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Rosala Villegas

EDU608 Capstone

Assignment 7.2: Compiling the Teacher Work Sample:

Part II: Final Modifications

Dr. Dorothy Craig

Table of Content I: Abstract.3 II: Revise or Create a Unit for ESL or Bilingual Instruction...4

III: TWS Assessment Plan Draft, Pre-Assessment, and Implementation

Planning for Assessment28

IV: Revisions and Implementation:

TWS Assessment Plan and Lesson Plan No. 1.36

V: Revisions and Implementation: Lesson Plan No 2..46

VI: Revisions and Implementation: Lesson Plan No. 3 and Post-Assessment.54

VII: Organizing and Analyzing Data64 VIII: Reflection and Self Evaluative Summary68 IX: Honor Statement.....69 X: Bibliography....70 XI: Appendix71

I: Abstract

The following is the compilation of a series of lesson plans, activities, assessments, and instructional decisions made based on the initial performance of a group of first grade students in which there is a 20% whose primary language is other than English.

For this Teacher Work Sample, a pre-assessment was elaborated with the support of my sponsor, Alejandra Martinez de Johnson. This pre-assessment which was used as a post-assessment as well was an outstanding tool for us as teachers to have a better view of our students performance on different reading skills. Therefore, we prepared a collection of lessons with the goal of help the students to be able to read more efficiently.

The implementation of the pre-assessment, the unit (three Reading lesson plans), formative assessments, and post assessment gave us the opportunity to have a real teaching experience with reliable data that helped to pursuit our goals.

II: Revise or Create a Unit for ESL or Bilingual Instruction

Unit: Sound it out!

Overview: This unit is designed for first grade students in order to promote on the students the ability to understand that words are made up of small units of sound and that these sounds can be blended to make a word. Also, it is important that they realize that by knowing the sounds of letters they will be able to read or spell words. The students will be participating in different hands-on activities, readings, etc. It contains three lessons based on phonics, spelling and vocabulary. Rationale: Phonics will be the central point in this unit. Phonics is very important in the first years of school since it gives the student the opportunity of understanding that sounds have their representation in writing. Phonics instruction teaches children the relationships between the letters in the written way (graphemes) and their individual sounds (phonemes) of spoken language. Also, the child will understand that each letter has a name. The goal of phonics instruction is to help children develop the alphabetic principle which key for spelling. (Freeman & Freeman, 2004, p.130) Technology Integration:

The students will be using the computer station every day in which there will be software and several web pages available for them to practice and reinforce what they have learned during instruction time. They have also eBooks available for them to read individually; they have the audio set up for them strengthen reading skills. In addition, the teacher will be using eno board for instruction, which offer innovative techniques in which the students participate directly. Learning Goals: Language Goals:
The students will discuss and agree about topics.

Content Goals:

The students will acquire a solid foundation which includes knowledge of and proficiency in speaking and writing Standard English (including grammar, usage,
punctuation, spelling, capitalization).

The students will be able to recognize print units to promote decoding and encoding of the language.

Learning Objectives: Language Objectives:

TSW say words they already know that begin with "n" sound and be able to create a sentence using that word in it.

Content objectives:

6 The students will be using fine motor skills by tracing letters and words in a sentence and recognize words with /ow/. Isolate and produce initial, medial vowel, and final phonemes.

EDU608 Unit Plan Name: Rosala Villegas Sponsor Name: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson Subject Area/s: Language Arts- Reading Targeted Grade Level/: 1st. Rationale s Description of Learners This group of student is participating in a full immersion (including explanation of program in Spanish. They are learning the core diversity factors and special curriculum in the second language. needs) Long Range Goals: The students will be able to recognize print units to promote decoding and encoding of the language. Learning Objectives: After having practicing the position of the sound in a word (initial, medial and final), TSW recognize the shape, the name, and the sound of letter n. Demonstrating that can trace and call the position of the letter in the word 100% correctly. Targeted Skills: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, decoding, encoding Essential Questions: How do letter sounds help me read and spell? Contextual Factors: Total= 20 students (12 girls, 8 boys) Setting up the class in groups of four, in the way they can work with a partner or with the whole group. Labeling all the objects in the target language. Having a variety of books in Spanish classified in different levels and color coded: green= below, yellow=basic and blue=proficient. There will be about 450 students participating in Summer school. The school will be accepting students from other schools in the district. There will be breakfast and lunch available for students and most of the students ride bus to school. There is a 73% of students whose first language is English and 27% of students whose parents speak Spanish and English.

Rationale for Technology (Include a summary regarding how you will use technology to assist teaching and learning) The students will use computer lab in order to practice phonics. There are some Webpages available for them to work on their skills. Phonics Game: The Quiet Machine Available at Phonics Games: Learn to Read by Starfall Education. Available at EBooks available at Content Phonics letters name and sound DOK1 1.L4.WS.PH.5 Use decoding strategies of CVCe to sound out unknown words DOK1 Standards 1.L3.WS.PH.1 Identify Timeline Every day for 20 minutes each student.

Lesson Plan 1 Key Vocabulary (as appropriate) Initial sound Medial sound Final sound Trace Blend

Materials (Include trade books, software, hardware, teaching materials, etc.) letter- key cards

markers worksheets list of words shaving cream. Technology: Eno Board Use of computer station (20 min) References Zimmerman, J. (n/d) Why are Phonics Important for Reading? eHow Family Retrieved June, 2012 from Assessment Instruments Pre-Test Lesson Plan 2 Key Vocabulary (as appropriate)

Materials (Include trade books, software, hardware, teaching materials, etc.)

Picture cards with ow words. Picture without ow words Work sheets Magnetic clips or tape Use of computer station (20 min)

References Assessment Instruments Pre test Lesson Plan 3 Key Vocabulary (as appropriate) Curiosity Vocabulary Materials (Include trade books, software, hardware, teaching materials, etc.) Curious George by Margret Rey. Chart paper Scissors

Glue The students will be at the computer station for 20 min. every day to work on reading skills. References Assessment Instruments Pre- test

Lesson Plan Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection June, 2012 General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608: Capstone Date: June, 2012

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Language Arts Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having practicing the position of the sound in a word (initial, medial and final), TSW recognize the shape, the name, and the sound of letter n. Demonstrating that they


can trace and call the position of the letter in the word 100% correctly. TSW say words they already know that begin with "n" sound and be able to create a sentence using that word in it.

State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.

Lesson Objective: Explain to the class that they will practice with a new sound, its shape and name. Anticipatory Set: Make sure the students seats are arranged in pairs. Review with the students the positions of sounds with the students: initial, medial, final. Have a list of few words with a sound already practiced by the students to practice position of the sound. In this case, they will practice the sound for the letter p. These words can be: pan, lip, tip, pet, beep, pig, pot, sheep, and keep. Practice with the students the position of the sound using the list already mentioned above. Explain that they will recognize the position of the sound p. Invite the students to say aloud the word initial, medial or final right after you read every word from the list. (20min) Presentation: Remind the students that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. Ask the students to listen attentively to the following words and which sound they hear in the initial position: net, nothing, nest, now, new, and, Neptune. Listen to the answer. A student will say he/she heard the sound /n/ in all those words. Explain that /n/ sound is the new sound the class is going to work with that day. Invite the class to put their fingers on their neck and sound /n/ out. Explain that when you make the /n/ sound, you feel vibration on your vocal cords. Also, your mouth is open but your tongue is blocking the sound, when you are making this sound. Show the class a card with the letter n. Point that this is the shape that represents that sound /n/ and the its name is en = /n/ Play a guess game with the class to discover the picture behind the letter name. Say: it is a hard shelled fruit, squirrels love eating them, and put that kind of butter on my bread What is it? Listen to their answer. Appraise the good job.


Now show to the class how to write the letter n; explain the strokes for the tracing: push down, over, down. You can repeat this procedure two or three more times. Monitor and praise.(25 min) Check for Understanding: Tell the students, they will practice the tracing of the letter n on their partners hand using their fingers. Explain that they will trace the letter and then switch. They must do this three times. Spray some shaving cream on their tables; tell them to practice the tracing with shaving cream. You can ask them to writing ten times.(10 min) Monitor the class, make sure everyone is working. Walk around and encourage sounding out the letters.. Guided Practice: Pass out tracing sheets; they will use their pencil to trace the letter. These are pretraced letters.(10 min) Independent Practice: In a worksheet, they will be presented a series of pictures with a short line close each one. The students will write the letter n if the picture represents something that begins with the sound /n/

State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

This lesson is aligned to the Kansas City, Missouri Standards for Language Arts which state: 1.L3.WS.PH.1 Identify letters name and sound DOK1 1.L3.WS.PA.1 Isolate and produce initial, medial vowel, and final phonemes DOK1 Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating datadriven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more instruction in phonics, and more specifically identifying every letter and sound relationship.


State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-If there is a students who are allergic to soapy or with strong odor products (with perfume), an alternative use of erasable boards and markers can be used. -For student(s) who are advanced; they can write words, instead of writing the letter only.

State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

Since, they are using something new such as shaving cream; the level of noise could rise. The teacher should remind the students about the voice level for this activity. Explain that the Voice Level technique must be used: 0= no noise 1= only your partner or your teammates can hear you 2= you want to share something with the class.

State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.

I will be encouraging participation, and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

I will explain how this sound is made by us and the relation to a graphic representation (letter). List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies,


etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: letter- key cards markers worksheets list of words shaving cream. Technology: Eno Board The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?).

I will review with the students the positions of sounds with the students: initial, medial, final. I will explain again that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. They have practiced letter-sound correspondence before. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills.

They will practice the tracing of the letter n on their partners hand using their fingers. They will practice the tracing the letter n with shaving cream. They will use their pencil to trace the letter on pre-traced letters worksheets. The students will write the letter n if the picture represents something that begins with the sound /n/. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction.


I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. The students must be encouraged to take turns to trace the letter n. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1. State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration using oral and written communication strategies.

I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. I will make my presentation attractive to them by using shaving cream on their tables. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy).

I will model first, then we do it together, finally they will do it by themselves. I will check for understanding. List the closure activity you will implement.

The students will identify words that have the letter n as a initial sound. Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred. The student had to point words that start with the sound taught in this lesson. Also, the students had to complete graphic organizer in which they were able to draw a picture of different things that begin with the letter "n". State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning.

State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons.


Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this?

Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement.

What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons?

Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being.


Lesson Plan

Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection June, 2012

General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Date: June, 2012

Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608 Capstone

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having practicing blending of sounds, TSW practice their spelling skills using /ow/ words. The students will be using fine motor skills by tracing letters and words in a


sentence and recognize words with /ow/.

State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.

Lesson Objective:
Explain to the class that they will practice with words that have the sound /ow/

Anticipatory Set:
Make sure the students seats are arranged in pairs. Prepare in advance eight strips with two incomplete words that contain the sound /ow/ (e.g. _ _own, and _ ow). One strip for each pair of students. Also, provide one sentence strip in blank, and one marker.

Remind the students that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. Invite the students to listen attentively to the words: now, how, clown, down, powder, towel, and brown. Ask what sound is in common in all those words. Repeat the words one more time. Listen to their answers. Then, have them to repeat after you: town, frown, crowd, drown, and prowl. Write all these words on the board, sound out while writing. Point each word and say aloud; encourage repetition after you. Play a guess game with the class to discover the picture behind the letter name. Say: it is an animal that has four legs; it gives us milk, and eats grass. Listen to their answers. Show the picture card for cow. Appraise the good job.

Check for Understanding:

Place all the picture cards on the board. Invite the students to say the name for each picture aloud; when they say a word with ow sound, write it down close to it.(10 min) Erase all words you wrote on the board Write the word: now, then replace the n for c to cow. Then, call a volunteer to make any change to the word without erasing the letters ow. Play with the students; encourage them to use actual words.

Guided Practice:

Independent Practice:
Pass the strip with the two incomplete words to each pair of students. Explain to them that those words need to be completed. Ask them to talk to their partners and consult each other about what words could be. When they already have the words completed, pass out the sentence strips in blank for them to write a sentence using one of the words.


State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

Performance Standards: I. Gather, Analyze and Apply Information and Ideas. 1. Read, view, listen to, and evaluate written, visual and oral communications. Content Statements: 1. Read, view, listen to, and evaluate written, visual and oral communications. c. recognize and interpret print from their surroundings . Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating datadriven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more instruction in phonics, phonemic awareness and spelling. State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-For students who struggle on writing sentences, you can provide a white paper for them to draw about the ow word they made. -For student(s) who are advanced; they can write two sentences instead on one using both words. Also, they could write a sentence using both words if applies. State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

Arguing about who is writing the sentence can arise, before that happens let the class know that one can write one half of the sentence and the other student can write the other part. Remind them that it is important to share and agree about what is going to be written on the strip.

State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies


identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.

I will be encouraging participation and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

I will explain how this sound is made by us and the relation to a graphic representation (letter). List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies, etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: picture cards, markers, worksheets, sentence strips, and words strips. The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. They will use Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?).

I will use words they already know to introduce the spelling lesson. I will explain again that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. They have practiced letter-sound correspondence before. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills.


They will sound out words at the time are being pointed. They will practice word family. They will use markers to write a sentence using their words with ow. The students will write the word that describes the picture. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction.

I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1. State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration using oral and written communication strategies.

I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. I will make my presentation attractive to them by using non-linguistic representation like pictures. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy).

I will model first, then we do it together, finally they will do it by themselves. I will check for understanding by asking to write a word with the sound "ow" List the closure activity you will implement. The students will complete words with ow and write a sentence using one of these words.


Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred.

State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning.

State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons.

Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this?

Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement.

What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons?

Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being.


Lesson Plan Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection

General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608 Capstone Date: June, 2012

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having reviewed and used different literature, TSW be able to relate new words to their own life experience or points of view cooperatively . State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.


The class must be arranged in groups of four, so there will be four groups. Have magazines, scissors, and glue bottles available for each team.
Have the book Curious George by Margret Rey. Prepare four different letters traced and cut out in big paper.

1. Clarify Goals and Establish Objectives. Explain to the class that they will learn new words and also relate words they already know to a theme or topic.

2. Present Information.
Read aloud the book Curious George by Margret Rey. Tell the class that every day we learn new things, and also we learn new words. Explain that today the new word is curious, write it down, and say it again. Ask them to repeat it with you. Explain the meaning of the word: Curious means eager to find something out. Give some examples from the reading when George was very curious, what did he do? Encourage the class to give their own examples and experiences of when they felt curious and what did they do? You can provide the prompt: I was curious about ___________________ and I _________________ After sharing their ideas, reinforce by asking what is the word the class has been talking about? Appraise the good job.

3. Organize students:
Tell the students they will do several cooperative learning activities. Advise that you will be evaluating social skills of each group and they will receive a grade for good teamwork. Explain to the class they will do an activity in which they will have to cut and paste pictures of objects found in the magazine that begin with the letter assigned in each group. For example group 1 has the cutout of the letter p Then they should look for pictures that start with that letter and paste it on the big letter.

4. Assist Groups.
Assist the different groups with by encouraging them to find the information they need and do their assigned task as teammates. Also, encourage team cooperation, and talk to the speaker of each team to see how they are doing. Remind them to be good citizens and also point the Voice Level chart. Tell your expectations about teamwork and level of voice. Give enough time for this activity.

5. Assessment.
Review by groups the pictures and matching to the assigned letter.

6. Recognition and Rewards.

24 Based on results of cooperative skills, each team will receive tickets to the "store"

State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

Goal 2: Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.

Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to 2.1. Plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audience. Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating datadriven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more reinforcement on vocabulary. State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-For student(s) who are advanced; you can ask them to write sentences in order to express their experience about feeling curious with the prompt help if needed. State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

The level of noise could rise. The teacher should remind the students about the voice level for this activity. Explain that for this activity the Voice level is 1, which means only your partner or your teammates can hear you.

State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.


I will be encouraging participation, and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

I will explain that we learn new words every day. I will write the objective on the board in a simple way in order to make the students know what is expected after the lesson. List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies, etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: book for read aloud, paper, scissors, and glue. The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?). I will ask about their previous experience when they have felt curiosity about something. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills. They will share their experience orally; they will have to express themselves. They will relate word- picture to accomplish the team task. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction. I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. The students must be encouraged to express themselves using the new word. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1.


State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration using oral and written communication strategies. I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. They will show their vocabulary bank in the team activity. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy). I will monitor their team work, and I will ask why such picture has been glued to that letter. List the closure activity you will implement. Reinforce all the words used during this lesson.

Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred.

State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning.

State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons.

Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this?

Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement.


What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons?

Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being.


III: TWS Assessment Plan Draft, Pre-Assessment, and Implementation Planning for Assessment:

The following chart contains important information regarding the Assessment Plan put in place for this first grade class.



Learning Goals and Objectives

Assessment Tools and Techniques Pre-assessment Focused on: Phonics Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary Checklist for lettersound correspondence Picture-word sheet for beginning sound matching.

Rationale for Assessment This assessment is focused on phonics skills which gives the student the opportunity of understanding that sounds have their representation in writing

Content Standards: 1. Read, view, listen to, and evaluate written, visual and oral communications. Recognize and interpret print from their surroundings. Demonstrate letter-sound correspondence skills. Decoding strategies

The students will be able to recognize print units to promote decoding and encoding of the language.

Demonstrate that can call the position of the letter in the word

Designing a Pre-Test.

The following pre-assessment has been made for a group of first graders. Since first graders are just starting to read more independently, the practice of phonemic awareness, phonics and vocabulary are the needs this specific group of 20 students display the most.


Since in first grade Phonics skills are crucial for enhancing of reading comprehension, this pre-test contains different items that evaluate the recognition of beginning sounds in the words, and also the identification of short vowels in a word. On the other hand, this group will be focusing on improving their decoding skills. Therefore, different instructional needs have been identified; the need of decoding within the text and in isolation as well. They will learn how to interpret the words using letter-sound correspondence. They will have to learn to put parts together to combining pictures and text to relate it to personal experiences. Based on Kansas City, Missouri Curriculum; the following are curricular needs for first graders: 1.L3.WS.PH.1 Identify letters name and sound DOK1 1.L4.WS.PH.5 Use decoding strategies of CVCe to sound out unknown words DOK1 1.L3.WS.PA.1 Isolate and produce initial, medial vowel, and final phonemes DOK1 This pre-assessment has been designed in order to determine proficiency on different skills based on the key components of reading instruction mainly on Phonemic Awareness and Vocabulary. This assessment has been intended to first grade level. It contains fifteen items total; five items have been placed for each of the reading component taken into consideration for this tool. Every element of reading instruction is crucial in order to achieve reading proficiency. Each section of this assessment has been labeled by roman numbers, and they have described as follow:


Section I: Phonemic Awareness. In this section, the student will identify the beginning sound between two sets of pictures, and he/she will trace a line between those two pictures that have the same initial sound. "Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear, identify and manipulate the individual soundsphonemesin spoken words"(Armbruster, L. & Osborn, J. 2001) Section II: Phonics. In this part, the student will demonstrate Letter-Sound correspondence skill by finding the word that describes the picture. Subsequently, write down the word under the correct picture in order to show understanding of the meaning. This section assesses short vowel u. Section III: Vocabulary. In this section, the student will complete sentences using vocabulary words. Each sentence is accompanied with a picture.
Designing and Implementing the Pre-Assessment Due to different contextual factors such as ELL students, the instructions in this assessment will be delivered in both languages. The classroom will be arranged by isolated spots for the students work more independently and in order to obtain more reliable results.


Name:_____________________ Section I: Draw a line to match the pictures that begins with the same sound.


Section II: Look at the picture, find the word that describes it, and then write the word under the picture.

duck sun bus run cup

Images from Microsoft Clip Art


Section III: Use the vocabulary in the box to complete the sentence. ready - family - took - plays - preparing

The garden.

is cleaning the

Lisa is


Robert is ceremony.

to go to the

Tom his dad. Ann

in the snow with

her cat to the vet.

Images from Microsoft Clip Art

34 Analysis and Lesson Revisions and/or Adaptations

For this Pre-assessment, twenty students of first grade showed their skills in each area of concern: phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary. Analysis: The following Data Sheet shows the number and percentage of students who performed under the following categories: Proficient: The students who displayed 80% >of achievement. Close to Proficiency: The students who displayed between 70 to 79% of achievement. Need Intervention: The students < 70% of achievement. The performance of the students in each component of reading will be described in this data sheet.

Teacher: Rosalia Villegas Grade:

Skills Assessed

Sponsor: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson

Number of students assessed Number (#) of students Proficient and higher Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher Number (#) of students Close to Proficiency Percentage (%) of students Close to Proficiency Number (#) of students Who need intervention Percentage (%) of students Who need intervention

Phonics 20 Phonemic Awareness 12 60% 6 30% 2 10%












The Following chart displays the results of this Pre-Test.

Pre-Test Results
80% 70% Students' Performance 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Proficient or Higher Close to Proficiency Need Intervention Phonics 60% 30% 10% Phonemic Awareness 70% 20% 15% Vocabulary 45% 40% 15%

After analyzing the results of the pre-test, my sponsor and I agreed that this group of students will need to work on phonics, phonemic awareness, and vocabulary which are crucial elements for the understanding of the reading. However, the phonemic awareness area is not so poor as phonics and vocabulary. The lack of these skills is affecting directly the understanding while reading. A set of different lesson plans will be implemented in order to help these students to improve their skills. I prepared a set of lesson plans in the following areas: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Vocabulary.


Each one of these lesson plans has been prepared in order to reinforce the several skills taken into account in the assessment previously delivered to these students.

IV: Revisions and Implementation: TWS Assessment Plan and Lesson Plan No. 1

Revisions to the TWS assessment plan: For this Teacher Work Sample assessment plan, my sponsor and I discussed about what could be the most appropriate formative assessment(s) and we agreed that assessment it must a kind of assessment that focuses mainly on the students' needs based on pre-test results. So, during this first lesson plan I included checklists, picture-word matching, tracing sheets, and graphic organizers as formative assessments. These assessments reflect the learning goals and objectives which has been described previously and also reinforce phonemic awareness, phonics, writing, and also handwriting skills. The checklist made for this lesson as a formative assessment was delivered one on one to the students in order to confirm they master of the objectives. The teacher must confirm if the student sounds the letter, recalls the name of the letter and matches the letter sound with a picture first sound. In this checklist only six letters sounds are checked. (See attachment A in Appendix) A Picture-Word Matching activity was also put in place to strengthen phonics (Attachment B in Appendix). In addition, they showed their handwriting skills on the tracing sheet. In this assessment the teacher will check for fine motor skills and handwriting skills.


We did another formative assessment in which the students used the computer to create a graphic organizer in which they were able to draw pictures of different things that begin with the letter "n". The used Kidspiration2, software we have available. Revisions to Lesson Plan No. 1:

After analyzing the results of the pre-test, my sponsor and I agreed that this group of students will need to work on phonics, phonemic awareness, and vocabulary which are crucial elements for the understanding of the reading.

Let's review the pre-test once again: Skills Assessed Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher Percentage( %) of students Close to Proficiency 30% Percentage (%) of students Who need intervention

Phonics 60% Phonemic Awareness 10%








Lesson Implementation: We implemented the lesson plan on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week. It took three sessions of Language Art class to implement it. We also gathered data from the formative assessment we designed for the lesson.


The following chart shows the results for the different assessments done to the students.
Formative Assessment Checklist Picture-Word Matching Tracing Sheet Graphic organizer 100% 95% 0% 5% 0% 0% 85% 75% Proficient Close to Proficient 10% 15% Need intervention 5% 10%

Some adjustments have been made to the lesson plan 1 based on pre-test result. The modifications have been highlighted for better understanding of it.


Lesson Plan Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection June, 2012 General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608: Capstone Date: June, 2012

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Language Arts Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having practicing the position of the sound in a word (initial, medial and final), TSW recognize the shape, the name, and the sound of letter n. Demonstrating that they can trace and call the position of the letter in the word 100% correctly. TSW say words they already know that begin with "n" sound and be able to create a sentence using that word in it.

State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the

40 teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.

Lesson Objective:

Explain to the class that they will practice with a new sound, its shape and name. Make sure the students seats are arranged in pairs. Review with the students the positions of sounds with the students: initial, medial, final. Have a list of few words with a sound already practiced by the students to practice position of the sound. In this case, they will practice the sound for the letter p. These words can be: pan, lip, tip, pet, beep, pig, pot, sheep, and keep. Practice with the students the position of the sound using the list already mentioned above. Encourage each pair of students to prepare 5 words that have the letter "s" and take turns in order to say aloud words and the other partner has to say the word initial, medial, or final depending of the position of the letter in the word. Then they must switch roles.
Explain that they will recognize the position of the sound p in a group of words you will say. Invite the students to say aloud the word initial, medial or final

Anticipatory Set:

right after you read every word from the list. (20min)

Remind the students that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. Ask the students to listen attentively to the following words and which sound they hear in the initial position: net, nothing, nest, now, new, and, Neptune. Listen to the answer. A student will say he/she heard the sound /n/ in all those words. Explain that /n/ sound is the new sound the class is going to work with that day. Present the letter "n" by displaying it on your letter hat. This hat has been used to show the letter of the day. Use the "N" hat during the whole lesson. Every time you say a word that contain the letter "n" you point to the letter in the hat. Invite the class to put their fingers on their neck and sound /n/ out. Explain that when you make the /n/ sound, you feel vibration on your vocal cords. Also, your mouth is open but your tongue is blocking the sound, when you are making this sound. Show the class a card with the letter n. Point that this is the shape that represents that sound /n/ and the its name is en = /n/ Play a guess game with the class to discover the picture behind the letter name. Say: it is a hard shelled fruit, squirrels love eating them, and put that kind of


butter on my bread What is it? Listen to their answer. Bring a real nut to the class (realia) Appraise the good job. Now show to the class how to write the letter n; explain the strokes for the tracing: push down, over, down. You can repeat this procedure two or three more times. Monitor and praise.(25 min) Tell the students, they will practice the tracing of the letter n on their partners hand using their fingers. Explain that they will trace the letter and then switch. They must do this three times. Spray some shaving cream on their tables; tell them to practice the tracing with shaving cream. You can ask them to writing ten times.(10 min) Monitor the class, make sure everyone is working. Walk around and encourage sounding out the letters..

Check for Understanding:

Guided Practice:

Pass out tracing sheets; they will use their pencil to trace the letter. These are pretraced not pre-traced letters.(10 min)

Independent Practice:

In a worksheet, they will be presented a series of pictures with a short line close each one. The students will write the letter n if the picture represents something that begins with the sound /n/

State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

This lesson is aligned to the Kansas City, Missouri Standards for Language Arts which state: 1.L3.WS.PH.1 Identify letters name and sound DOK1 1.L3.WS.PA.1 Isolate and produce initial, medial vowel, and final phonemes DOK1 Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating data-driven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

42 A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more instruction in phonics, and more specifically identifying every letter and sound relationship. State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-If there is a students who are allergic to soapy or with strong odor products (with perfume), an alternative use of erasable boards and markers can be used.

-For student(s) who are advanced; they can write words, instead of writing the letter only.

State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

Since, they are using something new such as shaving cream; the level of noise could rise. The teacher should remind the students about the voice level for this activity. Explain that the Voice Level technique must be used: 0= no noise 1= only your partner or your teammates can hear you 2= you want to share something with the class.

State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.

I will be encouraging participation, and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

43 I will explain how this sound is made by us and the relation to a graphic representation (letter). List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies, etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: Letter hat (made with construction paper) letter- key cards markers worksheets list of words shaving cream. Technology: Eno Board The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?).

I will review with the students the positions of sounds with the students: initial, medial, final. I will explain again that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. They have practiced letter-sound correspondence before. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills.

They will practice the tracing of the letter n on their partners hand using their fingers. They will practice the tracing the letter n with shaving cream. They will use their pencil to trace the letter on pre-traced worksheets. The students will write the letter n if the picture represents something that begins with the

44 sound /n/. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, nonverbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction.

I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. The students must be encouraged to take turns to trace the letter n. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1. State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration using oral and written communication strategies.

I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. I will make my presentation attractive to them by using shaving cream on their tables. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy).

I will model first, then we do it together, finally they will do it by themselves. I will check for understanding. List the closure activity you will implement.

The students will identify words that have the letter n as an initial sound.

Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred. Also, the students had to complete graphic organizer in which they were able to draw a picture of different things that begin with the letter "n". They had to circle the word that matched with the picture.

45 The teacher used a checklist to have the student call the letter name, sound it out, and match the picture with the initial letter-sound taught previously. State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning.

The evaluations indicated the need for re-teaching the letter- sound correspondence and more used of realia and visual in order to reinforce vocabulary.
State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons.

Assessments are very useful tools to help the teacher to have a better idea about students needs. By doing assessments that encourage the students to actively participate are beneficial for better results.
Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this?

The students were very engaged within this lesson; the use of shaving cream was a very good activity in which the students were very participative. Everyone participated and at the same time, they show their motor skills and ability to recognize and trace the letter n. Besides, they worked very cooperatively with their partners. I saw active participation all the time.
Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement.

I would like to have more ideas about how to implement more project based lessons and also I would like to have more ideas on working in small groups for differentiated instruction.
What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons?

I learned I need to be more attentive to what is happening in every single team of students. The students can sometimes feel intimidated or afraid of participated in group activities.
Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being.

I learned team work is very important, either for the students or for the teachers to make learning improve.


V: Revisions and Implementation: Lesson Plan No 2

Reviewing results of assessments after implementing Lesson Plan No. 1:

The following graph shows the results for the different formative assessments done to the students during the first lesson plan implemented for this Teacher Work Sample.
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Checklist Picture-word matching Tracing sheet graphic organizer Proficient Close to Proficient Need intervention

The group displayed good grasping of the concept. Most of the students showed they are improving their reading skills, and also they are improving their handwriting skills. The following is the second lesson plan prepared for our class in order to keep reinforcing their phonemic awareness and phonics skills. This lesson will be focused on the sound that the letters /ow/ makes in most of the times.


Lesson Plan

Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection June, 2012

General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez de Johnson JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608 Capstone Date: June, 2012

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having practicing blending of sounds, TSW practice their spelling skills using /ow/ words. The students will be using fine motor skills by tracing letters and words in a sentence and recognize words with /ow/.


State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.

Lesson Objective: Explain to the class that they will practice with words that have the sound /ow/ Anticipatory Set: Make sure the students seats are arranged in pairs. Prepare in advance eight strips with two incomplete words that contain the sound /ow/ (e.g. _ _own, and _ ow). One strip for each pair of students. Also, provide one sentence strip in blank, and one marker. Presentation: Remind the students that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. Invite the students to listen attentively to the words: now, how, clown, down, powder, towel, and brown. Ask what sound is in common in all those words. Repeat the words one more time. Listen to their answers. Then, have them to repeat after you: town, frown, crowd, drown, and prowl. Write all these words on the board, sound out while writing. Point each word and say aloud; encourage repetition after you. Play a guess game with the class to discover the picture behind the letter name. Say: it is an animal that has four legs; it gives us milk, and eats grass. Listen to their answers. Show the picture card for cow. Appraise the good job.

Check for Understanding: Place all the picture cards on the board. Invite the students to say the name for each picture aloud; when they say a word with ow sound, write it down close to it.(10 min) Erase all words you wrote on the board Guided Practice: Write the word: now, then replace the n for c to cow. Then, call a volunteer to make any change to the word without erasing the letters ow. Play with the students; encourage them to use actual words. Independent Practice: Pass the strip with the two incomplete words to each pair of students. Explain to them that those words need to be completed. Ask them to talk to their partners and consult each other about what words could be.

49 When they already have the words completed, pass out the sentence strips in blank for them to write a sentence using one of the words. Pass out a blank paper to each student, ask them to write five words that have the sound /ow/ Pass the following activity in which the students will circle the pictures that have the sound /ow/ State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

Performance Standards: I. Gather, Analyze and Apply Information and Ideas. 1. Read, view, listen to, and evaluate written, visual and oral communications. Content Statements: 1. Read, view, listen to, and evaluate written, visual and oral communications.
c. recognize and interpret print from their surroundings . Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating data-driven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more instruction in phonics, phonemic awareness and spelling. State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-For students who struggle on writing sentences, you can provide a white paper for them to draw about the ow word they made.

-For student(s) who are advanced; they can write two sentences instead of one using both words. Also, they could write a sentence using both words if applies.
State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

Arguing about who is writing the sentence can arise, before that happens let the class know that one can write one half of the sentence and the other student can write the other part. Remind them that it is important to share and agree about what is going to be written on the strip.

50 State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.

I will be encouraging participation and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

I will explain how this sound is made by us and the relation to a graphic representation (letter). List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies, etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: picture cards, markers, worksheets, sentence strips, and words strips. The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. They will use Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?).

I will use words they already know to introduce the spelling lesson. I will explain again that every letter makes a sound that we can make with our mouth. They have practiced letter-sound correspondence before. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills.


They will sound out words at the time are being pointed. They will practice word family. They will use markers to write a sentence using their words with ow. The students will write the word that describes the picture. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction.

I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1. State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration using oral and written communication strategies.

I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. I will make my presentation attractive to them by using non-linguistic representation like pictures. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy).

I will model first, then we do it together, finally they will do it by themselves. I will check for understanding by asking to write a word with the sound "ow" List the closure activity you will implement. The students will complete words with ow and write a sentence using one of these words.

Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred. I assessed students learning by having them to complete words using /ow/ sound; they used


these words in sentences. I monitored the activity for assessment. State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning. The results of the previous assessment indicated that this group of students needed help on the spelling area. I created this lesson to expand student performance. State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons. I will use assessments to provide more effective instruction to my students, since assessments are indicators of the students weaknesses and strengths. Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this? The students seemed to be very enthusiastic about the different activities implemented in this lesson plan. I determine engagement by active participation. Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement. I would like to use more technology within Communication Arts class, in this way to promote that the students use technology during reading and writing as well. What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons? I learned that I can encourage even more my students to read and write by modeling. Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being. My colleagues have been a huge help; if we work as a team, we can make our class more productive.

This lesson was implemented in two days. For the implementation of this lesson, I made sure that students who are performing low in reading or those whose language is other than language were paired to other students who are proficient or higher in order to promote cooperative learning and also promote additive perspective in school environment.


After implementing this lesson, I could realize that the students display more competence on phonemic awareness than phonics. The formative assessments delivered in this lesson were words list in which the students had to write by their own and the Sound it! Activity (See attachment C in Appendix)). These assessments had the following results: Formative assessment Word List Sound it! activity Proficient 75% 85% Close to proficient 15% 10% Need intervention 10% 5%


VI: Revisions and Implementation: Lesson Plan No. 3 and Post-Assessment The pre-assessment done prior the implementation of these lesson plans was designed in order to determine proficiency on different skills based on the key components of reading instruction mainly on Phonics, Phonemic Awareness and Vocabulary and was intended to first grade level. Let's review once again the results of this assessment and also other assessments implemented so far to overcome the needs of the students. Pre-assessment results:
Skills Assessed Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher Percentage (%) of students Close to Proficiency Percentage (%) of students Who need intervention

Phonics 60% 30% 10%

Phonemic Awareness









Results of formative assessments delivered so far, each assessment tackles different skills:

Formative Assessment Checklist (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics Vocabulary) Picture-Word Matching(Phonics) Tracing Sheet (Phonics) Graphic organizer (Phonemic awareness and vocabulary) Word list(Phonics) Sound it! (Phonemic Awareness)

Proficient 85%

Close to Proficient 10%

Need intervention 5%










75% 85%

15% 10%

10% 5%

We must remember that Phonics has been the central point in this unit. Phonics is very important in the first years of school since it gives the student the opportunity of understanding that sounds have their representation in writing. The students have been using the computer station every day in which there are software and several web pages available for them to practice and reinforce what they have learned during instruction time. Also, we must take into consideration that there are students from other schools in


the district who have been accepted during summer school. They have breakfast and lunch available and most of the students ride bus to school. There is a 80% of students whose first language is English and 20% of students whose parents speak Spanish and English or Spanish only. The following is the third lesson plan implemented for this unit. It was implemented during Monday and Tuesday this week.


Lesson Plan Pre-Lesson Planning, Plan for Lesson Implementation and Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection

General Information Teacher Candidate Name: Rosala del Carmen Villegas Mentor Teacher Name: Alejandra Martinez JIU Faculty Member Name: Dr. Dorothy Craig JIU Course Name and Session: EDU608 Capstone Date: June, 2012

Grade Level(s) of Students Receiving Lesson: 1st. grade Content Area: Reading Group Size:20

Pre-Lesson Planning State the objective for this lesson and identify the teaching model(s) you will be using (e.g., direct instruction, indirect instruction, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, etc.). Objectives: After having reviewed and used different literature, TSW be able to relate new words to their own life experience or points of view cooperatively. State how you will present this lesson content and briefly describe each stage of the lesson delivery including how much time you estimate each stage will take. Include the steps for the teaching model(s) you chose to use to teach the lesson.

58 The class must be arranged in groups of four, so there will be four groups. Have magazines, scissors, and glue bottles available for each team. Have the book Curious George by Margret Rey. Prepare four different letters traced and cut out in big paper. 1. Clarify Goals and Establish Objectives. Explain to the class that they will learn new words and also relate words they already know to a theme or topic.

2. Present Information. Read aloud the book Curious George by Margret Rey. Tell the class that every day we learn new things, and also we learn new words. Explain that today the new word is curious, write it down, and say it again. Ask them to repeat it with you. Explain the meaning of the word: Curious means eager to find something out. Give some examples from the reading when George was very curious, what did he do? Encourage the class to give their own examples and experiences of when they felt curious and what did they do? You can provide the prompt: I was curious about ___________________ and I _________________ After sharing their ideas, reinforce by asking what is the word the class has been talking about? Appraise the good job. 3. Organize students: Tell the students they will do several cooperative learning activities. Advise that you will be evaluating social skills of each group and they will receive a grade for good teamwork. Explain to the class they will do an activity in which they will have to cut and paste pictures of objects found in the magazine that begin with the letter assigned in each group. For example group 1 has the cutout of the letter p Then they should look for pictures that start with that letter or sound and paste it on the big letter. 4. Assist Groups. Assist the different groups with by encouraging them to find the information they need and do their assigned task as teammates. Also, encourage team cooperation, and talk to the speaker of each team to see how they are doing. Remind them to be good citizens and also point the Voice Level chart. Tell your expectations about teamwork and level of voice. Give enough time for this activity. 5. Assessment. Review by groups the pictures and matching to the assigned letter.

59 6. Recognition and Rewards. Based on results of cooperative skills, each team will receive tickets to the "store" State how this lesson aligns with grade-level/local/state standards.

Goal 2: Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.

Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to 2.1. plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audience. Describe how this lesson content aligns to prior assessment results by indicating data-driven customization of lesson content made as a result of standardized tests.

A pre-test was administered, and this lesson is aligned according to the results obtained from it. The data showed that this group of students needs more reinforcement on vocabulary. State how you will differentiate instruction that is appropriate to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds (i.e., students who are English language learners, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different ethnic/racial groups, students with different learning ability levels, etc.).

-For student(s) who are advanced; you can ask them to write sentences in order to express their experience about feeling curious with the prompt help if needed.
State possible challenges that might arise when implementing this lesson and state how you might handle them.

The level of noise could rise. The teacher should remind the students about the voice level for this activity. Explain that for this activity the Voice level is 1, which means only your partner or your teammates can hear you.

State how you will help students learn and/or practice research-based strategies for (1) monitoring their comprehension (e.g., use of multiple comprehension strategies identified by the National Reading Panel), and (2) learning new vocabulary words.


I will be encouraging participation, and teamwork. Also, sounding out the letter sound and tracing at the same time promote the correlation.

Plan for Lesson Implementation Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective.

I will explain that we learn new words every day. I will write the objective on the board in a simple way in order to make the students know what is expected after the lesson. List instructional and technological resources that will be used in this lesson (e.g., Library of Congress primary resources, audio-visual aids, computer-based technologies, etc.), including those you may need to create.

The resources that will be used in this lesson are: book for read aloud, paper, scissors, and glue. The students will be in the computer station for 20 min. using the software available for them. Describe how you will relate the lesson to prior student learning/experience (i.e., What will you do for the anticipatory set?). I will ask about their previous experience when they have felt curiosity about something. List activities you will have the students perform to practice new skills. They will share their experience orally; they will have to express themselves. They will relate word- picture to accomplish the team task. List strategies you will use, including multiple communication techniques (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, and media related), to (1) actively engage students, and (2) promote positive social interaction. I will use different strategies in order to promote learning cooperation. The students must be encouraged to express themselves using the new word. Also, I will reinforce level of voice using non-verbal clues, such as Showing number one with fingers; they will understand level of voice 1. State how you will help students learn and/or practice active inquiry through classroom collaboration

61 using oral and written communication strategies. I will praise good job. I will encourage them to work as teammates. They will show their vocabulary bank in the team activity. List research-based questioning strategies you will use to (1) check for student understanding, and (2) evaluate students ability to problem solve and critically think about the lesson content (e.g., Blooms taxonomy). I will monitor their team work, and I will ask why such picture has been glued to that letter. List the closure activity you will implement. Reinforce all the words used during this lesson.

Post-Lesson Implementation Reflection State how you assessed student learning and whether or not student learning occurred. The assessment was done by observing the student looking for the picture that corresponded to the letter assigned to each group. Learning occurred since the teacher was there making sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing, and also seeing who was struggling during the task. State how assessment data results either (1) indicate a need for re-teaching or lesson adaptations to improve student learning, or (2) indicate a need to provide challenge opportunities to extend student learning. Before we implemented this lesson, we took a look of the test took by this group of students. This data helped us to recognize the need of reinforce or re teach the skill. State how you will use assessment results to plan future lessons.

I will prepare assessments based on Core curriculum, but also based on students need. Looking for implementing differentiated instruction during the future lesson plans


Describe the level of student engagement. How did you determine this?

I see a high level of engagement during this activity. The students seemed to enjoy what they were doing and at the same time they were showing their level of vocabulary while doing the activities included in this lesson. Describe an area of professional growth for you to develop to improve student learning and/or student engagement. I would like to improve my ability to prepare lesson with more differentiated instruction activities appropriate for any level.

What did you learn about yourself as a teacher? About your students? About developing lessons? I have learned that modeling is one of the strategies that helps enormously either the students or the teacher in order to have more active engagement during instruction. Describe what you learned from this experience that will support your collaboration with colleagues to improve student learning and well-being. This was a very good experience for me; collaboration among my colleagues was fantastic. Everything ran much smoother thanks to my colleagues support. My sponsor has helped a lot, and has been very supportive.

During this lesson, I took two different activities as formative assessments, picture-letter matching in which the students had to cut pictures from a magazine and paste them on a cut out letter in order to match these pictures initial sound to the letter assigned. Also, they did I'm Curious about_____________ oral presentation in which I was looking at vocabulary.


Here are the results of these assessments: Formative Assessment Proficient Close to Proficient Picture-letter matching (Phonics) I'm curious about... oral presentation. (Vocabulary) 80% 70% 15% 20% Need Intervention 5% 10%

My sponsor and I reviewed the Post-assessment designed for the end of the unit. We made no corrections. Therefore, the post-assessment was exactly the same as the preassessment as planned. (See attachment D for post-assessment tool) We implemented the post-assessment and these were the outcomes:
Skills Assessed Total students Proficient and higher Number (#) of students Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher Number (#) of students Close to Proficiency Percentage (%) of students Close to Proficiency Number (#) of students Who need intervention Percentage (%) of students Who need intervention







Phonemic Awareness












See attachment D for Post-assessment tool in the appendix. Remember that the preassessment and post-assessment are identical.


VII: Organizing and Analyzing Data After implementing the pre and post-assessments, we can see the progress made by the students through the whole instruction process in which I took into consideration several tools that worked as indicators of continuum progress among the students. The following are the results of the pre and post-assessment respectively. I am showing a chart and also a graph of the outcomes to ease its interpretation. (See Pre and Post assessment tool in attachment D in Appendix) Pre-assessment results:

Skills Assessed Phonics

Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher 60%

Percentage (%) of students Close to Proficiency 30%

Percentage (%) of students Who need intervention


Phonemic Awareness









Post-assessment results:

Skills Assessed

Percentage (%) of students Proficient and higher

Percentage Percentage (%) of students (%) of students Close to Who need intervention Proficiency 15% 5%

Phonics 80% Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary

90% 65%

5% 25%

5% 10%

Post-assessment Results 1

Taking into account the group of ESL students, I can say that they showed improvement on the different skills taught and assessed during this lesson. I have only


four ESL students in my class which represent a 20% of the whole group, two of these students performed within the range of the proficient group while the other two students performed in the range of the close to proficient. It was rewarding for me as a teacher see this improvement since in the pre-assessment these four students performed very poorly on most of the skills. The following graph shows ESL students performance in both preassessment and post-assessment. I have slightly changed these students actual names for confidentiality reasons.

Performance of ESL group


Clara Pre-assessment Marilin Post-assessment








After the implementation of the pre-assessment and teaching learning process in order to help the students with their reading skills. My sponsor and I put into practice


different formative assessments. Each of the formative assessment was planned according to the students needs.

Formative Assessment


Close to Proficient

Need intervention

Checklist (Phonemic Awareness) Picture-Word Matching (Phonic) Tracing Sheet (Phonics) Graphic organizer (Phonics and Phonemic Awareness) Word List (Phonics) Sound it! Activity (Phonemic Awareness) Picture-letter matching (Phonics) I'm curious about... oral presentation (Vocabulary)







100% 95%

0% 5%

0% 0%

75% 85%

15% 10%

10% 5%







I observed a pattern on the same students who showed difficulty always on the phonic skills, he was having difficulties on phonics while he was doing netter on phonemic awareness. I believe that this student was having specifically problems when he had to blend


letters in order to write words and at the moment of reading this was the same issue. (Decoding and Encoding difficulty) In the group of the ESL students, I saw they had more problems with vocabulary than phonics or phonemic awareness. I will continue using more visuals, realia, grouping (cooperative learning) strategies, and also I will keep doing more data cycles in which I can prepare pre-assessment before a unit and be more specific in the areas I want to taught and assess. It was a very good experience to do a pre-assessment and individualize a little more the instruction according to the students weaknesses. VIII: Reflection and Self Evaluative Summary I think that the implementation of a pre-assessment was very significant in the different instructional decisions I made in order to improve learning outcome and be able or at least to try to overcome any students weakness. The design of my unit was effective because my sponsor and I were able to discuss and make changes that were appropriate for my students level. The strategies I used were effective on promoting language learning, language use, and literacy since I worked on the different areas and skills of the language (writing, reading, speaking, and listening) affecting positively my ESL or bilingual students' learning and success through activities and strategies that promote second language acquisition. Through this experience I learned that teamwork, dedication, and willing to help our students are crucial for success.


IX: Honor Statement:

This assignment/assessment was solely written by me. In no way have I plagiarized (represented the work of another as my own) or otherwise violated the copyright laws and academic conventions of fair use. I know that violations of this policy may result in my being dismissed from Jones International University and/or appropriate legal action being taken against me.

Signed (submitting this statement to Teaching Faculty with student's name typed below constitutes signing):

Rosala Villegas 7/20/12


X: Bibliography Armbruster, L.& Osborn, J. (2001). PutReading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read. Washington, DC: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and U.S. Department of Education. Available on-line at


XI: Appendix

Attachment A



m p s t d n

Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.


Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.


Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.


Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.


Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.


Sounded the letter out


Recalled the name of the letter


Matched the sound to the picture that begins with the same letter.



Picture Chart

Attachment B

Picture-Word Match

Images from Clip Art Microsoft


Attachment B

Circle the word that represents the picture.

nest -pot- sit- rat sun-pig-net-egg dog-dot- at- nut

fall-neck- mom-cat
needle- dog-mat-pet


Attachment C

Sound it!

and color the pictures with the sound /ow/.



Attachment D

Name: _____________________ Section I: Draw a line to match the pictures that begins with the same sound.


Section II: Look at the picture, find the word that describes it, and then write the word under the picture.

duck sun bus run cup

Images from Microsoft Clip Art


Section III: Use the vocabulary in the box to complete the sentence. ready - family - took - plays - preparing

The garden.

is cleaning the

Lisa is


Robert is ceremony.

to go to the

Tom his dad. Ann

in the snow with

her cat to the vet.

Images from Microsoft Clip Art


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