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ALIMIYYAH COURSE: Preparatory year For young students and those without English or Arabic education background. Quran recitation and Tajweed Basic English & Arabic grammar Basic Fiqh Foundation/Metric year (focus on Languages) Arabic English Arabic Translation Arabic Grammar Fiqh (Jurisprudence) Seerah (Islamic History) Akhlaq & Adaab Diploma All the above Tafseer Al-Quran Commentary of Hadith Usool Fiqh Fiqh of Inheritance Aqeedah (Islamic Beliefs)




1) Madrasah prefers students to start their studies from: - 18 years and above - Best - 16 to 17 years - Just fine - 13 to 15 years - Encouraged to start with Tahfiz course. 2) Madrasah accepts students starting from 13 years old due to the need that arises in our country and in this time of corruptions to save the Imaan of our young generations. 3) Madrasah also tries to accommodate them (with regards to their studies) by merging the 'original required level of The Alimiyyah Course' with the 'Maktab (secondary school) level/syllabus of studies'. Learning and Testing Methods: Daily assessment Preparation for next day lessons. Benefit: To ensure students level of comprehension on the subject matter. TAHFIZ COURSE: New Lesson (Sabaq/Tasmi) Lesson memorized which is to be presented to Ustazah on a daily basis. Recent lesson (Sabqi/Ziyadah) Lesson memorized recently which is to be recited daily from the beginning of juz until the entire juz is memorized so that it stays firm in the memory. Old lesson (Dour/Murajaah) to maintain the substantial amount of the Quran which has been memorized over a period of time.


Bed sheet Pillowcase Blanket Pillow(s) Big pail (clothes) Small pail/basket (toiletries) Shampoo Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Clothes detergent Scrubbing brush (clothes) Hangers *Pegs


Cup (preferably not glassware) *Spoon *Tupperware Kitchenware/ *Water bottle Foodstuff *Biscuits *Snacks *3 in 1 drinks Jubah Tudung Purdah Socks Telekung Sejadah Towel Daily clothing Sandal/shoes *Bathroom slipper





School bag Pencil case Basic stationeries Plastic book wrappers Al-Quraan Tasbih Umbrella Suitcase/box for storage in store room *Tissue *Dictionary (Eng-Mal/Mal-Eng) *Alarm clock

1- Items marked * are optional. 2- Items should be marked with students name/initials to avoid mix ups/misunderstandings. 3- Jewellery, makeup, unisex clothing and items with pictures of animals, cartoon characters or any animate objects are strictly prohibited. 4- Students are advised not to use high end brand named items as it usually results in unhealthy competition amongst students. 5- Mattress and locker are provided. Students are advised not to bring unnecessary items as storage spaces are limited. However, extra items can be kept in store room to be taken out on a weekly basis. 6- Electronic items (dictionary, digital Quraan etc.) and any form of literature should be handed in for checking and can only be used after approval. Such items found in possession of students without the official approval label will be confiscated. 7- Please ensure clothing are in accordance to the following: a) Jubah : Plain black (dark blue, satin, or any form of lines/patterns are not allowed). Jubah should not be double layered, nor have slits (on sleeves/sides/front bottom) or cuffs as students have a tendency to leave cuffs hanging unfastened and appear untidy. Length should be below the ankles. Jubahs which are exposing the ankles are not allowed. b) Tudung: Plain black for attending class, study period, and going out of dormitories and classes. Length should be at least (no maximum length) - Back : 10cm below waist Front : Navel Sides : Elbow c) Socks : Any colour besides brown/skin colour. Covers the ankles completely. d) Purdah : Black, covers the eyebrow and forehead. e) Tops : Loose, not see through, not denim, long sleeved, 10cm below the knee (or below). f) Pants : Loose, not see through, not denim, full length.

MONDAY-THURSDAY 04:45 05:15 Wake up Lock & Roll Call (U.Muneerah) Tahajjud Duaa Yasin Zikr Preparation for Fajr Fajr Solaah (5:39-6:10) Breakfast Khidmat & Shower Lock & Roll Call (U.Aminah) Check Duties (Dorm & Class) Class Lunch Khidmat (Class & Dining Area) Preparation for Zohr (1:30) Zohr Solaah Free time Qailulah Wake up & Khidmat Lock & Roll Call (U.Fatimah) Mutolaah and Takraar Zikr Taleem Preparation for Asr Asr Solaah (4:12-4:51) Free time & Khidmat (10 mins) Lock & Roll Call (U.Sakinah) Dinner Khidmat 06:45 Preparation for Maghrib Maghrib Solaah (6:58-7:31) Duaa Surahs Study Period Preparation for Eshaa (8:09-8:45) Eshaa Khidmat Lock Doors (Roll call / Dorm check) Muzakarah, Study &Toilet Lights Off 3 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 20 mins 1 hours 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 04:45 05:15 15 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 25 mins 06:30 07:30 09:30 10:00 12:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 04:00 1 hour 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 45 mins FRIDAY Wake up Lock & Roll Call Tahajjud Duaa Yasin Zikr Preparation for Fajr Fajr Solaah (5:39-6:10) Breakfast Khidmat & Shower Class: First session Break Class: Second session Mamoolat: Solat Tasbih, Surah Kahf, Durood Lunch Preparation for Solah & Zohr Solah Free time Qailulah & khidmat Mamoolat: Zikr Taleem Preparation for Asr Asr Solaah (4:12-4:51) Weekly Cleaning: a) Personal Locker/Free b) General - Dorm & Class

15 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 40 mins 2 hours 30 mins 2 hours 1 hour 30 mins 30 mins 30 mins 1 hours 1 hour: 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 30 mins 1 hours

06:30 07:15 07:30 01:00

5 hours 20 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 30 mins 45 mins

02:00 02:30 03:15 03:30 04:30

05:30 06:15

05:00 05:30

For Long Weekend, the Weekly Cleaning will be done on Thursday according to Thursday schedule starting at 5:30 straight after Mamoolat (No free time like on Friday) 06:45 Important Surahs Evening Duaas Preparation for Maghrib Maghrib Solah (7:00-7:28) Dinner, Khidmat & Free time Preparation for Eshaa Eshaa Solah (8:09-8:45) Free time Lock Doors (Roll call / Dorm check) Muzakarah & Toilet Lights Off 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 45 mins 15 mins 15 mins 1 hours


07:45 08:30 09:00 10:15 11:00

09:45 10:15 11:00

SATURDAY 04:45 05:15 Wake up Lock & Roll Call Tahajjud Duaa Yasin Zikr Preparation for Fajr Fajr Solaah (5:39-6:10) Breakfast Khidmat & Shower Study Period / Class * Thalithah: until 08:10 * Rabiah: until 09:30 Playground/Field Free time & Shower & Khidmat Weekly Program Free time Lunch Mamoolat & Zohr Solaah Free time Qailulah & khidmat Study Period: Mutolaah & Takraar Zikr Taleem Preparation for Asr Asr Solaah (4:12-4:51) Free time & Khidmat (10 mins) Lock & Roll Call Preparation for Maghrib Maghrib Solaah (6:58-7:31) Duaa Surahs Dinner Khidmat Free Preparation for Eshaa (8:09-8:45) Eshaa Free Lock Doors (Roll call / Dorm check) Muzakarah & Toilet Lights Off 04:45 05:15 15 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 40 mins 1 hour 40 mins 2 hours 1 hour 1 hours 1 hours 45 mins 30 mins 30 mins 15 mins 1 hour 1 hour 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 1 hours 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 1 hours 05:00 Lock & Roll Call Zikr Taleem Free time & Khidmat (10 mins) Lock & Roll Call Dinner Khidmat Preparation for Maghrib Maghrib Solaah (6:58-7:31) Duaa Surahs Study Period Preparation for Eshaa (8:09-8:45) Eshaa Khidmat Lock Doors (Roll call / Dorm check) Muzakarah & Toilet Lights Off 20 mins 10 mins 45 mins 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 20 mins 1 hours 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 06:30 07:00 08:00 10:00 12:45 01:00 01:30 02:00 SUNDAY Wake up Lock & Roll Call Tahajjud Duaa Yasin Zikr Preparation for Fajr Fajr Solaah (5:39-6:10) Breakfast Free time Sundays Duty Punishment Free time Khidmat Lunch Mamoolat & Zohr Solaah Sunday Outing

15 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins 30 mins 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 15 mins 30 mins 30 mins 3 hours

06:30 07:30

08:30 09:30 10:30 12:00 12.45 01:15 01:45 02:00 03:00 04:00

05:00 06:45

05:30 06:15


07:45 08:15 08:30 09:00 10:15 11:00


09:45 10:15 11:00


04:45 05:15 Wake up Lock & Roll Call Tahajjud Duaa Yasin Zikr Preparation for Fajr Fajr Solaah (5:39-6:10) Breakfast Khidmat & Shower Lock & Roll Call Study Period Lock Exam Hall Imtihaan Break & Solaah Dhuha Study Period (At Dormitory) Qailulah Wake up & Khidmat Mamoolat & Zohr Solaah Lunch Study Period Lock Exam Hall Imtihan Zikr Taleem Preparation for Asr Asr Solaah (4:12-4:51) Free time & Khidmat (10 mins) Lock & Roll Call Dinner & Khidmat (10 mins) Preparation for Maghrib Maghrib Solaah (6:58-7:31) Duaa Surahs Study Period Preparation for Eshaa (8:09-8:45) Eshaa Khidmat Lock Doors (Roll call / Dorm check) Muzakarah & Toilet Lights Off

15 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 25 mins 40 mins 2 hours 45 mins 1 hours 45 mins 10 mins 30 mins 15 mins 35 mins 2 hours 20 mins 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 45 mins 30 mins 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 20 mins 1 hours 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins

06:30 07:15 07:55 08:00 10:00 10:45 12:15 01:00 01:10 01:40 01:55 02:25 02:30 04:30

05:30 06:15 06:45


09:45 10:15 11:00

Students must be punctual in abiding their daily timetable as to ensure they gain the full benefit of being in madrasah and to be well trained so that they are accustomed to an organized day for their future life. Hence a few systems are applied here to assist them achieve this goal: A. A Fixed Time table/Schedule: Time for every activity is fixed for the students. For example: to have 1 hour for sports/exercising every Saturday morning. Changes to the timetable/schedule are allowed only with prior permission from ustazah/ameerah. B. A Roll call system: Students are to wait silently in assigned solaah place until roll call is taken. Latecomers will be allowed to enter only after seeking permission from ustazah/ameerah on duty. Roll call will also be taken every Sunday 5 p.m. C. A Demerit system: The names of the students who fail to come on time will be recorded under a monthly demerit system. They will then be appointed to carry out some chores/khidmat and write down some duroods/selawat accordingly, at the end of each week. (*Refer to pg. 29 Sundays Punishments/Guidelines)


1. Sleeping & Siesta (Daytime Nap)/Qailulah time is provided for students rest. The times are as follows: a) At Night everyday: 11:00 pm - 4:45 am (5 hours 45 mins) b) Qailulah: 1) Monday - Thursday: 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm (45 mins) 2) Friday: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm (1 hours) 3) Weekend: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (1 hour) 2. Mandatory Sleeping times are as follows: a) At Night everyday: 11:00-4:30 (5 hours) *(This is for those who gets locked out or sleep during mamoolat.) b) Qailullah: 1) Monday - Thursday: 2:30-3:00 (30 mins) 2) Friday: 2:30-3:20 (50 mins) 3) Exam Days: 12:15-12:45 (30 mins) 3. Students are to sleep in their own allocated room and bed/mattress. Sharing beds is strictly not allowed for whatever reason; be it due to any form of fear or with their own sibling. 4. Within the first 30mins, students are allowed to go toilet and then after that, any form of activity besides studying are not allowed until the end of allocated sleeping time. 5. Studying is allowed if above conditions are observed and an ameerah is present. 6. Exam days, Staying up for studying is allowed provided all the existing conditions are observed. And students may continue studying even if there are no ameerahs staying up.


A. Mamoolat:
1. Mamoolat comprises of: a) b) c) d) e) f) Morning & Evening Duaas Morning & Evening Azkaar/Awraad Morning & Evening Important Surahs Fardh & Sunnat/Nafil Solaah Tilawat-ul-Quraan Talim: Fadhail Amal

2. Mamoolat and Solaah will rotate according to entry of time of Solaah. 3. Studying, sleeping, eating, speaking or playing is not allowed at all during this allocated time. 4. Going toilet is also not allowed during Azkaar, Surahs, Duaas and Talim. 5. Walking around/Going out of the musollah (praying hall) is not allowed except at the time where Preparing for Solaah is allocated. 6. Whenever the situation requires for the Mamoolat to continue after solaah, no student should be standing around (or while sitting) folding their praying attire (telekung). 7. When Solaah is carried out, the Haaidhah may sit by the specific place allocated for them to wait and make Zikr. For example to sit at the middle lounge cum Nazirah Class while making Zikr for Haaidhah such as: 8. Checking/Listening to each others Quraan recitation by heart is only allowed for Alimah-Hafizah students.

B. Study Period:
1. Eating, drinking and (especially) singing are completely not allowed during study periods. Even any other forms of communication between students must be with prior permission from Ustazah or Ameerah on duty. 2. Studying in groups is allowed at whatever time allocated as long as no complaints are received from Ameerahs or other students. 3. Students are not allowed to use any of their study period (afternoon/night/late night) for writing out punishments as it should be done during their free time. 4. Studying at night (after 11:00 p.m.) is allowed for students who were not locked out for roll call or sleep during mamoolat time provided that there is an Ameerah who is also staying up to study. (*Refer to pg. 6 No. 2 Sleeping & Siesta/Qailulah) 5. Going to the toilet must be after seeking permission from an Ustazah or Ameerah in-charge and ONLY one student (per musollah / praying hall) at a time. (*Refer to pg. 31 No. 5 Class Room)

1. The principal and ladies in charge (the Asatizah) are responsible for the moral and practical upbringing of the student. They have full right to command and instruct them. Disobeying instructions will not be tolerated. Students must adhere strictly to the timetable at all times. Students must not instigate one another in any way, form rival groups, or undermine the interest of the institute/madrasah, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to exercise Sabr & Shukr (endurance & gratitude) at all times. Students must promise sincerely that they will stay with Islamic sisterhood, good character, and kindness with students. Students must foster an Islamic and academy atmosphere at all times. Students should not quarrel or fight among themselves; all complaints must be lodged to the respective tutors. Going against the institute/madrasahs rules will result in the students having to face disciplinary acts. A warning/s will first be issued for any unacceptable behaviour, if the problem persists the student will then be suspended or expelled according to what the institute/madrasah deem most suitable. Unacceptable behaviour refers to students actions which are considered as very serious cases or behaviours which cause problems, dissatisfaction, hatred, etc. amongst students or ustazahs such as stealing, bringing any item which is not allowed by madrasah, conspiring against each other, abetting in the violation of madrasahs rule, openly disrespect other students, run away / take off from madrasah or require extensive consultation sessions by ustazahs in order to be settled. (These are merely examples, madrasah will make the ultimate decision as to which action is categorized as unacceptable behaviour) Suspension of a student could last till 2 to 3 weeks depending on the case/problem. During which, they will be under their parent/s care for rectification of their action. The expulsion of a student will be the result of very extreme/rare case. Once a student is expelled (or dropped out from madrasah), they will not be permitted to visit (meet & talk), pass things/letter to the current students. Should there be any unavoidable reason to do so, then permission should be sought and granted by the institution first. Ex-student who completed the course here is allowed to visit the madrasahs current students and Asatizah prior to permission/informing the madrasah. Inappropriate behaviour refers to an action which does not be-fit students of deen such as: quarrelling with each other and passing rude remarks to fellow students, backbiting, constantly/habitually borrowing & asking food/stuff from others etc. Students should encourage and remind each other to eliminate these behaviours to their best of ability. The institute/madrasah uses General Conduct Monitoring System. A system which records (nearly/mostly) every act of students at all times to create individuals who will be Godconscious all the time in their future life as they will get used to knowing that every single act of theirs is recorded by the noble angels, they will be questioned about it and there will be

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10. 11. 12.

13. 14.


16. a) b)

c) d)

e) 17.

consequences to every action done; be it good or bad, rewarded or punished. ANY behaviour against the rules will be noted by ameerah in charge at given time/place. The General Conduct Monitoring System operates as follows: The General Conduct marks are included in each terms report card and given out on a demerit system basis. Each student is credited with the following mark allocations every month: Discipline : 40 marks Mamoolat : 20 marks Punctuality : 20 marks Cleanliness : 20 marks Total per month : 100 marks Each students General Conduct Progress Form is handed to their individual tutors on a weekly basis for monitoring purposes. (*Refer to pg. 24 Tutelage) Students are advised to approach their respective tutors should ANY problem arise and not to take drastic actions based on personal reasoning as such usually leads to worse situations instead of solving the problem. Parents are encouraged to cooperate and contact tutors should any confusion or problem arise as it would make it easier to solve matters if parent/s and madrasah work together. (InShaAllah) Demerit mark allocations (every time a rule is broken/ignored by student): a) Singing 5 Marks (*Refer to pg. 10 No. 20 Speech) b) Speak of inappropriate things 10 Marks (*Refer to pg. 10 No. 20 (d) Speech) c) Arguing / Quarrelling / Fighting 5 Marks (*Refer to pg. 8 No. 14 inappropriate behaviour) d) Abetting (bersubahat) in the violation of madrasahs rule 10 Marks
(*Refer to pg. 8 No. 9 unacceptable behaviour)

e) Becoming the intermediate (middle person) for any inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour. 5 Marks (*Refer to pg. 8 No. 14 inappropriate behaviour) f) Passing any derogatory / threatening remarks to other fellow student (especially to those who are in charge of recording fellow students conduct) 5 Marks
(*Refer to pg. 8 No. 14 inappropriate behaviour)

18. In the case where there is no stipulated rule for any kind of inappropriate act or unacceptable behaviour, it will be noted by the ameerah and reported to Asatizah and marks will be deducted according to its severity. 19. Dressing/Attire: a) The attire for classes is the uniform provided by madrasah with plain black long burqa (wide scarf/tudung labuh) with no decorations whatsoever. Uniform is mandatory for every classes time. b) Students must wear plain black cloak/jubah on the madrasah premises and while travelling to and from the madrasah. Students are not allowed to bring decorated cloak/jubah at all. c) The attire for surau is purple dopattah (supplied by madrasah), black jubah, and socks. d) With regards to their pyjamas and clothing at the dormitories, it should not be shorter than knee length (10 cm) and long sleeved.

e) It should not be tight/body fitting or see through. f) Clothing with animated objects and unisex are not allowed. g) Students should not wear any dress inside the cloak/jubah other than pants and inside clothing. h) There should not be any pin/brooch used on their burqa. i) Students must have socks on whenever they are outside of the building even to walk only from dormitories to classes and vice versa. j) Students must not lift their burqa up exceeding the required length specified below as it defeats the very purpose of wearing a burqa (big/wide scarf) especially while walking outside and in class. (Since the body shape or sometimes hair too will become exposed by doing so) k) Students must not roll their uniforms sleeves especially while being in class. l) Students should try their utmost in ensuring that their attire is clean (not smelly) and neat. m) The exact nature of students attire should be as follows: i. Cloak/Jubah: Plain black (dark blue, satin, or any form of lines/patterns are not allowed). Jubah should not be double layered, nor have slits (on sleeves/sides/front bottom) or cuffs as students have a tendency to leave cuffs hanging unfastened and appear untidy. Length should be below the ankles. Jubahs which are exposing the ankles are not allowed. ii. Scarf/Tudung: Plain black for attending class, study period, and going out of dormitories and classes. Length should be at least (no maximum length) be: Back: 10cm below waist Front: Navel Sides: Elbow iii. Socks: Any colour besides brown/skin colour. Covers the ankles completely. iv. Veil/Purdah: Black and covers the eyebrow and forehead. v. Tops: Loose, not see through, not denim, long sleeved, minimum 10 cm below the knee or lower. vi. Pants: Loose, not see through, not denim, full length. 20. Speech: Students must try their utmost to avoid from inappropriate speech. This refers to: a) Any speech or words which are considered as rude or contrary to politeness. For example the word aku, engkau etc. b) To backchat (menjawab). c) To backbite. d) Being rude to others in any form. e) Passing rude and hurtful remarks to others. f) Singing, speaking about non-mahram* or speaking about television and any nonsense things. g) The official medium of language in this institution is English. Thus students are only allowed to converse in other languages on Sundays.



Muasharaat (Islamic Social Interactions / Mutual Relations):


1. Students who stayed absent and returns from sick leave will be required to produce an official Medical Certificate (or proof of treatment such as receipt or written letter from the doctor). Failing to do which, one weekend break will be forfeited for each day absent. 2. Permission requested and granted for taking off, leaving early or returning late without a valid Medical Certificate is considered as a courtesy. Disciplinary actions will however still be taken on the student wherever apply. 3. Students who stayed absent for a maximum of 15 days in the whole year will have to repeat the year if told/deemed necessary by the institution. 4. The only exempted absentees are: a) Madrasahs official Holidays/Breaks b) Hospitalization / Quarantine (with official M.C.) c) Death of immediate family member** 5. Family (or other) vacations taken when madrasah is in session are not exempt and are counted toward a students cumulative absence total. 6. The term "excused" only means that work can be made up. Again, students are permitted a total of 15 absences, excused or unexcused, for the entire year. Only exempt absences do not count toward this total. 7. Below is The Time Chart of The Compulsory Attendance and The Disciplinary Action for Absentees: Compulsory Attendance Hours Monday Friday (A) Normal Studying Weeks Saturday Sunday (B) Long Weekends Sunday - 5:00 p.m. (C) Eid/Semester Break (March/July/December) (on the last fixed day of holiday) Saturday (5:00 p.m.) The whole day The whole day 5:30 6:45 p.m. 2:00 5:00 p.m. Friday (2:00 p.m.) Sunday (5:00 p.m.) NONE The whole day Visiting Hours 5:30 6:15 p.m. Discharge Hours NONE

Types of unpunctuality & absentees (a) To be delayed later than the Compulsory Attendance Hours -

Disciplinary Action Student will only be allowed to return 8 hours after the Emission Hours (B & C)

(b) To miss one solaah time after the Compulsory Attendance Hours. (after the time of Maghrib solaah enters)

Student will only be allowed to return1 day after the Emission Hours (B & C) Additional of 1 day for every solaah time missed.


1. Student who gets ill may rest prior to permission from ustazah at classes or dormitory, wherever deemed suitable by the ustazah. 2. Whenever any student gets ill, their big girl (senior/leader of the room) should be informed after which, may be brought to their respective tutors attention for further action. 3. Only the big girl or other senior in-charge is expected to attend to the ill student. 4. Student who is very ill may go out for treatment and M.C. (or proof of treatment such as receipt, written letter from the doctor) is required upon return.(*Refer to pg. 12 Absentees) 5. Students (or their guardian) are required to fill in the record book even when going out due to illness. (*Refer to pg. 21 Travelling/Outing) 6. Students should have basic medications supply with them, such as: Medication for headache, fever, flu & cough, honey, vitamins, asthma pump/inhaler and etc. 7. If need be, parents/guardians will be informed to take their children for treatment. 8. Normal optical and dental matters or any medical appointments must be attended to during weekends-off or holidays. 9. The cost of medication or consultation, wherever applicable, will be under the responsibility of the parents. 10. Each student is required to have a minimum of RM100 in their Account2 for healthcare purposes. For e.g. clinic fee, dentist fee, medication, optometry etc. This amount shall be maintained as deposit in their account and is not meant to be used for their spending and will be refunded (or brought forward for the next year) at the end of the year if not used or any balance is left. (*Refer to pg. 14 & 16 Monetary Issues & Fees Payments)


1. Madrasah accommodates a banking account system for the students monetary need. 2. Any form of monetary transaction is strictly prohibited, such as: a) Buying & selling between students b) Taking/Placing orders c) Requesting others to buy for them or buying for others 3. Madrasah will also be providing a service for the students grocery needs. 4. Anyone who wishes to sell anything to the students may deal directly with the ustazah in charge of tuck shop as goods may ONLY be sold & purchased by students at tuck shop. All of the above mentioned (No. 1, 2, 3 & 4) are done to ensure that the students have no need to keep cash in hand and to avoid any misunderstanding between students as this is prone to happen when they make any dealings with each other. 5. Parents are advised to ensure that students hand in their money to the ustazah assigned in each dormitory. 6. We strongly advise the parents and the students to abide by this procedure. Madrasah will not be responsible for any money loss in the future and action will no longer be taken to settle such problems as we have taken preventative measures to avoid such situations. 7. Students are also not allowed to borrow or lend money to or from each other as such habits have resulted in misunderstandings and fights. 8. Below is the diagram of how the system works: Account 1 MAIN: 1. REGISTRATION FEE 2. MONTHLY FEES 3. UNIFORM, BOOKS, ETC. Students are required to hand in the total sum of money they have in their possession to be kept in this account. Account 2 SPENDING & HEALTHCARE DEPOSIT Account 3 TUCK SHOP Money may be handed in every Monday, 5:30 to 6 PM. Spending and fees will be transferred to separate accounts. Money in this account will be for the students miscellaneous needs. E.g. Kitaabs, stationeries, monthly allowance etc. Minimum RM100 is required for healthcare. Money for Tuck shop Account will be transferred directly from Account 2 upon request. The purchases will be recorded in their account book and money will be deducted accordingly. Tuck shop will operate on a prepaid basis and students are no longer allowed to pay at the time of buying nor pay later (i.e. by credit/as debt)


A. Madrasahs Income: 1. The income of madrasah is based on a simple concept: that for every student intake there should be a fixed monthly contribution to the madrasah, the total of which should be sufficient to operate the madrasah. 2. This contribution per student can come from the following sources: a) The able parents of the students b) Zakat for students who are eligible c) Sponsorship for students from community members 3. This concept is implemented with the intention of not jeopardising the progress of the current students and staff due to reduction of funds per person as a result of recruiting new person without funding. It is also aimed at inculcating the quality of spending in the path of Allah among the community members. InShaAllah. B. Purpose of payments: 1. To facilitate a smooth operation and maintenance of madrasah (i.e. building, study & students necessities) such as: a) Payment of electricity bills b) Payment of water bills c) House rental payments d) Food arrangements and so forth. 2. As a token of appreciation to the teachers for imparting knowledge to us. Sayyidina Ali R.A. said: I am a slave to the person who taught me even one letter. If he wishes, he may sell me or free me or permanently keep me as his slave. 3. As to practice on good muamalah (Islamic social dealings) within the community. C. Payments: 1. Monthly fees record will be updated on the 15th of every month. Hence, monthly payment should be made before/latest on the 14th of every month. 2. Payments should be made to U. Fatimah who is in-charge of fees. 3. It should be placed in an envelope with the following details written on it: a) Students name b) Purpose of payment c) Date of payment d) Payment for (whichever month) E.G. Nabilah bint Abdul Ghaffar 28th May 2012 For: Fees of June 2012. 4. In the case where the money is handed over to other Asatizah who are not in-charge, parent should inform the ustazah in-charge via SMS about the details of the payment made. 5. Students should always remind parents about the fees payment. 6. Students should strive to pay each months fees and not to leave fees outstanding.

7. Students should immediately hand over their fees payment to the ustazah for fear of lost and misplacing or forgetfulness as it is a trust (amaanat) of their parents on them. 8. Students should ensure the amount of payment is exact and adequate, not more or less. D. Amount of Fees: Although the total cost of operation needed for each student is RM 800 per month, the monthly payments required from every student is only RM 400. However, anyone who wishes to contribute more is most welcome to do so. E. Fee Card & Receipts: 1. Each student will receive a fee card when they enrol as to keep record of their fee payment activity. However, RM 5 will be charged for a new fee card in case of lost or damage. 2. The fee card will be signed by the receiver of the payment. Thus students are required to have their fee card with them whenever payment is made. PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE FEE CARD. 3. Students should keep it safely and look after it. 4. Students will also be given a receipt upon payment as a proof. It should be presented upon request whenever the situation arises. Payment will be regarded as not received if student fails to do so. F. Madrasahs Account: Name: MAH SJ Resources Account No: 1206-0002579-71-4 Bank: Bank Muamalat SS15/5A Subang Jaya G. Other Payments Throughout The Year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examination Fees Transportation Fees Healthcare Fees Phone calls, SMS and Faxing Printing and Photocopying Festivity

The above mentioned payments may apply whenever the need arises. Amount required will be according to different situations and individuals.



1. The institute/madrasah conducts three examinations, annually. 2. If the students fail to do well in the examinations, they will have to repeat the year. 3. It is extremely important for students to repeat their year when told/advised by the madrasah. This is due to a few reasons: a) Repeating system aids the students in strengthening their foundation which is important in their upcoming studies. b) The exams passing mark is 70%. This is so that the students would aim higher and push themselves harder. c) This should not be a problem since every student is getting enough attention from the teachers. The quota of the teachers and the students here is one teacher for every five students. 4. The three exams in a year are to accommodate better/easier revision system and more accurate level of assessment. 5. During the oral examination/imtihan week: a) Students not taking imtihaan are to sit for study period during allocated imtihaan time. b) Students who are tested should wait in a separate classroom and are not allowed to make any contact with other students until the entire class is tested. Marks will be deducted for failing to abide by this rule. 6. During the written examination/imtihan week in the examination hall: a) No books, papers, pencil cases and etc. allowed in the hall. Only necessary stationery will be allowed. b) No writings should be on the desks nor should any written papers or notes be left attached to the desk. c) Students should not be speaking to each other or turning/looking around in the examination hall. d) Students who have completed their exam paper are only allowed to leave the hall after the 1st hour of the examination and should be seated outside quietly. Those students who cause any problem or make noise will not be allowed to leave the hall early in future. e) No student is allowed to go to the toilet at any time during the examination. Those who insist to do so will not be allowed to continue with their exam paper. f) Students should hand in their answer sheets at 10 A.M or 4.30 P.M. Those who have not completed may only continue for another 15 minutes. g) Students will only be allowed to return to the dormitories once all students have handed in their answer sheets. Students should bear in mind that until they hand in their papers, the rest of the students will be waiting for them and this will disrupt their schedule.


7. Staying up for studying is allowed provided all the existing conditions are observed. And Students may continue studying even if there is no ameerah staying up. 8. Duties/Khidmat (Voluntary Service): a) Students who are free and not writing imtihaan are encouraged to take over duties on a voluntary basis. b) Weekly Cleaning (Friday) is postponed to Saturday afternoon. 9. General Conduct Record: a) Mistakes will be recorded as usual. Punishments for the entire imtihaan week will be totalled and included in the report card. b) Individual students mark sheets of the entire term for the General Conduct, Class performance & Attendance should be totalled and handed in by the ameerahs in charge to the Asatizah on the next day of the last imtihan at 10:30 a.m. latest. 10. Outing: Students are not allowed to go out on Sunday during imtihaan weeks but parents may visit them during the usual Sunday outing hours. 11. Schedule will be according to the Exam Week Schedule. No exclusions unless stated or with permission from ustazah. (*Refer to pg. 5 for the Exam Week Schedule) 12. Students will receive their exams result (report card) on their last day before the terms holiday. 13. The report cards are to be shown to the parents.



Holidays and breaks are intended for the relaxation and rest of students. We appeal to parents to monitor the conduct, behaviour, whereabouts, and dressing of their child very closely during this period. They must be advised and encouraged to lead a total Islamic lifestyle at all times. Ultimately we as parents are answerable to Allah Taala for our childs activities, etc. 1. Students are allowed one weekend-off almost every month (excluding holidays). 2. These breaks begin on Friday and ends on Sunday as per stipulated time
(* Refer to pg. 21 Travelling/Outing)

3. In the absence of parents or individuals who are given general permission, students may only leave: a) After getting permission from madrasah authorities. b) During long weekends and holidays only. 4. Any arrangement with regards to the abovementioned (No. 3) should be done by parents, not student. 5. Parents/guardians must not insist on fetching their child/ward before the stipulated time, for a refusal may offend. Only in extreme circumstances may this be considered at the discretion of the principle. 6. Permission requested and granted for taking off, leaving early or returning late without a valid medical certificate is considered as a courtesy. Disciplinary actions will however still be taken on the student wherever apply. 7. Parents insisting on taking their child/ward earlier and/or bringing them back late without valid reasons will not be tolerated. If this persists, then unfortunately we will have no option but to ask them to find an alternative for their child/ward. 8. The penalty for those students arriving late to madrasah after a weekend break or holidays (without a valid reason) will be the forfeit of the following weekend off / weekend-offs.
(*Refer to pg. 12 Absentees)

9. Students are not allowed to leave the precinct of the madrasah at any other time besides the weekend-breaks and holidays - be it alone, with their parents or any *mahram without prior consent of the principal. 10. Students should complete their Qadho fast during the holidays as they should not be fasting during studying days. This is because lack of energy in fasting will affect their class performance and also the sahur, iftaar & etc. will disrupt their schedule.

Holiday/Weekend off: Stay In

1. During the weekend breaks, students who wish to stay in will be allowed to do so with prior permission, though they will have to make their own arrangements for meals. 2. Eating meals should only be at the canopy (eating hall) 3. On Sundays, students who bring their own food too should eat their meal at the eating hall. 4. Student who stays in to serve their punishment on weekend offs should sit for Study Period. However, if the punishment is served during weekdays (for example in the holiday), they must abide to the madrasah rules as usual and follow the normal studying days schedule (class time replaced by study period). 5. Students who wish to enter madrasah premises for visiting or any other purpose may only do so after permission is granted. To ensure this, permission should be sought at least one hour before coming. We strongly advise students to make arrangements well in advance to avoid disappointment and takleef. Automatically, students may not enter in the case where none of the Asatizah could be reached.

1. Parents may only visit during the visiting hours. However visits are not allowed during the Weekly General Cleaning Day / Gotong-Royong (Fridays/Thursdays). 2. Visiting hours: a) Weekdays: 5:30 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. (45 minutes) b) Saturdays: 5:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. (1 hr 45 minutes) 3. During the visiting hours, students are not allowed to leave the precinct of the madrasah (Jalan SS18/3A) - be it alone, with their parents or any *mahram without the prior consent of the principal. 4. Male visitors are not allowed to enter at any given time. 5. Visitors (be it the mother, aunty or sister) may enter dormitories with prior consent from madrasah authorities. However, they (including boys below 6 years of age accompanied by an adult) may enter classroom cum solaah area to perform solaah or for toilet needs. 6. Students may greet other students mother/guardian if they do enter the madrasah premises, but must not go beyond the gate or to their car (solely to greet or speak to them). 7. Visitors are requested to dress modestly and respectably when visiting the madrasah and learners. Thus, only visitors with modest attire may enter the premises (through the gate). Jeans, short sleeves and tight fitting clothes are considered as immodest (including jeans worn beneath the cloak/jubah). Children below 5 years of age are excused. 8. Students are not allowed to loiter on the road to greet or speak to the visitors. They should rather meet and speak within the porch area or in the car (when meeting a *mahram). They should also bear in mind that their veil/purdah mustnt be removed even in the car. 9. Ex-students who completed their course here are allowed to visit the madrasahs current students and Asatizah after informing the madrasah and being granted permission. However, those who were expelled or dropped out will not be permitted to do so. Should there be any unavoidable reason, then permission should be sought and granted by the institution first. (*Refer to pg. 8 No. 12 & 13 Discipline/Conduct/Moral) *Mahraam - According to the definition of shariah is that male with whom marriage is not permissible under any circumstances at anytime in her life. (E.g. father, brother, paternal and maternal grandfather, paternal and maternal uncles and nephews)


A. Weekends Outings, Long Weekends & Holidays:
1. 2. 3. 4. Weekends Outing: Sundays only. Duration: 3 hours - From 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Long Weekends: once a month. Duration: From Friday 2:00 p.m. until Sunday 5:00 p.m. Holidays: (a) Semester break 3 times a year (b) Eid (and Ramadhan) break twice a year Parent/s (or student/s alike) is asked to kindly avoid requests for leave during studying days or early leave on holidays as a refusal may offend. (*Refer to Madrasah Academic Calender provided) 5. Students may leave starting from: a) Weekends: Sunday - 2:00 p.m. b) Long Weekends: Friday - 2:00 p.m. c) Holidays: Saturday - 5:00 p.m. 6. Students must already be back at madrasah by 5 p.m. on Sunday and be done with unpacking by 6 p.m. 7. Students are not allowed to leave the precinct of the madrasah (Jalan SS18/3A) at any other time besides the weekend breaks and holidays - be it alone, with their parents or any *mahram without the prior consent of the principal. 8. Students may not under any circumstance leave madrasah premises without filling in the outing record book, be it due to sickness, for Sunday outing, long weekend or holiday. 9. Students must at all cost arrive and depart to and from the madrasah with their *mahram. And they also may not leave with anyone other than parents without permission (including brother and uncle). 10. Students must leave and return to or from holidays and weekend breaks with their proper Islamic garb (plain black cloak & veil/hijab)* at the time of leaving and within SS18.
(*Refer to pg. 9 Dressing/Attire)

11. Should any student wish to remove their veil/purdah/niqab while they are out with their parents, it should be done ONLY after they are out of SS18. 12. Students are not allowed to loiter outside the madrasah premises or by the road. They should rather stay within the boundaries of the gates or inside the car. 13. Any transportation provided by the madrasah will be charged accordingly. For example: Transportation service to the airport, clinics, shopping & etc.

B. Surau:
1. Students attire when going to surau should be: a) Madrasahs Purple dopattah b) Black cloak/jubah c) Black socks The attire must be clean, neat & not smelly. (*Refer to pg. 9 Dressing/Attire) 2. Students must not remove their veil/purdah outside the surau and by the open window of the suraus kitchen area. 3. Students must sit still & not run around inside the surau. 4. Students must remain silent & not make noise in the surau. 5. Students must behave well while in surau. 6. Students should greet and mingle with the ladies there. 7. Students must make khidmat (serving & cleaning) and ensure surau is clean before leaving.


C. Playground/Field:
Students are brought to the playground / field for their relaxation. They should value this privilege and keep in mind that there are awaam everywhere around them there. Their behaviour will affect the image of madrasah and muslims in general. Therefore, it is important for them to act on the following guidelines which have been outlined for them: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Screaming should be avoided. Climbing any tree or anything that could be climbed should be avoided. Things at the playground must not be vandalised. Playground must not be left dirty and no belongings should be left behind. Students must be mindful of their behaviour at the playground. All the other existing rules of madrasah will still be effective and applied on the students even then.


Awaam (outsiders) refers to anyone who are not any of the following: a) Founder (Dr. Ghaffar & Aunty Rosnah) b) Principle (Ustaz Abdul Kadir) c) Administrator (Ustazah Haajar) d) Asatizah Currently Teaching (their spouse not included)

1. When receiving instruction/request from any awaam (particularly parent/s), student should firstly verify/ask for permission to carry out the instruction or pass the massage (especially if it causes interference to their schedule). The reasons for such restrictions are: a) Many a times, awaam (outsider) might not understand girls schedule etc. b) To ease the job of the students in charge c) To train the other students not to cause any takleef/difficulty to their friends d) To practice to be considerate of others as it is the best way of Islamic muasharaat (social relations). Each student should make a point to explain this to their parents. Students may respond in the following manner: I am sorry. Is ustazah aware of this? (If not) I will not be able to do it without ustazahs instruction, I might get into trouble. You should rather ask permission from ustazah first. If ustazah is okay with it, then you can get back to me


2. Student who receives any petty personal message should not worry going out of their way to pass the message in a hurry. As such normally causes difficulty to the student in charge. Examples of petty personal messages: a) Couldnt come for visit/outing b) Coming late for visit/outing c) Couldnt come by to collect or drop off something. d) Did not manage to fulfil childs request. e) Asking what to bring for child on their next visit. Students may respond in the following manner: I will pass the message when I see her and if I remember hopefully InShaAllah. SMS too may be responded in this same manner. 3. Office hours: a) Morning: 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. b) Afternoon: 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4. Appointment hours: a) Evening: Between 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. b) Night: Between Maghrib & Eshaa 5. Visitors may come to the madrasah (office) by making an appointment beforehand or during allocated office hours. (It would be better to make an appointment even within the office hours). 6. At other times besides the office hours, students should first ask the awaam if they have an appointment with any of the Asatizah. Otherwise, student should advise them to come during allocated office hours and explain to them wisely that the Asatizah might be busy, resting or not prepared to receive any guest at that moment. 7. If the awaam persist on meeting the authority (for example because they came from far and in a hurry), ameerah should inquire regarding the following matters from them: a) Whats their name? b) Where did they come from? c) Why do they come? d) Who do they want to meet? After this is done, then only contact the ustazah in question and inform the visitors details and situation. 8. The above must not be done in the presence of the awaam. In fact, it should be done even before directing them to the office. This is to avoid any misunderstanding/disappointment if the ustazah is not ready to receive/entertain any guest at that moment.



Telephone is a facility provided by madrasah for the smooth running of the institution. Therefore, it should not be abused by using it for personal interests. Foreign students (or those who are not from peninsular Malaysia) will be allowed to take personal calls from their parents during Long Weekends only. Each student who receives phone call is allowed a maximum 15 minutes to speak and they should be sitting within earshot of the ameerah in charge. Important/urgent messages are to be conveyed through the following numbers: a) 03-56361095 (Office): Office Hour b) 019-3170255 (Administrator): Office Hour c) 019-3921614 (Ameerah): Open Line Students may receive messages from their parents with prior permission from ustazah. Students may receive phone calls from their parents only. Other family members may communicate with student through letters which has to go via the office. All letters will be censored. Parents and guardians are humbly requested to avoid any discussion that may disturb or hinder the studies of their child/ward. For precautionary and security reasons, the principle may listen to any conversation at anytime. Making telephone calls, receiving & conveying messages to or on behalf of any student will not be permitted under any circumstance whatsoever. The institution most emphatically stress upon students to adhere to this clause very strictly.
(*Refer to pg. 22 Related Issues pertaining to the awaam/outsiders)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Madrasah accommodates a tutelage system for the well-being of every student so that they receive enough personal attention. 2. Students are encouraged to approach their respective tutors on a weekly basis or at least, on a monthly basis especially when ANY problem arise and not to take drastic actions based on personal reasoning as such usually leads to worse situations instead of solving the problem. 3. Students should however bear in mind to meet/go to their tutors at appropriate times. Best if they could make an appointment first for any consultation sessions. 4. Each student is assigned to a personal tutor who will see to their needs and affairs; be it pertaining to their studies, Ibaadah, self-reformation, health issues or even personal problems. However, this tutelage system should not be misinterpreted as students having a personal assistant for example to request for unimportant phone calls or trivial messages to be passed to or for them. 5. Each students General Conduct Progress Form is handed over to their respective tutor on a weekly basis. This is to enable the tutor to monitor their progress and guide them.
(*Refer to pg. 9 No. 17 The General Conduct Monitoring System)

6. Parents are encouraged to cooperate and contact tutors should any confusion or problem arise as it would make it easier to solve matters if parent/s and madrasah work together.(InShaAllah) 7. If parents have any questions or positive suggestions; they should feel free to discuss it with the tutors with regards to studies, well-being in madrasah & etc. However, with regards to getting permission for a leave & etc., it should be referred to the administration.



Ameerahs: A. Ameerahs are the assistants of the Asatizah. They hold a high status and play an important role in the institution/madrasah. B. Ameerahs in this madrasah consist of: 1. The head Ameerah 2. The meshwarah Ameerahs 3. The class Ameerahs 4. The room Ameerahs 5. The duty Ameerahs C. Below are the few things for them to bear in mind: 1 To maintain discipline. Ameerahs have some advantages in the sense that the younger students look up to them (for being seniors and friends), so abiding strictly to the rules would make it much easier for Ameerahs to carry out their job. Be on time to your classes. Always try to get good grades. Study and do your homework. Always show up to Madrasah after holidays/breaks unless you are truly sick and it is contagious. Always respect your madrasah uniform. 2 To help Asatizah. Being an Ameerah is one of the top roles a student can have at a madrasah. You are now working with the Asatizah to create a better place to learn. A mature and helpful Ameerah is sure to be trusted. Be nice to Asatizah. Always respect them no matter what. Even if they assign a 'huge' project or accuse you of something you didn't do. Maintain connection with the Asatizah by reporting about all the other fellow students internal affairs. It is impossible for the Asatizah to be checking on all the students the whole time. So, the ameerahs should act as the eyes, ears and hands of the Asatizah. 3 To support younger/junior fellow students. Knowing that there are Ameerahs willing to help will be very encouraging to newer students. So, live up to their expectations as someone that can help them. Make Ikraam. Help with madrasah work, and if you see someone drop their books, help to pick them up. 4 To be approachable. Ameerah with good character (kind and friendly) will gain the love and respect of younger students. Offering help to those that might need it is better than waiting to be asked, your offers will be taken up appreciatively.

Try to be fair to everyone. Even if you don't like the person, they should still be treated like everyone else. Be very happy and always smile! This will make you much more approachable and less bossy. 5 To be involved with madrasah activities. Ameerahs are given a lot of responsibilities. It raises your profile as an Ameerah and is greatly appreciated by the Asatizah. 6 - Practice good communication skills. The key is to be approachable, whether that is to students, parents, or visitors. The steps above require communication to be clear and confident. Learn public speaking skills (how Rasulullah S.A.W used to speak and deal with people). A confident and well-mannered Ameerah sometimes needs to be something you learn how to become. Dealing with fellow Ameerah, Asatizah, visitors and parents can help you practice your communication skills. Observe how they react to you, and change your communication skills accordingly to become the best Ameerah you can be. 7 - Enjoy it! Many new students are very sensitive; and meeting a cheerful, confident and helpful Ameerah can be something they will remember. D. Extra tips: 1. If a duty or role assigned to you is too much or not convenient, it is much better to talk about it with your head Ameerah or Asatizah than simply not do your duty. 2. Know when to stop helping. If there is an issue you're not sure whether you should resolve, ask an ustazah. 3. If you are seen breaking or not enforcing the rules, you won't be sending out the right message, and are in danger of losing your privilege as an Ameerah. Make sure that even if you aren't enforcing the rules, you're abiding by them. 4. Be united and remember to be just as friendly to your fellow Ameerah. You're all working towards helping the same madrasah and students within it; and with good communication between your fellow Ameerah, your job can be made a lot easier. 5. Don't use it as an opportunity to bully other students. Being an Ameerah doesn't make being a bully permissible. An Ameerah can be reported to the madrasah for misbehaving, and any Ameerah who abuses their status is likely to be removed from the team as well as punished as a regular student would be. 6. Don't let popularity get the best of you. 7. Don't make yourself look good by making others look bad. 8. Only tell people off (wisely) if they actually did something wrong. Responsibilities: A. Room: The room Ameerahs (big girls) are required to: Be mindful of the room environment befitting the students of deen, as to make it as Islamic as possible.

Explain and teach her fellow roommates of the rooms duties, guidelines and etiquettes with regards to the correct Islamic muasharaat (public relationship). Make the rooms duty roster while ensuring that the work load is divided fairly and appropriately amongst all members of the room. Monitor and ensure their duties are carried out properly and give guidance whenever needed especially to new students. Ensure the room is always neat & tidy in general (including putting up curtain for the room, etc.) (*Refer to pg. 31 No. 3 Boarding & Dormitories) Remind/guide them regarding: a) The room cleanliness in general such as tidiness of bed/mattress and locker, washing clothes, ironing uniform and etc. b) Personal hygiene such as the importance of bathing, brushing teeth, combing hair, clearing out head lice (if theres any), body odour and etc. Make ikraam of them by helping with their other affairs especially pertaining to their studies or home works. Ensure they are punctual in their daily activity especially with regards to sleeping and waking up. Room Ameerah is in charge of waking them up whenever needed. Whenever any roommate gets ill, the room Ameerah should be informed after which, may be brought to their respective tutors attention for further action. Only the room Ameerah or other senior in charge is expected to attend to the ill student. (*Refer to pg. 13 Health Issues) B. Class: The Class Ameerahs are required to: Maintain the discipline and the etiquettes in class by her fellow classmates; be it classs time or study period. Take charge of class matters and to be aware of all affairs pertaining to: a) Class Register / Attendance ensure the Asatizah are informed by placing a written note or to personally approach the ustazah regarding: i. Anyone absent in the class ii. Any student who is sick & needs to rest in the class
(*Refer to pg. 13 No. 1 & pg. 12 Health Issues & Absentees)

b) Cleanliness c) Study related works e.g. homework/note books to be handed in, group projects or assignments. d) Students & Asatizah relationship Actively remain connected to the Asatizah by reporting about their progress, etc. Students should be aware that the responsibility of the Ameerahs is ONLY in making sure that these duties are carried out. Therefore they have the right (in fact, it is expected from them) to appoint others to get the job done. It is impossible for the Ameerahs to do the duties on their own. Other students should be considerate and assist them.

C. General: All the other category of Ameerahs are also required to carry out their respective duties whole heartedly as it is actually an Amaanat and a great task entrusted to them. They will most certainly gain benefit from it in their future life in this world & their efforts and contribution will undoubtedly be rewarded and appreciated by The Ash-shakuur (Allah The Most Appreciative) in the hereafter. Ameen. Among other guidelines for the Ameerahs are: A. General Conduct / Performance Mark Sheet Guideline
(*Refer to pg. 8 No. 11 The General Conduct Monitoring System)

B. Sundays duties/chores/punishments guidelines

A- General Performance Mark Sheet Guideline

This mark sheet is to be prepared, handled, and handed in by the appointed ameerah to the ustazah in charge of report cards before 5pm on the last day of Imtihaan Week. Please ensure that class and students names are filled in before passing to ustazahs for marks to be filled in. This marking procedure only includes students who stay in madrasah full time. Calculating is to be done on a separate piece of paper. Mark sheets should be handed in clean & neat. I. Class Performance II. Attendance III. General Conduct

I. Class Performance (to be recorded by ustazah and finalized by class ameerah).

Marking (Ustazah): 1. Mark is out of 10 per student per ustazah. 2. Marks may be based on : a) Class Participation b) Class Performance c) Effort d) Preparation e) Homework f) Notebooks (Update/Neatness) 3. Ustazahs are to put down signature in the box next to respective names. This is to ensure marks were given by ustazah herself and not tempered with. Preparation & Handling: 1. Place an X in the box next to whichever ustazahs name not teaching your class. 2. Allocate 10 marks per ustazah teaching your class; add them up to get the FULL MARK. Write the FULL MARK in the box next to TOTAL. 3. Ensure mark sheet is passed to and signed by each ustazah who teaches your class.

Finalizing (class ameerah): 1. Divide students TOTAL by FULL MARK and multiply by 100 to get students PERCENTAGE. 2. Add up all the PERCENTAGE and divide by number of students to get the CLASS AVERAGE.

II. Attendance(to be recorded by class ameerah)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mid-Year attendance should be included in the End Year attendance marking procedure. Fill in number of total studying days (for the year) in box provided. Subtract number of DAYS ABSENT from STUDYING DAYS. Divide the remaining amount with STUDYING DAYS and multiply by 100 to get PERCENTAGE. Add up all the PERCENTAGE and divide by number of students to get the CLASS AVERAGE.

III. General Conduct (to be recorded by class ameerah)

1. Mid-Year marks should be included in the End Year marking procedure. 2. Count the NUMBER OF WEEKS in the General Conduct weekly record form. 3. The following are mark allocations per week: a) Akhlaaq : 10 marks b) Ibaadaat : 5 marks c) Punctuality : 5 marks d) Cleanliness : 5 marks 4. Multiply the mark allocation with the NUMBER OF WEEKS to get the FULL MARK of each category. Example, total NUMBER OF WEEKS is 40: a) Akhlaaq : 10 marks x 40 weeks = 400 (full mark of Akhlaaq) b) Ibaadaat : 5 marks x 40 weeks = 200 (full mark of Ibaadaat) c) Punctuality : 5 marks x 40 weeks= 200(full mark of Punctuality) d) Cleanliness : 5 marks x 40 weeks= 200(full mark of Cleanliness) 5. Deduct total demerit points from FULL MARK of its category/group to get STUDENTS MARK. 6. Now, divide STUDENTS MARK by its FULL MARK and multiply by 100 to get PERCENTAGE. 7. Add up all the PERCENTAGE and divide by number of students to get the CLASS AVERAGE.


B- Sundays Punishments Guidelines

1. The chores/punishment should start from (a) according to the highest demerit point received by any student starting from 6 Demerit marks. 2. Each work is to be done by one student only. 3. In the case where more than 12 students receive punishment, any other easier work should be added & given to the one who receives the lowest demerit marks (among those who are punished) the work will not be divided among them. 4. Appointed students of checking the duties are to inform the punished students to re-do the work if it was not done completely or properly or as required to be done. 5. The punished students will receive chance to re-do the job as long as it is within Sunday. Once the day come to an end, if the work was found not done correctly, then the particular students name will be reported to the Asatizah in which case, will receive even more severe punishment. E.G being appointed to do the very same job which she failed to do properly for the whole entire month or until she does it right or until further notice or staying in for the next coming weekend off & etc. 6. The checking student are not obliged to accommodate any specific time to check the duties, in fact the punished students should arranged a time for the work to be checked by the appointed student according to the checking girls leisure or courtesy. 7. The list of duties/chores are as follows: a) Canopy b) Classes garden & scrub drain c) Back & front garden & scrub drain Dorm A d) All dustbins e) 2 carpets f) 2 carpets g) 2 ceiling fans & windows - Dorm A h) 2 ceiling fans & windows - Dorm B i) 2 ceiling fans & windows Classes j) All brooms, dustpans & small stand fan k) Back & front porch & front garden Dorm B l) Vacuum, wash & dry cars (any car present) 8. 3 Ameerahs should be appointed to check these duties after its done: 1. At Dorm A 2. At Dorm B 3. At Classes



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Only full time students taking the course offered will be allowed to be boarded. Students must use the mattresses and cupboards allocated to them. Every dormitory must have curtains at all times. (*Refer to pg. 26 Ameerahs-Responsibilities) Students will not be allowed to enter other dorms except by permission of those in charge. Once expelled, the student will not be allowed into the boarding. The ladies in charge of the boarding have full right to check on the students, their presence, their activities, and go through their personal belongings at all times. 7. Students will not be allowed to leave the boarding premises without permission of the principal. 8. Parents/visitors are not allowed to enter dormitories as it may cause uneasiness, discomfort or restrict activities of other students.
(*Refer to pg. 20 & 22 Visiting & Related Issues pertaining to the awaam/outsiders)

9. The cleanliness of the rooms will be the duty of the students. Unseemliness will not be tolerated. This applies to students staying in the madrasah during holidays as well. 10. Students must be thrifty especially in the usage of water and electricity. 11. Bad behaviour in any form, violating the laws of shariah, may result in expulsion. 12. Student must safeguard and not vandalise the property of madrasah (furniture, etc.) 13. In the case where the property of madrasah is damaged, student who is responsible for the damage will have to make the arrangement for the item to be replaced or repaired. 14. Students will not be allowed to bring any games to madrasah. No tape recorder, radios, musical toys and instrument, cell phones or any communications equipment, anti-Islamic (or un-Islamic) literature, magazines, books, and cassettes, CD, etc. will be allowed in the madrasah. 15. Students should not keep any valuable items with them. They are responsible for their own possession. 16. Students are strongly discouraged to use expensive or high end brand named items as it usually results in unhealthy competition amongst students. 17. Students must ensure all their belongings are labelled with their name so that it can be identified easily. 18. Any Islamic literature (or digital Quran / electronic dictionary) brought by students to madrasah must be with prior permission and screened first by the administration. Then, it should get the official approval label as a sign for permission granted. Otherwise, it will be confiscated. 19. Items which are found scattered around will be confiscated. Students should claim their goods before each (weekly/monthly) general cleaning/gotong-royong. 20. Whenever any item is confiscated and not claimed by the owner, it will be thrown away or sent to recycling centers and orphanages. Students who fail to comply with this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action.



1. A class room is intended for learning purposes only. Therefore, no playing or eating (biscuit, ice-cream, snacks, etc.) is allowed there. However, bottles of plain water may be brought. 2. Students should eat by the canopy during class break time. 3. The classes should be left clean and neat after every class session and study periods especially in the afternoon and at night. 4. The windows, doors and the main gate are to be shut properly and locked during Qailulah and at night. 5. During study sessions, only one student at a time is allowed to go to the toilet with the permission from the ustazah or ameerah in charge. 6. In case the ustazah comes late or absent, students must maintain their behaviour as expected. They must open that particular periods kitaab and must not chat or fool around with each other. 7. Any written punishments must not be done during study sessions (i.e. class time or any other time allocated for study). In fact, it should be done during free times ONLY.
(*Refer to pg. 7 Study Period)

8. Among other etiquettes in class for students are: a) To be zealous. To have a positive mind and to show interest in the lessons given. b) To focus and listen properly when ustazah is busy teaching. c) To be organized. Students should only have the kitaab of that particular period on their desk. d) To always respond & to respond respectfully. e) To always keep the class neat & clean. f) Not to fidget, sleep, play, or chit chat. g) To raise their hand when answering or asking any question. h) Not to be moody in class especially in front of the Asatizah. i) To be respectful, humble & truthful. This will make a student successful. j) Obedience is the jewel of a student.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The canopy has been set up as a dining place for the students. Nothing should be on the eating place. The cooks container must be washed thoroughly and dried before returning it. The eating mat/safrah and the eating trays/talam should be dried & placed neatly on the rack. Any food or containers (Tupperware) may only be placed on the rack once it is dried and it should be kept away at night. Only cups are allowed to be left there all the time. Wasting/throwing away food should be reported to ustazahs. Speaking and laughing loudly while eating is strictly prohibited. In the presence of men, only whispering is allowed. The dining place should be left clean and neat at all times especially after every meal.


1. Students are allowed to read kitaabs in the library during its operating hours: a) Friday: 8:00 8:30 p.m. 9:00 9:30 p.m. b) Saturday: 5:00 5:30 p.m. 9:00 9:30 p.m. c) Sunday: 6:30 7:45 a.m. 2. Students should place the kitaabs they read at the specific section allocated for it. 3. Students are given privilege to borrow kitaabs from the library with prior permission from Asatizah provided that the following is recorded in the Library Record Book: a) Name & Signature of ustazah who gave permission b) Students Name c) Book/s Name d) Date, Day & Time of borrowing e) Date, Day & Time of returning f) Checked & signed by the student & librarian in charge 4. Each student is allowed to borrow maximum 3 books per week. 5. The maximum duration of borrowing a single book is 7 days / 1 week. 6. In the following cases where: a) Student fail to return book on time (after latest, 1 week) b) Any damaged found on the book. Then: a) Their name will be black listed b) They will be made to pay fine accordingly or replace it with a new book (same as the one damaged)



Khidmat is of a few types: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Of the madrasahs building e.g. to save it from damage & maintain its cleanliness Of the madrasahs spiritual course e.g. to participate in its voluntary activities Of the Asatizah/staff of the madrasah e.g. to assist in lightening any of their loads Of fellow students e.g. seeing to new fellow student with her needs Of ones self e.g. to ensure ones health is taken care of and not neglected by eating/sleeping right

Although all the above types of khidmats are beneficial and important for each student to inculcate within themselves as a habit, we will suffice the topic by laying out the guideline of the first type of khidmat (i.e. of the madrasahs building). It is too of a few categories: 1. Of Dorm A 2. Of Dorm B 3. Of Classroom

1. Back porch: sweep and arrange the pails 2. Back porch clothes: pick the hangers, rubbish on the grass and arrange the clothes and towels 3. Front porch: arrange the shoes, check & empty the mail box and sweep 4. Kitchen: clean the floor & dry it, clean the counter and sink & dry them. Dont leave any plates/cups etc. and pack them in the cabinet. 5. Storeroom: sweep and arrange the things in it (storeroom is allowed to be opened only on Saturdays & Sundays) 6. Toilet: scrub the floor and sink, check & empty the toilet by taking away all toiletry left by any student and put newspaper. 7. Boil water: fill the jug & make sure every time it is full. 8. Fridge: arrange the food/items in it and clean it. 9. Items which could be kept in the fridge are as follows: a) Fruits b) Drinks: Juice, etc. c) Cultured Food/Drink d) Jams and the like e) Egg f) Frozen food g) Medicine h) Madrasahs left over food, etc.

10. Students should use the fridge following the guideline outlined for it: a) Each item must be labelled (Name of owner & item) b) Each student is allowed to put maximum four items only. c) Anything which is not on the list must not be kept in the fridge. Otherwise, the owner will be summoned, and then the item will simply be given or thrown away. Food in large size (for example, a big packet of nugget) will be regarded as four items. 11. Sweep: make sure no dust or hair remains on the floor 12. Dustbin: throw the rubbish every time the dustbin is full and to place a plastic bag in it and make sure the big dustbin and surrounding it is clean. 13. Recycle: separate the papers, plastics and metals and throw it in the big dustbin every Wednesdays (or whenever it is full)

1. Front porch: sweep the front porch, arrange the shoes, take out the letters from the mail box, ensure that the big dustbin is clean (around it) 2. Sweeping: sweep & make sure no rubbish or hair remain on the floor) 3. Toilet: scrub the toilet once a day, clean the hair from the floor, put newspapers, arrange the stuff in the toilet (the scrubber, slipper etc.) 4. Counter: pack the cups, plates, bowls and spoons in the cupboard or drawer, wipe the counter and sink. 5. Middle porch: scrub the middle porch once a day, put up the green curtain, remove any hair found on the floor 6. Back porch: arrange the pails, baskets etc., sweep the back porch, take out the dry clothes (ask its owners to take it) 7. Fridge: arrange the stuff in the fridge, take out any foods/drinks left uncovered and find out who is the owner and tell them to either take & eat/finish it or cover it or place it in a proper container. 14. Items which could be kept in the fridge are as follows: i) Fruits j) Drinks: Juice, etc. k) Cultured Food/Drink l) Jams and the like m) Egg n) Frozen food o) Medicine p) Madrasahs left over food, etc. 8. Students should use the fridge following the guideline outlined for it: d) Each item must be labelled (Name of owner & item) e) Each student is allowed to put maximum four items only.


f) Anything which is not on the list must not be kept in the fridge. Otherwise, the owner will be summoned, and then the item will simply be given or thrown away. g) Food in large size (for example, a big packet of nugget) will be regarded as four items. 9. Boiling water: boil water & refill the jug 10. Storeroom: arrange the boxes and desks in it. Students should ensure that classes and yard is clean and neat before going back to dormitories and dormitories are clean and neat before going to class.

1. Middle porch: pick all the leaves & rubbish. 2. Front porch: clean the drains , empty the mail box, sweep the parking place and arrange the umbrellas 3. Slipper: arrange the shoes and sweep the place 4. Windows: shut it every time before leaving and open it after coming back from dormitories. 5. Kitchen: wash the food container (sent by the cook) and arrange the things on the rack 6. Canopy: sweep, mop, neatening up the rack and clean around it.



A. End of the year: 1. Any event prepared for the end of the year (and other times in the year) such as room festivity, dorm games etc. must follow its proper procedure: a) A proposal sheet of the details for the event should be submitted to ustazah not later than 1 week before the event date. b) Any preparation for the event should not interrupt madrasahs usual program & rules (i.e. schedules, curriculum, khidmat etc.) c) Should any exception or changes needed to be done for the event, permission must be sought first by bringing forward a proposal of arrangements/solution/agreement (e.g. a proposed timetable or an agreement on something for any unwanted outcome of the event etc.) 2. Every single student should participate actively in the end year cleaning. 3. Nothing should be left behind at the dormitories, classes, canopy area and porch areas. 4. Anything that is found to be left behind scattered around, will be thrown away and its owner (including the ameerah responsible of checking the cleaning duties) will be made to return home later than everyone else on the next holiday. 5. The ceiling fan should be cleaned, the stand fan should be kept away in the storeroom and curtains should be brought home and washed. 6. The lockers and cabinets at the dormitories should be completely emptied. 7. Classrooms too should be completely emptied i.e. its shelves & cabinets. All the carpets, desks, whiteboards and book shelves should be placed in one room only. 8. Any papers, posters or names on the lockers and walls should be removed. 9. The keys of the lockers should be handed-in to the madrasah for safekeeping & ready for the next persons use on the following year. 10. A deposit of RM 5 is required for each lockers key for any damage that might occur. 11. Names (or any writings) should not be written on any of the mattresses. 12. The ameerahs must set a meeting with (or without) ustazah and discuss all the chores need to be done right before going home & immediately after returning from holidays. 13. The ameerah in charge of handling the maintenance issue is to give a full report as to prepare for a fresh year/term. 14. The head ameerah or her assistant should have a check list of everything that needs to be done and ensure it is thoroughly checked before going home. Even if it means that this duty requires those in charge to go home later than the rest of the students.


B. Beginning of (the next) year: 1. The seniors / Ameerah / Big girls should come in advance before the others (by 11 a.m.) to settle themselves down (unpack & etc.) earlier. This will enable them to prepare the dorms and class area ensuring that madrasah is presentable to the new comers and their mothers. 2. Ensure the curtains are put up first before anything else. 3. The floor should be swept and mopped (to clean the dusts which accumulated during holidays) then only the carpets should be spread out. 4. New students Istiqbal: Every Ameerah in-charge of a room (the big girl) is required to assist the new students staying in her room with the following matters: a) Guide new student or her mother/guardian to her allocated room when they arrive. b) Allocate a bed/mattress. Big girl should inform the dorm Ustazah if there arent enough mattresses in the room. Kindly have the room prepared by laying out all the mattresses before the arrival of new students. c) Allocate a locker for clothes and food for each student. Whichever locker is taken, make sure the owners name is placed on it. d) Explain to her whatever is necessary, such as the place to keep extra belongings (storeroom), laundry service, Kitaabs and notebooks etc. e) Younger students may need extra help with unpacking their stuffs; please accompany and assist them. f) Try to answer in-coming questions by the student or their mother/guardian appropriately or ask them to refer to any Ustazah available at that moment or later. At night: a) Discuss and fix bathing turns for all roommates/dorm mates. b) Explain regarding the timetable, class, chores & etc. c) Inform the time for Fajr roll call and other activities (eating time, etc.) to ensure that all roommates are not late the next day (on their first day being at madrasah) d) Accompany the new students at all times. 5. Any inquiries should be referred to: a) Fees & Uniforms: Ustazah Fatimah b) Kitaabs: Ustazah Muneerah c) Other matters pertaining to administration: Ustazah Haajar or Ustazah Atiqah



A. The Parents & Teachers Gathering (PTG) of this institute/madrasah takes place annually at the beginning of the year. B. Considering the occasion being part of our madrasahs program which marks the year in culmination, it is imperative that all students and parents are present. C. Parents & students must not arrive late for the occasion. D. Parents play a great role in the education of their children. It is not a one sided effort of the Asatizah alone on the students. The Asatizah will do their share but the parents must also play their part. Heres a few tips for parents/guardians: 1. Parents/guardians must show their eagerness and concern for the students educational progress and good behaviour at all times. 2. Parents/guardians must encourage their children to take their studies seriously and boost their spirit always. 3. Parents/guardians are requested to see that the students maintain an Islamic way of life even during holidays, being punctual for solah and mamulaat. Their dressing and appearance must be of such a nature that befits a student taking deeni taleem. 4. Parents/guardians are requested to keep an eye on the character, morals and behaviour of the students at all times with a lot of tact and wisdom. 5. Parents/guardians should not allow or encourage students to attend any non-Islamic gatherings or gatherings where Islamic laws is violated; for this defeats the very purpose of her studies 6. In the event of illness or bad behaviour, parents/guardian must respond to the call of the madrasah immediately when requested. 7. Students may be visited only during visiting hours. 8. The students parents/guardians will be fully responsible for any damage cause by the students to any property of Madrasah. 9. Parents/guardians are requested not to undermine the interest of the madrasah in any way. All constructive suggestion to be made to the principle directly in an amicable manner. 10. Parents/guardians must sign the declaration form to the effect that they will abide by all the rules and regulation of the madrasah at all times. (InShaAllah) 11. The greatest seat of learning is the mothers lap. Therefore, if she is correctly guided, so will her progeny be.(InShaAllah) Kindly assist us in this gigantic task by adhering strictly to all the rules and regulations of the Madrasah at all times. JazakumullahuKhairalJazaa.


LAST REMINDER: 1. This booklet is prepared as a guideline for students. Therefore, students should strictly adhere to it. Any behaviour contradicting these guidelines should be noted by students. Marks will be deducted according to the actions severity. 2. This booklet will be up dated on a yearly basis InShaAllah. Therefore, students should also have fikr (worry/concern) in making the madrasah a better place spiritually and academically and they are strongly encouraged to contribute ideas as the year continues. 3. Persistent violation of the rules and regulation of the institution will ultimately result in the expulsion of the student. The student will however be warned prior to implementation.

Last but not least, we would like to emphasise that, the program outlined here is only our outward human endeavour to operate the madrasah with utmost efficiency and dedication. However, the success of our effort will depend on the sincerity of our intention and His acceptance. We pray that our intention will remain unblemished and will carry this intention with us until the end. Our hope and duaa is that we shall be part of His divine universal plan to establish His Ahkaamaat/Laws and the Sunnah of His beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the surface of this earth. Ameen Ya Rabbal Aalamin.


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