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book is copyright free. Please feel free to use any of my quotes, but please credit me - Trevor Gollagher for them Thank you.

What we do with each day of our lives will determine what we experience in the future. Are you really sure of what you are creating today?

If we are to truly live, we need not to apply action - allow and truly experience.

Cannot we admire what we are? The divine fragment of god that is truly unlimited

Many times we grasp at what is not true and wonder why unhappiness arises

If we were able to remove the distortion of non-truthful perception and conditioning you would find all you seek is already there

Is God Real? Look in the mirror to find out

Something deep to sit and ponder - "Don't ask the question, be the answer"

"You will always be what your emotions create" - this is worth sitting and contemplating

When all else fails - ALLOW! Your life will thank you for it

To continue to live from your past conditioning binds you to the burden of it.

Having a desire to change your life holds you in the experience of non-perfection. Burden and negativity will follow

Divine plan states all experiences are perfect and in accordance to what you have incarnated for - let go and allow perfection to unfold

Life can only give you love, if you love (especially yourself) Experiencing love externally is the result of loving yourself internally

When life is all over the place remember to breathe. Deep slow breaths can change everything

Disharmony is experienced when divine energetic flow is not allowed to move in and through you. - Open, Allow, do not resist anything!

When spiritual truth is resisted, pain and suffering exist

If you keep attracting people who are angry, it does not mean you are. The experience is validating an emotion you feel from the experience. This is the Law of Attraction in Action

While we continue to give energy to attaining what we perceive we do not have, we make it harder to experience what we already are - Divine Perfection.

When we apply action to spiritual growth, we miss the point of spiritual experience. We give energy to the concept of lack - everything a spiritual person is trying to attain is already a part of them. The act of action gives energy to non- truth and the belief something needs to be attained

Trusting the unfoldment of your life is so important. In fact, it is a major ingredient of happiness

True unconditional love can only be experienced in others as a reflection of directly experiencing our true innate nature.

It has to come from within, and then and only then can we grasp its beauty.

You are looking externally for something that is lacking within you love.

If you are reliant on love from another person to feel complete and contented, you miss the point of what love is.

True love is all about energy flow - where there is flow, there is love. Many people resist internal energy movement because of fear

Until we learn to fully express how and what we feel we will never be free from burden.

Happiness will only be a dream

Control is the ego's reason for being It does its job well

Communication creates internal energy movement. Movement washes away what is not real (fear-based non-truth)

Spiritual Awakening doesn't give you anything; it takes away what you thought you had

One of the quickest paths to happiness is to let go of all thoughts of imperfection

When you judge, you lack self-love. When you get angry, you lack self-love. Self-love holds all that you seek

If you are not in flow with divine consciousness you decrease the quality of your life its that simple

When things seem lost or distant we are in that moment believing or aligning to a non-truth (a distortion of Love)

If you are serious about spiritual growth, don't believe a single thing the mind tells you

There cannot ever be frustration without first creating it

It is always our minds perception and attention that shapes the way we experience life. Observe its actions without attachment now

If all humans lived in the full state of allowance, not grasping at anything at all, the world would live in a state of bliss

Where your attention lies is the point of creation. Be aware of what you are creating - your happiness depends on it.

Any thought, action, or process that you use to initiate movement towards your spirit self takes you further from it.

Self-realisation is your natural state. The quickest way to experience who you are is to get rid of the thought you are not realised

Unconsciousness is the absence of consciousness. An unconscious person experiences lack of light, vitality, grace and joy - be conscious

The law of attraction has nothing to do with external experiences or people. It is all about what emotion you feel and where it is inside

Never is there a better time to communicate your feelings and thoughts - happiness always arises as a result of expression of what's within

" When you match what consciousness does, you experience what consciousness is"

Form is emptiness - emptiness is form

Suffering has the uncanny ability to pull the rug out beneath our comfortable world and open us to a deeper meaning and fulfillment

The prison of fear, struggle and burden doesn't really exist. It impacts solely on you because you believe in the prison

When you feed your fear monster within you are destined for unhappiness and burden. Align to divine truth and starve your monster now!

You are the soul creator of all of your experiences. Yes, that's right - you are responsible. How committed are you to having a great life?

Your whole life and every experience within it are self-created. Always remember, "All that you see is you. How are you treating yourself?

External experience is always in alignment to what you vibrate within. Are you currently experiencing love and joy?

What is it that you desire? Is it happiness, joy, love? Remember - you can only ever experience what you are

Your internal energy get's happy through expression. This creates energy movement bringing to you what you seek Happiness

You cannot experience happiness if your internal energy is not

Sustained happiness (which all humans seek) is always generated from within. Once this is achieved, it is validated in external experience

If you could see truth in all experience, you would be happy.

Negative burden only happens as a result of aligning to spiritual non-truth

Many people continually give focus, attention and energy to what they do not want and wonder why unhappiness prevails

One of the best ways to increase the likelihood of happiness is to embrace all experience as perfect in divine plan The unconscious human is unaware of spiritual truth. All that you seek emanates from spiritual truth i.e.: happiness, love, ease etc.

"Truth is" - everything at its core/essence is Love. All experience contrary to this is simply not true. It is a distortion of truth

Everything we seek as humans resides within our hearts - go there!

I hope you have enjoyed my little book of quotes. Feel free to pass it on to anyone you think would like it. May your life be filled with Love and Happiness Trevor Gollagher

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