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Many questions were asked in the discussion. Some doubt was expressed as
to the timeliness of the campaign this fall. Practically all were agreed that it
would be feasible and desirable to have t he s tudent and faculty solici tation at
about Homecoming time, 5.
When asked with regard to the cost of a campaign of this sort, Mr. Pierce
stated that it would be approximat ely $60,000 of which the firm's charge would be
$12,500. .
No definite action was taken, but it was understood that Mr. Wallace would ar-
range to have Pierce meet ot her memb ers of the committee who were unable to be
present a t this meeting and that later a larger conference would be called to take
definite action.
"' .
Me eting adj ourned.
E. B. Pierce, Secretary

Minutes of the Meeting of the Alumni Committee
Tuesday, October 14, 1921.
Minneapolis Club.
Members present: Thomas F. Wallace, Chairman, and Mes srs. Chapman, Coffman, Ireys,
Keyes , Pillsbury and Webb. Mr. Halderman of Glover, North Dakota, present
as a guest.
The following items of business were presented for discussion, and. action was
taken as indicated:
Time for Opening Active Campaign. After a 'full of the present
situation it was moved that it was the wentiment of the comraittee that no active
campaign for funds be undertaken until at least a year from the first of October,
1921, but tha t the work of organization should be continued and perfected, and with
this in view, t hat the various alumni units now organized or to be organized in the
future be requested to nominate one or more members in their locality to serve on such
committee. Same was seconded and carried by the unanimous vote of all present.
Beguests to the University. - It was moved and seconded that a cowni ttee
consisting of the chairman and Messrs. F, B. Snyder and C. Keyes be appointed to
consider the question of drawing up a form of bequest suitable to be used by alumni or
friends of the University in making bequests to the University in their Wills abd
that the result of this committee 's work and notice of of the committee be given
due pu.blicity through the Alumni Weekly.
Formation of an Insurance Club.- It was further suggested that it would be
most appropriate for the Minneapolis unit to give i n November at a convenient date,
prefera.b1l Nove lber 20 , to 23, a dinner at which the football team would be g1lests,
and t hat at such dinner the matter of formation of an insura.nce club among the alumni
of the Universit, be presented, the idea being that members of such club should be
a1tunni who would Iromise to take out a policy upon their lives for such an amount as
they might see fit, the benefi ciarr of which would be the Universit, of Minnesota;
the proceeds of such insurance to be available for use in the discretion of the Board
of Regents. subject 10 t he provision t hat such funds shall not be used for current
expenses but shall be devoted to permanent improvements such as might be deemed most
suitable by the Board of Regents.
On motion the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.
Thos. F. Wallace, Chairman
E. B. Pierce, Secretary

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