Sie sind auf Seite 1von 5

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eEu-6lME W2/@





Tl r ne :3HoursI

I F\rU Marks : 70

Group - A ( Muttlpte Cholce guestlone )

l. Choose tl:e correct alternaflves for ttre followlng :

lO x l = 1 0

In general, thi thennal conducflvlty of a substance ts

a) b) \tl' cl)


of temp erature{

a strongfunctlon of pressure stronglytemperature dependent lnclependent pressure. of

#-'<* 6-$$tl
\ '/ H -- n.

T4,enroat'rct of overall heat transfer coelllclent and surface area ( uA ) ts rerated to the total thermal reslstance R as lrnn ril b) c) R2 Ro's It
t ?-



-l-*Id I

Thc hcnt tr;rnslbrralr: by corrclrrctlorr rr lbr- l1{l9w sphercwrth arcas A, and rl2 varlegns .irl'


,,1 A' A,
A t A.;.


/r I


r/rt , ,t,,


l'rS:tt tl I



An tncrease ln convectlon coefllclent over a a) &f c) d) result ln hJS}er effectlveness re;sult ln lower effecflveness not allect effectlveness lnlluence only the fln efllctency.

, 1t,I, rn i /1Lh-' @


The lumped parameter procedure should be applted when a) , t}te connectlve heat transfer coefndent is low

b) c) -d{

the thermal conducflvlty ts hrgh .thc characterlstlc dLmenslon small ts .r' ail theseare l-rue.
lll '


The veloclty proflle for fully developed lamrrrar flow In a tube ts a) b) , c) 4)/ llnear 'erponentlal hypcrbollc parabollc.

\dt) *{

I.or frec convectlon.Nussclt number ls a funcilon of Prancltland Grashof numbcr Reyrrolrls Grirshofnuml>er nnd (llrrslrof on nlunb(:r' ly l{cV lroltls I)r';rrrrlt l rb c r. ;rnrl lrrrn

t' l


'l'l'tc shaJrc l:rc:torol':r lrcrrrlslrhcrlr:al body placed on a flat surface lvlth resprrt to llscll ls ;r) l,)
r') ( l)

l o ():,
O l. t l) zt trt

,' 'iY,,'
r t\ t; ,i \ it t '


o 'i' -t

t14tl ,' ' l '

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." I

I:t r \',, ?. i4 /tl /t /tr / /


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Bt,. rl,

4tl '.


' I I,
,\ I

| )
n'\l '-

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, ;'-;;'-


tx) ' 'l-he total eniisslve power E of a dlffused surfacc ls related to racllalion as, Eequal to


7r .t



,'{ .

nI 4 nI.


Iior a contl,rnser.or evaporator of NTU = 2, the effectlvcncss ls a) b) // t-trY d)

I a

I :( 2\ '

| - ' ,v41 -


Group - B ( thort Angser gudrtlone ) Answerany tlvee qucstlons.

3 x 5= 1 5

'Fhe lnslcleanrl out.slde raclll of a clrcular hollow cyllnder arc r{ and r,). Correspondlng :rr'.: l-r-:trtlrcrlrtut'r::r /,lnrl 1.,. Prove that thc tcrrrpcrattrrc inslclc the thlckness of

._\J \/

I ) r : llc : r rttl rtei rrr;rl y l l c i rl l y Il rt: v k :w ftrr;tri l fi ' rl ttt i A , . , of t ' i trl l tt:r /i rv l rl r' l t:rrr: l l rrri tl l cl l o cl rcl t otl r< :r' :urrl l rosl ttcl l rr:clat l r rl hi tanc:t: L. | :' " ' t(LJt' (t' (' l /tl i r r llr r r r l l r< : f)l r1 ' 1 1 1 r'r;r{ a tl l c i r' c e r[ .i ,1 G t' a s l ro l r i rrrrrl l (:r N tts s r' l l r rrtrttl rt' r rtttrI P ra tttl ( | rrrrrttl rc r. rl ; it rtrl r' ' p l ,rl n I' 1 ,' ,r'1 ., l ,;l rl l rrrl l rrn l ;rrv ;rrrrl Wl r - r t , l l s ; r r l l r r ''1 1 1 1 '1 1l11 1 '. '



;ri:I l 1t I





J >>i'l.r

I i

I !i
'C8/B.TECE/$EjM-6/VE4a2/O8 6

Group - C ( I.oilg Anewer $uestione )

tequcstlons. 3x15=45 state heat conducUon equatlon with internal 13fg grystem i( r '-/,f ctt hermal dffuslvtty of a metal ? A layers, tlre flst layer of lnsulatlon brlck _v of 120 rirm. The facc ls exposed to gas at 870'C wtth a ggllvecupn coemclent of ltO W/rnz-R. Thc layer ls backcd by a IOO mm laycr of flrebrlck of conductlvtty k = 0.8 W/m-K. The tJ.lrcl layer ls the backlng plate of conducttvtty 49 W/m-I{ }ras a thtckness of I0 mm. TJreplate ts ,"f S oJ'I5 cxposed 1o atr at 30'C wltlr tr g_g4tv-e-c-Lloll"coclllclent W/rnz-l(. I)t-'tcrn)lne tincl ihc ovtlr;rll heat the hcat ilorv llcr unlt areer,tcnrpcrirlurcs irl- thc lrttcrfart:r::; 6+2+7=15 h'ansfer coefllclcnt. Under wiiat ctrcumstanrccs from thc hcat transfer pohet of vlew, u"1ll the use of flnned walls be bcttcr ?
l, )


il,t '

I Copper Il!;ltc flns of rcclangtrlar cross-l;t:r:tlort, mrn thtck, I0 nrm long and thernral currrlrrcil','1ty 380 W/m-K arc atLrcircd tb a plzrncwall Inalntalned at a as lttto ittr rrtttlrlent by at l.crrrpcln(rrrc o[230'C.'I'lrr: fllrs rllssllx-rtc lrt:ir.t cotrvcr:i!on 30'C wltlr ir heitt transfer coefflclentof 40W/mz-K. Flns are spaccd at I mm. P. Calculat

,\r"t" ,,41

Fln cmdency
Arca wclshtcd fln efflclency
I t.


'lhr: lotat heat transfcr Jrt:rtn2 of Jrlrtttc rvall surfacc l '*- "i-:'-,"'-:^^-rT': r lv) I 'llrr. lrc,itltlirrrsfcr rat.e frotrr thp pliutc rv;rll lf tJrcrcwr:rc r:o flr,r; atttrched.
i, \ t i. , l , | ,, I ' ,,.t,,, l l t' l 2= 15 l tl Wl ti rl .i trt:l l r< :;l l ry ..;l r.:a l grrl l l < :i rtt< :cri < 11' Il l < rtl Jrtrtrl l ct' ;utrl l i trtrtl r:t' t' ,i l ,i l ' l ri ' ; . ', ' r: to W l ri ft t:; tl rr r:o rr< l l l l o rr r tl rt: r,;rl l tl l ty ol l rtrrrpt' tl t' ;r1r;rr' l (l tttr l rtt:(l tori l trt tl ' l tt t slcr t t ' l rc a t c o rt< l rrc l l o tt rra l y s l s ? a ' i ' ' ,, ,' ,, ., ; v tt( l ' rrt (i l )5' C l s; cxl l t.r:;r: dt o a

A rrrl l < l s l r.r:l s 1 )Il t:r' co l ' l ll

' l' lr r t , ' t c t lt t lt , ' , 1

l uru trr rl l ;unc:ter tnl tl al l v

r:ocfl l t:l < :rl of 120 14rrrm2-I(.C al crrl ate: t c rrr-r(:l rlo l :rl r a l 2 5 ' C rv l l l r crl l l vr:< :(.l orl
l) ll) I ll) lo t ' tt r t l l l t t r : , p l t r t r l r r l ( ) ( i 'O '/

lr t ill; r l r ' ; r t c ol c r lollt r 1 [ l r t llllt : r r r l; t r t r ' ( ) t 11; l1r ' : r l l l r r r : : l r r t r ir t llt ' - ' r t r l l l t r 'r : r t r l t i l - r i l t q : ! t t l t t t t t r : t t [ t t : r . l l l r : : ; l ; r t . t <l f

lt,' )

' lll:r l

r r tr t' 1 r _ y lr ;r r r ' r llr

1r'rl rl rrr l rt11 l l rr;l

trtl t' tttl tttttt:.



I t;li r li

.,1,,r,',''i .,lll,"t'
' ,1, rl


,l ' \' l ' '


i),"\ f

\' I

cs,/E.TBCIr,/6E Dil-6 :trr-6C2/ W /


Dlsflngulsll between the followlng :

Reslstanc,:' for radladon heat exchange between two sulfaces.

A cryogenlc,fluld flows ttrough a long tubc of 20 mm dlameter, the outer eurface of wtrlch is d{Iused and gray ( e r = 0.02 | at 77 I(. Thls tube ls concentrlc wlth a larger tLrbeof 50 mm dlameter, the lnner surface of whlch ls dtffirsed and gray ( ez = 0.i)5 ) and at 3O0 K. The space between the surfaces ls evacuated. Calculate the heat gafn by cryogbntc flutd per untt length of tubes. If thln radlatlon shleld of 35 mm dlanreter ( es = 0.02 ) both sldes ls lnserted mldway bctwcen tl-relnner and outcr surfaces, calculatc the pcrcenLtge change tn heat
galn per rrnlt lengJthof the tube.

4+ 4+

7= 15

Uslng rltr;rcnslonal nnntyst.s, derlve an expresslon for heat transfer coefllc{ent ln forced cr.rrvectlon ln terms of Nusselt number, rtumbcr.
l r)

Revnolds rrunrber and Pro::d{l

Watcr al tO'C zrnrl I atrn flows over a flat platte at ir. spccd r:f O.5 rrr/s 'lhe wtdl-h of tl're 1ri;rlc ls I rn.'l-hc cnure plate ls entlrcly hcatdd to a tr)mperature of

60'C. Cr'i"rrlatc hqrt transfcrrc<l ln the first 40 crn lcnSlth of the platc ustng i h e p r o p e r t l r : s o f w a t e r s t 4 ( l 'C as t l' r c Rc _r , r r ok ls - Colbur r rana l o g y . 'I 'a l c e p. 992. ( ) , 1 k g/ r n 3, p = 6. 55 6 x l o - a N - s / r n 2 , k r = 0 . 6 3 2 8 I Y / n : - K , P r = 4 . 3 3 4

trnd Cu

4.174 hJ/lcg-K,

6 + I


I t'[ .n.A.Dcrtve l]rc cxprcsston of heat trandfer rate betlveen the cbld and hot fluldc ln n cl\,'4// l.reat c:(Qhar{gt qlea and LMT[) for a terrus ot .'verirllitlgr3t__t$ljlcj--c_99lllcJent, l,'Y2/
pa-r:rllt:l!lorv lrcat cxchanf,cr. Wltitt i',lv;rnt;tr{e rloes the effcctlvcncr.::r -NfU rnethod has over thc Lhfi"ll


\ \P

" .,1r'rrt



? 5 ' (' rr' rtl r;r rn i r:rsl l ,l w ri t i

)]5gt1 1v,tr11]n' l rr< l rr:i J/k6-i (' fi te :;pr:,.-i l llc rl .4oO

?'-i (.

r r v( l .r ll ir r :,r l tr ,r r r :;lr :r t:o r :( licl crtt l l l ts,r'.1 rl tt ortf :i l i tr: 1v1'r:l()l i l 0 l ri 'l s 2590 W/rn t

I,' lr r ,l li ' r r ll t/' r r r l) ( ' ,;r lr r r r .o { l l rr: l rcl l l r:l rl url tr rr l l ri : fl trl ,l l rr,'i c tn paral l i ri tl rr*. {i + 3 r tl * l i i


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