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MA522 HW 9

Nguyenho Ho April 19, 2012

1. Show a continuous (bounded) linear operator A in H transform a weakly convergent sequence into a weakly convergent sequence (that is, Aun , converges weakly to Au whenever un converges weakly to u). (You may restrict your proof to the case of a symmetric A, that is, to A such that (Au, v) = (u, Av), u, v H) Proof: Assume that un converges weakly to u in H, that is (un , v) (u, v), v H. Assume in addition that A is symmetric such that (Au, v) = (u, Av). We want to show that Aun also converges weakly to Au in H. |(Aun , v) (Au, v)| = |(Aun Au, v)| = |(A(un u), v)| = |(un u, Av)| (by symmetric)

Since |(un u, v)| 0, v H thus, (un u, Av) 0. Then, |(Aun , v) (Au, v)| 0 which implies (Aun , v) (Au, v). Hence, Aun converges weakly to Au in H.

2. A bounded linear operator A n H is compact if for every bounded sequence {un }n the transformed sequence {Au}n has a subsequence that converges strongly to some vector of H. A is completely continuous if every weakly convergent sequence {un } is transformed into a strongly convergent sequence {Aun }n (that is , Aun converges strongly to Au whenever un converges weakly to u). Show that A is compact if and only if A is completely continuous. Proof: Suppose A is compact then for every bounded sequence {un }n the transformed sequence {Au}n has a subsequence that converges strongly to some vector of H that is Aun w 0 for some w H. Assume that un converges weakly to u in H, then since A is bounded operator Aun also converges weakly to Au in H. Altogether, we have the following assumptions: .(un , v) (u, v) (un u, v) 0, v H .(Aun , v) (Au, v) (Aun Au, v) 0, v H . Aun w 0, for some w H Aun Au

= |(Aun A, Aun A)| = |(Aun A, Aun ) (Aun A, Au)| |(Aun Au, Aun )| + |(Aun Au, Au)| = |(Aun Au, Aun w + w)| Aun Au Aun w |(Aun Au, Aun w)| + |(Aun Au, w)| (triangle inequality) (triangle inequality) (|(Aun Au, Au)| 0, v = Au H) (Cauchy-Schwarz inequality)

As Aun w 0 for some w H, Aun Au 0. Which implies that A is completely continuous. 1

Conversely, suppose A is completely continuous then Aun Au 0 and (un u, v) 0, v H. Since un converges weakly to u, un is weakly bounded then by Banach Steinhaus un C. We need to show that Aun y 0 for some y in H Aun y

= |(Aun y, Aun y)| = |(Aun , Aun y) (y, Aun y)| = |(Aun , Aun y) (Au, Au y) + (Au, Au y) (y, Aun y)| |(Aun , Aun y) (Au, Au y)| + |(Au, Au y) (y, Aun y)| = |(Aun Au, Aun Au)| + |(Au y, Au Aun )| Aun Au

+ Au y

Au Aun

Since Aun Au 0 by assumption, then Aun y 0. Hence, A is compact. 3. Suppose that a linear operators A in H is given by the series:

Au =

k (u, ek )ek

converging strongly in H, where {ek }k is an orthonormal sequence in H and {k }k is a sequence of real numbers tending to 0 as k . Prove that A is symmetric and completely continuous. Hint. Consider a weakly convergent sequence {un }n and approximate the series of Aun Au 2 with nite sums.

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