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Garlic Varieties 2012

Key: H = Hardneck (non-storing variety) S = Softneck (storing variety) st = Can be stored (some hardnecks may have storage traits)

Note: URL is from where I managed to find info about each garlic on the web (as of 17Sep12).

Arno (S, st) (no longer growing) A first-class softneck variety whose ivory-white skins contain a feast of attractive pink cloves with a medium garlic flavour. Year 2010 No. bulbs sown 16 No. bulbs harvested 15 No. cloves 7-9 ea JGP Notes Mild garlic need to use a couple of cloves per dish. The 2011 crop wasnt great, much smaller bulbs/cloves, as such a mild garlic, decided not to grow again. Storage Good storage, at least 6 months.


Flavour Mild flavour.

Burgundy (H) (no longer growing) Deep solid burgundy cloves, 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. Very striking and medium to large bulbs. Clove tips not elongated like other Creole strains and the colours are darker. Year 2010 2011 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 9 No. cloves 8-10 JGP Notes Small cloves Small cloves again, despite the above comments from Filaree. Decided to pass on to others as felt the cloves were too small and fiddly. Storage 4-5 months


Estonian Red (H) Originally a variety from Denmark, its said to be the largest bulb sized variety grown there. Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 2 No. cloves 7-8 JGP Notes 1 medium bulb, 1 large. Did well in the very wet conditions and the heavy Oxford clay, of 2012. A reliable variety. Storage 4-5 months. Will last longer but does go softer (so probably loses some of its potency).

Flavour Medium strength.

Georgia Crystal (H, st) (no longer growing) A pretty porcelain garlic can produce large bulbs but only with a half dozen or so large cloves. The wrapper is clean, firm and white in colour. The flavour is relatively mild, even when eaten raw. A good storing bulb for a hardneck. Year 2010 2011 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 5 No. cloves 4 JGP Notes Small bulbs. Very small bulbs/cloves again. Decided to pass on to other rather than grow again myself. Storage c.4 months. Will last a bit longer but will go soft.

Flavour Mild flavour.

Georgia Fire Garlic (H) This porcelain hardneck's garlic name should not scare anyone away. It is hot but not unpleasantly so - and is great in homemade salsa. It produces about 6 large cloves per bulb. Easy to peel. It is also called Cichisdzhvari obviously easier to pronounce if you are a citizen of Georgia (where so many great garlics have originated). Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 8 No. cloves 3-4 JGP Notes Medium sized cloves Did well in 2012 wet weather. I find the flavour to be not as hot as Garlic Store suggests, but strong enough to give a good flavour to any dish. Reliable cropping in UK. Storage c. 4 months.

Flavour Medium strength. Usually use a couple of cloves per dish.

Gypsy Red (H) (no longer growing) This lovely Romanian heirloom garlic produces large, tall white bulbs with four to six extremely large purple and tan cloves. Gypsy Red has a hot, strong, lasting flavour that mellows with cooking, and tastes superb when cooked with chicken. Year 2010 2011 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 8 No. cloves c. 5 JGP Notes Medium sized cloves Very small bulbs/cloves again. Decided to pass on to other rather than grow again myself. Storage c. 4 months.

Flavour Medium-hot

Irkutsk (no longer growing) Was not able to find info about this on the web. Year 2010 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 4 No. cloves 5 JGP Notes 1Sep10: used in Courgette fritters. Large cloves and very very strong. Need to cut cloves in 1/4 to use. Sep11: Decided just too strong for us and gave all bulbs/cloves away. Does have large cloves. Storage Good for c. 4-5 months, after that will go soft and/or risks getting mould.


Flavour Very very strong

Martin's Heirloom (H) Large, blue and purple striping on the skins. And, its as tasty as it is pretty. Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 9 No. cloves 7-9 JGP Notes Medium bulbs, plus bulbils Some were affected by the wet weather of 2012. Those that came up were a mix of good sizes and small sizes. Will continue to grow as good medium flavour and stores well. Storage c. 5 months, plus longer but goes softer (so probably loses some of its potency).

Flavour Medium

Metechi (H, st) products_id=102 This fiery little bulb gives high powered garlic flavour. This purple stripe hardneck garlic probably originated in the Republic of Georgia. It has lots of character and a nice finish. The bulbs produce a few very plump cloves which store well. Year 2010 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 11 No. cloves 6 JGP Notes Medium-large cloves, plus bulbils. Used Oct10 quite strong only need clove in dish for 2-4 people (depending on how strong you want it)


Flavour Medium-strong

Was quiet effected by the wet conditions and produced smaller bulbs. Will continue to grow (using best from this year) and see if I can get a better crop next year. Has a strong but not overpowering flavour and stores well. Storage c. 5-6 months (maybe longer but probably loses some of its potency).

Music (H) products_id=97 One of the most popular of the new varieties. The bulbs can be rather large and the cloves have a beautiful pink skin. It is grown throughout the northern US where it is prized for its perky flavour. Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 10 No. cloves 4-5 JGP Notes Medium-large cloves One of my favourites. Did well in wet weather producing a good crop of decent sized bulbs. Stores well and lovely flavour. Storage c. 5 or more months (so probably loses some of its potency beyond 5 months).

Flavour Medium, really nice flavour.


Persian Star (H) This beautiful purple stripe hardneck garlic has a piquant, rich garlic flavour. The large cloves have red tips. It is reported this variety came to the U.S. in the 1980s via a bazaar in Uzbekistan. (the garlic store) Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 10 No. cloves 7 JGP Notes Small bulbs Medium. Does well in clay soil and survived the awful rainy 2012 weather to produce a decent crop compared to some other varieties during this season. Storage This stores reasonably well for a hardneck. Really good quality for 4-5 months, but will last longer, though cloves do go a bit softer (so probably loses some of its potency).

Flavour Medium strength, good flavour


Purple Glazer (H) (no longer growing) A nice, easy-to-peel and easy-to-like purple stripe garlic. Pretty wrappers around a tan clove skin. Pleasant taste, with some heat, but not overbearing. Year 2010 2011 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 10 No. cloves 8 JGP Notes Small-medium bulbs. Loved the colour, but quite small bulbs/cloves and fiddly to cook with. Needed to use several cloves per dish. Decided to pass on to others. Storage c. 4 months

Flavour Mild


Rosewood (H, st) 111 This is a beautiful, large-cloved porcelain garlic usually produces just three or four fat cloves per bulb. Its white wrapper surrounds large, pink hued cloves. Very easy to peel and has a rather long shelf life. Its pretty hot, and cold winters dont faze it. Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 2 No. cloves 5-6 JGP Notes Large bulbs Bulb not as large as previous, probably effected by wet weather. Has been a really good grower in the pass, so keeping the best and growing again next year. Storage c. 5-6 months.

Flavour Medium


Silver Rose (S, st) products_id=29 This silvery skinned artichoke variety bulb is a classic. The rosy-skin bulbs have both large and small cloves. They have some heat, but are not overwhelming. They size up just beautifully in your garden. And they are good keepers. Most will be eaten long before the following spring, but a 8 or 9 month shelf life is possible. Year 2010 2012 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 12 No. cloves 5-6 JGP Notes Small-medium bulbs Medium bulbs, did well in wet conditions of 2012. Very reliable, looks good and stores well. Storage c. 6 months, maybe longer

Flavour Mild-medium.


Solent Wight (S, st) A popular selection that is well adapted to the British climate and gives a good crop of large bulbs with plump tasty cloves. Expect to start harvesting in July from a November planting - once the foliage starts to turn yellow and dry. Year 2010 No. bulbs sown 24 No. bulbs harvested 14 No. cloves 7-9 JGP Notes Not sure about why just under half didnt survive. Medium bulbs. Mild garlic need to use a couple of cloves per dish. A British variety by the Garlic Farm. I dont get as big cloves as they do, I think the heavy clay soil isnt its favourite. But it is generally reliable and really good storage. Good as one to carry you through to the following season. Storage c. 8 months. Can last until the following years crops, though softer bulbs/cloves by then.


Flavour Mild-Medium. Good in pasta sauces.


Susan Delafield (H) Susan Delafield is one of our hottest garlics. It grows tall, produces large bulbs, and is more tolerant of wet conditions than most garlic varieties. Year 2010 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 5 No. cloves 5-6 JGP Notes Used late Oct 10 - Medium-strong flavour. Use clove per dish for 2. Some rotted in the ground, but those that did well were good size garlics. Obviously doesnt like heavy wet clay, compared to Garlic Farm the comments above from the US. Will continue to grow as flavour good. Flavour Strong, but not an overpowering flavour. Storage c. 3 months. One to use quickly.



Vekak Czech (H) The Czech Republic is home to this exciting new purple stripe hardneck garlic. Large bulbs contained 10 to 12 ample cloves. This garlic has a taste which may well be considered to improve with cooking. Year 2010 2011 No. bulbs sown No. bulbs harvested 7 No. cloves 4-5 JGP Notes Small bulbs Very small bulbs again. Probably doesnt like the heavy Oxford clay. Decided not to grow anymore as found too fiddly for cooking. Passed on. Storage c. 4-5 months.

Flavour Medium-strong


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