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Materials 1/2 yard each of two types of oil cloth (you can use regular cotton, but it won't

wash as easily as the oil cloth) Matching thread 3-4 inches of Velcro 1/2 yard of ribbon or webbing for the handle and closure Rotary cutter or scissors Sewing machine

Use 1/2" seam allowance, unless otherwise noted.

We started by choosing two types of oil cloth (we used the gingham for the inside and the strawberry print for the outside). Oil cloth is great for this type of project because it's easy to wipe off in case there are any drips or spills. Step 1: We started by cutting out 2 pieces of the outside fabric (in our case, we used the strawberry pattern). Each piece measures 6 " x 13 ". Next we cut out two pieces of the inside fabric (we used the gingham pattern) measuring 6 1/2" x 11". And lastly, we cut out one piece of the inside and outside fabric, each measuring 7 1/2" x 35 1/2".

Step 2: Next, we sewed the outside bag together. We took one of the small pieces measuring 6 x 13 and the large 7 x35 and matched the tops of the fabric pieces. We pinned one side right sides together and sewed them together. We then sewed the loose end of the shorter piece to the other side of the long piece, again matching them right sides together. Repeat this with the second small piece on the other side of the long piece of fabric. It will end up looking like the photo above.

Step 3: We then pinned the bottom closed on one side as shown above, making a sort of gusset. Sew straight across making sure you close everything up. Repeat on the remaining side. Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 with the inside "bag" (in our case this is using the gingham fabric). The inside bag will end up slightly smaller, which is fine.

Step 5: We then turned the outside of the bag (the strawberry pattern) right side out and folded the top under and sewed a hem.

Step 6: To attach both the inside and the outside, turn the outside piece wrong side out and placed both the inside and the outside bags wrong sides together. Fold the hem of the inside piece under so it is sandwiched between the two pieces and pin it. Sew around both pieces securing them together. It will end up looking like the photo above.

Step 8: Then turn the entire bag right side out and fold the top flap down where the stitching is from the last step. Take a piece of the webbing and cut it into two pieces. Step 9: Take one piece of the webbing and folded it under on both sides so you can no longer see the raw edges. Sew a box around one end. Then pin the other end, folded under, to back of the bag (where the stitching for the inside piece is). Sew the square around this fold as you did the first one securing it to the bag itself.

Step 10: Sew a piece of Velcro to the loose end of the webbing. Then attach the other piece of Velcro to the front of the bag so it matches up with the Velcro on the strap you just sewed so you can use it as a closure. Step 11: The final step is adhering the handle. Fold both of the end pieces of the webbing under and pin them to the top of the bag (with the flap of the bag folded over). Sew two boxes around each side of the webbing securing it to the bag. Now you have an easy and personalized lunch bag perfect for you or your little one heading back to school.

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