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theSun | MONDAY JANUARY 12 2009 11

speak up!

Not by rhetoric alone

posters and banners, where did you discussion of South Africa’s racial
think these programs come from? policies. He then announced that he
They want us to stop consum- was writing to the prime ministers
ing Coca-Cola but not Pepsi but of all democratic countries asking
the irony is that both are US-based for their views on positive action to
products albeit bottled locally. They be taken against apartheid. He also
want us to boycott McDonald’s but suggested informally that limited
THE atrocities inflicted on benefit to anyone except upwards, I spearheaded a “No don’t utter a word on other fast-food representation for Africans should be
the Palestinian people are the perpetrators. Chicken Day” campaign in a column chains which are franchises of US introduced in the South African par-
foremost on the minds of Almost every local in another newspaper. I reasoned food chains. Sometimes, you begin to liament — possibly 10 members on a
most Malaysians. Visuals politician worth his salt that if every Malaysian did not touch wonder whether there is an “udang limited franchise. This representation
on television and newspa- has given his views on chicken for a day, we would be able sebalik batu” because of such selec- could later be gradually enlarged.
pers are filled with news what’s happening in to bring the breeders, the wholesal- tive “persecution”. Are competitors “Subsequently in a letter, the Tunku
on innocent children and the Middle East and his ers, the middlemen and the retailers behind the smearing of well-known reiterated his concern about apartheid
women being killed or in- solution which inevitably to their knees. They would be sad- brands and companies which have and announced his country’s prohibi-
jured; the lack of food and centres on one magic dled with hundreds of thousands nothing to do with what’s happening tion of the import of South African
medicine, and above all, word which all of them of chicken and they would have to in Gaza with their might, influence goods. He suggested that other na-
the people being helpless think is the only way to bring the prices down. To cut a long and money? tions might wish to consider taking
as the violence carries on CitizenNades stop the carnage which story short, it did not happen. While The boycotts won’t work; the positive individual action as well,
unimpeded, no thanks to is going on. That magic a group of hardcore supporters went demonstrations won’t help; the or alternatively they might prefer a
a world which is watch- by R. Nadeswaran word – boycott – has un- vegetarian or opted for fish, I think rhetoric will fall on deaf ears and conference to discuss at greater length
ing it all happen with their fortunately been abused 99.999% of Malaysians couldn’t re- Israel has taken a “shout till your what action should be taken. Malaya
arms folded. Our sympathies are and misused in the name of justice sist the ayam madu in Bangsar; the hearts’ content and we don’t care” was prepared to act as host to such a
with our fellow human beings. But and I will put up my hands and chicken perattal in Jalan Gasing, the attitude. So, what will work? conference if it were generally felt it
war or violence, wherever it be, in “plead guilty” to such a charge. ayam goreng in Kampung Baru or If anything is needed, it is affirma- would be useful.”
Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Sri Lanka, About 15 years ago when the the kai fan in Birch Road. tive action by our leaders a’la our In this instance, rhetoric will not
Colombia or even at our doorstep, price of dressed chicken spiralled From that one and only “boycott” first prime minister, Tunku Abdul work. The answer lies in a global
in southern Thailand brings no campaign, there were several les- Rahman Putra who spearheaded stance against not only Israel but
sons to be learnt. Firstly, if there is the international campaign against any nation or group which indulges
nothing beneficial for them, gener- apartheid policies by getting South in violence against its own people.

demonstrations also demand that ally Malaysians do not want to walk Africa expelled from the Common- Are we ready to spearhead a United
the Israeli government negotiate with the extra mile. Secondly, the feeling wealth in 1962. Nations resolution to expel nations Hamas. Many smaller demonstrations of “can one man make a change” In confidential papers kept by which carry out crimes against hu-
in Israel, from the first hours of the syndrome is still in place in the the Canadian government on the manity? If the Commonwealth joined
bombardment, have gone unreported hearts and minds of people. Thirdly, Tunku’s official visit in 1962 (which hands to keep Pakistan out and later
Single state call in the international media.
An open letter from anti-Zionist
and more importantly, the attitude of
“why should I give up something I
have since been declassified) they
say the following:
expelled Zimbabwe, the question is:
Why can’t Malaysia seek support to
IT SHOULD be noted that as Israel Jewish youth in Canada brands the like” is prevalent in our society. “The Tunku has been anxious to pressure the Commonwealth nations
commits ever more despicable war Jewish state as racist and articulates a I can only guess that the vocifer- demonstrate by concrete action the to move such a UN resolution?
crimes in Gaza, Jews around the world total rejection of what it represents. ous politicians and their cronies who opposition felt in Malaya to the racial
are standing up in loud protest, and Their declaration ends: “Let us not were issuing press releases used Mi- policies of the South African Govern- R. Nadeswaran has seen enough
shouting “not in our name!” be silent bystanders while humanity crosoft Word to compose them. So, if ment. In a speech to the Malayan violence of war the world over and
There have been large demonstra- suffers ... demand a single, democratic they are screaming blue murder and House of Representatives on June 20, the destruction and harm it inflicts
tions in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem, state, with equal rights for everyone in asking for a boycott of US products, the Tunku disregarded precedent and on innocent people, thanks to satel-
demanding not only “stop the war! Israel/Palestine.” shouldn’t they have ought to have quoted excerpts from the confidential lite television. He’s disappointed that
/ stop killing civilians!” – but calling used an Olivetti typewriter or written record of the 1960 Prime Ministers’ there’s more talk than action. He can
for an opening of Gaza’s borders and B.N. their press releases? To those who Conference in order to show that be reached at: citizen-nades@thesun-
an end to the vicious blockade. These Kuala Lumpur used Coral Draw or Adobe for the he had made every effort to force a

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