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A Seventh Day Adventist Rejection of the Trinity Doctrine:

Flee out of the midst of Babylon (Jeremiah 51:6)

To obey God in these last days we must: Reject the Trinity
The deceptive errors that are widespread, and that are leading the world
captive, are to be unveiled. {9T 242.3}
Messengers Preface: We understand that is impossible to teach the Truth concerning Who the
Holy Spirit is without coming into direct confrontation with this image of jealousy which the
SDA denomination has placed at the gate of entry: at the top of our 28 Fundamental Beliefs
Therefore by decree of heaven we were compelled to meet it and make this important message
one of the 7 seven present truth messages flowing from the Vision of Christ revealed through
Habakkuk the prophet.
But this message is not only in exposing the SDA Trinity doctrine as error, in the second half of
the study the focus shifts to the advancing Light from the sanctuary which the Trinity
doctrine has effectively hidden from us, though the things brought forth have been right before
us in the Day of Atonement chapter: Leviticus 16.
This is a long message. Pray and take time, maybe studying the first part exposing the deception
of the Trinity and why it forbids the acceptance of the messages heaven has bidden us to give;
then after proper contemplation, read through and consider the Latter Rain message of the
second half: Light from the sanctuary, considering how these Present Truth messages are
taught in type, in the services of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus chapter 16.
Having stated the purpose of this particular study, before going into the
principles, it is important to state why in, Gods order, this is necessary. Many, who
have any knowledge of the subject of the Trinity, know this issue as a VERY divisive
issue and most having that knowledge may feel inclined to stay away from
discussion concerning this. We pray that you would tarry and consider what we say;
for this is an issue which must be addressed.
We will now state the reasons why, in Gods order, we must seriously address
the Trinity doctrine before the end come: The Lord's time to set things in order
has fully come. {21MR 448.5}
1.) The Trinity is error which the church has now placed upon the platform of the
Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal foundation. Rejecting light from heaven and
accepting in its place error causes us to lose spiritual perception from degree to
degree until the light we once had becomes midnight darkness

2.) In doing so the church has set up false standards (or given false
witness); the church has allowed the banner (to)be lowered because its doctrinal
committees have abandon(ed) their position and join(ed) the ranks of the
opposition, By uniting with the world. How has the SDA church, as a Corporate
denomination, come to see vital doctrines such as the Godhead (# 2 of 28
fundamental doctrines), in the same light as the churches who do not accept the
sanctuary doctrine and are left in perfect darkness?
3.) It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and
the Papacy. {Signs of the Times, February 19, 1894 par. 4}
4.) Most importantly to the closing work of the Day of Atonement :
accepting this error of the Trinity has darkened the churchs understanding of our
own sanctuary doctrine, where she should have been receiving advanced light
upon this subject to give to the world.
He (Satan) has blinded the spiritual eyesight, and deceptive, delusive
imaginings are taking the place of the word of life and truth. Some in
exalted positions of responsibility are sustaining error in the place
of truth. Satan makes his delusions most attractive, clothing error in the
garments of truth, so that it seems the most desirable thing to possess. The
minds of many whom we would naturally suppose would see things clearly,
are blinded as with a bewitching sophistry of error There is no safety in
their present experience. They need to be convicted and converted by eating
the word of God, believing it just as it reads, interpreting it correctly, not
weaving the messages sent by God to save His people, into their own
sophistries, making them speak in favor of fables that undermine the
foundation established by the Lord for His commandment-keeping people.
Satan will continue to bring in his erroneous theories and to claim
that his sentiments are true. Seducing spirits are at work. I am to meet the
danger positively, denying the right of any one to use my writings to
serve the devil's purpose to allure and deceive the people of God
One thing will follow another in spiritual sophistry, to deceive if
possible the very elect. {SpTB07 5.2,6.1}
We know that the SDA doctrinal committees have taught us that it was
following increased light, and the writings of EGW which brought the SDA church
out of a clearly non-Trinitarian position to, now, what is an officially Trinitarian
position. While we do not endorse all the reasons most of our SDA pioneers were
non-Trinitarians (reasons such as denying the eternal, uncreated Deity of Christ
and saying that believing in the Trinity meant believing in three Gods), we do
believe that they were correct in being suspicious of the Trinity doctrine. Our SDA
pioneers knew that Catholic Church openly proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity
is their root and primary doctrine; it is the fountain from which all of their other
erroneous doctrines spring. The pioneers thought it would be very dangerous to

conceive the Godhead in the same light (or in nearly the same light The
Great Controversy page 608 par. 2) as the Catholic Church.
We believe the time as arrived for us to whole-heartedly reject the
supposition that the writings of EGW are supportive of the denomination accepting
and now promulgating the Trinity doctrine. We are now endeavoring to show that in
the Spirit of Prophecy there was always given heavenly Truth necessary to correct
the errors of our SDA pioneers concerning their Christology and their understanding
of the Holy Spirit (all of which impacted their conception of the Godhead), while at
the same time keep us in the Way of advancing light, without bringing us fully into
the camp of professing Trinitarians.
In this study we will address this topic in three aspects:
- The purpose of the SDA church as Gods standard of witness in the world
- The Trinity error we still hold, even if we dont accept the Trinity doctrine
exactly the same as the Catholic Church.
- How this has eclipsed light we should have been advancing concerning the
atonement and our sanctuary doctrine.
Gods purpose for the Seventh day Adventist church:
Called to Be Witnesses
In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in
the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted
the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light
from the word of God. They have been given a work of the most solemn
import--the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels' messages.
There is no other work of so great importance. They are to allow nothing else
to absorb their attention. {Testimonies Volume 9 page 19.1}
God raised up our church to be witness to Bible Truth in the world. He
purposed that we should go on from strength to strength until we had been
completely divested of error and mans theories; until we had left every vestige of
worldly philosophy and Romish doctrine. The reason the Trinity is such an
indictment against the SDA church is, even though many speak about the apostasy
they see in the SDA church and claim is all pervading, these people cannot prove
that the apostasy they see in certain individual churches will necessarily affect
every other church a seeking believer in Christ might visit in search for the light of
Truth. In the Trinity doctrine is the only place where anyone can now study our
fundamental beliefs and openly discern backsliding (apostasy) and error where we
have tried to bring our beliefs into harmony with the other churches by accepting a
form of this doctrine.

In doing this the Corporate Seventh Day Adventist church has set up a false
standard. A standard, the Lords standard is a beacon, a banner, raised high so that
all who would flee to safety and place themselves fully on the Lords side might see
and know where to run to. The banner the Lord God of hosts has given us has
inscribed upon it: The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Rev. 14:12).
Our banner to the world is also represented by our fundamental beliefs which, by
internet and publications, are promulgated so that those who would know can
access and see what Gods people ascribe to.
The World is Watching
God's commandment-keeping people are described by the prophet as
"men wondered at." We are to be a people distinct from the world. The eyes
of the world are upon us, and we are observed by many of whom we
have no knowledge. There are those who know something of the doctrines
we claim to believe, and they are noting the effect of our faith upon our
characters. They are waiting to see what kind of influence we exert, and how
we carry ourselves before a faithless world. The angels of heaven are looking
upon us. "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to
men" (1 Cor. 4:9).--The Review and Herald, June 18, 1889. {Selected
Messages Volume 2 page 386.1}
When the Corporate SDA church made the change to not only espouse to the
doctrine of the Trinity as a denomination, but to then go forth and officially add the
Triune formula of the Godhead into its fundamental beliefs, it reached a very critical
juncture in SDA history. Now, in an unprecedented fashion, all the world has proof,
which they need not find by secret search (Jer. 2:34,35), that the Corporate SDA
Church has come down from the exalted platform of eternal Truth to accept the
same error and drink the same wine all other nations (and fallen churches) have
drunk (Rev. 18:3). This is giving a false witness to the world and seeing Gods
denominated church in the earth, which is the pillar and ground of the truth (1
Tim. 3:15) giving false witness because of backsliding, is something the Lord takes
very seriously.
Because thou sayest (see Rev. 3:15-19)
Jeremiah 2:35 Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely His anger
shall turn from me. Behold, I will plead with thee, because thou sayest, I
have not sinned
The next issue with accepting the Trinity doctrine is found in the following statement
from the pen of EGW:

It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself

and the Papacy. {The Signs of the Times, February 19, 1894 par. 4}
This obviously infers we should have been growing further away from Rome;
we should have been becoming a MORE distinct people through the light of Truth,
not coming closer to them.
The Trinity, the root of all Catholic errors: the fountain of all Babylonian
wine of the wrath of her fornication (Rev. 14:8)
It is time that every SDA understand what the Catholic Church proclaims
about their very own Trinity doctrine:
(the following is taken directly from the Catholic Catechism)
234 The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and
life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of
faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the
"hierarchy of the truths of faith".56 (underline and emphasis added)
Sunday sacredness, natural immortality of the soul, purgatory, indulgences,
the bodily assumption of Mary into heaven, infallible Popes, the blasphemous
Eucharist, etc... it is claimed that all these mysteries have their source in the
Trinity doctrine. It seems as though the Corporate SDA Church has taken a position
as close to the central tenants of the Catholic Trinity doctrine as they could without
directly stating that the SDA church now believes in a Consubstantial Trinity. The
Catholics believe that the Persons of the Trinity are Consubstantial, meaning they
are of one, single uncreated essence. Therefore the Fathers essence is primary and
that Jesus the Son is eternally born or generated from the Fathers essence and
the Holy Spirit proceeds from both of them. Catholic Trinity doctrine claims that
the Godhead is one single essence (meaning one single Being) yet They are still,
impossibly, three separate Persons. This is pure error, because SDAs who believe
in the veracity of the Spirit of Prophecy, know that In Christ is life,


unborrowed, underived.
28 fundamental beliefs of the Corporate SDA church
While this statement, In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived,
taken from EGWs book The Desire of Ages (page 530), does appear in the body of
the explanation of the Trinity in the SDA 28 fundamental beliefs statement why
did the Corporate SDA Church choose to call this belief a Trinity if we do not belief in
the Trinity exactly as the Catholic Church?

First of all, it is not really clear that the Corporate SDA Church does not view
the Trinity exactly as the Catholic Church. For the 28 fundamental beliefs summary
statement of the doctrine of the Trinity, the same formula was chosen which the
Catholic Church assented to in the Nicene-Constantinopolatin Creed: There is one
God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons. This is
essentially agreeing with the findings of the Nicaea and Constantinople councils
where the Catholic church perfected the Trinity doctrine and claimed that there is
ONE GOD, and the one God is: Triune: being at once Father, Son and Holy Spirit
So maybe the Corporate SDA church is saying that they do believe in a
Consubstantial Trinity, even as do the Roman Catholic Church.
If Roman Catholic Consubstantial Trinity doctrine is error, then why does
the Corporate SDA church profess the same?
The following scenario is a very realistic situation which probably happens
often around the world: Suppose a person who having been raised in the Catholic
Church (such as myself) is brought into the Bible Truth and comes to study at a
Seventh day Adventist Church. What is the churchs commission? - To proclaim the
Truth as it is in Jesus. SDAs have been foremost in Christendom of openly
enlightening the other churches that such wine of Babylon as natural immortality of
the soul, eternal punishment in hellfire and Sunday sacredness are errors and
contrary to Bible teaching. We have called for people to come out of Babylon by
leaving her errors and the churches who propagate error as doctrine. Certainly, with
former Catholics, it is the duty of the church to teach them that doctrines like
purgatory and the Eucharistic mass are also errors. How then could we teach a
former Catholic that the Catholic belief in a Consubstantial Trinity is false as it is
contrary to Bible revelation and makes of none effect our own sanctuary doctrine,
when the Corporate SDA Church currently espouses a Trinity doctrine?
It is not as if it was necessary to accept a version of the Trinity to express
the Truth about God. The SDA church did not confess a Trinity as long as EGW was
alive and she wrote much in the way of doctrine and the knowledge of God. SDAs
used terms like The Godhead or a Heavenly Trio or a unity of three Living
Persons to describe the three Persons of the Godhead. SDAs gave a clear witness
that we are not in harmony with Catholic thought, that the Bible and the Bible alone
is our guide and foundation of all of our doctrines. But now we have changed and
have taken a position that makes our witness to the world more indistinct and dulls
the line of demarcation between the SDA Corporate Church and Rome.
It seems as though the way the Corporate SDA Church has chosen to express
their belief in the Trinity is such that they can pretend to agree with Catholics and
Evangelicals if threatened with being called a cult or heretics for not believing the
orthodox conception of God in the Trinity, while at the same time claim that their

belief in the Trinity is in line with the Bible and true to the writings of EGW called
the Spirit of ProphecyBut is the latter supposition true?
Three issues still to address
Now, let us consider the following three items before moving on to discuss
the sanctuary light which the Trinity doctrine has been blocking:
- the Trinity error the Corporate SDA Church at present time clearly accepts
- the lethal consequences of accepting and promoting error
- how rejection of light and acceptance of error in its place will ultimately affect
our stance on the Sabbath.

The Trinity error which is universal to any version accepted

While it cannot be clearly demonstrated whether the Corporate SDA Church
believes in a Consubstantial Trinity as do the Catholics (as we explained earlier, the
wording in the full explanation text in the 28 fundamental beliefs body for the Trinity
is not definitive as whether they accept or reject a Consubstantial Trinity), we will
now show what error is still clearly accepted. To be sure, this error is ubiquitous to
any belief in the Trinity, no matter what version of it one espouses. Every version of
the Trinity doctrine teaches that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit
were always three separate Persons from all eternity past, even before the
entrance of sin while simultaneously explaining that they are One being. These
two points are necessary for any Trinity espousal. Biblically speaking and in the light
of the Spirit of Prophecy, these two fundamental suppositions of the Trinity are false.
While we know that certainly the Holy Spirit existed for all eternity, He was not
separate from the Person of Jesus Christ until the Incarnation, when Jesus
came down from heaven and took upon Him humanity (this we reviewed in the
study on the Incarnation).
* Yet we shall give a brief review, which shows that Christ and the Holy Spirit
were not separate before the incarnation:
The Bible tells us In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God John
This is the Biblical record of Who were there in the beginning: The Word and God
They were Two
Meditate on this sublime commentary on the relationship between the Father
and Jesus from the pen of inspiration:
From eternity there was a complete unity between the Father and the Son.
They were two, yet little short of being identical; two in individuality, yet one in
spirit, and heart, and character. {YI, December 16, 1897 par. 5}

The Spirit of Prophecy also reveals to us that:

Christ, the Word, the only begotten of God, was one with the eternal
Father--one in nature, in character, in purpose--the only being that could enter
into all the counsels and purposes of God. {Patriarchs and Prophets page 34.1}
EGW declares that Jesus was the only being that could enter into all
the counsels and purposes of GodIf the Holy Spirit was a separate Person since
eternity past, was He not admitted into all Gods counsels and purposes?
Jesus and His Holy Spirit were not separated until the incarnation; the Holy
Spirit was separated as an eternal sacrifice in consequence of the entrance of sin
into Gods universe. Jesus is called the Lamb slain from the foundation of the
world, this represents the pain that, from its very inception, sin has brought to
the heart of God; but in the beginning, before the inception of sin, it was not so.
The inception of sin, made it necessary according to the revelation of the
mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, that the eternal sacrifice of
Jesus emptying Himself of His Own Holy Spirit and the creation of the earth and
humans must be accomplished, and because of these things taking place Jesus
would come to earth and die in mans place as a substitutionary Sacrifice.
But as for (Lucifer), (he) thought evil against (us); but God meant it unto
good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
The belief that the Holy Spirit has been a separate Person from Jesus for all
eternity, even before the Incarnation, eclipses many revealed Truths which are
necessary to receive advancing light until perfection. The most important of these
truths the Trinity hides from view is the understanding we must have that the Holy
Spirit is given to us through Jesus as the Soul of His life which He poured out in an
eternal sacrifice so that we might receive His own everlasting Life. This, the church
should clearly teach and promulgate and apply this understanding to what she
already knows about the sanctuary and the cleansing efficacy of Jesus blood.
Spiritually lethal consequences of rejecting light and accepting error in its
We now declare that it was the SDA church leaders rejection of the light in
the Justification by faith message brought in 1888, which led to the spiritual
darkness where by the Corporate SDA Church has accepted the Trinity doctrine. The
rejection of light Jesus sends from heaven has very serious consequences, which are
now manifest in the current day Corporate SDA Church. The consequences of
rejection of light are taught in the Bible:

Isaiah 5:20-24 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for
sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own
Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle
strong drink:
Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the
righteous from him!
Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the
chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as
dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and
despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Said Jesus,
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy
whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If
therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one,
and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matt. 6:22-24
And again,
But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men. Matt.15:9
Ellen G. White warns against accepting the fatal sophistry of Satans errors:
Every error is sin, and every sin has its origin with Satan. Wrong
practices have blinded the eyes and blighted the perceptive faculties of men
and women. We need now to be guarded on every point. . . . {This Day with
God page 163.2}
We are living in the perils of the last days. It is not safe to be careless and
indifferent now. With humble hearts and perfect submission to the will of God,
we should pray earnestly to be kept from error and that we may be guided
into all truth. Truth sanctifies. Error corrupts. The soul can be kept pure and
strengthened only by walking in the light as Christ is in the light. {RH,
December 2, 1875 par. 12}
But while Satan works with his lying wonders, the time will be fulfilled
foretold in the Revelation, and the mighty angel that shall lighten the earth

with His glory, will proclaim the fall of Babylon, and call upon God's people to
forsake her.
At the time of the loud cry of the third angel those who have been in
any measure blinded by the enemy, who have not fully recovered themselves
from the snare of Satan, will be in peril, because it will be difficult for
them to discern the light from heaven, and they will be inclined to
accept falsehood. Their erroneous experience will color their thoughts, their
decisions, their propositions, their counsels. The evidences that God has
given will be no evidence to those who have blinded their eyes by choosing
darkness rather than light. After rejecting light, they will originate
theories which they will call "light," but which the Lord calls, "Sparks
of their own kindling," by which they will direct their steps. The Lord
declares, "Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of
his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the
name of the Lord, and stay upon his God. Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that
compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in
the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie
down in sorrow." Jesus said: "For judgment I am come into the world, that
they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind."
"I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not
abide in darkness." "He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath
one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him
in the last day."
By many the words which the Lord sent will be rejected, and
the words that man may speak will be received as light and truth.
{1888 Materials page 1079.2-4}
The compilers at the EGW estate rightly judged that in these statements from
the above quoted Review and Herald article, Let the Trumpet give a Certain Sound
dated Dec. 13th 1892, EGW was speaking in reference to the rejection of the 1888
message of Justification by Faith and the attending results which would surely
follow. We are now bearing witness to these certain results which are laws and
principles of Gods kingdom namely, The evidences that God has given will be no
evidence to those who have blinded their eyes by choosing darkness rather
than light. After rejecting light, they will originate theories which they will
call "light," but which the Lord calls, "Sparks of their own kindling," by which they
will direct their steps.
Rejecting light from heaven and accepting error in its place will lead to
apostasy from the sanctuary and violating Gods Sabbath
How the Seventh Day Adventist Corporation will apostatize from Gods
Sabbath of the fourth Commandment: because they received not the love
of the truth 2 Thess. 2:10

Many have wondered how it could ever be true that the Corporate SDA
Church will eventually, due to pressure being applied from the world and Babylon,
give up Sabbath and join the enemy in keeping Sunday. Yes, this is in fact
prophesied to happen by the Spirit of Prophecy:
When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is
most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage the
most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when


majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions
are few,--this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from
the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their
treason. The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader.
The days of purification of the church are hastening on space.
God will have a people pure and true. In the mighty sifting soon to take
place, we shall be better able to measure the strength of Israel. The signs
reveal that the time is near when the Lord will manifest that His fan is in His
hand, and that He soon will thoroughly purge His floor. {The Review
and Herald, article titled Our Present Duty and the Coming Crisis, January
11, 1887 par. 2,3}
Then following in the same article EGW declares that the scenes of the
terrible judgments described in Ezekiel chapter 9 will be fulfilled in Gods Sabbath
professing church.
The Trinity, the god of Sunday sacredness
It will be by worshiping the same god as the Catholic Church, the god of
Sunday - called the Trinity, that the majority of SDAs will give up Sabbath and keep
Sunday when the test fully comes. That is why we were in earnest giving this
message now.
We pray that you would consider the issues being brought to light in these
studies with fear and trembling and with much prayer. God declares especially
concerning a lukewarm, unwatchful people during these last days of earths history:
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be
saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness. 2 Thess. 2:10-12
And again,
Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their

I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon
them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they
did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which
I delighted not.
Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that
hated you, that cast you out for My Name's sake, said, Let the LORD be
glorified: but He shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed... Isa.

A Latter Rain message (part 2 of this message)

We will now turn our attention to fundamental knowledge concerning the
Final Atonement taking place in the sanctuary in heaven, which is necessary to our
receiving the final act of cleansing, when our sins are to be blotted out when the
times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. It is these
very truths which the church should have been advancing unto; which the doctrine
of the Trinity has effectively hidden from view for too many years now.
The whole message of the SDA church, yea, the whole purpose for the SDA
church to exist, is to promulgate the truths and impart the light we have received by
understanding Christs ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. This is where the entirety
of our whole work proceeded from (the Three angels who carry the last threefold
message of mercy are sent forth from the heavenly sanctuary see Early Writings
pages 245-258). The Sabbath and the three angels messages came to us
inseparably connected with the Biblical teaching of the sanctuary. We were to
always advance in this light. The following quote from Vol. 4 of the Spirit of
Prophecy will for us chart out the key points for the rest of this study:
those who followed in the advancing light of the prophetic
word saw that instead of coming to the earth at the termination of the 2300
days in 1844, Christ then entered the most holy place of the heavenly
sanctuary, into the presence of God, to perform the closing work of
atonement, preparatory to his coming.
It was seen, also, that while the sin-offering pointed to Christ as a
sacrifice, and the high priest represented Christ as a mediator, the scapegoat typified Satan, the author of sin, upon whom the sins of the truly
penitent will finally be placed. When the high priest,

by virtue of the

blood of the sin-offering, removed the sins from the sanctuary, he

placed them upon the scape-goat. When Christ, by virtue of His Own
blood, removes the sins of His people from the heavenly sanctuary at
the close of His ministration, He will place them upon Satan, who, in the
execution of the judgment, must bear the final penalty. The scape-goat was
sent away into a land not inhabited, never to come again into the

congregation of Israel. So will Satan be forever banished from the presence of

God and His people, and he will be blotted from existence in the final
destruction of sin and sinners. {Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 page 266.2,3}
Thus is brought to our view the time since Christ entered into the Most Holy
Place of the heavenly sanctuary until the final expulsion of sin and the close of the
Great Controversy. First we are told that the light which brought SDAs this
knowledge is advancing light. It doesnt rest. The light doesnt stop advancing
until the people of God have their sins blotted out; the Light advances until He
becomes in us Himself the full measure poured out in the latter rain of Christs

Advancing Light from the Sanctuary in Heaven: The virtue of the blood of
the (Great) sin offering
The rest of our study will focus on another point brought out in the quote;
specifically this, by virtue of the blood of the sin-offering, removed the sins from
the sanctuary We need to study more about the VIRTUE of the blood of the sin
offering by following in advancing light. Listen to what EGW had to say further about
growing specifically in THIS understanding:
We need to keep ever before us the efficacy of the blood of Jesus.
That life-cleansing, life-sustaining blood, appropriated by living faith, is our

to grow in appreciation of its inestimable value, for

it speaks for us only as we by faith claim its virtue, keeping the
hope. We need

conscience clean and at peace with God. {SDA Bible Commentary Volume 7
page 947.11}
So let us with fear and trembling study what is now revealed concerning the
virtue of blood of the sin offering.
Leviticus chapter 16: The Day of Atonement
In going back to Leviticus chapter 16 to review what the Bible teaches about
the Day of Atonement, we will learn something very significant which must be
considered if we are to grow in our appreciation of the virtue of the blood of the
sin offering. We learn there that the High Priest on the Day of Atonement actually
makes two sacrifices which are both called a sin offering.
Leviticus 16:5: And he shall take of the congregation of the children of
Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering

Leviticus 16:3: Thus shall Aaron come into the holy place: with a young
bullock for a sin offering

Two types of blood used to cleanse the sanctuary

Once these two beasts were slain, the blood of BOTH was used to sprinkle
upon the mercy seat and make atonement for the sins of Israel.
Leviticus 16:14-16: And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and
sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward; and before the
mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.
Then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people, and
bring his blood within the veil, and do with that blood as he did with
the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and before
the mercy seat:
And he shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the
uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in
all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that
remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness.
After this, the blood of the two sin offerings was to be used to cleanse the
Leviticus 16:18,19: And he shall go out unto the altar that is before the
LORD, and make an atonement for it; and shall take of the blood of the
bullock, and of the blood of the goat, and put it upon the horns of the
altar round about.
And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times, and
cleanse it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.
It is now manifest that for us to grow in appreciation for the inestimable
value of the blood of Jesus and to by faith claim its virtue, we need to
appropriate all the light and knowledge God is pleased to give upon this subject. Let
us look at how Christ fulfills the full ministry of these two types represented by the
sin offering of the bullock and of the Lords goat.
And what was done in type in the ministration of the earthly
sanctuary is done in reality in the ministration of the heavenly
sanctuary. {The Great Controversy page 420.2}

How Jesus fulfills the two sin offerings from the typical service

First the young bullock which the High Priest slays, we are told in Leviticus
the purpose of this sin offering:
And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself,
and make an atonement for himself, and for his house. Lev. 16:6
While Jesus, unlike the High Priest on earth, does not need to make an
atonement for Himself; He still fulfills the type in that the bullock represents the
atonement for His house. Christs church, the people of God, is His house even
as Aaron the first High priest of the earthly tabernacle made an atonement for his
house, the house of Aaron:
And ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.
Exodus 19:6
But Christ as a Son over His Own house; whose house are we, if we
hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
Heb. 3:6
The young bullock represents the sin offering when Christ took upon
Himself humanity and partook of flesh and blood that He might be a faithful and
merciful High Priest.
Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren,
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to
God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Heb 2:17
The blood of Christs perfect humanity was necessary for to be sprinkled upon
the Mercy Seat in the antitypical Day of Atonement, in His ministry of Final
Atonement in the heavenly sanctuary, when our sins shall be blotted out. This was
represented by the blood of the young bullock.

The Lords goat and the scapegoat

As we turn our attention to the offering of the Lords goat, which was also for
a sin offering, many hidden truths are revealed. It is significant that in the typical
service, two goats were brought before the Lord and lots were cast to determine
which one would be the Lords goat and which the scapegoat. We believe this is not
meant to teach that in the anti-type they are equal, but to focus our attention on
the fact that in some ways, the Lords goat and the scapegoat were at one time
very much in league with each other.
We know that the scapegoat represents Lucifer and the Lords goat
represents Christ. They are obviously not equal, but let us consider, how they were
in league in some way in Heaven before sin.

The two A(a)rchangels

Lucifer, "son of the morning," was first of the covering cherubs, holy and
undefiled. He stood in the presence of the great Creator, and the ceaseless
beams of glory enshrouding the eternal God rested upon him. {Patriarchs and
Prophets page 35.1}
We know from the earthly sanctuary, which stands as an example and
shadow of heavenly things, that there are two covering cherubs which veil the
glory of God in the Most Holy Place. EGW states that Lucifer was the first of these
also consider these significant revelations given the Testimony of Jesus:
Christ Himself called him forth to life. Satan the tempter had claimed the
body of Moses because of his sin; but Christ the Saviour brought him forth
from the grave. Jude 9. {The Desire of Ages page 421.3}

Jude 9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed
about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The
Lord rebuke thee.
Michael, or Christ, with the angels that buried Moses, came down from
heaven, after he had remained in the grave a short time, and resurrected him
and took him to heaven. {Story of Redemption page 173.2}
The Bible reveals that Christs position before His incarnation was as an
Archangel in heaven; now behold what is revealed about Lucifers position as
covering cherub:
Rebellion originated with Satan. Notwithstanding the exalted position
which he occupied among the heavenly host, he became dissatisfied because
he was not accorded supreme honor. Hence he questioned God's purposes
and impugned his justice. He bent all his powers to allure the angels from
their allegiance. The fact that he was an archangel, glorious and
powerful, enabled him to exert a mighty influence. His complaints against
God's government, at first met with no favor; yet being urged again and
again, they were finally accepted by those who had before been loyal and
happy subjects of the King of Heaven. There was not the shadow of
justification or excuse for disaffection; but envy and jealousy, once cherished,
gained a power that paralyzed reason and destroyed honor and loyalty. As
the result, Satan and all his sympathizers were cast out of Heaven. {Signs
of the Times, September 14, 1882 par. 9}

We believe that Christ condescended to the position of an Archangel, as is in

harmony with His character of meekness and humility and, in Gods counsel, made
necessary because His were the hands which created the angels. Jesus was called
the Angel of the LORD and (still is called) the Only Begotten Son of God;
according to His wonderful character, He comes very near to His created family
members, He calls them sons and dwells among them as a brother. It seems that
even though God made Lucifer exceedingly beautiful and more exalted than all the
other created angels, He suffered a test to come upon Lucifer after he cherished
envy in His heart for Christ. That test was that after Lucifer indulged in envy of
Christ, God the Father openly conferred (restated, surely made clear) supreme
authority upon Jesus, Who had condescended even to take a role or position as an
Archangel, which was the same position Lucifer occupied.
EGW declares by the Spirit of Prophecy that Lucifer made this revealing
Satan, who was once an honored angel in Heaven, had been ambitious
for the more exalted honors which God had bestowed upon His Son. He
became envious of Christ, and represented to the angels who honored him as
covering cherub that he had not the honor conferred upon him which
his position demanded. He asserted that he should be exalted equal in
honor with God. {The Review and Herald, February 24, 1874 par. 2}
And again,
There were some who looked with favor upon Lucifer's insinuations
against the government of God. Although they had heretofore been in perfect
harmony with the order which God had established, they were now
discontented and unhappy because they could not penetrate His
unsearchable counsels; they were dissatisfied with His purpose in exalting
Christ. These stood ready to second Lucifer's demand for equal authority
with the Son of God. But angels who were loyal and true maintained the
wisdom and justice of the divine decree and endeavored to reconcile this
disaffected being to the will of God. Christ was the Son of God; He had
been one with Him before the angels were called into existence. He
had ever stood at the right hand of the Father; His supremacy, so full of
blessing to all who came under its benignant control, had not heretofore been
questioned. {Patriarchs and Prophets page 38.3}
Lucifers demand for equal authority with the Son of God seems to be
based on his idea that as covering cherubhe had not the honor conferred
upon him which his position demanded.
Lucifer was first of the covering cherubs in terms of the responsibilities of the
position as covering cherub he also held a position called an archangel, yet the

Son of God condescended to take the same position as an Archangel. Still, Lucifer
understood that Jesus was taken into councils which he was not permitted to. This
maddened him and tested his loyalty to God the Father and to the Son. Instead of
being reconciled to the fact that this was by Gods arrangement, Lucifer rebelled
and incited rebellion among the angels because they could not penetrate
(Gods) unsearchable counsels; they were dissatisfied with His purpose in
exalting Christ.
In all the councils of God, Christ was a participant, while Lucifer was
not permitted thus to enter into the divine purpose s. "Why,"
questioned this mighty angel, "should Christ have the supremacy? Why is He
thus honored above Lucifer?" {The Great Controversy page 495.1}

These two A(a)rchangels are represented in the earthly type of the Day of
Atonement service as the two goats which are brought before the Lord. As the
scapegoat represents Satan who was an archangel who is a spirit being, so also The
Lords goat requires the sacrifice of the Archangel Who was also a Spirit Being (God
is a Spirit John 4:24) and He was in the form of God and equal to God the
Father (Phil. 2:6).
In His incarnation He had reached the prescribed limit

as a

sacrifice, but not as a Redeemer. {12MR 409.1}

What the blood of the Lords goat typifies

God said this about the virtue of the great sin offering:
Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given
it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is
the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
In a painful process, God the Father and Jesus committed Themselves to
perform the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, at which time Christs very own Holy Spirit
was separated from Jesus and the Holy Spirit Himself caused Jesus to begin to
develop inside of Marys womb as a human baby. We must needs also acknowledge
this eternal sacrifice when we by living faith appropriate the blood of Jesus, because
it speaks for us

only as we by faith claim its virtue

The sacrifice of the One Who was in the form of God was typified in the
sacrifice of the Lords goat. Jesus also shed His sacred blood, the Soul of His Life,
in emptying out Himself for us His own Holy Spirit. This is the meaning of the
mingling of the blood of the two sin offerings, in the types of the bullock and the

Lords goat in the earthly sanctuary where both life bloods were necessary to obey
the Lords direction in cleansing the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement.

Final Atonement
When the high priest, by virtue of the blood of the sin-offering,
removed the sins from the sanctuary, he placed them upon the scapegoat.

the times of refreshing shall come from the

presence of the Lord, then the sins of the repentant soul who
received the grace of Christ and has overcome through the blood of the
Lamb, will be removed from the records of heaven, and will be placed
upon Satan, the scapegoat, the originator of sin, and be remembered
no more against him forever. The sins of the overcomers will be blotted out of
the books of record, but their names will be retained on the book of life.
{The Sign of the Times, May 16, 1895 par. 4}
To receive the latter rain, we must pray for the blood of sprinkling to be
applied to our hearts. Now, in the light of this truth, we must grow in our
appreciation of the blood shed upon Calvary (and is yet shed in the heavenly
sanctuary) and also the blood (Spirit Life is in the blood) when Christ in His
incarnation shed the Holy Spirit,--the soul of His life, the efficacy of His
church, the light and life of the world. With His Spirit Christ sends a reconciling
influence and a power that takes away sin. {The Review and Herald, May 19,
1904 par. 1}
The blood of His unblemished sacrifice in humanity and the blood of His
sacrifice in giving up the form of God are inseparably connected May this
truth go forth to finish the work and make a perfect people (to our Lords glory),
prepared for the trying hour before them:


need to keep ever before us the efficacy of the blood

of Jesus. That life-cleansing, life-sustaining blood,
appropriated by living faith, is our hope. We need to grow
in appreciation of its inestimable value, for it speaks
for us only as we by faith claim its virtue, keeping the
conscience clean and at peace with God.

This is represented as the pardoning blood,

inseparably connected with the resurrection and life of our
Redeemer, illustrated by the ever-flowing stream that
proceeds from the throne of God, the water of the river of
life (Letter 87, 1894). {SDA Bible Commentary Volume 7, page 948.1}

Sanctification and Justification: in the Holiest of All on the Day of Atonement

Christ's sacred blood, represented by the the blood of the Bullock - transfers sins to the
heavenly sanctuary, even on the Day of Atonement. We know this because in Levitus 16 the
High Priest was to lay his hands upon and confess the sins of his house over the bullock
before slaying it. When his blood was sprinkled upon and before the mercy seat, sins were
transfered to the sanctuary, even on the Day of Atonement. This is Justification.
Christ's Holy Spirit, "the Soul of His Life" - is a "Power that takes away sin" and is the
represented as the blood of the Lord's goat - The blood that cleanses the heavenly
sanctuary when the "times of refreshing shall come from the Presence of the Lord". We say
this because the Lord's goat is a very unique sin offering in that no sins are confessed over
him before he was slain. His blood did not transfer sins to the sanctuary, but cleansed it of
sin. This was fulfilled in antitype when Christ "divested" the Soul of His Life - His Holy Spirit
in His incarnation. This Sacrifice was initiated by God in heaven and no sins were laid upon
this Holy Offering before transacted. When the times of refreshing shall come from the
Presence of the Lord - Christ will send an overflowing of Righteousness in the fullness of
His Spirit in Latter Rain POWER and the saints of God on earth will have their sins finally
and completely purged in this final act of cleansing the heavenly sanctaury, by stopping sins
from entering at thier source: the hearts of God's people. " This will close the great
controversy by finishing the work of sanctification in our hearts.

"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will
put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and
iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more
offering for sin." (Hebrews 10:16)

Yes, the so long looked for and prayed for act of Christ will finally come, the fullfilment of His
New Covenant Promise.
"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the
times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3:19)

This act by Jesus of Final Atonement will close the great controversy by finishing the work
of sanctification in our hearts.
We are sanctified by the Spirit of Christ coming into our hearts, even as the sap of the Vine
is communicated through the fibers into the grafted in branches... This is sanctification by
faith, Christ living HIS LIFE within us...
You might suffer us to speak so about sanctification because most churches do not even
speak of sanctification these days and even less of those who preach it really understand it
(truly we speak of things we know not, these things are high, who can attain to it?.. "even so
the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God...")
But what is prophesied to bring a shaking is our focusing actually on Justification... which
doctrine EVERY Christian church teaches and everyone assumes we understand quite
well... many would suffer us to speak on sanctification by the Spirit through Christ's Infinite
Sacrifice... but is there any among us who would think that there is yet important light on
Justification in light of the heavenly sanctuary, that Christ has held last as most full
revelation of Himself as the Lamb Slain in heaven?

The meaning of the two sin offerings from the typical service are
illustrated in Habakkuks vision made plain upon tables for the end time

The first Table

The second Table

Love to God

Love to man

This great truth is plainly illustrated in the vision which Habakkuk saw, which
is now made plain upon the two tables of the Ten Commandments. Upon the first
table is pictured Christ with bright beams coming out of His side, and there is the
hiding of His power Hab.3:4. Upon the second table is pictured Jesus upon the
Cross having received the cruel wound in His side; and also clearly depicting from
the wound thus made, there flowed two copious and distinct streams, one of blood,
the other of water. {The Desire of Ages, page 771.4} Here, in the vision ordained
by the Lord for the end time to be an ensign unto all nations, is made manifest the
twofold, mingled virtue of the blood of the sin offering: the blood which flowed
from the Cross (and yet flows from Christs pierced side) and the bright beams of
Christs Own Holy Spirit - both pouring forth from the heart of our Sacrifice,
Redeemer and Lord. Jesus would have us grow in appreciation of its (His
bloods) inestimable value. Concerning this virtue, Habakkuk well said:

there is the hiding of His Power. Habakkuk 3:4

The blood was sprinkled to make atonement for transgression of the Law
of self-sacrificing love
God required the High Priest to bring the blood of the two sin offerings into
the Most Holy Place and to then sprinkle the blood upon the Mercy Seat which
covered the Ten Commandment Law contained in the Ark of the Covenant. The
broken law of God demanded the life of the transgressor. {GC 418.1} The blood,
(which) represent(ed) the forfeited life of the sinner, whose guilt the victim bore
{GC 418.1}, was sprinkled above the Law to make atonement for the transgression
of its sacred precepts.
The 10 precepts of the Law can be summed as Love for God and Love to Man.
It is also called in EGWs book the Desire of Ages: the law of life for earth and
heaven and the Law self-sacrificing love: the love which "seeketh not her own"
(which) has its source in the heart of God. In Habakkuks vision of Christs pieced
side made plain upon the two tables of the Ten Commandment Law illustrate the
two sacrifices Jesus made in fulfillment of the two sin offerings in the typical service
on the Day of Atonement. The image of the bright beams coming out of His side is
depicted on the first table representing Love to God. Jesus voluntarily consented to
become the Lords goat: the sacrifice of the Father This represents when Jesus
emptied Himself of the form of God and separated His own Holy Spirit, sent to us
as a Power that takes away sin. Also in Habakkuks vision the sacrifice of Christs
perfect humanity upon the Cross is illustrated upon the second table of the Ten
Commandments representing Love to man. In this sacrifice Christ fulfilled the reality
foreshadowed in the sin offering of the bullock for the family or house of the High
Priest. Christ in heaven sprinkles His blood at the mercy seat to transfer our sins to
the sanctuary, even in the services of the Day of Atonement. Then He sends us His

Holy Spirit, the Soul of His Life and a Power that takes away sin. This sacrifice
was represented as the Lords goat, who unlike the bullock, no sins are confessed
over him before He is slain, it is His blood that cleanses the sanctuary in type, and
Jesus Spirit that cleanses our hearts in the divine exchange which cleanses us, His
human sanctuaries.
In these images of Christ made plain upon the two Ten Commandment
tables, the dual atonement of Christ, the divine exchange and the glory of selfsacrificing love are clearly illustrated.
God has ordained that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of
the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14) in the
last days of earths history, heralding the soon coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. This shall be accomplished by lifting up this mighty standard of
A revelation of Love that must go to all the world
This is the purpose for lifting up the vision of Jesus made plain upon tables at
this time. It is only by beholding Christs infinite sacrifice that we gain the true
conception that sin is exceeding sinful and heinous in character. The world must
be brought understand this, so that all may choose Christ and His light or they shall
choose to walk in darkness and then shall the end come. In lifting up the vision of
Christs pierced side, revealed to Habakkuk the prophet to be declared in the end
time, God has commanded that the bright beams of His character of selfsacrificing love be shined into our dark world. The scripture declares that The
law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Romans
4:15 Where there is no clear revelation of the Love of Christ and His infinite sacrifice
made in our behalf men are left to feel that it is right for every man to follow the
depraved impulses of his own heart; for there is no standard by which evil can
be detected. {Signs of the Times, October 2, 1893 par. 4} Again, this is the
purpose for lifting up the vision of Jesus made plain upon tables at this time; it shall
bring the people of earth to face the great moral mirror, the law of God, which
discovers to them the defects in their character {4MR 185.2} and our hidden
selfishness, to drive us all to the Savior of all mankind.

The first Table of the Law : Love to God

Law : Love to man

The second Table of the

Let us now behold Jesus infinite sacrifice that our hearts may be melted and
broken at the revelation of His love He has made provision that we shall receive
abundant help to overcome Satan, who is represented as the scapegoat, and sit
down with Jesus in His throne even as Jesus overcame Satan and sat down in the
Fathers throne.
The Holy Spirit,--the soul of His life a power that takes away
sin {The Review and Herald, May 19, 1904 par. 1}
There is power in the blood of Christ to remove sin. {The Sign of
the Times, August 6, 1885 par. 19}
Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine
nature. {Desire of Ages page 671 paragraph 2}
through the blood of the atonement, we become partakers of the
divine nature {Testimonies Vol. 5 page 740.3}

Now let us turn away from error and walk in the advancing light shining,
until we receive His fullness
These sanctuary truths we have been discussing, the doctrine of the Trinity
eclipses from view because it hides the fact the Jesus made an eternal sacrifice in
shedding His own Holy Spirit for us. The Trinity teaches that the Holy Spirit was
always separated from Jesus since eternity; thereby denying Christs great sacrifice
of pouring out His Own Holy Spirit for us, given as a reconciling Power that takes
away sins, in the incarnation.
Now let us reject the Trinity doctrine (Come out of Babylon error) and as we
pray, let us claim the virtue of Christs blood believing and knowing that the time
for the unfolding of special truth in relation to the closing scenes of this earth's
history is during the last generations that shall live upon the earth. {Testimonies
Volume 2 page 692.2} Even unto the end as we follow advancing light.
The truth is an advancing truth, and we must walk in the increasing light.
{1888 Materials page 547.4}
When God's people are at ease, and satisfied with their present
enlightenment, we may be sure that He will not favor them. It is His will that
they should be ever moving forward, to receive the increased and everincreasing light which is shining for them. {Testimonies Volume 5 page
New light will ever be revealed on the Word of God to him who is in living
connection with the Sun of Righteousness. Let no one come to the conclusion
that there is no more truth to be revealed. The diligent, prayerful seeker for
truth will find precious rays of light yet to shine forth from the Word of God.
Many gems are yet scattered that are to be gathered together to
become the property of the remnant people of God. But light is not
given simply to be a strength to the church, but to be shed upon those
who are in darkness. {Testimonies on Sabbath School page 53.2}
Additional information and Bible studies under this topic:

Does the Seventh Day Adventist Church Corporation teach that its Trinity
conception is Consubstantial (One Being)? See what the Biblical Research
Institute (the Corporate SDA doctrinal authorities) teaches on its web-site set
up to guide Pastors, leaders and lay-men on what the church believes the
following is from the paper called Reflections on the Doctrine of the Trinity
page 8:
Therefore, even the best analogies fall short in their attempt to describe the

divine Being. Any and all spiritualistic interpretations are simply imperfect and untrue. They
weaken and diminish the divine majesty to which no earthly likeness can be compared. The
word person is still a poor way of expressing the reality. Here more than anywhere else in
theology are we reminded of the purely hypothetical character of our speculations. Therefore,
we must confess that the Trinity is one indivisible God and that the distinctions of the Persons
do not destroy the divine unity. This unity of God is expressed by saying that He is one
substance. Nevertheless, in the divine unity there are three co-eternal and co-equal Persons,
who, though distinct, are the One undivided and adorable God. This is the doctrine of
The preceding document can be accessed here:

Many call the Church Babylon and leave, but go out and still drink the wine of
Babylon. Coming out of Babylon does not refer to leaving the Corporate SDA
church. To flee out of the midst of Babylon means to stop drinking the wine of
Babylon, which is error. In correcting error, Gods people shall have plenty
enough challenge and spiritual battle; it is not as easy as to simply stop
attending a certain Church fellowship Jesus and the prophets gave no such
example of leaving the flock of God because of their sins and error.
The Lord had sent them messages of warning and reproof, of consolation
and promise, by his prophets, rising up early and sending them, but they had
beaten one and stoned another, and it could not be that a prophet
should perish outside of Jerusalem. Finally God had sent his Son, and
from the highest bough to the lowest he had searched for fruit, and had found
none. For their sakes he had clothed his divinity with humanity, made himself
of no reputation, fled before the feet of his accusers and haters, and yet
carried a rebellious people upon his heart. He had done all that could be
done, but they turned from him, demanding still more evidence. His life was
one continual miracle, but they knew it not, and demanded that he should
show them a miracle. But in the face of their utter rejection of his love, their
unbelief in his mission and divinity, when he knew that the representative
men of the nation were plotting for his destruction, he wept over the city of
his love. His prophetic eye read the history of the past, and the woe and the
guilt of the future, and his heart was breaking with agony because the people
of God knew not the time of their visitation. Hell moved by a power from
beneath, that the guilty inhabitants of Jerusalem might carry out the will of
the prince of darkness. Stirred with enmity they would yield themselves to
the control of the malignant foe, and make the Prince of life their victim.
Clouds of wrath were gathering over the doomed city; for they called down
upon themselves judgment, crying, "His blood be on us and upon our
children." That blood by virtue of which the repentant sinner might be
forgiven--that blood by which a guilty world might be saved, by

which the Jewish nation might be saved and purified, which was paid
a ransom for the sins of the world, was to them the final guilt in the
cup of their iniquity. Jesus knew that his chosen people were to put him,
the Prince of life and glory, to an ignominious death. He knew what was to be
their doom. With prophetic glance he saw the Roman legions, he heard the
tramp of armies, saw the city encompassed and in flames, and the temple a
smoking ruin. The miseries of the people whom he longed to save, rose up
before him. He beholds their guilt and agony, but they are as unrelenting
as was Satan in his rebellion against God. {1888 1059.2}
The heart of Jesus was pierced with agony, and from his pale lips came
forth the words, "If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the
things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes." In
their blind unbelief they would not know the Prince of life; if they had known
him, they would not have crucified him. {1888 1059.3}

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