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Introduction Quality of our mathematic education still very concern, as was said Iwan Pranoto [1] mathematicians of ITB that about 76.6 percent of student junior high shcool still blind of mathematic. This reflects our student less used power him reason, as proven in some mass media, many student of high shcool or college are often involved brawl only because trivial matter. They are provoked easily, easy to anarchism, hooliganism and other acts that contrary of law because less used him reason. If we take consider the root causes of poor reasoning abilities of our students in mathematics, then there are several causes that we need to look at, among others, as quoted by several reseacher are: the research of Dedi Irawan at junior high school in Surakarta revealed that the root cause of poor reasoning abilities of student were the low ability of understanding the problem, involves what is known, what was asked, using the formula and the calculation were less precise. Priatna (Mul Yulianti, 2009) research at junior high school in the Bandung city concluded that the quality of understanding and mathematical reasoning skills of students are still not satisfactory, each only about 49% and 50% of the ideal score. The test results pre-study research conducted in high schools in the city of South Tangerang in June 2011 showed that the average student reasoning ability are still very low, only 19.55 of the 58 students who were tested, or only reaches 39.10%. The tests examine three indicators of inductive reasoning, but these three indicators are just analogy and generalization indicators that show unfavorable results. Two indicators that causes poor mathematical reasoning abilities of students in general and mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students in particular.

Not only that, the mathematical reasoning abilities of student that poor were also influenced by the quality of their math teachers. The research that conducted by staff of the LPMP Jakarta Agus Darmawan and Widiyatmo in 2007 against several high school teacher in East Jakarta concluded that the quality of mathematics teacher in East Jakarta is not in accordance with the expectations of their students. The score low average on the assessment of the delivery of material, processing of the class, and evaluation of teaching that were equal to 72.17%, 73.66% and 73.22%. This means that teachers of mathematics are considered not able to deliver material in a systematic and clear, less creative and innovative in deliver material to their students. This certainly will affect the quality of their student as well, especially in reasoning.

One model of teaching that facilitates student to reason is a Concept Attainment Model. From the definition of this model is aimed to increase understanding of the concept, but in the process of finding these concepts, students are trained to reason inductively. That's the reasoning ability of the training, step by step, so that eventually students are able to conclude a new concept that they dont know previouse. From on the above problem, than formulation of the problem of this research were 1. How the mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students were taught using Concept Attainment Model and mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students were taught using conventional learning models, 2. Is mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students were taught using Concept Attainment Model higher than the mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students were taught using conventional learning models (expository)? The purpose of this research are: To provide information about the mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students taught using the learning model of concept attainment model and mathematical inductive reasoning abilities of students taught using conventional learning models, provide information about the influence of the learning model of concept attainment model to students ability of mathematical inductive reasoning compared with the conventional learning models. The benefits of this research is the least of concept attainment model may be an alternative in learning, especially in training and improving the ability of mathematical inductive reasoning, reference for other researchers, and contribute in developing a good teaching, effective and well targeted. 2. The Theory Foundation a. Inductive reasoning and the ability of mathematical inductive reasoning Reasoning is one of the competencies to be achieved in learning mathematics. The definition of reason itself according Keraf (Fajr Sadiq, 2004) says that the reasoning is the thought process of trying to link the facts or evidences of known leads to a conclusion [1]. Meanwhile, according to Soekadijo reasoning is the thought process that started from the observation of senses (empirical) of a number of propositions that are known or thought to be true then wrap it into a new proposition which was not previously known [2]. Burhanudin Salam (2003) says that the characteristic of reasoning is thought processes of logical and analytical. Logical meaning of these patterns in the thinking process and thinking must be analytic (the systematic steps) both inductive and deductive [3]. From the description above we can conclude that the reasoning is an activity of human beings to think logically and analytically to generate conclusions from a few statements that have known the truth value.

Based on process the reasoning consists of inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning according to Irving, copies and James (Mundiri, 2008) is a "way of thinking to draw general conclusions from the cases are individual. This reasoning starts from the facts that are specific and limited, ends with a statement of a general nature [4]. On inductive reasoning to deduce the angles of a triangle is 180 then by inductive reasoning we can gather some scalene triangle, right triangles, isosceles, equilateral, etc. By cutting the tip of the triangle and then collect them in a line is formed at the corner of complement the magnitude of 180 . From one triangle to another triangle was obtained the same number of angles for different triangle. Therefore we can conclude that the amount of the triangle (scalene triangle, right triangles, isosceles, equilateral, etc) is 180 through the empirical experience. Mathematical reasoning ability by Utari Sumarmo divided into two, namely the ability of inductive reasoning and deductive. Mathematical inductive reasoning skills consisting of: 1. Transduktif, draw conclusions from one case or the specific nature of the one applied to the other special cases. 2. Analogy: inference based on the similarity of data or process 3. Generalization: drawing general conclusions based on the number of observed data 4. Estimating answers, solutions or tendency: interpolation and extrapolation 5. Give an explanation for the model, factors, nature, relationships, or the pattern of existing 6. Using the pattern of relationships to analyze the situation, and make conjectures Looking at the six indicators, just the indicators analogy and generalization ability that researchers will do research on two classes, namely the experimental class and control class. b. Analogy ability c. Generalization ability d. Concept Attainment Model 3. Methodelogy of Research

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