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Lesson 11 Life in the Holy Trinity 1) In NT, one is in a new world, the world of Jesus Christ that is entirely

different from that of the OT. Jesus Christ the son of God is its focal point. In the past (OT) God has spoken to our fathers through the prophets at many times and in different ways, but in our times he has spoken definitively to us through his Son (Heb 1/12). Today a Saviour has been born to you in Davids city; he is Christ the Lord (Lk 2/11). In the NT, Gods revelation, the prophetic teachings, Gods wisdom are all summed up in the person of Jesus Christ. Christians are Christ centered people. Christianity is a religion of one God (satyamulla ega daivathil njangal vishwasikunnu creed), God who exists in three persons as a Triune God (3 in 1). Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Father sends his own Son to accomplish the plan of salvation: God so loved the world that he gave his Son, that whoever believes in him may not perish but may have life eternal (Jn 3/16). At the time of the baptism of the Son, the Holy Spirit descends on Him and the Father in heaven declares you are my beloved Son (Lk 3/22). We dont understand (comprehend) the existence of three persons in one God but we believe it, because it is revealed to us. The mystery of the existence of three persons in one God we celebrate as we begin all our prayers by glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit Pithavinum, Puthranum. As the Priest regularly adds shubaho labo labro val ruho kaadisho- glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit our awareness of being in the presence of the Holy Trinity is enhanced. Jesus life on earth was a Trinitarian life. He lived his incarnation by doing his Fathers mission: at the beginning of the books it is written of me, behold I come to do thy will o God (Ps 40/7-8, Heb 10/7). Carrying out the will of God, Jesus was in the house of the Father (Lk 2/49). His life ended by entrusting his Spirit into his Fathers hand (Lk 23/46). Jesus union with his Father was equaled only by His communion with the Holy Spirit, so much so that the Holy Spirit is described as Jesus Spirit (Rom 8/1-17). He took his physical body from Mother Mary due to the creative action of the Spirit. With the anointing of the Spirit he embarked upon his ministry (Lk 3/22, 4/14) and as he died, he gave his Spirit to the church (Jn 19/30). Jesus life in union with his Father and in communion with the Spirit is the great and only model for the Trinitarian life of a Christian. Life of the Holy Trinity, model for Christian Life. In the life of the Holy Trinity there is hierarchy, but no subordination or over powering. Giving and taking between the members of the Holy Trinity is free and spontaneous. Father generates the Son (sarva logangalkku munpe pithavil ninnu janichavanumcreed). It is the same Father who sends the Holy Spirit (I will ask the Father and He will give you the Spirit Jn 14/16). The Son generated by the Father is equal to the Father in the divine essence (saramshathil pithavinodu samathwamulla). The Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father is equally




worshipped and glorified with the Father and the Son. The giving by one person of the Holy Trinity demands only a taking by the receiving person, without creating any dependence on the one who gives. Such Trinitarian character of give and take without creating a loading it over, dependence, is the quality that should rule every aspect of Christian Life, whether in the family, Christian communities or in every aspect of christian living. The statements above about the nature of the Holy Trinity are the human efforts to fathom the incomprehensible mystery of the Holy Trinity. Human effort to comprehend the mystery is necessarily sensitivized and hence may not arrive anywhere near the reality. 5) Religion, and even day to day life, provides another way of knowing. Reality is more intimately known by heart rather than by intellect. In Bible, the wife is best known by the language of the heart that is love. In the final salutation to the church in Corinth, Paul wishes them to be in the love of God the Father, in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 13/13). This is the clearest invitation to the faithful in Corinth to be in the life of the Holy Trinity. God is best defined as love (1 Jn 4/8) so, to be in love of God the Father is to be in God, in the mystery of Gods love. Grace is the closest life of union with Jesus Christ (Mother Mary was full of grace) which is variously expressed as life in Jesus, with Jesus, through Jesus. St. Paul expresses such closest union with Christ by saying, for me to live is Christ. Fellowship is not a mere club relationship but a dynamic and active relationship. Thus, to be in the love, grace and fellowship of the Holy Trinity is participation in the dynamism of the Holy Trinity itself. The best way of knowing God is being in love, grace and fellowship with Him.

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