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1 Apr 12, 2006

ERM S Ov e r v i e w f o r Co n s u l t a n t s

John Burton Product Manager mySAP CRM Interaction Center

ERM S I n t r o d u c t i o n
ERM S p r o v i d e s p o w e r f u l , s i m p l e -t o -u s e t o o l s f o r m a n a g i n g l a r g e v o l u m e s o f i n b o u n d e -m a i l a n d w e b form s Increase agent productivity
Auto-prepare agent responses using e-mail templates

Auto-suggest relevant solutions

Improve customer service

Auto-acknowledge complex request with tracking IDs and ETAs

Auto-respond to simple requests

Empower managers and supervisors

Provide managers with real-time monitoring and historic analytics

SAP AG 2005

Allow supervisors to view and manage queue volumes and SLAs

Enable business users to create rules for e-mail routing and processing

ERM S Fe a t u r e s & Fu n c t i o n s
Ru l e -b a s e d h a n d l i n g o f i n c o m i n g e -m a i l s a n d w e b f o r m s :
Rule-based routing Auto prepare (one-click response) Escalation notification (n e w w i t h 5 .0 ) Auto acknowledge / auto respond

Automatic creation of interaction record Automatic creation of service ticket (n e w w i t h 5 .0 ) Deletion of e-mails

Linking of incoming e-mail to existing service ticket (n e w w i t h 5 .0 )

Manager produc t ivit y t ools

Rule Modeler & Category Modeler

Real-time monitoring and historic analysis E-Mail Workbench & ERMS Simulator (n e w w i t h 5 .0 )

SAP AG 2005

ERM S Co m m u n i c a t i o n L a n d s c a p e
External Communication Software ICI Multichannel Interface Screen pop


IC Agent


SAP Connect


IC Agent Inbox

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A r c h i t e c t u r e o f ERM S E-M a i l Fl o w
IC Agent Inbox ERMS Rule Engine ERMS Service Manager application layer

Business Workflow Web Application Server (WebAS) 6.10 or higher SAPoffice BCI / BCS SAPconnect ICM SMTP plug-in TCP/IP Port SMTP-compliant mail server
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middle message layer

lowest layer

ERM S Ru n t i m e Ex e c u t i o n Fi n e Pr i n t
Inbound e-mail arrives and SAPconnect calls IFRECEIVE interface of BOR object ERMSSUPRT2. Based on the e-mail address mapping maintained in transaction SO28, Inbound Distribution invokes receive method of ERMSSUPRT2, creating a BOR object of type SOFM (e-mail document) and a SAPoffice document representing the e-mail. The receive method also calls the function module CRM_ERMS_RECEIVE_DOCUMENT, which triggers mapped workflow ERMS1 via the BOR event MailReceived. ERMS1 acts as a container for the e-mail, storing information about the e-mail status and owner. ERMS1 contains 3 tasks: ERMS 1 (WS00200001, type background), ERMS Rule Execution (TS00207915, type background), and ERMS Decision (TS00207914, type Dialog). Task TS00207915 invokes the ERMS Service Manager which itself refers to method RuleExecution of BOR object ERMSSUPRT2 . The Service Manager loops through the configured directly-called services which typically include fact-gathering services for content analysis, web forms and service tickets, as well as the rule execution service. The fact gathering services retrieve information and make it available in the fact base. The rule execution service checks for the assigned ERMS policy and then executes the programmed rules, accessing data from the factbase as needed. If necessary, the rule execution service can invoke fact gathering services that were not directly invoked earlier (this is referred to as lazy invocation). Actions are executed at the end of rule evaluation (or as they are evaluated) depending on the configuration in the ERMS Repository for each action. Based on the results of the rule execution, the ERMS Rule Execution task TS00207915 can produce one of three results: delete e-mail, stop further processing, or route e-mail via task TS00207914. If the e-mail is to be routed, workflow rule 00200136 (ERMS routing) will determine the responsible agent for the work item via function module CRM_ERMS_AGENT_DETERM1. Once the e-mail work item is processed by an Interaction Center agent, a CRM business document (e.g. Service Ticket or Interaction Record) is created and the workflow is terminated. The SAPoffice document representing the e-mail will be saved with the CRM business document (i.e. Interaction Record or Service Ticket). The Agent Inbox work item will be set to Complete.

SAP AG 2005

ERM S Ru n t i m e Ex e c u t i o n Di a g r a m
SAPconnect Inbound Distribution BOR ERMSSUPRT2 Workflow ERMS1 WS00200001 TS00207915 Execution TS00207914 Decision ERMS Service Manager Fact Gathering Services Content Analysis Web Form Service Ticket Rule Execution Services ERMS Policy Invoked ERMS Policy HR Org Unit Actions Repository Fact Base (XML)

IC Agent Inbox
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ERM S St a n d a r d De l i v e r y Wo r k Fl o w Do n t M o d i f y !
T e c h n i c a l N a m e : WS0 0 2 0 0 0 1 N a m e : ERM S1
This work flow would typically not be changed during an implementation project. All the changes are done in the IMG configuration and the Rule Modeler. This is a very simple work flow that calls the rule execution (this creates work flow items of type TS00207915), and then deletes or routes the e-mail the only two functions performed by the work flow (they are communicated to the work flow by the rule execution using two flags). The e-mail is stored as an SAP Office document; however, most information is also stored in the fact base. In case an e-mail is routed, another work flow item will be created (TS00207914), which is a dialogue item that shows up in the respective inbox of the user(s).
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ERM S Pr o c e s s Fl o w Di a g r a m

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ERM S We b Fo r m H a n d l i n g
ERMS can processes Web Forms as well as e-mails. The blocks in tan on the next side represent the Web Form (including web-form handling) separate from ERMS. SAP delivers a sample Web Form, which customers are free to use or modify; customers can also program their own Web Forms and Web-form handling. Once the e-mail representation of the web form is received by SAPconnect (with the actual web form data included as an XML attachment to the e-mail) the e-mail triggers the ERMS workflow and Service Manager in the same fashion as a normal e-mail. When the web form fact gathering service is invoked, the fact gathering service calls the web form reader which parses the email and attachment. The structured web form data is passed into the ERMS fact base for use by the rule execution services.

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ERM S We b Fo r m H a n d l i n g

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Sa m p l e We b Fo r m
Existing Web forms can be easily integrated into ERMS. No set up of Web servers is necessary. You can reuse existing forms and post them to the ERMS Web form handler.

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Ru l e M o d e l e r ERM S Co n t e x t

Select ERMS Context

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Ru l e M o d e l e r Fo l d e r s a n d Ru l e s

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De f a u l t -De l i v e r e d ERM S Co n d i t i o n A t t r i b u t e s
Senders First Name Senders Last Name Senders Country Senders Language Calendar: Todays Date Calendar: Day of the Week Calendar: Remaining Days of the Month Calendar: Time Calendar: Week of the Year Case Category Case Close Date Case Original Creator Case Planned End Date Case Escalation Reason Case GUID Case ID Case Priority Case Processor Case Responsible Supervisor Case Status Case Type ERMS: Content Analysis Accuracy ERMS: All Matching Categories ERMS: Number of Matching Categories ERMS: Best Minus Next Best Score ERMS: Number of Top Categories ERMS: Best Category Score ERMS: Top Scoring Category E-Mail Language Is Bounce E-Mail Content E-Mail Original Recipient E-Mail Sender E-Mail Subject Service Ticket Category Service Ticket Number Service Ticket Priority Service Ticket Responsible Service Ticket Status Web Form Account Web Form ID Web Form Sender E-Mail Address Sample Web Form: Country Sample Web Form: Description Sample Web Form: Priority Sample Web Form: Problem Contact SAP: Email Contact SAP: Gender

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ERM S Co n d i t i o n Op e r a t o r s





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ERM S A c t i o n s
Route to

Create interaction record Add Attribute Value Invoke Policy Set Attribute Value

Auto Prepare

Auto Respond

Send Auto Acknowledge



Route to Case Processor

Route to Service Ticket Responsible

Stop Further Processing Create Service Order (new with 5.0)

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ERM S Re p o s i t o r y Co n f i g u r a b l e & Ex t e n d a b l e

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Po l i c y a n d Ru l e Ex e c u t i o n i n ERM S
Default Policy
The Service Manager Profile calls an ERMS Policy and begins evaluating the policys rules. As rules are evaluated, a list of actions is stored, to be executed at the end of the policy evaluation. Actions could include invoking another policy. If another policy is invoked, the Invoke Policy action is executed by the service manager with all other stored actions after the current policy is completely processed; the actions are not executed immediately. If the Stop Further Processing action is encountered in a policy, the policy evaluation ends and no further checking of rules is executed. However, all the stored actions, including any stored invoke policy actions, are now executed. In CRM 4.0 rules are executed after each policy is evaluated. If multiple occurrences of the same rule arise, the behavior depends on the rule (first delete wins, last route wins, all auto acknowledges occur, etc.). In CRM 5.0 a formal Conflict Resolution mechanism is introduced.

Invoked Policy A

Invoked Policy C

Policy B

Policy D

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ERM S Ca t e g o r y M o d e l e r Fe a t u r e s f o r ERM S
St a n d a r d Re s p o n s e s :

Standard response mail forms for Auto Respond and Auto Prepare (though not for Auto Acknowledge, ) Determines language of incoming e-mail and categorizes e-mails based on content queries. Categories can be used in Rule decision and evaluation. Additionally, Categorization allows the IC WebClient to automate Interaction Record reason and Service Ticket classification, and to enable solution auto suggest.

Co n t e n t A n a l y s i s / Ca t e g o r i za t i o n

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Ca t e g o r y M o d e l e r Se l e c t Sc h e m a

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Ca t e g o r y M o d e l e r Sc h e m a De t a i l s

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Ca t e g o r y M o d e l e r Sc h e m a Ca t e g o r y Se a r c h Qu e r i e s

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Se r v i c e T i c k e t a n d I n t e r a c t i o n Re c o r d Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n

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I C A g e n t ERM S & Co n t e n t A n a l y s i s En a b l e d Fe a t u r e s Agent produc t ivit y im provem ent s:

E-mail integrated in Agent Inbox with other channels & transactions

Auto-suggest solutions Manual override of automatic categorization

Fast insertion of pre-selected standard responses

Auto Prepared Response Proposals one click to send e-mail

Agent servic e qualit y im provem ent :

Standard response proposals ensure same high-quality service across all agent skill and experience levels Automating redundant tasks eliminates errors and fatigue

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I C A g e n t A u t o Pr e p a r e d Re s p o n s e Pr o p o s a l s

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ERM S Se r v i c e T i c k e t I D I n s e r t e d i n E-M a i l

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ERM S Re p l y E-M a i l Ro u t e d t o Se r v i c e T i c k e t

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I C A g e n t A u t o Su g g e s t So l u t i o n s

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Ru l e M o d e l e r -- B e y o n d ERM S & E-M a i l

Ru l e M o d e l e r c a n b e u s e d o u t s i d e ERM S f o r
Marketing E-Mail Bounce Management Service Ticket Dispatch / Escalation Case Dispatch / Escalation Lead Distribution Complaint Routing

Opportunity Distribution

SAP AG 2005

Co p y r i g h t 2 0 0 6 SA P A G. A l l Ri g h t s Re s e r v e d
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SAP AG 2005

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