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Exposition Essay 886744J

Should online learning be encouraged?

For centuries, students have been receiving education from schools, in a classroom environment with peers and teachers. As technology advances, the possibility of learning via the internet has become a reality. However, it has become a reality that brings many problems. Online learning should not be encouraged due to various reasons. It offers limited interaction between teachers and students, and the courses available are also limited. It also requires specific learning styles and high cost. The initial and ongoing investment for online education system is very high (EduCon Pty Ltd, 2007). To set up a virtual classroom through the internet requires specific technological infrastructure. This contemporary infrastructure imposes cost issue for education institutions because many schools, especially those with less students, cannot afford the technology and software needed. Furthermore, Mussared (2007) reports that redevelopment of courses and training of teachers is needed for effective online education, which is an addition financial burden. The fact that online education requires high cost is a major disadvantage for this learning style. Another drawback for online learning is the limited face to face interaction and subject selection it offers to students. In a virtual classroom, simulation of laboratory and workshop is almost impossible, hence not all courses are available, namely those consist of hands-on practical work (EduCon Pty Ltd, 2007). Another challenge associated with a virtual classroom is the lack of interpersonal communication on a person to person level. Moreover, learning online means students can only interact with teachers and each other through e-mail and chat room discussion. According to Jerry (, 2007), a student involved in online learning, not being able to receive prompt and immediate reply from teachers, along with not talking to friends was some of the major difficulties with online learning. Finally, this modern means of education is not suitable for all students. The South Australian Gazette (2007), writes that in order to succeed in this learning style, students must be equipped with certain attitudes towards learning. This include being independent, committed, self-motivated and having good time management and organisation skill. This type of learning might be challenging, particularly to students who tend to procrastinate, thus causing them to fall behind easier, according to Mussared (2007). In conclusion, learning though the internet presents a number of flaws. Major ones are high investment, limited person to person interaction and courses available, and the fact that it is not suitable for all students as it requires certain style of learning, which is why online learning should be strongly discouraged. In an era where most of the things can be done online, our future generation must be protected by all the disadvantages of online learning. This can only be done by conserving the conventional and traditional education system.

Samantha Widjaja

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