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Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.



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Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Table of Content
0.1 0.2 Abbreviations Exective Summary and Conclusion

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................8 Objective.................................................................................................................................8 Scope.......................................................................................................................................8 Project Activity and Description..............................................................................................8 1.1.1 General Description:....................................................................................................8 Verification Team:.................................................................................................................10 2. Methodology..........................................................................................................................................10 General Approach.................................................................................................................10 Means of Verification.............................................................................................................11 Review of Documentation..................................................................................................11 Site Visits and Follow up Interview.....................................................................................12 2.1 Resolution of Clarificationsw, Corrective and Forward Action Request:...........................12 Internal Quality Control.........................................................................................................13 Verification Conclusions..........................................................................................................................14 Project Implementation.........................................................................................................14 Post registration changes......................................................................................................15 Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology..............15 Corrections.........................................................................................................................15 Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology.................15 Changes to project design of registered project activity....................................................15 Changes to start date of crediting period...........................................................................15 Remaining Issues, CARs, FARs from Previous Validation or Verification.............................15 Compliance of the monitoring plan with the monitoring methodology.................................15 Compliance of Monitoring and activities with the monitoring plan.......................................16 The verification team will see how these activities are correlated with the monitoring plan if there is any deviations and accordingly will record it here....................................................16 Verification of monitoring of parameters...........................................................................16 Verification of implementation of sampling plan...............................................................17 3.5.3 Accuracy of Equipment..............................................................................................17 3.5.4 Management and operational System and Quality Assurance..................................18 Compliance with the calibration frequency requirements for measuring instruments.........19 The calibration of the following measuring equipment has an impact on the claimed emission reductions: .............................................................................................................19 A............................................................................................................................................19 B............................................................................................................................................19 C............................................................................................................................................19 D............................................................................................................................................20 E............................................................................................................................................20 Please discuss the frequency of calibration as specified in the monitoring methodology and the monitoring plan of the registered PDD. If non compliance is identified with regards to clarification (i.e delay in calibration) the following conservative approach should be used with while verification of emission reduction calculations.....................................................20 a) It should be verified that the project participant has applied the maximum permissible error for the specific measuring instrument as specified by the relevant manufacturer as part of the technical specifications of the instrument. This error should be applied to the measured values taken during the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of calibration. If the results of the delayed results calibration do no show any



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error should be applied..........................................................................................................20 b) If the error is beyond the maximum permissible error of the measuring equipment then the error identified in the delayed calibration test should be applied....................................20 It is confirmed that the error is applied; ...............................................................................20 i. In a conservative manner such that the adjusted measured values of the delayed calibration shall result in fewer claimed emission reductions................................................20 ii. For all measured values taken during the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of calibration........................................................................20 If the results of delayed calibration are not available or the calibration has not been conducted project participants should be requested to conduct the required calibration. It should be determined the project participants have calculated the emission reductions conservatively using the above approach..............................................................................20 If the PP expresses inability to conduct calibration at a frequency specified by the applied methodology/CDM EB due to reasons beyond the control of PP a request for post registration changes should be submitted before finalising the verification opinion................................20 In case the monitoring methodology or the monitoring plan do not specify any requirements for calibration frequency it should be discussed in the verification report whether or not the calibration is in accordance with the local/nation standards or as per the manufacturers specifications. If neither local/nation standards nor the manufacturers specifications are available international standards may be used but this should be transparently discussed and reported in the verification report...................................................................................20 2.2 Assesment of data and calculation of Greenhouse Gas emission reductions:..................20 3. Verification and Certification Statement..............................................................................................24 Document References..............................................................................................................................25 Comments: Discuss if there are Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology and how this is verified and accepted. .................................................................................5 Issues (incl CLs/CARs)...............................................................................................................................6 Comments: Discuss if there are any corrections and how this is verified and accepted. ...................6 Issues (incl CLs/CARs)...............................................................................................................................6 Comments: Discuss if there are any Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology and how this is verified and accepted ....................................................................6 Please note that it is important to clearly state HOW a specific issue was verified i.e. permanent change in the accuracy level in the monitoring equipment. ......................................................................6 Issues (incl CLs/CARs)...............................................................................................................................7 Comments: Discuss if there are any Changes to project design of registered project activity and how this is verified and excepted..................................................................................................................7 Please note that it is important to clearly state HOW a specific issue was verified..............................7 Issues (incl CLs/CARs)...............................................................................................................................8 Comments: Discuss if there are any Changes to start date of crediting period...................................8 Issues (incl CLs/CARs)...............................................................................................................................8 Comments:..................................................................................................................................................9 All parameters stated in the monitoring plan and related Board decisions (i.e regarding ACM0001, CDM EB requires DOEs to check the value of w based on the past one year period duirng verification). This includes parameters regarding :....................................................................................9 i. Project emissions.....................................................................................................................................9 ii. Baseline emissions.................................................................................................................................9 iii. Leakage ..................................................................................................................................................9 iv. Management and operational responsibilities ...................................................................................9 For any deviations spotted during periodic verifications, or a proposed revision of monitoring plan, the impact of deviation/revision of monitoring plan on the data reported and verified earlier (previous periodic verifications) should be assessed................................................................................9 Comments: ...............................................................................................................................................10 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................11 Comments: Verify how the monitoring of reduction of GHG emissions to result from the project activity has been implemented in accordance with monitoring plan in the registered PDD or revised



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CCMS/XXXX monitoring plan. Identify any concerns related to the conformity of the actual project activity and its operation with the registered PDD..............................................................................................................11 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................12 Comments: ...............................................................................................................................................12 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................12 Comments: Verifiy that the monitoring equipments used have the specification stated in the PDD and are calibrated appropriately. ...............................................................................................................13 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................13 Comments: Verification may be concluded provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of emission reductions,..................................................................................14 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................14 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................14 Comments: describe what management and operational system and quality assurance procedures are specified in the PDD...............................................................................................................................14 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................14 Comments: ...............................................................................................................................................15 Verify how the management and operational system and quality assurance procedures have been implemented as per the PDD.......................................................................................................................15 Issues (incl CLs/CARs).............................................................................................................................15 13.1. Are there any additional sources which are attributable to the project?.....................................16 Compare the situation on site with the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). ..................................17 Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers................................................19 Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct.............19 Compare the situation on site with the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). ..................................20 Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers................................................23 Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct.............23 Compare the situation on site with the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). ..................................24 Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers................................................26 Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct.............26 Compare the acess and availbility of externakl data used compared to the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Ensure external data is stilla ccessible ........................................28 Sample cross checking of data used against the orginal source.........................................................28 Check that the calculations (incl. excel files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology...........................................29 Check that the calculations (incl. excel files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology...........................................29 Check that the calculations (incl. execl files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology...........................................29 Based on the verified values for the parameters and the calculation method from the registered PDD calculate the total emission reductions.............................................................................................30 APPENDIX 1 VERIFICATION CHECKLIST u APPENDIX 2 TEAM COMPETENCE MATRIX



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


0.1 ABBREVIATIONS BE CAR CDM CDM M&P CDM-PCP CDM-PS CDM-VVS CER(s) CH4 CL CO2 CO2e CRT DNA DOE EB EIA ER FAR GHG(s) GWP IPCC LoA MoV MOC MP MR NGO ODA PDD PE PP(s) Ref. SS(s) SSC TA UNFCCC URS VVS Baseline Emissions Corrective Action Request Clean Development Mechanism Modalities and Procedures CDM Clean Development Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure Clean Development Mechanism Project Standard Clean Development Mechanism Validation and Verification Standard Certified Emission Reduction(s) Methane Clarification Request Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide equivalent Coordination and Technical Control Staff Designated National Authority Designated Operational Entity Executive Board Environmental Impact assessment Emission Reductions Forward Action Request Greenhouse gas(es) Global Warming Potential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Letter of Approval Means of Verification Modalities of Communication Statement Monitoring Plan Monitoring Report Non-governmental Organization Official Development Assistance Project Design Document Project Emission Project Participant(s) Document Reference Sectoral Scope(s) Small Scale Technical Area within the Sectoral Scope United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change URS Verification Private Limited Validation and Verification Standard



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


0.2 Executive Summary and Conclusion:

Project Title: Insert here Project Title UN Reference Number: Insert here UN Project Registration Number Estimated CERs (tco2e): Insert here CER as per Monitoring Report Methodology: Insert here Methodology Title Number Insert here Meth Number SS(s) and Scale: Client: Insert Client Name Date of this Report: DD-MM-YYYY Publication of Monitoring Report: Monitoring Period: First Monitoring Version and Date: Final Monitoring Version and Date: Summary: URS Verification Private Ltd has performed the insert number periodic verification of the CDM project Insert Project Title, with UNFCC reference number of insert UNFCCC Ref. Number, registration date of insert registration date and crediting period from insert crediting period. The verification includes confirming the implementation of the monitoring plan of the registered PDD Insert version and date and the application of the monitoring methodology as per Insert Methodology used, version and date. A site visit was conducted to verify the data submitted in the monitoring report. URS confirms the following has been reviewed: (a) The registered PDD, including the monitoring plan and the corresponding validation report; (b) Monitoring report, previous verification reports, deviation requests, requests for revision of monitoring plan (if none please amend statement); (c) The applied monitoring methodology; (d) Relevant decisions, clarifications and guidance from the CMP and the CDM Executive Board; (e) All information and references relevant to the project activitys resulting in emission reductions. Brief Description of the Project URS confirms that the project is implemented in accordance with the validated and registered Project Design Document. The monitoring system is in place and the emission reductions are calculated without material misstatements. Our opinion relates to the projects GHG emissions and the resulting GHG emission reductions reported and related to the valid and registered project baseline and monitoring and its associated documents. Based on the information seen and evaluated we confirm that the implementation of the project has resulted in Insert Emission Reductions tCO2e emission reductions during period dd/mm/yyyy up to dd/mm/yyyy. URS Project Report Number: CCMS/XXXX Country Insert here Country of Project Certified CERs (tco2e): Insert here CER as per this Report Version XXof DD/MM/YYYY Insert here SS and TA Date of Approval: DD-MM-YYYY (Insert Period) (Insert Version), (Insert Date) (Insert Version), (Insert Date)



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX Subject: CDM Verification Work Carried out by: (Team Composition) Insert Name Lead Assessor Insert Name Assessor Insert Name Local Assessor Insert Name Technicl Expert Internal Technical Review: (Internal Quality Control) Date: DD-MM-YYYY Name: (Insert Name) Final Report Verified: (Scheme Manager) Name: Date:

No Distribution (without permission from the Client or responsible organisational unit)

Limited Distribution

Unrestricted Distribution



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


URS Verification Private Ltd has been contracted by Client Name (one of the project participants of the project) to perform an independent verification of its CDM project Project Title. CDM projects must undergo periodic audits and verification of emission reductions as the basis for issuance of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The objectives of this verification exercise are, by review of objective evidence, to establish that: The emissions report conforms with the requirements of the monitoring plan in the registered PDD and the approved methodology; and The data reported are complete and transparent.

The scope of the verification is the independent and objective review and ex post determination of the monitored reductions in GHG emission by the project activity. The verification is based on the validated and registered project design document and the monitoring report. The project is assessed against the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM Modalities and Procedures and related rules and guidance. URS has, based on the recommendations in the Validation and Verification Standard, employed a risk-based approach in the verification, focusing on the identification of significant reporting risks and the reliability of project monitoring. Due professional care has been exercised and ethical conduct has been followed by the assessment team during the verification process. The verification report is a fair presentation of the verification activity. The verification is not meant to provide any consulting towards the Client. However, stated requests for clarifications and/or corrective actions may provide input for improvement of the project design.

Project Activity and Description

This engagement covers emissions and emission reductions from anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gases included within the project boundary of the following project and period. Title of Project Activity: UNFCCC Registration Number: (Insert Project Title) (Insert UNFCCC Registration Number)


General Description:

A brief description of the GHG project should be included here. This can contain purpose and general description of the project, the technology used and a description of the project components that generate GHG emission reductions.



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


1.3.2. Project Verification Histroy: Essential events since the registration of the project are presented in the following Table

# 1 2 3 4

Item Date of registration Start date of crediting period 1st Monitoring period Request for revision of / deviation from the monitoring plan

Year (dd/mm/yyyy)


1.3.3 Parties and Project Participants: The following parties to the Kyoto Protocol and project participants are involved in this project activity:

Characteristics Host Party

Party Clearly identify the PPs in Host Country and those in Annex I countries)

Project Participant Insert ALL Project Participants listed on the UNFCCC website of the project

AnnexI Country

1.3.4 Project Location: No. Host Country

Region/State/Province Project Location address city/town/community

Project Location
Name of the country




Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.



1.3.5 Period of Verification:

Monitoring Period Covered in this Report: dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy

Verification Team:

A team of competency has been selected to perform the verification of the project. Name (Insert Name) (Insert Name) (Insert Name) Role Lead Assessor (Insert Role) Technical Area expert insert scope number

2. Methodology
General Approach
URS performs the verification work using a Periodic Verification Checklist prepared following the VVS. The Periodic Verification Checklist describes the verification approach and the sampling plan. The checklist gives the assessment team a full understanding of: Activities associated with all the sources contributing to the project emissions and emission reductions, including leakage if relevant; Protocols used to estimate or measure GHG emissions from these sources; Collection and handling of data; Controls on the collection and handling of data; Means of verifying reported data; and Compilation of the monitoring report.

Using the Periodic Verification Checklist, URS verified the implementation of the monitoring plan and the data presented in the Monitoring Report for the period in question. This involved a site visit and a desk review of the monitoring report. This verification report describes the findings of this assessment. Only verification activities undertaken after the publication of the monitoring report on the UNFCCC CDM website were used as a basis for URS to conclude our verification and submit a request for issuance of CERs to the Board.



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Means of Verification

Review of Documentation
The validated PDD, the monitoring report submitted by the client and additional background documents related to the project performance were reviewed. A complete list of all documents reviewed is attached in section 3 of this report.



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Site Visits and Follow up Interview

As part of the verification, the following on-site inspections have been performed (insert new tables if multiple locations have been visited) by insert name of team members who performed the site visit

Location: (Insert Location) Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) Coverage: This can include a review of performance records, interviews with project participants and local stakeholders, collection of measurements, observations of established practices and testing of the accuracy of monitoring equipment Source of Information / Persons Interviewed

Follow up Interview Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) Interviewed Organisation/public Interview Topics


Resolution of Clarificationsw, Corrective and Forward Action Request:

As an outcome of the verification process, the team can raise different types of findings. In general, where insufficient or inaccurate information is available and clarification or new information is required the team shall raise a Clarification Request (CL) specifying what additional information is required. Where a non-conformance arises the team shall raise a Corrective Action Request (CAR). A CAR is issued, where: I. Non-compliance with the monitoring plan or methodology are found in monitoring and reporting and has not been sufficiently documented by the project participants, or if the evidence provided to prove conformity is insufficient; II. Modifications to the implementation, operation and monitoring of the registered project activity has not been sufficiently documented by the project participants; III. Mistakes have been made in applying assumptions, data or calculations of emission reductions that will impact the quantity of emission reductions;



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX IV. Issues identified in a FAR during validation to be verified during verification or previous verification(s) have not been resolved by the project participants

The verification process may be halted until this information has been made available to comply with the requirements of the CDM Executive Board. Failure to address a CL may result in a CAR. Information or clarifications provided as a result of a CL may also lead to a CAR. A clarification request (CL) will be raised if information is insufficient or not clear enough to determine whether the applicable CDM requirements have been met. All CARs and CLs raised during verification shall be resolved prior to submitting a request for issuance. Corrective Action Requests and Clarification Requests are raised in the Periodic Verification Checklist. The Project Developer is given the opportunity to close outstanding CARs and respond to CLs. Forward Action Requests (FARs) may be raised during verification for actions where the monitoring and reporting require attention and/or adjustment for the next verification period, which are for the benefit of future projects and future verification activities. These have no impact upon the completion of the verification activity. All CARs, CLs and FARs for this verification period are included in this report.

Internal Quality Control

Following the completion of the assessment process and a recommendation by the Assessment Team, all documentation will be forwarded to a Technical Review Team. The task of the Technical Review Team is to check that all procedures have been followed and all conclusions are justified. The Technical Reviewer will either accept or reject the recommendation made by the assessment team. Technical Review Team Name (Insert Name) (Insert Name) (Insert Name) Role Technical Reviewer Technical Area expert insert scope number Technical Area expert insert scope number



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Verification Conclusions
Project Implementation
Insert brief description of the project activity. The following has been checked to verify the applicability of the methodology to the project activity. Check the applicability criteria of the methodology and confirm again if the methodology is applicable to the project activity. Project was implemented and equipment installed as described in the registered PDD. For each monitoring period, describe: (a) The implementation status of the project. For project activities that consist of more than one site, clearly describe the status of implementation and starting date of operation for each site. For CDM project activities with phased implementation, the report shall indicate the progress of the registered project achieved in each phase under verification; If the phased implementation is delayed, the DOE shall describe the reasons and present the expected implementation dates (b) The actual operation of the registered project; Refer to section 2, sub-section 6 Compliance with the Registered PDD of the verification checklist AU4, and if applicable, include the discussion on the changes in the project design against the registered project design document. Reference to the approvals received from the UNFCCC should be provided. (c) Information (data and variables) provided in the monitoring report that is different from that stated in the registered PDD and has caused an increase in estimates of the emission reductions in the current monitoring period or is highly likely to increase the estimates of emission reductions in the future monitoring periods (d) In case the reported emission reductions in a particular monitoring period are substantially greater or smaller (+/- 5%) than the project emission reduction in the registered PDD for the same period, a CAR should be raised and the reason for this increase/decrease shall be reported. In case the increase is attributed to post registration changes in the project design then the procedure for validation of changes in project design to a registered project design document as specified in the VVS should be followed. With regards to implementation discuss the findings of sections 1, on General Information and sections 2 Compliance with the CDM Requirements from the verification checklist UK.AU4. CDM Verification Issue 7. You must discuss whether the project activities have been implemented and operated in accordance with the registered PDD and the methodology. Discuss any issues and how they were closed out. It should be noted that on-site visit is a must for all verifications and in case of multiple sites, justification on the sampling plan of the sites visited need to be provided following paragraph 18 of VVS. Discuss the findings of section 2, subsection 11, on project boundary. Discuss the findings of section 2, subsection 12, on Additional Sources & Proposed Changes



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Post registration changes

Describe in this section on whether there are post registration changes to the project activity. Please always refer to Appendix 1 of the project standard when finishing this section of the report whenever this is a post registration change.

Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Describe in this section on whether there are Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Describe in this section on whether there are corrections

Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Describe in this section on whether there are Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Changes to project design of registered project activity

Describe in this section on whether there are Changes to project design of registered project activity

Changes to start date of crediting period

Describe in this section on whether there are Changes to start date of crediting period

Remaining Issues, CARs, FARs from Previous Validation or Verification

If applicable provide details and include information on how have these issues been resolved. If not applicable please state. Discuss the findings of section 2, subsection 4 Outstanding Issues from Previous Verification of the verification checklist UK.AU4. CDM Verification Issue 7

Compliance of the monitoring plan with the monitoring methodology.

The monitoring plan of the registered project is in accordance with the applied methodology. Describe how the monitoring plan is in accordance with the approved methodology applied by the registered project. For each parameter listed in the methodology, please clearly report in the checklist/verification report itself what the requirement in the methodology is and what is in the PDD and reach a clear conclusion on whether the monitoring of the parameter in the PDD is in compliance with the methodology. Please copy the table for each parameter and reach a conclusion for each parameter. Registered PDD Approved Methodology
Data/Parameter Requirement in the applicable methodology and relevant EB documents Requirement in the registered monitoring plan Conclusion on the compliance of the monitoring plan in the PDD with the methodology



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

Description Measured/Calculated /Default Source of data Monitoring equipment Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency Calculation applicable) method (if

QA/QC procedures

If the monitoring plan was not found in accordance with the approved methodology describe how the necessary revision or deviation (or both) to the monitoring plan has been dealt with following the VVS. You are required to justify how the monitoring plan of the project activity is in accordance with the applied methodology with the deviation/revision incorporated and how it enhances the level of accuracy and completeness of the monitoring plan. Please see paragraphs 225 to 236 of the VVS for further clarification. Discuss the findings of section 2, subsection 5 Conformance with Monitoring Methodology of the verification checklist UK.AU4. CDM Verification Issue 7 and if the Monitoring plan is in accordance with the methodology. Discuss any issues and how they were closed out. Please include references of photographs of all meters and monitoring & measuring devices, clearly showing serial numbers. Each picture should have a unique reference number for referencing in all project documentation as specified in section 11 Photographic Evidence of this report. The assessor should be photographed with the equipment.

Compliance of Monitoring and activities with the monitoring plan The verification team will see how these activities are correlated with the monitoring plan if there is any deviations and accordingly will record it here. Verification of monitoring of parameters
Monitoring of reductions in GHG emissions to result from the registered project have been implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan contained in the registered PDD/the approved request for deviation/ approved revised monitoring plan, provide reference to the approved documentation, date of approvals (as appropriate). The monitoring mechanism, including the data collection system, is effective and reliable. Use the above to state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the monitoring plan contained in the registered PDD or the accepted revised monitoring plan. List each parameter required by the monitoring plan and clearly state how you have verified the values in the monitoring reports. This list should include, all parameters stated in the monitoring plan, the applied methodology and relevant CDM Executive Board decisions. All project emission parameters, baseline emission parameters and leakage parameters need to be verified. Describe how the responsibilities and authorities for monitoring and reporting are in accordance with responsibilities and authorities in the monitoring plan. For each parameter listed in the methodology, please clearly report in the checklist/verification report itself what the requirement in the methodology is and what is in the PDD and reach a clear conclusion on whether the monitoring of the parameter in the PDD is in compliance with the methodology. Please copy the table for each parameter and reach a conclusion for each parameter.



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Monitoring Report, onsite checks Registered Monitoring Plan & Approved Methodology
Data/Parameter Description Measured/Calculated /Default Source of data Monitoring equipment Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency Calculation applicable) method (if

Requirement in the registered monitoring plan

Implementation of the project

Conclusion on compliance of implementation with monitoring plan

the the the

QA/QC procedures

Please see paragraphs 226-228 of the VVS for further clarification. Discuss the findings of section 2, subsection 6 Compliance with the Registered PDD of the verification checklist UK.AU4. CDM Verification Issue 7. For each parameter, briefly discuss what was checked. Discuss any issues and how they were closed out

Verification of implementation of sampling plan

In this section, please describe how the implementation of the sampling plan (if any) been verified.

3.5.3 Accuracy of Equipment

Describe how it was verified that the accuracy of the equipment used for monitoring is in accordance with the relevant guidance provided by the CDM Executive Board and is controlled and calibrated in accordance with the monitoring plan; (i) (ii) Monitoring results are consistently recorded as per approved frequency; Quality assurance and quality control procedures

Please see paragraph 234 of the VVS for further clarification. For all monitoring equipments involved, please list information in the format below:
Monitoring equipment Monitoring parameter



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

S/N Type Level Calibration frequency requirement Calibration date Validity Are there delays in calibration? Calibration Entity Accreditation Certificate for the calibration entity


Management and operational System and Quality Assurance

Describe here whether the responsibilities and authorities for monitoring and reporting are in accordance with the responsibilities and authorities stated in the monitoring plan The companies involved in the project have ISO 9001:2000, and ISO14001:2004 quality assurance system implemented, (If ISO standard was not used please specify how the Management System and Quality Assurance was checked.) therefore we can affirm that the management system of the CDM project is in place, with the responsibilities properly identified and in place. In order to verify data quality, the Companies involved in the project work in accordance with a quality assurance procedure (Procedure for Monitoring Plan Implementation), which establishes the operational and management structure implemented.



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Compliance with the calibration frequency requirements for measuring instruments.

The calibration of the following measuring equipment has an impact on the claimed emission reductions: A B C



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX D E Please discuss the frequency of calibration as specified in the monitoring methodology and the monitoring plan of the registered PDD. If non compliance is identified with regards to clarification (i.e delay in calibration) the following conservative approach should be used with while verification of emission reduction calculations.

a) It should be verified that the project participant has applied the maximum permissible error for
the specific measuring instrument as specified by the relevant manufacturer as part of the technical specifications of the instrument. This error should be applied to the measured values taken during the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of calibration. If the results of the delayed results calibration do no show any errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error should be applied.

b) If the error is beyond the maximum permissible error of the measuring equipment then the
error identified in the delayed calibration test should be applied. It is confirmed that the error is applied; i. In a conservative manner such that the adjusted measured values of the delayed calibration shall result in fewer claimed emission reductions. For all measured values taken during the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the actual date of calibration.


If the results of delayed calibration are not available or the calibration has not been conducted project participants should be requested to conduct the required calibration. It should be determined the project participants have calculated the emission reductions conservatively using the above approach. If the PP expresses inability to conduct calibration at a frequency specified by the applied methodology/CDM EB due to reasons beyond the control of PP a request for post registration changes should be submitted before finalising the verification opinion. In case the monitoring methodology or the monitoring plan do not specify any requirements for calibration frequency it should be discussed in the verification report whether or not the calibration is in accordance with the local/nation standards or as per the manufacturers specifications. If neither local/nation standards nor the manufacturers specifications are available international standards may be used but this should be transparently discussed and reported in the verification report.


Assesment of data and calculation of Greenhouse Gas emission reductions:

The calculation of emission reductions is found to be correct. No CARs were raised (if CARs were raised please briefly discuss the closure using the information from above and the parameters in section 3 of the verification checklist UK.AU4. CDM Verification Issue 7), the response to CLs was satisfactory and these were closed. The details of the reported and the verified values for all parameters are listed in section Error: Reference source not found, Calculation of Emission Reductions. To illustrate how the accuracy was verified clearly provide:



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX (a) An indication whether data were not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan as well as any actions taken by URS to ensure that the most conservative assumption theoretically possible has been made. Where possible state that a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. (b) A description of how you cross-checked reported data, this should include, but is not limited to, plant log books, inventories, purchase records and laboratory analysis. (c) A confirmation that appropriate methods and formulae for calculating baseline emissions, project emissions and leakage have been followed; and (d) An opinion if the assumptions, emission factors and default values that were applied in the calculations have been justified.

For each parameter in the monitoring methodology / monitoring report list the following information Parameter Reported Value Verified Value

Based on the verified value, calculate the emission reductions 3.8 Recommendations for Changes in the Monitoring Plan: Discuss any recommendations to the client in order to improve their monitoring plan



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


3.9 Overview of Results:

Assessment Against the Provisions of Decision 17/CP.7: Is the project documentation in accordance with the requirements of the registered PDD and relevant provision of decision 17/CP.7, EB decisions and guidance and the COP/MOP? Yes. The results of the compliance assessment are recorded in the verification checklist which is used as an internal report only. Have on-site inspections been performed that may comprise, inter alia, a review of performance records, interviews with project participants and local stakeholders, collection of measurements, observations of established practices and testing of the accuracy of monitoring equipment? Yes. Insert detailed team member Names of Assessor/Lead Assessor, local assessor and expert who visited the sites and undertook interviews, collected data, audited the implementation of procedures, checked calibration certificates and checked data, inter alia. The results of the site visits are recorded in the verification checklist which is used as an internal report only. The evidences have been checked and collected. The final monitoring report is attached with this verification report. Has data from additional sources been used? If yes, please detail the source and significance. Please provide details of data used from external sources/parameters fixed ex-ante. Please review the monitoring results and verify that the monitoring methodologies for the estimation of reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources have been applied correctly and their documentation is complete and transparent. Yes. The monitoring methodology has been correctly applied and the monitoring report and supporting references are complete and transparent. Have any recommendations for changes to the monitoring methodology for any future crediting period been issued to the project participant? Yes/No, If Yes please provide details here. Determine the reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases that would not have occurred in the absence of the CDM project activity, based on the data and information using calculation procedures consistent with those contained in the registered project design document and the monitoring plan. The data used in anthropogenic emission reduction calculation is consistent with those contained in the registered PDD and monitoring plan. The emission reduction was insert emission reductions tCO2 for the period dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy as per the estimation made in the registered PDD. The actual emission reduction has been verified as insert emission reduction tCO2 for the same period. Identify and inform the project participants of any concerns related to the conformity of the actual project activity and its operation with the registered project design document. Project participants shall address the concerns and supply relevant additional information. If No then mention the following No such non conformity of the actual project activity and its operation with the registered project design document has been observed. If Yes please insert details.



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.

CCMS/XXXX If the answer to the above question is yes, then please check the consistency of reported information and the impact of non conformance of the actual project implementation against the registered PDD and the monitoring methodology on the verifications conducted earlier or CERs issued during previous verifications. Post monitoring report on UNFCCC website Yes, the monitoring report is available at ref. UNFCCC Project Reference Number on UNFCCC website (Insert web address)



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


3. Verification and Certification Statement

URS Verification Private Ltd has been contracted by (Insert Client Name) to perform the verification of the emission reductions reported for the CDM project (Insert Project Title and UNFCC Reference Number) in the period (Insert Reporting Period). The verification is based on the validated and registered project design document and the monitoring report for this project. Verification is performed in accordance with section I of Decision 3/CMP.1, and relevant decisions of the CDM EB and CoP/MoP. The scope of this engagement covers the verification and certification of greenhouse gas emission reductions generated by the above project during the above mentioned period, as reported in (Insert Title, Date and Version of Monitoring Report). The management of the (Insert Client Name) is responsible for the preparation, calculation and determination of GHG emission reductions from the project. The development and maintenance of records and reporting procedures are in accordance with the monitoring report. It is our responsibility to express an independent GHG verification opinion on the GHG emissions and on the calculation of GHG emission reductions from the project for the period (Insert Reporting Period) based on the reported emission reductions in the Monitoring Report (Insert Version) dated (Insert Date) for the same period. Based on an understanding of the risks associated with reporting GHG emissions data and the controls in place to mitigate these, URS planned and performed our work to obtain the information and explanations that we considered necessary to provide sufficient evidence for us to give reasonable assurance that this reported amount of GHG emission reductions for the period is fairly stated. URS confirms that the project is implemented as described in the validated and registered project design documents. Based on the information we have seen and evaluated, we confirm the following: Project Title: UNFCCC Reference Number: Registered PDD and Approved Used for Verification: Methodology Used for Verification: Applicable Period: Total GHG Emission Reductions Verified: (Insert Project Title) (Insert UNFCCC Reference Number) (Insert PDD Version and Date) (Insert Methodology, Version and Date) (Insert Monitoring Period) (Insert CERs) Please use whole numbers

Signed on behalf of the Verification Body by Authorized Signatory Signature: Name: Date:



Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.


Document References

1. 2. 3. 4.

Exact name of files here- version and date (if you use links, check that they are working)

5. 6.

Clean Development Mechanism Validation and Verification Standard version 02.0 dated 25/11/2011 MONITORING REPORT FORM (F-CDM-MR) version 02.0 dated 13/03/2012 Clean Development Mechanism Project Standard version 01.0 dated 25/11/2011



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Project Title URS VERIFICATION URS Project Ref. No.



CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

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APPENDIX I Verification Checklist Section 1: General Information Project Title: Date of Site Visit: URS Project Report Number: CCMS/XXXX UN ref.: Name of team members performing site visit: Sectoral Scope:

Monitoring Period: indicate which monitoring period this checklist applies to by indicating start date and end date. Also discuss if this is the first, second etc verification.

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Desk Review: For first-time verifications and at each periodic verification, please follow the steps below: Step 1:While signing the contract with the client please obtain a declaration from the client that the project has been implemented and operated as per the registered PDD (exactly) and all the physical features (technology, project equipment, and monitoring and metering equipment) of the project are in place Step 2: Upon receiving the monitoring report and other supporting documents, the lead assessor will conduct a desk review of the documentation provided by the client to check whether the monitoring plan of the registered PDD and monitoring methodology is followed exactly. The description regarding implementation of the project and its operations is in accordance with the registered PDD (exactly) and the monitoring report contains information on all the physical features (technology, project equipment, and monitoring and metering equipment matching the registered PDD. Please ensure that the information provided is complete and verifiable and is in accordance with applicable CDM requirements (refer Para. 62 of the CDM Modalities and Procedures). Each of these requirements shall require a further check on site. Step 3: If the client or the verification team spots that project has not been implemented in accordance with the registered project design document or the approved methodology applied by the project, the lead assessor will raise a CAR. The verification will be put on hold and the Lead Assessor shall notify the client that further verification shall restart after the changes have been validated and the changes have been approved by the UNFCCC. Step 4: If step 3 is not applicable then, a site visit will be undertaken to check that the procedures described in the monitoring plan and the approved methodology are complied. The actual monitoring system is implemented on site and the reported data is verifiable, recorded and stored as per the monitoring methodology.

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For second and subsequent periodic verifications; Please describe any key changes to the project structure since the last verification (e.g. acquisitions, disposals, product changes, process changes) where applicable. Ensure sufficient preparedness for the site visit expertise and knowledge of all monitoring parameters, technology, equipment and issues raised during previous verifications is essential, review the main issues raised during the previous verifications. This should not be limited to the FARs but also issues which were closed satisfactorily previously. Also check on site if the same issue requires to be reopened if the situation on site has changed vis-a-vis previous verification cross check the relevance of the observed value with the recorded value in terms of monitoring procedure for all of the monitored parameters This is specifically applicable to parameters which are not recorded as cumulative value but as instantaneous reading at given interval of time

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Section 2: Compliance with the CDM Requirements Requirement 1. Applicability of applied methodology 1.1. Please check again if the applicability criteria of the methodology has been met by the project and report the check result. Comments: Please check the application criteria of the methodology and confirm if the methodology is still applicable to the project Issues (incl CLs/CARs): 2. Implementation of the Registered CDM project 2.1. Is it confirmed that the project activity and its operation is in accordance with the registered project design document? Please describe the general implementation status of the project. 2.2. Verify and confirm that the monitoring report and the supporting documents are complete in accordance with the latest applicable version of the information and reporting checklist for request for issuance of CERs, verifiable in accordance with CDM requirements (refer to Request for issuance information and reporting checklist) VVS V1 Paragraph 225 PDD Applicable methodology Ref. ID

Comments: For each monitoring period, describe: The implementation status of the project. For project activities that consist of more than one site, clearly describe the status of implementation and starting date of operation for each site. For CDM project activities with phased implementation, the report shall indicate the progress of the registered project achieved in each phase under verification; If the phased implementation is delayed, the DOE shall describe the reasons and present the expected implementation dates Issues (incl CLs/CARs): 3. Post registration changes Page 4 of 61

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Ref. ID

3.1. Are there any post registration to the project activity? It should be determined whether these changes require prior approval or not. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.2. If the post registration changes are solely of a type(s) listed in Appendix 1 of the project standard it should be discussed in the report and submitted as part of the regular issuance process. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.3. If the post registration changes are solely of a type(s) listed in Appendix 1 of the project standard it should be discussed in the report and submitted as part of the regular issuance process. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.4. If the changes fall outside the guidelines in Appendix 1 of the project standard are separate then a separate approval should be obtained using the prior approval procedures. The internal forms for Deviation/RMP/RCPDD should be followed. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.5. Are there Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology?

VVS 248 and Appendix 1 of the project standard

VVS paragraphs 249(a)

VVS Paragraphs 249(a)

VVS Paragraph 249(b)-250

VVS Paragraph 251-256 PDD Monitoring report

Issues (incl CLs/CARs) Comments: Discuss if there are Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology and how this is verified and accepted. If project participants have temporarily not monitored parameters related to baseline GHG emissions or are unable to produce evidence Page 5 of 61

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Requirement related to such monitoring, prior approval by the Board is not required if project participants report these parameters as zero

Ref. ID

If project participants have temporarily not monitored parameters related to project GHG emissions or are unable to produce evidence related to such monitoring, prior approval by the Board is not required if project participants estimate these parameters assuming that the source of the GHG emissions operated at maximum capacity for the full period of the missing data. In the case of project GHG emissions related to the consumption of electricity, the estimate shall include an addition of 10% to account for transmission and distribution losses Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.6. Are there Corrections to project information? Do the corrections affect the project design? VVS Paragraph 257-259 PDD Monitoring report Comments: Discuss if there are any corrections and how this is verified and accepted. It should be noted that corrections such as typographical errors regarding location, names and number of components ect do not need prior approval by the board Para 1 Appendix 1 CDM Project Standard Version 1 Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.7. Are there Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology? VVS Paragraph 262-268 PDD Monitoring report Comments: Discuss if there are any Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology and how this is verified and accepted Please note that it is important to clearly state HOW a specific issue was verified i.e. permanent change in the accuracy level Page 6 of 61

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Requirement in the monitoring equipment.

Ref. ID

If the monitoring equipment actually installed has a lower accuracy level than the one stipulated in the applied methodology and/or in the registered monitoring plan, and the monitoring equipment is under the control of the project participants, prior approval by the Board is not required if project participants adjust the value measured with the equipment as follows: (a) If the parameter is used for calculating baseline GHG emissions, the difference between the accuracy level of the installed monitoring equipment and the accuracy prescribed by the applied methodology and/or the registered monitoring plan is deducted from the measured value; (b) If the parameter is used for calculating project GHG emissions, the difference between the accuracy level of the installed monitoring equipment and the accuracy prescribed by the applied methodology and/or the registered monitoring plan is added to the measured value.

Changes to the monitoring of the registered CDM project activity of a type listed below do not require prior approval by the Board: (a) Change of calibration frequency or practice for monitoring equipment not within the control of project participants; (b) Change of accuracy/type/model of meter(s) as per a power purchase agreement (PPA); or (c) Change of location of meter(s) as per a power purchase agreement (PPA). Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.8. Are there Changes to project design of registered project activity VVS Paragraph 269-282 PDD Monitoring report Comments: Discuss if there are any Changes to project design of registered project activity and how this is verified and excepted Please note that it is important to clearly state HOW a specific issue was verified. Page 7 of 61

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Requirement Proposed or actual changes to the project design of a registered CDM project activity that do not adversely impact any of the following do not require prior approval by the Board: (a) The applicability and application of the applied methodology under which the project activity has been registered; (b) The additionality of the project activity; (c) The scale of the project activity Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 3.9. Are there Changes to start date of crediting period

Ref. ID

VVS Paragraph 260-261 PDD Monitoring report

Comments: Discuss if there are any Changes to start date of crediting period Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 4. Outstanding Issues from Previous Validation/Verification 4.1. Are there any issues from the previous validation/verification? VVS Paragraph 224 PDD Validation report Verification report for previous MPs(if any) Comments: Discuss if there are any issues from the previous verification (e.g. suggested improvements to the monitoring plan) and if they have been implemented. You should also look into any FARs raised in Validation.

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Requirement Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 4.2. At the last verification were any requests for reviews or full reviews raised? Comments: If yes, what were the issues and how have those issues been taken care of in this request? Please check if the last issuance was conditional (extra conditions attached to issuance by the UNFCCC teams during request for review/corrections stage). Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 5. Conformance with Monitoring Methodology 5.1. Is the monitoring report consistent with the version of the methodology (and applicable tools) the projects was registered against?

Ref. ID Verification report for previous MPs(if any)

VVS Paragraph 229; PDD; Applied methodology.

Comments: All parameters stated in the monitoring plan and related Board decisions (i.e regarding ACM0001, CDM EB requires DOEs to check the value of w based on the past one year period duirng verification). This includes parameters regarding : i. ii. iii. iv. Project emissions Baseline emissions Leakage Management and operational responsibilities

For any deviations spotted during periodic verifications, or a proposed revision of monitoring plan, the impact of deviation/revision of monitoring plan on the data reported and verified earlier (previous periodic verifications) should be assessed Changes in methodologies do not affect registered projects. The monitoring report should therefore be consistent with the version of the methodology the project is registered against. If a newer version of the methodology is used for accuracy/conservativeness, this should be discussed and it should be assessed if this change can be considered as an improvement in terms of accuracy and conservativeness. A clarification should be sought from the CDM EB before requesting issuance. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 5.2. Are there any differences between the methodology and the monitoring plan in the registered PDD? VVS Paragraph 229;

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Requirement PDD;

Ref. ID Applied methodology.

Comments: For each parameter listed in the methodology, please clearly report in the checklist/verification report itself what the requirement in the methodology is and what is in the PDD and reach a clear conclusion on whether the monitoring of the parameter in the PDD is in compliance with the methodology. Please copy the table for each parameter and reach a conclusion for each parameter. Compliance of monitoring with the calibration frequency requirements for the measuring instruments should be documented and reported in accordance with VVM para 237-241 VVM para 237- 241

Requirement in the applicable methodology and relevant EB documents

Requirement in the registered monitoring plan

Conclusion on the compliance of the monitoring plan in the PDD with the methodology

Data/Parameter Monitoring Equipment Description Measured/Calculated /Default Source of data Monitoring equipment Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency Calculation method (if applicable) QA/QC procedures

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Requirement Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 6. Conformance with the registered monitoring plan 6.1. Is the monitoring implemented in compliance with the monitoring plan?

Ref. ID

VVS Paragraph 230; PDD; Applied methodology; Monitoring report

Comments: Verify how the monitoring of reduction of GHG emissions to result from the project activity has been implemented in accordance with monitoring plan in the registered PDD or revised monitoring plan. Identify any concerns related to the conformity of the actual project activity and its operation with the registered PDD. If the monitoring plan is not in accordance with the monitoring methodology applied to project activity a request for deviation prior to submitting request for issuance and revision of the monitoring plan shall be submitted prior to providing verification conclusion For any deviations spotted during periodic verifications, or a proposed revision of monitoring plan, the impact of deviation/revision of monitoring plan on the data verified earlier (previous periodic verifications) should be assessed For each parameter listed in the methodology, please clearly report in the checklist/verification report itself what the requirement in the methodology is and what is in the PDD and reach a clear conclusion on whether the monitoring of the parameter in the PDD is in compliance with the methodology. Please copy the table for each parameter and reach a conclusion for each parameter.

Requirement in the registered monitoring plan

Implementation of the project

Conclusion on the compliance of the implementation with the monitoring plan

Data/Parameter Description Measured/Calculated /Default Source of data

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Monitoring equipment Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency Calculation method (if applicable) QA/QC procedures

Ref. ID

Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 7. Verification of implementation of sampling plan 7.1. Has sampling plan been implemented by the project? Monitoring report template; PDD; Applied methodology; Monitoring report Comments: If sampling plan has been implemented by the project, verify how the sampling plan is in compliance with relevant EB guidance. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 8. Accuracy of equipment

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Requirement 8.1. The accuracy of the equipment used and calibration is in accordance with the monitoring plan and is also in accordance with the guidance from the CDM Executive Board ? For all monitoring equipments involved, please list information in the below format:
Monitoring equipment Monitoring parameter S/N Type Level Calibration frequency requirement Calibration date Validity Are there delays in calibration? Calibration Entity Accreditation Certificate for the calibration entity Issuing authority Relevant

Ref. ID VVS Paragraph 234-237; PDD; Applied methodology; Monitoring report

Comments: Verifiy that the monitoring equipments used have the specification stated in the PDD and are calibrated appropriately. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 8.2. Has it been identified that the calibration has been delayed or the calibration has been implemented after this monitoring period? VVS Paragraph 238; PDD; Applied methodology;

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Ref. ID Monitoring report

Comments: Verification may be concluded provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of emission reductions, (a) Applying the maximum permissible error2 of the instrument to the measured values , if the results of the delayed calibration do not show any errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum permissible error; or (b) Applying the error identified in the delayed calibration test, if the error is beyond the maximum permissible error of the measuring equipment. The error shall be applied in a conservative manner such that the adjusted measured values shall result in lower baseline emissions and higher project emissions / leakage. Ref. paragraph 238 VVS Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 9. For monitoring aspects not specified in the methodology, particularly in case of small scale methodologies(e.g additional monitoring parameters, monitoring frequency and calibration frequency, are there any issues which may enhance the level of accuracy and completeness of the monitoring plan Clarifications, revisions of methodologies should be referred to in addition to the other sources available on site Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 10. Management and operational System and Quality Assurance 10.1. What management and operational system and quality assurance procedures are specified in the PDD? VVS Paragraph 234; PDD; Applied methodology; Monitoring report Comments: describe what management and operational system and quality assurance procedures are specified in the PDD Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 10.2. Has the management and operational system and quality assurance been implemented as per the monitoring plan? VVS Paragraph 234; Page 14 of 61 Para 231 VVS Version 02.0

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Ref. ID

PDD; Applied methodology; Monitoring report Comments: Verify how the management and operational system and quality assurance procedures have been implemented as per the PDD. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 11. Compliance with the Registered PDD/Information about the project on the UNFCCC website 11.1. Is the information below reported in the MR consistent with that in the UNFCCC website of the project? Title of the project activity Reference number of the project activity Registration date of the project activity Project participant(s) Host Party(ies) Sectoral scope(s) and applied methodology(ies) Annual Estimated amount of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for the project in the registered PDD Comments: describe the information above in the checklist and check it against the UNFCCC website and the MR, PDD, etc to make sure information reported in MR is correct. Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 12. Project Boundary Page 15 of 61 Project UNFCCC website; PDD; Monitoring report

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Ref. ID


Is the project boundary consistent with the registered PDD?

VVS paragraph 82 PDD; Monitoring report

Comments: Look around at the site. Check whether the project boundaries are still in compliance with the ones indicated by the PDD? Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 13. Additional Sources & Proposed Changes 13.1. Are there any additional sources which are attributable to the project? VVS paragraph 87 PDD; Monitoring report Comments: Look around the site. Check whether there are any other sources of GHG emission attributable to the project which are not mentioned / covered in the monitoring plan. Check if these sources would need to be included according to the monitoring methodology Also check with the project participants whether and changes are proposed, and what are the schedules of notification & ex-ante approvals from UNFCCC Issues (incl CLs/CARs) 13.2. Are there any observed or planned changes to the CDM Project activity? VVS paragraph 212 PDD; Monitoring report Comments: Look around the site. Check whether there are any other sources of GHG emission attributable to the project which are not mentioned / covered in the monitoring plan. Check if these sources would need to be included according to the monitoring methodology Also check with the project participants whether and changes are proposed, and what are the schedules of notification & ex-ante approvals from UNFCCC Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

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Section 3: Verification of the Data Presented 1.1 Project Emission Parameters : Parameter XX What to Check Changes Compared to Previous Verification How to Check it and Sampling Plan Compare the situation on site with the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). Verify a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, you shall opt to either make the most conservative assumption theoretically possible in finalizing the verification report, or raise a request for deviation prior to submitting request for issuance if appropriate. Document whether data were Page 17 of 61 Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Completeness of data

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

What to Check

How to Check it and Sampling Plan not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan. Describe how you verified this is the most conservative estimate.

Findings and Samples Taken

Ref. ID

Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Photographic evidence a) Unique serial number b) Assessment Team onsite

Take photographs of all meters and monitoring & measuring devices, clearing showing serial numbers. Each picture should have a unique reference number for referencing in all project documentation. The assessor should be present in the photos as part of the verification.

Data Collection

Inspection of calibration and maintenance records for key equipment Discussions with process engineers who have detailed knowledge of process uncertainty/error bands. Confirm the operational and data collection procedures are implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan in the PDD.

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What to Check

How to Check it and Sampling Plan Critically assess the movement/handling of data (information flow) for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters. Spreadsheet walk through to check links and equations Check that QA / QC procedures and internal checks have been implemented. Check monitoring staff is trained and understand what they are doing. Verify the QA/QC procedures are in place to prevent or identify and correct any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring plan.

Findings and Samples Taken

Ref. ID

Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Data Management

Corroborate Data

Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct. Review variations in data and seek explanation (short term Page 19 of 61

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What to Check

How to Check it and Sampling Plan and long term variations). Recalculation calculation of baseline emissions, proposed project activity and leakage have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the monitoring plan and applied methodology. Any assumptions have been justified and appropriate emission factors have been used.

Findings and Samples Taken

Ref. ID

Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

For each parameter verify the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports If Different, Summary of Issues That Caused the Difference

Period If data is collected over fixed periods (for example per month) provide the values for each period plus the total over the full monitoring period, add rows as required

Reported Value

Verified Value

Describe How Issue was Solved

1.2 Parameter: Baseline Emission Parameters: Parameter YY What to Check Changes Compared to Previous Verification How to Check it and Sampling Plan Compare the situation on site with the situation from Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

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1.2 Parameter: Baseline Emission Parameters: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). Verify a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, you shall opt to either make the most conservative assumption theoretically possible in finalizing the verification report, or raise a request for deviation prior to submitting request for issuance if appropriate. Document whether data were not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan. Page 21 of 61 Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Completeness of data

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

1.2 Parameter: Baseline Emission Parameters: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan Describe how you verified this is the most conservative estimate. Data Collection Inspection of calibration and maintenance records for key equipment Discussions with process engineers who have detailed knowledge of process uncertainty/error bands. Confirm the operational and data collection procedures are implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan in the PDD. Critically assessor the movement/handling of data (information flow) for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters. Data Management Spreadsheet walk through to check links and equations Check that QA / QC procedures and internal checks have been implemented. Check monitoring staff is trained and understand what they are doing. Verify the QA/QC procedures are in place to prevent or identify and correct Page 22 of 61 Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

1.2 Parameter: Baseline Emission Parameters: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring plan. Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct. Review variations in data and seek explanation (short term and long term variations). Recalculation calculation of baseline emissions, proposed project activity and leakage have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the monitoring plan and applied methodology. Any assumptions have been justified and appropriate emission factors have been used. For each parameter verify the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Corroborate Data

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1.2 Parameter: Baseline Emission Parameters: Parameter YY How to Check it and Sampling Plan parameters including the values in the monitoring reports What to Check 1.3 Parameter: Leakage Parameter: Parameter YY What to Check Changes Compared to Previous Verification How to Check it and Sampling Plan Compare the situation on site with the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Check meters are still the same (serial numbers) and no changes in the system that might effect performance of monitoring equipment (e.g. changes in pipes for flow meters). Verify a complete set of data for the specified monitoring period is available. If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, you shall opt to either make the most conservative assumption theoretically possible in finalizing the verification report, or raise a request for deviation Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs) Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Completeness of data

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1.3 Parameter: Leakage Parameter: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan prior to submitting request for issuance if appropriate. Document whether data were not available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan. Describe how you verified this is the most conservative estimate. Photographic evidence a) Unique serial number b) Assessment Team onsite Take photographs of all meters and monitoring & measuring devices, clearing showing serial numbers. Each picture should have a unique reference number for referencing in all project documentation. The assessor should be present in the photos as part of the verification. Data Collection Inspection of calibration and maintenance records for key equipment Discussions with process engineers who have detailed knowledge of process uncertainty/error bands. Confirm the operational and data Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

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1.3 Parameter: Leakage Parameter: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan collection procedures are implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan in the PDD. Critically assessor the movement/handling of data for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters. Data Management Spreadsheet walk through to check links and equations Check that QA / QC procedures and internal checks have been implemented. Check monitoring staff is trained and understand what they are doing. Verify the QA/QC procedures are in place to prevent or identify and correct any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring plan. Corroborate Data Sample cross checking of data especialy in case of manual transfers Check all reported numbers against all parameters including but not limited to records, laboratory analysis, purchase records, Page 26 of 61 Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

1.3 Parameter: Leakage Parameter: Parameter YY What to Check How to Check it and Sampling Plan inventories and log books and ensure the numbers are correct. Review variations in data and seek explanation (short term and long term variations). Recalculation calculation of baseline emissions, proposed project activity and leakage have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the monitoring plan and applied methodology. Any assumptions have been justified and appropriate emission factors have been used. For each parameter verify the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording, calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring reports If Different, Summary of Issues That Caused the Difference Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Period If data is collected over fixed periods (for example per month) provide the values for each period plus the total over the full monitoring period, add rows as required

Reported Value

Verified Value

Describe How Issue was Solved

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Section 4: External Data Used 1.1 Parameter (Emission Factors, IPCC Default Values and other Reference Values) What to Check Data Collection How to Check it and Sampling Plan Compare the acess and availbility of externakl data used compared to the situation from the previous verification or the SR&RA. Ensure external data is stilla ccessible Sample cross checking of data used against the orginal source Check calculations if applicable Period If data is collected over fixed periods (for example per month) provide the values for each period plus the total over the full monitoring period Reported Value Verified Value If Different, Summary of Issues That Caused the Difference Describe How Issue was Solved Findings and Samples Taken Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Corroborate Data

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Section 5: CER Calculations How to Check it and Sampling Plan Check that the calculations (incl. excel files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology Check that the calculations (incl. excel files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology Check that the calculations (incl. execl files) have been carried out in accordance with the formaulae described in the monitoring plan and the applied Page 29 of 61 Calculated values Values projected in the registered PDD Findings Ref. ID Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

What to Check Calculations of baseline emissions

Calculations of Leakage

CDM Project Activity Emissions

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

What to Check CERs

How to Check it and Sampling Plan methodology Based on the verified values for the parameters and the calculation method from the registered PDD calculate the total emission reductions

Calculated values

Values projected in the registered PDD


Ref. ID

Issues (incl CLs/CARs)

Period If data is collected over fixed periods (for example per month) provide the values for each period plus the total over the full monitoring period

Reported Value

Verified Value

If Different, Summary of Issues That Caused the Difference

Describe How Issue was Solved

Section 6: Risk Assessment Parameter Risk Assessme nt (H, M, L) Justification and Types of Errors Expected Significance (H, M, L) Verification Effort (H, M, L) General Data Sampling Strategy Sampling Breadth (what kind of samples) Sampling Depth (how many samples

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Section 7 Reference List ID /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /9/ /10/ /11/ /12/ /13/ Clean Development Mechanism Validation and Verification Standard version 02.0 dated 25/11/2011 MONITORING REPORT FORM (F-CDM-MR) version 02.0 dated 13/03/2012 Clean Development Mechanism Project Standard version 01.0 dated 25/11/2011 Document Description

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APPENDIX 2 TEAM COMPETENCE MATRIX Statement for Competence of Validation Team: Put X where applicable Name Scope of Validation Expertise Name & Role: (Mention name) TA-1.1 TA-1.2 TA-13.1 TA-13.2 Name & Role: (Mention name) TA-1.1 TA-1.2
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Verificatio n

Lead Assessor


Trainee Lead Assessor

Trainee Assessor

Technical Expert

Independent Technical Reviewer

CDM Verification VVS version 02.0 CDM.VERXXXX MPXX

TA-13.1 TA-13.2 Name & Role: (Mention name) TA-1.1 TA-1.2 TA-13.1 TA-13.2

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