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JavaScript Document Object

The JavaScript Document object is the container for all HTML HEAD and BODY objects associated within the HTML tags of an HTML document.

Document Object Properties

alinkColor - The color of active links. bgColor - Sets the background color of the web page. It is set in the <body> tag. The following code sets the background color to white. document.bgColor = "#FFFFFF"

cookie - Used to identify the value of a cookie. defaultCharset domain - The domain name of the document server. embeds - An array containing all the plugins in a document. fgColor - The text color attribute set in the <body> tag. FileCreatedDate - Use this value to show when the loaded HTML file was created fileModifiedDate - Use this value to show the last change date of the loaded HTML file fileSize fileUpdatedDate lastModified - The date the file was modified last. layers - An array containing all the layers in a document. linkColor - The color of HTML links in the document. It is specified in the <body> tag. location mimeType nameProp protocol readyState referrer - The Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the document that we got the link to the present document from. security title - The name of the current document as described between the header TITLE tags. URL - The location of the current document. vlinkColor - The color of visited links as specified in the <body> tag/

Document Object Methods

clear() - This is depreciated. close() - Closes an output stream that was used to create a document object. contextual() - It can be used to specify stype of specific tags. The following

example specified that text in blockquotes is to be blue: document.contextual(document.tags.blockquote).color = "blue"; Multiple styles may be specified in the contextual method to set the value of text in a H3 tag that is underlined to the color blue, for example. document.contextual(document.tags.H3, document.tags.U).color = "blue";

elementFromPoint(x, y) - Returns the object at point x, y in the HTML document. getSelection() - Get the selected text (if any is selected). open([mimeType]) - Opens a new document object with the optional MIME type. write(expr1[,expr2...exprN]) - Add data to a document. Writes the values passed to the write function to the document. document.write("<H3>") document.writeln("This is a Header") document.write("</H3>")

writeln(expr1[,expr2...exprN]) - Adds the passed values to the document appended with a new line character.


onafterupdate onbeforeupdate onClick ondblclick ondragstart onerrorupdate onhelp onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onMouseOut onMouseOver onmouseup onreadystatechange onrowenter onrowexit onselectstart

Document Object Objects

activeElement all - All HTML elements in the document. anchors - An array of all the anchors in the document. applet - A JAVA applet to be used in the document. area - An object specifying an image map area contained in the document. body embeds form - An object that specifies a form in the document. forms - An array of all the forms in the document. frames - An array that consists of all the frame objects in the document. images - An array of the images in the document. image - An image in a document. Properties of the image: o border - The width of the border around the image in pixels. o complete - A boolean value which identifies whether an image is completely loaded yet. o height - The read only height of the image in pixels. o hspace - The read only amount of horizontal space to the left and right sides of the image. o lowsrc - The read or write string giving the URL of an alternate image for low resolution screen display. o name - The assigned name of the image. o prototype - Used for adding user-specified properties to the image. o src - The URL of the image to be displayed. It is a read/write string. o vspace - The read only vertical space above and below the image. o width - The read only width of the image in pixels. links - An array of all the links in the document. link - A link in the document. Properties: o hash - The URL anchor part including the leading hash mark if one exists. o host - The URL hostname and port. o hostname - The URL hostname section. o href - The URL. o pathname - The URL pathname section. o port - The URL port section. o protocol - The URL protocol section including the colon after the protocol name. o search - The URL query string section. This is the section after and including the question mark. o target - The URL links target name. parentWindow - The parent window of the document. plugins - An array of plugins in the document.

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