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Curriculum Vitae Provide a brief CV showing education and research training, including any prizes or awards: (no more

than one page) Education: 2006-2008: Master of Science (1st Class Honours) in Biochemistry, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 2003-2005: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Chemistry, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. GPA 8.8 out of 9.0 Employment: 21010-current: Tutor and undergraduate laboratory demonstrator, University of Adelaide, Australia. 2008-2009: Quality Control/ Quality Assurance Laboratory Technician, Tumblar Products Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand. 2006-2008: Undergraduate laboratory demonstrator and supervisor, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 2007: Research Assistant, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Summer 2005/06: Research Assistant, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Scholarships: Australian Postgraduate Award 2009-2012 University of Canterbury Masters Scholarship 2007 Charles Cook, Warwick House, Memorial Scholarship 2007 Sadie Balkind Scholarship 2007 Biological Sciences Summer Scholarship 2006/07 University of Canterbury Senior Scholarship 2006 University of Canterbury Summer Scholarship 2005/06 Awards: Awarded conference registration bursary to attend the Young Scientist Program (YSP) associated with the IUBMB-FEBS Congress, Seville. Spain. Awarded $4000 for registration, accommodation and flights to Brazil to attend and present a poster at Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science Computational Biology: Agrochemical and Drug Design Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Awarded student registration of $350 to attend and present a poster at the 37th Lorne Proteins Conference, Lorne, Australia. Awarded student registration bursary of $330 by ASBMB to attend and give an oral presentation at ASBMBs Combio Conference, Cairns, Australia. Awarded $750 for best oral presentation at the Adelaide Protein Group Meeting, Adelaide, Australia. Awarded $100 for representing the Faculty of Sciences at the Three Minute Thesis Competition, University of Adelaide, Australia. Awarded student travel grant of $100 to attend and present a poster at the 35th Lorne Proteins Conference, Lorne, Australia. Awarded travel scholarship of $400 to attend and present a poster at the 33rd Lorne Proteins Conference, Lorne, Australia.

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