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Simplest collection of matter than can live Cell Theory: all living things are composed of cells & all cells come from other cells

Surface area is important for carrying out cells functions (acquiring adequate nutrients & oxygen, etc.). Small cell has more surface area relative to its cell volume and is therefore more efficient. 2 types of cell structure: both have plasma membrane & 1 or more chromosomes & ribosomes Prokaryotic (bacteria & archaea): nucleoid and no true organelles Eukaryotic (all other forms of life): membrane-bound nucleus & organelles; life processes in eukaryotic cells depend on structure & organelles

4 life processes in eukaryotic cells that depend on structures/organelles Manufacturing: involves nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus (manufacture of a protein, perhaps an
enzyme, involves all of these)

Breakdown of molecules: involves lysosomes, vacuoles, peroxisomes (breakdown of an internalized bacterium by a phagocytic cell
would involve all of these)

Energy processing: involves mitochondria in animal cells, and chloroplasts in plant cells (generation of energy-containing
molecules, such as adenosine triphosphate, occurs in mitochondria and chloroplasts)

Structural support, movement, communication: involve cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, cell walls (example of importance of
these is the response and movement of phagocytic cells to an infected area)

Many similarities between animal & plant cells, but differences exist Plant cells dont have lysosomes & centrioles Plant cells have rigid cell wall, chloroplasts, and a central vacuole not found in animal cells

Plasma membrane controls movement of molecules in/out of cell (selective permeability) Structure of membrane with its component molecules is responsible for this characteristic Membranes are made of lipids (mostly phospholipids), proteins, some carbohydrates Phospholipids form 2-layer sheet (phospholipid bilayer) Hydrophilic head faces outward (exposed to water) Hydrophobic tail points inward (shielded from ater) Proteins are attached to the surface, some are embedded into phospholipid bilayer


Controls cells activities and is responsible for inheritance Chromatin: complex of proteins & DNA inside nucleus which makes up the cells chromosomes DNA is copied within nucleus prior to cell division Nuclear envelope is double membrane with pores that allow material to flow in/out of nucleus Its attached to network of cellular membranes called endoplasmic reticulum


Involved in cells protein synthesis Synthesized in nucleolus, which is found in nucleus Cells that must synthesize large amounts of protein have large number of ribosomes Some ribosomes are free, others are bound Free ribosomes are suspended in cytoplasm Bound ribosomes are attached to endoplasmic reticulum associated with the nuclear envelope


Membranes within eukaryotic cell are physically connected and compose the endomembrane system Includes: nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, plasma membrane Important function is synthesis, storage, export of molecules

Biosynthetic factories, 2 kinds of ER (differ in structure/function, but are connected) Smooth ER (lacks attached ribosomes) is involved in diverse metabolic processes (ex. enzymes produced by smooth ER are involved in synthesis of lipids, oils, phospholipids, steroids) Rough ER (lines outer surface of membranes) makes proteins destined for secretion Once proteins are synthesized, theyre transported in vesicles to other parts of endomembrane system


Functions in conjunction with the ER by modifying products of the ER Products travel in transport vesicles from ER to Golgi apparatus One side of GA functions as receiving dock for the product, other is shipping dock Products are modified as they go from one side of GA to the other and travel to vesicles to other sites


Membranous sac containing digestive enzymes Enzymes & membrane are produced by ER and transferred to the Golgi apparatus for processing The membrane serves to safely isolate these potent enzymes from rest of cell One of several functions of lysosomes is to remove/recycle damaged parts of cell Damaged organelle is first enclosed in membrane vesicle Then a lysosome fuses with vesicle, dismantling its contents and breaking down damaged organelle


Membranous sacs that are found in variety of cells and possess assortment of functions Examples are central vacuole in plants with hydrolytic functions, pigment vacuoles in plants to provide color to flowers, contractile vacuoles in some protists to expel water from cell

Cellular respiration is accomplished in mitochondria of eukaryotic cells Conversion of chemical energy in foods to chemical energy in ATP Mitochondria have 2 internal compartments separated by folded inner membrane (cristae) Intermembrane space & mitochondrial matrix (energy)


Photosynthesizing organelles of plants Photosynthesis: conversion of light energy to chemical energy in sugar molecules Chloroplasts are partitioned into compartments Important parts: stroma, thylakoids, grana


Hypothesis of endosymbiosis proposes that mitrochrondria and chloroplasts were formerly small prokaryotes that began living within larger cells (symbiosis benefited both cell types) Mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA and ribosomes Structure of DNA and ribosomes is very similar to that found in prokaryotic cells, and mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate much like prokaryotes

Network of protein fibers that functions in cell structural support and motility Scientists believe that motility and cellular regulation results when cytoskeleton interacts with proteins called motor proteins Cytoskeleton is composed of 3 kinds of fibers Microfilaments (actin filaments) support the cells shape and are involved in motility Intermediate filaments reinforce cell shape and anchor organelles Microtubules (made of tubulin) shape the cell and act as tracks for motor protein


Both are made of microtubules wrapped in an extension of plasma membrane Ring of 9 microtubule doublets surrounds central pair of microtubules Arrangement is called 9 + 2 pattern and is anchored in basal body with 9 microtubule triplets arranged in ring While some protists have flagella and cilia that are important in locomotion, some cells of multicellular organisms have them for different reasons Cells that sweep mucus out of lungs have cilia Animal sperm are flagellated

Cells synthesize and secrete the ECM that is essential to cell function ECM is composed of strong fibers of collagen, which holds cells together and protests plasma membrane ECM attaches through connecting proteins that bind to membrane proteins called integrins Integrins span plasma membrane and connect to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton


Adjacent cells communicate, interact, adhere through specialized junctions between them Tight junctions prevent leakage of extracellular fluid across layer of epithelial cells Anchoring junctions fasten cells together into sheets Gap junctions are channels that allow molecules to flow between cells


Plant cells have rigid cell wall It protects and provide skeletal support that helps keep plant upright against gravity Composed primarily of cellulose Plant cells have cell junctions called plasmodesmata that serve in communication between cells



Nucleus (Central Office): DNA/RNA synthesis; Assembly of ribosomal subunits (in nucleoli) Ribosomes (Assembly Line): Polypeptide (protein) synthesis Rough ER (Conveyor Belt): Synthesis of membrane lipids & proteins, secretory proteins, hydrolytic enzymes; Formation of transport vesicles Smooth ER (Conveyor Belt): Lipid synthesis; Detoxification in liver cells; Calcium ion storage Golgi apparatus (Packaging/Shipping): Modification/transport of macromolecules; Formation of lysosomes & transport vesicles

Lysosomes (animal cells/some protists) (Collection Center): Digestion of ingested food/bacteria/cells damaged organelles/macromolecules for recycling Vacuoles (Storage): Digestion (like lysosomes); Storage of chemicals; Cell enlargement; Water balance Peroxisomes (not part of endomembrane system): Diverse metabolic processes, with breakdown of H2O2 by-product

Mitochondria (Generator): conversion of chemical energy of food to chemical energy of ATP Chloroplasts (plants/some protists): Conversion of light energy to chemical energy of sugars

Cytoskeleton (cilia, flagella, centrioles in animal cells) (Bricks/Steel): Maintenance of cell shape; Anchorage for organelles; Movement of organelles within cells; Cell movement; Mechanical transmission of signals from exterior of cell to interior Extracellular matrix (animals): Binding of cells in tissues; Surface protection; Regulation of cellular activities Cell junctions: Communication between cells; Binding of cells in tissues Cell walls (plants/fungi/some protists): Maintenance of cell shape & skeletal support; Surface protection; Binding of cells in tissues Plasma membrane (Door): Controls movement of molecules in/out of cell (selective permeability)

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