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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death


Part 46.

The Church's False Hope!
We are now citing direct from George H Warnock's well known !"lication the ''#east of Ta"ernacles.''
This was written in $%&$ which is 6$ 'ears ago( the re)elation that this man had at that time( on the feast of
ta"ernacles is in m' oinion siml' wonderf!l * ama+ing to sa' the least. , am also ha' to sa' that this
man recei)ed his re)elation thro!gh the written word( in m' few 'ears of e-erience as , am now almost .%
'ears old( , ersonall' know of none of the earl' fore/r!nners of this message that were not "oth st!dents *
lo)ers of the insired scrit!res( now in sa'ing this , realise that the tr!e Word CHRIST is not the ink on the
aer "!t at the same time , ersonall' wo!ld ne)er !ndermine the insired scrit!res or ass!me in an'
wa' that the' were !nnecessar' * to do so , m'self feel that it wo!ld "e an !nhealth' sirit!al danger
oint. ,f it was not for the writings mostl' left to !s in a "ook called the 0i"le "oth the 1ld * 2ew
Testaments( none of !s wo!ld ha)e a cl!e a"o!t the son's of God or an' of the e-amles * t'es *
shadows that those who are writing on this resent re)elation are now !sing. 3es there are other writings(
"!t the' gi)e nowhere near the e-tent of information as what o!r resent 0i"le gi)es !s. , thank God that
in His wisdom He saw fit to a)ail to !s - even with a few of the faulty insertions of translators - the insired
writings that we know toda' as the 0i"le. We will "e to!ching a little more on this f!rther on. ,n
mentioning these faults it sho!ld ind!ce !s to do a little searching4 one e-amle is the word 'world' as in
5t $678$/86. we find that it has now "een corrected in 9!ite a few translations as eon or age which changes
the whole conte-t of the )erses in 9!estion. 0!t alas some with little !nderstanding * misinformation ha)e
gi)en ! on the whole thing * condemned instead of searching( which we are enco!raged to do in Pro)
678/&. God has romised to re)eal His secrets to those who erse)ere * this onl' can onl' come "'
diligence of sirit!al seeking. The greatest danger that , see in not heeding to the "enchmark that we ha)e
"een gi)en is that we can then go off * make ! o!r own r!les * that to m'self * man' others is not good(
eseciall' if in doing so we are den'ing the realit' of the man-child. To m'self( right now is 9!ite
o")io!sl' not the time to "e doing awa' with the insired writings: ,n the time of the manifestation then
we will "e as He is * we o!rsel)es will "e f!ll' manifested as the cororate "od' * comlete as art of the
W1RD Himself. When ;es!s was here He did not walk aro!nd with a 0i"le !nder His arm( "!t remem"er
that as a "o' He wo!ld ha)e learned * wo!ld ha)e as we well know 9!oted the 1ld Testament 9!ite
roficientl'. Where was the word of God< Ps $$%7$$ ''Thy word have I hid in my heart.'' , am wondering
how man' there wo!ld "e among !s who wo!ld "e the first to ne)er !se or 9!ote the 0i"le again<

=!ote from George Warnock. ''The Ch!rch of Christ is literall' filled with carnal earthl'/minded
Christians who sit "ack in ease and self/comlacenc' and await a rat!re that will translate them o!t of the
midst of earth's Great Tri"!lation at the "eginning of the Da' of the Lord. To this generation of world/
conformers God seaks in no !ncertain terms7 ''Woe !nto 'o! that desire the da' of the Lord! to what end
is it for 'o!< The da' of the Lord is darkness and not light.'' Amos &7$>. ,n the )ast ma?orit' of e)angelical
circles we are ta!ght that at an' moment all God's eole shall "e ca!ght !( rat!re/d( to "e with the @ord
in the air // to escae the Great Tri"!lation which soon shall )isit the earth. It is not tr!. The saints shall
"e ''ca!ght !'' all right4 "!t ''e)er' man in his own order.'' $Cor. $&7 68. What that order is does not
concern !s right now4 "!t the fact remains( we are no/where ta!ght that the saints are going to escae the
ho!r of Great Tri"!lation "' wa' of a rat!re.
Why Were The Thessalonians Troubled?

,f it is tr!e( as we are generall' ta!ght( that the Thessalonian Christians tho!ght the' had missed the rat!re
"eca!se of the s!osed letter the' had recei)ed from Pa!l( then how is it that the aostle Pa!l m!st ha)e
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
missed it too< Aarentl' the' had recei)ed a letter "earing Pa!l's signat!re( stating that the Da' of the
Lord had started or was a"o!t to start. 6 Thess( 676. And the common e-lanation is that the' were
''tro!"led'' "eca!se the' e-ected the' wo!ld ha)e "een rat!re/d when this Da' "egan. 2ow if the
Thessalonians act!all' tho"ht that Pa!l wrote that deceti)e letter - and it is clear that the' did(- then wh'
sho!ld the' "e ''tro!"led('' for if the' missed the rat!re( then Pa!l m!st ha)e missed it too:
0!t no( Pa!l had ne)er ta!ght them that the' sho!ld "e taken awa' from the earth when the Great
Tri"!lation started. What he did tell them was that the' sho!ld not "e ''mo)ed'' "' afflictions or tri"!lations
of an' kind( ''for 'o! 'o!rsel)es know that we are aointed there!nto. #or )eril' when we were with 'o!(
we told 'o! "efore that we sho!ld s!ffer tri#lation$ e)en as it came to ass( and 'e know.'' $Thess. 848/4.
Anowing( therefore( that the' were to go thro!gh the Tri"!lation( the' were artic!larl' ''tro!"led'' a"o!t
this deceti)e letter the' recei)ed( "eca!se according to this letter the Da' of the Lord% or the Great
Tri"!lation( was ?!st a"o!t to start. Pa!l therefore wo!ld comfort them again "' informing them that this
great and terri"le Da' of the Lord ''shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition.'' 6 Thess. 678. The Da' of the Lord% Pa!l wo!ld tell them( was not
imminent( "eca!se the man of sin had to "e re)ealed. The fact remains that a ''rat!re'' is not held o!t to the
saints as their hoe in the ho!r of the Great Tri"!lation4 nor are we ta!ght that the saints who are walking
in the light are going to "e ca!ght !nawares when the da' of the Lord "egins. 1n the contrar' we are told(
''"!t 'e "rethren( are not in darkness( that that da' sho!ld o)ertake 'o! as a thief. $ Thess. &74.'' Bnd 9!ote.
What bout The !apture?
This is artl' rerod!ced from Part $.
There is coming a change "elo)ed * it definitel' will not "e the rat!re( s!re it will "e rat!ro!s( "!t not
the so called rat!re as man' know it * , will tell 'o! wh': There are certainl' some things , donCt know
a lot a"o!t( "!t this is one thing , do know something a"o!t. , will not la"o!r the oint as , refer not to "e
too negati)e. ,n m' searching , ha)e not "een a"le to find one reference "efore $&>D A.D to the resent
da' theor' that the Ch!rches eso!se * teach. 2one of the earl' Ch!rch writers wrote a"o!t it. The
general consens!s was that ''The mee" would inherit the earth'' ,n other words Christ wo!ld esta"lish
His Aingdom here on earth. 0!t in $&>D a Eanish ;es!it Priest "' the name of Ri"era !"lished a theor'
on the Antichrist with )er' )ag!e references to a t'e of escaism( then in $.4. a Chilean of Eanish
descent whose name was Bman!al @ac!n+a( "ecame a ;es!it Priest * he also comiled a theor' on the
antichrist with other references on his artic!lar )iew to an escaism of sorts. He wrote !nder a se!do
name of - Rabbi Ben Era - osing as a )er' learned * con)erted ;ew. He died in $>D$. ,n $>66 a Dr
5aitland( li"rarian to the Arch"isho of Canter"!r'( startled the rotestant world with a "ook in which a
mi-t!re of "oth Ri"era * @ac!n+aCs theories were comiled taken from the "ook "' / Ra""i 0en B+ra. To
c!t a long stor' short another ;es!it riest "' the name of @o'ola was in)ol)ed in the comilation of the
doctrine( then a man "' the name of Dar"' "ecame in)ol)ed( he e)ent!all' "ecame a leader in the 0rethren
mo)ement eso!sing * de)eloing the rat!re theor' * con)incing man' with great +eal. B)ent!all' it
infiltrated into other mo)ements( then it was taken to the F.E.A. where it was adoted "' the 0atist
Ch!rch * then in t!rn "' the Assem"lies 1f God( now it is right thro!gh all of Ch!rch/ianit' all "eca!se of
three ;es!it Priests( the main roonent "eing @ac!n+a4 A n!m"er of men "ecame in)ol)ed * did not
know the tr!e identit' of / Ra""i 0en B+ra / !ntil 9!ite some time later( "' that time the' were reall'
hooked * were at the oint of no ret!rn * not witho!t some )er' red faces. What does all this ro)e it is
onl' "ackgro!nd as to the wh' * how of the theor': We will now look into the Word regarding the
s!"?ect. Two of the mainsta's regarding this "elief( ha)ing once ta!ght it m'self( are fo!nd in the
following )erses. ''We will deal with these onl' toda'.'' , feel that it is ertinent for those who are ha)ing a
ro"lem with this theor' as it can "e a "arrier to those who wish to mo)e on.
Is It #cripturally Correct?

''nd $ust as it was in the days o% &oah. #o will it be in the time o% the #on o% 'an. (eople ate, they
dran", they married, they were )iven in marria)e, ri)ht up to the day when &oah went into the ar", *
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
the %lood came * destroyed them all. #o also +it was the same, as it was in the days o% -ot. +(eople, ate,
they dran", they bou)ht, they sold, they planted, they built. but on the +very day, that -ot went out o%
#odom, it rained %ire * brimstone %rom heaven * destroyed +them, all.'' @k $.766/6>. Am.

@et !s consider @ot first. The Rat!re theor' contends that @ot was taken - which is supposed to
identify with us being ta!en into the s!y for three " one half years - then those who were destro'ed( are
s!osed to reresent those who were left on the earth. As stated in )erse 84 *8& ''one was ta"en the
other le%t.'' 0!t the realit' of the analog' is e-actl' the oosite. @ot was act!all' left ali)e * those who
oosed Him( - the residents of #odom " $omorrah - were destro'ed. The reason that @ot was left ali)e
was to hel reo!late the earth or father a 2ation. The sirit!al connotation to !s is that as @ot had a task
on TH,E BARTH - not somewhere up in the s!y - so ha)e we here RIGHT NO&. Eo "e it:

The same thing alies with 2oah( He was reser)ed "' the Ark in the rising waters( * the others were
destro'ed "' the same water. 2oah was not taken an'where God had a work for him on this earth. ,f e)er
this world needed eole with an end time message of #aith it is ri"ht now.
''Who "nows whether /od has selected you to come into the 0in)dom at this particular time?''
The True !apture Is 1very 'an In His 2wn 2rder!
''%or &ust as 'because of their union of nature( in )dam all people die, so also 'by virtue of their union of
nature( shall all in *hrist be made alive. +, 3ut each in his own ran" and turn- *hrist .the /essiah0 'is(
the first-fruits, then those who are Christ's +own will be resurrected( at His coming.'' $Co $&766/68. Am.
The @e-ham Bnglish 0i"le tells !s '3ut each in his own )roup4' We read in Rom >7 ''%or those whom He
%ore"new 'of whom He was aware and loved beforehand(, He also destined %rom the be)innin)
+%oreordainin) them, to be moulded into the image of His #on 'and share inwardly His li!eness(, that He
might become the %irst5born among many brethren.'' Rom >76% Am.
We are also told clearl' '''(T EACH IN HIS O&N RAN) AND T(RN'' not all will "e a art of the
man or male child which will ''rule the nations with a rod o% iron'' as in Re)$67&( for if all are going to "e
changed at the same time who wo!ld there "e left to r!le * reign o)er< Those who will "e waiting for the
''redemption of their bodies, from sensuality " the grave, which will reveal their adoption their
manifestation as $od's sons'' will first "e ''1hose who are led by the *hrist of their true identity and who
are active sons of $od.'' Rom 2-+,, 2-34. These will "e those who are CHRISTS O&N who will "e the
forer!nners. E*!r+ man in his own ord!r.
It Has lways 3een The (attern In /od's (lan To Have Forerunners!

There is nothing to indicate an'where that there is going to "e a rat!re ! in the sk' somewhere( witho!t
taking scrit!re o!t of conte-t or reading the literal ink on the aer * interreting it witho!t checking the
original meanings intended as has alread' "een mentioned "' George Warnock * what has otherwise "een
Gideon was witho!t a do!"t a forer!nner so m!ch so that the '''#pirit o% the -ord clothed /ideon with
Himsel% * too" possession o% him * he blew a trumpet, and the clan o% bie6er was )athered to him.''
He took ,oss!ssion of him * h! #l!w a trm,!t t'if'ing that he was gi)en a message * when God
wanted to choose his f!rther elect at that time He had Gideon as a forer!nner( in a way an analogy of the
*hrist within us ''you mi)hty man o% valour'' or fearless courage5 as Christ is the Gictor in all things(
Gideon fits the t'e. We can also see the analog' of Gideon "eing a t'e of the 5A2Hchild. To f!rther
this t'olog' when God wanted to select a gro! of 8DD men to reresent Him from the whole of ,srael He
had a lan. The starting fig!re was 86(DDD. ,n ;!dges Cha . )erse 6. We read
''1he 6ord said to $ideon, the people who are with you are too many for /e to give the /idianites
into their hands, lest 7srael boast about themselves against /e, saying, /y own hand has delivered me. 8,
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
#o now proclaim in the ears of the men, saying, 9hoever is %ear%ul " trembling, let him turn bac! "
depart from /ount $ilead. )nd ++,::: of the men returned, but 3:,::: remained.'' ;!dges 676/8. Am.
66(DDD l!s $D(DDD e9!als 86(DDD. Eo God had a wa' of sorting o!t the fearf!l from the ;osh!a's *
Cale"'s as it were. When God has a secial task that He wants to erform He alwa's chooses a minorit+.
The o!tcome was that the n!m"er thro!gh t!stin"'s was whittled right down to 8DD * as is alwa's the case
comlete tr!st * o"edience in God was the iss!e.
Three !ealm Issue!

At the o!tset Gideon started with 86(DDD( these reresent the Ot!r Cort di)ision of the Ta"ernacle.
66(DDD were then eliminated( this left $D(DDD( these reresent the Hol+ -lac! realm. 1!t of the $D(DDD who
were left( those who were discreet in their sirit!al keenness * awareness were chosen to "e in the gro!
that God was rearing to deli)er ,srael. %(.DD were eliminated * this left 8DD. ,nterestingl' in ercentage
terms 8DD is D.8I of $D(DDD. Also if we were to comare these fig!res with those who are in the in ,art
or Hol+ -lac! R!alm * those who are 9!alif'ing for the .ost Hol+ -lac! R!alm this gi)es !s real food
for tho!ght. To go a little f!rther the original fig!re that Gideon started with was 86(DDD. ,n ercentage
reckoning( once again in ro!nd fig!res( 8DD is D.D$I of 8D(DDD so that makes it a little less with 86(DDD.
7sin) The Three Hundred 2r The 'inority /roup!
We are now reading from ;!dges .7$6. '')nd he divided the ,:: men into three companies, " he put into
the hands of all of them trumpets " empty pitchers, with torches inside the pitchers. )nd he said to them
loo! at me, then do li!ewise. 9hen 7 come to the edge of their camp, do as 7 do. 9hen 7 blow the trumpet,
7 " all who are with me, then you blow the trumpets on every side of all the camp " shout, %or the 6ord "
for $ideon; #o $ideon " the 3:: men who were with him came to the outs!irts of the camp at the
beginning of the middle watch, when the guards had &ust been changed, " they blew the trumpets "
smashed the pitchers that were in their hands. )nd the three companies blew the trumpets " shattered the
pitchers, holding their torches in their left hands, " in their right hands the trumpets to blow leavin) no
chance to use swords, " they cried, The sword %or the -ord * /ideon! 1hey stood every man in his
place round about the camp, " all the /idianite army ran--- they cried out " fled. 9hen $ideon's men
blew the ,:: trumpets, the 6ord set every /idianite's sword against his comrade " against all the army, "
the army fled as far as Beth-shittah toward <ererah, as far as the border of )bel-meholah by 1abbah. )nd
the men of 7srael were called together out of =aphtali " )sher " all /anasseh, " they pursued /idian.''
;!dges .7$6/68. Am.
Please notice that once again there are thr!! comanies( also the' "lew tr!mets which to !s toda' is
t'if'ing a eole with a message to roclaim * that message is a lo*! message a ''"ood /or !*il''
message. We need to kee in mind that whate)er Christ asks !s to do He is the instigator of that message
* the end/time message that the sons of God will roclaim is !re LO0E. B)en tho!gh it was in 1.T.
Times( @AW4 the sword of the @ord was not a literal sword "!t a non h'sical resistant word * this will
man' times throw o!r s!!min" ooser's into conf!sion. The oint , am making is that the 8DD( a t'e of
the 5an/child did not !se h'sical force( The sword %or the -ord * /ideon was for the 8DD a totall'
different sword than for the rest of ,srael( it reresented the ''S&ORD O1 THE &ORD O1 GOD.'' And so it
is toda' those who ha)e come into the !nderstanding of the resent 233 Gid!on man-child ministr' will
onl' "low the tr!met of the Ehekinah glor' which is a f!rther * )er' different good for evil message.
And so to re/emhasise once again the message( those that were !sed for this wonderf!l !rose were
the called o!t gro!( the minorit+ "ro,( not A@@ of ,srael( * so it will "e with the sons of God( namel'
the man-child * it will "e thro!gh the ministr' of this wonderf!l man/child that the ALL will come into
the nit+ o/ th! /aith.
The 1lect 2% /od!
The scrit!res tell !s that ;es!s had &DD followers( then it seaks of .D( then $6( "!t onl' 8 were with him
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
at the 5o!nt of Transfig!ration( Peter( ;ames * ;ohn. This sho!ld tell !s something::
''For %alse Christ8s and %alse prophets will arise, and they will show )reat si)ns and wonders so as
to deceive and lead astray, i% possible, even the 1-1CT 9/od's chosen ones:.'' 5at 64764. Am.

''#o *hrist was once offered to bear the sins of many5 and to them that loo" %or him he will appear the
second time without sin to salvation'' He" %76>. What does this looking for entail. We are told that to
them that look for Him a s!cond tim! shall He aear. To me it is )er' strange that so man' are looking
for a h'sical aearing when we are lainl' told that 'we "now Him no more a%ter the %lesh' instead we
are told that He is re)ealing Himself IN (S. The aostle Pa!l has gi)en !s these words to consider ''To
reveal his #on I& me,'' Gal $7$6. This word re)eal reall' means to ta!e off the cover( disclose, or to re)eal
the realit' which is on the inside. ,f o!r confidence is in a h'sical aearance * that when He comes that
we are +aed * s!ddenl' changed * "'/ass a time of "eing erfected on the inside within o!r sirits *
nat!res * attit!des( we are going to "e sadl' disaointed. This is another reason that not all will at this
time "e in the man/child - as it has been suggested - for onl' those who ha)e allowed themsel)es to "e
erfected in the e-erience of the 5ost Hol' Place( the inner sanctum as it were( will at first ha)e the Eon
to 'reveal Himsel% in us.' We need to "e loo"in) %or Him in %aith so that He will appear the second time
in us without sin unto F7-- #-;TI2&.'' @et it "e said right now this is not a h'sical e-erience we
are ha)ing with o!r Christ who is one with the father( it is an !nseen sirit!al e-erience within( ''The
natural man is at enmity with /od'' * will lead !s astra'. We need the third e-erience with God the
walk witho!t the mi-t!re of the ot!r cort !nderstanding. ,n Re) $$76( we are admonished to measure it
not or to lea)e o!t this e-erience( to finish with it altogether. God is admonishing !s that the sirit of
A"raham needs to "e o!r attern in this walk. #aith is a lesson that we can all learn from father A"raham.
Hear Pa!l's words concerning this man.
''.as it is written, ) father of many nations have 7 made thee0 before him whom he believed, even /od,
who )iveth li%e to the dead, and calls the thin)s that are not, as thou)h they were. 32 Who in hope
believed a)ainst hope, to the end that he might become a %ather o% many nations, according to that which
had been spo!en, #o shall thy seed be. Rom 47$./$>. AEG.
God has decreed that A"rahamCs seed wo!ld ossess the land4 2ow the seed of A"raham is a faith
seed( * the lang!age of faith is that one ''calls the thin)s that are not, as thou)h they were'' this is the
attit!de that we are called into( we are at the moment doing ?!st that( we are sa'ing "' faith e-actl' what
A"raham said. , cant 'et see it with m' nat!ral e'e "!t "' m' sirit!al /aith !+! , see man' o)ercoming
death * following the attern Eon into the realm of "oth this world * the !nseen where ;es!s Christ is
right now. A"raham walked in the realm of faith * he still is in a greater wa' in that realm right now. ;!st
as 5oses * Bli?ah were ali)e * aeared * talked with ;es!s on the mo!nt of transfig!ration( so too is o!r
father A"raham in this same shere. #orget the creeds * negati)e doctrines of men who wo!ld sa' that
eoles sirits are locked ! in a dead "od' in a gra)e( this is cods/wallo( let !s look to 0i"le e-amles.
This is a wonderf!l sirit!al walk that we are in we do not ?!dge it or comare it with worldl' fleshl'
e-amles. Eo to those who ha)e made the start * those who are on the oint of !nderstanding "' faith we
are now ossessing the land * we are regarding 'those thin)s that are not as thou)h they were.'
He ''will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to %ull
salvation those who are 'eagerly, constantly, and patiently( waitin) %or and e<pectin) Him.'' He" %76>".
Am. Praise God that He is now aearing in man' a second time( to those who are waiting * !4,!ctin"
1<ceedin)ly nd bundantly bove ll That We Can Thin" 2%!
Another enco!raging 9!otation from George Warnock.
''5a' God( therefore( gi)e !s g!idance "' His Eirit to see and !nderstand and contemlate wondro!s
things o!t of His Word J the entrance of which gives light to such as are in dar!ness, and the aroriation
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
of which gives understanding to the simple, wisdom to the foolish, and illumination to the blind. We care
not for esta"lished creeds or doctrines or theological dis!tes( nor for the marginal notes we find in o!r
)ario!s e-ositor' and reference 0i"les. God has soken( and that is s!fficient. 7f *hristians are content
to abide by the revelation they have received at the hands of great men of the past > let them be content.
0!t God is now leading His eole onward and !ward to higher heights( to greater deths( to )aster
e-anses of Tr!th and Glor' that the saints ha)e e)er en?o'ed or aroriated in the ast. Therefore we fi-
o!r hoes and o!r e'es !on the God of increasing re)elation( e)en on Him who is . . . A"le to do . . .
B-ceedingl' . . . A"!ndantl' . . . A"o)e all . . . That we ask . . . 1r Think . . . According to the ,ow!r . . .
That works in s.
@et others look at at the aostas' of a corr!t ch!rch s'stem4 "!t let !s "ehold the !nfolding glor' of
the tr!e Ch!rch( and e-!lt with the Aostle Pa!l( in the face of all oosition4 ''?nto Him be glory in the
*hurch by *hrist @esus through all a)es, world without end. )men.'' Bh. 876D/6$.'' Fn9!ote.
scendin) In The Cloud!
What we are a"o!t to read which is an e-tract from ;. Preston B"''s( Part $6>. ''#rom The Candlestick To
The Throne.'' This e-o!nds to !s the tr!e third da' !nderstanding of the tr!e meaning of the clods that
so man' take literall'( as we ha)e mentioned "efore( man' realise that the rain signifies the Eirit( the
water signifies the Word * the clo!ds signif' that which hold the water( the !++ling 9!estion , ha)e is.
Wh' * how it is that some analogise the rain * the water "!t still insist that the clo!ds are literal< ,f we
read the "elow )er' caref!ll' this 9!estion will "e answered: Aeeing in mind that the title of this article
is the Church's False Hope!
=!ote. KAnd the' heard a great )oice from hea)en sa'ing !nto them( *ome up hither. )nd they
ascended up to heaven in a cloud5 and their enemies "eheld themL MRe). $$7$6N(

While the Aing ;ames 0i"le sa's that the witnesses ascended ! to hea)en in KaL clo!d( it is
significant to note that the Gr!!5 te-t reads( KAnd the' ascended ! to hea)en in THB clo!d.L 1n that
momento!s occasion when the @ord ;es!s took Peter( ;ames( and ;ohn ! into the mo!nt and was
transfig!red "efore them( s!ddenl' there aeared A 0R,GHT C@1FD O a clo!d with a light in it: And
o!t of that "right clo!d the )oice of the #ather sake concerning the @ord ;es!s Christ( KThis is m' "elo)ed
Eon7 hear Him:L ,t is more than coincidence that( as Peter soke( a C@1FD o)ershadowed them and a
Goice came o!t of the clo!d. 1ne of the significant facts in connection with the glor' clo!d of
GodCs resence which manifested at )ario!s times thro!gho!t the 1ld Testament( is that God alwa's
spo!e from the clo!d. This "egan first on mo!nt Einai. KAnd the @ord said !nto 5oses( @o( , come !nto
thee in a thick clo!d( that the eole ma' hear when 7 spea! with theePand the @ord came down !on
mo!nt EinaiPand the @ord called /osesPL MB-. $%7%(6DN. At a later time God soke from the
same clo!d after that it had descended !on the ta"ernacle. KAnd it came to ass( as 5oses entered into
the ta"ernacle( the C@1FD3 P,@@AR descended( and stood at the door of the ta"ernacle( and the 6ord
tal!ed with /osesA MB-. 887%N.

What was that "right clo!d with the light in it from which the )oice of God sake< ,t was none other
than the illar of clo!d ho!sing the glor' fire( the Ehekinah glor' of God that had led the children of ,srael
in their e-od!s o!t of Bg't and g!ided them for fort' 'ears: As ;es!s ra'ed on the mo!nt( He
was transfig!red "efore His chosen disciles. At that moment of transfig!ration the glor' clo!d en)eloed
Him and God soke from the midst of the radiance of glor'.

Here , wish to oint o!t a most significant fact of scrit!re which has entirel' "een o)erlooked "' the
a)erage 0i"le st!dent and almost all reachers and teachers in the ch!rch s'stems. All the wa' thro!gh the
scrit!res( from the crossing of the Red Eea "' the children of ,srael to the ascension of Christ
from the mo!nt of 1li)es( God consistentl' manifested Himself in 12B G@1R3 C@1FD. There was
alwa's onl' 12B E,2G@B C@1FD. 1ne clo!d o)er mo!nt Einai. 1ne clo!d g!iding the children of
,srael thro!gh the wilderness. 1ne clo!d resting !on the ta"ernacle in the wilderness. 1ne clo!d
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
shining in the most hol' lace. 1ne clo!d filling EolomonCs temle. 1ne clo!d o)ershadowing the )irgin(
imlanting the seed of the Christ. 1ne clo!d shimmering o)er the s!mmit of the mo!nt of Transfig!ration.
And finall'( we read( KAnd when He had soken these things( while the' "eheld( He was taken !4 and A
C@1FD Monl' one:N recei)ed Him o!t of their sightL MActs $7%N. Christ ascended in 12B E1@,TAR3
C@1FD of GodCs Ehekinah glor' O the )er' same clo!d in which He had manifested His resence
thro!gho!t the long ages of time.

,t is when we come to the ret!rn of the @ord that we notice a distinct difference in the circ!mstances
s!rro!nding that coming. #or s!ddenl'( the one single clo!d disaears and we are introd!ced to
a great l!ralit' of CLO(DS! @et !s see: Christ dearted this earth in one cloud. He comes again in
many clouds; K0ehold( He cometh with clouds- and e)er' e'e shall see HimL MRe). $7.N. Daniel in )ision
"eheld Him th!s7 K, saw in the night )isions( and( "ehold( one like a Eon of man came with the clouds of
heavenPand there was gi)en !nto Him dominionL MDan. .7$8/$4N. ;es!s Himself said( KAnd the' shall
see the Eon of man coming in the clouds of heaven with ower and great glor'L M5at. 6478DN. And
again( KHereafter 'e shall see the Eon of man sitting at the right hand of ower( and coming in the clouds of
hea)enL M5at. 66764N. #inall'( the aostle Pa!l relates this dramatic e-erience7 KThen we which are
ali)e and remain shall "e ca!ght ! together with them in the clouds, to meet the @ordPL M, Thes. 47$.N.
,n the C/@/1/F/D/E: 5ore than one clo!d. 5an' clo!ds. A great coman' of clo!ds:

The 9!estion follows7 Wh' are there man' clo!ds attending ChristCs coming again( and what are
these clo!ds< To aid o!r !nderstanding of this tr!th( let !s not for one moment forget that we are dealing
with the cloud of $odBs glory and presence. The Ehekinah. When ;es!s( the first"orn Eon of God( was in
the world ;ohn said of Him( KAnd we "eheld His gloryL M;n. $7$4N. When did the' "ehold His glor'< 3o!
ma' rel' that the' "eheld His glor' when He went a"o!t doing good( healing the sick( cleansing the
leers( raising the dead( forgi)ing sins( and teaching the glorio!s tr!ths of the kingdom of God. , do not
den' that in all those things the' "eheld His glor'( "!t the aostle Peter inoints for !s what is
reall' meant "' them "eholding the glor' of the Eon. K#or we ha)e not followed c!nningl' de)ised
fa"les( when we made known !nto 'o! the ower and resence of o!r @ord ;es!s Christ( "!t were
eyewitnesses of His ma&esty .glory0. #or He recei)ed from God the #ather hono!r and glory, when there
came such a voice to Him from the excellent glory .the glory cloud0( sa'ing( This is m' "elo)ed Eon( in
whom , am well leased. And this )oice which came from hea)en we heard( when we were with Him in
the holy mountA M,, Pet. $7$6/$>N.

How )er' significant that at the end of ;es!sC earthl' ministr' He said( K2either ra' , for these
alone( "!t for them also which shall "elie)e on me thro!gh their word4 that the' all ma' "e one4 as Tho!(
#ather( art in me( and , in Thee( that the' also ma' "e one in !sPand the )lory which Thou )avest me I
have )iven themP, in them( and Tho! in me( that the' ma' "e made erfect in oneP#ather( , will that
the' also( whom Tho! hast gi)en me( be with me where 7 am4 that the' ma' "ehold my )lory which Tho!
hast gi)en meL M;n. $.76D/64N. And this is the cr!- of the whole matter: #rom the dawn of creationCs light
!ntil ;es!s steed !on this lanet( o!r hea)enl' #ather manifested to creation in a sing!lar wa' His own
glory. He( the one eternal God( e-hi"ited His resence in the form of one glory cloud. 0!t as ;es!s
aroached the cross and the glorio!s e)ents to !nfold shortl' thereafter( He disclosed the grand
tr!th that God !rosed from eternit' to share His glory with His vast family of sonsPthat glorio!s "od'
which is the fullness of Him that filleth all in all: 1h( the wonder of it:

@et !s see then what great enco!ragement God has gi)en !s concerning His glor'. KAnd 'e know how
we e-horted 'o!( as a father does his children( that 'e sho!ld walk worth' of God( who hath called 'o! to
His !ingdom and gloryA , Thes. 67$$/$6N. Peter asserts( K,Palso amPa parta!er of the glory that shall "e
re)ealedL M, Pet. &7$N. KWhere!nto He called 'o!Pto the o"taining of the glory of our 6ord @esus *hristA
M,, Thes. 67$4N. K#or , reckon that the s!fferings of this resent time are not worth' to "e comared with
the glory that shall be revealed in usA MRom. >7$>N. The writer to the He"rews adds this significant
testimon'7 K#or it "ecame Him( for whom are all things( and "' whom are all things( in "ringing many
sons to glory, to make the Catain of their sal)ation erfect thro!gh s!fferingsL MHe". 67$DN. That there is
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
to "e a might' and !ni)ersal re)elation of the glor' of God in and thro!gh His man' sons( that
)er' same glor' which was re)ealed in the clo!d of old( is e)ident:

When ;es!s ascended two tho!sand 'ears ago( He ascended glorified in that sing!lar glor' clo!d in
which He had dwelt from eternit'. He was the 1ne God manifested in all f!llness in one 5an( the Eon.
0!t( "lessed "e God: when He comes again He comes to "e =/-2!IFI1> I5& H5I5# #55I5&5T5#, and
to "e admired I5& T5H515' that "elie)e in that da'L M,, Thes. $7$DN. The glor' is shared( so the
cloud which reresents that glor' is shared. Bach elect son "ecomes a manifestation of His glor' O of the
cloud O of the Ehekinah. Bach is as a clo!d( "!t none manifest in indi)id!alit'( for it is written( KAnd if
Mwe areN children( then heirs4 heirs of God( and ?oint heirs with Christ4 if so "e that we s!ffer with Him(
that we ma' "e G@1R,#,BD T1GBTHBRL MRom. >7$.N.L Fn9!ote.
The cloud of witnesses as referred to in He" $67$ are referred to "' ;.0. Phillis as 'serried ran!s of
witnesses.' The meaning of s!rri!d according to Collins Dictionar' is( placed close together5 compact, as
soldiers in ran!s. This great clo!d of witnesses are none other than those mentioned in the following.
''%or this we are saying to you by the word of the 6ord, that we, the living, who are surviving to the
presence of the 6ord, should by no means outstrip those who are put to repose, 3C for the 6ord Himself
will be descending from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the *hief /essenger, and with
the trumpet of $od, and the dead in Christ shall be risin) %irst,'' $Th 47$&/$6. C@G.

These are also called 'the spirits o% $ust men made per%ect.' Those who will also "e in this gathering
who are termed as CLO(DS are fo!nd in 5att 6&7$D". ''1hose who were prepared went in with Him to the
marriage feast.''
ll 'ysteries To 3e 'ade 0nown!
,n reading the following we need to "e aware that the East!rn wa' of thinking * seaking in the time of
;es!s * the Aostles( were so )er' m!ch different to !s in this &!st!rn c!lt!re toda'( also the words of
that ast time carried with them m!ch different - hidden to us - inflections. The following which was
translated from something first recorded in the )er' earl' da's of Christianit' is a rime e-amle.
=!ote. ''And ;es!s soke again !nto the ele)en and said4 Grie)e not "eca!se , go awa'( for it is "est
that , sho!ld go awa'. ,f , go not the Comforter will not come to 'o!. These things , seak while with 'o!
in the flesh( "!t when the Hol' 0reath shall come in ower( lo( sh! will teach 'o! more and more( and
"ring to 'o!r remem"rance all the words that , ha)e said to 'o!. There are a m!ltit!de of things 'et to "e
said4 things that this age cannot recei)e( "eca!se it cannot comrehend. 0!t( lo( , sa'( 0efore the great da'
of the @ord shall come( the Hol' 0reath will make all m+st!ri!s known//// The m'steries of the so!l of
life( of death( of immortalit'4 the oneness of man with e)er' other man and with his God. Then will the
world "e led to tr!th( and man will #! th! trth. When sh! has come( the Comforter( sh! will con)ince
the world of sin( and of the tr!th of what , seak( and of the rightness of the ?!dgement of the ?!st4 and then
the rince of the carnal life "e cast o!t. And when the Comforter shall come , need not intercede for 'o!4
for 'o! will stand aro)ed( and God will know 'o! then as He knows me. The ho!r has come when 'o!
will wee4 the wicked will re?oice( "eca!se , go awa'4 "!t , will come again( and all 'o!r sorrows shall "e
t!rned to ?o'.'' Fn9!ote.
The a"o)e thrills m' heart as , am s!re it will with most of 'o!. All m'steries will "e made known
which is seedil' taking lace( * man will "e the Trth. Wh'< 0eca!se we will "e art of the cororate
Christ who is the TR(TH. The feminine gender ma' seem a little strange to some( "!t all honest translators
when translating Rom >76$ wo!ld lea)e the word itsel% as it is written. The same goes for Rom >7$6 * 66
when all!ding to the Eirit all honest translators s!ch as C@G( Dar"'( Greek Diaglott( A;G( @amsa( 5offatt(
5!rdock * We"ster( lea)e it ?!st as it is written * do not !se the word Hims!l/ or tr' to !t a masc!line
gender on it.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
Dr A 2'land( who is an ancient lang!age scholar * is the a!thor of ''The Eo!rce 2ew Testament'' is of
the oinion that at least $.I of the Greek we ha)e "een translating for man' h!ndreds of 'ears( that we
co!ld not ha)e had one cl!e of the meaning of( * to date she claims that we ha)e onl' "een making wild
g!esses at what the' were reall' s!osed to mean. This is one of those instances.

When we were made in the image of God * in Gen $76.( we notice that Adam was made "oth 5A@B
* #B5A@B * then this Adam who was "oth male * female was told to rocreate sirit!al "eings from
within Himself. 2ow the main oint , am making is that if Adam was "oth male * female * was in God's
image( to m'self * man' others it is sirit!al logic that God m!st "e "oth male * female. , now ask the
9!estion if God is "oth masc!line * feminine( "oth a 5other * #ather fig!re( is this asect of God to "e
fo!nd in the Godhead< , )er' m!ch "elie)e that it is4 in that we ha)e 1ne God who is a #ather a Eon * a
5other( the tender gentle motherl' asect of God is fo!nd in the Gosels. Here is an e-amle fo!nd in
'')nd 7 shall be as!ing the %ather, and He will be giving you another consoler, that it, indeed, may be
with you for the eon - the spirit of truth, which the world can not get, for it is not beholding it, neither is
!nowing it. Det you !now it, for it is remaining with you and will be in you. 7 will not leave you bereaved5 7
am coming to you.E ;n $47$6/$>. C@G.
2otice that ;es!s said that , will not lea)e 'o! "erea)ed witho!t anoth!r com/ort!r. When we are
told that , will not lea)e 'o! comfort/less , will come "ack to 'o!( some wo!ld sa' that this wo!ld make
the Hol' Eirit masculine( "!t in Col 67% we read ''For I& Him the whole %ullness o% >eity .the $odhead0
continues to dwell in bodily %orm 'giving complete expression of the divine nature(.'' Eo in His di)ine
nat!re it wo!ld no do!"t incl!de the feminine side of Himself. Eo in the Godhead , now resent for 'o!r
consideration a threefold manifestation of ''$od the %ather-masculine,'' ''1he Holy #pirit feminine,'' "
''1he #on our #aviour Redeemer.'' , realise that to some this is "reaking new gro!nd( "!t to man' of !s
who ha)e to date swallowed what has "een handed down from the religiosit' of the dark ages( we wo!ld
strongl' s!ggest that in the Godhead is not onl' a #ather * a Eon asect "!t that there is also fo!nd the
feminine side of God. , am also reminded of the Bl Ehaddai( the f!ll or twin "reasted one as fo!nd in B-
678. Gen $.7$( 6>78( 8&7$$( 487$4( 4>78. This is t'if'ing the feminine side of God's nat!re in that we are
no!rished * fed "' a gentle lo)ing mother who is the Hol' Eirit. We all ha)e "oth the male * female
within !s * as we rogress we are coming into a !nit' e)en as the Godhead is a 12B2BEE we are
"ecoming one e)en as ;es!s shared with !s that ''I and 'y Father are 2&1.'' And o!r sirit * so!l( male
* female( o!r higher * lower self( o!r tr!e identit' * o!r mistaken identit' are reall' 12B. Aeeing in
mind that the Hol' 0reath will ca!se all m'steries to "e made known. This wo!ld , am s!re incl!de the
f!ll tr!th concerning the two( that it m!st "e realised that the the' are reall' one. #inall' man( tr! man
the Christ within !s - our true identity - will "e recognised "' all as the TR(TH.
There is a f!rther reason that the !nderstanding of the feminine asect of God "e realised more f!ll' *
that is that in this Western wa' of thinking most of the ch!rch world ha)e a "igoted .ACHO male
comle- of the !nderstanding of a merciless !nishing God witho!t the lo)e * femininit' of the motherl'
asect. This is wh' so man' reach a God with a )engef!l attit!de that has destined man' who do not
make a decision * ?oin their ch!rch or an' ch!rch for that matter in this resent life will to go to an eternal
hell fore)er witho!t an' hoe of escae. , am reminded of the tr!e )er' old stor' of a man - 7 will relate it
to the best of my memory - who was in rison awaiting e-ec!tion( which was "ased on )er' comelling
circ!mstantial e)idence( the cr' of the !"lic * of the ?!r' was death. The Go)ernor of the Etate was
o)err!led "' !"lic oinion. The con)icted man's mother who was se)eral Etates awa' made the long
?o!rne' * arri)ed not long "efore the e-ec!tion( she was !shered into the Go)ernors office * was told that
there was no hoe( when she heard this the' talked for awhile( still to no a)ail( she then s!ddenl' threw
herself on the Go)ernors desk * with a )er' lo!d )oice that was f!ll of a mothers comassion( let o!t a
lo!d cr' from the deth of her motherl' emotional instinct * said , lead for .ERC6% .ERC6% .ERC6.
With this now altered sit!ation the Go)ernor co!ld not resist the mothers lea * o)ert!rned his decision.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
@et !s also "e thankf!l for the threefold asect of o!r mercif!l God( which incl!des the female
motherl' side who sent His onl' Eon to taste death for BGBR3 5A2. 1!r attit!de of religio!s "igotr'
needs to "e o)ert!rned * the onl' wa' that it will "e o)ert!rned is "' the resenting of the LO0E O1 A
GOD which is temered with His femininit' for He is "oth a #ather * a 5other to !s all. 0less o!r might'
wonderf!l God who has done all things well * will e)ent!all' "ring !s ALL e)er' last one of !s !nto
The Church's False Hope!
The lie of a h'sical rat!re is that it seemingl' allows one to escae the tr!th of O0ERCO.ING * "eing
erfected !nder the might' the hand of God:
'')nd will not 'our &ust( $od defend and protect and avenge His elect .His chosen ones0, who cry to
Him day and nightF 9ill He defer them and delay help on their behalfF 7 tell you, He will defend and
protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the #on o% 'an comes, will He %ind 'persistence in(
%aith on the earth?'' @k $>7./>. Am. Please notice #A,TH ON THE EARTH * not ! in the sk'
''Blessed the mee!, for they shall 7=HER71 TH1 1!TH.'' 5at &7&. Dar"'. This is what the earl'
Ch!rch "elie)ed * those who are in the tr!e third da' message are eso!sing * roclaiming the same.
Heaven 3ound Creatures!
Another ?ewel from George Hawtin. ''1h saints of God e)er'where( let !s la!nch o!t into the dee: @et !s
lift o!r anchor which has gried the earth for so longOand let !s "ecome anchored to Christ in the
hea)ens( where we o!ght to "e anchored. #or God has intended that o!r anchor sho!ld ass into the
hea)ens( "ehind the )eil( whither the fore/r!nner has for !s entered. He" 67$%/6D. ,f we are anchored to
earth( and to the doctrines of men( we will "e earth/"o!nd creat!res4 "!t once we anchor to H!a*!n and to
the .an "ehind the )eil( we are Hea)en/"o!nd creat!res -- and we are constantl' rising higher and higher
and higher into the realms of the Eirit. Then one da'( thank God: H the )eil of the flesh shall "e rent
as!nder( and we shall see Him as He is! And when we seak this wa'( we are not talking a"o!t h'sical
death( nor a"o!t the rat!re4 "!t we are seaking of Him ''who is invisible,'' as 5oses did of old. We shall
see Him( e)en tho!gh the world see Him not. Did not ;es!s sa'( ''1he world seeth me no more5 but ye see
me.....'' ;n $47$%.< And was He not seaking of seeing Him in the Eirit( "eca!se of the coming of the
Hol' Eirit into the hearts of the disciles< ''
5a' o!r e'es "e oened * o!r )ision "ecome clearer each da'.
&ritt!n #+ Ral,h )nowl!s% A"st 7387.
,f we ha)e "een rone to h!man error in this article it is not !rosel'( * , tr!st that a little kindness wo!ld allow for an' fa!lt( * that we will consider * im"i"e
the "etter or sirit!al art of that which is resented * intended. RWA.

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