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Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...


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715 comments 13 minutes ago


6 Aug 2012, 4:30 AM PDT


On Thursday, I broke the news ( /02/obama-campaign-sues-to-restrict-military-voting) that the Obama campaign had sued the state of Ohio over a provision which gave members of the military three extra days for early voting. The media and the left predictably pushed back aggressively that the Obama lawsuit wasn't intended to target votes of the military. Rather than taking them at their word, my colleague, Joel Pollak documented the sad recent history ( /05/Democrats-Versus-Military-Voters-Not-the-First-Time) of Democrats working to suppress the military vote. Today, we bring you evidence, from 2000, of Democrats actively succeeding in disqualifying military ballots.
In 2000, the nation's politics hung in the balance of a recount fight in Florida. George W. Bush had beaten Al Gore by a few hundred votes in the seminal swing state, and Democrats went all-in to reverse this result and hand the presidency to Gore. One of the lawyers hired by the Democrats during the recount fight was Mark Herron, how drafted a memo detailing how to disqualify military absentee ballots. (Memo is below.) His work

Democrats Versus Military Voters: Not the First Time ( /Big-Government/2012/08 /05/Democrats-Versus-MilitaryVoters-Not-the-First-Time)
546 comments 34 minutes ago

Gay Protesters Harass, Mock Homeless Man Reading Bible at Chick Fil-A (
387 comments 3 minutes ago

Another Chick-fil-A Vandalized (

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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...

had an immediate affect ( /8/225831.shtml), as recalled by Bill Sammon in 2001: The main battlegound was Duval County, home to more military families than any other county in Florida. Duval had more absentee ballots from overseas than any other county - 618 of 3,500 cast statewide. Five Gore lawyers showed up at the elections office at 9 a.m. Friday to disqualify as many of those ballots as possible. Tom Bishop, one of the Republican lawyers, was incensed as he watched the Democrats, armed with the smoking-gun memo, blatantly go about disqualify large numbers of military ballots. "They had their little cheat sheet they were using, and they objected on every single possible ground they could, no matter how spurious," Bishop told Sammon. "It was so bad that there was rolling of the eyes by even some of the Democrats there who were watching their lawyers work." Before Nov. 17, the Duval supervisor of elections compared signatures on ballot envelopes against signature cards on file. He could find only two absentee ballots that could not be included because the signatures did not match. "But now the Democrats insisted that they be allowed to compare all signatures, one by one. For seven tedious hours, they bitterly argued that signatures on more than 100 envelopes did not precisely match the signature cards - although some envelopes had been signed by sailors on rolling seas in hostile situations, Sammon wrote. "You could clearly tell it was the same persons signature, but they would object because it didnt have a certain curlicue or didnt have a certain twist or it was smaller," Bishop told him. The Democrat lawyers sought to disqualify military ballots that had no overseas postmark on the grounds that some voters might have marked their ballots a day or two after the election and then mailed them in. The Democrats' efforts to suppress the military vote weren't confined to one county. From an Associated Press account: In some counties, half or nearly all the overseas ballots were rejected, many of them military ballots that apparently didn't have postmarks. Orange County, for example, rejected 117 of its 147 overseas ballots. In Hillsborough County, 74 of the 135 ballots were rejected after Democrats raised concerns about postmark or signature problems. Alachua County rejected half of the 56 ballots it received. St. Lucie rejected 13 of 14 and Lake County, all five. "The party of the man who wants to be the next commander in chief is trying to throw out the votes of the men and women he will be commanding," charged Jim Post, a Republican lawyer in Duval County, where 107 ballots were rejected. Thomas Spencer, a Miami attorney for Bush, said the GOP legal team would weigh whether to sue this weekend. "One of the problems with those ballots is it is so difficult under Florida and federal law that you almost have to be a rocket scientist to comply," he said. Earlier this week, Mark Herron, a Tallahassee lawyer helping shepherd Democratic presidential election lawsuits through the local courts, sent a five-page letter to Democratic attorneys throughout Florida giving them tips on how to lodge protests against overseas ballots. Such protests had to be filed before the ballot was taken out of the envelope. The letter focused on protesting military ballots. Herron said he was retained by the DNC on election night. No matter how the Democrats and the media try to spin this, the party has actively sought to suppress the votes of the men and women in the military. The very fact that a memo was circulated, explaining, in detail, how to disqualify military ballots should be enough

/Big-Government/2012/08 /04/Another-Chick-fil-A-vandalized)
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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...

evidence of the party's checkered history with military voting. Don't believe what the left and the media say. Believe what the Democrats have done.

Herron Memo (


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Dont ever let a democrat try to convince you that they support the military. I am a 66 year old Vietnam Vet with 23 years of military service and I can tell you that NO democrat ever proved their support to me. With the exception of JFK no democrat president in the past 60 years has treated us with the respect and dignity that we have earned; not Johnson, not Carter, not Clinton, not Kerry, not Murtha and definitely not obama. Reason; military people are disciplined and they all swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution against ALL enemies foreign or domestic and since todays democrats consider the US Constitution an impediment to their Marxist views than it stands to reason that they would want to weaken us.
A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago F


Just When You Think DemocRATS Cannot Sink Any Lower... A DemocRAT lies about everything (Obama), rps a teen (Wu), cheats on his taxes (Rangle), cheats on her taxes (Waters), lives with a pmp (Frank), Twitters his package (Weiner), has an extramarital affair (Clinton), lies about his military service (Blumenthal), sells his vote (Stupak), accepts bribes (Murtha RIP), puts bribes in his freezer (Jefferson), sells a senate seat (Blagojevich), buys a Senate seat (Jackson), backs underage sx-trffckng (Cleaver), lies about rcsm (Carnahan), gropes a msss (Gore), diverts funds to her husbands bank (Waters), and on and on ad nauseam...

3 of 7

8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...

THEY ARE DEMOCRATS and IT IS EXPECTED OF THEM! They have no morals, praise hmsxl btt sx, be politically correct, murder your baby, tax global warming, tax global cooling, mbrc illegals, tax big business, tax small business, abandon our allies, apologize to our enemies, there is no God, tax, tax, tax, big Socialist government is the answer to everything. THEY HAVE NO HONOR... NOTHING IS BENEATH THEM... THEY ARE DEMOCRATS!
A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago 1 Like F


Sikh Temple: Another Fake "Lone White Shooter" Event

A LIKE REPLY 3 minutes ago F


This is not a surprise at all..............if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck.......then it's an anti-military Democrat!
A LIKE REPLY 7 minutes ago F


Of course Obama hates the military. The only military members I know that don't believe this are those that have been dishonorably discharged.
A LIKE REPLY 15 minutes ago 1 Like F


it's biting the hand that feeds you, liberals hate the military, the men and women that put their lives on the line to defend our constitution (wich liberals hate unless it supports their position) the law of our land that gives them the opportunity to be in the position of power they are in.(most are life long politicians)
A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago F


The United States Military as a group hates the Democrat Political Party almost as much as Democrats as a group hate the United States Military. Been that way as long as I can remember.
A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago 1 Like F


BTW, to have a ballot "witnessed" requires an ID.

A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago F


The thing that worries Liberals is the United States Military is taking notes and keeping score... and then the Obama Campaign comes out with an App that shows just where Democrats live.... what's up with that? Democrats intentionally upset the United States Military and then Democrats come out with a App for a Phone that flags every Democrat by name and address.
A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago F


Shouldn't it be required that a notice be sent to the person whose ballot is protested and the reason clearly stated such that a counter protest might be lodged by the voter to defend his right?
A LIKE REPLY 52 minutes ago 1 Like F


whoa whoa .. i thought it was the GOP trying to supress votes? at least this is what I hear day after day from the MSM? Nothing about this .... I hear AMTRAX lost 800 millon ni food though.. I wonder if they could have taken care of some of our military members? Nah Joe Bide loves him some AMTRAX...
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...


Those who try to block the military vote are pathetic individuals.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Everyone knows that military personnel prefer job security and no way a Democratic President is going to keep the military employed. Look at all those out of work Vets that could still be in Afghanistan and Iraq if it wasn't for Obozo!!! Romney for President, put the military, there gonna be lots of jobs for them in Iran!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Obama and his Marxist thug buddies will do anything to stay in power. This should come as no shock to anyone. We need an Allen West type person to root them out of power and restore some resemblance of dignity to the federal government. Let's hope Romney is up to it.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Democrats want their voters to vote multiple times even the dead ones but have always tried to stop or steal Republican votes by delaying the military ballot counting in each of the last 3 elections, at least.The Minnesota election for Al Franken was stolen by having dead people vote and the election tilted to Franken while he laughed as if he was on Saturday Nite Live as the stupidity of the electorate.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


The the democRATic machine in Chicago sends Board of Election employees to the Cook County jail to get criminals to vote. The dems are pathetic to supress the military vote.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Dems have a reputation of being anti-military. This goes back to the 60s-era of Hanoi Jane and calling returning vets "baby killers". It continues to some Dems in Congress during the Iraq war saying insulting things about our soldiers in harm's way. This type of thing is damaging to Dems, because it adds to an well-earned reputation they already have. It also adds to the perception of Chicago thug politics with Obama. Hence the swarming trolls on this subject. It's time for the day shift now.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F


I vividly remember the knot in my gut as I watched the Democrats try to steal the election in 2000 in Florida. There's no doubt the absentee ballot verification law in Fla was poorly written; appearing, for instance, to require a postmark on the envelope. This is a requirement the voter cannot meet. I cannot ensure the correct postmark, or indeed any postmark, goes onto the envelope. That's an internal Postal Service function to ensure the stamp cannot be reused. Mail from a combat zone or ship at sea does not require any postage, therefore no postmark. Military absentee ballots are generally signed, dated, and witnessed by an officer. That ensures the ballot was completed and sealed before election day--which is the whole reason for inspecting the postmark in the first place. With the law as written, the judge had no choice but to rule as he did. The Democrats, though, could have chosen not to make the challenge. Through my 20 years in the military I always voted via absentee ballot, sometimes from overseas. In 2000 I learned the national Democrat party never wanted me to vote at all. So I don't; at least not for them, and I will not forgive them until they acknowledge they were wrong.



1 hour ago



This year, here in Ohio is where the problems will occur...mark my words.

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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...

This latest issue with the DNC challenge to the military from Ohio is just the most recent example. Obama has "offices" entrenched throughout the state and on college campuses, and ACORN (new name?) has been patrolling the Cleveland suburbs all summer, clipboards in hand... We are registered Repubs, so they have not come to our door. The RNC needs to get people in place here, sooner rather than later.
A LIKE REPLY 41 minutes ago in reply to edfix F


Seems like that 2000 was near the turning point when the liberal Dems fully went off the rails and became the radical Dems. I well remember that dispute where the Dems wanted to keep re-counting until they get the outcome they like. And after that loss came Bush Derangement Syndrome which got us to Obama, the destroyer of worlds. As a former military guy, do you have any information to share about military personnel in OH deserving special consideration for the voting deadline? Much of the dispute seems to center around Obama arguing they do not require that special consideration, so civilians should enjoy the same schedule.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to edfix 4 Likes F


Mike: Lets not forget one focus of law changes (Minnesota for example moved up their primary one month) since 2000 was done because it was meant to help the military vote easier. So while Eric Holder in 2012 runs around claiming that a voter shouldn't have to do ID themselves the democrats don't want to help a group of voters the military who we should be breaking our backs to help let their votes count! Walter Hanson Minneapolis, MN
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F


Wait, I'm confused Dems, do you want people to vote or not? You fight tooth and nail to keep voters from having to show proper ID, but you won't give people who are fighting for your right to vote, the extra time to vote?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 18 Likes F

SUBMARINESAILOR's all about their ideology.... (Oh-by-the-Way, Barry has the same ideology.....only worse)
A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago in reply to domivanni F


This has been an on-going problem for years. Wish I had some Republican reps - I called both Walz and Klobuchar office after the last election wanting to know what they were going to do to resolve this problem. Still waiting for an answer - they know the writing on the wall - would hurt their party so won't do anything. Minnesota please think before voting - get these people out. Don't let this state become another California.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 16 Likes F


Sikh Temple: Another Fake "Lone White Shooter" Event

A LIKE REPLY 3 minutes ago in reply to enough F


Enough: Keep in mind Walz is a veteran who claims he wants to help the military. Shows how much a liar he is! Walter Hanson

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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas Military Ball...

Minneapolis, MN
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to enough 4 Likes F


Dead people voting, illegals voting, others voting several times and now attempting to disenfranchise America's heroic armed forces personnel. Is there anything these people will not do to advance their socialist agenda?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to enough 23 Likes F


Nope, not one thing! But here is the tragedy. Our republicans do nothing! They are all cowards,well, except for 3 or so. When someone else comes into play against them the electorate votes them back in or the new guy is cut from the same cloth. We are witnessing the unwinding of the only truly free country ever. Drones overhead, cameras everywhere, attacks on the 2nd amendment. What do you think this all means? I will tell you. If they disarm us, take our freedom, we have no way to fight back and a third world country.
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago in reply to Dan Chaffee 1 Like F


It is despicable for the Democratic Party to intentionally put obstacles in the way of our military voting. They are risking their lives in service to our country. The Democrats are risking nothing in service to themselves.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Dan Chaffee 8 Likes F


The liberals want zero responsiblity for their base of voters. They want 24 X 7 voting for 30 days before an election and of course they feel having a photo ID is asking just toooo much. Sorry, I want to have a photo ID to vote as I want my vote counted and verified who I am.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Dan Chaffee 13 Likes F


They don't care that our legitimate votes, cast after presenting proper photo ID, are cancelled out by someone's dead Uncle Bob or Aunt Mary. Preserving the fraudulent vote is all that matters to Dems. And they've always gone the extra mile to disenfranchise the military. Is this actually news?
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago in reply to patriot1212 2 Likes F

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8/6/2012 7:32 AM

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