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All Danios prefer to live in a group with at least six members of their species. Good Tank Mates for Danios are: All Rainbows, all Barbs, one Red Tail Shark or one Rainbow Shark, most types of Gouramis unless they are much larger than the Danios, a school of Bala Sharks, a school of Clown Loaches, and Yoyo Loaches. Danios are often seen in aquariums with livebearers such as Platies, Mollies, and Swordtails. Corydoras Catfish and a Plecostomus Catfish are also kept with Danios.

Table of Danio Species

Common Name
Zebra Danio

Scientific Name

Maximum Size

Danio rerio Note: apparently Brachydanio is an invalid scientific name at this time but of course that may change in the future. Danio rerio Danio rerio Danio frankei Brachydanio albolineatus Danio marginatus Celestichthys margaritatus Danio kyathit Devario aequipinnatus

Gold Danio Long Finned Zebra Leopard Danio Pearl Danio Celestial Pearl Danios

1.5" 2" 1.5" 1.5" 1"

Gold Ring Danio Giant Danio

1.2" 5"

Common Name

Scientific Name

Maximum Size

Keep Glass Fish in a group with at least 6 Glass Fish. Good tank mates for Glass Fish are Small Tetras such as the Neon Tetra and Glowlight Tetra, Harlequin Rasboras, White Clouds, Fancy Guppies, and Corydoras Catfish. Glass Fish do well with Angel Fish unless the Angels are quite big, and the Glassfish are so small that they can be swallowed by the Angels. Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish.

Fancy Guppies are best kept in a group with at least three male Fancy Guppies and about twice as many female Fancy Guppies. Good tank mates for Fancy Guppies are Cory Catfish, Small Tetras such as Neon Tetras, White Clouds, Honey Gourami, Glass Fish, Ghost Shrimp, and African Dwarf Frogs. Quite often large Mollies will attack Guppies. Even though both Mollies and Guppies are often sold as "Community Fish", usually large Mollies and Guppies are not

compatible tank mates. Swordtails and Platies are also not good tank mates for Guppies. Guppies do better with smaller tank mates like the ones listed above. Guppy Compatibility: Black Phantom Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Chinese Algae Eater, Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf Neon Rainbow, Ghost Shrimp, Glow Light Tetra, Harlequin Rasbora, Neon Tetra, Plecostomus, one Red Tailed Shark, Silver Hatchet, White Cloud

Mollies do best in a group with a few males and several females. Mollies are good tank mates for Swordtails, Platies, Angel Fish, Corydoras Catfish, one Plecostomus, and Bigger Tetras such as Black Skirts, Red Serpaes, and Silver Tips. Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish. Swordtail Compatibility: Angelfish, Barbs, Betta, Danios, Chinese Algae Eater, Clown Loach, Corydoras Catfish, GloFish, Large Tetras, Mollies, Platies, Plecostomus, one Red Tailed Shark, Silver Hatchet, Swordtails

Male Bettas do best in a large Fish bowl with a few Ghost Shrimp and some live plants as mentioned above. Usually White Clouds are compatible with Bettas and can live in a Large Fish Bowl with a Betta, but sometimes the Betta will chase and annoy the White Clouds, and very rarely White Clouds have nipped on a Betta. Click here for more information about White Clouds. Males Bettas can also be kept in aquariums with Platies, Mollies, Swordtails, Angel Fish, Danios, Gouramis, a school of Bala Sharks, a school of Clown Loaches, a group of Corydoras Catfish, and a Plecostomus Catfish.

This species enjoys each other's company. There are several color varieties and you should mix and match a group with at least three males and about twice as many females. Dwarf Gouramis are compatible with all Danios, White Clouds, all Rainbows, a school of Clown Loaches, and a school of Bala Sharks. Often seen in aquariums with Angel Fish, Bigger Tetras, and livebearers such as Platies, Mollies, and Swordtails.

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