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You are not your Body, your Emotions, or even your Mind

By Patricia Kenney

- Ah! Very well, you may think: I know I am more than my existence on Earth. Do you really? Do you know what this means?

At a certain moment; at the beginning of the time, the human being realized that he was separate from the world around him. Personal experiences conveyed to him the idea that he was a being apart from his flock, in spite the co-existence they had. When their intelligence began to identify a SELF, an acting body, he gave himself a name. He began, then, to understand that he was an intelligent living-being who interacted with what existed beside him. Afterwards, he identified his different emotions and realized he was more than a body and attributed himself a personality. There was an emotional SELF who manifested itself, and I think that the Middle Ages well represents this time of the passions deliria. Hence, science emerges and man becomes a thinking, philosophical being, In recent decades the process accelerated: we entered the information age and we identified ourselves with our mind. I am what I think. Today, there are people still going through these different stages. Whereas are people who believe being just a physical being, a large majority finds themselves absorbed in valuing their emotional, ego-centered self, while the other significant portion feels proud of identifying themselves with a mental and rational Self.. However, we are leading to the identification of a new SELF, feeling amazed that, again, we are none of these things we thought to be. The truth is that I am tired of making a huge mental effort to understand humanity, reach spirituality, discipline my mind and feel frustrated in recognizing my few advances, as my mind, although being a fantastic data processor; it is subjected to emotional and physical volatilities. What kind of consistence can we reach if things like our ego, emotions and hormones can determine whether there will be clarity of thoughts, or a shady fog will hover over us every day or even change from an instant to another, when something new takes place? How to consolidate the TRUE SELF on a

mind that may has been born with deficiency ; suffered a stroke, or forgotten their own identity, because of Alzheimer? Then, if we are not our minds, what is left of us? I know that you have the answer at the tip of your tongue: we are spirits, souls, but even to this state of being we attribute a personality, a history, beliefs, kinship The other day I read a saying of Joel Goldsmith that brought me some light: there are different STATES of consciousness: the physical, mental and spiritual. The idea of different states of conscience jumped to my eyes. Yes, the spiritual being manifest itself on the matter, but also on the emotions and, finally in the form of thought. Hence, the following phrase came to me: Gods thoughts are not the thoughts of man. (Because my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither your pathways are my pathways, said The Lord, Isaias 55:8). God, certainly, does not think linearly as we do. Knowledge is a complete parcel, it does not involve reasoning. When we have an intuition, it comes through as a whole, the little lamp lights up suddenly and, only then, we get to reason/rationalize this knowledge. Then the mental process as we know must be human, not divine. Therefore, if we are the image and similitude of God, we can not be our minds. In Genesis, God creates from the word/will: there was light before the sun existed; the paradise before the seed. Gods creation IS. In Eden, Adam and Eve were supplied with all the gifts and they went about naked. When they acquired the knowledge of good and evil, they were ashamed of their nudity/nakedness and tried to cover themselves. Acquiring the knowledge of good and bad, of the opposites, of being separated from God is the discovery that man comes to when he discovers his individual identity. From this episode, the most important question is: Who told you that you were naked? This is the question God asks man of yesterday and today. And the only reply to that is: OUR MIND. It tells us who we are; where we are; describes the world to us and determines how we should live in it. From its perceptions, our mind is formed by everything that our senses supply us, and have supplied throughout our lives, All that you have heard, seen, felt, learned, captured, tells you what you are today; how is the world around you; and how to expect the things to be and take place. Your expectations are based on pieces of information that comes from your mind. God has not said anything about evil that scares you; about your problems, your anguishes, your fears it is your mind that is telling you about the truth of your world. However, this is not Gods truth. Everything is reduced to a unique substance that we call God and, therefore, there is

nothing separated from God; there are no opposites; there is no good, and no evil, all there is, is the unique being, the consciousness Where God is, there is peace, love, full knowledge; therefore it is stable, eternal and safe. however, as the creations of God present themselves through our human senses, they seem to be physical, material and limited. The reason for this anomaly is that our mind, in its non-illuminated state, interprets just what we can take notice through our senses. We cannot contemplate what it IS: we can only contemplate the interpretation of that which IS. (The thunder of Silence - Joel goldsmith). Can you understand why the world you see can only be a construction of your mind? In fact, it is a collective manifestation, but your mind has composed and selected its own repertoire. And this world is rather tangible for our mind. It has constructed its data base from its perceptions, but it also identifies and judges what exists outside considering its internal context. Despite the world seems to be quite consistent... think about this: each one sees the world their own way. There are extreme cases - mad people - who see a world completely different from the majority. For example: there are people who only see hate, attract hate, and therefore confirm their own theory of the world. For that reason, take into account that your mind is nothing more than a powerful NOTEBOOK which collects and registers all the information and images related to you. Now, place your notebook at an imaginary distance and look at it. Despite of its efforts, it is going to go round and endlessly process your information, with no chances of reaching the creator, the being that makes use of it. THIS is all your mind is, and ITS NOT YOU! Your emotions react to your thoughts and your bodys health is also affected by your mind, however, attention, the reverse also takes place. Your thoughts are affected by your emotions and by your physical health. Therefore, body, emotion and mind are three links of equal weight and importance. All of them are in the same level and they are only tools of the being that you really are. Your mind deserves respect. It is indeed a powerful tool, and we know little of what it is capable of. It is a fact that any mind may mold itself instantly to any degree of perception. Minds under the influence of drugs, meditation, altered states of consciousness, may have its perception increased substantially. That is, this amazing machine is ready to meet any level of demand, however, we use only 10% capacity. But, however powerful it may be, it is only a tool.

Physical bodies are also capable of unimaginable feats and can instantly respond to impulses. We all have knowledge of feats performed by humans that haunt our imagination, of miraculous healings, to the sensory capabilities developed beyond the "normal", even overcoming limitations that we thought were insurmountable. Fewer still is known about the power of our emotional body. We still think it serves only to generate emotions. And not rare we fear where our emotions can lead us. The truth probably is that the emotional body can be the motive power that makes everything come from a non-manifest state to the manifest one. Everything can respond immediately to the greater being that you are, with needless of whatever upgrade. Remember: everything, absolutely everything, is reduced to energy (for lack of a better world), that molds itself according to the will of our consciousness. So, finally, to discover that we are not our minds can remove an enormous weight from our back. With easy general acceptance, we have already learned that we are not our bodies and we have also learned to forgive ourselves for not being our own emotions; now, being able to understand that we are not our minds releases us even more so. Not only because we are not the set of our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions, but for discovering that whoever is tormenting us is no more than a powerful notebook describing the world according to its limited perception. From now on, always remember the fundamental question: Who told you that you were nude? Who told you that you are sick? Who told you that limitations exist? Who told you that you are alone? Who told you that God punishes? Thats right: it is hard to admit, but even what you may think you know about God it may be just a fruit of our mental processing. What about getting rid of all this weight and let your true being tell you who you are and reveals God in His true essence? Thats the reason why it is no good trying to make your mind reach illumination. It can not do that. It can only get to the degree of perception that you have now. Many try to reach illumination through physical sacrifice, adoration, purification, donation, philosophical study These are means for searching it and everyone finds their own, My choice was the mental-philosophical process and, through this process, I reached incredible altered states of consciousness, which, also, took me to experiments on spiritual cure and perceptions of the Divine presence; of Universal Love. But they lasted just a few instants magic moments that

were just enough to ensure me that there is a lot more in it than what you see in our material human life and, I should admit that they were moments in which I transcended my mind. A lot of things changed for better, but, nevertheless, as I said at the beginning, a mental process like any other process takes us to a deep exhaustion. It does not serve as a bridge to elsewhere, as a form of transformation or something like that. There is nothing what to improve in your mind. It is already a perfect tool to help you. It is not your being and cannot, truly, tell you who you are. Using it to understand the process is one thing; being the process is something else quite different. So, if I am not my body, my emotions or even my mind, who am I? A spiritual being? Without doubt, but a being that is not identified with his or her creeds, identity, history, and neither whatever you today understand as MYSELF. This is a new great human adventure. If we do not identify ourselves with anything else, a new state of consciousness is going to emerge. It is going to take charge of its accessories (emotions, mind and physique) and is going to construct a new world for us and others. A world based on the BEING on the TRUTH, on the unique principle. How is this world going to be? We dont know. All we know about it are its promises: love, abundance, eternity. Is it possible to live this kind of life now? Of course, it was already possible two thousand years ago Through his miracles, Jesus already showed us that it was possible to manifest the world of God in mens world, did He not? How will be this being that is about to emerge? I would not know. I could only state that, the closer to God we may be, less distinct, individual characteristics, he will have. One could ask: Is it possible that we are heading to become NOTHING? But, how can we be nothing if I am conscious of BEING? This is the beginning. Let yourself be revealed

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