Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Company Name: Requested Credit Limit: Current Credit Limit: New Credit Limit:

$ $ $ Security Data

Example Analyzed By: 25,000.00 Account Number: 123456 10,000.00 Date: 5/25/2009 25,000.00 Liens & Judgements & Bankruptcies No


Years In Business:
Risk Rating (Overall):


3 0.8

Security Agrement/UCC-1 Cross Corporate Guaranty Personal Guaranty - PG Rating Subordination Agreement Other:

0 Our Company Data:

TERMS N30 CREDIT LIMIT $10,000 TWELVE MONTH HIGH CREDIT $9,687 AGING DATE 05-29-2009 CURRENT DUE $8,987 PAST DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 121+ $500 TOTAL $9,487

0 1

Payment History Score: Good Our Company Data Score: Credit References:
Enter Trade Reference Names Below: ABCD DEFG JKLM XYZ

0.8 78%



Reference Score: Good Fair Excellent Poor Good Good

High Years Sold 6 3 8 7 10 12

Security Credit/Avg. No Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Balance $ 65,000 $ 35,000 $ 23,000 $ 15,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000

Terms N30 N30 N30 N30 $ $ $ $

Credit Limit 75,000 50,000 24,000 20,000 $ $ $ $

Current Amount

Past Due Amount 3,200 6,000

NSFs/CLAIMS None None None Claims None None

52,000 $ 33,000 $ 20,000 8,000 $

Bank Reference 1: Bank Reference 2: Credit Reference Score:

74% avg bal:

Date: Credit Agency Score: Fair Good Rating: High Credit/Avg. Bal. $ $ 100,000 125,000 Paydex:

0.85 0.65 1 0.25 0.85 1 0.85

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

9687 65000 35000 23000 15000 100000 125000

Credit Agency Information:

NACM Report (Overall):

Dun & Bradstreet Experian Equifax Credit Agency Score: Total Score (TS)%: 76% Credit Limit Requested $ Total Average Industry Balance: $ Total Average High Balance: $ TS% x Requested Credit Limit: $ TS% x Avg. Total Industry Balance: $ TS% x Avg. Industry High Balance: $

5/25/09 5/25/09



75% 76% 25,000.00 26,337.40 53,241.00 18,888.89 19,899.37 40,226.53

$ 26,338.26

1 4.45 1 Credit Agency: 1 0.65 1 0.85 1 1 1.5 7

Total Score 0.78 0.74 0.75

1 1 1


= Recommended credit limit based on requested credit limit. = Recommended credit limit based on avg. total industry balance. = Recommended credit limit based on avg. industry high balance. 2.27 3



This is an example. This model can be purchased at

Analyzed By:


Approved By:


Prediction - Loss Sales to break-even -- Loss:

$ $

Amount 25,000.00 500,000.00

Pre-Tax Margin 5%
Copyright 2009 Best Performance Financial Services, LLC All Rights Reserved.


4/16/2009 5/9/2009

Financial Analysis The purpose of the financial analysis trade score model is to score the following: your company's payment history, trade and bank references, and credit agencies information. Ideally, the model should be used to approve/extend credit limits up to 25K. However, the financial analysis trade score model can also be used to set credit limits above 25K for customers that refuse to release their financial statements.
On the "Score Sheet", enter all information in the light green cells. You can click on the cells with light blue data to obtain information/instructions.

To calculate a recommended/suggested credit limit, enter the requested credit limit in cell D2. Note: For scoring purposes, always enter a credit limit in cell D2. In addition, if you are updating the credit limit, enter the updated credit limit in cell D2. Our Company Data: Enter your company's payment history in the green cells A15:L15. Score your company's payment history in cell C17. For scoring assistance, see trade reference scoring example below. Security Data: Select either obtained, requested, not requested, or predictions from the drop down list in cells H7:H11. Note: Only "Obtained" and "Prediction" will change the total score. When the total score is below 60%, consider obtaining security to increase the total score %. If security doesn't bring the score above 60%, then consider only extending COD.

Example Scoring for References:

Trade Reference Excellent = No NSF + No Past Dues + Prompt + No Unjust Claims/Deductions + Trade Experience >= 5yrs. Good = No NSF + No Past Dues + Prompt + No Unjust Claims/Deductions + Trade Experience >= 1yr. Fair = No NSF + Past Dues = < 10 + No Unjust Claims/Deductions Poor = Past Dues > 10 and/or NSF Bank References Excellent = No NSF + >= 5yrs. with bank Good = No NSF + >= 1yr. with bank + Cash Ratio >= 1.0 Fair = No NSF Poor = NSF

Example Scoring for Credit Agency Information:

NACM Excellent = No NSF + No Past Dues + Prompt + No Unjust Claims/Deductions + Trade Experience >= 5yrs. Good = No NSF + No Past Dues + Prompt + No Unjust Claims/Deductions + Trade Experience >= 1yr. Fair = No NSF + Past Dues = < 10 + No Unjust Claims/Deductions Poor = Past Dues > 10 and/or NSF D&B Excellent = Paydex > 80 Good = Paydex < 80 >75 Fair = Paydex < 75 > 65 Poor = Paydex < 65 Total Score (TS): The total score is based on the total average scoring for the following: your company's payment history, credit reference, and credit agency information.
Recommended/Suggested Credit Limit Scenarios:

TS% x Requested Credit Limit = Total Score % x Requested Credit limit TS% x Avg. Total Industry Balance = Total Score % x Average Total Industry Balance TS% x Avg. Industry High Balance = Total Score % x Total Average Industry High Balance Note: If all data is entered, available and scored, then you will have the option to decide whether to use the recommended/suggested credit limit for the following: requested credit limit, average total Industry balance, or average total industry high balance. Macros: Clear Macro - Clears all data entered, and creates a template Update Macro - Updates an existing saved file for new information. Sales to break-even -- Loss: This tool allows you to see the additional sales required to break-even if there is a loss. To calculate the sales needed to break-even if there is a loss, enter the amount of the projected or actual loss in cell D61, and then enter your company's pre-tax margin in cell F61. In addition, select from the drop-down list in cell A61 "Prediction Loss" or "Actual Loss". "Prediction Loss" - you are predicting the sales needed to make up for a possible loss due to the credit limit extended. "Actual Loss" - you are calculating the sales need to make up for the actual amount lost due to the credit limit extended.

Copyright 2009 Best Performance Financial Services, LLC All Rights Reserved.

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