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Learn C++ in 9 Hours

Sanasam Ranbir Singh

Note to students: 1. Lab classes from Monday(09-08-2010) 2. Create Lab users account (non-CSE student) 3. Check course site for PRACTICE PROGRAMS

Before OOP
Data Type + Data Structure + Abstract Data Type + Object Oriented Programming

A point in space Many points in space

If we consider the above points as the data to be processed by a program, how do we arrange them in memory?

Before OOP
Data Type + Data Structure + Abstract Data Type + Object Oriented Programming

A point in space Many points in space Store in a variable Data type

Organize the points in a particular fashion and define its accessing mechanism Data Structure EX: 1. Array, RAM/DAM 2. List, Sequential

A brief concept of ADT

describe object-oriented programming as programming abstract data types and their relationships ADT as a basic concept for object-orientation What is ADT by the way?

An abstract data type (ADT) is characterized by the following properties: 1. It exports a type. 2. It exports a set of operations. This set is called interface. 3. Operations of the interface are the one and only access mechanism to the type's data structure. (Encapsulation) 4. Axioms and preconditions define the application domain of the type.

Object-Oriented Concepts
In object-orientation, ADTs are referred to as classes An instance of a class is called an object Four Principles
Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritance Polymorphism

Bjarne Stroupstrup, the languages creator

C++ was designed to provide Simulas facilities for program organization together with Cs efficiency and flexibility for systems programming.

From Prof. Stephen A. Edwards' Web site


Bjarne Stroupstrup, the languages creator

C++ was designed to provide Simulas facilities for program organization together with Cs efficiency and flexibility for systems programming.

Simula 67 - first Object Oriented Language (OOL) - officially introduced by Ole Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard at the IFIP TC 2 Working Conference on Simulation Languages in Lysebu near Oslo in May 1967.

From Prof. Stephen A. Edwards' Web site


Bjarne Stroupstrup, the languages creator

C++ was designed to provide Simulas facilities for program organization together with Cs efficiency and flexibility for systems programming.

What is C++?
C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias towards systems programming that

is a better C supports data abstraction supports object-oriented programming supports generic programming

From Prof. Stephen A. Edwards' Web site

Is C a subset of C++?

In the strict mathematical sense, C isn't a subset of C++. There are programs that are valid C but not valid C++ However, C++ supports every programming technique supported by C Every C program can be written in essentially the same way in C++ with the same run-time and space efficiency. Thus, C++ is as much a superset of ANSI C

Our first C and C++ Program

/*myfirstprograminC*/ #include<stdio.h> intmain() { printf(HelloWorld!)"; return0; } HelloWorld!

//myfirstprograminC++ #include<iostream> usingnamespacestd; intmain() { cout<<"HelloWorld!"; return0; }



Our first C and C++ Program

/*myfirstprograminC*/ #include<stdio.h> intmain() In traditional c++, { printf(HelloWorld!)"; 1. iostream.h return0; 2. namespace not required } HelloWorld!

//myfirstprograminC++ #include<iostream> usingnamespacestd; intmain() { cout<<"HelloWorld!"; return0; }



Variable and Data Types

int my*Variable; char my_Str1: Int 2myID; Char _N; char __M; int break; char bool; int case;


Variable and Data Types

int my*Variable; char my_Str1: Int 2myID; Char _N; char __M; int break; char bool; int case;


Variable and Data Types

int my*Variable; -- Neither spaces nor punctuation marks or symbols can be part of an identifier. char my_Str1: -- Only letters (a,..z,A,...Z), digits (0,1,...9)) and single underscore characters are valid. Int 2myID; -- In addition, variable identifiers always have to begin with a letter. Char _N; char __M; They can also begin with an underline character (_ ) int break; char bool; int case;

Some reserved keywords


Variable and Data Types

Identifier: a sequence of one or int my*Variable; -- more letters,nor punctuation marks or symbols can Neither spaces digits or underscore be part of an identifier. characters (_).
char my_Str1: -- Only letters, digits and single underscore characters are valid. Int 2myID; -- In addition, variable identifiers always have to begin with a letter. Char _N; char __M; They can also begin with an underline character (_ )

Some reserved keywords

int break; char bool; int case;


Variable and Data Types

Some reserved keywords

asm, auto, bool, break, case, catch, char, class, const, const_cast, continue, default, delete, do, double, dynamic_cast, else, enum, explicit, export, extern, false, float, for, friend, goto, if, inline, int, long, mutable, namespace, new, operator, private, protected, public, register, reinterpret_cast, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, static_cast, struct, switch, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, typename, union, unsigned, using, virtual, void, volatile, wchar_t, while

What are the data types


Scope of variables
#include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int i; i=7; {

int j; j=i*4;

} j=i+3 cout << j<<endl; }


Scope of variables
#include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int i; i=7; {

What is the output?

int j; j=i*4;

} j=i+3 cout << j<<endl; }


Initialization of variables

Initialization in C

int a = 0;

Initialization in C++ : Above + below

Ex: int a (0);


Initialization of variables

Initialization in C

int a = 0;

Initialization in C++ : Above + below

Ex: int a (0);


Introduction to strings

In C, string is an array of char

Ex: char myName[] = {rahul} In Memory, myName

r a h u l

In C++, string is a class

string myName = rahul String sName = kumar Cout << myName + sName

Size() Begin() end()



Is a=b same as a==b ?

Assignment (=) Relational and equality operators ( ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= ) A = 2+4 A += 2 ---- Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, % ) -----Compound assignment

What is the value of 2 != 3 ?

What are the values of A ?

(+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=,^=, |=)

A+=2, a*=3
Shift operations (left shift (<<), right shift (>>))

What is the value of A= 2<<1


What is the value of a ( a = (b=4, b+2))?

Comma Operator execute from left to right and assign the last




Basic Input/Output

Concept: I/O operations act on streams (sequences) of ASCII characters Valid to use the same I/O statements in C++ as in C: printf, scanf, and others in stdio.h C++ provides an alternative with the new stream input/output features: cin and cout cin: Used for keyboard input (std::cin) cout: Used for screen output (std::cout) Both cin and cout are data objects and are defined by a classes

Basic Input/Output

Concept: I/O operations act on streams (sequences) of ASCII characters Valid to use the same I/O statements in C++ as in C: printf, scanf, and others in stdio.h C++ provides an alternative with the new stream input/output features: cin and cout C++ uses message passing mechanism cin: Used forto communicateinput (std::cin) keyboard between objects cout: Used for screen output (std::cout) Both cin and cout are data objects and are defined by a classes

Basic Input/Output (contd.)


Basic Input/Output (contd.)


Stream I/O Headers

iostream contains basic information required for all stream I/O operations fstream used for performing file I/O operations


A stream

A flow of character Intermadiate Storage (Buffers): IO to streams goes through a buffer. C++ allows the programmer to change the default behaviour of the associated buffer State: each stream is associated with a state indicating various things like if an error has occur or not


IO Class Heirarchy


IO Stream


cin >> variable; cout << variable; clog << variable;

Is it different from a = 4 >> 1?

buffered Unbuffered and print the variable immediately

cerr << variable;

<< (left-shift operator)

Overloaded as stream insertion operator Overloaded as stream extraction operator


>> (right-shift operator)

Control Structures

if and else

if (condition) statement

if (condition) statement1 else statement2


Control Structures (Contd.)

Iteration structures (loops)

The while loop

while (expression) statement


Control Structures (Contd.)

Iteration structures (loops)

The do-while loop

do statement while (condition);


Control Structures (Contd.)

Iteration structures (loops)

The for loop

for (initialization; condition; increase) statement;


Control Structures

Jump statements

The break statement


Control Structures

Jump statements

The continue statement


Control Structures

Jump statements

The goto statement


Control Structures

Jump statements

The exit function

void exit (int exitcode);

Terminate the program Exitcode 0: normal termination Others, termination due to error or unexpected results


Control Structures

Jump statements



C++ Class

Work with C++ Classes and Objects

Class =data + functions


Class Structure
class className{ access_specifier_1: members; access_specifier_2: members; access_specifier_3: members; . } objectName;
An access specifier is one of the following three private: accessible within other members of the same class and their friends. protected: accessible within other members of the same class, their friends and derived classes public: accessible from anywhere the class is visible Default access specifier is private

class aRectangle{ private: int x; int y; public: void setValue(int,int); int area(); } myRect;
An access specifier is one of the following three private: accessible within other members of the same class and their friends. protected: accessible within other members of the same class, their friends and derived classes public: accessible from anywhere the class is visible Default access specifier is private

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int,int); int area(); }; void aRectangle::setValue(int a, int b) { x=a; y=b; } int aRectangle::area() { return x*y; } class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } };

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }


int main() { aRectangle a, b; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area of a:<<a.area(); b.setValue(3,4); cout << area of b:<<b.area(); return 0; }
a 2 4 b 3 4

setValue(int,int) area()

setValue(int,int) area()

Class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; Can we do } }; int main() { aRectangle a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }


int main() { aRectangle a, b; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area of a:<<a.area(); b.setValue(3,4); cout << area of b:<<b.area(); return 0; } a.x=10
b 2 4 3 4

data encapsulation

setValue(int,int) area()

setValue(int,int) area()

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }

What if a.setValue(2,4); is before cout << area :<<a.area();

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }

What if a.setValue(2,4); is before cout << area :<<a.area();

A mechanism to initialize parameters -- Constructor

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }

Example class aRectangle{

int x; int y; public: aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }



A function that initializes the members of an object Same name as that of class It has No return type. No return statement. It is used at the time of object creation. Constructors are never virtual


A function that initializes the members of an class Foo object { Same name }; that of class as void function(Foo &arg) It has { } No return type.main() int { No return statement. Foo& f = Foo(); // error. It is used at the time of object creation. function(Foo()); // error const Foo& f2 = Foo(); // OK Constructors}are never virtual

Constructor Types
Default Constructor
Constructor with no parameters

If no constructor is defined in a class

A default constructor is called It just allocates the memory space and assigns the default values (if any)

Overloading Constructors Many constructors with different parameters

Class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } Default Constructor aRectangle(int a,int b) If no constructor is defined in a class { x=a; default values (if It just allocates the memory space and assigns they=b; } any) int area() Overloading Constructors { return x*y; Many constructors with different parameters } };

Constructor Type

int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); cout << area : << a.area(); return 0; }

Constructor Type
Default Constructor
Constructor with no parameters

If no constructor is defined in a class

Default constructor is called It just allocates the memory space and assigns the default values (if any)

Overloading Constructors Many constructors with different parameters Other Types of constructors Copy constructors: Initialize an object by another object Conversion constructors: Convert from the type of the argument to the class type.

use to deallocate memory and cleanup the resources for an object and its members when the object is destroyed. call when the object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. takes no arguments and has no return type Its address cannot be taken. Destructors cannot be declared const, volatile, const volatile or static. A destructor can be declared virtual or pure virtual.

-- const int Constant1 memory and cleanup the resources for use to deallocate -- const int * Constant2 object and its members when the object is destroyed.


call when the object -- int const * Constant2

passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. takes no arguments and has no return type -- int * const Constant3 Its address cannot be taken. -- int const * const cannot be declared const, volatile, const volatile or Destructors Constant4 static. A destructor can be declared virtual or pure virtual.

Destructors -- const int Constant1=96;


-- const int * Constant2 declares that Constant2 is variable pointer to a constant integer use-- int const * Constant2 to deallocate memory and cleanup the resources for an

object and its members when the object is destroyed. call -- int * const object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. when the Constant3 declares that Constant3 is constant pointer to a variable integer an takesint const * const Constant4 no return type no arguments and has -Its address cannot be taken. Destructors cannot be declared const, volatile, const volatile or static. A destructor can be declared virtual or pure virtual.

static. int main() A destructor can be declared virtual or pure virtual.


Class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } use to deallocate memory and cleanup aRectangle(int a,int b)an the resources for object and its members when the object is destroyed. { x=a; y=b; } call when the object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. ~aRectangle(){ } takes no arguments and has no return type int area() { return x*y; Its address cannot be taken. } Destructors cannot be declared const, volatile, const volatile or };


aRectangle a(2,4);

cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }

Before moving further, let us explore pointers first

We will comeback with more examples on class in the next class

What is a pointer?
int x = 10; int *p; p = &x;

p 10 x

p gets the address of x in memory.

What is a pointer?
int x = 10; int *p; p = &x; *p = 20; *p is the value at the address p.

p 20 x

What is a pointer?
int x = 10; int *p = NULL; p = &x; *p = 20; Declares a pointer to an integer

& is address operator gets address of x

* dereference operator gets value at p

Allocating memory using new

Point *p = new Point(5, 5);

new allocates space to hold the object. new calls the objects constructor. new returns a pointer to that object.

Deallocating memory using delete

// allocate memory Point *p = new Point(5, 5); ... // free the memory delete p; For every call to new, there must be exactly one call to delete.

Using new with arrays

int x = 10; int* nums1 = new int[10]; int* nums2 = new int[x];

// ok // ok

Initializes an array of 10 integers on the heap. C++ equivalent of the following C code
int* nums = (int*)malloc(x * sizeof(int));

Using new with multidimensional arrays

int x = 3, y = 4; int** nums3 = new int[x][4];// ok int** nums4 = new int[x][y];// BAD!

Initializes a multidimensional array Only the first dimension can be a variable. The rest must be constants. Use single dimension arrays to fake multidimensional ones

Using delete on arrays

// allocate memory int* nums1 = new int[10]; int* nums3 = new int[x][4][5]; ... // free the memory delete[] nums1; delete[] nums3;

Have to use delete[].

Few questions?
class A { int x; public: void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); A b=A(); b.display(); } class A { const int x; public: void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); } class A { static int x; public: void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); }

class A { static const int x=12; public: void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); }

Few questions?
class A { int x; public: A(int a){ x=a; } void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); } class A { int x; public: A(int a=20){ x=a; } void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); } class A { int x; public: A(int a=20){ x=a; } void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }; main() { A a; a.display(); } typedef class A { int x; public: void B(){ x=10;} A(){ x=20; } void display(){ cout << x <<endl; } }B; main() { B a; a.display(); }

Class Allocation
Like Static and Dynamic allocation in C, C+ + also support static and dynamic allocation Class allocations
Static allocation
aRectangle a(3,5);

Heap allocation (dynamic)

aRectangle *b; b= new aRectangle(3,5);

Copy Constructor
Create an object as a copy of another object Required when Pass an object as a parameter to a function Pass by value Return an object from a function Return by value Assign a class to another If no copy constructor is defined, create a default copy constructor Copy the data members of the source object to the data member of the target object

Copy Constructor
takes a reference to a const parameter. its first parameter a (possibly const or volatile) reference to its own class type. If more than one argument, the rest must have default values associated with them. <class name>(const <class name>& object, ); aRactangle ( const aRactangle & b, );

Copy Constructor


X(const X& copyFromMe); takes a reference to a const parameter. X(const volatile X& copyFromMe); its first parameter a (possibly const or volatile) reference to its own class type. X(volatile X& copyFromMe); If more than one argument, the rest must have default X(const X& copyFromMe, values associated with them. int = 10); X(const X& copyFromMe, double = 1.0, int <class name>(const <class name>& object, ); = 40); aRactangle ( const aRactangle & b, );

Copy Constructor
Create an object as a copy of another object Required when Example: Pass an object as a parameter to a function 1. aRectangle a(2,4); // not a copy constructor 2. aRectangle b(a); // a copy constructor used a the time building an Pass by value object Return an object from a function 3. aRectangle c=a; //copy constructor is used to initialize in Return by value declaration. 4. aRectangle d; Assign a class to another d=a; // Assignment operator, no constructor or copy constructor. If no copy constructor is defined, create a default copy 5. myFunction(p); // copy constructor involved constructor 6. d=myObjectReturnFunction(); // copy constructor involved Copy the data members of the source object to the data member of the target object

Importance of Copy Constructors

Importance of Copy Constructor

class aRectangle{ Class aRectangle{ int * x; int * x; int * y; int * y; public: public: aRectangle() aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } } int reset(int a, int b) int area() { *x=a; *y=b; } { return (*x)*(*y); int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } } }; }; int main() int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); } a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); }

Importance of Copy Constructor

int *x= new int(6) int *x= new int[6] Are the two different?

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); }

Importance of Copy Constructor

Output? 88 88 88 20 20

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() Output? { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } When aRectangle a(2,4) executed aRectangle(int a,int b) 88 { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); 2 x } 88 int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } 4 y int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; a8 8 int main()

Importance of Copy Constructor

20 20

aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

When aRectangle b=a executed class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; 2 x public: aRectangle() Output? 4 { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } y aRectangle(int a,int b) a 88 { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } 88 int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } x }; 88

Importance of Copy Constructor

20 20

int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

Importance of Copy Constructor

Output? 88 88 88 20 20

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

When aRectangle b=a executed class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; x 2 public: aRectangle() Output? { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } 4 y aRectangle(int a,int b) a 88 { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } 88 int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } x 2 }; 88 b y 20 20 4 int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

Importance of Copy Constructor

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

Importance of Copy Constructor

Output? 88 88 88 20 20

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } aRectangle(const aRectangle & a) { x= new int(a.x); y= new int(a.y); } int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

88 20 8

a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area();

Importance of Copy Constructor

The this refers to the object itself.

class aRectangle{ int * x; int * y; public: aRectangle() { x= new int(6); y= new int(2); } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x= new int(a); y=new int(b); } aRectangle(const aRectangle & a) { if(this != &a) { this->x= new int(a.x); this->y= new int(a.y); } } int reset(int a, int b) { *x=a; *y=b; } int area() { return (*x)*(*y); } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); aRectangle b =a; cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); a.reset(2,10); cout << a.area()<< << b.area(); }

Conversion Constructor
int a(2); string(hello); double a = 2 + 3.5; string b =hello; Above Examples are implicit conversion It involves a temporary object double a= 2 +3.5
It is equivalent to
double temp =(double) 2 double a =temp + 3.5

Conversion Constructor
A constructor with single parameter of other type The compiler uses this idiom as one way to infer conversion rules for a class. Compiler updates its type conversion rules.

Problem with Conversion Constructor

A constructor with single parameter of other type The compiler uses this idiom as one way to infer conversion rules for a class.
class Data { public: Data () // Default constructor { xyz = "Unknown"; } Data (const Data& a) // Copy constructor { .. } Data (const string& a) // Convert constructor { xyz= a; } Data (const char* a) // Convert constructor { xyz= a; } Data (int a) // constructor { .. } Data (String a, int b) // constructor { .. } private: string xyz; };

Problem with Conversion Constructor

A constructor with single parameter of other type The compiler uses this idiom as one way to infer conversion rules for a class.
class Data { public: Data () // Default constructor { xyz = "Unknown"; } explicit Data (const Data& a) // Copy constructor { .. } Data (const string& a) // Convert constructor { xyz= a; } Data (const char* a) // Convert constructor { xyz= a; } explicit Data (int a) // constructor { .. } Data (String a, int b) // constructor { .. } private: string xyz; };

Data Member Initialization

Only through two mechanisms Constructor

aRectangle A(int a, int b); aRectangle(): x(2),y(4) { }

Member initializer Member initializer required in the following cases

To initialize const data members. To initialize references. To initialize member objects.

class Task { private: int pid; string name; public: Task(int num, const string & n) { pid=num; name=n; } void display(){cout << name<,endl;} }; main() { Task a(5,hello); a.display(); }

class Task { private: int pid; string name; public: Task(int num): name(hello) { pid=num; } void display(){cout << name<,endl;} }; main() { Task a(5); a.display(); }

Friend functions and Class

Any private member inside a class is not accessible from outside the class. A non-member function or an external class can never access the private data. But, there may be cases where non-member function or an external class need to access the private data Solution: friend

Class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); cout << area<< a.x*a.y; return 0;

Friend Function
friend <return_type> [<class_name> ::] function ( args );

Friend function is not a member function of the class A friend function has full access to private and public member of a class. A function can be a friend with any number of classes
It is possible to declare the friend function as either private or public.

class aRectangle{ int x; int y;

Friend Function

friend void width(); friend void aSquare :: height();

public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } }; void width() { aRectangle b; cout << b.x <<endl;} int main() { aRectangle a(2,4); width(); return 0; }

class aSquare{ int x; public: int height(aRectangle & a) { x=a.x; } };

Friend class


friend <class name>;

A class x can be declared as a friend of some other class y The friend class x is not a member of y The member functions of y have full access to private and public members of x. A class can be a friend with any number of classes
It is possible to declare the friend class as either private or public.

Friend class
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; friend class myFriend; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } }; class myFriend{ aRectangle a; public: void myFrdX(){ cout << a.x <<endl; }; int main() { myFriend b; b.myFrdX(); return 0; }

Friend class
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; friend class myFriend; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } output? }; class myFriend{ aRectangle a; public: void myFrdX(){ cout << a.x <<endl; }; int main() { myFriend b; b.myFrdX(); return 0; }

Bjarne Stoustrup (the creator of C++)
Use friend with good judgment. The private access modifier was created for a good reason: encapsulation and data security. In other words, don't use "friend" as a hacker.

Overloading (Polymorphism)
more than one definition for a function name or an operator in the same scope

Function overloading
Overload a function with multiple functionality

Operator overloading
Allow an operator to apply on different format

Function Overloading

Identify the function by the signature The parameters represent the signature void AddAndDisplay(int x, int y) { cout<<" C++ Tutorial - Integer result: "<<(x+y); } void AddAndDisplay(double x, double y) { cout<< " C++ Tutorial - Double result: "<<(x+y); } void AddAndDisplay(float x, float y) { cout<< " C++ Tutorial - float result: "<<(x+y); } int AddAndDisplay(int x, int y) { cout<<" C++ Tutorial - Integer result: "<<(x+y); return x+y }

Function Overloading

Identify the function by the signature The parameters represent the signature void AddAndDisplay(int x, int y) { cout<<" C++ Tutorial - Integer result: "<<(x+y); } void AddAndDisplay(double x, double y) { cout<< " C++ Tutorial - Double result: "<<(x+y); } void AddAndDisplay(float x, float y) { cout<< " C++ Tutorial - float result: "<<(x+y); } int AddAndDisplay(int x, int y) { cout<<" C++ Tutorial - Integer result: "<<(x+y); return x+y }

Not an overloading Function

It is illigal to deffer only in return data type

Operator Overloading
Allows built-in operators for user defined type
+ * / % ^ & | ~































Operator Overloading
You can not overload these operators

. #




Operator Overloading
<return type> operator <symbol> (args) {..}

aRectangle a;
++a; ++(++a); a=b; a=(c=(b+=d));

Example: unary

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } void operator ++(){ ++ x; ++y; } }; int main() { myFriend b; ++b; ++(++b); return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@() A nonmember function return_type operator@(T)

Example: unary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } void operator ++(){ ++ x; ++y; } }; int main() { myFriend b; ++b; ++(++b); return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@() A nonmember function return_type operator@(T)


Example: unary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } aRectangle operator ++(){ ++ x; ++y; return *this} }; int main() { myFriend b; ++(++b); cout << b.area(); return 0; }

Output? 21 or 32

Example: unary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } }; void operator ++(aRectangle b) { ++ b.x; ++b.y; } int main() { myFriend b; ++b; return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@() A nonmember function return_type operator@(T)


Example: unary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } }; void operator ++(aRectangle b) { ++ b.x; ++b.y; } int main() { myFriend b; ++b; return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@() A nonmember function return_type operator@(T)

Overloading should be a friend function

Example: unary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } }; void operator ++(aRectangle b) { ++ b.x; ++b.y; } int main() { myFriend b; ++b; return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@() A nonmember function return_type operator@(T)

Self Study: postfix increament i.e., b++

Example: binary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } void operator +(aRectangle b) { x=x+b.x; y=y+b.y; } }; int main() { myFriend b,a; a=a+b; return 0; }

A nonstatic member function return_type operator@(U) A nonmember function return_type operator@(U,T)

Example: binary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } void operator +(aRectangle b){ x=x+b.x; y=y+b.y; } }; int main() { myFriend b,a; a=a+b; return 0; }


Example: binary
class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: aRectangle() { x=6; y=2; } aRectangle(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } ~aRectangle(){ } int area() { return x*y; } aRectangle operator +(aRectangle b) { x=x+b.x; y=y+b.y; return *this; } }; int main() { myFriend b,a; a=a+b; return 0; }


Self Study:
Overloading for other operators

Class Inheritance


Car Suzuki Tata


Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };
Base Class

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

Derive Class

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };

Inheritance is referred to as
B is "a kind of a" A B is "derived from" A B is "a specialized" A B is a "subclass" of A B is a "derived class" of A A is the "base class" of B A is the "superclass" of B

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

Derive classes inherites the protected and public members of base class

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };

Inheritance can be of
public: protected members are inherited as protected and public members are inherited as public members private: inherited as private members protected: inherited as protected members

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

Default inheritance is private

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: A(..){..} void A_f1() };

What can not be inherited

constructors and destructors Assignment operators i.e., =() friends

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

When we create an object of derived class the base class constructor is called and then the derived class constructor is called. base class constructor initializes its data members and the derived class constructor initializes the derived classes data members. by default, default constructor is called Otherwise, need to call initializer

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: A(int){......} void A_f1() };


class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: B{....} void B_f1(); };

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: A(int){......} void A_f1() };

Initialize Base Constructor

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: B:A(10){....} void B_f1(); };

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };

What can be added on derived classes

New data members New member functions New constructors and destructor New friends

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

Class Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };

What happen when a derived class is destroyed

call destructor of the derived class call destructor of the base class

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

A Class In Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1()

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

From Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1()

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

No information related to (nonvirtual) member functions is placed in the object

From Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1()

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

How is the function A_f1() accessed ?

From Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1(int)

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

The call to function A_f1() is converted to an ordinary function call by the compiler. Ex: A *pt; pt->A_f1(10); is converted to f__F1A(pt,10);

From Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1()

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

B b;
int A_y int B_x int B_x

From Memory
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: }; void A_f1()

A a;
int A_x int A_y a contiguous region of memory. A pointer to the first byte of that region of memory.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: }; void B_f1();

B b;
int A_x int A_y int B_x int B_x

No housekeeping inforformation about inheretance.

Multiple Inheritance
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() }; class C { private: int C_x; protected: int C_y; public: void C_f1() };

class B : public A, public C { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

Multi level Inheritance

class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: void A_f1() };

class C : public B{ private: int C_x; protected: int C_y; public: void C_f1() };

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void B_f1(); };

class List { int array[100]; int count; public: List(): count(0) {} void Insert(int n) { array[count++]=n; } int Get(int i) { return array[i]; } int Size() { return count; } }; void ManipList(List list) { list.Insert(100); list.Insert(200); } class TotalingList: public List { int total; public: TotalingList(): List(), total(0) {} void Insert(int n) { total += n; List::Insert(n); } int GetTotal() { return total; } }; int main() { TotalingList list; int x; list.Insert(10); list.Insert(5); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; ManipList(list); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; for (x=0; x < list.Size(); x++) cout << list.Get(x) << ' '; cout << endl; return 0;}

class List { int array[100]; int count; public: List(): count(0) {} void Insert(int n) { array[count++]=n; } int Get(int i) { return array[i]; } int Size() { return count; } }; void ManipList(List list) { list.Insert(100); list.Insert(200); } class TotalingList: public List { int total; public: TotalingList(): List(), total(0) {} void Insert(int n) { total += n; List::Insert(n); } int GetTotal() { return total; } }; int main() { TotalingList list; int x; list.Insert(10); list.Insert(5); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; ManipList(list); 15 cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; 15 for (x=0; x < list.Size(); x++) 10 5 cout << list.Get(x) << ' '; cout << endl; return 0;}

class List { int array[100]; int count; public: List(): count(0) {} void Insert(int n) { array[count++]=n; } int Get(int i) { return array[i]; } int Size() { return count; } }; void ManipList(List& list) { list.Insert(100); list.Insert(200); } class TotalingList: public List { int total; public: TotalingList(): List(), total(0) {} void Insert(int n) { total += n; List::Insert(n); } int GetTotal() { return total; } }; int main() { TotalingList list; int x; list.Insert(10); list.Insert(5); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; ManipList(list); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; for (x=0; x < list.Size(); x++) cout << list.Get(x) << ' '; cout << endl; return 0;}

class List { int array[100]; int count; public: List(): count(0) {} void Insert(int n) { array[count++]=n; } int Get(int i) { return array[i]; } int Size() { return count; } }; void ManipList(List& list) { list.Insert(100); list.Insert(200); } class TotalingList: public List { int total; public: TotalingList(): List(), total(0) {} void Insert(int n) { total += n; List::Insert(n); } int GetTotal() { return total; } }; int main() { TotalingList list; int x; list.Insert(10); list.Insert(5); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; ManipList(list); 15 cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; 15 for (x=0; x < list.Size(); x++) 10 5 100 200 cout << list.Get(x) << ' '; cout << endl; return 0;}

class List { int array[100]; int count; public: List(): count(0) {} virtual void Insert(int n) { array[count++]=n; } int Get(int i) { return array[i]; } int Size() { return count; } }; void ManipList(List& list) { list.Insert(100); list.Insert(200); } class TotalingList: public List { int total; public: TotalingList(): List(), total(0) {} void Insert(int n) { total += n; List::Insert(n); } int GetTotal() { return total; } }; int main() { TotalingList list; int x; list.Insert(10); list.Insert(5); cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; ManipList(list); 15 cout << list.GetTotal() << endl; 315 for (x=0; x < list.Size(); x++) 10 5 100 200 cout << list.Get(x) << ' '; cout << endl; return 0;}

Virtual Function

Virtual function is a member function of a class that is declared using the keyword "virtual". A pointer to a derived class object may be assigned to a base class pointer and a virtual function called through the pointer.


Call this function



But actually execute this or that

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual void A_f1() };
int main(){ B *tpB = new B(); C *tpC = new C(); A *ptA = tpB; ptA->A_f1(); ptA = tpC; ptA->A_f1(); Output: B C

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << C;} };

In the memory

Compiler creates a virtual table for each class containing virtual function. The v-table consists of addresses to the virtual functions for classes and pointers to the functions from each of the objects of the derived class. Whenever there is a function call made to the virtual function, the v-table is used to resolve to the function address. Dynamic binding happens during a virtual function call

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual void A_f1() };
B *tpB = new B(); C *tpC = new C(); A *ptA = tpB; ptA->A_f1(); ptA = tpC; ptA->A_f1(); Output: B C

Self Study
class B : public A { What is advantage and disadvantages class B : public A { private: of virtual machine? private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << C;}



Virtual Function

Pure virtual function

Every derived class should have a definition virtual void function_name() = 0; act as expressions of general concepts from which more specific classes can be derived. one cannot create an object of an abstract class type can use pointers and references to abstract class types. A class that contains at least one pure virtual function is considered an abstract class

Abstract class

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual int A_f0() {return 0;} virtual void A_f1()=0 { cout << A;} };
A a; a.A_f0()

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void C_f1(){cout << C;} };

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual int A_f0() {return 0;} virtual void A_f1()=0 { cout << A;} };
A a; a.A_f0()


class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void C_f1(){cout << C;} };

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual int A_f0() {return 0;} virtual void A_f1()=0 { cout << A;} };
A a; a.A_f0()

pure should not have defn.

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void C_f1(){cout << C;} };

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual int A_f0() {return 0;} virtual void A_f1()=0 { cout << A;} };
A a; a.A_f0()

No definition of A_f1()

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void C_f1(){cout << C;} };

Virtual Function
class A { private: int A_x; protected: int A_y; public: virtual int A_f0() {return 0;} virtual void A_f1()=0 { cout << A;} };
A a; a.A_f0()

No instantiation of abstract Class

class B : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void A_f1(){cout << B;} };

class C : public A { private: int B_x; protected: int B_y; public: void C_f1(){cout << C;} };

class Account { public: Account( double d ) { _balance = d; } virtual double GetBalance() { return _balance; } virtual void PrintBalance() { cout<<"bal: "<<GetBalance() << endl; } private: double _balance; }; class CheckingAccount : public Account { public: CheckingAccount(double d) : Account(d) {} void PrintBalance() { cout<<"bal: "<<GetBalance() << endl; } }; class SavingsAccount : public Account { public: SavingsAccount(double d) : Account(d) {} void PrintBalance() { cout<<"bal: "<<GetBalance() << endl; } }; int main() { CheckingAccount *pChecking = new CheckingAccount( 200.00 ) ; SavingsAccount *pSavings = new SavingsAccount( 240.00 ); Account *pAccount = pChecking; pAccount->PrintBalance(); pAccount = pSavings; pAccount->PrintBalance();

Before Template, see the following example We have a function to add two double numbers

double add(double a, double b){ return a+b; } We also need functions for two int numbers, then we need another function int add(int a, int b){ return a+b; }
Or, say we have an array of int, and we also want to use it for storing array of char

Before Template, see the following example We have a function to add two double numbers

double add(double a, double b){ return a+b; } We also need functions for two int numbers, then we need another function int add(int a, int b){ return a+b; }
Or, say we have an array of int, and we also want to use it for storing array of char

Soln: Templates


A mechanism to generalize the datatype Help us to write code without being tied to particular type. Template can be of two types

Template class : generalize the class type

template <class T> class aRectangle{}

Template function : generalize the types in a function

template <class T> T add(T a, T b) { return a+b;}

Class Template

a regular class definition with the keyword template as prefix Syntax:

template <class T> class <class name> { };

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: void setValue(T a,T b) { x=a; y=b; } T area() { return x*y; } };

class aRectangle{ int x; int y; public: void setValue(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int area() { return x*y; } };

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: void setValue(T a,T b); T area(); }; template <class T> void aRectangle <T>::setValue(T a,T b) { x=a; y=b; } template <class T> T aRectangle <T>::area() { return x*y; } }

int main() { aRectangle <int> a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; } int main() { typedef aRectangle<int> IntRec; IntRec a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0;

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: void setValue(T a,T b); T area(); }; template <class T> void

int main() { aRectangle <int> a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0;

T is known as the Template } Parameter

int main() { typedef aRectangle<int> IntRec; IntRec a; a.setValue(2,4); cout << area :<<a.area(); return 0; }

aRectangle <T>::setValue(T a,T b) { x=a; y=b; } template <class T> T aRectangle <T>::area() { return x*y; }

Template Parameters

Three types

Type template parameters

datatype integral or enumeration pointer to object or pointer to function reference to object or reference to function pointer to member A template as the parameter of another template

Non-type template parameters

Template template parameters


In the above examples, we used <class T> It is a generalized format. If the template parameter is a type parameter, then <class T> is same as <typename T> <typename T> indicates that template parameter is type Usage:

Use the keyword typename if you have a qualified name that refers to a type and depends on a template parameter. Ex: standard datatypes.

Name Binding

The process of finding the declaration for each name that is explicitly or implicitly used in a template. The compiler may bind a name in the definition of a template, or it may bind a name at the instantiation of a template.
template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; int z; public: void setValue(T a,T b) { x=a; y=b; } T area() { return x*y; } };

The x and y are bound at the time of template instantiation

the z is bound at the time template definition

Dependent Name

A dependent name is a name that depends on the type or the value of a template parameter. For example:
template<class T> class U : A<T> { T::B x; void f(A<T>& y) { *y++; } };

Dependent names are: the base class A<T> the typename T::B the variable y.

Dependent Name

A dependent name is a name that depends on the type or the value of a template parameter. For example:
A qualified dependent name such as T::x can be: * A nontype (object or function) * A type * A template By default, a qualified dependent name is a nontype

template<class T> class U : A<T> { T::B x; //--(ambiguous)--void f(A<T>& y) { *y++; } };

The compiler binds dependent names when a template is instantiated. The compiler binds non-dependent names when a template is defined.

Dependent Name

A dependent name is a name that depends on the type or the value of a template parameter. For example:
A qualified dependent name such as T::x can be: * A nontype (object or function) * A type * A template By default, a qualified dependent name is a nontype

template<class T> class U : A<T> { typename T::B x; void f(A<T>& y) { *y++; } };

The compiler binds dependent names when a template is instantiated. The compiler binds non-dependent names when a template is defined.

Function Templates

implemented as regular functions with the prefixed keyword template Syntax:

template <class T> <return type><function name> (<parameter list>) {... }

template <class T> T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b ; } void main() { cout << "max(10, 15) = " << max(10, 15) << endl ; cout << "max('k', 's') = " << max('k', 's') << endl ; cout << "max(10.1, 15.2) = " << max(10.1, 15.2) << endl ;

Class Template Specialization

override the template-generated code by providing special definitions for specific types.
template <class T> class stream { public: void f() { cout << "stream<T>::f()"<< endl ;} }; template <> class stream <char> { public: void f() { cout << "stream<char>::f()"<< endl ;} }; int main() { stream<int> si ; stream<char> sc ; si.f() ; sc.f() ; return 0 ; }


stream<T>::f() stream<char>::f()

Template Class Partial Specialization

generate a specialization of the class for just one parameter

template <typename T1, typename T2> class X { }; //partial specialization template<typename T1> class X<T1, int> { }; int main() { // generates an instantiation from the base template X<char, char> xcc ; //generates an instantiation from the partial specialization X<char, int> xii ; } return 0 ;

Template Function Specialization

possible to override the template-generated code by providing special definitions for specific types

template <class T> T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b ; } int main() { cout << max(10, 15) << endl ; cout << max('k', 's') << endl ; cout << max(10.1, 15.2) << endl ; cout << max("Aladdin", "Jasmine") << endl ; return 0 ; }

Output 15 s 15.2 Aladdin

template <class T> T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b ; } // Specialization of max for char* template <> char* max(char* a, char* b) { return strcmp(a, b) > 0 ? a : b ; } int main() { cout << max(10, 15) << endl ; cout << max('k', 's') << endl ; cout << max(10.1, 15.2) << endl ; cout << max("Aladdin", "Jasmine") << endl ; return 0 ;

Static Members and Variables

Each template class or function generated from a template has its own copies of any static variables or members.
template <class T> class X { public: static T s ; }; int main() { X <int> xi ; X <char*> xc ; }

X <int> has a static data member of type int X <char*> has a static data member s of type char*.

Templates and Friends

Friendship can be established between a class template

and a global function and a member function of another class (possibly a template class) and class (possible template class).

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<string> a(hello,world); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<string> a(hello,world); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

No * overloading for string

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<string> a(hello,world); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<const int> a; cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<string> a(hello,world); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<const int> a; cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

No initializer for const member in the constructor

template <class T> class aRectangle{ T x; T y; public: aRectangle() {} aRectangle(T a, T b) { x=a; y=b; } T add() { return x+y; } T multi() { return x*y; } }; int main() { aRectangle<int> a(2,5); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<string> a(hello,world); cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<const int> a; cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); aRectangle<int> x,y; aRectangle<aRectangle <int> > a; cout << a.add()<<" " << a.multi(); }

No + and * overloading for aRectangle

Type Templates do not except

Local classes name and enumarations Types that involve unnamed class types or unnamed enumaration types
template <typename T> class A{...}; typedef struct { double x, y, z; } Point; typedef enum {red,green,blue} *ColorPtr; int main(){ struct Association { int *p; int *q; }; A <Association *>error1; //Error: local type A <ColorPtr> error2; //Error: unname type in template argument A <Point> ok; // Unnamed class type named through a typedef

Non-type Templates
Non-type tempaltes parameters are the rvalue substitution type
Another nontype template parameter that has the right type A compile-time constant value of integer (or enumeration) type. The name of an external variable or function preceded by the built-in unary & operator The previous kind of argument but without a leading & operator is a valid argument for a nontype parameter of reference type A pointer to member constant

Non-type template parameters that are declared as arrays or functions are converted to pointers or pointers to functions, respectively.
template<int a[4]> class A { ....}; template<int f(int)> class B {... }; int i; int g(int) { return 0;} A<&i> x; B<&g> y; &i is deduced to int * &g is deduced to int (*)(int)

Example from: C++ templates

By David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis
template <typename T, T nontype_param> class C; C<int, 33>*c1; //integral type int a; C<int*, &a>* c2; //address of an external variable void f(); void f(int); C<void (*)(int), f>*c3; // name of a function: overload resolution selects f(int) class X {int n; static bool b;}; C<bool &, X::b> *c4; //static class members are acceptable variable and function names C<int X::*, &X::n>* c5; // an example of a pointer to member constant template <typename T> void temp1_func(); C<void (),&temp1_func<double> >*c6; //function template instantiations are functions too General constraint of template arguments is that a compiler or a linker must be able
to express their value when the program is being built.

Followings are not valid non-type template currently

Non-pointer constants Floating point numbers String literals

Template Template Parameters

A Template within a template

template <template<typename T, T*> class Buf> class Lexer { static char storage[5]; Buf<char, &Lexer<Buf>::storage> buf; };

Template Template Parameters

Template template parameters are placeholders for class templates. They are declared much like class templates, but the keywords struct and union cannot be used:
template <template<typename X> class C> // OK void f(C<int>* p); template <template<typename X> struct C> // ERROR: struct not valid here void f(C<int>* p); template <template<typename X> union C> // ERROR: union not valid here
void f(C<int>* p);

Default Template Arguments

template parameter can be equipped with a default argument, although it must match the corresponding parameter The set of default template arguments accumulates over all declarations of a given template. If one template parameter has a default argument, then all template parameters following it must also have default arguments. Repeatition is not allowed

Default Template Arguments

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4 = char, typename T5 = char> class Quintuple; // OK template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 = char, typename T4, typename T5> class Quintuple; // OK: T4 and T5 already have defaults template <typename T1 = char, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5> class Quintuple; // ERROR: T1 cannot have a default argument // because T2 doesn't have a default

template<class T = char> class X; template<class T = char> class X { }; //Error: Repeatition

Namespaces allow to group entities like classes, objects and functions under a name. This way the global scope can be divided in sub-scopes, each one with its own name.
The format of namespaces is: namespace identifier { entities }




Namespace alias

namespace new_name = current_name;

Exceptions provide a way to react to exceptional circumstances (like runtime errors) in our program by transferring control to special functions called handlers.
Format: try{ statemets ....

} catch(arguments) { statements .... }


We can chain multiple handlers (catch expressions), each one with a different parameter type. Only the handler that matches its type with the argument specified in the throw statement is executed. If we use an ellipsis (...) as the parameter of catch, that handler will catch any exception no matter what the type of the throw exception is.

try{ .......... } catch (int param){....} catch (char param){...} catch (...) {........}

Exception specifications
When declaring a function we can limit the exception type it might directly or indirectly throw by appending a throw suffix to the function declaration
float myfunction (char param) throw (int);

int myfunction (int param) throw(); // no exceptions allowed int myfunction (int param); // all exceptions allowed

Standard exceptions
C++ Standard library provides a base exceptions class This class has
usual default and copy constructors operators destructors additional virtual member function called what that returns a null-terminated character sequence (char *) and that can be overwritten in derived classes to contain some sort of description of the exception.


Standard Exceptions

try { int * myarray= new int[1000]; } catch (bad_alloc&) { cout << "Error allocating memory." << endl; }

Type Cast
short a = 10; int b; b = a;

short a = 10; int b; b = (int) a;

dynamic_cast can be used only with pointers and references to objects. Its purpose is to ensure that the result of the type conversion is a valid complete object of the requested class. Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) to keep track of dynamic types.

class CBase { }; class CDerived: public CBase { }; CBase b; CBase* pb; CDerived d; CDerived* pd; pb = dynamic_cast<CBase*>(&d); // ok: derived-to-base pd = dynamic_cast<CDerived*>(&b); // wrong: base-to-derived

Static cast

Type cast

double d=3.14159265; int i = static_cast<int>(d); perform conversions between pointers to related classes, not only from the derived class to its base, but also from a base class to its derived.
class CBase {}; class CDerived: public CBase {}; CBase * a = new CBase; CDerived * b = static_cast<CDerived*>(a);

converts any pointer type to any other pointer type, even of unrelated classes.
class A {}; class B {}; A *a = new A; B *b = reinterpret_cast<B*>(a);

Type cast

Type cast
typeid allows to check the type of an expression:

Input/Output with files

ofstream: Stream class to write on files ifstream: Stream class to read from files fstream: Stream class to both read and write from/to files.

Open a File
Statement: open (filename, mode);

Default: ofstream---------ios::out ifstream-------->ios::in fstream--------->ios::out|ios::in

Input/Output with files

closing a file

Checking state flags

bad(): Returns true if a reading or writing operation fails. fail(): Returns true in the same cases as bad(), but also in the case that a format error happens eof(): Returns true if a file open for reading has reached the end. good(): it returns false in the same cases in which calling any of the previous functions would return true.

Some useful functions

tellg() the current position of the get stream pointer tellp() the current position of theput stream pointer

seekg() allow us to change the position of the get stream pointers seekg() allow us to change the position of the put stream pointers read() read from a file write() write to a file

The C++ Programming Language, by B. Stroustrup Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++, by B. Stroustrup The Design and Evolution of C++, by B. Stroustrup Data Abstraction and problem solving with C++, by Frank M. Carrano C++ templates By David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis IBM(R) implementation of the C and C++ programming languages (

The photos and some contents in this slide are also collected from Prof. Stephen A. Edwards' lecture slides The C++ Language Tutorial, by Juan Souli I have also taken help from several online sources which I found through Google search. However, I have lost track of them. I beg pardon for missing their names in the reference list.

Advance C++

Self Study
STL: Standard Template Library

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