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Chemical Formula Writing Worksheet

Determine the chemical formula for each cation and anion combination. Write your answers in each box. Set 1 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2) Anions + chloride oxide iodide hydride sulfide nitride

Cations Sodium Potassium

Magnesium Calcium Copper(II) Iron(II) Iron(III) Silver Zinc Aluminum Set 2 Anions + bromide oxide fluoride astatide selenide phosphide

Cations Lithium Barium Cesium Strontium Copper(I) Copper(II) Lead(II) Lead(IV) Gallium Nickel(II)

May be used for educational purposes upon acknowledgement.

Chemical Formula Writing Worksheet

Determine the chemical formula for each cation and anion combination. Write your answers in each box. Brackets are only needed when the polyatomic group is greater than 1. Eg. Strontium phosphate, Sr3(PO4)2 Set 3 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2. The formula for the ammonium ion is NH4+) Anions + nitrate NO3sulfate SO42hydroxide OHcarbonate CO32phosphate PO43hydrogen carbonate HCO3-

Cations Sodium Potassium

Magnesium Barium Iron(II) Iron(III) Silver Zinc Aluminum Ammonium Set 4 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2. The formula for the ammonium ion is NH4+) Anions + nitrite NO2chromate CrO42sulfite, SO32dichromate Cr2O72chlorate ClO3acetate* CH3COO-

Cations Lithium Mercury(I) Tin(II) Silver Iron(II) Iron(III) Barium Zinc Aluminum

*The acetate group, CH3COO- is written first as this correctly shows the position of the ionic bond. Eg. CH3COO-Na+ May be used for educational purposes upon acknowledgement.

Chemical Formula Writing Worksheet - Answers

Set 1 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2) Anions + Na+ K+ Ca2+ Cu2+ Fe2+ Fe3+ Ag+ Zn2+ Al3+ chloride ClNaCl KCl MgCl2 CaCl2 CuCl2 FeCl2 FeCl3 AgCl ZnCl2 AlCl3 oxide O2Na2O K2O MgO CaO CuO FeO Fe2O3 Ag2O ZnO Al2O3 iodide INaI KI MgI2 CaI2 CuI2 FeI2 FeI3 AgI ZnI2 AlI3 hydride HNaH KH MgH2 CaH2 CuH2 FeH2 FeH3 AgH ZnH2 AlH3 sulfide S2Na2S K2S MgS CaS CuS FeS Fe2S3 Ag2S ZnS Al2S3 nitride N3Na3N K3N Mg3N2 Ca3N2 Cu3N2 Fe3N2 FeN Ag3N Zn3N2 AlN

Cations Sodium Potassium Calcium Copper(II) Iron(II) Iron(III) Silver Zinc Aluminum Set 2

Magnesium Mg2+

Cations Lithium Barium Cesium Strontium Copper(I) Copper(II) Lead(II) Lead(IV) Gallium Nickel(II)

Anions + Li+ Ba2+ Cs+ Sr2+ Cu+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Pb4+ Ga3+ Ni2+

bromide BrLiBr BaBr2 CsBr SrBr2 CuBr CuBr2 PbBr2 PbBr4 GaBr3 NiBr2

oxide O2Li2O BaO Cs2O SrO Cu2O CuO Pb2O3 Pb2O Ga2O3 NiO

fluoride FLiF BaF2 CsF SrF2 CuF CuF2 PbF3 PbF4 GaF3 NiF2

astatide AtLiAt BaAt2 CsAt SrAt2 CuAt CuAt2 PbAt2 PbAt4 GaAt3 NiAt2

selenide Se2Li2Se BaSe Cs2Se SrSe Cu2Se CuSe PbSe PbSe2 Ga2Se3 NiSe

phosphide P3Li3P Ba3P2 Cs3P Sr3P2 Cu3P Cu3P2 Pb3P2 Pb3P4 GaP Ni3P2

May be used for educational purposes upon acknowledgement.

Chemical Formula Writing Worksheet - Answers

Brackets are only needed when the polyatomic group is greater than 1. Eg. Strontium phosphate, Sr3(PO4)2 Set 3 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2. The formula for the ammonium ion is NH4+) Anions + Na+ K+ Ba2+ Fe2+ Fe3+ Ag+ Zn2+ Al3+ nitrate NO3LiNO3 KNO3 Mg(NO3)2 Ba(NO3)2 Fe(NO3)2 Fe(NO3)3 AgNO3 Zn(NO3)3 Al(NO3)3 NH4NO3 sulfate SO42Li2SO4 K2SO4 MgSO4 BaSO4 FeSO4 Fe2(SO4)3 Ag2SO4 ZnSO4 Al2(SO4)3 (NH4)2SO4 hydroxide OHLiOH KOH Mg(OH)2 Ba(OH)2 Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3 AgOH Zn(OH)2 Al(OH)3 NH4OH carbonate CO32Li2CO3 K2CO3 MgCO3 BaCO3 FeCO3 Fe2(CO3)3 Ag2CO3 ZnCO3 Al2(CO3)3 (NH4)2CO3 phosphate PO43Li3PO4 K3PO4 Mg3(PO4)2 Ba3(PO4)2 Fe3(PO4)2 FePO4 Ag3PO4 Zn3(PO4)2 AlPO4 (NH4)3PO4 hydrogen carbonate HCO3LiHCO3 KHCO3 Mg(HCO3)2 Ba(HCO3)2 Fe(HCO3)2 Fe(HCO3)3 AgHCO3 Zn(HCO3)2 Al(HCO3)3 NH4HCO3

Cations Sodium Potassium Barium Iron(II) Iron(III) Silver Zinc Aluminum

Magnesium Mg2+

Ammonium NH4+

Set 4 (The combining power of silver is 1 and zinc is 2. The formula for the ammonium ion is NH4+) Anions + Li+ Hg+ Sn2+ Ag+ Fe2+ Fe3+ Ba2+ Zn2+ Al3+ nitrite NO2LiNO2 HgNO2 Sn(NO2)2 AgNO2 Fe(NO2)2 Fe(NO2)3 Ba(NO2)2 Zn(NO2)2 Al(NO2)3 NH4NO2 chromate CrO42Li2CrO4 Hg2CrO4 SnCrO4 Ag2CrO4 FeCrO4 Fe2(CrO4)3 BaCrO4 ZnCrO4 Al2(CrO4)3 (NH4)2CrO4 sulfite, SO32Li2SO3 Hg2SO3 Sn(SO3)2 AgSO3 Fe(SO3)2 Fe2(SO3)3 Ba(SO3)2 Zn(SO3)2 Al2(SO3)3 NH4SO3 dichromate Cr2O72Li2Cr2O7 Hg2Cr2O7 SnCr2O7 Ag2Cr2O7 FeCr2O7 Fe2(Cr2O7)3 BaCr2O7 ZnCr2O7 Al2(Cr2O7)3 (NH4)2Cr2O7 chlorate ClO3LiClO3 HgClO3 Sn(ClO3)2 AgClO3 Fe(ClO3)2 Fe(ClO3)3 Ba(ClO3)2 Zn(ClO3)2 Al(ClO3)3 NH4ClO3 acetate* CH3COOCH3COOLi CH3COOHg (CH3COO)2Sn CH3COOAg (CH3COO)2 Fe (CH3COO)3 Fe (CH3COO)2 Ba (CH3COO)2 Zn (CH3COO)3 Al CH3COONH4

Cations Lithium Mercury(I) Tin(II) Silver Iron(II) Iron(III) Barium Zinc Aluminum

Ammonium NH4+

*The acetate group, CH3COO- is written first as this correctly shows the position of the ionic bond. Eg. CH3COO-Na+

May be used for educational purposes upon acknowledgement.

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