a téi khong can dén han. He will get the letter tomorrow if you send it off now. ‘Mai han sé nhan due thu néu anh gui ngay bay gid. Uf I were you I should go home immediately. Néu tdi JA anh téi sé vé nha ngay. Uf the car hadn't stopped quickly the child would have been killed. INéu chiéc xe 6-t6 khéng diing lai nhanh thi ¢6 thé thang bé da chét mat rdi. [You won't pass your lexamination unless you work harder. Anh sé khéng dé néu lanh khéng hoc hanh chém chi hon. 196 Chu y: xem bai thc diéu kién va gia dinh dé nam viing cach dung thi trong nhiing cau phic cd ménh dé diéu kién (bai 28, 29). Bai tap . Dién vao ché trong bang nhiing tit néi thich hop. . Pll come and see you... I leave for Moscow. . He will tell you... you get home. . [can't express my opinion... I know the fact. . I shall speak to her.... I get a change. : . We started very early... we should miss the tran. . I shall not help you... you can easily do it yourself. . He is not such a good player...I thought. . They ran as fast... their legs could carry them. 9. He will stay here... you come. 10. ... he tried hard, he was not successful. 11. He worked late last night... he might be free to go away tomorrow. 12. They climbed higher... they might get a better view. 13. | will not make any noise... I should disturb you. 14... hard he tries, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 15. ... you may say I still think I did the right thing. 16. We shall come and see you... we have a holiday. 17. Put those books back immediately... they belong. 18. You can count on him to do the job exactly... you want it done. 19. We couldn't play the match... it rained hard. 20. ... it rained hard we played the match. oe OAAAR WDE 197 21. This room is... small... we can't all get in. 22. ... you had left earlier you would have caught the train. 23. The road seems longer... [ thought. 24, He was so stupid... he could not pass his examination. 25. I shan't go...he asks me. 4. Phan logi nhitng ménh dé phu trong nhitng cau sau day. 1. When we arrived at the football field the game had started. 2. Tam standing where I can see the game. 3. Don't handle those cups as if they were made of iron. 4, They went swimming although the sea was rough, 5. We shall play the match even though it is rather foggy. 6. As it is already late we had better go. 7. Don't give a definite answer till you get a letter from me. 8. If the river were not so deep, we could cross it.” 9. The car moved slowly because the motor was not working well. 10. asked him what he wanted of me. 11. It is necessary that all should be present. 12. It took us much more time than we had expected. 13. We ran down the hill as quickly as we could. 14. The question is whether he will come or not. 15. The night was so dark that he lost his way. 16. Tell me the exact address that I may make no mistake. 17. Since you insist on it, I shall go there right away. 18. I shall tell you all about it as we go along. 19. I wish I knew where this path leads. 20. Poor as he was honest. _ 21. He asked them where they had come from and how long they had been on the road. 22. I wish you would tell me what I have to do next. 23. If my car hadn't broken down I should have caught the train. 24. Wherever you may go, he will not forget you. 198 CHUONG TAM DONG TU: CAC THI VA DANG (Verbs: Tenses and Forms) BAI 16 CACH CHIA DONG TU (Conjugation of Verbs) 1. GIGI THIEU Déng tit gitt vai trd chu yéu trong cdu. Cach ding "dong tit" 18 van dé khé phic tap. Ta phai nghién citu ting bude ky cang. Dong ti tiéng Anh cé thé chia lam hai loai. 1. Tro dong tit (Auxiliary Verbs) To be, to have, to do, to dare, to need, can, may, must, shall, will, ought va used (to). Loai nay cé thé chia ra lam ba nhém. a) To be, to have (vita 1a tré déng tit vila 14 dng ti thing). b) Dong ti khuyét thiéu (Defective Verbs) Can, may, must, shall, will, ought to (chi dang 1am tr¢ dong tit va khong ding 6 tat ca cdc thi, thétc, dang). c) Mot sé déng tix dac biét: To do, to dare, to need, used (to) (c6 trudng hgp ding lam déng tw thudng, 6 trudng hop ding lam tr¢ dong ti). Ta sé di sAu vao cach ding cua tizng déng ti trén trong nhiing bai sau. 199 2. Dong tiv thudng (Ordinary Verbs) Ngoai nhiing d6ng tix trén tat cA cae dong ti khac déu thude loai nay. Thi du: To work, to sing, to play, to read... Il. CACH CHIA DONG TU Loi ghi: Dong tit chia réi (finite verb) gitt mot vai trd quan.trong trong cAu. Cé thé vi né nhu la xwong sdng cha cau. Khéng cé né, cu sé khong ding vitng dude. Vi thé ta phii ndm that che cach chia dong tu. 1. Cé bén thie (Moods) Thite chi dinh (Indicative Mood). Thiie ménh lénh (Imperative Mood) Thiic diéu kién (Conditional Mood) Thitc gid dinh (Subjunctive Mood) (Sé hoc ky céc thite nay trong nhiing bai sau). 2. C6 hai 16i (Voices) - Léi hanh déng (Active Voice) Thi du: I punish him. Téi phat han ta - Léi thu déng (Passive Voice): Thidu: He is punished by the teacher. Han ta bi thay giao phat. 3. Cé hai dang (Forms) - Dang thing (Ordinary Form) Thi du: He goes to school every morning. Sang nao né cing di hoc. 200 - Dang tiép dién (Progressive hay Continuous Form) Thi du: He is going to school. N6 dang di dén truéng. DE c6 mot khai niém téng quat vé cach chia déng ti tiéng Anh, trong bai nay ta hay chi dé cap dén cach chia cac loai déng tu thi hién tai thuong (simple present) va hién tai tiép dién (present continuous). Trén co sé dé ta sé hoc cach chia cac thi khac ve sau. IIL THI HIEN TAI THUONG (Simple present) A. To be, to have. a) To be (thi du: to be in the room) 1 2 3 Khang dinh . I lam in the room. (affirmative) > |He, she, it is che room. We, you, they _|are in the room. Pha dinh I liam not |in the room. (negative) He, she, it is not in the room. We, you, they are not [in the room. Nghi van |Am_ |f lin the room? (interrogative)? [is |He, she, it lin the room? Are |We, you, they ‘in the room? Nghi van pha Am jl not ‘in the room? dinh (Interro- is he, she, it not in the room? negative)? ‘Are |we, you, they __|not in the room? 201 Nhan dinh: Cach chia déng titi to be. 1. Ngéi th nhat sé it: Jam viét tat: I'm. Ngéi thi ba sd it: is viét Lat: He's, she's, it's. Cac ngéi khac: are viét tt: We're, you're, they're. 2. 6 thé pha dinh: Thém not ngay sau dong tit. Viét tat: am not, ain't hode aren't (it ding) are not: aren't is not: isn't 3. 6 thé nghi van: Dao nguge dong tit lén trén cha nga. 4. Néu ding dang viét tat thi nghi van phd dinh la: Aren't I...? (it ding) Isn't he...? Aren't you...? Bai tap: 1. Dién vao ché tréng bang dang chia réi cla déng tit to be (thi hién tai thutong). 1. She... a teacher, You... a teacher, too. 2. We... workers. We... not teachers. 3... that boy a student? No, he... not. 4. You... an engineer and I... a doctor. 5. Whose dictionary... this? This... mine. 6. What... that? It... a map. 7... they doctors? No, they... not, they... engineers. 8 ... these books yours? Yes, they... 9. You... a student... you? Yes, I... 202 10 ... this is your book? No, it... not. 11... it Autumn now? Yes, it... 12... this... not your chair... it? 2. Déi nhiing cau sau day sang dang: a) Phu dinh. b) Nghi van. c) Nghi van pht dinh. . That is my book. w . Those are my notebooks. . Nam is a good school-boy. . His books are in good order. . They are ready to go home. . The sky is cloudy this morning. . There are many students in the room. 8. lt is necessary to go there. 9. It is difficult to solve this problem. 10. You are a student of this institute. b) To have NAARWN (Thi du: To have an English book) 1 2 3 + I, we, you they Ihave an English book. He, she has lan English book. ? I, we, you they have not jan English book. He, she has not an English book. tL __|____l not any (no) English book(s). 203 ? |Have I, we, you + |Has they an English book? he, she English books? ? |Haven'tiI, we, you — {Hasn't |they an English book? Ihe, she English books? Nhan dinh: C&ch chia d6ng tw to have 1. Ngéi thit ba sé it: Aas, viét tat : He's, she's, it's. Cac ngéi khac: have, viét tat : I've, we've : you've, they've 2. 6 pha dinh: thém nof vao ngay sau déng tu. Viét tat: have not : haven't has not: hasn't. 3. G nghi van: Dao nguge d6ng tw Jén trén chi ngit. Cha y: Xem chi tiét vé cach chia dng tit to have bai. "Nhiing tro déng ti". Bai 204 4, Nghi van pha dinh khéng viét tat thi dat Not é sau chi ngi. tap 3. Dién vao ché trong bang has hodc have. 1. Nam... a small house near Hanoi. 2. Lan... many interesting English books. 3. We... two children, one son and one daughter. 4. They... not many children, they... only two. 5... he any radio-set? Yes, he... one. 6 ... you any coffee? Yes, I... a little. 7... they many English books? No, they... not. 8. How many sons... she? She... three. 9. What... you in your bag? I... a red pencil. 10 ... they any good friends? Yes, they... many. 4, Déi nhitng cdu sau day sang dang a) Phi dinh. b) Nghi van. c) Nghi v&n pha dinh. 1. Nam has many interesting novels in foreign languages. 2. Lan has a good library at home. 3. He has a radio-set on his desk. 4, We have some milk in our jug. 5. They have many English books in their bookcase. 6. We have good friends at school. 7. You have good friends at school. 8. They have a nice flat in the centre of the city. B- Dong tw thuéng (Ordinary Verb) Thi du: To learn English + I, we, you, they learn English. He, she learn English. - I, we, you, they —_|do not learn English. He, she does not learn __|English. 2+ Do I, we, you, they learn English? Does He, she learn English? 205 ?-— |Don't I, we, you, they learn English? Doesn't _|He, she learn English? Nhan dinh: 1. G thi hién tai thutng, thé khang dinh ngéi tht ba sé it: thém "s” vao ngay sau déng tit (xem bang quy tac thém s d dwéi) 2. 6 pha dinh: muon trg dong tit do. Chia déng tit do 6 ngdi tht ba sé ft thanh does: déng tit chinh dé nguyén, dt not vao gitta trg dng tu do va dong ti chinh. Viét tat: do not: don't does not: doesn't 3. G ghi van dao nguge trg dong tit do lén trén cha ngit: 4. Quy tac thém s yao sau dong tt 6 ngéi thi ba sé it thi hién tai thudng. - Dong ti d ngéi thu ba sé it néu tan cing, bang o thi thém es. Thi du: to go: he goes/gouz/ to do : he does/d>z/ - Dong tit tan cang bang x, ss, sh, ch thi thém es. Thi du: To fix : he fixes/fiksiz/ To cross : he crosses/kr>siz/ To brush : he brushes/brafiz/ To teach : he teaches/ti : tfiz/ - Dong tit tan cing bang y (ding sau mét phu 4m) truéec khi thém s phai déi y thanh ie, 206 Thi du: to carry : he carries/kwri2/ to study : he studes/stadiz/ nhung to play : he plays/pleiz/ Bai tap 5. Chia nhiing dong tit dudi day dca bén thé (theo biéu dé). To know English well. To do grammar exercises. To teach English. To play football. To brush one's hair. 6. Doi nhitng cau sau déy sang dang: a) Pha dinh. b) Nghi van. ©) Nghi van pha dinh. 1. He writes with a pencil. 2. Nam likes to speak English. 3. They make good progress. 4. We do our homework in our study-room. 5. They understand the lesson well. 6. She teaches English at our school. 7. My friend speaks Russian. 8. He always get good marks. 9. You know the lesson by heart. 10. She carries her bag in her hand. 207 C. Dong tiv khuyét thiéu (Defective Verbs) Loi ghi: 1. Chi cé 6 déng tit khuyét thi can, may, must, shall, will, ought (to). Trong bai nay ta chi hoc cach chia loai déng ti nay 6 thi hién tai thugng. Nhiing chi tiét vé cach dang nhiing déng ti nay sé hoc ky trong m6t bai sau. 2. Dong tit khuyét thiéu chi lam tr¢ dong ti. Thi du: Can speak English well. (+) I Gwe, you, they, he, she) can speak English well. (-) I we, you, they, he, she) can't speak English well. (?) Can I (we, you, they, he, she) speak English well? (?) Can't I (we, you, they, he, she) speak English well? Nhan xét: 1. Dong tu khuyét thiéu khi chua chia khong cé to. 2. O ngdi tha 3 86 it khong thém s (nhu nhiing déng ty thudng). 3. G phi dinh thém not vao gitfa dong tY khuyét thiéu va dong ti chinh. 4. O nghi vain dao nguge déng tit khuyét thiéu lén trén cha ngit. 5. Cac déng tti khuyét thiéu khac ciing chia cing mét dang nhu can ° 6, Viét tat cannot (viét lién) —: can't. must not : mustn't may not. :mayn't shall not : shan't 208 will not : won't ought not : oughtn't Bai tap 7. Chia nhiing déng tit khuyét thiéu dudi déy dca 4 thé (theo biéu dé). - Can swim across the river. - Must open the door. - May open the door. - Shall go to Moscow. - Will learn English. - Ought to work hard. 8. Doi nhitng cau dudi day sang dang: a) Pha dinh b) Nghi van c) Nghi van pha dinh . I shall see you tomorrow. hoe . They must go to school on Sunday. . He will go to Moscow by air. . You can translate this text into English. . She ought to do her homework this evening. . They will come here again next week. . We can answer all his questions. . They may use my dictionary. . We ought to speak English during our lesson. COeran sw 10. I must help him in his work. 209 1V. THi HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN VA DONG TINH TU HIEN TAI (Present continuous and Present Participle) 1. Lai ghi: a) Thi hién tai tiép dién thudc cach chia dong tu d dang tiép dién (progressive form) b) Qui tae chia: . To be + present participle cua déng tit muén chia. c) Qui téc cu tao cla present participle (déng tinh tt hién tai): Verb + ing. Thi du: fall + ing : falling speak + ing do + ing (Cha y: Nhiing dong tu khuyét thiéu (defective verb) khéng cé present participle va ciing khéng chia 6 dang tiép dién). Cach viét (nhitng trudng hgp dac biét) : 1. Nhiing dong tit tan cing bang e (cAm), trude khi thém ing bé e. to come : coming to have : having. tochange : changing to take : taking Nhung: to be : being to see : seeing 2. Nhitng déng ti tan cang bang ie trudc khi thém ing phai déi ie thanh y. to lie : lying 210 to die : dying to tie : tying 3. Nhiing dng ti tan cing bang mot phu am ding sau mét nguyén am truée khi thém ing phai gap déi phu 4m cudi. to rub : rubbing to put : putting to stop : stopping Nhung: to look : looking tobrush — : brushing 2. Cach chia thi hién tai tiép dién Thi du : To be working in the garden. + I am working in the garden. He, she is working in the garden. We, you they are working in the garden. - I am not working | in the garden. He, she is not working | in the garden. We, you they are not working | in the garden. 2+ Am I working in the garden? Is he, she working in the garden? Are | we, you they working in the garden? oR Am I not working | in the garden? Is he, she not working | in the garden? Are we, you they not working | in the garden? 211 Chay Nghi van pha dinh dang viét tat Aren't I working...? (it dang) Isn't he (she) working...? Aren't we (you, they) working...? Bai tap ‘ 9. Chia nhiing déng tit dutdi day ¢ thi hién tai tiép dién d cd 4 thé (theo biéu dé). - To look at the blackboard. - To listen to the radio. - To play pingpong. - To do one's homework. 10. Chuyén nhiing déng tit trong nhitng céu dui tit thi hién tai thwéng sang thi hién tai tiép dién. 1. The children play football in the school-yard. 2. They listen attentively to the teacher's explanations. 3. They do their homework in their room. 4, The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. 5, The wind doesn't blow hard. 6. Nam, what do you do? 7. Does he make notes about the lesson? 8. Do you learn English at school? 9. What language do you speak? 10. Do they answer the teacher's questions in English? 212 BAL 17 ACH DUNG THi HIEN TAI THUONG VA THI HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN I. THI HIEN TAI THUONG (Simple Present) 1. Dién ta mét sw viéc, mét hanh déng thuéng xuyén xay ra hoac mét théi quen. (Thudng di véi phé tit tan suat nhu : always, often, usually...) Thidu: He usually gets up early. Does Nam often go to the movies? - Yes, he goes to the movies every Sunday. When do you play pingpong? - I play almost every Sunday morning. Do you walk to school everyday? - No, I take the bus 2. Dién tA mét nh4n dinh, mét sy viée d mét diém hodc khoang théi gian hién tai. a) Diém thai gian hién tai (dang lic ndi, Itic nay, bay gid). How many planes do you see? - I see four. Do you hear anything? - No, I don't hear anything. What's the matter? - L smell something burning. b) Khoang thdi gian hién tai (trong thdi ky nay, trong ca giai doan nay, chit khéng phai chi d hic nay hoac hic dang ndi). 213 Can you speak English well? - Yes, I can. Do you like to play football? - No, I don't. What does Professor Minh teach? - He teaches History. 3. Dién ta mét sw tha: vinh ctin, khéng thay adi. The sun rises in the East. The earth revolves around the sun. What is the freezing point of water? - Water freezes at 0°C. 4. Dién ta mét su viée tién hanh trong tuong lai. a) Thudng di voi m6t phé tit thdi gian chi twang lai : tomorrow, next week.,. va dung véi déng tu chi sy chuyén dich (to go, to come, to start, to leave...) Nam comes back from the South tonight. The ship leaves for Ben Thuy in a few days. When does the play begin? - It begins at 4. b) Trong ménh dé trang ngit thdi gian sau nhiing lién ti chi thdi gian nhu : when, as soon as, after, before, till, until... We shall go as soon as you are ready. He will tell you when you get home. T'll stay here until he answers me. T'll come and see you before I /eave for Moscow. Cha y: Xem thém 6 bai "Thi tung lai". 214 IL- THI HIEN TAT TIEP DIEN (Present Continuous) 1. Dién ta mét hanh dong dang tiép dién d hién tai. a) Dién ra é thdi diém dang néi (lic nay, bay gid): It is raining now. What are you doing? - 1am washing the dishes. What are they fixing? - They are trying to repair the radio. b) Dang dién ra trong khoang thdi gian hién tai (théi ky nay, giai doan nay). Dr. Nam is doing cancer research. The newspaper is running a series of articles on "Modern science and technology". Are you still having difficulty with your mathematics? - Yes, Lam having a lot of trouble this term. 2. Dién ta mét thdi quen, mét sy viée, mt hanh dong dién ra thudng xuyén (thudng di véi: always, all the time, va co § nhan manh thai 46 khen, ché). He is a very unpleasant character, he is always grumbling at something. Anh ta 1a mét ngudi rat khé chiu, cai gi cing cau nha cau nhau. She is such a kind person, she is always helping for other people. Chj ay 1a mét ngudi rt t6t, luén luén gidp dé ngudi khac. 3. Dién tA mét sy viée dd du dinh (dat trong ké hoach) lam trong tuang lai Lam going to the theatre tonight. 215 (¥ muén néi : Téi nay téi sé di xem hat. Du dinh la nhu vay). He is leaving for Moscow tomorrow. Anh Ay sé di Matxcova vao ngay mai. Professor Van is lecturing on "Russian literature" next Wednesday. Gido su Van sé doc bai giang vé "Van hoc Nga" vao thi tu tudn sau. . Cha y: 1. Thi hién tai thudng (simple present) dién t4 mét nhan dinh, m6t théi quen, mét vide thudng xay ra. Thi hién tai tiép dién, (present continuous) dién ta mét hanh dong dang tiép dién. Thi du: It often rains in summer. Tréi thuéng mua vao mia hé. Lis raining now. Trdi dang mua. She always cooks in the morning. Cé ay luén nau nuéng vao budi sang. Mother is cooking some food in the kitchen at present. Me dang nu mét vai mon an trong bép. 2. C6 mét sd dong tix khong dung dude 4 dang tiép dién. - Nhiing dong tiv chi cac hoat d6ng tu nhién cha giac quan, cua su suy nghi, y niém: see, hear, smell, notice, recognize, remember, forget, know, understand, recall, recollect, believe, feel (that), think (that) (Cam thay rang, nghi rang...). Nhiing dong tit chi cam xtc: want, desire, refuse, forgive, wish, love, hate, adore, like, dislike. 216 - Nhitng déng ti chi quyén sd hitu: own, owe, belong, possess. - Dang tit To be (= thi, 1A); To have (= c6) Ghi nho: Tuy nhién trong nhitng déng ti trén cing cé nhiing truéng hgp ding dude 6 dang tiép dién. a) To see khi cé nghia 1a gap, hen gap, tham... He is seeing the sights of the city. Anh ta dang di tham nhiing canh dep cua thanh phé. Iam seeing him tomorrow. ‘Tdi sé gap (dén tham) anh ta ngay mai. b) To think khi c6 nghia 14 suy nghi, ngam nghi (vé mét viéc gi, mdt cai gi). What are you thinking about? Anh dang nghi vé cai gi thé? - Tam thinking about that play we saw last night. Toi dang suy nghi vé v6 kich ching ta xem t6i qua. c) To feel khi cé nghia 14 cam thay (6 trong ngudi khoé hodc 6m, mét...) How are you feeling? ‘Anh cam thay trong ngwdi thé nao? I am feeling well. Téi cam thay khoé. d) To have khi cé nghia 1a lam mét viée gi (ngoai nghia 1a cé va to have to = phai). He is having his dinner. Anh ta dang 4n téi. He is having a bath. Anh ta dang tam. 217 tap 1. Gidi thich cach ding thi hién tai thudng va thi hién tai tiép dién trong nhitng tinh huéng sau déy. . 218 1. An: How about an ice-cream. Tan? Tan : An ice-cream? In this weather? It's so cold An: Why not? Look at the people. Many are eating ice- cream. Many people eat ice-cream in winter. Tan : They do, but I think it’s not good to eat ice-cream in winter. Besides, I don't like eating in the street. I don't think it's nice. An :Itisn't. You are right. 2. Tam: Nam, are you learning Russian at school? Nam: I. am. Tam: [hope you like Russian. Nam: Oh, yes, I do, but it isn't easy. Tam: It certainly is not, but English isn't either. 3. Van: Lan, are you reading in the dark again? Turn on the light. Lan: Oh yes. It is getting dark. Vén: What are you reading? Lan: It is an English book. It's very good book. Van: You read a lot, don't you? . Lan: Well. I like reading. People learn so many things from books. Van: I believe you are right. But I sometimes think you give little time to your study. Lan: Why? | am doing well at the Institute. Van: Not so well. 4. Minh : Lé, I see you are smoking again. You know the doctor says that you mustn't smoke. Lé — : Yes, I do, but I like smoking. Minh. : But you mustn't smoke so much. Lé —: I don't think I smoke too much. Minh : You do, and you know it too. Lé — : Well, this is my last cigarette today. Minh : [hope it is. 2. Chia nhitng déng tit trong ngodc don cho ding véi tinh hudng (ding thi hién tai thiring hotic hién tai tiép dién). 1. She (to go) to school everyday. 2. Bad students never (to work) hard. 3.1t often (to rain) in Summer. It (to rain) now. 4. The teacher always (to point) at the black-board when he (to want) to explain something. 5. Mother (to cook) some food in the kitchen at present, she always (to cook) in the morning. 6. I always (to mect) him on the corner of this street. 7. What you (to do)? - I (to go) my homework. 8. Where you (to go) now? - I (to go) to the theatre. 9. What you (to read) when you are on holiday? I (to read) novels. Now I (to read) "The Iron Heel" by Jack London. 10. He (to do) his morning exercises regularly? - Yes, he (to do). He (to do) his morning exercises in the playground now. 11. I (to think) that I (to know) how He is a great. nuisance. He (to cry) all the time. 12. You (to understand) the use of the present continuous tense quite well now? - I (to do) an to use it now. 219 THi QUA KHU THUONG VA THI QUA KHU TIEP DIEN (The Simple Past and The Past Continuous) I. THI QUA KHU THUONG VA DONG TINH TU QUA KHU A. Quy tac chia 6 thi qua kha thuéng va cau tao dong tinh - tt qaa kha. 1. Quy tac chinh: a) Muén chia mét dong tit é thi qua kha thudng va muén ca&u tao mét dong tinh tu qua khw chi cin thém ed vao ngay sau déng ty do. Thi du: Dong tWnguyén | Qué khi thuGng |Dong tinh tv qua kha thé (Infinitive) (Simple Past) (Past Participle) 'To work I, he, she, it, we, lyou, they (worked) |worked b) Quy tac thém ed: 1, Nhiing truGng hop dac biét: *, Nhiing déng ti tan cing bang e cam, thi chi can thém d. To change : changed. To divide : divided To advise : advised To love : loved *, Nhiing dong tw tan cing bang mét phu 4m dting sau mét nguyén &m, truéc khi thém ed phai gap déi phu 4m cudi. 220 To rub : rubbed To stop : stopped To hug : hugged Nhung: To look : looked To brush : brushed *, Nhiing dong ti tan cing bang y ding sau phu 4m truée khi thém ed thi déi thanh i. To try : tried To deny : denied Nhung: To play : played c) Quy tdc phat Am ed. 1. Quy tac chung: [d] played (pleid) answered (a:nsed) lived (iva) filled (fild) opened (oupnd) tied (taid) 2. Sau ¢, d: (td) seated (si:tid) spotted (spo:tid) needed (‘ni:did) divided {di'vaidid) 3. Sau k, p, f, x, ss, sh, ch, ce tite 1a cac Am (), (p), ), ), D, (¢) dude phat thanh (¢). 221 worked hoped leafed boxed mised brushed watched danced [wo:kt] [houpt] [li:ft] [bokst] [mist] [ounft] [wt] [da:nst] 2. Dong tit bat quy tAc (Irregular Verbs) Nhiing dong tit bat quy tac 1a nhiing déng ti khi chia 6 thi qua khé thudng va khi déi sang déng tinh tu qua khit khéng theo quy tac chung, nghia 1a khéng tan cing bing ed. Mdi déng tit nay cé mét hinh thai riéng hodec cing mét dang nhu dong tw nguyén thé. (Kem bang day di 6 cuéi bai). Thidu: Dong tux eng ‘, A “ ~» ond khij nguyén thé Qua khi thuéng Dong tinh tt qua kha To be (I, he, she, it) was been (we, you, they) were To have had had To do did done To speak |spoke spoken Can could May might Chu y: Nhiing dong tit khuyét Shall should thiéu (defective) khéng c6 déng Will would tinh ttt qia kha Must must/had to Ought lought/hhad to 222 8. Bigu dé téng hgp chia dong tiv 6 thi qaa kha thudng 64 thé. Mét sé thi du mau cac loai dong tu. a) To be, to have. Thi du: To be the movies last night. + I, he, she was at the movies last night. We, you, they |were lat the movies last night. - I, he, she was not jat the movies last night. We, you, they |were not |at the movies last night. 2+ |Was I, he, she lat the movies last night? Were _|we, you, they at the movies last night? ?-|Wasn’t |I, he, she at the movies last night? Weren't |we, you, they at the movies last night? To have tickets for the theatre last night. + I, he, she had tickets for the theatre We, you, they |had last night. tickets for the theatre last night. - I, he, she had not |tickets for the theatre We, you, they _lany (no) |last night. 2+ |Had I, he, she (any) tickets for the theatre We, you, they last night? ?- |Hadn‘t |\I, he, she (any) tickets for the theatre We, you, they last night? 223 b) Dong tit thudng (Ordinary Verb). Thi du: Dong tit theo quy tac: To work at the institute last year. Dong tit bat quy tac. To leave for Paris yesterday. + I, he, she worked {at the institute last year. We, you, they I, he, she left for Paris yesterday. We, you, they ~ I, he, she did not jat the institute last year. We, you, they |work I, he, she did not |for Paris yesterday. We, you, they |leave 2+ |Did — jJ, he, she work at the institute last year? We, you, they Did I, he, she leave for Paris yesterday? |We, you, they ?- |Didn’t |I, he, she work lat the institute last year? We, you, they Didn't |I, he, she leave for Paris yesterday? |We, you, they 224 ¢) Dong tu khuyét thiéu (Defective Verb). Thi du : Can swim far. I, he, she could swim far We, you, they I, he, she could not swim |far We, you, they Could I, he, she swim far? We, you, they 9. uu Couldn't I, he, she swim far? We, you, they Bai tap L a) b) Doc nhitng cau dudi day 6 thi qua kh thudng. 6 thi qua khd thudng thé pha dinh. (Xem phan dong tit bat quy tac). Thi du: Aer PN DP a) | broke a cup I break rea a cup { b) I didn't break a cup. - I break a cup. . It begins to rain. We like oranges. You cut your finger. . She comes early. They have a car. I know his name. He does his work well. 225 226 9. They can speak English well. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23, He can speak English well. We swim in the sea. She shuts the door softly. We must go home. Mother makes a cup of tea. She loses her way. We go out every day. He plays football every Sunday. He tears his coat. She may use your dictionary. . They sweep the room. 21. He teaches English at the Institute. . She tells us a story. . She takes her son to the kindergarten. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Tread a book before I go to bed. The sick man gets better. He eats his lunch quickly. We ring the bell. He sits down in his arm-chair. They understand everything. I fall all. 2. Doc nhitng cau dudi day 6 a) thé ghi van. b) thé nghi van pha dinh. Thidu: Nam went to a shop. a) Did Nam go to a shop? b) Didn't Nam go to a shop? a) 1. Nam went to a shop. 2. He bought some eggs. 3. He paid for them. 4. He put them into a bag. 5. He lost the bag. 6. He left it in a tram. b) 7. Mr. An rang the bell. 8. Ba opened the door for him. 9. Mr. An sat down and waited. 10: He looked at the pictures on the wall. 11. He tried to read a newspaper. 12. Mr. Ba came in. 13. He said good morning to him. c) 14. A bird made a nest in this tree. 15. Van saw he nest. 16. He climbed the tree. 17. He took the nest. 18. One of the branches broke. 19. Van fell down and broke his arm. d) 20. Mr. Minh knew English well. 21. He became teacher. 22. He taught the boys English. 23. Everybody liked him. 24. Everybody understood his explanations. 227 3. Trd loi nhitng cdu hoi sau day theo tinh huéng tu chon (tra lai bang céu tron ven dé luyén cach chia dong tit). Thi du: What did he write? - He wrote a letter 1. Where were you last night? 2. Was he late to class? 3. Where did you go last night? 4. How long did you wait for him? 5. How many years did it take to build this bridge? 6. When did you buy that hat? 7. When did you leave school? 8. What time did you get up this morning? 9. What did you have for breakfast? 10. How long did you spend there? -11 Which of those books did you like best? 12. When did you find your bag? 13. When did your boy take the examination? 14. Where did you spend your holidays last year? 15. When did you begin to learn English? B. Cach ding thi qua khit thudng (Simple Past) Thi qué khié thudng ding dé dian ta : 1, Mét hanh dong, mét su viée dé xdy ra va da xong 6 mét diém thoi gian (x) trong quad khit. No thuGng di véi mét pho tir thoi gian chi qua khw (yesterday, last month, a year ago...). Nhung cing 6 nhiéu triting hay Khdug, 6 phé ty, abide gue vAn ch. 228 qua kha hién tai When did he leave? Anh ay da di tit bao gid? - He left yesterday. Anh ay di hém qua. Where were you last night? T6i qua anh 6 dau? - I was at the movies. Téi 6 rap chiéu bong. The first man's flight into space took place on the 12th of April 1961. Chuyén bay cua con ngudi dau tién vao va tru dién ra ngay 12 thang 4 nam 1961. They were very sorry to hear about the accident. Ho rat lay lam buén khi nghe vé vy tai nan. They had two tickets for the show. Ho c6 hai vé di xem biéu dién. 2. Mét hanh dong, mot su viéce da dién ra trong cd mét khoang thoi gian, mét thoi ky trong qua khit. —-x qua kha hién tai How long were you in the army? 229 - Iwas from 1945 to 1960. Mr. Nam served as chairman of the Committee for two years. During the Summer holiday, the students went on a camping trip. 3. Nhiing viéc lam ké tiép nhau trong qué khit. I woke very early, jumped out of bed, dressed quickly and without having any breakfast, left home. 4. M6t viée lam thwéng xdy ra, mét thoi quen trong qua khit. Thuong di véi mOt pho ti tan suat (frequency adverb). Did he come to sce you often? - Yes, he came every week. We saw him from time to time. He always carried an umbrella. They never drank wine. (xem bai "Nhiing dong tii dac bidt" : used to va would) IL. THI QUA KHU TIEP DIEN (The Past Continuous) A. Cach chia - On lai cong thite chia cac thi tiép dién: To be + present participle cua déng tit muén chia. - Thi qua khti tiép dién: Thi du: To be working in the garden. + I, he, she was working in the garden. We, you, they jwere working | I, he, she was not working |in the garden. We, you, they |were not working |..... 230 + |Was I, he, she working lin the garden? Were _|We, you, they |working 2. |Wasn’t \I, he, she working ‘in the garden? Weren't |We, you, they |working B. Cach ding thi qua khw tiép dién Thi qua khi tiép dién ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét su viéc, mot hanh dong tiép dién trong qua khit. Were you living here last year? Nam ngoai anh séng 6 day a? - No, I was living in Haiphong. Khong, toi séng 6 Hai Phong. The car was running fine this morning. Sang nay chiéc xe chay tét. She was sitting at the window looking at the rising sun. Cé ay ngéi bén cia sé ngdm nhin mat trdi. It was raining the whole day yesterday. Hém qua trdi mua ca ngay. 2. Mét vide dang tiép dién trong qua khtt déng thdi c6 mot viéc khac xdy dén (viée dang tiép dién duge dién ta bang thi qua khit tiép dién, viée kia duge dién ta bang thi qué kha thuéng). x Fa viée xay dén viée tiép dién | x qua khit | hién tai What were you doing when I telephoned you last night? Anh dang lam gi khi t6i goi dién thoai cho anh téi qua? 231 - I was doing my chemistry assignment. Téi dang chuan bi bai thi héa hoe. I was reading a book when he came in. T6i dang doc sAch thi anh ay vao. Bai tap 4. Ding thi qué khit thiing va thi qué khit tiép dién chia nhitng dong tit trong ngode don G nhiing cau dudi day. . Columbus (to discover) America more than 400 years ago. . They (to come) here a month ago. 1 2 3. They (to come) to see me last weck. 4, Albert Einstein (to die) on April 18, 1955. 5. Mrs. Nam (to cook) dinner when we (to arrive). 6. The wind (to blow) very hard when (to go out) this morning. 7. 1 (to have) lunch with Dong yesterday. 8. The boy (to jump off) the tram while it (to move). 9. He (to sit) in the garden and suddenly an apple (to fall down) before him. 10. The children (to do) their home-work when their father (to come in). 11. When I (to arrive) at his house he still (to sleep). 12. While you (to play) the piano I (to write) a letter. 13. When it (to rain) she (to carry) an umbrella. 14. When my grandmother (to go) for a walk she always (to carry) an umbrella. 15. I (to drink) milk everyday when I (to be) a boy. 16. He (to study) medicine at that time? Yes, he was. 232 17. You (to take) a nap when he (to call)? 18. Who you (to take) to in the club last night when I (to ask) you for a cigarette? 5. Dung thi thich hop trong 4 thi: hién tai thudng, hién tai tiép dién, qua khit thuong, .:".d khit tiép dién chia nhitng dong tit trong ngodc dn d nhitng cau 'udi day. 1. Nam (to buy) several records last. week. 2. I (to be born) in Hanoi but (to spend) most of my childhood in the country. 8. My elder brother (to join) the army when he (to be) eighteen. 4, It (to rain) very hard now. 5. It (to rain) very hard when I (to get up) this morning. 6. What you (to do) yesterday? - I (to get up) very early, (to have) my breakfast and then I {to go) to my office. 7, On my way to work I generally (to meet) many children who (to go) to school. 8. My children (to work) very hard. Lan (to study) for an examination now. 9. The sun (to warm) the air and (to give) us light. 10. They (to finish) their dinner half an hour ago. 11. Be quict! I (to want) to hear the news broadcast. 12. Egypt (to produce) some of the finest cotton in the world. 13. Some animals (not to eat) during the Winter and only (to come out) in Spring; we (to call) them hibernating animals. 14. What you usually (to read) when you (to be) on holiday? 233 - I (to read) detective stories. Now I (to read) "The Shut door" by Ivor Lock. 15. What she (to do) when you (to arrive) at her house yesterday morning? - She (to cook) her breakfast in the kitchen. III. NHUNG DONG TU BAT QUY TAC Nhiing dong tir bat quy tac tao nén tu mét déng tit géc cing c6 cing mét dang qua kha thudng va dong tinh tw qua khit giéng nhu dong ti géc. Vi thé, trong bang nay chung téi khéng ghi vao day. Thi du: to come came come to overcome overcame overcome to sleep slept slept to oversleep overslept overslept. Nguyénthé Quakhtthudéng Dong tinh tit qua kha abide abode abode arise arose arisen awake awoke awoke, awaked be was/were been bear bore borne become became become befall befell befallen beget. begot begotten begin began begun behold beheld beheld bend bent bent 234 bereave beseech bid (command) bid (offer) bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst, buy can cast catch chide choose cleave cling clothe come cost creep bereaved besought bade bid bound bit bled blew broke bred brought broadcast built burnt, burned burst bought could cast caught chid chose clove, cleft clung clothed, clad came cost crept bereaved, bereft besought bidden bid bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought broadcast built burnt, burned burst bought cast caught chidden chosen cloven, cleft clung clothed, clad come cost crept 235 crow cut dare deal dig do draw dream drink drive dwell eat fall feed feel fight find flee fling fly forbear forbid forgive forsake freeze get gild 236 crowed, crew cut dared, durst dealt dug did drew dreamt, dreamed drank drove dwelled, dwelt ate fell fed felt fought found fled flung flew forbore forbade forgave forsook froze got gilded, gilt crowed cut. ” dared, durst dealt dug done drawn dreamt, dreamed drunk driven dwelled, dwelt eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flung flown forborne forbidden forgiven forsaken frozen got gilded, gilt gird girded, girt ~ girded, girt give gave given go went gone grind ground ground grow grew grown hang hung, hanged hung, hanged have had had hear heard heard hew . hewed hewed, hewn hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurd hurd hurd keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt knit (= unite, knit knit draw togetther) {knit © made garments from woll) is a regular werb] know knew known lay laid laid lead led. led lean leant, leaned leant, leaned leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped learn learn, learned learnt, learned leave left left lend lent lent 237 238 let lie light lose make may meet mow must ought pay put read rend rid ride ring run saw say see seek sell send set sew let lay lit, lighted lost made might met mowed must, had to ought, had to paid put read rent rid rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent. set sewed let lain “it, lighted lost made met mowed, mown paid put read rent rid ridden rung risen run sawed, sawn said seen sought sold sent set sewed, sewn shake shall shear shed shine shoe shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit slay sleep slide sling slink slit smell smite sow speak speed spell spend. spill shook should sheared, shore shed shone shoed, shod shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slew slept slid slung slunk slit smelled, smelt smote sowed spoke speeded, sped spelt, spelled spent spilt, spelled shaken sheard, shore shed shone shoed, shod shot showed, shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slain slept slid slung slunk slit smelled, smelt smitten. sowed, sown spoken speeded, sped spelt, spelled spent spilt, spelled 239 240 spin spit split . spread sprind stand steal stick sting stink strew strike string strive swear sweep swell swim swing take teach tear tell think thrive throw thrust spun spat split spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank, stunk strewed struck strung strove swore swept swelled swam swung took taught tore told thought thrived, thorove threw thrust spun spat “split spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stank, stunk strewed, strewn struck strung striven sworn swept swelled, swollen swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrived, thriven thrown thrust tread understand undertake wake weave weep wet will win wind wring write BAI 19 trod understood undertook woke, waked wove wept wetted, wet would won wound wrung wrote trodden, trod understood undertaken woken, waked woven wept wetted, wet won wound wrung written THi HIEN TAI HOAN THANH VA THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN (The Present Perfect and The Present Perfect Continuous) I. THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH (The Present Perfect Tense) A. Cach chia: 1. Ghi nhé céng thtic chia céc thi hoan thanh (The Perfect Tense) To have + Past Participle cua dong ti muén chia 241 2. Cach chia thi hién tai hoan thanh Thi du: to go out. + I, we, you, they | have gone out. He, she, it has gone out. - I, we, you, they | have not gone out. He, she, it has not gone out. 2+ |Have I, we, you, they gone out? Has he, she, it gone out? 2. |Haven't |I, we, you, they gone out? Hasn't __|he, she, it gone out? . B. Cach dimg thi hién tai hoan thanh Thi hién tai hoan thanh ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét hanh dong, mot su viée bit ddu tw thai diém ndo dé trong qua khe (cé thé biét rd, ma céing cé thé khéng biét rd), hoan thanh 6 hién tai hoc con tiép tuc dén hién tai va con cé thé kéo dai qua hic ndi 6 hién tai. thi hién tai hoan thanh qua kha | hién tai (hic néi) I have finished my homework. Toi da lam xong bai tap 4 nha eta téi. (Viée di hoan thanh vao lic néi) Thave lived here since 1945. Toi da song o day tix nam 1945. (Ngu ¥ vn cén song 6 day, hién hic dang néi). 242 He has worked in this factory for many years. Anh ta lam viéc 6 nha may nay da nhiéu nam nay. (Neu ¥ vin edn tiép tue 1am vide & d6) . How long has Mr. Nam been at the University? He has taught here for about seven years. (Ngu § hédi mot su vide da kéo dai dugc bao lau tit trude dén nay). Ong Nam da day 6 truéng Dai hoc duge bao lau? Ong ay da day 6 day khoang bay nam. 2. Mét hanh dong, mét su viéc da xong trong qua khit nhung con lién quan chat ché vdi hién tai (cé thé c6 su viéc cu thé nhung cing c6 thé chi ngu trong y ngudi néi) (xem phan Idi ghi trong bai tap 6 duéi so sinh cach dang thi qua khi thudng véi thi hién tai hoan thanh) da xong (thi hién tai hoan thanh) qua khtt hién tai (hic néi) I have received two tickets to the opera. Do you want to go with me? (Téi da nhan duge hai vé di xem nhac kich... viéc nhan duge vé da xong ti trude nhung cé lién quan dén viée mdi ban di xem, nén van chia 6 thi hién tai hoan thanh). T have studied all the documents in this case. Téi d nghién citu tat ca cac tai liéu trong vu nay. (Ngu ¥ viée nghién cttu tai liéu da xong tit truée. Bay gid (lic n6i) da nm duge day da van dé). lam, mét su viéc, mét hanh d6ng viva mdi hoan thanh. Ding véi "just". hién tai hoan thanh - (just) x x qua kha hién tai (Ite néi) Have they got back yet? - Yes, they have just come in. Chting né da vé chua? - Da, chting no vita mdi vé. He has just finished his homework. N6 vita mdi lam xong bai tap 6 nha cia né. Loi ghi: Thi hién tai hoan thanh twong ddi kho. Mudn ndm ving, cin lam tat ca nhiing bai tap dudi day. Bai tap 1. Trd loi nhitng edu héi sau day (ding dang tré lai dai hode ngan tuy theo tinh huéng). Cha ¥: Dang tra 16i ngin (dang thi hién tai hoan thanh). Have you had your breakfast yet? - Yes, I have. - No, I haven't. 1. Have you heard from Nam recently? 2. How long have you known him? 3. Have you ever driven a car before? 4. How he ever travelled in India? 5. How many times have you seen the "Hamlet"? 244 6. Have you lived here all your life? 7. Have you learnt the Perfect Tenses before? 8. Has anyone cleaned the blackboard? 9. Have you seen a good film recently? 10. Have you written down all these questions? 11. What good books have you read during the last few months? 12. Where have you put your pencil? 13. Who has just gone out of the room? 14. Who has taken my pencil? 15. Have you understood the lesson? Léi ghi: cha y cach dang since, for va ago. a) Since va for thudng duge ding véi thi hién tai hoan thanh. since ding trudéc mét ti (hodc mot cau) chi "diém thdi gian" hodc “ky thdi gian" trong qua khu. For ding truéc mét tit chi "khoang théi gian" bat dau ti qua khut kéo dai cho dén thai diém hién tai (lic ndi). Thi du: T have not seen him since last Monuay. ‘Si chua hé gap no tii th hai. They have not spoken to each other since they quarrelled. Ti ngay chung cai nhau dén nay ching khong ndi chuyén véi nhau nifa. I have been here for two weeks. Toi da 6 day duge hai tuan. b) Ago ding véi thi qua khit thudng (simple past) dé dién ta mét viée da qua trong qua kha. Thi du: Columbus discovered America more than 400 years ago. 245 Bai tap 2. Dung thi thich hop chia nhitng dong tu trong ngode don. Dién vao ché tréng bang since, for hodc ago. 1. I (not to see) him... Christmas. 2. I (not to see) him... three days. 3. We (to be) here... two hours. 4. We (to be) here... last January. 5. I (not to meet) him... more than two years. 6. I (not to meet) him... last month. 7. They (to live) in this street... 1960. 8. He (not to send) me any money... last month. 9. They (to come) here a month... 10. You (to wait) long for me? - I (to wait) for you... half an hour. 11. I (not to meet) her... I (to leave) Haiphong a month... 12, My brother (to leave) for Moscow a week... C. So sanh va phan biét cach dung: Thi hién tai hodn thanh (Present-Perfect) véi thi qua khit thudng (Simple Past) Thi qua khit thudng Thi hién tai hoan thanh 1) Dién ta mét viée da xong han trong qua kh (khéng kéo dai dén hién tai) Did you see him yesterday? - Yes, [saw him yesterday. 1) Dién ta mét viée bat dau tw mét thai diém trong qua khi con kéo dai dén hién tai, hoac da hoan thanh va cé lién quan dén hién tai. How long haven't you seen him? 246 khéng? - C6, hém qua tdi cd gap han I taught this class for ten years. day 1a 6 trong qua khti). Hom qua anh co gap han Téi da day lép nay 10 ném (nhung bay gid téi khong day nita. Viéc I haven't seen him for three months. Da bao lau nay anh khéng gap han ta réi? Toi khéng gap han ta da ba thang nay réi. Thave taught this class for ten years. Toi da day lép nay tit 10 nam nay (va bay gid tdi cdn day). 2) Thi qua khit thudng thudng di vdi nhiing phé tit hoc trang 2) Thi hién tai hoan thanh thudng di véi pho ti hoac ngit thdi gian chi qua khtt trang ngit thdi gian chi mét khoang théi gian chua cham duit han. yesterday today last week this week Tsaw him last month Ihave seen him this month last year this year two days ago. lately of late... Bai tap _ 3. Ding thi thich hgp (hién tai thuing, hién tai hodn thanh, qué khit thuéng...) chia nhitng d6ng tit trong ngotic don. 1. We (to hear) many good programs on the radio this week. 2. We (to see) him a few times recently. 3. This is the best book that 4. You (to send) Tam money T (to read) late; this month? 247 - Icertainly (to have). I (to send) her money two weeks ago. 5. You (to see) Lan this week? - I (to see) her yesterday, but I (not to talk) to her. 6. You ever (to be) to Paris? - Yes, I (to be) there several times. - But I never (to be) there. - You (must see) the city. It (to be) the most beautiful city J ever (to see). 7. You (to speak) to my sister yesterday? - No, I (not to see) her for a long time. I (can) not remember when I last (to see) her, 8. I (to go) to the Soviet Union five years ago. Since then I (not to speak) Russian, and nearly (to forget) all I (to learn) there. 9. Lam afraid I (to catch) cold. - You (to call) the doctor? - My wife just (to phone) him, 10. Have some more vegetables. - No, thank you, I (to have) enough. - You (to eat) very little, - I never (to eat) much. 4. Chita nhitng cau dudi déy néu sai. 1. Where have you gone last night? - Ihave gone to the theatre. 2. Lam ill for two days. 3. The rain has ceased yesterday. 4. [have finished my letter last night. 248 5. Where do you spend your holidays last year? - Last year, I have spent my holidays at the seaside. 6. [have Junch with Nam yesterday at a restaurant. 8. Columbus has discovered America more than 400 years ago. 9. My youngest brother gets a new job a year ago. 10. I do not see him for a long time. 11. I lived here since 1960. 12. He learns English for three years, but he can't even read a newspaper yet. 13. Lend me your rubber. I made a mistake and wished to rub it out. . 14. Do you read "Pickwich Papers". - I began the book last week and just finished it. * CHI TIET CAN GHI NHG THEM: Thi hién tai hoan thanh thudng hay dugc ding véi nhting phd tu: yet, already, just, lately, of late, recently, ever, always, never, often, nearly, always, seldom, sometimes, hardly, ever. Thi du: Thave not translated this article yet hodc I haven't yet translated this article. Téi chua dich bai bao nay. I have already translated this article. Tdi da dich xong bai bao nay. T have just translated this article. Téi vita dich xong bai bao nay. 249 Thaven't translated such difficult articles of late (lately, recently). Gan day, téi khéng hé dich nhiing bai bao khé nhu thé nay. Have you ever translated such difficult artictes? Cé bao gid anh dich nhiing bai bao khé nhu thé nay chua? Thave never translated such difficult articles by myself. Téi chua hé dich nhiing bai bao khé nhu thé nay mét minh bao gid. I have always translated difficult articles with the help of a dictionary. Téi thudng (luén luén) dich nhiing bai bao khé véi mét cudn tir dién. T have often (sometimes) translated English novels. Thinh thoang tdi cé dich tiéu thuyét tiéng Anh. I have hardly ever translated French novel. Hau nhu chua bao gid ti dich tiéu thuyét tiéng Phap. IL. THi HIEN TAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense) A. Cach chia + Nhé lai cach chia c4c thi tiép dién: To be + present participle ciia déng tiv muén chia + Cach chia thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién. Thi du: To be working in the garden early morning. + Ll, we have been working in the garden since you, they early morning. He, she jhas been working in the garden since early morning. 250 I, we Ihave not been working \in the garden since you, they learly morning. He, she |has not been working [in the garden since early morning. 2+ )Have I, we, been working in the garden since you, they early morning? Has he, she {been working ‘in the garden since early morning? 2. |Haven't|I, you, |been working in the garden since we, they early morning? Hasn't |he, she |been working in the garden since carly morning? B. Cach ding thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién ‘Thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét hanh déng bat dau ti mét thai diém 6 qua khtt kéo dai dén hién tai va vin con dang tiép dién (xem muc so s4nh véi thi hién tai tiép dién 6 dudi). He has been working in the garden since morning. Anh ta dang lam vuin tit sing sém (dén bay gid va hién tai anh ta van dang lam). She has been lying there for three hours. Cé ta nim 6 d6 da ba tiéng déng hé (va hién gid cd ta van nam 6 dé). 2. Qué trinh tiép dién cua mét hanh dong bat dau tt qué kha dén hién tai. Cha yéu 1a dé nhan manh vao qua trinh tiép dién a6. Hanh déng da hoan thanh hic ndi, khong con tiép dién nia. Cach ding nay khong phé bién bang cach 1. Give me your paper. You look tired and your eyes are red. Evidently you have been writing all this time. 251 Anh hay dua bai cia anh cho téi. Tréng anh mét va mAt anh dé Jén réi. Han 1a anh da viét suét buéi. Neu y hanh dong viét bat dau tit mét thdt diém trong qua kht va kéo dai dén hién tai nhung da xong. Luc nay khong con tiép dién nita. Iam so sorry I am late. Have you been waiting long? Téi xin 161 toi dén mu6n. Anh dgi cé au khéng? (nhan manh vao qué trinh dién ra cia hanh dong "doi". Lac nay hanh déng dgi khéng cén tiép dién nia) Léi ghi: 1. So sanh va phan biét cach ding thi hién tai tiép dién (Present Continuous), hién tai hoan thanh (Present Perfect) va hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién (Present Perfect Continuous) trong nhiing thf du duéi day: a. He is lying on the floor. Anh ta dang nm trén san, (dang tiép dién hic nay). b. He has been lying on the floor for three hours. Anh ta da nam trén san dude ba tiéng déng hé (va van dang ndm lic nay). c. Lam writing a letter to my friend. Téi dang viét thu cho ban téi (dang tiép dién hic nay). d. T have written three letters since breakfast. Téi viét dude ba bite thu ti hic An sang, (dén hic nay viée viét da thanh). e. | have been writing letters since breakfast. Téi viét thu ti bita sang dén gid (viét thu luc an sang, hién van cén viét). 252 2. Suy ti nhiing quy tac trén, ta thay cé nhiéu tinh hudng c6 thé duge dién ta bang thi hién tai hoan thanh hoac bang thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién déu dugc. Sdc thai khae nhau 1a: a. Thi hién tai hoan thanh nhan vao su viéc. b. Thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién nhdn manh vao hanh dong tiép dién. Thi du: He has lived here for six weeks. Anh ta da séng 6 day 6 tudn. He has been living here for six weeks. Anh ta da séng 6 day duge 6 tudn réi. How long have you learnt English? Anh da hoc tiéng Anh bao lau réi? How long have you been learning English? Anh da hoc tigng Anh dude bao lau ri? Bai tap 5. Tuy theo tinh huéng ding thi thich hop (hién tai thudng hién tai tiép dién, qua khit thutng, qua khit tiép dién, hién tai hodn thanh, hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién) chia cde déng tit trong ngodc don. 1. He (not to be) here since Christmas, I (to wonder) where he (to live) since then. 2. We (to live) here for the last six months, and just (to decide) to move. 3. He (to write) a novel for the last two years but he (not to finish) it yet. 4. They (to be) tired because they (to work) in the garden since 9 o'clock. 253 5. 1 (to be) cold because (to swim) for an hour. 6, She ought to stop work, she (to have) a headache because she (to read) too long. . 7. Lunch (not be) quite ready yet, although I (to cook) all the morning. 8. She (to work) so hard this week that she (not to have time) to go to the hairdresser. 9, Since when you (to know) him? 10. I (to be born) in Hanoi but (to spend) most of my childhood in the country. 11. I (to learn) English when I (to be) at school. 12. I (to learn) English for the last two years and now I (to learn) Russian too. 13. I (to see) you yesterday. You (to drink) beer at a cafe but you (not to see) me. 14. Mother (to cook) some food in the kitchen at present, she always (to cook) in the morning. 15. Look! A man (to run) after the train. He (to want) to catch it. 16. My children (to work) very hard. Nam (to study) for an examination now. 17. What you (to look) for? - I (to lose) my purse near here and I (to want) to find it before it gets dark. When you (to lose) it? - I thing that I (to drop) it when I (to go) to school this morning. 18. We (to go) to the mountains last Sunday. While we (to 254 eat) our lunch there, a man, (to fall) from the stones and (to hurt) his head. We (to take) him to the hospital in our car and (to be) to see him twice since then. He (to get) better now.. THi QUA KHU HOAN THANH VA THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN (The Past Perfect Tense and the Past Perfect Continuous Tense) I. THE QUA KHU HOAN THANH (The Past Perfect Tense) A. Cach chia + Nhé lai céng thiie vé each chia cc thi hoan thanh: To have + past participle cha déng tii muén chia. + Cach chia 6 thi qua khtt hoan thanh: Thi du: To go out. + I, he, she, it had gone out. We, you, they I, he, she, it had not gone out. We, you, they ?+ |Had I, he, she, it gone out? we, you, they ?- |Hadn't {I, he, she, it gone out? we, you, they 255 Dang viét tat: I'd (he'd, she'd, It'd, we'd, you'd, they'd) gone out. B, Cach ding thi qua khw hoan thanh * Thi qua kha hoan thanh ding dé dién ta: 1, Mét hanh déng, mét su viée xay ra trude va c6 lién quan tdi mét viéc khac trong qua khu (méi lién quan nay tuong tu mét lién quan gitia thi higén tai hoan thanh véi thi hién tai thudng). hién tai hoan thanh qua kh hoan thanh qua kh hién tai He thanked me for what | had done for him. Anh ay cém gn téi vé nhitng diéu tdi da lam cho anh ta. (viée lam xdy ra trude viée cam on, vide Iam cé lién quan tdi viée cam on, hai viéc déu 6 qua khit. So sénh véi: He thanks me for what I have done for him). After I had heard the news, I hurried to see him. Sau khi nghe tin Ay, téi vi vang dén tham anh ta. (viéc nghe thay xay ra trude va 6 lién quan téi viée voi dén tham. Ca hai viée déu xay ra trong qua khu. So sdnh véi: After | have heard the news, I Aurry to see him). He had lost his case and had to borrow Nam's shirt. Anh Ay mat cai va-li va phai mugn cai sd-mi cla anh Nam. (Viée mdét xay ra truée va cé lién quan dén viée phai muon. Ca hai viée déu xay ra trong qua kht. So sAnh vdi: He has lost his case and has to borrow Nam's shirt) 256 2. Mét hanh dong, mét su viée xay ra 6 mét thai diém nao dé trude lic néi 6 méc qua kha. Do dé ngudi ta con goi tin nay 1a thi trude qua khit (before-past) . qua khtt hoan thanh (X) | "| qua kh : hién tai (luc néi) He met her in Moscow in 1960. He had seen her last ten years before. Her hair had been grey then, now it was white. Anh ta d@ gap ba Ay 6 Mat-xcd-va vao nam 1960. Anh ta da gap ba 4y lan cudi cing cach day 10 nam. Héi dy te ba ta mdi hoa ram, bay gid thi toc ba ta da bac hét. T had just poured myself out a cup of tea when the phone rang. When I came back from answering it, the cup of tea was empty. Somebody had drunk the tea or thrown it away. T6i vita méi rét cho minh mét tach ché thi chudng dién thoai goi. Khi téi tra ldi xong quay lai thi tach ché khong cén gi. Cé ai da udng hodc dé di mat. Cha y: Thi qua khi hoan thanh thuéng khéng ding mét minh, bao gid cing di déi véi thi qua khit thudng (hoac c6 thé néi r6 hode cd thé &n). Bai tap 1. Chia nhitng déng tit trong ngodc don cho dung vdi tinh Auéng (ding hai thi: qué khit thuéng va quad khit hodn thanh). 1. We (to thank) him for what he (to do) for us. 257 2. 1 (to be sorry) that I (to hurt) him. *, 3. He (to die) after he (to be) ill a long time. 4. It (to rain) yesterday after it (to be) dry for many months. 5. You (to post) the letter you (to write) it. 6. She (to tell) me her name after I (to ask) her twice. 7. He (to ask) why we (to come) so early. 8. We (to ask) him what countries he (to visit). 9. We (to see) clearly that we (to take) the wrong way. 10. When we (to arrive) the dinner already (to begin). 11. Before we (to go) very far, we (to find) that we (to lose) our way. 12. I (to read) the book after I (to finish) my work, 13. Why you (not to go) to the doctor after I (to tell) you to? 14. The river (to become) deeper after it (to rain) heavily. 15. He (to tell) us that he (to go) to the seaside for a holiday. IL. THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN (The Past Perfect Continuous Tense) A. Cach chia + Nhé lai cong thie chia dong ti 6 thi tiép dién. To be + present participle cua déng tu muén chia. + Cach chia thi gud khit hoan thanh tiép dién. Thidu: To be working to the garden. + I, he, she had been working in the garden. We, you, they I, he, she had not been working |in the garden. |We, you, they 258 2+ |Had I, he, she been working in the garden? we, you, they 2. |Hadn’‘t |I, he, she been working “lin the garden? lwe, you, they B. Cach dang thi qua kha hoan thanh tiép dién Loi ghi: Méi lién quan gitia thi qua khit hoan thanh tiép dién véi méc qua khd cing tudng tu nhu méi lién quan gitia thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién véi méc hign tai. Kem bai: Thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién). Hién tai hoan thanb tiép dién Qua khd hoan thanh tiép dién ___ qua kha hién tai Thi qua khit hoan thanh tiép dién ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét hanh déng xay ra truéc, kéo dai va con tip dién dén hic néi ¢ mée quia khit. When we went to see them last night, they were playing chess. They said they had been playing since 6 o'clock. Téi hém qua khi chting téi dén tham cac anh dy, cac anh ay dang choi cd. Cac anh Ay néi rang cdc anh Ay da choi cd ti hic 6 gid (va lic dé vin dang tiép tuc chai) 2. Qua trinh tiép dién ca mét hanh dong kéo dai tix truéc va cé thé dén hic néi 6 méc qué khit thi da hoan thanh (chi khong con tiép dién nita). It was six and he was very tired because he had been working all day. 259 Da sau gid rdi, anh dy mét lim vi da lam viée sudt cA ngay. (Co thé 18 Ic dé anh ay khéng lam viéc ntta. Ngu ¥ 1a dé nhén vao qua trinh tiép dién cha hanh dong "lam vié Bai tap 2. Ding cde thi: hién tai thudng, hién tai tiép dién, qua khit thuong, qué khit tiép dién, hién tai hoan thank, hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién, qua khit hoan thanh, qua khit hoan thanh tiép dién dé chia cdc déng tit trong ngoge don cho dung vdi tinh hudng. (Litu ¥ dén nhitng dong tit dé chia réi va in nghiéng dé ndm vitng moc thoi gian). 1. Water (to boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. 2. I cannot go out because it (to rain) 3. The factory (to begin) operation last year. 4. When I (to call) at his house, they fold me that he (to leave) an hour before. 5. On checking up his answers he found that he (to give) five wrong examples. 6. When I (to leave) home, it (to rain) and as it (to rain) since the morning, the fields were quite muddy. 7. Clouds (to gather) all day and now the rain came down in sheets. 8. They walked together through the busy street. He (to talk) to her of his work at hospital and she (to tell) him what she (to do) at the factory that week. 9. You (to speak) to my sister yesterday? - No, I (no to see) her for a long time. I (can) not remember when I last (to see) her. 260 10. I (to learn) English for the last two years, and now I (to study) Russian, too. 11. You (to go) to the cinema last night? - - No, I (not to be) for three weeks. 12. Lend me your pen, I (to lose) mine. 13. While I (to walk) through the park with my friend last night, a man (to snatch) his bag from his hand and (to run) away. I (can) not run after him because it (to be) too dark to leave him alone. The police (not to catch) him yet. 14. When I (to come) to see them last night, they (to play) chess, they (to say) they (to play) since 7 o'clock. 15. We (to wait) here for half an hour now, so I (to think) she will not come. - She always (to arrive) late or you (to think) something (to happen) to her? - I not to know), but I (to think) we (to wait) long enough. 261 BAI 21 CAC THI TUONG LAI (Tenses Expressing the Future) I. THi TUONG LAI THUONG (The Simple Future) A. Cach chia Ng6i 1 (sé it va séjI, we Shall + dong ti nguyén thé nhiéu) (b6 To) Ngéi 2 You, Will + dong tit nguyén thé Ng@i 3 (sd it va s6/He, she, it, |(b6 To) nhiéu) they Thi du: To go to Haiphong + I, we, shall go |to Haiphong. You, he, she, they | wilt go __|to Haiphong. I, we, shall go |to Haiphong. You, he, she, they |will go _|to Haiphong. ?+ |Shall |I, we, go to Haiphong? Will You, he, she, they _|go to Haiphong? ?- |Shan't {I, we, go to Haiphong? Won't | You, he, she, they_|go to Haiphong? Cha y: 1. Quy t&ec trén 4p dung cho tat cA cdc dong ti triv nhting dong tit khuyét tiéu (defective verbs). Muén chia é thi tugng lai thuéng thudng phai thay thé nhiing déng tit d6 b can, may, must ang nhiing dong ti tuong duong. 262 Can: to be able to. Must: to be allowed to. Must: to have to, to be obliged to. Thi du: + Can swim across the river - I shall be able to swim across the river. - He will be able to swim across the river. + Must work harder - | shall have to work harder. - He will have to work harder. B. Ghi nhé dang viét tat I shall T'll [ail] He will he'll (hi: I] You will | You'll, fju:l] She will |she'll [fi:l] We shall _| We'll [wi:l] They will {they'll féeil] I shall not: He will not: won't [wount] We” shan't [fa:nt] She “ You They C. Cach ding thi tuong lai thwéng (Simple Future) Thi tuong lai thudng ding dé dign ta: 1. Mét viée lam, mét hanh dong, mdt su viée sé xay ra trong tuong lai. tuong lai x | 4 hién tai 263 I shall be twenty one on Thursday. Dén thu nam téi sé hai musi mét tuéi. Next year Christmas Day will be ona Tuesday. Sang nam ngay lé Thién chtia giang sinh sé vao ngay thi ba. When shall I see you again? Khi nio téi sé lai duge gap anh? I think it will rain tomorrow. T6i nghi 14 ngay mai trdi sé mua mat. Cha y: Lan luot lam hét nhiing bai tap vA xem ky 10i ghi cha ting bai dé nam viing cach ding thi tuong lai thuéng, Bai tap 1. L6i ghi: Ghi nhé dang tra 13i ngdn duge cu héi dang thi tudng lai thudng véi "shall, will". 264 - Will you have time to do your homework this week? - Yes, I shall. - Will he be here tomorrow? - Yes, he will. - No, he won't. Trd Idi nhitng cu héi dudi day: 1. Will you have time to do your homework this week? 2, Will he be here tomorrow? 3. Will there be a class next Thursday? 4. Who'll come to the pictures with me? 5. How will you get home? 6. Will you come here again next week? 7. Shall I have time to finish the letter? 8. How long will your friends be here? 9. When will my shoes be ready? 10. Will there be time to buy the tickets? 11. When shall we see you again? . 12. Will the shop be opened at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning? 2. Loi ghi: Thi tuong lai véi sc thai nghia dac biét (coloured future): + Dang will vdi ngéi thi 1 (sd it va sO nhiéu): dién ta ¥ nhan manh, quyét tam, hia hen cua ngudi néi cht ngit I, we). Thi du: I won't forget what you've told me. Téi sé kh6ng quén ldi anh bao téi, (ngu ¥ hita hen, nhat dinh khéng quén). I will finish my work even if I have to stay up all night. Tdi sé lam xong cOng viéc cua tdi ngay da co phai thtte suét dém, (ngu y quyét tam). + Dang shall 6 ngéi thi 2 va 3 (sé ft va sé nhiéuj wen ta: héa hen quyét tam, de doa vé phia ngudi néi (trong tinh huéng nay ngudi néi 1a mét ngudi khac, khéng phai la cha ng cua cau). Thi du: If you work hard you shall have a holiday on Saturday. Néu anh lam viée tich cyc, anh sé dude nghi vao ngay thit bay (ngu y hua hen vé phia ngudi néi). The enemy shall not pass. Quan dich sé khéng qua duge (ngu y quyét tam khéng cho quan dich vugt qua vé phia ngudi néi). He shall never come here again. Hn ta sé khéng bao gid tré lai day nia (ngu y de doa, kién quyét vé phia ngudi néi). 265 Ding will va shall dién vao nhitng ché trong (va gidi thich tinh huéng). 1, You... not go until I know the truth. . 2. You... have a piece of chocolate if you're good. 3. I'm determined he... not come here again. 4, You... have the money as soon as I get it. 5. [promise you that you... not lose by it. 6. I. not forget your birthday. I... send you a present. 7. L.. come with you if you want me to. 8. He... have what he asks for, but you... not. 9... you lend me 5 d? I... pay you back tomorrow. 10. I'm sure he... be punished. 3. Léi ghi: Ngudi ta khong dung thi tuong lai thing (simple future): a) Trong ménh dé trang ngit thdi gian sau nhiing lién ti thdi gian nhu: when, after, before, as soon as, till, until... (xem thém Lién tw). Thi du: I shall go as soon as you are ready. Chung ta sé di ngay khi anh xong xudi. (Hai su viée déu 6 tugng lai. Nhung trong ménh dé trang ngd, sau lién t¥ as soon as ngvdi ta khong ding thi tung lai véi shall, will. Trong trudng hgp nay ngudi ta ding thi hién tai thiéng dé thay thé cho thi twong lai (xem bai: Thi hién tai thudng). Mot vi du khée: He will tell you when you get home. I'll come and see you before I leave for Moscow. 266 b) Trong ménh dé diéu kién sau lién ti Jf (xem thém bai 25: nhiing déng tit dae biét, muc déng tit shall, will va bai 28: Cac loai cu diéu kién, muc 11, 2). Thi du: If you aren’t careful, you will spoil it. If it is fine, I shall go for a swim. If you call him, he will come. Chia nhitng déng tit trong ngode don. . I'l] go out when the rain (to stop). . I (to stay) here until he (to answer) me. . I (to be ready) before you (to count) ten. . I (to help) her look for it until she (to find) it. . See that it is clean before you (to touch) it. It (to be mended) by the time you (to get back). . Ican't express my opinion until I (to know) the facts. . Let's go to a café when the concert (to be) over. OMADRAAwWNH HE . 1 (to come and see) you as soon as I (to arrive) in Hanoi. 10. You (not to forget) to lock up the house before you (to go out), will you? 11. I (to come and see) you if I (to have) time. 12. You (to be ill) if you (to drink) this water. 13. If you (to take) a taxi, you (to catch) the train. 14, If you (to work) hard, he (to pass) the examination. 15. We (to be pleased) if our school (to win) the match. 267 D. M6t vai chi tiét can ghi nhd thém vé thi twong lai 1. Thi twong lai déi vdi qué kha (the Future in the Past) + Cach chia: Thi du: To go. We should go. T should go. You would go. You would go They would go. + Cach dung - Néu ta ding 6 théi diém hién tai ma néi mét su viée sé xay ra 6 tuong lai (déi véi méc hién tai Ay), ta dang thi tuong lai thuong (simple future). - Néu ta ditng 6 thai diém qua khit ma noi mot su vide xay ra 6 mét théi diém 6 twong lai (d6i véi méc Ay) ta dang thi tuong lai déi vdi qua khi (Future in the Past). x x tuong lai déi véi qua kha tudng lai thuéng x xX qua khit hién tai Thi du: He tells me that he will go to Moscow next month, (simple present) (simple future). 268 Anh 4y bao téi rang anh 4y sé di Matxcova vao thang sau. (Yesterday I met him at the institute) Hém qua téi gap anh ay 6 trong vién. He told me that he would go to Moscow next month. (simple past) (future in the past) M6ét vai thi du kha: We were always glad when Lan said that she would take part in one of our performances. - Ching téi luén vui ming khi Lan ni rang cé dy sé tham gia vao mét trong cac budi biéu dién cia chiing tdi. When H.G. Wells was a student, he thought that he would become a biologist, but he didn't dream that he would become a famous writer. Khi H.G. Wells con 14 mét sinh vién, 6ng dy da nghi ring éng ay sé tré thanh mét nha sinh vat hoc, nhung 6ng khéng mo rang éng sé tré thanh mét nha van néi tiéng. Did he tell you how long you would have to wait? Anh ay c6 bao cau phai ddi bao lau khéng? 2. Nhitng gi khac co thé ding dé dién ta tuong lai. Dé dién dat mét viée sé xay ra G tuong lai, ngudi ta con c6 thé ding. a) Thi hién tai thudng (simple present) vdi nhiing dong tw chi st di chuyén thudng di véi mét phé ti chi tuong lai. Thi du: He leaves for Haiphong tomorrow. Neay mai anh ay di Hai Phong We set for Vinh tomorrow and come back next month. Ngay mai ching tdi sé di Vinh va thang sau sé vé. b) Thi hién tai tiép dién (present continuous) dién ta mét viée da dude du dinh trong ké hoach 6 tudng lai. Thi du: He is playing in the concert tonight. Toi nay anh Ay chdi dan trong budi hoa nhac. 269 We are meeting him after the performances. Chung téi sé gap anh sau buéi biéu dién. She is leaving at the end of this week. Cé ay sé di vao cudi tudn nay. (Xem thém bai 17: thi hién tai thuéng va thi hién tai tiép dién) II- THi TUONG LAI VOI "Going to" (The “Going to" form) A. Cach chia Quy tac: to be going to + Déng tit muén chia Thi du: to be going to buy a new car. + I am going to buy a new car. He, she is going to buy a new car. We, you, they |are going to buy a new car. : I am not going to buy |a new car. He, she is not going tobuy ja new car. We, you, they |are not going to buy |a new car. 2+ |Am I going to buy anew car? Is he, she going to buy a new car? Are we, you, they | going to buy anew car? ?- |Ain't jI going to buy anew car? Isn't he, she going to buy anew car? Aren't _j|we, you, they | going to buy a new car? Cha y: Dang viét tat "Ain't hoc aren't I" 6 thé nghi van pha dinh it khi gap. 270 B. Cach dung thi twong lai véi "going to" Thi tuong lai véi "going to" ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét su viéc, mét hanh dng s&p stfa va chac chin sé xay ra (trong mét tuong lai gén), vi thé ngudi ta con goi 1a thi tuong lai (Immediate Future). I think it is going to rain. Toi nghi ring tréi sAp mua. He is going to buy a new bicycle. Anh ta sap sita mua mét chiée xe dap mdi. She is going to have baby. Ba ta sp stia cé chau bé. 2. ¥ dinh che chan sé lam (cha cha nga). Tam going to write to Lan this evening. Toi sé viét thu (tdi co ¥ dinh sé viét thu va nhat dinh sé viét) cho cé Lan téi nay. I know what you are going to say. Toi biét anh sdp dinh néi gi. What are you going to do when get your degree? Anh dinh sé 1am gi khi anh tét nghiép? Cha y: Ngudi ta chi dang dang "going to" khi ngu ¥ "chdc chan sap xdy ra" va "y dinh chdc chan sé lam" cla m6t ngudi nao d6 (cha nga). Ngudéi ta khéng dung dang "going to" khi su viéc 1é thuéc vao ngoai canh hoac chi ngu y "tuong lai chung chung". Trong tinh huéng d6 ngudi ta thudng ding thi tudng lai (simple future). Vi thé, khéng duge viét: Lam going to be 25 years old in May. Toi sé 25 tudi vao thang nam. 271 If ever you go to India, you are going to see many interesting things there. Néu ¢é khi nao anh tdi An Dé, anh sé duge xem nhiéu thé hap dan 4 do. Ma phi viét: I shall be 25 years old in May. If ever you go to India you will see many interesting things there. Mét vai thi du khac dé phan biét cach ding thi tudng lai thudng (véi shall - will) va thi "tuong lai véi dang Going to". 272 - This tram will take you to the suburbs of the town. Tau dién nay sé dua anh ra ngoai 6 thanh phé (ngu y chung chung). - It will rain. Trdi sé mua. (twong lai chung chung). - If ever you go to India you'll see many interesting things there. Néu 6 bao gid anh sang tham An D6, anh sé dude thay nhiéu diéu hay/ sAp thay nhiéu diéu hay (tugng lai chung chung) - Look out! This tram is going to overturn. Tréng kia! Cai tau dién kia sdp dé. - It is going to rain, Tréi sdp mua. (Viée chic chin sap xay ra. Tréi da ndi con gidng, cé nhiéu may den). - So you're off to India aren't you? Well you're going to see many interesting things there. A, thé la anh sang tham An D6 a? Thé thi anh s4p dude thay rat nhiéu diéu hay 6 dé. Bai tap 4. Tra loi cau hoi dudi day (dé thanh thao cach chia dang "Going to"). 1. What are you going to do now? 2. What are we going to have for dinner? 3. Where are you going to spend your next holiday? 4. Who are you going to visit tomorrow? 5. When are you going to post that letter? 6. Are we going to read "Hamlet"? 7. When are we going to finish this book? 8. Aren't you going to put a stamp on this envelope? 9. How are you going to open the door? 10. When is Mr. X going to start work? 11. Are you going to sit in the garden, of indoor? 12. How much are you going to give me for it? 5. Déi nhitng cau dudi day tit dang "Shall - Will” sang dang "going to". So sénh nghia va xét xem dang nao thich hop. m . He'll give me a present for my birthday. 2. We shall get a new room next month. 3. He will cut the grass this afternoon. 4. 1 think I shall have a cold. There will be a storm soon. She'll be married this spring. Won't you have something to drink? . He'll practise the violin all the afternoon. Porn aa . My sister will sew on my buttons for me. 273 10. I shall buy some sandwiches for breakfast. 11. He will buy a new bicycle next week. 12. What! You won't came home this afterrioon? I1- THI TUONG LAI TIEP DIEN (The Future Continuous) A. Cach chia On lai cach chia cdc thi tiép dién: To be - present participle. Cach chia thi tuong lai tiép dién: Thidu: To have dinner. + I, we shall be having dinner. lyou Iwill be having dinner. he, she, they [will be having dinner. I, we shall not be having dinner. lyou will not be having dinner, he, she, they _|will not be having dinner. 2+ |Shall I, we be having dinner? Will = lyou be having dinner? Will the, she, they be having ‘dinner? ?- iShan't [I, we * be having dinner? Won't |you be having dinner? Won't {he, she, they be having dinner? B. Cach ding thi tuong lai tiép dién 1, Thi twong lai tiép dién ding dé dién ta: Tuong lai tiép dién hién tai tuong lai 274 a) Mét hanh dong tiép dién trong tung lai When I get back, they will be having dinner. Khi t6i trd vé, ho sé dang an toi. . So sanh vdi: They are having supper now. Ho dang n téi. (Hién tai tiép dién) When I got back, they were having supper. (Qua khi tiép dién). Khi téi vé ho dang n téi. What will you be doing this time tomorrow? Vao gid nay ngay mai thi anh sé dang lam gi? This time tomorrow I shall be working in the field. Vao gid nay ngay mai minh sé dang lam 6 ngoai déng. b) Mot viée da duge du dinh sé lam trong tuong lai khéng xa He will be leaving in a few days. Trong mét vai ngay nifa anh ta sé di. Will you be going to Haiphong again this week? Anh co dy dinh sé lai di Hai Phong tudn nay nifa khéng? Chu y: So sfnh trudng hgp 2 nay véi trudng hdp dung thi hién tai tiép dién tA mét viée du dinh d tuong lai. Hai thi déu dién td mot ¥ twong tu, (xem muc C, tiéu muc 2, phan I cing bai nay). Thi du: He is taking his exam next week. Anh 4y thi tudn sau. He will be taking his exam next week. Anh ay sé thi tuan sau. Tuy nhién thi hién tai tiép dién chi ding khi thoi diém tuong Jai d& xac dinh ré rét, va 1a tudng lai gan. Con thi tuong lai tiép 275 dién c6 thé duge ding rong rai (c6 thdi diém tusng lai xée dinh hoae khéng, tuong lai gan hoac xa déu dude). Thi du: . Iam meeting him tomorrow. T6i sé gap anh ngay mai. Tl be meeting him tomorrow (next year, some time hoaec khéng cé trang ngif théi gian). TOi sé gap anh ngay mai. Bai tap 6. Dung nhiing trang ngit trong ngoéc don, chuyén nhitng déng tt trong cdu sang thi tuong lai tiép dién. So sinh cau chua chuyén vdi cdu dé chuyén réi dé tim hiéu edch ditng cita thi tuong lai tiép dién va néim vitng titng tinh hudng. 1. What are you doing (in ten years’ time)? 2. He in sleeping (when I come back). 38. He is traveling (all night). 4. Your're swimming in the sea (this time next week). 5. We're working for very hard (in the Autumn). 6. I'm waiting for you (at the usual time). 7. She's making tea (about then). 8. My fricnd is waiting for me at the airport (when the plane arrives). 9. She is doing her homework (after supper). 10. It's raining (when you come back). 11. She is having breakfast (this time tomorrow). 12. She is talking (for at least another three hours). 276 7. Dung thi tuong lai tiép dién thay thé cho thi hién tai tiép dién trong nhitng céu dudi day. (Tim hiéu ky titng cau dé ném viing eich ding thi hién tai tiép dién va thi twong lai tiép dién dé dién té mét viée dé duge du dinh sé lam 6 twang lai). 1. He is leaving in a few days. 2. He is coming home soon. 3. He is lecturing on Vietnamese literature next week. 4. We are having dinner in half an hour. a . I'm playing in a tennis match on Sunday with my friend . He is writing to her this evening. . She is taking the exam next week. . He is not coming to the party. oanra . They are going for a picnic tomorrow morning. 10. He is going to meet us at the station. 11. We're having coffee after dinner as usual. 12. He's playing a violin solo next. IV. THi TUGNG LAI HOAN THANH (The Future Perfect Tense) A. Cach chia On lai quy tac chia cac thi hoan thanh (perfect tenses). To have + past participle cia déng tii muén chia. Cach chia 6 thi tuong lai hoan thanh: 277 Thi du: To read (Hamlet by next June) + I, we shall have read Hamlet by next! You willhave read _~ [June. He, she, they _|will have read I, we shall not have read {Hamlet by next| lYou will not have read Jung. He, she, they {will not have read ?+ {Shall [I, we have read Hamlet by next! Will = lyou have read June? Will the, she, they {have read ?.Shan't ([I, we have read Hamlet by next! Won't {you have read June? Won't __|he, she, they __|have read Cha y: Dang nghi van cia thi tuong lai hoan thanh it khi ding dén. B. Cach ding ‘Thi tuong lai hoan thanh ding dé dién ta: 1. Mét viée lam bat dau tit truéc va sé hoan thanh 3 m6t théi diém 6 twong lai. tudng lai hoan thanh tudng lai hoan thanh lie noi 6 thdi diém hién tai tudng lai. 278 I shall have read three of Shakespeare's plays by the end of. this year. Toi sé doc xong ba vé kich cla Séch-xpia vao cudi nam nay. (Da doc hoc sé doc va sé hoan thanh viée ay vao cudi nam nay). He will have finished his work by 9 o'clock. Anh 4y sé hoan thanh céng viéc cha anh Ay vao hic 9 gid. @a lam va sé hoan thanh vao lic 9 gid) 2. Mét viée sé hoan thanh va c6 lién quan téi mét viéc khac 6 tuong lai. Tuong lai hoan thanh viée khac 6 xx| tudng lai Tae néi 6 hién tai thai diém 6 tuong lai The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing. Xe tie xi sé dén nai vio lic ma anh mac xong quan ao. Cha y: 1. Mét trong nhiing trudng hop nay thing c6 ménh dé trang ngii thdi gian, sau nhiing lién tit thai gian. Ngudi ta khéng ding thi tuong lai véi Shall, Will. Xem myc thi tudng lai thudng) nén ngudi ta ding thi hién tai hoan thanh dé thay thé cho thi tuong lai hoan thanh. Tl stay until-you have finished your lunch. Toi sé 6 lai cho dén khi nao anh 4n xong bia trua. He will not return home until they have visited all Europe. yT9 Anh 4y sé khéng tré vé nha cho dén khi nao anh ay da di tham hét chau Au. 3. So sanh: . a) Thi tuong lai thudng va thi tung lai hoan thanh. Thi tuong lai thudng (simple future) dién tA mét viée sé xady ra trong tudng lai. I shall begin to read Bernard Shaw next year. Sang nam téi sé bat dau doc Bec-na Sé, Thi tuong lai hoan thanh (future perfect) dién ta mét viée bat dau tu trude va sé hoan thanh é mét thdi diém 6 tuong lai. I shall have read three of Bernard Shaw's plays by the end of this year. T6i sé doc xong ba vd kich cia Béc-na 86 vao cudi nam nay. @a doc hoae sé doc va sé hoan thanh viée doc ay vao cudi nam). b) Quan hé giiia thi tung lai hoan thanh véi mét thai diém & tuong lai cing tuong tu nhu quan hé gitia thi hién tai hoan thanh vdi hién tai. Hién tai hoan thanh Tuong lai hoan thanh I have read three of Bernard I shall have read three of Shaw's plays. Bernard Shaw's plays by the end of this year. Téi da doc xong ba vd kich cha/(Sé hoAn thanh viée doc vao Béc-na S6 (Hién nay téi da hoanjcudi nam nay; mét théi diém 6 thanh viéc dé). tuong lai) 280 Bai tap 8. Chia nhitng déng t& trong ngode don cho ding vdi tinh Auéng (ditng thi tuong lai thuéng hode thi tong dai hoan thanh). 1. We (to begin) to learn English next year. 2. By the end of this year we (to learn) 2000 English words. 3. Next Sunday he (to come) and stay with us for three wecks? 4. By next Sunday you (to stay) with us for three weeks. 5. He (to write) his second novel next month. 6. By next June he (to finish) his second novel. 7. It is now 6.30 p.m. I (to finish) my work by 9 o'clock. 8. If you don't get there before seven, they (to eat and drink) everything. 9. She (to fly) to Peking next week. 10. By the end of this year he (to fly) more than a million miles. 9. Chia nhiing déng tit trong ngotc don cho ding vdi tinh hudng. (Xin nhd: sau lién tit thoi gian khéng ding Shall, Will. Léy hién tai thutng thay thé cho twong lai thuing, va hién tai hoan thanh thay thé cho tuong lai hoan thanh). 1. Don't get off the train until it (to stop). 2. We (to go out) when the rain (to stop). 3. I (can) not express my opinion until I (to know) the truth. 4. I (to come) and see you before I (to leave) for La Habana. 5. When I (to learn) three thousand English words, I (can read) an English novel. 6. When I (to be) in Peking for ten years, I (to write) a book about China. 7. They (not to plant) cotton until the corn (to be cut). 281 8. You must not eat solid food until your temperature (to go down). 9. You (not to have) any cake until you (to eat) your potatoes. 10. Don't ask for another book until you (to finish) this one. 11. Sit down and when you (to rest). I (to show) you the garden. 12. Come again in a few week's time when the machine (to be cleaned). V. THi TUONG LAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN (the Future Perfect Continuous Tense) A. Cach chia: On lai quy tée chia cdc thi tiép dién. To be + present participle cia déng tii mu6n chia. Cach chia, thi tuong lai hoan thanh tiép dién. To be working I, (we) shall have been working You will have been working He, she - . will have been working They B. Cach dang Thi tung lai hoan thanh tiép dian dang dé dién ta: Mét hanh déng bat dau tit trude kéo dai dén mt thai diém 6 tudng lai va con tiép dién. 282 tuong lai hoan thanh tiép dién > _______——_1_ _5—_ hién tai tuong lai By next June I shall have been working in this office for ten years. : Dén thang sdu sau thi toi lam viée é co quan nay dude 10 nam. (Va chac han la téi van cén tiép tuc lam viée 6 46) Tuy nhién: Thi tong lai hoan thanh tiép dién rat hiém khi duge dang. BAI 22 Quy TAC HOP THI (Sequence of Tenses) 1.80 DO TONG QUAT CACH DUNG CAC THI 6 THUC CHI DINH (Indicative mood) 1. On lai: 3 nhom Qua kha (Past) Hién tai (Present) Twong lai (Future) Qua kha thugng (Simple past) Hién tai thuéng (Simple present) 'Tuong lai thuéng (Simple-future) Qua khw tiép dién (Past continuous) Hién tai tiép dién (Present continuous) Tuong lai tiép dién (Future continuous) Qua khw hoan thanh (Past perfect) Hién tai hoan thanh (Present prefect) Tuong lai hoan thanh (Future perfect) Qua kha hoan thanh tiép dién (Past perfect continuous) Hién tai hoan thanh tip dién (Present perfect continuous) [Tuong lai hoan thanh tiép dién (Future perfect lcontinuous) 283 2. So dé téng quat cach dang Thi T.L.H.T: He will have written a novel Thi T.L.H.T. tiép dién: He will have been writing a novel Thi H.T.H.T: He has written a novel Thi H.T.H.T tiép dién: He has been writing a noyel. He had written a novel. Thi Q.K.H.T. tiép dién: He had been writing a novel. Thi qua kha HLT. méc qua kh méc hién tai méc tudng lai ThiQ.K.thuéng ThiH.T.thudéng Thi T.L. Thudng He wrote a novel. He is a writer. He will write a He writes novels. _— novel. Thi Q.K tiép dién ThiH.T.tiép didn Thi T.L. tiép dién He was writing a He is writing a He will be writing a novel novel. novel. Bai tap 1. Chia ede déng tit trong ngodc don: 1. When I (to call) at his house, they told me that he (to leave) an hour before. 2. When he (to grow) old he often (to think) of all the things he (to do) when he (to be) young. 284 3. I (to leave) home at 9 o'clock but I (not to go) far when I remembered that I (to forget to) lock the door. 4. I'll come to your office as soon as I (to obtain) their consensus to the plan. 5. After we (to finish) our dinner, I shall wash up the dishes. 6. When I (to finish) my work, I (to take) the children out for a walk. | 7. It is Friday afternoon. Mr. X (to work) in the garden. He usually (to do) his gardening on Saturday, but this Saturday his old friend, Mr. L. whom he (not to sce) for five years (to come) to visit him. 8. When I (to come) home last night, I (to notice) that the lights (to be) on in my room. I (to be puzzled) because I (to be) certain that I (to turn) them off when I (to leave) the house. 9. He (to be) so good to me when I (to be) a boy that to this day I (not to forget) his kindness and J (to hope) that I never (to forget). 10. Mr. X (to be) a newspaper man for over twenty years. He (to start) out as a reporter for a paper in a small town. After he (to work) there for two or three years he (to get) a job as a reporter of a big city paper. Since then he (to live) and (to travel) in many parts of the world as a foreign correspondent. 11. On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin successfully (to carry out) the first space flight around the earth. This (to be) the first in man's conquest of space. Since then April 12 (to be celebrated) as Cosmonauts' Day. 12. By the end of last year he (to read) four Shakespeare 285 plays, and by next year he (to read) two more. | (not to see) him since last Sunday, but I (to believe) he (to write) an essay on Hamlet at present. . II. QUY TAC HOP THi (Sequence of Tenses) Loi ghi: Trong mét cau phiic hop, nhiing thi cla dong tiv trong ménh dé chinh va ménh dé phy phai theo quy tac hgp thi. C6 hai quy tAc chinh: : Qui tac 1: Néu 6 ménh dé chinh dung thi qua kha thi ménh dé phu phai ding thi qua kha. Ménh dé chinh/thi qua khw_| Ménh dé phy/thi qua kha He thought that it would rain. He saw that he had made a mistake. They told us thay they were ready to start. He said that he was going to buy a new bicycle. I worked so hard that I was always tired. Lknew that the child was still sleeping. Quy tac 2: Néu 6 ménh dé chinh ding thi hién tai (hodc hién tai hoan thanh), hay tudng lai thi 6 ménh dé phy cé thé ding bat cit thi nao tay theo tinh huéng. Thi du: does is doing T know that has done has been doing 286 will do He shall know did had done (before he came here a week ago). Cha y: Nhiing trudng hgp dac biét a) Trai vdi quy tac 1, néu ménh dé phu dién ta mét su viée bat bién, thi bao gis cing c6 thé dang thi hién tai thudng (simple present), Thi du: I learnt at school that the earth moves round the sun. (simple past) (simple present) b) Trong truéng hgp ménh dé phy 1a mét ménh dé trang ng so sanh (ding lién tit as, than...), déng tit c6 thé ding 6 bat cit thi nao cing c6 thé cé nghia tay theo tinh hudng. Thi du: He likes you better than he liked me. He liked you better than he likes me. He will like you better than he has liked me. He has liked you better than he liked me. Néu d ménh dé phu, déng tx dude dn thi thi cha dong ti An theo véi thi cla déng tit 6 ménh dé chinh. He liked you better than (he liked) me. He likes you better than (he likes) me. Bai tap 2. Xét nhiing dong tit b nhiing céu dudi déy cb ding rhong, chita lai néu sai. 1. He did not say when he will come. 287 288 2. No one knew whether he intended to come or not. 3. He concealed from me what his plans are. 4. I fear that you were displeased with me yesterday. 5. I shall soon find out why you were so displeased. 6. His face was so changed that I can’t recognize him. 7. The teacher gave me a prize that I may work hard. 8. He asked me why I wish to go away so soon. 9. No one understood how he can do so much work. 10. He told me that he is going to be an engineer. 11. I was sorry to find that I have displeased you. 12. | hope that he will become a good worker. 13. We shall soon know what progress he has made. 14. We learnt at school that water boils at 100 centigrade. 15. I didn't know why you give me this order. CHUGNG CHIN NHUNG DONG TU CO NGOI DAC BIET (The Special Finites) BAI 23 TO BE, TO HAVE, TO DO. I. GIOI THIEU Nhiing déng tit cé ngéi dic biét (Special Finites) gdm cé: 1. Nhitng dong tiv vita c6 thé 1A dong tit thudng (Ordinary Verb), vita cé thé 1a trg dong tit (Auxiliary Verb). be, have, do, need, dare. 2. Nhiing dong ti khuyét thiéu (Defective Verbs) chi ding lam trd déng ti. can, may, must, shall, will, ought (to) 3. Va mot tro dong ti dac biét: used (to) Il. TO BE 1. Cac dang chinh a) Bang téng hgp cach chia dong ti to be. 289 Thi Hién tai Qua kha Tuong lai Dang _| Thudng |[am I (he, she, it) {I"(we) shall be He (she, it)is [was You (he, she, it, We (you, they) |We (you, they) |they) will be are were = —— Tiép dién [Iam being I (he, she, it) |Khéng ding He (she, it) is was being being We (you, they) were being Hoan thanh |I (we, you, they) |I (we, you, they|I (we) shall have} have been he, she, it) been He (she, it) has {had been }You (he, she, it). been. will have been Hoan thanh wae ex Khong dung. tiép dién Ong Cung, b) G thé phi dinh: Thém not vao sau tr déng tit. G thé nghi van: dao nguge trd déng ti trude chu ngit. Thi du: Tam not... He was not... (wasn't). They will not be... (won't be) Are we...? Has he been...? Shall I have been...? 290 c) Dong tinh ti: - Hién tai: being - Qua kh: been . - Tuang lai: having been. 2. To be ding lam trg dong tw (auxiliary verb) a) Dé chia cac thi 6 16i thu dng (passive voice) (xem bai: Léi thy dong) Thi du: Tam/ was punished. He is/was scolded. English is spoken all over the world. b) Dé chia cac thi 6 dang tiép dién, (progressive form - xem lai cae thi tiép dién) Thi du: He is doing his homework. They were playing football. Léi ghi: Co thé dang To be 6 dang tiép dién thu dong (Chu déng): They are carrying him. (Thu dong): He is being carried. c) To be to + verb Dién ta: + Mét ménh lénh, mét nhiém vu, mét sy bat bude He is to stay here still we return. Anh ta phai 6 lai day cho dén khi nao ching téi trd lai. Lam to inform you that the meeting will be held at 7 a.m. Toi c6 nhiém vu bo cho anh biét ring cuéc mit tinh sé bat dau vao luc 7 gid sang. 291 No one is to leave this class without the permission of the teacher. Khéng ai dude ra khéi lép néu khong dude phép cla thay gido. + Mot du dinh trong tuong lai, mot su sap xép, bé tri trude She is to be married next month. Cé ta sé cudi vao thang sau. The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow. Tht tudéng sé doc ban tuyén bé ngay mai. (Trén bao chi thuéng hay ding dang nay va dau dé thudng bé. bét be). "The Prime Minister to make a statement tomorrow". + Mot y & tuong lai xa x6i, mot kha nang c6 thé xdy ra (thudng hay ding 6 tuong lai trong qua khit) John received a blow on the head. It didn't worry him at that time but it was to be very troublesome later. Jon ta bi mot dén vao dau. Luc bay gid anh ta cing chang lo ginhung vé sau no gay ra lam chuyén phién phic. Cha y: To be to... vi nhiing nghia dién ta 6 trén chi dang é hai thi: - Hién tai thudng (am to, is to, are to). - Qua khii thwéng (was to, were to). 3. To be ding nhu mét dong ti thwdng (ordinary verb) Két hop véi mét danh ti, tinh tu, phé tu lam vi ngit dé dién ta: a) Su ton tai, su hién dién - biéu hién cia sy vat (cé nghia la thi, la, c6, 6...) Thi du: The earth is round. 292 lama teacher. Is he there? There is book on the table. . They will be soldiers in some years. b) Trang thai tinh than hoac thé chat (be + adjective) He is ill. She is angry. c) Tuéi, gid, ngay, thang; kich thudéc, cd, khoang cach, théi tiét, gid ca How old are you? - I'm thirty. What times is it? - It is 11 o'clock. What is the date? - It is December 8. How long is the river? - It is 100 km long. How far is it to Haiphong? - It is 102 Km. It is hot (cold, wet, windy...) How much is it? - It is 2d. Il. TO HAVE 1, Cae dang chinh a) Bang téng hop cach chia déng tit to have b) O thé pha. dink thém not vao sau trg dong tit, 4 thé nghi van dao ngude trg dong ti lén trudéc cha ngt. (Chu y trudng hdp c6 ding tro déng tix to do trong muc 2, 3 sau day). Thi du: Thave not (haven't) Are we having...? They had not (hadn't)... Has he had...? He will not (won't) have... Has he...? 293 Thi Hién tai Qua kha Tuong lai Dang I (we, you, they) |I, (we, you, they, |I (we) shall have Thuong have he, she, it) had You (he, she, it, He, (she, it), has they) will have I am having (He,|I, (he, she, it) __|I, (we) shall be she, it) is having |was having. We, |having Tiép dién [We (you, they) _|(vou, they) were |You, (he, she, it, lare having having they) will be having I, (we, you, they) |I (we, you, they, {I (we) shall have Ihave had he, she, it) had Jhad Hoan thanh |e (she, it) has [had fYou (he, she, it, had they) will have had I, (we, you, they) |I, (we, you, they, |I, (we) shall have been he, she, it) had [have been Hoan thanh {having been having having tiép dién He, (she, it) has You, (he, she, it, been having they) will have been having c) Dong tinh ti: Hién tai : having Quakht :had Hoan thanh : having had 294 2. To have ding nhu "tro dong tif (auxiliary verb). a) Dé chia cac thi hoan thanh (Perfect Tenses). Thi du: . I have worked (hién tai hoan thanh) Thad worked. (qua kh hoan thanh) I shall have worked. (tuong lai hoan thanh) (xem lai cdc thi hoan thanh) b) To have to = must (phai) Thi du: Ihave to go =I must go. Thad to buy a new pen last week. T'll have to buy a new pair of shoes. Cha y: + G qua khit thudng va tugng lai thudng, thudng dang have to thay cho must. + To have to é dang pha dinh va nghi van cé thé chia theo hai léi: 1. Khong mun tro déng tu do (-) [have not to go. (2) Have I to go? 2. Ding tro dong tit do (-) I don't have to go. (?) Do I have to go? c) Dang To have + Tan ngi + Dong tinh ti qua kha. (Object) (Past Participle) + Thad my hair cut. Téi da cat toe 295 (ngu ¥ téi nhd ngudi khac cat toc cho tdi, khAc véi cau: Thad cut my hair. T6i da cat téc cho tdi). - + Do you have your windows cleaned every month? - I don't have them cleaned. I cleaned them, myself. Anh cé cho (sai, bao, khién, nhé... ai) lau cla sé hang thang khéng? - Khong, téi khong nhé (bao) ai lau ca, tdi lau lay. Ghi nhé: + To have ding trudng hop trén khi 6 dang phd dinh va nghi van phai chia véi trg dong tit do. + Cang mét dang trén, to have cin cé nghia 1a "bi". He had two of his teeth knocked out. Hn bi danh gdy mat hai cAi rang. The houses had their roofs ripped off by the storm. Nhiing can nha bj bao lam téc mai. Trong ca hai trudng hgp déu co thé thay "have" bang "get". Why don't you get your hair cut? - He got, two of his teeth knocked out. 3. To have ding nhu mét déng tit thuing (ordinary verb) Cé nghia 1a: a) C6 (cé quyén sé hitu) Ihave many English books. Téi cd nhiéu sch tiéng Anh. He has a black coat. Anh 4y cé mét cai 40 khoae den. + G pha dinh va nghi van cé thé di véi tre dong tit to do hoae 296 khong. Dac biét 14 theo nghia ngi phap cia Mf thi thudng di véi to do. How many brothers and sisters have you? + How many brothers and sisters do you have? Has he any brother and sister? Does he have any brother or sister? + V6i nghia trén, thuéng hay ding "have got" They have got a new car. How many brothers and sisters have you got? b) An, udng, ding...; duige huing, bi, nhan, duge, gap phai... We usually have breakfast at 6. Chiing tdi thudng an sang vao lic 6 gid. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? Anh uéng tra hay ca phé 6 bita diém tam? Ican't answer the telephone, am having my bath. Toi khéng tra 18i dién thoai duc, toi dang tim. I don’t have much difficulty with English grammar. Toi khéng gap kho khan gi lAm véi m6n ngit phap tiéng Anh. Did you have a good time at the theatre last night? Téi hém qua anh di xem hat cé vui khéng? Do you often have headaches? Anh cé6 hay bi nhite ddu luén khéng? Did you have a letter from home this morning? Anh cé nhan duge thu nha sang nay khong? 297 Bai tap 1. Dat mét s6 cau vdi to be dé thé hién duge cdéch ding khac nhau cia dong tit nay. . 298 2. Xdc dinh nghia cua to have trong nhitng cau dudi déy: 1. [have no doubt that he is right in his opinion. 2. How many marks have you got for this exercise? 3. We haven't time to come to see you this week. 4. When do they have lunch? 5. Have you met my sister? 6. Did you have a good time at the pioneer camp? 7. [have to do my homework. 8. We had a very good journey to La Habana (Cuba). 3. Chuyén nhitng céu duéi day sang: a) Dang pht dinh b) Dang nghi vain 1, My brother has curly hair. 2. A triangle has three sides. 3. He had bread and milk for breakfast this morning. 4. He had a letter from home by the evening post. 5. They have an English lesson every day. 6. They have a lot of trouble with their car. 7. Lan has a bad cold. 8. She often has colds in Winter. 9. We had a very good journey to Cuba. 10. That country has a very good climate. 11. We had to work hard for our entrance exam. A, Viét lai nhitng cdu dui day ding dang Have (hoac Get) + Tan ngit + dong tinh tv qua khit Thi du: The tailor made a new suit for me last week. 1 had a new suit made last week. 1. Someone cleaned my shoes for me. wo TO AIAA ww Iv. TO DO 1, Cac dang chinh: . Someone must chop this wood for us. . We must ask someone to mend the car. . It's time your hair was cut. . My watch was stolen yesterday. . Nam broke his leg when playing football. . One of my teeth was pulled out this morning. . This knife won't cut, we must ask someone to sharpen it. . Dat nim cau vdi to have to. Séit Sé nhiéu . 1 3 Hién tai thuéng do do __does do Qua khit thuéng did did did did Dong tinh tw hién tai [Dong tinh tY qué [Dong tinh tu hoan khit thanh doing done having done 2. To do ding nhu tr¢ déng tw (auxiliary verb). a) Chia véi cdc déng tit thudng 6 cac thi hién tai thudng va qua khit thudng thé pha dinh va nghi van. 299 Thi du: To work Hién tai thuong Qua khit thudng +_|He works. He worked. He does not work. He did not work. ?__|Does he work? Did he work? Cha y: Trong truéng hop dé nhan manh ding do, did 6 thé khang dinh. 300 Thi du: I know that you didn't want me to go, but I did go. Téi biét rang anh da khéng muén tdi di, nhung tdi van ct di. b) Ding to do dé tranh su lap lai mét dong tw da dang 6 trén: + Déng ¥ vdi mét nhan dinh Nam speaks a lot. - Yes, he does. She sang well. - Yes, she did. He didn't go. - No, he didn’t + Khéng dong y véi m6t nhan dinh. You eat too much. - No, I don’t. He knows English well. - No, he doesn't. +¥ phu hoa. He likes beer and so do we. He doesn't like fish and neither do I. + Trong cau hdi lay lai (question-tag) You understand me, don't you? You didn't come here by bus, did you? + Trong cau tra ldi dang ngan Do you smoke? - Yes, I do. - No, I don't. Did you see him? - Yes, I did. - No, I didn't. + Thay cho mét dong tit thudng dé tranh sy lap lai ‘You needn't work hard as you did (worked) yesterday. Who told you that I was coming at 5 o'clock? - Nam did. c) Dang é thie ménh lénh (than mat hodc dé nh4n manh) Do come with us. Thé nao cing dén véi bon ching minh nhé. Do help me, please! . Thé nao anh cing vui long git téi nhé. “May I open the door?" - Do, please. Téi mé ctta duge khong a? - Xin mdi anh ct viée. 3. To do ding nhu mét dong tiv thuong (ordinary verb) + To do: lAm, thue hign, . + Chia 4 tat ca cdc thi theo quy tac cua mét dong tit thudng. Thi du: He does his work well. He does not do his work well. 301 What does he do for a living? (Anh ta lam gi dé kiém séng?) What are you doing? I am doing my homework. Bai tap 802 6. Chuyén nhitng céu duéi day sang dang: a) Pha dinh b) Nghi van . She comes early. . They drink tea every day. . He does his work well. . He thinks hard. . She lost her bag. . She came here yesterday. - You went to the seaside last Summer. . They learned English at school. CHARM A WHE . They went to the movies last night. 10. He took his examination last June. 7. Phu hoa vdi nhitng cau dudi day: Thi du: Nam likes fish. So do I He doesn't understand this lesson. Nor do I. 1. Nam likes fish. (I) 2. He doesn't understand this lesson. (I) 3. He came early, (she) 4. She knows you quite well. (her husband) 5. My friend lived in Haiphong. (his sister) 6.These books don't belong to me, (those). 7. I don't believe it. (my friend). 8. This clock doesn't show the right time. (my watch). 9. I don't like the hot weather. (my wife) 10. Trees don't grow very well here. (grass) 8. Tra lai nhitng cau héi sau day, ding dang ngdn. a) Khang dinh b) Pha dinh . Did you meet him yesterday? . Does your sister like chocolate? . Did you have any difficulty in finding my house? _ Do they all speak as well as you? 1 2 3 4 5. Does he want me to give him an interview? 6. Did you believe in his story? 7. Do you know the shortest way to the station? 8. Do you have to go to work this morning? 9. Do I have to come at 9? 10. Did you have a comfortable journey? 9. Tra loi nhiing cau héi sau day, ding dang ngan. Thi du: Who wrote Hamlet? Shakespeare did. 1. Who wrote Hamlet? (Shakespeare) 2. Who teaches you English? (Mr. Minh) 3. How many of you play pingpong? (most of us) 4, Who discovered America? (Christophe Columbus) 303 5. Which of you know the shortest way to the station? (I) 6. Who broke my pencil? (Lan) 7, Which gives more light, the sun or the moon? (the sun). 8. What makes, people fat? (eating). BA 24 CAC DONG TU KHUYET THIEU (Defective Verbs) 1. CAN 1. Cac dang chinh: SO it Sé nhiéu Vist tat Hién tai thudng |I, you, it |We, you, they |Cannot = can't Can Can Qua khi thuéng |Could Could Could not =| Couldn't -6 nguyén thé khéng cé "to" - Can khéng cé déng tinh tw 2. Can ding lam trg déng tit. + Can di v6i mét déng tix nguyén thé bé to He can swim far. She can speak English well. + Can cé thé thay bang déng ti: tugng dugng: "to be able to", 304 dac biét 14 6 thi tuong lai thudng va cac thi hoan thanh (perfect tenses). Thi du: I have be able to do the work (tudng lai thudng). J have been able to to the work (hién tai hoan thanh). hodc 6 trudng hop phai ding mét dong tw nguyén thé. I hope to be able to do the work. + Can dude ding dé dién ta ¥ "co thé” véi nhiing sac thai khac nhau nhu sau: 1) Nang luc, trinh d6. Nam can speak English well. Nam cé thé (biét, c6 kha nang) ndi tiéng Anh gidi. Can you swim? Anh cé biét bai khong? He could speak English well when he was in London. . Anh 4y biét ni tiéng,Anh gidi khi anh ay cdn 6 Luan-dén. ‘Trudng hop nay, thudng cé thé thay Can bang "To be able to". They will be able to read English novels in a few months. Trong mot vai thang ho sé c6 thé doc duge tiéu thuyét tiéng Anh. He read the message but he couldn't understand it. hoae: He wasn't able to understand it. Anh 4y doc bie dién nhung khéng sao hiéu dude. Since his accident he hasn't been able to leave the house. Tw khi bi tai nan anh ta khong thé rai khoi nha duge. 305 2) Kha nding khach quan (do hoan canh cho phép) You can bathe in this river. Anh 6 thé tam duige 6 con séng nay. (... vi khéng sau hode vi nuéc sach). When the new railroad is ready, we can get (hoac we'll be able to get) to the town much more easily. Khi con dudng xe Itia mdi dude lam xong, ching ta cé thé ra tinh /thanh phé duge dé dang hon nhiéu. 3) Su duoc phép. Can I borrow your car? ‘T6i mugn xe anh duge khéng? - Yes, of course, you can. - Duge cht, tat nhién anh cé thé. Father said we could go to the concert. Ba bao chting ta cé thé di nghe héa nhac duge. You can't smoke in class. Anh khéng due hut thuée 1a 6 trong lép. Bai tap 1. Gidi thich nghia cia ean trong nhitng cau dudi day. - Thay can bang "be able to" trong trudng hop cé thé thay dude. 1. I can fly an aeroplane after a few lessons. . She can read a great deal during the holidays. . | could go swimming whenever I killed. . [can go swimming when it is warmer. 2 3 4, 5. He can play chess this afternoon. 6. She can play the piano when her arm is better. ve . My father could help me when he had time. 306 8. You could borrow the book whenever you wanted to. 9. We can't understand until you explain it again. 10. She can come next week. 11. We can see the sea from the top of the hill. 12. He can eat anything when the doctor gives him permission. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN GHI NHO THEM Vis CAN/COULD 1. Co thé dung thi hién tai thudng can dé noi vé tuong lai (khéng cdn phai thay bing "to be able to"). Ican do it tomorrow. Toi cé c6 thé lam viée dé ngay mai duce. 2. Can/could cé thé dung trong cau hdi hoac céu cam than dé dién ta: c6 thé... chang? Is it possible? Thi du: Can it be true? Diéu do co thé 1a ding u? Can he really believe that he can deccive us so easily? C6 thuc han tin ring han cé thé danh lita ching ta mdt cach dé dang nhu vay chang? It surely can't be 4 o'clock already! Cé thé 1a 4 gid’ réi co u? (Han 1A chua thé nao da 4 gid réi duge). Could anyone be such a fool as to believe that! C6 thé nao cé ai dién ré ma lai tin 4 diéu do. 3. Could vita 1a dang qua kh thudng (simple past) vita 1a dang diéu kién (conditional). If you were tired, you couldn't do that work. 307 Néu anh mét anh khéng thé lam viéc do dugc. Could you finish the exercise if you had more time, (xem bai 28: Cac loai cAu diéu kién, muc II). 4. Can va Could déu cé thé dang trong céu: "dé nghi, yéu cdu" nhung ding could, céu néi sé té nhi, 18 dé hon. Can you tell me the right time, please? Anh cé thé cho téi biét gid ding duge khong? Could you tell me the right time, please? Ong cé thé cho téi biét gid ding khong a? 5. Could + déng tit d dang nguyén thé hodn thanh (perfect infinitive) dé dién ta: a) Mét viéc dang ra cé thé lam duge nhung khéng lam (trong qua kh). He could have stopped the train. Anh ta dang ra cé thé d& diing con tau lai duge, (nhung anh ta da khéng diing). Icould have lent you the money, why didn't you ask me? ‘Toi cé thé dua cho anh vay tién duge, sao anh khéng héi téi? b) Mét viée ma ta khéng biét chéc 1a c6 duge 1A hay khong (trong qua khd). The book has disappeared! Who could take it? Tom could have taken it, he was here alone yesterday. Quyén sach da bién mat! Ai la ngudi (6 thé) da lay né di? Co lé 1a Tom day, vi hém qua chi cé mét minh cau ta 6 day. 308 TI. MAY 1. Cac dang chinh: So it Sd nhiéu Viét tat IHién tai 1 2 341 2 83 [May not: mayn't thuéng May May 4 kha i it: mi 't] ra Might Might (Might not: mightn’ huong: - Onguyén thé khéng 6 to - May khong cé tinh tit. 2. May ding lam tr¢ dong tit. + May di vdi mot dong tit nguyén thé bé to You may go home. They might go home. + May cé thé thay bang dong tit tuong duong: "To be allowed to", dat d thi tuong lai thudng va cdc thi hoan thanh. I may go home =I am allowed to go home. I might go home = I was allowed to go home. I shall be allowed to go home. Ihave been allowed to go home. + May duge ding dé dién ta: 1) Su duoc phép (c6 thé lam mét viée gi do duge phép). I may go home today. Téi dude phép vé nha hém nay (t6i c6 thé vé nha hém nay duige). He may use my dictionary. Anh ay cé thé dang cuén ty dién cia téi duge (anh ay duge téi cho phép dung cuén tu dién cla tai. He said that she might go that day. 309 Ong ta néi rang cé ta cé thé di ngay hém dé (cd ta dude phép di ngay hom dé). - Trudng hgp nay co thé thay bang "to be allowed to” - lam allowed to go home today. + May I...? thudng ngu ¥ xin phép. May I open the door? T6i cé thé mé cita duge khong a? May I use your dictionary? Téi c6 thé dang cuén tu dién cha anh dude khdng a? (xin phép anh cho téi dang cuén tiy dién cha anh). - Trong léi néi théng thudng 6 truéng hop nay cé thé thay may bang can You may come if yoy like. You can come if you like. Anh ¢6 thé dén duge néu anh thich. 2) Kha nding cé thé xdy ra, (truéng hop nay, khong thay bang to be allowed to). He may come today. Cé thé la hém nay anh ta dén. She said that he might be late that night. Cé ta néi rang cé thé Ja anh ay dén cham dém hém do. Take your raincoat, it may rain. Hay mang 4o di mua, trdi c6 thé mua day. + Thuéng 6 trudng hop nay muén dién ta y pha dinh, ngudi ta hay dung cannot chit khong ding may not. (+) The news may be true, of course. Tin do c6 thé 1a dting chi, tat nhién. (-) The news can’t 6e true. 310 Tin dé khong thé nao ding duge. (+) He may be there. Cé thé la anh ta 6 do. (-) He can't be there, the door is locked. Khéng thé nao anh ta 4 do duige, ctta bi khéa réi. 3) May not dién ta su cdm dodn. You may not smoke here. Anh khong duige hut thuéc 1a 6 day. People may not pick flowers in this park. Khéng ai duge hai hoa trong céng vién nay. Cha y: Dé nhan manh hon ngudi ta thuéng ding must not You must not smoke here. Bai tap 2, Tuy theo tinh hudng ding can, could, may, might trong nhiing cau dudi day. Gidi thich vi sao? Thi du: I (go and fetch) my book? May I go and fetch my book? (ngu ¥ xin phép). 1. (go and fetch) my book? 2. I (open) the window? 3. I (use) your English text-book? 4. The teacher said I (go) home. 5. You (drive) a motor-car? 6. He (be) at the library? 7. You (see) it distinctly? 8. You (use) my pencil. 311 9. He thinks I (not lift) the box, but I (do) it easily. 10. He (do) the translation very well. 11. A people with such men (never be) conquered. 12. We thought that be (be hiding) in the woods. MOT S6 CHI TIET CAN GHI NHG THEM VE MAY, MIGHT. 1, Thi hién tai thuong may cé thé ding dé néi vé tuong lai. Thi du: He may come tomorrow. It may rain tonight. 2. May/might cé thé ding dé dién ta mét ude mong, mot lai chtc tung. Thi du: May all your dreams come true! Cau chiic cho tat cd cdc uée md caa anh sé thanh su that! May you have a very happy holiday! Chiic cho anh duge huéng mét ngay nghi vui vé. He hoped that we might have a very happy holiday. Anh ay hy vong rang chiing t6i 06 dude mot ngay nghi vui vé. 3. May/might ding sau so that, in order that, that (... cét dé ma) ménh dé trang ngit chi muc dich (adverb clause of purpose). Thi du: Ba is working late tonight so that he may be able to go to the football match tomorrow. Ba lam viée khuya dém nay cét 1a dé mai cé thé di xem bong da. 312 She was studying English (so) that she might read English novels. Cé ta hoc tiéng Anh cét dé cé c6 thé doc duce tiéu thuyét Anh. 4. May/might cing thuéng duge ding 6 ménh dé trang ngit thifa nhan (adverb clause of concession). He may be poor (thought he is poor) but he is honest. Anh 4y tuy nghéo nhung 1a ngudi trung thu. Try as he may, he will not pass the examination. Da cé gang dén thé, nhung anh dy sé khong d6 dude. Try as he might, he could not persuade his friends to go with him. Tuy anh ay da cd ging nhung cing khéng thé thuyét phuc cac bé ban cing di vdi anh ay dude. 5. May + déng tit nguyén thé hoan thanh (Perfect Infinitive) dé dién ta mét su hoai nghi, khéng chac chan d hién tai vé mot su viée c6 thé xay ra 6 qua khi. He may have gone, (= It is possible that he went). Co thé 1a anh ta da di réi. Nam is late, he may have missed his usual train. Nam dén mué6n, cé thé 1a anh ta da 1 chuyén tau thudng 1é. - Might + d6ng tic d dang nguyén thé hoan thanh (perfect infinitive) dé dién ta mot viée dang ra d4 cé thé xay ra nhung thuc té lai khéng xay ra. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking round, you might have been knocked down by a car. Lé ra anh khéng duge chay qua dudng ma kh6ng nhin truéc nhin sau, anh cé thé bj 6-t6 chet rdi (nhung thu ra chua bi chet). 313 WL. MUST 1. Dang chinh: - Must 1a mét déng tit biéu vi dac biét chi co mét dang must. - Viét tat cha must not lA mustn't. 2. Must ding lam trg dong tit. - Must di véi dong tit nguyén thé bé to You must go now. He must tell the truth. - Must c6 thé thay bang déng tit tuong duong: "To have to" va déi khi: " - Must duige ding dé dién ta L)¥ bat bude, ménh lénh, mét viée phai lam. Must = phai You must wipe your feet before coming into the house. Anh phai chai chan truée khi di vao trong nha. Children must obey their parents. Tré con phai vang Idi cha me. Trong truéng hgp nay, ¥ pha dinh c6 thé duge dién ta bang each: a) Must not (mustn't) ngu y cém doan, ¥ bat bude khong dude lam viéc gi, khéng dude phép. 314 You mustn't walk on the grass. Anh khéng due gidm lén cd. Cars mustn't be parked in front of this house. Khéng due dé xe trude cla nha nay. b) Need not (needn't) ngu y khéng can thiét. Must I be at the meeting at 7 o'clock? Toi c6 phai dén budi hop vao dung lic 7 gid khong? - No, you needn't. - Khong, anh khong can phai dén vao luc dé. Your must not light a match, there are many tanks of gasoline in the room. Khong duge danh diém, trong buéng co nhiéu thing xang. You need not light a match. I can see well enough. Anh khéng can phai danh diém, téi nhin kha ré rdi. 2) "hn la", "dt la", “chde hén la"... You have worked hard all day, you must be very tired. Anh JAm viée tich cuc suét ngiy, At 1a anh mét lim. If Nam left here at four o'clock, he must be home by now. Néu anh Nam réi day tw luc 4 gid thi chdc han 1a bay gid anh ay phai 6 nha rdi. He mustn't have received my letter, otherwise he would have replied by now. Ong ta han 1a khéng nhan duoc thu cia tdi, néu khong thi ong ta da tra 1di rdi Trong truéng hop nay, § pha dinh déi khi duge dién ta bang can't. (+) If Nam left here at 4 o'clock, he must be home by now. (-) If Nam didn't leave until 5 o'clock, he can’t be home yet. Néu mai dén 5 gid ma Nam van chua réi day anh ta chua thé vé dén nha duce. 3) Must va have to (xem phan have to ¢ bai tritde) a) © ce thi tuong lai thudng, qua khi thudng ngudi ta thudng ding have to dé thay cho must. Thad to go to the doctor's yesterday. 315 H6m qua téi phai di kham bénh 6 ché bac si. We shall have to be at the meeting tomorrow. Chung téi sé phai cé mat 6 buéi hop ngay mai. b) Must din ta y bat buéc, y ménh lénh cia ngudi néi, con have to thudng dién ta y bat bude do ngoai canh 316 You must do what I tell you. Anh phai lam nhiing gi téi bdo anh. Nam has to work very hard. Nam phai lam viéc tich cuc. (do hoan canh). You must work harder. Anh phai lam viéc tich cuc han. (a6 14 ménh Jénh cia téi). c) Must (= han 1a, At 1a) khéng thay dude bang have to tap 3. Doc to nhitng cau sau déy, sau dé déi sang a) Thi tugng lai thuéng b) Thi qua kh thudng Thi dy: You must do it right away. You will have to do it right away. You had to do it right away. 1. You must do it right away. 2. She must wash the glasses. 3. They must change their shoes. 4. He must work as hard as he can. 5. I must go home early. 6. She must light a fire. 7. You must begin your work before 5 o'clock. 8. He must go to school alone. 4, Tuy theo tinh huéng thich hop, doi nhitng cau sau day sang dang phii dinh (ditng "Must not" hodc "need not"). Gidi thich. Thi du: He must get there before eight. He needn't get there before eight. (ngu y khong can thiét). . He must get there before eight. . They must leave before dinner. . She must wash up all the glasses. . You must answer in English. . He must lock the door. . She must take this medicine. . You must carry an umbrella. SrNearwone . We must change our clothes for dinner. Iv. NEED Léi ghi: Dong ti need cé thé ding a) Nhu mot déng tw thuong b) Nhu mét tro déng tit 1. Need (can) la mét déng tiv thudng. La mét déng tit thudng thi need ciing cé tat ca cac dang nhu nhiing dang tit thuéng khac. 317 Soi Sé nhiéu Hién tai 1 2 3 1 2 3 need __needs need Qua khe needed needed Cac thi kha ciing chia theo quy tac nhu nhiing déng tix thudng. + 6 thé nghi van va phi dinh phai di véi trg déng tt do Does he need to work hard? Anh ta cé efin phai lam viéc cham chi khéng? Did he need to work so hard? Anh ta cé cAn phai 1am viéc cham thé khéng? He does not need to work so hard. Anh ta khéng can phai lam viée cham chi. He did not need to work so hard. Anh ta khong can phai lam viéc cham thé. He does not need to word so hard, does he? Anh ta khong céin phai lam viéc cham chi thé phai khong? Chu y: Sau need nhw nhiing vi du trén, déng tt phai 6 dang nguyén thé cé to. + Dong tinh tu: a) Hién tai: needing. b) Qué khu: needed. c) Hoan thanh: having needed. + Mét vai thi du vé cach ding need 14 mét déng tit thuéng I need a new suit. Téi cin mét bé quan do mdi. Your hair needs cutting. Anh can phai di cat toc di. Did you need all them all? - No, [ didn't need them all. Anh cé cén tat e& nhiing edi nay khéng? - Khong, tdi khong cn tat ca nhiing this nay. 2. Need ding nhu m6t tr¢ déng tit. + La mét tro déng tl, need chi cd mot dang: need va duge chia gidng nhu mét dong tiv khuyét thiéu (defective verb) + Cach ding: a) Thudng chi dang 6 céu nghi van va phu dinh: Need he work so hard? Anh ta cé edin phai lam viée 6 ging dén nhu thé khéng? Need I answer that question? Téi cé cAn phai tra di cau héi dé khong? Need you go so soon? Anh cé can phai di sém thé khéng? He needn't work so hard. Anh ay khéng can phai lam viéc gang dén nhu thé. You needn't go yet, need you? Anh chwa can phai di, phai khéng? Ghi nhé: Nhu mét dong tii khuyét thiéu khac, sau need thi dong tir 6 dang nguyén thé khong cé to. b) Cé thé ding 6 cau khang dinh véi nhiing ti (hoac thanh ngw) ngu y nghi ngd hoac sau mét dong ti 6 dang pha dinh. Thi du: I wonder if I need bring my mosquitonet. Toi tu hdi khéng biét tdi cé cin phai mang man di khéng. 319 I don't think I need go at once. Téi khong nghi rang tdi can phai di ngay. + Need not Thudng dude ding dé tra 1di mét cau cé ding must dé dién ta § "khéng cfin thiét” (xem phan must). Thi du: . Must I answer all these questions? Toi cd phai tra 1éi tt cd nhiing cdu hdi nay khéng? - No, you needn't. - Khong, anh khéng can. + Dang qua khit cha need 1a: need... have... Thi du: Need you have scolded him so severely for his bad work? He had done his best. “ Anh cé cdn phai mang mé vé viéc lam kém cdi cua anh ta mot cAch nghiém khic dén nhu vay khéng? Anh ay df lam hét stic minh. + Needn't + dong tit 6 dang nguyén thé hoan thanh (Perfect Infinitive) dién ta mét viéc dang 1é khéng cAn phai lam nhung da chot 1am réi. Thi du: You needn't have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain. Dang nhé anh chang cdn phai tuéi hoa, vi trdi s4p mua réi day ma (nhung da tuéi mat rdi). He needn't have left so early, the train won't be here before an hour. Anh 4y chang cén phai ra di sém dén thé, cén mét gid nita tau méi dén day (nhung da di sém mat réi). 320 Cha y: So sinh nghia cia didn't need to... vdi needn't have. We had plenty of bread, so I didn’t need to buy a loaf. Chung téi co nhiéu banh mi réi, vi thé toi khéng cdn mua thém mot 6 nita (Khéng mua thém). We had plenty of bread, so I needn't have bought a loaf. Ching téi c6 nhiéu banh mi réi, vi thé 1é ra t6i khéng can phai mua thém mét 6 nita (Nhung da trét mua thém). Bai tap 5. Chuyén nhiing cdu dudi day sang a) Pha dinh. b) Nghi van. 1. You need write to him. 2.He need a new overcoat. 3. He needed all the help you could give him. 4. You need answer every question. 5. His hair needs cutting. 6. They need read all these books. 6. Chuyén nhitng cau 6 bai tap trén sang dang cau héi Idy lai (question-tag) Thi du: You need write to him. You need write to him, needn't you? 7. Tra lai nhitng cau hoi dudi day. 1. Need you go so soon? Yes, I... 2. Who needn't catch the early train? Lan... 321 . Need we answer all the questions? Yes, you... . Need Nam go to Haiphong tomorrow? No, he... . Need he answer all the questions? Yes, he... . Gidi thich nhitng cau dudi day: . a) I didn't need to leave the door unlocked. Van had a key. b) I needn't have left the door unlocked Van had a key. 2. a) She didn't need to tell me the time of the train. I knew it already. Hm oR b) She needn't have told me the time of the train. I knew it already. 3. a) He didn't need to take a bus, it is only five minutes’ walk to the house. b) He needn't have taken a bus, it is only five minutes walk to the house. . 4, a) My tea was already sweetened, so I didn't need to put any sugar in. b) My tea was already sweetened, so I needn't have put any sugar in. V. OUGHT 1. Dang chinh Ought 1a mét dong tt khuyét thiéu chi cé mét dang: ought. Dang nay ¢6 thé ding ca 4 hién tai, qua kha, tuong lai. Dang pha dinh 14: ought not (oughtn’t). Dang nghi van: ought I? ought you?... They ought to do it tomorrow. Ho phai lAm viée dé ngay mai. Ought we to do it at once? 822 Chiing t6i phai lam ngay a? I knew that I ought not to open the door. Toi biét rang téi khong duge phép m6 ctta. - You ought to learn your lesson by heart. Anh phai hoc thuéc long bai hoc. - Yes, I know I ought, (or ought to). Vang, t6i biét 1a toi phai. 2. Cach ding ought. a) Ought dién ta mét bén phan, mét trach nhiém, mét viée nén lam. Thi du: You ought to finish your work before going out. Anh phai lam xong céng viée cia anh trudéc khi di. You ought to obey your parents. . Anh phai vang 1éi bé me. You oughtn't to eat too much, it will make you fat. Anh khong nén An nhiéu qua, no sé lam cho anh béo phi ra day. Cha y: - Sau ought, dong ti phai dé 4 nguyén thé cé to. - Co thé thay ought to bing should (cé nghia 1a phai, nén). Thi du: You ought to obey your parents. You should obey your parents. b) Ought: han 1a, At han la If he started at nine, he ought to be there by now. Néu anh Ay khdi hanh ti lic 9 gid, thi han la bay gid da dén do réi. 323 Considering all the work you have done, you oughtn’t to fail in your examination. Xét tat cd céc viée anh da lam thi han 1a anh khéng thé nao thi truot duge. c) Ought to have + past participle dién ta viée dang ra (nén, phai) duge lam trong qua kh, nhung da khéng duge thuc hién. You ought to have written that letter yesterday. Lé ra anh phai viét bac thu 4y t® hém qua (nhung da khong viét). You ought to have told me about this earlier. Lé ra anh nén néi véi t6i viée nay sém hon (nhung da khong ndi). d) ought not to have +, past participle dién ta mét viée lé ra khéng nén lam nhung d& dude thuc hién (trong qua kha), vi thé nén khéng dude tan thanh. Thi du: ‘You oughtn't to have spent all that money on such a foolish thing. Lé ra anh khong nén tiéu tt ca mon tién dé vao mot viée dé dan nhu vay. You oughtn' have crossed the roads when the red light were on, Lé ra anh khong nén qua duéng khi cé dén do (nhung da qua dudng). Cha y: Co thé thay ought (to) bing should: You ought to have written that letter yesterday. Lé ra anh da phai viét 14 thu 46 hom qua. You should have written that letter yesterday. 324 Lé ra anh da phai viét 14 thu dé hém qua. You oughtn’t to have crossed the roads when the red light were on. Anh khong due sang dudng khi dén dé sang. You shouldn't have crossed the roads when the red light were on. Anh khéng duge sang dudng khi dén do sang. Bai tap 9. Gidi thich nhiing céu dui day. 1. You ought to here by nine o'clock. 2. You ought to have got here by nine o'clock. 3. The teacher ought to tell you about this before you do the exercise. 4. The teacher ought to have told you about this before you do the exercise. 5. Ought I to write dut this exercise? 6. I ought not to write out this exercise. 7. 1 ought not to have written out this exercise. 8. You shouldn't leave my book out in the rain. 9. You oughtn't to leave my book out in the rain. 10. You oughtn't to have left my book out in the rain. 11. If he works hard, he ought to pass his examination easily. 12. If the plane arrives on time, they ought to be here in time for dinner. 325 VI. DARE Léi ghi: Dare cé thé ding a) nhu mét déng ti khuyét thiéu lAm tro dong ti. b) nhu mét déng tit thudng. 1. Dare ding lam tro déng tix (= dam) La mét tr¢ déng tit cach chia cla dare gidng nhu moi déng tu khuyét thiéu khac. 326 C6 hai dang chinh: Hién tai dare Qua khit dared. Thi du: He dare climb that tree. N6 dam tréo lén cai cay ay. He dare not (daren’t) climb that tree. Anh ta khong dam tréo lén cay do. Dare he climb that tree? Anh ta cé dam tréo lén cay d6 khong? How dare you say such a thing? Sao anh lai dam noi mét diéu nhu thé? You daren’t swim a cross this river, dare you? Cau khong dam bai qua séng nay phai khong? - Yes, I dare. . + C6, t6i dam. They dared criticize him. Ho dam phé binh ong ta. They dared not criticize him. Ho khéng dam phé binh anh ta. 2. Dare ding lam dong tii thudng. + La mét dong tiv thudng, dare dugc chia theo dung quy tae cia cdc dong ti thuéng. O phi dinh va nghi van phai ding tro déng tu do. Thi du: He doesn't dare (to) answer my letter. Cau ta khéng dam tra 1di bic thu cha toi. Does he dare (to) answer your letter? Cau ta cé dam tra 1éi bie thu cha anh khong? We dared (to) criticize him. Chung téi di dam phé binh anh ta. Did you dare (to) criticize him? Cac cau da dam phé binh ong ta chua? - Yes, we did. - Co, ching téi da. She didn’t dare (to) say a word, did she? Cé ay khong dam néi 161 xin 16i co phai khéng? Cha ¥: Sau dare, dong tir c6 thé 6 dang nguyén thé ¢6 to hoac bé to + Dare 1a déng ti thudng 6 hai nghia. a) dare = dém He doesn't dare (to) say anything. Han khong dam néi nang gi. b) dare = thach He dared me to swim against the current. Han thach téi bai nguge dong nuée. 3. [daresay 327 Téi cho 1a, t6i dam ch&n la, chdc chan 1a, He is not here yet but I daresay he will come later. Anh ta chua cé mat 6 day nhung toi dam chic 1A lat nia anh ta sé dén. - Do you think Lan will come and see us today? - Oh, I daresay. Anh cé nghi rang Lan sé dén tham chung ta hom hay khong? - 0, che chiin la 06, VI. USED (TO) 1. Dang chinh: a) Used (to) chi cé mét dang qua khit: Used (to) + used used not (usedn't) P+ used you (he...)? 2. usedn't you (he...)? b) Ghi cha: Tuy nhién d6i khi ta cing gap trudng hop ding trg dong tit did (did you use to...?) 6 dang pha dinh va nghi van. Thi du: He usedn’t to smoke as much as he does now. Anh ta thudng khong hut nhiéu nhu bay gid. He didn’t use to smoke as much as he does now. Anh ta thudng khéng hut nhiéu nhu bay gid. Did you used to go fishing in Summer? Anh van thudng di cau trong maa hé chi? Did you that mistake, usedn't you? Anh da mde 16i, thé c6 thudng vay khéng? 328 You used to make that mistake, usedn't you? Anh thuéng mac 1di nhu thé cé phai khong? You used to make that mistake, didn't you? Anh thuéng mc 16i nhu thé cé phai khong? 2. Cach dung: a) Used (¢o) dién ta mét théi quen, mét viéc thwong4lam trong qua kha. Thi du: He usedn’t to smoke as much as he does now. Truée day anh dy khéng 6 théi htt thudéc 14 nhiéu nhu bay gid. You used to make that mistake, usedn’t you? Truéc day anh thudng méc phai 16i nay phai khong? b) C6 thé thay used to bang would. He used to go every day to the park. (would go) Nhung would thudng duge ding dé dién ta mét théi quen, mét viée thudng lam do tu nguyén, xudt phat tt ¥ muén, con used to dude ding réng rai hon. Thi du: His hair used to be black, but it's white now. Tée anh ta trude day den co, bay gid da bae rdi. 3. Can ghi nhé: + Dung nham used to véi déng tu to use thudng cé nghia 1a dung. Thi du: I use the same pen that I have used for ten years. 329 vdi. tu. 330 Téi vin dung cai bit ma téi da dang mudi nam nay. + Ding nhdm Used to véi To be used to c6 nghia 14 quen I'm not used to hard work but I'll get used to it soon. Téi khong quen vdi céng viéc nang nhung réi ti sé quen dan. He is used to getting up early. Anh ay quen day sém. + Sau to be used to ta cé thé dung déng danh ti hoae danh tap 10. Dat cau héi ldy lai (question-tag) cho nhitng cau dui day. . You daren't do that...? . He didn't dare to do that...? . He won't dare to do that...? . He dared you to do that...? . You used to live there...? roe . He usedn't to work in that factory...? . You used to like playing chess...? Snaas w . He daren't say what he thinks...? 9. He didn't dare to say what he thought...? 11. Gidi thich nhiing cau dudi day. 1. He dared to swim across the river. He dared me to swim across the rive. 2. She dared to criticize him. She dared me to criticize him. 3. "I thought you didn't like him?" "T usedn't to (like him) but I do now". 4, Lam used to the noise of this street. Ihave used this bicycle for five years. 5. He used to drink coffee after dinner. He is used to drinking coffee after dinner. BAI 25 WILL, SHALL Loi ghi: Ta da nghién citu hai dong tY Will, Shall 6 thi tuong lai (future tense) va 6 thie digu kién (conditional mood). Trong bai nay ta sé nghién céu nhiing trudng hop dac biét khac vé cach ding hai dong tit dé. 1. WILL/WOULD 1. Cae dang chinh: + Will 1a dong ti khuyét thiéu (Defective Verb) ding 1am tr¢ dgng tit. Chi cd hai dang: a) hién tai: will. b) qua kh: would. + Will khéng cé d6ng tinh tii. + Sau will phai ding dong tit é dang nguyén thé bé to. He will go, he would go. 2. Cach ding will, would. Ngoai cach ding will, would 6 thi tudng lai va thie diéu kién, duéi day 1a mét sé trudng hgp dac biét cn ghi nhé. 331 1) will you? Dién ta y mdi moe (invitation). Will you have some more hee Anh uéng thém ft bia nhé? Will you come to tea tomorrow? Anh sé dén udng tra vao ngay mai nhé? Trong 16i néi than mat 6 trugng hgp nay ngudi ta od thé bs (Will you) ma ding: Have some more beer? Thém bia nhé? Come to tea tomorrow? Dén uGng tra ngay mai nhé? 2) Will you? Didn ta ¥ dé nghi yéu céu (request). Will you type this, please? Anh danh may hé cai nay nhé? Will you give him this letter? Anh dua hé cho anh Ay bic thu nay nhé? a) Nhung cing cé nhiéu trudng hgp ngudi ta ding would trong nhting trudng hgp trén thi cau néi sé té nhi, lich thiép hon. Would you show me the way to the station? Anh 1am on chi cho téi con duéng di ra ga duge khéng a? Would you give him this letter? Lam on dua gitm cho anh 4y bie thu nay nhé? b) Cang c6 thé ding will you, would you, sau mot dong tit 6 thtic ménh lénh. Come here, will you? Shut the door, would you? Tuy nhién 16i néi nay chi dang trong nhiing truéng hgp than mat. 332 3) Will trong cAu khang dinh cé thé dién ta ¥ ménh lénh. All boys will attend roll-call at 9 o'clock. Tat ca hoc sinh phai cé mat diém danh vao hic 9 gid. "You will stay here till you are relieved" said the officer. "Anh phai 6 lai day cho dén khi nao cé ngwdi dén thay phién gac cho anh", ngwdi si quan néi. 4) Will dién 1a mét thoi quen, mét thdi thudng (6 hién tai). He will sit there hour after hour. Hin ta ct ngéi do hét gid no dén gid kia. The machine will go wrong and it is impossible to find out what the matter is. Cai may thudng ct truc trac ma khong thé nao tim ra duge no héng cai gi. Thudng thudng ngudi ta hay ding Would dé dién ta théi quen (trong qua khtt). They would come to see us on Sunday. Ho thuéng dén tham ching téi vao ngay chi: nhat. 5) Will dién ta y khang khang nhat dinh hay mét viée nhat dinh xay ra. ‘ He will have his own way. N6 ct nhat dinh lam theo y né. Accidents will happen. Tai nan nhat dinh sé xay ra. The engine won't start. May nhéat dinh ett khéng no. Chu y: 6 qtia kh dang would dé dién ta y "khang khang nhat dinh". 333 We all tried to stop him talking in class but he would do it. Ching t6i c6 bat no bé cai thoi néi chuyén 4 trong lép nhung no ett ndi, khong sao bé dude. He wouldn't help me yesterday. Hém qua nhat dinh anh Ay khong gitp tdi. 3. Mt vai chi tiét can ghi nhé thém vé would a) Would dung sau to wish, if only. Dé dién ta mét y cdn mong, khong chic gi dat duge I wish it would stop raining. ‘T6i ude gi gid mA trdi tanh mua di. (nhung mua van cit dai dang). If only he would come back soon. Gia ma anh ta vé sém duge... (nhung xem chiing anh ta hua vé duge). b) Would like dién ta mong muén, mong dugc, xin phép duge. 334 Dé ding trong 1di ndi 1é phép, lich su... I would like to see Mrs. Linh. Téi xin phép gap ba Linh. Would you like to see Mrs. Linh? Y anh muén gap ba Linh a? c) Would rather dién ta y thich hn, muén hon, tha... hon... I would rather stay. Toi thich 6 lai hon. We would rather die than be slaves. Ching ta tha chét con hon lam né lé. IL SHALL/SHOULD 1. Shall 1a mot dng ti khuyét thiéu (Defective Verb) dang lam tro déng tix. Chi cé hai dang: a) Hién tai: shall b) Qua kha: should + Shall khong cé déng tinh tw. + Sau Shall phai ding dong tit 6 dang nguyén thé bs TO I shall go. I should go. 2. Cach ding shall/would Ngoai cach ding shall, should 6 thi tuong lai va thie diéu kién, duéi day 1A mdt s6 trudng hgp dac biét cin ghi nha: A. Shall Shall I, shall we? dé dién ta: 1) ¥ héi xin ¥ kién ai, xin 1di khuyén cua ai vé vide gi... How shall I cook it? Téi nd&u mén an nay thé nao a? Where shall I put this? Téi dé cai nay 6 dau duge a? 2) Y tu nguyén dé nghi lam viée gi cho ai... Shall I wait for you? Toi dgi anh nhé? Shall I help you to pack? TOi gidp anh thu xép hanh ly nhé? 3) Su goi y- Shall we meet at the theatre? Ching ta gap nhau 6 rap hat nhé? 335 B. Should 1) Dién ta bon phan, viée nén lam, phai lam, (xem bai ought to) Children shoudd obey their parents. Tré con phai vang 161 bd me. You shouldn ’? tell lies. Anh khéng duge néi déi. You should eat more fruit. Anh nén an nhiéu hoa qua hon niia. He should go today. Anh ta phai di hém nay. Ghi nhé: Should 6 truéng hgp nay c6 thé dang ca 6 hién tai, tung lai, qua kha. He should go today/tomorrow. He said I should go that day/the next day. 2) Should + déng tit é dang nguyén thé hoan thank (Perfect Infinitive) dé dién ta mét viée dang 1é (nén) phai lam nhung khéng duige thuc hién. thi... a) You should have stupped at the red lights. Lé va anh phai dimg lai khi cé dén do. (nhung da khong ding). He should have worked harder for this exam. Lé ra anh phai hoc hanh cham chi hon dé chun bi cho ky (nhung da khéng cham), Hoac khi 6 pht dinh, dién ta mét viée dang 1é khéng nén lam nhung da duge thuc hién. 336 b) You shouldn't have been rude to her. Anh khong dude thé bao véi cé ay (nhung da cé hanh vi thé bao). You shouldn't have beaten him, Lé ra anh khéng duoe danh no. (nhung da danh) 3) That... should: Unudng duce ding sau mot sé dong tiv nhu: a) Suggest, propose, insist He suggested that I should go in for sports. Anh ay ggi ¥ rang téi nén tham gia cac mén thé thao. He proposed that the trip should be postponed. Anh ay dé nghi nén hoan chuyén di lai He insisted that nothing should start till he arrived. Anh ta khang khang rang khéng duge khdi su gi truéc khi anh ta téi. b) Recommend, advise. He recommended that I should buy this new dictionary. Anh ay khuyén téi nén mua cudn ty dién mdi dé. He advised that I should take this medicine, for my sore throat. Anh dy khuyén nghi t6i nén uéng tha thude nay dé chita bénh viém hong cua téi. c) Order command, urge He orderred that all of us should be present at the meeting. Ong ay ra lénh lA tat cd moi nguéi phai c6 mat tai budi hop. He commanded that all the gates should be shut. Ong 4y ra lénh phai dong tat cA cdc cong lai. Cha y: Cang nhing y trén, ngudi ta c6 thé ding "dong tir nguyén thé" sau cac déng tit loai (b) va (c) d trén. Thi du: He advised me to take this medicine for my sore throat. He ordered us to be present at the meeting... 4) Should dugc ding sau: It is necessary (advisable, essential, vital, important...) ngu y "nén", "phai"... It is nescessary that we should learn foreign laguages. 337 Viéc ching ta hoc tap ngoai ngi 1a mét diéu rat cdn thiét. It is advisable that everyone should have a map. Negudi ta khuyén ring méi ngudi nén cé mét cdi ban dé. It is important that we should develop our heavy industry. Phat trién nén cong nghiép nang cia ching ta la mét diéu quan trong. 5) Sau “lest” (=e rang, kéo) We must hurry lest we should be late. Chung ta phai khan truong e rang bi cham mat. J shall write down your name lest I should forget it. Téi sé ghi tén anh kéo lai quén mat. Bai tap : Gidi thich nghia va céch ding shall, will, should, would trong nhitng cau dudi day. 1. Will you have another cup of tea? 2. Would you have another cup of tea? 3. Will you help-me to carry this heavy bag, please? 4. Would you kindly tell me the time? 5. Shall we go to the theatre tonight? 6. Shall I get you a cup of tea? 7. Shall I open the window? 8. The enemy shall not pass. 9. He will often come and spend the evening with us. 10. He will sit for hours on a rock watching the stormy sea. 11. He would rise early and take a walk before breakfast. 12. We have tried to fix that window, but it will keep ratting, 13. The door will not lock. 338 14. I would not answer him when he spoke to me yesterday. 15. I will never agree to that. 16, Althought I was very busy, he would bother me with questions. 17. You should keep your promise. 18. She should be more attentive at her lesson. 19. You should have helped her to carry that heavy box. 20. You should not have blamed him, it wasn't his fault. 21. It is necessary that everything should be ready by seven. 22. It is essential that he should be prepared for this. 23. It is vital that we should develop our agriculture and industry. 24. He insisted that the meeting should be postponed. 25. You shouldn't have asked me that question. 339 CHUONG MUGI DONG TU: DANG VA THUG (Verbs: Voice and Mood) BAL 26 DANG BI DONG (The Passive Voice) I. GIO! THIEU So sénh hai dang can dudi day: Dang chi. d6n, \Dang bi déng [The teacher praised Nam. Thay| giao khen Nam (chi ngii: The! teacher, hanh dong: viéc khen) Nam is praised by the tearcher. Nam dude thay giao khen. (Cha nga: Nam, giii vai tré thu dong) Mét vai thi du khae They broke the window. People speak English all over the world. They are repairing the bridge. ‘The window was broken. English is spoken all over the world. \The bridge is being repaired. II. QUY TAC CHIA DONG TU 6 DANG BI DONG To be + past participle cia dong tiv mudn chia. Thi du: Thi hién tai thuéng (6 dang bi déng) 340 + Tam punished |by the teacher. He (she) is punished {by the teacher. We (you, they) are punished _|by the teacher, _ - Iam not punished by the teacher. He (she) is not punished by the teacher. We (you, they) are not punished _|by the teacher. 2+) Am {I punished |by the teacher? Is_ [he (she) punished |by the teacher? Are |we (you, they) punished _|by the teacher? ?~ jAren't|I punished |by the teacher? Isn't |he (she) punished [by the teacher? Aren't|we (you, they) punished by the teacher? Cha ¥: Dang viét tat 6 ngéi tha nhat: Aren't I hode Ain't (it khi dung). BI£U DO TONG HOP 6 THI 6 DANG BI DONG Cac thi + : 2 ?- I am punished. |I am not Am I Ain't I Hién tai |He is punished. punished? |punished? thugng _|punished. He is not Is he Isn't he punished. punished? |punished? Twas I was not Was I [Wasn't I Qua kh |punished. punished. ‘punished? |punished? thudng |He was He was not |Washe |Wasn't he punished. punished. ‘punished? |punished? I shall be I shall not be|Shall I be |Shan't I be . punished. punished. punished? |punished? hones He willbe {He will be not|Will he be [Won't he punished. lpunished. punished? |be punished? 341 Have I I have been I have not Haven't I Hién tai Ipunished. Ibeen been been oan ~ |He has been = |punished. punished? |punished? thanh punished. Hehasnot {Has he Hadn't he been been been . punished. punished? |punished? Qua kha |] had been Thad not Had I Hadn't I hoan punished. been, been, Been thanh He had been _|punished. punished? |punished? punished. He had not |Had he Hadn't he been been been unished. punished? }punished? Ishallhave [I shallnot |Shall I Shan't I Tuong lai been punished. have been Ihave been have been hoan He willhave |punished. punished? |punished? thanh been punished. |He will not | Will he Won't I have been have been |have been punished. punished? |punished? Bai tap Muén ndm viing duoc cach ding 16i thu déng cén phai lan lugt lam cac bai tap duéi déy. Chi ¥ doc ky nhiing léi ghi gidi thich 6 titng bai tap. 1. Chuyén nhitng cau dudi day tiz dang chi: déng sang dang bi dng. Chu y dén cdc thi cia dong ti. Néu chu ngii 6 cau dang cha dong ré rang (khéng chung chung) khi chuyén sang dang bi déng phai ding by. Thi du: Stephenson invented the first steam-engine (dang chu déng) The first steam engine was invented by Stephenson... (dang bi dong) 342 ~ 1. Stephenson invented the first steam-engine. 2. Did Stephenson invent the first steam-engine? 3. A butcher does not make bread. 4, Does a butcher make bread? 5. His father forgave him. 6. Did his father forgive him? 7. Mother often takes my little brother to the kindergarten. 8. Beethoven composed this piece of music. 9. The waiter will bring in the coffee. 10. The storm carried away the bridge. 2. Chuyén nhiing cau dudi day sang dang bi déng: Ghi nhé: Néu dong tix 6 cu dang chi déng co hai tan ngii (mét gidn tiép, mot truc tiép) thi c6 thé chuyén sang dang bi dong bang hai cach: Thi du: (dang chi d6ng) ‘The policeman will show you the way. (The policeman will show the way to you). (dang bi déng). 1. You will be shown the way by the policeman. 2. The way will be shown to you by the policeman. Cach tha nhat thudng duge ding nhiéu hon - trong dé tan ngit gidn tiép cua céu dang chu déng duge dimg 1am chi ngii cha cau dang bi déng. 1. Rather promises me a bicycle. 2. The teacher will give her a prize if she works well. 3. Nam told me the news this morning. 343 4. The jury will award him a gold medal. 5. The guide pointed out the old pagoda to me. 6. Lan lent me this book. 3. Chuyén nhiing cau dui day sang dang bi déng. Léi ghi: (can chi y) Néu cha ngit trong cau dang cht déng cé tinh chat chung md hé nhu someone, somebody, one, they, people... (6 nghia 1a; ngudi nao dé, ngudi ta, ai do, ai, ho) thi han chuyén sang dang bi déng va trong nhiing trudng hgp d6 khéng cén ding by. Thi du: Khong nén viét: People speak English all over the world. Nén viét: English is spoken all over the world. 1. People play football all over the world. 2. People always admire this picture. 3. People must not take these books away. 4. People see the valley from the top of the hill. 5. People speak well of him. 6. Do people speak well of him? 7. People should make lessons more interesting for children. 8. Somebody invited him to dinner yesterday. 9. Somebody told him to wait outside. 10. Somebody must finish the work. 11. Somebody must do something for those poor men. 12. Somebody left the light all night. 13. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 14. Does one use milk of making butter and cheese? 344 15. One praises a pupil when he works hard. 16. They make progress every day in the world of science. 17. They didn't tell me the truth about the situation. 18. They were repairing the bridge. 19. Did they build the house in 1960? 20. They didn't invite me to the tea-party. IIL. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN GHI NHO THEM VE CACH DUNG DANG BI DONG 1. C6 thé dang dang bi déng véi cac thi tigp dién (chi yéu 1a thi hién tai tip dién va thi qua khit tiép dién). Chi déng Bi déng - They were repairing the bridge.{The bridge was being repaired. - They were carrying injured ‘he injured player was being player to the ambulance. arried to the ambulance. 2. Cé thé ding dang bi déng khi co cac trg dong ti. Chu déng Bi déng - You must shut these doors [These doors must be shut... - You ought to open the The windows ought to be opened. windows. 3. Dong danh tix 6 dang bi dong (The passive Gerund). Being + Past participle Chu déng | Bi dong - | remember my father taking]|- I remember being taken to the me to the zoo. Zoo by my father. 345 4, Ghi nhé vi tri cha. gidi tw khi viét 6 dang bi déng. Cha déng | Bi déng - We must write to him. - He must be written to. - People speak well of him. - He is well spoken of. 5. Doi véi nhwng déng tw nhu: think, consider, know, acknowledge, believe, understand, claim, report, say, suppose, c6 hai cach chuyén sang dang bi déng (chit ¥ tdi cach viét cha hai dang). CHu dong - People think that he is a very|1. Jt is thought that he is a very clever man. clever man. 2. He is thought to be a very clever man. - People know that he was in|1. If is known that he was in London for many years. ‘London for many years. '2. He is known to have been in London for many years. - People said that he could swim|1. Jt is said that he could swim across this river. across this river. 2. He was said to be able to swim across this river. 346 BAI 27 THUC MENH LENH (The Imperative Mood) 1. GIGI THIEU Trong ngit phap Anh, thttc (mood) 14 khai niém dé chi dang thiic cia déng tiv ma ngudi ndi dang dé dién dat cae sac thai khac nhau cua hanh déng, su viée hay trang thai. Nhu da gidi thiéu 6 phan dau bai ni vé dong ti, tiéng Anh c6 bén thite 12: a) Thue chi djnh (the indicative mood) ding dé trinh bay, khang dinh, pha dinh, héi vé nhiing hanh dong hay sy viée binh thudng dA, dang va sé xay ra trong thy té. b) Thite ménh lénh (the imperative mood) ding dé dién dat nhiing gia thiét, nhiing su viéc khéng xay ra trong thuc té. a) Thite diéu kién (the conditional mood) ding de dién dat nhiing hanh déng hay su viée chi xdy ra néu cé nhing diéu kién nao dé. Ngoai thitc chi dinh ma ching ta da nghién cdu, sé gidt thiéu lan lugt cae thite khac ndi trén. ll. CAU TAO THUC MENH LENH 1. Cach chia déng tw 6 thite ménh lénh Thi du: To sit down. Ngéi Sé it Sé nhiéu Ngéi tha 1 |Sit down Sit down. Ngoitha@2 |Let me sit down ‘Let us (let's) sit down Ngéi tha 3 [Let him (her) sit down |Let them sit down 347 2. Nhan xét cach chia: a) O thé khang dinh + Ngéi thit 2 sd it va s6 nhiéu gidng nhau, chia nhu dang dong ti nguyén thé khdng cé to va khong cé chi ngit. Give me your book. Hurry up. Come in, please. Have a cigarette. Be quiet. + Ngdi tha nhat va ng6i th ba: ding Let + me/us him/them... + infinitive. Let me help you. Let us (let's) leave this place. Let them go out. Let him (her) go alone. Let the boy come into the room. + C6 thé thém do 6 dang trude dé nhdn manh (y nai ni). Do tell me what he said. Do be here at seven. Do let her come. b) 6 thé phat dinh cé hai cach: + Dung do not, don’t dat trude: Do not forget to come. Don't be late. Don't make so much noise. Don't let him wait too long. Don't let them have those books. + O ngéi thit nhat va thi ba, cé thé thém not sau let's, let him... vao truée dong ti nguyén thé. Let's not open the door, let us open the window. 348 Let them not believe that. 3. Ghi cha thém. a) Binh thwéng trong thtc ménh lénh khéng ding cht ngii, tri trudng hep: - Prong thé khang dinh, dat chi ngit trude déng tit dé nhan manh hodae phan biét. You ask the first question and I'll ask the next one. You go while Dick and I stay here and make tea. - Trong thé pha dinh, dat cha ngit sau don’t dé nhdn manh. Don't you dare to say I am not telling the truth. I've been answering questions all day. Don't you start now? b) Dé td ve 16 dd hon, c6 thé thém please vao déu hose cudi cau ménh lénh, hoac thém dang cau hoi ngan vao cuéi cu véi will, would, shall trong cau than mat. Please come inside and meet my wife. Sit down, please. Just give me the book, will you? Let's begin now, shall we? Ul. CACH DUNG THUC MENH LENH Thtic ménh lénh cha yéu dé dién dat y mdi moc, khuyén bao, yéu cau, ra lénh cho ai lam viéc gi nhu trong cdc thi du da néu. Ngoai ra con ding dé dién dat: - Mot gia thiét. Do that again and I'll call a policeman. Ca lam nia di, t6i sé goi céng an cho ma xem. Suppose you had an accident, what should I do? Gia thi anh gap tai nan, téi sé phai lam gi? 349 350 - M6t Idi chute. Have a good holiday! Enjoy yourself and come back quite well again! tap 1. Ding dng tit 6 thiée ménh lénh dé dat ciu theo mdu sau day. 1. Have 2. Do have 3. Don't have another cup of tea. 4. Let's have 5. Don't let him/her have. Dat 5 cau theo mau trén vdi mdi nhom tit sau day. To close the window. To get into the house. To turn to the left. To start the game. To bring them the parcel. 2. Dat céu theo cdc mau sau day: 1. Leave the door open, please. 2. Please don't leave the door open. 3. Leave the door open, will you? 4. Let's leave the door open, shall we? Dat 4 céu theo mau trén voi nhitng nhom tit sau day: To keep straight on. To stop the machine. To take the cups away. To ask her to come down. 3. Thay thite ménh lénh vdo nhiing céu cé if dudi day: Thi du: If you look at the picture, you will see the mistake. Look at the picture, and you will see the mistake. 1. If you lend me dictionary, I'll translate this article. 2. If you tell him your address, he'll write to you. 3. If you adopt a new method, you'll get better result. 4. If you ask for the transistor set, your father will give it to you. 5. If you send him the invitation, he'll surely come. CAC LOAI CAU DIEU KIEN (Conditional Sentences) CAch cht yéu cia thtic gia dinh va thie diéu kién cha dong ti 1a trong cdc loai cau diéu kién. Do dé, truéc khi nghién ctu chi tiét vé cau tao va cach dung cia ce thie trén, ta can ndm viing cac loai cau diéu kién. I. BA LOAI CAU DIEU KIEN CO BAN * Loai Ménh dé phu diéu kién Ménh dé chinh i Gif - clause) (Main - clause) I If the rain stops I shall go for a walk. If you call him He will come. nt If the rain stopped (now) I should go for a walk. If you called him (now) He would come. WW If the rain had stopped (then)|I should have gone for a walk. Ifyou had called him (yesterday) |He would have come. 351 Ghi nhé: 1. Cau loai | chi diéu kién c6 that (real conditions), sé co thé’ xdy ra trong hién tai hoe twong lai: Néu trai tanh mua, toi sé di choi. Dung cac thi hién tai va tuong lai thudng. 2. Cau loai I chi diéu kién khéng cé that (unreal conditions), thu té khong xay ra trong hién tai. Gia trdi tanh mua, tdi sé di choi (nhung thuc té thi trai dang mua va khéng cé trién vong tanh) Dung thi qué khi (thie gia dinh) trong cau diéu kién, ding should va would (thtic diéu kién) trong ménh dé chinh. Loai nay bao gém cau gia dinh dién hinh nhu: If I were, I should accept the offer. Néu tdi JA anh, tdi sé nhan dé nghi do. If I were a bird, I should fly home at once. Cha y: Qua khti gid dinh cua to be 1A were 6 tat cd cdc ngdi, should dung cho ngéi tht nhat, would ding cho ngéi thi hai va thé ba theo quy tac chung, nhung trong van néi c6 xu huéng ding would cho tat ca cdc ngéi. 3. Cac loai III chi diéu kién khong co that trong qua kh, gia dinh mét diéu trai vdi thuc té'dé xdy ra: Néu lic dé trdi tanh mua thi t6i da di choi rai. Ding thi qua kh hodn thanh (thtic gia dinh) trong ménh dé diéu kién va thi diéu kién hoan thanh (should /would have + dong tinh tit qua khid) trong ménh dé chinh. 352 Bai tap 1. Xae dinh cde cdu sau thuée loai cau diéu kién nao va doi sang hai loai kia. me. _ . You'll break it if you aren't careful. i . I should be pleased if you came. . They will get wet if it rains. _If [had known that, I should not have made the mistake. . If I were you, I should go home immediately. . I would buy a new bicycle if I had the money. wo . He would have told you if you had asked him. . If he works hard he will pass his examination. cCarnrane . If he were here he would help you. 10. I should never have done that work, if you had not helped 2. Déi cdc déng tit trong ngodc sang dang thich hop. 1. You will be ill if you (eat) so much. 2. If my bicycle (not break) down, I should have caught him. 3. If you (look) at it carefully, you would see the mistake. 4.If they had waited, they (find) me. 5. If the children (be) good, they can have each a ticket for the theatre. 6. I (buy) that coat if it were not so dear. 7. I'm sure she will do well if she (go) to the university. 8. I shouldn't have thought it possible unless I (see) it. 9. If you don't shut that window, we all (die) of cold. 10. We (enjoy) the play better if it had not been so long. 353 Il. CAC DANG KHAC CUA CAU DIBU KIEN Trong pham vi ba loai cau co ban ndi trén, trén thu té ngudi ta c6 thé chuyén sang nhiéu dang khée dé dién dat y muén noi mé6t c4ch linh hoat hon. 1. Trong céu loai I, cé thé tay theo tinh hudng ma ding cdc thi khae nhau: If 1 am not too tired, I may go shopping. If what you say is right, then what I said was wrong. If I have made a mistake, I will try to remind. 2. Trong cau loai I, néi chung khéng dung should, would va khéng dang shall, will trong ménh dé diéu kién sau if, dd y muéon dién dat vé tugng lai. I shall go out if the rain stops. You will see him if you come here tomorrow (khéng néi will come) Nhung van c6 thé dang nhiing t¥ dé khi muén dién dat ¥ nghia riéng. Tf you will come here tomorrow, I would be glad to talk to you. If you would sign this agreement, I will let you do it at once. Will va would 6 day biéu hién §: muén, vui ling san sang. If the train should be late, what will you do? If he should refuse to help you, what will you do? Should + déng tit duge ding thay cho thi hién tai thudng dé noi ¥ gia dinh trong tugng lai va it kha nang xay ra hon. (Nhiing céu trén 6 ¥ néi: néu chang may tau cham, néu Id ra anh Ay tit chéi)... 3. Trong cu loai II, c6 thé dang Were to + déng tit trong ménh dé diéu kién dé biéu hién ¥ tuong lai va could, might thay cho should, would dé biéu hién kha nang it hon. If he were to come tomorrow, I might have time to see him. Néu ngay mai anh 4y dén, co thé tdi sé cé thi gid tiép anh Ay. 4. Ngoai lién ti if, c6 thé ding cde lién t¥ khac dé biéu hién diéu kién. Thi du: I won't come unless (tri phi) you invite me. (=I won't come if you don't invite me). Supposing you were in my shoes, what would you do? Gia thiét 1a anh 6 vao dia vi téi, anh sé lam gi? I'll accept the invitation provided that (= mién 1a) you go with me. Téi chap nh4n 16i mdi vdi diéu kién anh cung di vdi téi. Dac biét, khi trong ménh dé phu diéu kién cé nhiing dang dong tu were, had, should ta cé thé biéu hién bang dang ddo ngutoe ma khong ding if (16i néi nay van chuong hon). Were John here now, he would explain the whole matter (= If John were here now...) Had you asked me, I should helped you ( if you had asked me...) I will go, should it be necessary (= If it should be...) Bai tap 3. Dién if hodec unless vao nhitng cau sau, chi ¥ cdch ding d6ng tit va nghia cua céu. 1. He will come... you ring the bell. 355 2. I shan't go to the door... I hear the bell. 3 ... he wrote to me, I should write to him. 4. He will not learn much... he works harder. 5. He wouldn't come... you invited him. 6. I should never have found the house... Mr. Ba had not helped me. 4. Dung if thay cho dang déo nguge trong nhitng céu sau: 1. Had you waited, he would have come. 2. Should he refuse you, let me know it at once. 3. Were he an honourable man, he could not behave this. 4. Should you see him, remember me to him, will you? 5. Had we known that, neither of it would have gone. 6. Were she to take up acting (di vao nghé dién vién). I'm sure she would succeed at it. 5. Doi dong tit trong ngodc sang dang thich.hgp trong nhitng cau sau. 1. You can go wherever you (like) 2. I am going into the country tomorrow if it (be) fine. 3. He wouldn't treat you unkindly provided you (behave) well. 4. If you were to come tomorrow, she (be) ready to help you. 5. He would never have known unless you (tell) him. 6. I (go) and call her if you will wait a moment. 7. You can walk where you like provided you (not step) on the grass. 8. He wouldn't have begun to learn English if he (know) the difficulties. 356 9. If wishes (be) horses, beggars would ride. (Tye ngit Anh: Néu uéc gi dude nay thi ngudi an may cing cé ngua cudi). 10. If you (not tell) me about it, I might never have gone to see it. BAI 29 THUC GIA DINH VA THUC DIEU KIEN (The Subjunctive Mood and the Conditional Mood) 1. CAU TAO THUC GIA DINH Thi Ngéi tobe | to have | to speak Hién tai (Present |{I, you, we, [be have speak Subjunctive) he, she, they |be have speak Qua khu (Past. I, you, we; |were had spoke Subjunctive) lhe, she, they |were had spoke Qua kha hoan I, you, we, jhad been jhad had |spoken ‘|thanh (Past Perfect |he, she, they |had been |had had |spoken Subjunctive) Ghi cha: Dang dong ti 4 thite gid dinh gidng nhau 6 tat ca cae ngéi. Thi hién tai gid dinh gidng nhu dong ti nguyén thé khong c6 to. Thi qua kha va qua khit hoan thanh gia dinh gidéng nhu qua kht va qué khit hoan thanh thudng, riéng doi vdi to be vA were 6 tat ca cdc ngoi (nhung trong 1di néi hang ngay, cd xu huéng dung was cho sé it nhu qua khit thudng trit nhting cau nhu If I were you, If I were a fish) 357 Should dang 6 té&t ca cde ngéi dude coi 1a mot dang tuéng duong vdi thitc gia dinh (subjunctive equivalent) cé thé ding thay cho thi hién tai hay qué khu cua thie gia dinh trong mét sé trudng hgp. Thi du: If I should die, you will continue my work. Néu tdi chét di, anh sé tiép tuc cong viée cia téi. If you should fail in this, our plan is ruined. Néu anh chang may that bai trong viée nay, ké hoach cia chting ta hong mat. If is our wish that he should do as he pleased. Nguyén vong cia ta 1a dé né lam theo ¥ thich cta né. If he should hear (= were to hear) of your failure, he surprised. 1. CACH DUNG THUC GIA DINH Cach dang thtic gid dinh cha yéu IA trong cdc cau diéu kién nhv trinh bay 6 bai trudée, ngoai ra cén mét sé cach dang khac, chu yéu 14 sau mét sé dong tw hay thanh ngit nhat dinh. C6 thé tém tat nhu sau: 1. Thi hién tai gid dinh. a) Ding sau nhiing déng ti nhu demand, propose, suggest va nhom ti nhu it is necessary, important, essential... that 'u hién ¥ muén, yéu cau dé nghi. We demanded that all US troops be withdrawn from Indochina. Ching tdi déi phai rut tat ca quan di My ra khdi Dong Duong. I move (propose) that the meeting be adjourned. Toi dé nghi tam ngitng cudc hop. 358 The doctor suggested that the patient stop (ho&c should stop) smoking. Bae si dé nghj bénh nhan ding hut thuée nia. It is necessary (important, essential) that he take an examination. b) Biéu hién 13i cdu chic. Long live Vietnam! God bless you. May ciing thudng duigc ding dé dién dat ldi cdu chuc. May you be happy all your life. May the friendship between our people last for ever. c) Dung trong ménh dé phu chi diéu kién hodc thita nhan (sau if, even though, though v. I: This if the news be true, is a very serious matter. Though, he make (hoac should make) every effort, he cannot succeed. Whatever the reason be (hoac may be), the fact remains. Cha ¥: Thi hién tai gia dinh dung trong Yi néi van hoa, con trong 16i ndi hang ngay ngwdi ta thay bang should, may hoac thi hién tai thudng. 2. Thi qua kh va qué kha hoan thanh gia dinh. a) Dung trong ménh dé phy diéu kién (cu loai II va IIE - xem bai truéc). Thi qua kha. If I were you, I should go. Néu tdi la anh, tdi 86 di, If he knew it, he would he happy. Néu anh ta biét né, anh ta sé rat vui. 359 Thi qua khit hoan thanh: If I had been there, I should have understood. Néu t0i 6 d6, ti da hiéu. If he had known, he would have come. Néu anh ta biét, anh ta da tdi. b) Ding sau nhiing dong tit va nhém tz nhu: I wish, if only, as if, suppose, it’s (high) time, I would rather, viv... dé dién dat ¥ cAu mong hoac gia dinh (diéu khong xay ra). I wish I could speak Chinese (but | can't). He wishes (that) he Aad taken your advice, but he didn't pay attention to you at that time. Suppose he got there late. It's high time we went home. Cha y: Thi qua khi gia dinh noi vé su viée trong hién tai hode tuong lai, thi qua kht hoan thinh gia dinh néi vé st viée trong qué kha. BAI TAP 1. Doi nhitng dong tie trong ngodc sang dang thich hap 1. I wish I (know) his name now. 2. It is about time you (get) the tea ready. 3, It is our wish that he (do) what he pleases. 4. It only he (not eat) too much! 5. If only he (tell) you the whole story last night! 6. I propose that he (be elected) chairman of the committee. 7. He ran as if life (depend) on it. 8. I'd rather you (pay) me now. Suppose he (ask) me for the money tomorrow! 360 9. I feel as it my head (be) on fire. 10. The committee recommends that the matter (be discussed) at the next meeting. 11. If only I (know) it earlier! 12. He demands that he (be allowed) to see the director. 13. Isn't it about time you (do) some work seriously? 14. You look as if you (can) do with a drink. 15. Suppose the teacher (catch) us wasting time. Ill. CAU TAO THUC DIEU KIEN Thtic diéu kién cdu tao bang cach dung should va would truéc dng tii. Theo quy tic chung should ding 6 ngéi tht nhat va would dung 6 ngéi thd hai va ba, nhung eiing cé trudng hop ding chung cc ngdi (xem muc sau). Cé cac dang nhu sau: Thi du: to write. Conditional P. Conditional Past Conditional) I (we) should write I (we) should have written. Simple You (he, she, they) ‘You (he, she, they) would would write. have writing. I (we) should be writing {I (we) should have been Conti [You (he, she, they) writing. ‘ontinuous ao would be writing. You (he, she, they) would have been writing. C&ch ding cht yéu cua thie diéu kién 1a trong cac loai cau diéu kién (trong ménh dé chinh) nhu trinh bay 6 bai truéc. Nhung ngoai ra should va would con ding 6 nhiéu trudng hop khac, ké ca trong thite chi dinh va the gia dinh nhu noi 6 mue 1 va 2 trong bai nay, nén co thé tom tat dé dé nhé trong muc sau day. 361 IV. TOM TAT CACH DUNG SHOULD VA WOULD 1. Should va would 1a qua khtt ciia shall va will dé dién dat hanh déng tuong lai trong qua kht (goi 14 thi tuong lai trong qua khd: the future-in-the-past): They thought that we should start the next morning. He said that he would see me two days later. 2. Should va would ding trong thie diéu kién: If it did not rain, I should be working now. If it did not rain, I should be working now. Ifhe had the money, he would have bought it. 3. Should ding 6 tat cd cdc ngoi dé dién dat: a) Y gia dinh: If he should die, please send a telegram to me. Néu 1@ anh &y chét, xin gui dién cho tdi. I should think so. T6i thiét nghi nhu thé. b) Y khuyén bao nén, phai: You should send for a doctor right now. Anh nén mdi bée si ngay bay gid. 4, Would ding 6 tat ca cac ngéi dé dién dat: a) Y muén, vui long, sn sang: I would be glad to welcome him in my office. Téi vui ming duge chao dén anh tai céng ty cha tdi. Would you be so kind as to help me with this luggage? Anh vui long gitip téi vdi tui dé nay chit? 362 b) Su viée thudng xay ra trong qua kha He would cycle to school on fine days and would take the bus only when the weather was bad. Anh ta dap xe téi truéng vao nhiing ngay ning va chi vé bing xe buyt khi thai tiét xu. Xem thém nhiing trudng hgp chi tiét 6 bai 25 (vé shall, will, should, would). Bai tap 2. Dién vao nhiing cau sau cho tron y. 1. If I had time... 2. The teacher would be angry with you if... 3.Flowers will not grow well unless... 4. If you had worked harder... 5. I should have won the prize if... 6. If he wants to see me tomorrow. 7. If your telegram had not come... 8. He wouldn't have listened to me unless... 9. If you had been at the meeting... 10. If my watch hadn't been slow... 11. Supposing I accepted this offer... 12. If you were in London now... 3. Gidi thich cach ding déng tit trong nhitng céu sau va dich ra tiéng Viét. 1. He wouldn't be in difficulties if he were not so foolish. 2. If you were to start early tomorrow morning, you would be in Lao Cai by evening. 363 3. I should never have got here in time if you had not given me a lift in your car. 4. Were he to see you in this house, he would be surprised. 5. If your parents disapprove of the plan, you should give it up. 6. If you would help me, we could finish at six. 7. lf you should be passing, do come and see us. 8. If Lhad not been so busy yesterday, I should have come. 9. It is necessary that he should help us. 10. He told me that he would leave for Peking soon. 11. They would meet in his room and would talk polities over acup of tea. 3864 12. Would you mind telling him to come to my office tomorrow? 13. I knocked but they would not open the door. 14. You should see the play, it is a very good one. 15. Should there be any difficulty, get in touch with me. CHUGNG MUO! MOT CAC DANG KHONG CHIA CUA DONG TU (The Non- finites) DONG TINH TU (The Participles) Cac dang khong chia cia dong tii gom déng tinh tit hién tai (present participle), dong tinh tt qua khu (past participle), dong danh ti (gerund) va déng tit nguyén thé (infinitive). Dac diém chung cua ching 1a khéng chia theo ngéi va sé cua chu ngii; vita mang tinh chat dong ttt vita mang Linh chat tinh tw hoc danh tu, do dé khéng dang m6t minh lam vj ngif trong cau dude. I. CAU TAO DONG TINH TU Dong tinh tt hién tai: déng tiv + ing (xem chi tiét d bai 16). Dong tinh tt qua kha: déng ti + ed (xem lai chi tiét 6 bai 18). Ngoai dang don gian, déng tinh tw con cé cc dang ghép. Vi du dong tit to play cé nhting dang sau: Hién tai: playing Qua khit: played Hién tai thu déng: being played Hoan thanh: have played Hoan thanh thu déng: having been played 365 1. CACH DUNG DONG TU TINH TU: 1. Trong cac thi tiép dién (véi dong tinh tit hién tai) He is working in the factory. I shall be visiting the state farm. We have been learning English two years. 2. Ding nhu mét tinh tw a) Lam tinh ngit An exciting story: a burning candle; a broken chair. b) Lam bé ngit The news is disappointing. The story was most interesting. She looked rather tired. The boy seemed to be well educated. 3.Trong cdc thi hoan thanh va 1l6i thu déng (véi déng tinh tit qua kh): I have sent him two letters. They had gone out before I came. He has been elected Chairman of the committee. 4, Ding tuong duong véi ménh dé tinh ngi. The man driving the car (who was driving the car) did not see the policeman. There were many children playing in the streets (= who were playing). Here is a letter written by the Prime Minister (= which was written). The concert given by the National Orchestra was a great success (= which was given). 366 5. Ding tuwong duong vdi ménh dé trang ngt: Hearing a noise, we stopped talking (= as we heard a noise). Not having received an answer, I wrote again (= because I had not received...). Whe asked the second question, he was unable to answer (= when he was asked). Ghi cha: Vita mang tinh chat dong tu va mang tinh chat tinh ti, déng tinh ti cé nhing dac diém sau: - C6 thé ding dang so sénh véi more va most: He is more promising than his brother (cé trién vong hun). That is the most surprising news. President Ho was the most respected and beloved leader of our people. - C6 thé hgp véi danh tw, tinh tit hoac phé ti thanh tinh tw ghép: a good-looking young man, a home-made article (hang noi héa); a rice-producing country; he is clean-shaven (may rau nhan nhui); a hard-working student; the under-developed areas. - C6 thé dang dong ty qué khu nhu mét danh ti tap thé trong mét sé truéng hop: The wounded were sent to hospital. Nhiing ngwdi bi thugng duoc chuyén dén bénh vién. The unemployed demonstrated in front of White House. (Nhiing ngwéi that nghiép biéu tinh truée Nha Trang). Bai tap 1. Doi nhitng dong tit trong ngotic sang dang déng tinh tit thich hop (hién tai hay qua khit). 1. The student will be (play) football this afternoon. 367 2. The concert is (give) in the new hail (build) after the war. 3. We were (look) at the (play) children. 4. Here is a letter (announce) his arrival. 5. The new ambassador has (call) the Foreign Ministry. 6. Acar (drive) by a boy came along the street. 7. Do you know the number of women delegates (come) to the party? 8. Can you tell me the number of books (order)? (s6 sch dat mua). 9. (Leave) the airport at 7, our plane will have (arrive) at start, but grew better by degrees. 10. The weather during our holiday made a very (disappoint) start, but grew better by degrees. 11. There is a little difference between (write) English and (speak) English. 12. Go along the road, I heard a car (come) behind me. It was (come) round a corner. 13. (Talk) of theatre, have you (see) the new play (write) by X...? Ihave (find) it very (excite) and well (play) too. 14. We watched the enemy planes (circle) over the village and saw one of them (shoot) down by our guns. 2. Thay cde dong tinh tit in nghiéng bang mét ménh dé tinh tu hay trang ngit. 1, Itis a place built some hundred years ago. 2. Having written the letter, I went to post it. 3. Our fast-growing industry helps us to develop agriculture. 4. Which of the four men smoking by the fireplace is John? 5. She smile remembering the joke. 368 6. Looking out of the window, I saw him passing the house. 7. We shall build a new road joining the plant with the railway station. 8. He discovered an air-shelter hidden under the trees. 9. Having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away. 10. Born and bred a country-man, Jack did not like the busy life in London. (sinh trudng 6 néng thén). lil. VAI CACH DUNG DAC BIET CUA DONG TINH TU Ngoai nhiing diém co ban néi d phan trén, cén chit ¥ mot so diém khac vé cach ding dong ti dudi day. 1. Dong tinh tw dung lam bé ngi cia tan ngi (object complement): I saw him running for the train. He was glad to find the fire burning brightly. They found the house burnt down. [ should like this matter settled immediately. 1 must have my shoes cleaned. Truéng hop nay khae voi déng tinh ti lam tinh ngit hay tuong duong véi ménh dé tinh ngit da noi 6 trén, vi né khdng chi bé nghia riéng cho danh ti, ma két hgp véi danh tit (hay dai tu) thanh mét nhém chat ché goi 1a tan ngi phic hop (complex object) bé nghia cho dong tw di trudéc. N6 chi ding véi mét sé nhéd dong tu nhu have, see, hear, feet, find, make, want, get, like v.v... (xem thém phan mau cau bai 43). Nhén dinh nghia khac nhau cua cdc cau sau day: He has built a new house (Anh ay da x4y mt ngdi nha mdi). 369 He has a newly-built house (Anh dy cé mét ngdi nha mdi xay). He has his new house built on a hill (Anh ay cho xay ng6i nha mdi cla minh trén mét ngon déi). 2. Cau trac déng tinh ti déec lap (absolute participle construction). Trong truéng hgp tugng dudng vdi mot trang ngi, quy tac chung 14 déng tinh tit c6 quan hé vé nghia véi cha ngif trong cau. Thi du: Standing to the tower, we could see the whole village below us. (= as we were standing). Khéng thé viét: Standing on the tower, the whole village could be seen. (Standing khéng c6 quan hé vdi village). Tuy nhién, cé hai truéng hop dong tinh tit khéng cd quan hé véi chu ngi trong cau, nén goi lA céu tric déc lp. a) Trong mét sé thanh ngit thong dung Generally speaking (néi chung), a young man is stronger than a middle-aged man. There were three or four of us, counting me (ké ca téi). b) Dong tinh tw cé chu ngit riéng Tét being a holiday, the shops were all closed (=as Tét was a holiday). Weather permiting, the ships will leave the port at noon (= if the weather permits it). All things considered, I think we ought to give the job to Smith © after all things are considered). 370 Bai tap 3. Doi nhitng déng tit trong ngodc sang dang dng ti thich hop 1. This has been badly (do). Have you (do) it? If you want things (do) well, do them yourself. 2. I have had my photograph (take). Have you (take) away my photograph? 3. Have you had your shoes (mend)? I have (mend) them myself. I like them well (mend). I have been (mend) them for nearly an hour. Didn't you see me (mend) them when you came in? 4. I could hear her (type) in the next room, a few minutes later, I came in and found her (go). 5. The weather (be) warm, he went out and saw people (sit) at their doors or (work) in their gardens. 6. The last train (have gone), we had to walk home. 7. We explored the caves. Peter (act) as a guide. 8. This (do) they packed up their tools and went home. 9. All the exercises having been (finish), the teacher sent the class home. 10. Already (wear out) by illness, he was (kill) by the bad news. 4. Thém cde thanh ngit thich hop (generally, speaking, strictly, speaking, talking of... roughly speaking, including... ) vo cde cau sau. 1. Have you seen the Army team play? 2. Women are shorter than men. . Only members are admitted into the club. . My holiday has cost about 20 thousand VND. . The delegation consists of seven members. We cannot hold him responsible for the accident. . He is better off now than he was a year ago. wo enone . You have no right to be here. 371 DONG DANH TU VA DONG TU NGUYEN THE (The Gerund and The Infinitives) I. DONG DANH TU (The Gerund) A. Cau tao Cau tao déng danh tit hoan toan gidng nhu déng tinh tw hién tai. Déng danh tw cd nhiing dang ghép thi du (déng ti to do): Dang chung Thu déng Hoan thanh Hoan thanh thu déng : doing : being done : having done : having been done B. Cach ding co ban 1. Lam chi ngit Working in the these conditions is a pleasure. Swimming against the current was difficult. 2. Lam bé ng |\Seeing is believing. Her aim is learning English, 3. Lam tan ngit truc tiép You must avoid making mistakes. Your hair needs cutting. I regret having said this to her, 4. Sau gidi tu (du trude gidi tt la déng tw, danh| ti hay tinh tit) I thought of going to see my uncle today. ‘He left without saying a word. 'There was little hope of reaching home at noon. He was afraid of being punished. Before starting, you should get everything ready. 372 C. Mét 86 dae diém 1. Dong tii vita mang tinh cha&t danh tiv vita mang tinh chat dong ti. Tinh chat dong ti thé hién ré 6 hai diém. a) Cé thé c6 tan ngit truc tiép I remember seeing him. b) C6 thé cé pho tit di kém He likes driving fast. I was surprised at his speaking English so fluently. 2. Tinh chat danh ti thé hién ro 6 trong cach ding nhu trong bang trén va 6 mét diém niia 1A c6 thé ding tinh tit sé hitu hay danh ti é cach sd hitu trudc mot déng danh tw: Please excuse my interrupting you. lrely on John’s coming in time. 3. Can nam viing nhiing dac diém trén dé phan biét dong danh tit véi déng tinh tw hién tai trong nhiing trudng hop nghia khac nhau. a) Khi dat trudc danh tu lam tinh ngit: Dong tinh tv Dong danh ti a sleeping child (a child who is_ [a sleeping-carriage (a carriage sleeping - em bé dang ngu). for sleeping in - toa nam). a travelling circus (a circus a travelling-bag (a bag used for which travels - xiéc lvu déng). _|traveling - tai du lich). b) Khi di sau ciung mét loai dong tu: Dong tinh tv D6ng danh tw They are playing football. (Ho These are playing-cards. (Day la dang da bong) mhiing quan bai) They talk about our developing |They talk about developing our agriculture (Ho néi vé nén néng |agriculture. (Ho néi vé viée phat nghiép dang phat trién cua ta). |trién nén néng nghiép cia ta). 373 4. Cé mét sé dong tt va cum ti luén ludén déi hoi dong danh tu di sau Thi du Do you mind opening the window? You must go on working. He will give up smoking. It is no use erying over spoilt milk. The book is worth reading. Nhung ciing cé nhiéu dong ti khong ding véi déng danh tit, hoae chi ding véi mét nghia nao théi, cén biét timg trudng hop cu thé (xem thém phan cuéi bai nay vé phan mAu cau, bai 42). Bai tap 1. Déi nhitng déng tit trong ngode sang dang déng danh tit thich hop: 1. Thank you for (lend) us the book. 2. We shall enjoy (read) it. 3. It has stopped (rain). 4. I hate (go) out in the rain. 5. I can't help (wonder) whether we should risk (go) without our raincoats. 6. My uncle has given up (smoke) and now prefer (eat) sweets. 7. I suggest (do) more on the gerund next time. 8. Excuse me for (give) you so much trouble. 9. You never mentioned (speak) to them on the subject. 10. He was proud of (award) the prize (Tu hao dude giai thudng). 374 11. I don't remember ever (see) you. 12. He was quite serious in (say) that he was leaving the place for good. 13. After (examine) by the doctor, the young man was admitted to the sports club (sau khi duge bac si kham). 14. She reproached me for not (keep) my promise (trach téi khong git 1di hita). 15. Don't delay your (send) in of the application form (dting tri ho’n viéc anh nép don xin). 16. He doesn't deny his (take) part in the plot. 17. [had to postpone my (listen) to his plans to a later date. 18. Our friend objected to our (leave) so soon (phan déi viée chung téi ra vé sém). 19. We are quite used to William's (grumble) (quen vdi viée William cau nhau). 20. They are looking forward to Mary's (come) (mong dgi cé Mary dén). 2. Thay nhitng tinh tit sé hitu ding truée déng danh tit bang nhitng dai tw. Thi du: + Our teacher won't like our coming late to school. d6i thanh: + Our teacher won't like us coming late to school. Cha ¥: Ca hai cau nay déu dung duge nhung cau trén thudng ding trong van chuong con cu dudéi ding trong 16i néi hang ngay. 1. Did you give it back without his asking you? 2. Mother hates our eating and drinking between meals. 3. lremember their coming in, long after midnight. 375 4. I can't imagine their refusing to pay for it. 5. The teacher dislikes their sitting far from the black-board. 6. The doctor doesn't object to my eating a little meat now and then. 7.1 can't understand their forgetting to come to our party. 8. The weather won't stop your playing in the match. 3. Xae dinh nhitng tit in nghiéng la déng tinh tit hay déng danh tit va dich nhiéng cau sau ra tiéng Viét. 1. A pouring rain prevented our going out. 2. The moonlight was dancing on the water. 3.The dancing waves glittered in the sun. 4. Some people's greatest pleasure is reading. 5. These are working people. They have been working for years in that car factory. 6. The insisted on expanding the trade relations existing between these developing countries. II. DONG TU NGUYEN THE (The Infinitive) A. Gidi thiéu Déng ti nguyén thé 1a déng tit chua chia, thudng cé to ding truée, nhung cé nhiéu trung hop khéng ding fo. N6 cé thé ding 6 cac dang sau: Chu déng Bi déng Dang thuéng (to) make (to) be made Hoan thanh (to) have made (to) have been made. 376 B. Cach ding 1, Lam vi ngit (phai co tro dong tit) You must go. He does work in that office. T have to help him. They ought to make that mistake. 2. Lam chu ngit. To help you is my duty. To know all about English is one thing, to know English is quite another. To have made the same mistake twice is unforgivable. 3. Lam b6 ngit To decide is to act. This house is to let. 4. Lam tan ngit I expect to see you tomorrow. He agreed to come to the conference. They forgot to lock the door. 5. Lam b6 ngit ca tan ngit (trong tan ngit phite hop) He helped me to repair the bicycle. Lasked my wife to write to her. They let him go away. I watched the boy run out of the room. 6. Lam dinh ngé (di sau danh tit hay dai tt) He was the first man to come. He gave me something fo eat. 377 The questions to be answered are on page 10. Ineed some paper to write on. 7. Lam trang ngit (chi muc dich hay két qua) Thave come here to talk to you. You should eat to live, not live to eat. She knew French well enough to read books. 8. Dung sau tinh ti He is sure to come. We all were eager to get home. She was ready ¢o answer any questions. 9, Ding nh mét céu trie déc lép (absolute construction) To tell you the truth. I don't want to go. To hear him talk, you would think he was a very important man. C. Truéng hop ding déng tiv nguyén thé khéng c6 "to" 1. Sau cdc trg dong tit do (did), can (could), may (might), must, shall (should), will (would), need, dare (tri trudng hgp cae déng tit do, need, dare ding nhu déng tii thudng - Xem lai bai 23, 24, 25 vé cac tro déng tit do). 2. Trong truéng hop lam b6 ngit cia tan ngit (cdch ding 5 & trén) thi sau cde déng tit let, make va cic déng tit chi cdm giac nhu see, hear, feel v.v... Thi du: Theard her play the piano. They made me laugh. 378 - Riéng véi dong ti to help ding ca hai cach. (Anh hay ding c6 to, My dang khéng 6 fo). Will you help me (to) clean the house? - Nhung khi chuyén sang 161 bi ddng, thi tat cd cdc cau trén déu phai dang dong tit nguyén thé cé to: He was heard fo cry. They had been made to work. 3, Sau mot sé cum tt nhut had better, had (would) rather, had (would) sooner, need hardly, cannot but. Thi du: You had better tell him the truth. We would rather die than live in humility (tha chét con hon song nhuc). I cannot but agree to his terms (khéng thé khéng déng y theo céc diéu kién cia anh ta). Chu ¥: Trong tat ca cde trudng hop khac déu ding to. Dac biét, e6 trudng hgp chi cn dung ¢o khéng di vdi dong tu, khi déng tix dé da néi 6 phan truée. Thi du: I shall go if I want to (= to go). “Will you come to dinner with me?" "I should love to." © to come) Bai tap “4. Dién to vao trude déng tit nguyén thé khi can thiét. 1. You ought... know how ... spell this word. 2. She helped me... carry the heavy box. 3. There is a man downstairs who wants... see you. 379 4. T invited the foreign journalist... sit down with us. 5. I would rather not... see him. 6. He was heard... repeat it several times. 7. We want him... send us these magazines. 8. Did you see the enemy plane... come into the sea? 9. Perhaps I had better... see the Vice-Minister about his. 10. If anyone asks for me, let him... wait a moment. I shall... be back in no time. 5. Ding dng tit nguyén thé thay cho ménh dé phu trong nhitng cau sau. Thi du: Iwas glad when I heard of your success. Déi thanh: I was glad to hear of your success. 1. He hopes that he will know by tomorrow. 2. Do you understand what you have to do? 3. My friend was delighted when she learned of the arrival of our baby. 4. We should be sorry if we heard bad reports of him. 5. She asked if she might leave the room. 6. The doctor warned the man that he should not smoke too much, 7. It is certain that it will rain. 8. We must wait till we hear our names in the list of candidates. 9. They would be very surprised if they were, to receive an invitation. 380 10. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in. D. Mét s6 diém khac can luu y 1. Cum tit "for someone to do" Trudng hgp can néji rd thém ai lam hanh déng do dong tt nguyén thé biéu hién thi ta ding cum ti "for + (pro) + to + infinitive". Cum ti nay ¢6 thé ding 6 nhiéu vi tri va chite nang khac nhau trong cfu: It is necessary for us to start at once (chi nga that cua is necessary). The main thing is for us to act with determination (bé ngi). 2. Cum tit "what to do" C6 thé ding nhiing ti what, who, which, when, where, why, how, whether trudc dong ttt nguyén thé thanh mot cum tit lam cac chic nang khac nhau trong cu. Thi du: How to do it is a difficult question. (chu ngt). We didn't know where to stop (tan ngi). There was no key with which to open the door (tinh ngt). Cha ¥: Dac biét vdi déng ti to know, khong thé dung déng tir nguyén thé lam tan ngii truc tiép ma phai ding céu tric nay. Thi du: T don't know how to begin. They know where to find the document. Do you know how to do the exercise? 3. Déng tix nguyén thé va dng danh ti c6 nhiéu cach dang gidng nhau trong céu, nhung khong phai trudng hgp nao cing thay cho nhau dugc. Cé 3 truéng hop: 381 a) Dung ca hai cach ma nghia khong khae nhau,véi nhitng dng ti nhu begin, continue, intend, learn, like v.v... He began to write/writing. We continue to work/working. Thate lying/to lie. They intend to go/going. Hoae déi khi déng ti danh ti cé nghia chung va khai quat hon mét chut: Llike swimming {in general) but | do not like to swim today. b) Ding ca hai cach ma nghia khac nhau, dac biét vdi cac dong tii stop, try, remember, forget. Thi du: He stopped working (ngitng lam viéc). They stopped looking (khong nhin nifa). He stopped to look at the picture (ngiing dé nhin buc tranh. He tried to be more careful (cd lam cho can than hon). We tried rearing poultry in our place (thu nudi ga vit). We will remember (forget) to write you (nhd viét cho anh). L remember seeing that film in London. I shall never forget seeing the sea for the first time in Ha long Bay (nhé/quén 1a da...) c) Cé nhiing truéng hgp chi ding mét cach, cdn nhé cu thé ddi véi tung dong tu. Thi du: I decided to go (khéng ding going 4 day). He enjoys reading stories (khéng ding to read 6 day). (Xem thém phan mau cau, bai 42). 382 Bai tap 6. Chuyén nhiing cau sau sang léi ding "too" hode "enough" di vdi déng tit nguyén thé. Thi du: It was so cold that we couldn't to out. Thanh: It was so cold enough to freeze our fingers. 1. This coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. 2. He's very tall and can touch the ceiling. 3. This room is so small that we can't all get in. 4, He is quite well and can go out again now. 5. This problem is so difficult that I can't explain it. 6. This novel was so short that it can be read in a few hours. 7. [think you are very strong and can lift this trunk. 8. The fields are still wet and cannot be ploughed. 9. The current was so strong that he couldn't swim against it. 10. He plays the violin so well that he could perform at a concert. 7. Doi nhiing déng tu trong ngoéc sang dang déng danh tit hay dong tit nguyén thé (cd to hode khéng) tu truvéng hop. 1. I must remember (hand in the exercises). 2. The novel is hardly worth (read). 3. I expect (see) the ambassador tomorrow. 4. It will take you ten minutes (learn the lesson). 5. It is no good (tell him the whole story). 6. There was nothing (worry about). 7. He congratulated the writer on (receive the prize). 8. [ apologize for (come late). 383 9. You had better (go there by bus) 10. I hope you don't mind (wait a moment). 11. Would you (show) me how (operate this machine)? 12. I tried (stop) the engine but they did not let me (do it). 384 PHAN HAI CHUONG MUGI HAI TRAT TU CO BAN CAC TU TRONG CAU (Basic Word Order) CAU TRAN THUAT (Statements) I. GIGI THIEU CAC LOAI CAU C&ch phan loai edu trong tiéng Anh vé cd ban cing giéng nhu trong tiéng Viét. A. Xét vé muc dich théng bao, ngudi ta chia ra 4 loai: 1. Céu tran thudt (Statements) Tam a worker. TOi la céng nhén. My friend does not know English. Ban téi khong biét tiéng Anh. 2. Cau hoi (Question) Is your father at home? Cha anh cé nha khéng? Doesn't he like coffee? Anh ay khéng thich ca phé a? What did the boy want? 387 trat Dia bé trai muén gi? Who came to see you yesterday? Hém qua ai dén thdm anh? 3. Cau cau khién (Requests and Commands): Hand in your paper, please. Nop bai di. Let's go to the station now. Bay gid ching ta hay ra ga. 4. Cau cam than (Exlamatory Sentences): How cold this room is! Phong nay lanh qua! There goes the train! Tau dén réi! Trong bai nay va may bai sau, ching ta tap trung nghién ctu tu co ban cdc ti trong cac loai cau trén dé c6 thé dién dat mét cach ding ngi phap va thanh thao. B. Xét vé mat cau trac, nguéi ta chia ra 3 loai: Cau don, cau ghép va cau phic. Van dé nay sé nghién ctu trong nhiing bai sau (xem bai 39, 40). 11. CAU TRAN THUAT KHANG DINH 1. Trat tw co ban cac ti trong cau tran thuat don gian la: Chi ngit + dong tit + b6é ngit hay tan ngit Subject Verb complement or object a) Birds Fly. It is raining. b) Nam was ill. They have become _ engineers. c) We are learning English. Jack likes swimming. 388 Ghi cha: Nhu da hoc trong bai I ta thay mét cdu tiéng Anh téi thiéu phai gém: a) Cha ngit + dong tix (néu 1a néi déng ti nhu fly, rain, run, work... thi déng tit bat budc cé bé ngit hay tan ngit). b) Cha ngit + dong tit + bé ngit (néu 1a loai déng ti nhu be, seen, become tu no khéng tron nghia thi phai c6 bé ngit 1a tinh tix, danh tit hay dai tit). co) Cha ngit + dong tiv + tan nga (méu cAu c6 ngoai déng tt nhu like, learn, want, put, give... doi hdi c6 tan ngi dé biéu thi addi tugng cla hanh dong). 2. Trudng hop cé nhiéu tan ngif di sau déng tit thi trat tw co ban la: A) chi: ngit + dong tit + tan ngit gidn tiép + tan ngit true tiép. B) chi: ngit + déng tit + tan ngit truc tiép + tan ngit gidi ti. Subject Verb [Indirect object| Direct object Prepositional object ja) He sent ime ja letter. Mary bought lher mother la present. IT gave Minh [the pen. She ill hand _lyou tthe passport lb) He lspends la lot of moneyjon books. She lhas made offec for all of us. {The rain |prevented jus from coming earlier. Ghi cha: Tyong tiéng Anh ngudi ta phan biét tan ngit gidi tt luén ludén c6 to, for, at, on... ding truée vi tan ngit true tiép biéu thi déi 389 tugng truc tiép cha hanh déng (lam gi?) va tan ngif gidn tiép biéu thi déi tudng gian tiép cada hanh dong (lam cho ai?). (Cach dang dong tu vi cdc loai tan nga dé kha phic tap, sé nghién citu trong cc bai sau). 3. Truéng hop cé tan ngiv phic tap (tan ngit + b6 ng cua tan ngiz) thi cing theo trat tu binh thudng dé (nhu trong tiéng Viét): chu ngit + dong ti + tan ngit + b6 ngit cua tén ngit Subject Verb Object Object complement We elected him President. They made us angry. The officer jordered |his men to advance. We watched [the boy jump. ‘He saw the man. running away. T will have _|my shoes mended. Ghi cha: Bé nghia cia tan ngii cé nhiéu loai, sé nghién cttu trong phan cau tric cau sau nay. Trat tu ti trong céc thi du trén gin nhu trong tiéng Viét, tri cau cudi (Toi sé dua vd di gidy). 4. Trong truéng hdp cé nhiing ti’ bé nghia thém cho cha ngi, bé ngit hay tan ngif thi ching duoc dat bén canh nhting tiéng ma chting bé nghia theo trat tu théng thudng nhu sau: a) Cac loai tinh ty + danh ti + nhom ti lam tinh nga. (Those two tall men in white shirt...) b) Phé tix + tinh tit (extremely difficult). c) Phé tu + Phé tix (very fast). 390 ‘My teacher of English. This new novel Subject Verb Complement of object ‘My friend's father has been very ill. 'The little girl over there|wants those beautiful new toys. likes to speak very slowly. seems to be {an extremely good book. 5. Trang ngi bé nghia cho dng tiv thudng dat 6 cudi cAu trix mét s6 truding hop (xem bai vé vi tri trang ngi, bai 36). Do dé, trat ty cd ban trong cau trdn thuat 6 thé tom tat bing cong thite téng quat 1a: S+V+O0/C/Adv Subject | Vero | COmPEMEMOT | sdverbial modifiers object She sings very well. Birds fly in the sky. The boy {fell ill yesterday. it saw the new manager {at the last meeting. We heard him crying lin the next room. You must send [her a telegram right now. Bai tap 1. Dién nhiing tit trong ngodc vao vi tri thich hgp trong cau. Thidu: saw him in the garden (working). I saw him working in the garden. 1. It was a winter day (very cold). 2. She is playing in the sitting-room (the piano). 3. The horses along the street (ran). 391 4. They want to be workers (industrial). 5. He has been very brilliant (a student). 6. You speak English (very good). 7. She speaks very well (French). 8. You should explain to the students (the difficulties). 9. I will tell the whole story (you). 10. They congratulated on my success (me). 11. The director has offered him (a job). 12. We thanked for his help (him). 13. He wished to be good workers (his children). 14. I want to have cut (my hair). 15. The children were in the field (playing). 16. You can come everyday (here). 17. They like very much (those poems). 18. The man grew every day (weaker). 19. He called thief (the man). 20. He has kept for me (the dictionary). I. CAU TRAN THUAT PHU BINH Phan déng ti truéc day da ndi vé cach chia dong ti d thé pha dinh thudc cae thi khac nhau. O day chi nén nhdc lai vai quy téc khai quat. 1. Muén chuyén cau tran thuat khang dinh sang cau pha dinh cé hai cach chinh: a) Néu déng ti chinh 6 thi hién tai thudng hay qua kha thuéng thi déi sang. do/does/did + not + verb (infinitive) 392 b) Néu trong cfu da cé sin mot hay nhiéu trd déng ti thi chi thém not vao sau tr¢ déng ti thit nhat. Do dé trat ty ti cd ban trong cau tran thuat phi dinh c6 thé tom tat theo cong thitc. Cha ngif + tro déng tix + not + déng tir + bo ng hay trang ngiv (Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Not + Verb + object or Complement or Adverbial Modifier) Viét tat la: S+Aux + NOT + V+ O/C/Adv is [Aux + NOT |V O/CIAdv He does not work here. They did not do the exercises. IMy sister ‘is not sleeping I haven't any cigarettes. Those boys —|cannot swim She will not be coming The children |have not been playing [for a long time, too} You [mustn't smoke much. Cha y: a) Ky hiéu Aux trong céng thie chi ca tr dong ti va cac dong tw bién vi dac biét trong truéng hgp tao dang pha dinh bing cach thém not vio sau. Riéng doi véi to be va to have, céng thtic ap dung trong trudng hdp chung la déng tit chinh thi sau not khéng cé dang déng tu nita. Thi du: He is not @ peasant. She hadn't any books. 393 Nhung: He is not going to Moscow. Nhung: She hadn't learnt this lesson. va: She didn't have any books (161 néi MY) (Xem lai bai 23 vé to be, to have) b) Nhiing dong ti have need, dare... khi thi ap dung quy tac (a), khi thi 4p dung quy tdc (b) tay theo trudng hop dang nhu dong tu thudng hay dong tu dac biét (xem céc bai 23, 24, 25 vé cc tro déng tif bién vi dac biét). c) Nhiing cau nhu: There is a book on the desk. C6 mét quyén sach trén ban. It was impossible to stop the engine. Khong thé diing dau may lai Xét vé mat c&u trac thi cha ngit that di sau dong tw, khong gidng vdi trat tu co ban, nhung khi chuyén sang thé pha dinh va thé hdi vin ap dung qui tac chung vdi there, it 1a chu ng hinh thie: There isn't any book on the desk. Khong cé cuén sach nao trén ban. Was it impossible to stop the engine? Khong thé nao dting dong co lai dude a? 2. Cau phi dinh cén dude c&u tao bang cach ding nhitng pho tif never (khéng bao gid) hardly, scarcely (hAu nhu kh6ng) dat truéc ddng tt thudng va sau tro dong tit néu cé: He never spoke English at home. Cau ay khéng khi nao noi tiéng Anh 6 nha. We can hardly understand him. Ching téi khéng thé hiéu duge cau ta. 394 8. Cau pha dinh con duge cau tao bang cach ding no dat trude danh tix va dang nhitng tw nobody, noone, none, nothing, nowhere. I have no papers. (Téi khéng cé gidy té gi). He saw nothing in the room. Anh ta chang nhin thay gi trong phéng. Nobody could be seen in the house. Khong thé nhin thay ai trong nha. ‘They wanted none of them. Ho khéng muén mét chiéc nao trong sé dé. This will lead you nowhere. Diéu nay sé khéng dan cu tdi dau. Bai tap 2. Chuyén thanh cau phi dinh (ding cd dang not va dang n't). 1. The birds are singing this morning. . He will help me with my work. . She comes home every weekend. They go to the sea-side every year. He walked to school this morning. He can drive a car. . He wrote to her last week. . They could understand what they said. DOHA RA PR wD . He rode to school on our bicycles. 10. He has been living here for years. 11. I got out of bed at five o'clock. 12. You should have finished it. 395 13. He tries hard to get the prize. 14, They had been working all the morning. 15. She needs some rest. 16. You must go and see him tomorrow. 17. We shall overcome all difficulties. 18. We had dinner at the restaurant. 19. Nam and Ba swim very well. 20. We ought to have started the game. 21. There were many people in the streets. 22. It has been easy to learn it. 3. Dién nhitng tit trong ngodc vao vi tri thich hop. 1. He had money about him (no). 2. He drank wine (never). 3. I could lift the heavy box (hardly). 4. There is in the box (nothing) . He could find him (nowhere). 5. 6. Noise was heard in the room (no). 7. He has seen of his friends lately (none). 8. . He spoke at the meeting (scarcely). 396 BAI33 CAU HOI (Questions) Cau héi trong tiéng Anh thudng duge chia ra lam nhiéu loai tiy theo muc dich héi va hinh thite cAu hdi. 1 CAU HOI CHUNG (General Questions) Loai céu hdi nay di hdi phai tra 1éi yes, hay no, ¢6 hai loai khang dinh va pha dinh. 1, Cau héi chung khang dinh duge chuyén tit cau tran thuat sang bang hai cach chinh (chi tiét cach chia c&c thi 6 thé hdi, xem lai phan déng tit): a) Néu dong ti thi hién tai hay qua kh thudng thi dung tr¢ dong tit do/does/did dat trudc chi ng va chuyén déng tv chinh vé dang nguyén thé. b) Néu trong cau d& co mét hay nhiéu trg dong ti thi dao ngugc tro déng ti thi nhat vé trude cha ng. Do dé trat tu co ban cac ti trong cau héi chung 1a: Aux +S + V+ O/C/Adv? Thi du: 397 Aux s Vv O/C/Adv? Does he work in that factory? Did your brother | study , English? Is she , a school-teacher? Is there any tea left? Have you any cigarettes? Are they going out? Has the man been waiting | long? Will they help us? Can Van speak Russian? Would | it be advisable to do that? Need he work so hard? May I go to the party? Ghi cha: Ky hiéu Aux trong céc cong thtie chi cae trd déng tit vA déng tu bién vi dac biét nhu do, be, have, need, may, can v.v... dd hoc trong chuong IX. Riéng di vdi be va have, cong thie 4p dung trong trudng hop la déng tit chinh thi khéng con dang déng tit sau cha ngit nita: Is he an engineer? Cau ta 1a ky su a? Has she any sugar? Chi ay cé dudng a? Nhung Is he going away? Cau ta sé rdi khoi day 4? Has she taken any sugar? Chi ay da lay dudng réi a? 398 2. Cau hoi chung phi: dinh cu tao cing gidng nhu cau hoi chung khang dinh, chi thém: a) n't viét lién vao sau tro déng ti (trude cha ngit); hoac b) not vao sau cht ngit (dang nay ft dang han). a) Aux + n't + S + V+ O/C/Adv? b) Aux +s + not + V + O/C/Adv? Thi du: a) Aux-n't Ss Vv O/C/Adv? Doesn't he like swimming? Won't you help me? Isn't your son a student? Aren't there any chairs in the room? Hasn't she had any breakfast? Shouldn't we leave | now? b) Aux Ss not Vv O/C/Adv? Did he not | like coffee? Was she | not a peasant? Will you | not | give a speech? Had they | not | been working | hard? Cha y: Cau héi pha dinh cé thé cé hai loai nghia khac nhau, khong don thudn nhu cfu tran thuat phd dinh, do dé 1di dap cing tay trudng hgp ma khac nhau. a) Cé ham y ngac nhién hay nghi ngé, do a6 khi tra li ngudi 399 ta thudng nhan manh hoae giai thich. Cha y loai cau hdi nay khi dich ra tiéng Viét cing 1a cdu hdi pha dinh, nhung khi tra di cé ché khac nhau: Thi du: Haven't you cleaned the room yet? - Of course. T have, I cleaned it yesterday. Anh chua lau phong a? - C6 chi, ti da lau réi. Téi lau hom qua. - (No, I've been too busy - Chua, téi ban qua). Won't you help me? Anh khéng gitip téi duge a? - Certainly, I'll help you. Have I ever refused? C6 chit, chdc chan téi sé giup anh. Téi da tit chéi bao gid chua? - Well, I'm afraid I can't. I'll be away. Da, téi xin 16i khong gitp anh dugc. Toi sé di ving. b) Co ham ¥ mong muén tra 1di la cd, nhung ndi dung khong khéc gi cau khang dinh. Do dé cau tra 18i cing nhu khi tra di cau héi khang dinh. Khi dich sang tiéng Viét thudng dang cau héi khang dinh, nhung chi y khi tra 1éi cé ché khéc nhau. Thi du: Isn't the boy clever? Thang bé théng minh day cha? - Yes, he is. Vang, né théng minh day. - No, I don't think he is. Khong, t6i nghi n6 chang thong minh dau. Will you have some coffee? Anh uéng ca phé nhé? - Yes, thank you. Vang, cam on anh. - No, thank you. Khong, c4m gn anh. 400 Bai tap 1. Chuyén nhitng cau dudi day sang: a) Dang cau hoi khang dinh. b) Dang cau hoi phi dinh. . He is a scientist. . It was a nice day. one . There were many people at the meeting. » . They arrived last night. . He plays football every Sunday. . We shall come to see you tomorrow. . They are listening to the radio. . There will be a lecture on Thursday. O©wMrAgy . They usually go home for lunch. 10. She has told us the truth. 11. She heard the news broadcast at noon. 12. Mr. Ba would like to attend the conference. 13. Mai ought to stay at home. 14. They should have asked the question before. 15. He must telephone me today. 16. Mrs Smith likes to drink tea with milk. 17. Mr and Mrs Ba visited us very often. 18. The student may have a rest at noon. ©) Tré loi nhitng cau hoi dui day bing cd hai ¥ khang dinh va phi dinh. Thi du: Were you late today? - Yes, I was. - No, I wasn't, I was on time. 401 1. Do you live in the country? 2. Did Mr. Nam call at your office this morning? 3. Have you ever been to Africa? 4. Has he finished the test already? 5. Isn't the professor going to give a lecture today? 6. Shall we leave now? 7. Weren't there any tickets available? 8. Doesn't she ever write to you? 9. Can you answer the question? 10. Isn't there any coffee left? 11. Have you heard from your brother this week? 12. Couldn’t you solve that problem? 14. Does he take cream in his coffee? 15. Hasn't he been waiting for you at the staion? I. CAU HOI DAC BIET (SPECIAL QUESTIONS) Day 18 loai cau héi bat dau bang mét ti dé héi nhu who, what, why... C6 thé chia lam hai loai (xem lai bai 9)/ 1. Khi who, what, which, whose lam chu ngit hoaec di vdi mot danh ti 1am chi ngit trong cau héi thi trat tu ti trong cau giéng nhu trong cau tran thuat: (Wh (+N) + V + O/C/Adv? (Wh la ky hiéu chi cde tir dé héi nhu who, what, why....) Wh + (-N) Vv O/C/Adv? Who came here yesterday? What happened this morning? What student arrived late? 402 Which answer is better? Which was correct? Whose is this bicycle? Whose pens are lying there? 2. Khi whom (who), what, which, whose thay cho tan ngit, hoae di véi danh ti lam tan ngit va déi véi cdc tu when, where, why va how thi trat tu tit ging nhu trong cau hdi chung. How co thé di vdi cac tinh ti: nhu much, many va pho tw far, long... dé dat cau héi. Cong thite tom tat la: Wh (+N)/HOW (+A/Ady + Aux (n't) + S + V + O/C/Adv? Thi du: Wh (-N) HOW (-jAux (n't) |S iV O/C/Adv? A/Adv) Whom did you see? What ido you suggest? What languages jcan William {speak? Which are lyou going to buy? Whose book did Ihe end lyou? Which question |did they answer? Whom has he been going |with? Which class must I go to? Whom shall 1 give ‘this book to? [What wouldn't jhe want to talk about? When are you lcomming |to see us? Where did Ihe live ‘before the war? Why didn't you lock the door? How have you lbeen, lately? 403 _ |How much does this cost? How many times |have you gone there? How far is it to the post- office? Cha y: a) Khi dong ti c6 tan ng gidi ta thi cé thé dat giéi tt trude what, which, whom... hoac dé cudi cau. Trong Idi néi hing ngay, who cing duge dang dé héi khi thay cho tan ngi va gidi ti dé 6 cudi cau. Thi du: With whom did you go? Anh da di véi ai thé? Who did you go with? (cau nay hay dang trong van ndi hon). b) Tra 16i cau héi dae biét khéng ding yes hoac no ma phai dap lai theo ¥ nguéi ta héi. Néu khdng ndi lai ca cau thi co thé tra 10i ngdn bang mot ty hay nhom tw. Thi du: Who telephoned this afternoon.? Chiéu hém nay ai da goi dién? - John telephoned this afternoon. John dA goi dién chiéu nay. - John did. Chiéu nay John goi. When did he come? Anh ay di lic nao? - He came at 930. - Anh ay dén hic 9h.30 - At 9:30. - Lic 9h30. 404 What are you doing? Anh dang lam gi? - I'm studying. - Toi dang hoc. - Studying. Why are you studying? - Tai sao anh hoc? - I'm studying because I have a test tomorrow. Toi hoc bai vi ngay mai ti cb bai kiém tra. - Because I have test tomorrow. - Béi vi ngay mai t6i c6 bai kiém tra. Bai tap 3. Dat céu hdi dua vao nhitng cau dudi day, bat dau bang tit dé héi cho sén. Thi du: She went to town yesterday. Hom qua ba ay ra tinh. When did she go to town? Ba ay ra tinh khi nao? 1. Mr. Nam began his new job last week, When... 2. She goes to school by bicycle, How... 3. They are playing volley-ball, What... 4. He wants the brown shirt, Which... 5. Mr. Hoang is going to China for six months, Where... 6. Mrs. White has gone to London because of her mother's illness, Why... 405 7. Her sister told her the news, Who... 8. This is Mr. Hai's house. Whose... 9. He will go to the cinema with Nam Who... 10. It take twenty minutes to get from here to the Ministry of Higher Education. How long... 11. He paid 30 dollars for his radio. How much... 12. It is four blocks to the Foreign Office. How much... 1. He wouldn't like to come home so early. Why... 14. She received the gift from her daughter. Whom... 15. They are getting along quite well. How... 16. Bus N°S5 goes to the railway station, Which... 17. He has been waiting for the Haiphong train, Which... 18. She must not go out at night. What... 4. Dua vao nhitng ciu dudi day, dat mdi cau héi cho hai phan in nghiéng cua céu. 406 Thi du: The teacher taught us that rule. Thay gido day chung téi qui tac dy. - Who taught us that rule? - Ai day chung ta qui tc ay. - What did the teacher teach us? - Thay gido day chung ta cdi gi? 1. Henry tries to understand the lesson. 2. He went to Nghe An two days ago. 3. The sun has been shining brightly this morning. 4, The gardener dug up the potatoes. 5. Nam met his friend at the cinema. 6. He told me the secret. 7. The cat sprang on the rat. 8. That small brick house is Mrs. Ba's. 9. He welcomed the delegates warmly. 10. We should give the second prise to the second-year student. IL. CAU HOI LUA CHON (Alternative Questions) Loai cau héi nay gidng nhu cau hdi chung nhung gém cé hai vé ni lién bang lién ti or. Will the meeting start at five or at six? Cuéc hop sé bat dau hic nam hay sau gis? Shall I do it or will you do it yourself? TOi sé lam hay anh sé tu lam lay? Tra l8i loai cu héi nay khéng duge ding yes hoac no ma phai Iya chon mét trong hai ¥ ngudi ta hoi. Are you going out or do you prefer to stay at home? Anh thich di choi hay thich d nha? - L prefer to stay at home. Tdi thich 6 nha. Is this Nam's or yours? Day 1a cua Nam hay cla anh? - It's Nam's - Cia Nam. Iv. CAU HOI LAY LAI (Question-tags) Day 14 loai cau héi ngdn gin vao cudi mét cfu tran thuat. Né duigc cu tao theo cae quy t&c sau: a) Néu cau tran thuat 1a khang dinh, thi cau hdi lay lai 6 thé 407 pha dinh. Néu cau tran thuat 1a pha dinh (ké ca cu c6 nhiing tir never, hardly, v.v... c6 nghia nhu pha dinh) thi céu hdi lay lai 6 thé khang dinh. b) Déng ti trong c4u tran thuat dude thay bang Do/does/did néu 1a dong tk thudng 6 thi hién tai hay qua khu, (con) néu da cd s&n tro dong tix hay déng ti dac biét thi chi lap lai nguyén. c) Chu ngii trong cAu tran thuat néu 1a danh tit.hay dai tix khae thi duge thay bang dai tit nhan xung, néu Ia dai tit nhan xung va there thi git nguyén, va duge dat d vi tri dao nguge nhu trong cAu hdi chung. Thi du: Statements (+) Question-tags (-) You are ready, aren't you? Ba can drive a car, can't he? Mai speaks Chinese, doesn't she? They arrived yesterday, didn't they? This is yours, isn't it? Statements (+) Question-tags (-) [The Browns are not coming today, _|are they? }You won't go out this evening, will they? Minh has never been to Moscow, has he? [They do not take English lesson, do they? [You hardly knew these people, did you? There's no one in the house, is there? 408 Cha §: a) Cau héi lay lai 6 thé pha dinh thudng ding dang néi tat: isn’t, hasn't, won't, can’t, mustn't... Riéng déi vdi ngéi th nhat sé it thi hién tai cha to be ngudi ta dang aren't I: Tam not late, am I? Toi khong bi muén, phai vay khéng? Tam quite early, aren't I? Toi dén kha sém, khéng phai vay sao? b) Tra 1di cAu héi lay lai cing nhw cau hoi chung, nhung chi ¥ chd hac nhau gia tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét khi cu tran thuat 1a pha dinh: He wants to come with us, doesn't he? Anh ay muén dén véi ching ta, c6 phai khong? - Yes, he does. - Vang, anh ay muén dén. - No, he doesn't. Khong, anh ay khéng muén dén. He does not want to come with us, does he? Anh 4y khéng muén dén véi ching ta, cd phai khéng? - Yes, he does... Cé, anh ay muén dén. - No, he doesn't Khéng, anh ay khong muén dén. Bai tap 5. Thém cau hi ldy lai vao cudi cau dudi day, réi tra lai bang eG hai thé khang dink va phu dinh. 1. He arrived on Tuesday... 409 410 2. You have received my letter... 3. This answer isn't correct... 4. She wasn't very angry... 5. You are from Poland... 6. They won't return before Sunday... 7. You didn't mind my opening the window... 8. He doesn't live in town... 9. They prefer to travel by air,... 10. You can't translate this text without a dictionary... 11. The postman didn’t bring any mail today... 12. The University is just round the corner... 13. We should go to the library... 14. There's no class to day... 15. There were several people waiting in the office... 16. This is your hotel... 17. It will take you about two more hours to get to the city... 18. Your friend came hore by car... 19. His father plays chess very well... 20. The machine does not work... 6. Dat nhiéu loai cau hoi vé nhitng cdu sau day. Thi du: He wants to see me? - Does he want to see me? (Doesn't he...) - Who wants to see me? - What does he want? - Whom does he want to see? - Does he want to see me or my brother? v.v... 1. Lam going to give that book to my sister. 2. Nam has already finished his task. 3. There were some photos on the table. 4. She lent me some magazines to read. 5. He looks healthy after his summer holidays. cAu CAU KHIEN - CAU CAM THAN (Request and Commands - Exclamations) 1. Au CAU KHIEN Cau edu khién cé hai dang chu yéu: 1. Ding thie ménh lénh cia dong tit (Kem bai 2”). Cau cdu khién khong 4di héi nh&t thiét phai dap lai bang 16i noi, nhung cing cé thé dap lai nhu nhiing thi du sau day: Cau céu khién Loi dap Please, sit down. ‘Thank you. T prefer to stand, thank you. Close the door, please. Yes, certainly. Why? Bring me my hat, will you? _|Sorry, I'm busy. Come here. Wait a minute. You, come here right now. Oh, all right. Let's begin now. All right. That's fine with me. Don't come in. Why not? Keep off the grass. Sorry, I didn't see the sign (Xin 14i téi khong nhin thay t4m bién) Don't hurry. All right, I won't Do not forget to sign your ‘Don't worry, I won't. paper. 2. Ding dang cau hdi. Co hai trwéng hop: a) Dé yéu cau ngudi khéc lam viée gi (16 dé han va dang thitc ménh lénh), ta ding cdu hdi véi will, would va do you mind, would you mind - gerund (déng danh tw). Thi du: Will (won't) you please be quiet? - Oh, I'm sorry. Would you pléase come on time? - I'll certainly try to. I'm sorry, but I may not be able to. Do you mind opening the door? (Anh mé gitip ctia ¢6 phién gi khong?) - Not at all. (Khong sao ca). Certainly not. Of course not... Would you mind sitting here? - No, I wouldn't mind. - Thank you. Cha y: Tra 16i cAu Do (would) you mind bang No, not at all... cb nghia 1a déng y, sin sang, khéng ngai gi. 412 b) Dé xin phép ngudi khac cho minh lam viée gi; ta cang héi véi may va do (would) you mind + if... Thi du: May I have some coffee? - Certainly. Help yourself. - Yes. I'll bring it right away. - Do you mind if I turn on the radio? - No, go right ahead (cit md di). - Of course not. -I'm sorry. I'd rather you wouldn't. - Kin 16i, anh ding mé thi hon)/ - Would you mind if I didn't come? - Oh, I wish you would. - No, that'll be all right. Cha y: Sau would you mind if ding thi qua khu gia dinh. Bai tap 1. Dap lai nhitng cau cau khién sau day: Thi du: May I come in? - Yes, of course. 1. Help me take off my coat, please. 2.Let's go out for dinner tonight. 3. Please; don't interrupt me (Xin ditng ngat 1di ti). 4. Do you mind getting me a newspaper? 5. Would you mind showing me the new books? 6. Won't you please turn off the radio? 413 7. Would you please answer the doorbell? 8. May I borrow your pencil for a second? 9. Do you mind if I stay here for a while? 10. Would you mind if I brought them in? 11. Hand me that package, will you? 12. Don't be so slow. 2. Dat céu theo nhitng cau tric mau dudi day. 1. Please open the window. 2. Don't open the window. 8. Will you please open the window? 4. Would you please open the window? 5. Do you mind opening the window? 6. Would you mind opening the window? Dang mdi nhém tit sau day dat 6 cau theo céc cu trac trén: Sit down over there; lend him the dictionary; bring in the suitcase. 3. Dat cdu theo nhitng cdu tric mau dudi day. 1. May I borrow this book? 2. Do you mind if I borrow this book? 3. Would you mind if I borrow this book? Dang méi nhom ti sau day dat 3 cdu theo cdc edu tric trén: Show him this photograph; ask you a question; take this chair away, go with/ go to the airport; leave now. u. cAu CAM THAN Léi cam than dé dian dat tinh cam vui, buén,dau, ngac nhién, vv... c6 thé 1A mét than tw (interjection) hay mét nhém ti ding riéng 1é nhu: 414 Oh! Ah! Hello! Alas! Good! Hurrah! Well done! Dear! Dear me! Good Heavens! Nhung cé thé dién dat bang cau cam than véi hai dang sau day: 1. Bat dau bang What, How. Trat tu ti trong eau 1a: Thi du chi tiét: (a) What + a (an) +N (Singular, countable) Ss Vv What a fool lhe His! What an awful noise they are making! (b) What + N (uncountable) or s Vv plural) What lovely weather Wwe are having! What flowers they have bought! (c) How + A/adv _S Vv How cold this room lis! How well she writes! Ghi cha: a) Chu y su khac nhau gitta dang cau cam than va cau hdi: How old he is! (Anh Ay gia qua!) How old is he? (Anh ay bao nhiéu tuéi?) b) Sau What c6 mao ti a (an) truée danh tit sé it ch? cdi gi dém duge va c6 thé cé tinh tit true danh tw. What a big man he is! What an intelligent boy! 415 c) Cha ngit va déng tiv c6 thé ham 9. What a shame! What a pity that you can't come! How nice of you to come and sec us! 2. Cau cam than bat dau bang cac pho tit there, here, in, off v.v... Trat tu ti trong cau co khac nhau tuy theo chu ngit la danh tu (ky hiéu N) hay dai tt (ky hiéu Pro); Adv + Pro+V! “Adv+V+Nt Thi du: Adv Pro Vv There he is! Here it comes! Off they went! In you get! There goes the train! Here comes Henry! Away went his hat! Down, fell the boy! Til. CAU KHAU HIEU Khau hiéu trong tiéng Anh tay theo ndéi dung co thé viét dudi dang cau trdn thuat, cau cau khién hode céu cam than va trong nhiéu trudng hop chi ]a mét nhém tu khéng cdn chu ngtt hay déng ti. Thi du: Long live the August Revolution! Cach mang thang 8 muén nam! We want peace and freedom! Chung téi muén héa binh va tu do! Vietnam for the Vietnamese! Viét Nam 1a cha ngudi Viét Nam! Down with US imperialism! (Da dao dé quée My) USS. go home! Stop the bombing! Hands off Cuba! (Khong duge dung vao Cu-ba!) Welcome to Oxford! (Hoan nghénh cac ban téi Oxford!) No to unemployment! (Chéng nan that nghiép) Bai tap 4, Chuyén nhitng cau dudi day thanh cau cdm than: 1, You are absent minded. 2. This task is difficult. 3. It was a cold winter day. 4, We have had a delightful evening. 5. He run is very fast. 6. You have made awful mistakes. 7, It is raining hard. 8. She is a very bright girl. 417 9. It is nonsense. 10. The machine moves noiselessly. 5. Dién vao nhiing céu sau day nhitng tit how, what, off, in, away, here v.v.. 1... a pity she is so weak! 2. He slipped on the ladder (trugt chan trén thang) and... he came! 3... beautiful the view in from your window! 4, There is no time to waste so... you go at once! 5... went the thieves in the stolen car! 6... he comes on his new bicycle! 7. The whistle blows and.... goes the fast train! 8. The door burst open and ... rushed the crowd! (dam déng da vao). . VI TRI CUA TINH NGU (Position of Adjective Modifiers) 1. GIGI THIEU Tinh nga bé nghia cho danh ti cé thé 1a tinh tix (cdc loai: miéu ta, sé hitu, chi thi, s6 lvgng v.v...), mao tit dong tinh ti dang nhu tinh tw, danh tw hay déng danh tu, tinh tu ghép, hodc cum tu hay ménh dé tinh ngi. Vj tri cha tinh ng khong phu thudc vao cfu tric cau ma thudng di lién vdi danh tix ma né bé nghia, truéc hodc sau. 418 Thi du: Mr. Nam's eldest son is a well-known specialist in lung diseases (Con trai lén nhait/ca cha éng Nam 1a mét chuyén gia néi tiéng vé bénh phéi). Do you know the little old man in the brown suit standing over there? (Anh cé biét ong gia nhé bé mac bé quan 4o nau ding dang kia khong?) Il. VI TRI CAC TINH NGU DUNG TRUGC DANH TU 1. Quy tac chung: Cac loai mao ti, tinh tW dun va ghép va cac tit khdc dang nhu tinh ti thuéng thudng dat trudée danh tix ma no bé nghia . 2, Truéng hgp cé nhiéu tinh ti cang bé nghia cho mét danh ti thi vi tri phd bién 1a theo trat tu sau day: Articles, Descriptive Adjs Demonst. | Order “| Noun of Possesive. Numbers] (a) Quality | © Gerunds Noun size {Colour Indefinite. ithe first basic Sentence |structures three I ja high fred [brick all. those many eady-made traveling Suits. her roundiblack eyes. my brother's fseveral jnew \silk ities. the boy's second grammar lesson 419 some ne hundred |Us-made fighter planes. the Inext few holiday eeks, levery five nautical imiles. the last two news items. Cha y: a) Nhiing ti trong cét thit nhat bao gém mao tii, tinh tiy chi thi, tinh tw sé hitu va danh ti 6 cach sd hitu va mot sé tinh ti bat dinh (indefinite adjectives) nhu some, any, no, every, each c6 dac diém 1a loai tri An nhau, do dé khéng thé noi: those my books, some the boy's fans. Déng thdi ching cing khong ding sau tinh ” tit hac (triv vai truémg hep nhu all, half va both, all the books, both those girls, half the bottle), do d6 khéng thé néi: many the men, twelve those days (sai), ma phai néi: (the) many men, those twelve days. Trudng hgp muén dién dat ¥ khac, ngvdi ta cé thé dao lén trat tu trén bing c4ch bién mét sé thanh dai tii va thém of: Mot ngudi ban ela téi: a friend of mine; one of my friends. Nhiing sach do cia anh: Those books of yours, those of your books. Va: twelve of those days, many of the men. b) Trong cét thi hai, nhitng ti chi thu tu (first, second, next, last...) di truéc nhitng ti chi sé ludng (one, five, few, several, many...). c) Trat ty thong thuéng cua cac loai tinh ti miéu ta nhu trong bang, nhung khi cé hai ba tinh ti cing mét loai hodc khé phan loai thi ngudi ta cé thé sip xép tiiy y va tach ching bing and hoac dau phay (,). 420 A dirty, busy and narrow street. A rich and powerful nation. A peaceful, united, independent, democratic and prosperous Vietnam. c) Khi hai danh ti (hodc déng tit va danh tir di lién nhau, thi tit di truéc 1A tinh ngit bo nghia cho ti di sau (ché y trudng hop nay ngudc han vdi tiéng Viét). factory worker: céng nhén nha may. government delegation: phai doan Chinh phu. history book: sach lich st. dining room: phong an. flower garden: vuén hoa. garden flower: hoa tréng trong vudn. race-horse: ngua dua; horse-race: cuéc dua ngua. playing-card: quan bai; card playing: viéc choi bai. Bai tap 1. Dién nhiing tit trong ngodc vao vj tri thich hop. 1. The question was difficult (examination, third). 2. There were clouds in the sky (dark, many). 3. There isn't ink in my pen (blue, fountain, much). 4. He bought shirts yesterday (cotton, grey, two). 5. She is wearing dress (new, evening, her). 6. He showed them watches (two, his, Swiss-made, gold). 7. Can't you see her face (pretty, round, pink)? 8. Show me a pair of shoes (leather, brown, those, small). 9. Is the man there your professor (old, white-haired, mathematics, new)? 10. Did you attend the conferences (two, regular, last, press)? 421 2, Xde dinh nghia nhiing nhom tit sau déy: 1. Grammar school; school grammar. 2. house-dog; dog-house. 3. oil-lamp; lamp-oil. 4. tobacco-pipe; pipe-tobacco. 5. table-tennis; tennis-table. 6. lawn-tennis; tennis-lawn. III. VI TRI CAC TINH NGU DUNG SAU DANH TU 1. Qui tae chung: Tinh ng 1a mot nhom ti (bat ddu bang gidi ti hay dong tinh ti) va ménh dé tinh ngit luén luén ding sau danh tit. Thi du: a) The book on the shelf, the chairman of the committee, the work before us, a cup of tea, the key to the house, a book on mountain climbing. b) the man driving the truck; the question mentioned in the text, the boy sitting there; the letter received yesterday. c) the old man who is working in the garden... the vase (that) you put on the table... the student whose name I don’t remember... Ghi chu Ta cé thé xép vao loai nay ca nhiing trudng hop: - Mét tinh tit don gan lién véi mét cum tu: a man greedy for money (nhung: a greedy man). a mother anxious for her children’s happiness (nhung: an anxious mother). a matter worthy of attention (nhung: a worth man). 422 - Dong tinh ti ding mét minh nhung tuong dudng véi ménh dé tinh ng: all the letters received (that have been received). A penny saved (that has been saved) is a penny gained (that has been gained). (Tuc ngit Anh: tiét kiém déng nao 1a 1gi déng ay. Khac véi trudng hdp dong tinh tit don gian: a broken chair, an interesting book, a painted door, an unexpected meeting. 2. Mét sé trudng hgp tinh tiv ding sau danh tit: a) Tinh ti d&t sau danh tii chi sd do. a river five hundred miles long: a road twenty metres wide; a man seventy-five years old; a building seven storeys hight. b) Tinh tix dat sau something, someone, anything, nothing, everything v.v... There's nothing new in your proposal. Let me tell you something very important. There is someone (no one) hurt, I think. We'll provide everything necessary. c) Trong mét sé thanh ngit quen ding hoac géc 4 tiéng Phap: Friday last (= last Friday); on Monday next (= next Monday); Alexander the Great (A-lec-xan-do Dai dé); Ivan the Terrible; the theatre Royal; The Consul General (Téng lanh sy); court martial (toa 4n quan su). 423 all the people present; by all means possible; from time immemorial. d) Hai, ba tinh tt dat sau danh tit cé y nghia tuong duong vdi ménh dé phy giai thich thém: It was a summer night, warm and starlit (= which was warm...) : Dé 1a mot dém hé, am ap va day sao. All people, old and young, supported his policy. Tat ca moi ngudi, gia tré déu dng hé chinh sach cha ong ta. He is a man both witty and wise (Anh Ay 1A ngudi via hom hinh vita khén ngoan) Bai tap 3. Dién nhitng tit ngit va ménh dé tinh ngit vio vi tri thich hop. 1. John has read books (interesting, many, on geography). 2. The girl (young, pretty, in the green dress) is from Hungary. 3. The men are officers (tall, wearing uniforms, arm: y, foreign). 4. Yesterday I met people (interesting, several, who work in the television). 5. Did you notice the man (middle-aged, well-dressed, speaking, Chinese, who was here this morning)? 6. He said words to everyone (kind, a few, old and young, present). 7. The Chairman has something to tell you (of the committee, new, important). 8. He is suffering from a leg as a result of his accident (broken, car, recent). 9. There is something in his behaviour today (strange). 424 10. Two knives are sharp (steel, those, that are in the drawer). 11. The play-ground is fifty metres and two hundred metres (wide, long). 12. Is the woman the director (of the museum, in the green dress, in the grey suit, who is taking to the man)? 4, Viét lai nhitng cdu sau bang cach ding cdc dai tit ghép something, someone v.v... Thi du: There is no wrong thing in his statement. There is nothing wrong in his statement. 1. I'll give you every necessary thing. 2. Is there any specially interesting thing in the paper this morning? 3. No, there is no startling thing. 4, Some well-known person in the theatre attended that first night. 5. There is no outstanding student in my class. 6. Every valuable article was taken by the thief. 7. I'm sure some cleverer person will get the prize. 8. Was there any specially distinguished person at the party last night? 9. Do you see any remarkable thing in this picture? 10. There can be no good thing in this reactionary policy of the capitalist government. 425 BAI 36 VI TRI TRANG NGU (Position of Adverbial Modifiers) 1. GIGI THIEU Trang ngi bao gém céc phé ti, c4c cum pho tit va ménh dé trang ngi bé nghia cho d6ng ti, tinh tit hodc pho tu. Bai 12 da gidi thiéu chi tiét vé cc loai phé tit va vi tri cua ching. Bai nay chi khai quat lai mét sé quy tdc chung vé vi tri cha trang ngi theo quan diém trat tu tii trong cau. C6 thé tom tt nhu sau: a) Mét sé it ph6 ti c6 thé bé nghia cho tinh ti hoc pho tit khac nhu very, too, much too, more, less, least, almost, nearly, completely, quite, rather, fairly, v.v... luén luén dang trudc tinh ty hay phé tiv ma né bé nghia, tri trudng hop enough. Thi du: The coffee is very (too/rather) hot. He driver quite (much too /fairly) fast. They are almost (nearly / quite) ready. This lesson is much more difficult than the last one. Nhung: The car is good enough for me. The day is warm enough to go without a coat. He works hard enough already. b) Tat ca nhiing phé tit vA trang ngit khac bé nghia cho déng tir c6 thé chia lam ba nh6m tay theo vi tri cia chting binh thvng la 6 cui cau, gitta hay d4u cha 1 cau don gian. 426 IL. TRANG NGU 6 VI TRI CUOI CAU (End-Position Adverbials) Vi tri binh thudng cia hau hét cdc loai trang ngi (ké cd pho ti riéng 1é, cum ph6é ti hay ménh dé trang ngi) 1a 6 cudi cau nghia 1A sau dong tw, sau cd tan ngit hay bé ngit néu cd. Thi du: S+V+0/C Adv He is upstairs. He walked toward the bridge. She sings very well. II write to her regularly. |We are going to leave tomorrow. 'They hope to see him levery week. 1 like learning English lvery much, I will go wherever you go. I shall do the exercises as I have been taught. He learned a lot of French while he was in Paris. = did not attend the meeting because I was ill. He worked. hard so that he might pass the exam. That question easier than I thought. I will help him ‘if he asks me. Ghi cha 1. Cac loai trang ngit chi théi gian, ménh dé trang ngit chi ly do va diéu kién thudng cing dat 6 vi tri dau cfu ma y nghia khéng 06 gi thay déi. Thi du: Today I am playing tenis and tomorrow I am going swimming. Hém nay téi choi quan vot va ngay mai téi sé di boi. 427 Since you won't help me, I must do the job myself. Vi anh khong gitp téi, toi phai tu lam lay. Tf you had asked me, I would have helped you. Néu anh hdi tdi, thi téi da gip anh réi. 2. Trwéng hop cé nhiéu loai trang ngit d cudi cfu thi trat tu thong thutng 1a: noi chén, thé cach, tan sudt, thdi gian. Thi du: S+V+0/S Place Manner! Frequency Time Ihave been jto London several times |this year. He is going jto Cuba by ship Inext month. Il saw that, film fat the club [twice last week. {The postman jcomes here jtwicea day during July. {The man left here secretly itwo days ago. [He went [to the library every night last week. Ghi cha: a) Trat ty ti trén day khong phai hoan toan cé dinh. C&c loai trang ngit chi thé cach va tan sudt 1A pho tix don 1é (ké cA mét sé phé tix tan cang bang -ly) c6 thé duge dat truée dong tx (Xem muc IID; He usually comes on time. Mr. Smith quickly opened the telegram on the desk. They secretly burned the letter in the fireplace last night. b)Nhiing pho tiv ngdn chi thé cach dude dat trudc trang ngii chi noi chén. He worked hard at the factory last year. 428 She sang beautifully at the concert last night. We drove slowly to the station before midnight. Bai tap 1. Dién nhitng trang ngit trong ngode vao vi tri thich hop. 1. He has been... (three, times, today, here). 2. I saw the new teacher (last night, at the lecture). 3. He talked at the meeting (to much). 4. The young man has worked (for three months, at this workshop). 5. She is tired (after the long walk, very). 6. They went (last year, several times, to Haiphong). 7. He makes a report (daily, by telephone). 8. He did not run (enough, fast). 9. I will meet you (at Hanoi station, under the clock, next Monday, at 3 p.m). 10. She is clever girl (rather). 11. He left (this afternoon, early, for Vinh, by train). 12. The tea is hot for me (enough). 13. The coffee is strong for me to drink (too). 14. He will take you (whenever you are ready, down-town). 15. Mr. Ba came (immediately, here, when he heard the news). 16. I waited for you (as long as I could, at the bus station). 17. He came (early, home, because he was tired). 18. We saw them (twice a week, at the club, while we were in the city). 19. He is working (now, very hard, so that he can have a holiday soon). 429 20. Please wait (until the doctor returns, for a few minutes, in this room). II. TRANG NGU GO VI TRI GIUA CAU (Mid-Position Adverbials) Nhém nay gém nhiing pho ti co vi tri 6 gitta cha ngi va dong ti va néu cau cé tro déng ti thi phé tu é gitta dong ti tha nhat (dang da chia) va cdc dang khac cua déng tw. Thi du: s Aux Adv Vv O/C/Adv He lalways comes m time. I falmost. forgot. {to tell you this. [We hardly now lhow to thank you [The man just alked laway. iT recently law him at the club. We rather fhoped that he would come, His work;jwas_ always done arefully. You should never Imake that mistake again. He lhas__ already been talking {to her. (They ere just leaving ithe house. i will occasionally fwrite to him. [The babyfan nearly alk. He il \quite realize [the difficulty. Ghi cha a) Truéng hgp muén nhdn manh, co thé dat cdc pho ti nhu trén é truéc ca dong tit, dac biét khi tra loi ng&n gon. Thi du: Van never was called a good footballer. 430 He still hasn't finished the book. "His work seems carefully done today". - "It always is" "Can you get a good lunch on the train?" - "I sometimes can". b) Chi cé mét sé nhé phé ti chi tan suat va mic dé luén luén 6 vi tri gitia cfu la always, usually, seldom, never, just, hardly, quite, rather... con mét sé khac va nhiing pho tiy chi thé cach (tan cing bang Ly) thi vi tri tung déi co dong (Xem lai bai 12, muc IV). Bai tap 2. Dién vao vi tri thich hop nhitng trang ngit trong ngodc. 1. My brother writes to me (rarely). . They don't play tennis (often). . He goes (by bus, to school, always) . She has had a holiday (never). . Will he learn anything useful (ever)? 2. 3 4 5. 6. They can find time for reading (seldom). 7. 1am (on Sunday, at home, always). 8. We have breakfast (at six, generally). 9. I can understand what he says (hardly, ever) 10. He has been (never, before, there). 11. He is in a hurry (always), because he starts (on times, never). 12. The engine makes a lot of noise (still). 13. They had finished dinner (just). 14. Mr. Brown agreed with me (quite). 15. I missed the bus (nearly, this morning). 16. We shall be working (soon, at the new factory). 17. We went for a swim (before dinner, in the lake, usually). 18. I had finished the exercise (almost, when he arrived). 19. They go (seldom, for lunch, home). 20. Mrs. White and her children sit (often, in the after-noon, on the lawn). 3. Dap lai nhiing céu sau day theo dang ngdn gon va nhén manh ding mét tro d6ng tit vé mét pho te cho san. Thi du: ‘You should drive carefully (always). - Lalways do. . You're looking very cheerful this morning (really). . He should go out till he has finished his homework (never). . They will need warm clothing for winter days (surely). . He cannot solve this problem (hardly). oF wD a . She does not like milk in her tea (sometimes). 6. Does the sun rise in the east? (always) 7. Did he ever try to do it by him self? (often) 8. Have you finished your breakfast? (almost) 9. He will be glad to know that his father is back home. (certainly) 432 IV. TRANG NGU O VI TRI DAU CAU (Front-Position Adverbials) 1. Phé tit va cum pho ti thudng dat 6 dau cau trong 3 trudng hgp sau: a) Cau hdi bat dau bang pho tw nghi van: Where are you going? Why didn't he come? When shall I see you again? How long will you stay in Berlin? b) Cau cam than bat ddu bang pho tu: How well he writes! Away they went! Here comes the boy! c) Phé tit va trang ngit bé nghia cho ca edu: Yes, that is correct. ‘Siill, I don't think it is true. Naturally, 1 couldn't tell him so. Generally speaking, the proposal was good. To tell you the truth, I never did it. Ghi cha Ngoai hai trudng hgp dau (vi tri cia pho tit do loai cau quyét dinh va khéng thé thay déi), cac loai trang ngt 6 muc (c) thuéng dat 6 déu ciu véi mot nghia nhat dinh, néu chuyén vi tri cing duge nhung lai cé nghia khac. Thi du: Still, I can't understand you (Mac déu udy, téi khéng hiéu anh dude). 433 He is still standing (Anh ay van dang dung). He is standing still (Anh ay dang ding yén). Altogether, I consider it wrong. (Nhin chung, tdi cho thé 1a sai). I consider it altogether wrong (Tdi cho tat ca thé 1a sai). To tell you the truth, I was here last night (Noi that vdi anh, t6i qua ti 6 day). Thave come here to tell you the truth (T6i dén day dé’ noi vdi anh su that). 2. Mét sé 1én trang ngit binh thudng dat 6 cudi cau hoac gitta cau cing c6 thé dat d ddu cau ma nghia khéng thay déi (thudng chi nhaén manh y tuong phan hoac tranh dé qua xa déng tit ma nd bé nghia). Dé 1a cac loai trang ngit chi thdi gian, thé cach va tan suat. Thi du: Yesterday I went to a football match. I hope to see your old friend tomorrow. Sometimes I go to bed very late. I sometimes go to bed very late. I go to bed very late sometimes. He walked slowly along the road. Slowly, he picked up the old paper on the desk and threw them into the fire. 3. Mét sé trang ngi binh thudng dat 6 cudi cau hoae giita cau c6 thé dat 6 ddu cau véi ¥ nh&n manh dac biét va cau phai d4o nguoe gitta cha ngi va déng tit. Ngoai truéng hgp cau cam than da ndi G trén, con hai truéng hgp khac 1a: a) M6t sé trang ngif chi noi chén dat 6 du cau dé nha&n manh (trudng hgp nay dao ngugc dong ti chinh én truéc chi ngit). Near the school was an old house. 434 In the center of the room, stood a big man with a grey beard. Nhiing cu nhv trén co tinh ch&t van chuong, it ding hang ngay, tri truéng hgp here va there. : Here is the man you want to meet. There is Long Bien bridge. b) Mét sé trang ngii cé nghia pha dinh hoc han ché va trang ngi tdn sudt dat ddu cau dé nhadn manh: Never, neither, nor, nowhere, no sooner, not only,hardly, seldom, scarcely... va only + cum trang ngit (trudng hgp nay chi dao nguge trd déng ti lén truéc chi ngi). Often have I heard my father say that. Téi da thudng nghe bé t6i néi vay. Many a time as a boy have I climbed that hill. Cau bé da déi lan tréo én qua déi kia. Never have I seen such wonderful flowers. Toi chua titng nhin thay nhiing bong hoa dep nhu thé bao gid. Seldom is he late to work. Rat hiém khi anh ta di lam mu6n. Not only did he work hard but he also tried various new methods. Anh ta khéng nhiing lam viée cham chi ma cén 4p dung nhiéu phuong phap mdi. Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train started. Hiém khi t6i dén ga thi tau chuyén banh. No sooner had we entered the room than the lights went out. Ngay khi anh ta budc vao phong thi dén bat sang. Only when everything was ready did they start the work. 435 Chi khi-moi thit sin sang thi ho méi bat dAu céng vide. Only with the full agreement of everyone can we hope to succeed. Chi véi ban ky két cua ting ngudi thi chung tdi méi hy vong thanh céng. Chay Only khi bé nghia cho chi ngit thi khéng ¢6 dao nguge, only c6 thé dat trude tiéng né bé nghia 4 bat kj vi tri nao trong cau va do dé cdu cé nghia khac nhau. Thi du: Only Nam talked to his brother. (Chi cé Nam néi véi anh anh dy) Nam only talked to his brother. (Nam chi néi véi anh anh ay théi, khéng lam gi khac). Nam talked to his brother only. (Nam chi néi véi anh anh 4y, khéng néi véi ai khac) Nam talked to his only brother. (Nam néi véi nguéi anh duy nhat ctia anh dy - only & day 1a tinh tw). Bai tap 4. Dién nhiing trang ngit trong ngodc véo vi tri thich hyp binh thuong. 436 1. He was not injured (fortunately). 2. You will be able to help him (perharps). 3. How the holidays have passed (quickly)! 4. I walked two miles every morning (always). 5. Does he go to the cinema? (how of ten) 6. He did not understand what the other said (at first). 7. Your progosal is not acceptable (to be bried). 8. Lam not a doctor (strictly speaking). 9. Lhave heard such a story (never). 10. Can you swim (how far)? 5. Déi mét trang ngit trong cau lén vi tri dau cau dé nhdn manh va déo nguge chi: ngit vdi déng tit khi cdn thiét. 1. You can find such things nowhere. 2. "She has never been to happy in her life", - Mrs, Brown said. 3. I would agree to such proposals in no circumstances. 4. A pretty little girl sat by her side. 5. They went to the seaside sometimes. 6. A large red car came down the road. 7. He had hardly reached the station when the train started. 8. Lhave seen such wide rivers only in the southern plains. 9. He opened the box and took out the pieces of paper slowly. 10. The boy not only has read it but he has learn it by heart. 6. Nhdn xét vi tri khdc nhau cia cde pho tit va dich ra tiéng Viét nhitng céu sau déy: 1. Still, I believe him to be innocent. I still believe him to be innocent. 2. She spoke simple and naturally. Naturally, she did not say great words. 3. Has he finished his work already? Yes, he has already finished it. 4. My friend speaks English well. 437

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