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The Heart Center: Anhata-cakra

Name: anhata-cakra, lit. "wheel of the unstruck sound" Location: heart Bja-mantra: YA Essence-mantra: OM Petals: 12 Color: Deep red Symbol: Grey-green sixpointed star Element: Air (Vyu) Animal: antelope Yogin: Kkin
Sagtaratnkara of rgadeva: "In the heart-region is located the anhata-cakra. It is the site for worshipping the Divine in the form of the Praava [O]. It has twelve petals. The results of abiding in these, beginning with East (front) are: [1] destruction of unsteadiness, [2] clear reasoning, [3] regret, [4 (South)] hope, [5] lucidity/integrity, [6] reflection, [7 (West)] striving, [8] equanimity, [9] spiritual hypocrisy, [10 (North)] instability, [11] discernment, [12] egoism/ audacity. [Bold states are to be
cultivated by musicians, singers, and dancers.]

From Abhinavagupta's Tantrasra:

I am a filthy sinner, I am a bound creature, I am separate from all other beings, or (even) I transcend all things*when such firm beliefs are innate stains on the heart, how indeed for such a one can (the vision of) supreme reality flash forth? // 4.2 // In the heart-lotus (of consciousness) that has blossomed due to an intense Descent of a ray of light from the sun of Supreme iva, the phases of awareness (emit) the exquisite fragrance of the Self, revealing its secret nature: //4. 3 // (there) the bee of Self-Awareness vibrates, cherishing (the experience of) its own radiant core, humming I am Lord iva, overflowing with the reality of all beings! // 4.4 //

This statement is delusional because of its implied dualism.

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