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To: Jack McCreery, U. S. SEC. ; New York SECURITY EXCHANGE COMMISSION ; U. S. Congressman Ron Paul ; Arnie Gammelsgarrd Chief of Operations Fraud Division ; INTERPOL ; Mr. Jack McCreery, re Legal; U. S. Security Exchange Commission, Washington, D. C. Offices, (Please provide copy to: Nelson Egbert) and New York Security Exchange Commission, Commissioners and Regulators, and Chief of Operations, Fraud Division, INTERPOL, Copenhagen DK, Mr. Arnie Gammelsgarrd. Ref: International Banking and Financial Frauds; Unlawful use of Equity Gold Collateral Interest held in THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) regarding BONUS 3392 - 181, MAY 1, 1875 External Sovereign Debt of Peru, Authorized by the Peruvian Legislature, April 27, 1875, Celebrated Contract Sold, and 1883, 1890 - 1899, 1905 - 06 Assumpsit's Debt of the United States pursuant to Treaties international agreements other than treaties sections, and Ref: December 24, 1919 Act of Congress Authorizing "The Amendment (Sec. 25) Foreign Federal Reserve Banking Act" amendment to Sec. 43, provisions of mandatory compliance with "Acts in compliance with law" of the United States, and Ref: December 24, 1919 (Sec. 25) Amendment, " not prepared nor willing to pay the bills of lading" as related to this (THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) American Bond Holder & One time only BONUS 3392 Commodity Contract Holder by those whom The U. S. Congress "authorized", known as the U. S. Federal Foreign Banking Trust System, an English Corporation owned by the Rothschild London House Bank of England, W. R. Grace J. P. Morgan, et al; Contracted for the specific purpose of PAYMENT OF U. S. DEBTS, and FOREIGN DEBTS OF THE UNITED STATES, AND FOREIGN TRADE BANKING, and Ref. "Acts not in compliance with Law" as prescribed by Act of Congress (1913 1919), by Agreements between the U. S. Fed. R. and U. S. Dept. of the Treasury " split 50 50 between the bogus Bonus 3392 - 181 underwriters to conduct all business outside the United States" between Global Alliance Investment Association,
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Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID # 1707 - 85, which was formally retired, and IS "HELD IN TRUST." Gentlemen of the New York Security Exchange Commission & Regulators, Mr. McCreery Legal Department, U. S. Security Exchange Commission D. C. Offices, Chief Gammelsgarrd, and U. S. House Member Ron Paul: Acts not in compliance with law; Violating the Acts of Congress allowing the Foreign Banking of the Federal Reserve Banking Trust System, shall be addressed, to wit: These violations of the before cited Act of Congress allowing what is known as The U. S. Federal Reserve to conduct business for the United States in regards to "Foreign Trade & Commerce Banking & Payment of U. S. Debts" which was predicated upon the provision that all "Acts shall be in compliance with law" have been addressed to you, time after time, without Resolution. This "Failure" to "Comply with acts in compliance with law" has brought a Global, International Banking and Financial Economic Crisis by those UNAUTHORIZED USAGES OF BONUS 3392 - 181 "Held in THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087), the Duly Constituted DEBT holder and Outstanding Primary Creditor of the United States. Back door attempts "to buy the trust" have been made by the U. S. Federal Reserve. One offer was alleged as ONE TRILLION DOLLARS "NO SALE" as we had turned down 35 Trillion Dollars in 1989. We are now told we might be allowed to use our COLLATERAL "Outside the United States, but not INSIDE THE UNITED STATES." Gentlemen: A conservative guesstimate; The before mentioned ref, regarding the "agreement" between the U. S. Fed. R. / U.S.T., has brought inestimable harm through "Acts not in compliance with law'', (Sec. 25) Amendment to the Foreign Banking Act (The Edge) to the Manufacturing Industry, Housing, Jobs, Product, Education, Health Care, Research & Development, Banking, Financial, Economic status of the United States and the American Continent, confronting the United States of America with a BOGUS - FRAUDULENT International Banking and Financial Debt exceeding 103 Trillion, 480 Quintillion GOLD DOLLARS written without TRUST AUTHORIZATION on our BONUS 3392 181 DULY CONSTITUTED "COMMODITY CONTRACT." This is unacceptable. This TRUST, Gentlemen, will not be responsible for "Acts not in compliance with law" by those in collusion to " Bankrupt the United States and American Continent, the entire Global International Banking and Finances and Economics, and hold those entities HOSTAGE." Mr. McCreery, you have the TAPE RECORDINGS of these statements, plus the documentation which was forwarded via Certified Mail to your Washington, D. C. Offices which included a request from Ernst
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and Young Offices (Philippines), and Marc Alban, requesting our "assistance" in order that he could protect his clients from these PREDATORY parties which are called THE GAIA - EKKERS. In furtherance; Victim after Victim of "Acts not in compliance with law" via executing FRAUDULENT BOGUS INTERNATIONAL BANKING & FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ON "BONUS 3392 - 181" without TRUST AUTHORIZATION, have been left unprotected, non-supported, and non-assisted by those " With Jurisdiction," albeit the U. S. Security Exchange Commission, The U. S. House of Representatives, the U. S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman, U. S. House Oversight Committee Chairman, the U. S. Secret Service, the FBI, BATF, Banking Commissioners & Regulators, the U. S. Dept. of the Treasury, The Bureau of Public Debt, The U. S. Dept. of State, etc. while INTERPOL had their HANDS TIED by those with the " ability to twixt any investigation by INTERPOL at Embassy level." Your problems, here in the United States Financial & Economic Sectors, will most assuredly "worsen" after yesterday's visit by CREDIT SWISS (Ambro Banks) to Goldman Sachs, regarding the 1991 $240 Billion Dollar UNAUTHORIZED use of our Collateral; a "10 year contract" commencing September 12, 1991, ending on or about 9/11/01, to remain in effect " until the U. S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Dutch Mark, WAS EXHAUSTED." Mr. McCreery, Chief Gammelsgarrd; You have the "COPIES OF THE CONTRACTS, BANKS INVOLVED, BANK OFFICERS INVOLVED, BANK ACCOUNT & TRANSFER NUMBERS, plus TRANSACTION CODES. INTERPOL'S HANDS WERE "TIED" IN REGARDS TO THESE MATTERS, ALSO WHILE THE U. S. AGENCIES WITH JURISDICTION JOINED INTO THE "FRAUDS", forming a TEXAS group, and Groups of Ex U. S. Treasury Agents, all participating in these "Acts not in compliance with law." Victim after Victim has requested YOUR ASSISTANCE and Assistance from this TRUST. From appearances, we (THE TRUST) are the only one doing "Our Duty" in compliance with "Acts in compliance with Law." One particular "Victim" of these FRAUDULENT - BOGUS (18 U.S.C. Sec. 471 Counterfeiting of Banking & Financial Instruments) acts is a Canadian Citizen by the name of Garry Stroud. Mr. Stroud was "victimized" by two $25 Million Dollar Bogus Instruments written on our Collateral without our Authorization. Instead of "assisting" Mr. Stroud, Mr. Stroud was further "victimized" by The U. S. Security Exchange Commission as the gentleman Acted in Good Faith on those "Acts not in compliance with Law", Authorized by the U. S. Federal Reserve "Agents", to conduct these ''Acts not in compliance with law" outside the United States.

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Mr. Stroud has contacted me and related his story; which, Gentlemen; This TRUST finds as the most " excessive, abusive Act of Congress, Conflict of Interest, Misuse of Powers enumerated, vested by Act of Congress, in the United States of America's history." Mr. Stroud suffered Gross, Willful MISS APPLICATION OF LAW, suffering further "SLANDERING OF REPUTATION" accompanied by A WARRANT issued for his Arrest, CIV 01999, by the U. S. Security Exchange Commission. Mr. McCreery, I left you a message on your answering device regarding these matters this past week. You owe Mr. Stroud apologies, in writing. Mr. Stroud has further informed me, he has filed a Complaint with the SEC in regards to those in "Agreement to commit Acts not in compliance with law" via the issuing of Fraudulent - Bogus - COUNTERFEIT COLLATERAL ON OUR "BONUS 3392 181" without Authorization; i.e., E. J. Ekker, Doris J. Ekker, Ron Krizenger (sic) of Global Alliance Investment Association, a Nevada Corporation operating out of Las Vegas Nevada, and the Republic of the Philippines, who have further FRAUDULENTLY incorporated a known and recorded Public Record of former Nevada Corporation known as COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; ID 1707-85 (Held in TRUST), whereas said individuals ''Await instructions from the U. S. Fed. R. / U.S.T. as to when to bring the gold home". All things being equal, Gentlemen; Please include THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) as "ANCILLARY COMPLAINANTS" to MR. GARRY STROUD'S "EXCHANGE BANK" FILINGS. Mr. McCreery, again, you are instructed to TAKE THE ENTIRE FILE containing Tape Recordings, Letters, Fax's, Documents, Memorandums, News Paper Articles ad infinitum, as previously provided to you via fax, letters, memorandums, certified mail etc., previously by THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) to your Superior, Mr. Nelson N. Egbert, to be included in as ANCILLARY to Mr. Stroud's Filings. Congressman Ron Paul; Please feel free to use these documents and submit same to the U. S. House of Representatives, the U. S. Congress & U. S. Senate "standing" to support your HR 5363 "Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act." Gentlemen; What has occurred, and is occurring, are "ACTS NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW", formally known as SEDITION, as "Two or more have conspired to Bankrupt the U. S. and International Banking and Financial Economics taking the aforementioned "HOSTAGE" while underwriting subversive groups, some of which are currently known as ''THE AL QAEDA'' and ''ALL KADA'', using the Islamic and Chinese Banks as Banking Facilitators.
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In closing; One must admit that CHINA, KOREA, THE BANK OF JEDDAH, IRAQ, IRAN, MALAYSIA, INDONESIA, THE PHILIPPINES, and LATIN AMERICA, " meet the qualifications of the Agreement "not to use these BOGUS COLLATERAL INSTRUMENTS in THE UNITED STATES" with the Federal Reserve Banks' "Agent Agency Requirements." I remain Yours truly, V. K. Durham, CEO SIGNATORY; The Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust (TIAS 12087) in full compliance with Public Law 89 - 497. 271. 80 Stat. 1 U.S.C. Sec. 113 (1966), 1 U.S.C. Sec. 111. Rights Retained Under Repealed Statutes (1947), 1 U.S.C. Sec. 114. Seals of Originating Nation, 1 U.S.C. Sec. 112. Congress and President noticed of Debt (1989 - 90 - 91 - 92 - 93 and 1997 et seq'), The Geneva Accord of 1962, and THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE; U. S. CONSTITUTION.

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